Justice Ch. 06: The Gift of Freedom by saddletramp1956,saddletramp1956

“You know, I really don’t want to follow this fucking guy,” Goon Number One said.

“Yeah, me neither,” Goon Number Two echoed. “Fuck.”

“In fact, it’s too nice out to be cooped up inside,” Cameron said. “Maybe the two of you ought to go downtown and jack each other off in a busy intersection.”

“Yeah, let’s go jack off downtown,” Goon Number One said. His companion nodded his head in agreement.

“And don’t forget to wave your guns around while you do it,” Cameron said.

“We won’t, man,” the first goon said. “Thanks. Have a nice day now, you hear?”

“I will,” Cameron said. “You do the same.” He left the two goons and got back into his SUV. When he pulled onto the street, he saw the goons head in the other direction, toward downtown. He smiled to himself and drove home.

“How is our guest doing?” Max asked when he got home that afternoon.

“He’s doing a bit better,” Adrestia said. “He’s starting to come out of his persistent catatonic state. Actually spoke a couple of words without too much difficulty.”

“That’s good to hear,” Max said. “I got the preliminary report from Cam on Dr. Skitz’s brain feed this afternoon.”

“Oh?” Adrestia asked. “And?”

“He suggests we move quickly. It seems the good doctor is feeling a bit… pressured. And he’s preparing to eliminate the other men he’s holding,” Max said.

“That’s not good,” Adrestia said. “Eli is on his way over now. By the way, did you see the news earlier?”

“No, I was a bit busy,” Max said. “What happened?”

“Well, it seems a couple of Dr. Skitz’s hired guns were arrested for causing a public disturbance earlier today. I bookmarked the video report so you could see it,” Adrestia said, handing him a tablet. Max chuckled as he watched the report.

“Two men were arrested earlier today for causing a disturbance in a busy downtown intersection,” the female newsreader said. “According to a police spokesperson, the men allegedly stripped down and masturbated each other while waving handguns. The two men claimed they could not comply when officers ordered them to stop. Several people took video of the incident and forwarded them to Eyewitness News.”

The next thing Max saw was a video shot by a pedestrian with a cell phone. Two large bald men sporting goatees were naked from the waist down. They frantically masturbated each other with one hand while holding their pistols in the air with the other. Although their genitals were blurred out in the video, it was clear what they were doing.

Police quickly arrived and surrounded the two men, their handguns drawn. Max could hear the officers order the men to stop and lay down their weapons. He also listened to the two men’s responses.

“We can’t, dammit,” one man said.

“Put the guns down and stop what you’re doing,” an officer ordered.

“Dammit, we already told you we can’t stop,” the other goon said as he furiously stroked his partner’s dick. “Fuck!” Three officers pulled out their tasers and shot the two men, who instantly crumpled to the pavement, dropping their weapons. Officers rushed the two men and quickly handcuffed them before leading them away.

“The men have reportedly been charged with indecent exposure, creating a public disturbance, and illegal possession of firearms,” the newsreader said. “Authorities tell Eyewitness News the men are undergoing psychiatric evaluation. We reached out to the private clinic where the men are employed as security guards but received no comment.” Max laughed out loud.

“I take it that’s Cameron’s doing,” Adrestia said.

“Yeah, that sounds like his style,” Max said. “By the way, he said he’d be coming by tonight.”

“Good,” Adrestia said. “Eli is coming as well, and he’s bringing his grandson. We can discuss the case and plan our next move.”

“DAMN,” Edwin exclaimed as he watched the news report. Tina Eastland came into the office from an adjoining bathroom and walked up behind him.

“What’s the matter, dear?” she asked quietly.

“Those two stupid apes I sent after Drake got picked up by the cops,” he told her.

“For what?” Tina asked.

“Are you ready for this? They decided to go jack off in the middle of an intersection. Downtown. Talk about stupid,” Edwin said, slamming his fist on the desk.

“Why would they do something like that?” she asked.

“Beats the hell outta me,” Edwin said. “You know what I need right about now?” he asked, looking at Tina with lust.

“What’s that, dear?” she asked.

“I need a good blowjob right now. And a good fuck to help me relax. Why don’t you shimmy outta those clothes so we can do it?” he asked.

“Uh, well, my period just started,” Tina said. “And to be honest, it’s not as much fun without James here to humiliate.” The truth was that Tina’s period was late, and she had been feeling a bit queasy lately. But she didn’t want to tell him that out of fear he might do something horrible to her.

“What, are you developing a conscience or something?” Edwin asked.

“No,” she said. “You know how I get this time of the month.”

“Yeah, yeah. I know,” Edwin said with a heavy sigh. “Go on, get outta here. Go home or something. I’ll get someone else from my harem to fuck. Call me when you’re ready for some action.”

