Mike & Karen Ch. 28 by BiscuitHammer,BiscuitHammer

Blackwell Manor, the present, Monday morning…

Jenny strolled into the staff dining room, the ‘informal’ dining room, smiling at the two people sitting at the table. She was wearing a purple silk robe, and her blonde hair was still down. While it was nowhere near as long as Alexa’s, it hung past her shoulder blades. Marie and Glenda both made to stand, but the countess held up a staying hand, indicating they should stay seated.

“Good morning, ladies,” Jenny said in her lovely accent as she sat down. Within seconds, Theresa hurried in, giving the guest her coffee, followed by breakfast. Jenny nodded appreciatively and the chef disappeared back in her kitchen. “And such a lovely day it is, what?”

“You’re in a good mood, Lady Penrose,” Glenda mused, smiling over her own cup of coffee. “Mrs. DeBourne had led us to believe that you had a restraining order against mornings.”

“I might still be on a chemical high from last night,” Jenny mused, giving them both a wink as she took a sip of coffee. “Can’t blame a girl, after all.”

“I’m afraid we peasants will just have to take your word for it,” Glenda quipped with a smirk. “Well, except for short, dark and oversexed here.”

“Did I hear my name?” Valentina chirped, coming into the dining room. She’d seen the countess had exited her room, and concluded she must have gone down to breakfast. She curtsied as she stood beside Jenny. “Lady Greymoor, good morning.”

“Good morning, lovey,” Jenny almost purred, smiling at the housemaid. “Don’t you look wonderful, darling. Give us a twirl, will you?”

Val giggled and did a twirl, allowing the material of her short skirt to flare out, showing off her black panties. Jenny nodded in approval while Marie and Glenda both snickered. Val didn’t mind at all; she wore the scandalous French maid outfit almost constantly when she was on the clock, unless the manor was entertaining guests who might not understand. She enjoyed it.

“Very nice, Miss Prospero,” Jenny said. “Pert and delightful as I have come to expect.”

“Thank you, my lady,” Val said, trying not to blush. If the little lace kitty ears she was wearing could have twitched, they would have. “Any idea how you wanna dispose of your day? Your hosts have all gone down to the uni, of course. Will you just refamiliarize yourself with the Manor? Perhaps go shopping?”

Jenny made a show of thinking for several seconds, and the other women waited patiently. “Actually, I have an assignment from Michael and Kat, if you will. I am supposed to go and get registered as a guest patient at some clinic or care facility called ‘Kerkyon’, which I assume is where the family GP is. Glenda, darling, can you possibly put yourself at my disposal?”

“Of course, Lady Greymoor,” the chauffeuse said with a polite nod. “Whenever and wherever.”

“Well, after breakfast and a shower, I think I’ll go and have a quick visit with Jordan, maybe some tea,” Jenny mused. “After that, out I go. Miss Prospero, do you think Trilby can possibly spare you?”

“I’ll ask her to make sure, but we run a tight ship, countess, so it shouldn’t be a problem. We’re both on duty Mondays, so we get stuff done early. How long do you need?”

“Give me two hours, then be ready to leave,” Jenny said. “And as much as I love your current look, I am thinking you might want some other attire once we leave the driveway and head to this Kerkyon place.”

“Of course, my lady,” Val giggled, giving her another curtsy and then turning and heading off in a ripple of skirt and a flash of sheer underwear. Jenny resumed drinking her coffee and then addressed Glenda. “Is the Bentley available, Miss Richards?”

“Please, my lady, just call me Glenda,” the chauffeuse said with a nod. “Even Mrs. DeBourne calls me Glenda most of the time. And yes, I’ll have her ready five minutes before we’re due to leave.”

With that, Glenda finished her coffee, nodded politely to Jenny, patted Marie on the shoulder, and took her leave. The countess and the Frenchwoman discussed gardening and horticulture for several minutes while Jenny had breakfast, but in due course, Marie excused herself, heading to the greenhouses.

Bless you two for thinking of everything, Jenny mused as she headed back to her suite, getting naked and heading into the en suite bathroom and shower, smiling to herself. What else could one ask for?


Disclaimer: All characters are 18 years of age or older while portrayed engaging in sexual activity. This story is a prequel/sequel (sprequel?) to my other work, Alex & Alexa. As always, many thanks and gratuitous panty shots from Freja and Jeanie to my long-suffering editor and beta-reader for their assistance in polishing up and improving this work. Reviews are welcome; flames will be snickered at and deleted with extreme prejudice. Enjoy!

Please Note: There are incest themes with a secondary couple in this story. Just a forewarning.


Mike & Karen, Chapter XXVIII- ‘And The Pain In The Ass Award Goes To…’

St. George Campus, Sciences Faculty Building, top floor, faculty offices, the present, Monday morning…

Karen exited the elevator, humming a pleasant tune before stopping dead and staring- in the open space of the foyer was now situated a desk, along with a computer monitor and a student sitting behind it. Said student noticed her gaping at him and smiled nervously.