“Okay, Edwin, er, Master,” she said. He picked up the phone as she left the office. “Lisa? You wearing panties? Get them off and come to my office. I need to fuck. Yes, right now!”

Eli, Danni, and I entered the large house and were greeted by Max and Adrestia. Danni agreed to join us this evening and arranged for her parents to look after the kids. I knew all about Adrestia and met Max sometime back when he was in the hospital after his ex-wife’s lover beat him to a pulp. We shook hands, and I gave him the once-over. He seemed quite different from the last time I saw him.

“You’re looking pretty good,” I said.

“Thanks,” Max said. “Amazing what a good woman can do for you.”

“I agree wholeheartedly,” I told him, glancing at my wife, Danni, who smiled in return.

“Come on in, the whole gang’s here,” Max said. “Care for something to drink? Tea? Beer?”

“I understand we’re talking work tonight, so I’ll have some tea, please,” I said.

“Tea sounds wonderful, please,” Danni added.

“You got it,” Max said. We followed him into a relatively large room. Adrestia was there, along with another man I had never met, and she stood and introduced us.

“Amos, Danni, this is Cameron Drake,” she said. I shook his hand, feeling a bit out of sorts. I was always taught to look a man in the eyes when shaking hands, but the gold specks in his blue eyes made me feel a bit… uncomfortable.

“Amos Jones,” I said. “And this is my wife, Danni.”

“Eli’s great-great-great-great-grandson,” Cameron said with a smile. “And you must be the lawyer,” Cameron said as he shook Danni’s hand.

“Yes, I am,” Danni said.

“Excellent,” Cameron said. “Every family should have its own lawyer,” he jokingly added. “Seriously, Eli’s spoken about you two a lot. All of it good, by the way.”

“That’s good to hear,” I said. “So, what do you do?”

“I do a lot of work with Max and Adrestia,” he said. “Mostly information-gathering.”

“Yeah, that’s when he’s not sending goons to jack off in the middle of the street,” Max said with a smile as he handed me a cup of hot tea.

“Huh?” I asked, confused.

“It was all over the news,” Max said. “Those two guys jacking each other off in the street earlier today. Did you see the report?”

“Yeah, I heard something about that. You made that happen?” I asked. Cameron shrugged his shoulders.

“Yeah, I kinda planted the suggestion in their minds,” he said.

“Like a Jedi mind trick or something?” I asked.

“Something like that,” Cameron said.

“Sounds like you’ve got a regular Justice League thing going here, Grandpa,” I said. He looked at me funny, not understanding the context.

“Justice League?” Grandpa asked, confused.

“Yeah, you know. Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman, Flash and Green Lantern. You’ve heard of them, haven’t you?” I asked.

“Can’t say that I have,” Grandpa said.

“Well, those were all cartoon characters,” Cameron said. “This is the real deal. Except you won’t see me running around in tights.” We all laughed at that, except for Grandpa, who didn’t seem to understand Cameron’s joke.

“Now that we’re all here, why don’t we get started,” Adrestia said. We all sat down and put our tea on the coffee table in the middle of the room. “Danni, I’m glad you could join us tonight. I understand you and Eli visited Judge Stone. What can you tell us?”

“I have a follow-up meeting set for tomorrow, online,” Danni said. “He’s gone through the videos you gave us, and he’s pretty disgusted with what he saw. Unfortunately, none of them are admissible in court, which we already knew. But, he thinks there may be enough there that, if presented properly, could be seen as probable cause.

“I also made some discreet inquiries with the medical board, to see if there was something we could do along those lines. Unfortunately, I was informed nothing could be done for at least 45 days. Possibly 60 days. It seems they have a backlog of cases they’re working through, and they just don’t have the manpower,” Danni added.

“And in 45 to 60 days, Edwin Skitz will be out of the country, his practice closed down,” Cameron said. “And his victims… disposed of.”

“Closed down?” Grandpa asked.

“Yes,” Cameron said. “Ginger, Bill and I went through his brain feed. I tell ya, if you looked up ‘Asshole’ in the dictionary, you’d probably see this guy’s face. A real piece of work. It seems that a number of insurance companies are starting to question his choice of treatments and medications. He’s been thinking about closing the place down and retiring with his harem for a while. He’s ramped things up a bit since we pulled James out of there.”

“Harem?” Danni asked.

“Yes, he has several women he keeps,” Cameron said. “Most of them married. He gets off on humiliating and cuckolding their husbands while they’re trapped in bed, unable to do anything. He especially enjoys urinating on the poor trapped husbands after he has sex with their wives.” Adrestia nodded her head at that bit of information.

“What do you mean, ‘keeps?'” Danni asked.

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