“Oh, no,” Karen said, walking forward now, a look of exasperation crossing her lovely face. “No no no no, not this again. Anson, I thought we’d established that if I ever caught you in this building, I was legally within my rights to kill you.”

“D-Dr. Gordon,” the student stammered, half-rising from his seat. “I-”

“No, don’t say a thing, Anson,” she announced firmly as she strode over to him, her face a thundercloud. “Why are you sitting here in my lobby? I thought we’d stopped this stupid participation trophy program! What went off the rails?”

“I… I…” he stammered, clearly intimidated. “It’ll count as practicum for my courses, acting as receptionist for the department.”

“Couldn’t they find a different discipline for you to plague if this is such an all-fired good idea?” Karen demanded, flinging her arm out in the general direction of the campus. “Clearly it doesn’t matter what courses you took, so why punish Sciences with you? You were terrible at it! Voluntarily!”

“I need to meet my credits,” he answered, starting to hyperventilate. “And this job might bump my grades up enough to-”

“You meet credits by completing courses, Anson,” she growled, her golden eyes flashing. “And you made it abundantly clear that you didn’t believe this fact by doing nothing in my classes.”

He was still half-rising out of his seat when she pointed at him.

“Sit!” she ordered.

The student plunked back down in his chair immediately, not daring to move and going paler still.

“I swear, Anson, if you try to help one person that walks past this desk, I’ll have you fed to the zombies that Bio keeps locked up in their cellars,” she warned, holding up a finger. “You sit behind this desk, do nothing, and say nothing. Understand?”

“But… I’m the receptionist now,” he protested meekly.

“Do nothing and say nothing,” Karen said forcefully. “It will be as if you’re back in one of my classes; it should be a breeze for you.”

He swallowed and nodded.

“Meanwhile, I am about to go and have words with the board of governors about this idiocy,” she huffed, turning around and stomping back into the elevator, which would take her to the main floor and out of the building.

Anson was sitting very still at the desk when a professor walked by. The man paused, sniffing the air and looking confused.

“Don’t mind the smell,” Anson said rather miserably. “I just crapped myself.”

The meeting room of the board of governors, some minutes later…

It was Monday and the board members were having their first weekly meeting, hoping to get things done early. They were seated around the long table, discussing some upgrades to the campus parking lot, when the door to the room swung open and in marched Dr. Gordon-DeBourne, her eyes flashing. The hapless secretary from the office in front of the boardroom rushed in after her.

“I’m so sorry!” the secretary gasped, looking frantic. “She walked right by me and I couldn’t-”

Karen turned and looked directly at the woman, pointing toward the office on the other side of the door they’d just come through.

“Out,” she said in a dangerous tone. “Make sure they’re not disturbed until I’m done with them.”

The secretary hurried out the door and closed it, never once thinking of disobeying the order from the scary lady who wasn’t her boss. Karen locked the door after her, indicating that there was no escape. She now turned around and almost glowered at the silent board of governors, almost twenty of them here on this particular day. They all looked at her in dread, knowing what was coming. Her hands were on her hips, and they had no way out except plummeting from a window.

“I suppose you all think you’re pretty clever, don’t you?” she asked in an accusatory tone. “Did you genuinely believe this was a good idea, or are you lot on some private crusade to render this hallowed institution completely ridiculous?”

One of the men cleared his throat and dared to speak. “I assume you’re referring to the student secretary now sitting in the Science faculty foyer?”

“The very one,” she growled, folding her arms under her large bust. “What has the Sciences department done this week to earn your ire and deserve such punishment?”

“Doctor, the times are changing,” another woman almost pleaded, hoping nobody could see her sweat. “It is true that grades and merit are part of our hallowed past, but education continues to evolve, and good grades are no longer the only metric for a student’s graduation.”

“Nobody ever said that it must be the only metric, but surely it’s by far the most important one,” Karen almost hissed. “You’ve got one of the worst students I ever had the misfortune of teaching sitting in my foyer, sucking up valuable oxygen and earning a degree for it. I thought he was no longer our problem! Left to his own devices, that boy is to the scientific method what napalm is to shrubbery! Why is he infesting my faculty, earning a degree by being lazy and hapless?”

The woman who had spoken before blushed. “We have to be… more proactive. Students were complaining that the sciences were too hard.”

“With… good… reason…” Karen growled, her eyes blazing and giving several of them a headache. Even the students present who were members of the board of governors weren’t stupid enough to interrupt her. “Have you forgotten the last time we tried this little experiment? Were you all mind-wiped of those disasters? What makes you think this outing will be any different? If anything, the labradoodles will be even worse.”

“We’re under considerable pressure to find ways of allowing students to earn credit that don’t always involve academic excellence,” confessed another, older professor. Karen was beginning to regret refusing to sit on the board all those years ago. “There’s even been threats of legal action if we don’t adapt, doctor. Students can get very litigious. We need to be seen as progressive and accommodating the needs of pupils who don’t learn in the standard, linear manner. These sorts of accommodations will be-”

“Accommodations?” Karen asked loudly, in exasperation. “I’ve already got students in my classes loudly declaring that assignments out of the class are oppression. Oppression! In science! What foolishness is this? Who cares how science makes you feel? If it gives you anxiety, find another field entirely! Do you people seriously want these dingbats working on the Large Hadron Collider one day because we were stupid enough to give them degrees? Do you want a black hole to open up in Switzerland?”

The board was silent. Even the students who had been pushing for this policy didn’t say anything. Now seemed like a bad time to be noticed.

“There is exactly one group of people who will rejoice in this policy of yours,” Karen said, her tone low and dire as she glared at them. “You know who that is? Beijing. The Chinese will no doubt be thrilled to hear that we’re taking up this idiotic position. While they’re driving their students to excel, sending them out to make peerless discoveries in math and physics, we’ll be patting our kids on the back and telling them they’re real scientists when they don’t even know the difference between a liquid and a gas! Hooray for us and our progressive programs. I’m sure our future Beijing overlords will approve.”

“Now hold on just a minute!” one of the students who sat on the board said, standing up and looking angry. “You can’t just-”

“I recognize you,” Karen interrupted, looking at the girl levelly. “You’re with the History department, aren’t you? Canadian and Indigenous Studies, yes? Third year?”

The girl paused and nodded.

“What years was McDonald Prime Minister for?” Karen asked, still staring at the girl. “What year was the first of the Fenian Raids? What year did Oronhyatekha, aka Red Cloud, famously earn his medical degree?”

The girl swallowed and didn’t answer. Karen just pointed and she slumped back down in her chair. The message was clear: she was to sit this one out.

“We are so doomed,” Karen muttered, shaking her head. “Let me guess, you’ve already codified this atrocity in some manner, haven’t you?”

Several of the board members nodded.

“And we’ll simply have to wait for the inevitable disaster in grades that knocks down our national and global ranking before you lot do anything to correct the issues, yes?”

Nobody said anything.

“Just so we’re clear,” Karen warned, his unnerving gaze going around the room and scaring everyone. “I intend to continue to hold my classes and my students to the highest and most exacting standards, as I have for over twenty years now. I will not be giving out participation scores, I will simply fail students who think they are too good and too entitled to have to learn the material. And I do not care if that means that my faculty’s foyer is crammed to the very ceiling with academic train wrecks earning their degrees by incompetence; you will never drag me into your insanity.”

She turned and made to leave before looking over her shoulder and narrowing her eyes at them.

“Just wait until I tell my husband what you lunatics have done…”

She opened the door and was gone. The room was silent for several seconds before the people present felt safe to breathe again. It was bad enough to have Karen DeBourne mad at you, but if she was also tattling on you to her husband, the most terrifying individual on the entire campus…

“Is… is she right about the Chinese?” one student asked nervously. He’d pushed hard for this policy, after all, thinking it was the right thing to do.

“She wouldn’t have been so mad about it if it wasn’t scientific and mathematical fact,” an older board member despaired, shaking his head and then putting it in his hands. “By God, what have we done?”


St. George Campus, a student gym, Monday morning, 1987…

Mike frowned as he concentrated, hunched over with his elbow on his knee. With a grunt, he did yet another curl with the dumbbell in his left hand, reaching the top of the motion and squeezing his bicep even harder, holding it for two seconds. He exhaled and lowered the weight, keeping control and not letting his muscles rest completely when it reached the bottom of the rep. He always kept some tension in the muscle.

Two more… good… now one more… just one more… one… more…

“DeBourne, could you please try not to kill yourself when I’m around?” Karen asked from nearby on her step machine, moving up and down rhythmically. She was glancing over at him, even if she didn’t stop her exercise. “I’ve heard patients in iron lungs make breathing sound more attractive than you do at the moment.”

“My apologies, your majesty, but I’m needing to push myself,” he sighed, pausing in his workout and sitting up to look at her. He’d made it through five reps more than he thought he’d be able to. Yes, his biceps would be screaming tomorrow, but it would be worth it. “I’ve hit something of a plateau with my hypertrophy, and I need to break past it.”

“You did six sets of ten reps with each arm, sir, and an extra five on that last set,” she pointed out, looking forward again, but watching him in the wall mirror. Not that she’d been counting, of course. “If that doesn’t break through your plateau, nothing will. The really miserable sound was emitted when you were squeezing at the top of the rep.”

“You noticed that?” he asked, sitting up straighter, and Karen had to force herself to keep moving, since his vast, sculpted, and powerful chest was now on display. It was only the two of them in the gym right now, since it was early in the day and most students were at class. That, and the male students didn’t like trying to exercise or work out when Mike was hitting the weights anyway.

“I am familiar with the Schwarzenegger principle of making the effort of squeezing the blood through the muscle at the top of the rep for fractional gains,” she said, shrugging. “Fractional gains add up, after all. It applies equally to my exercises, in fact.”

“So you’re squeezing your butt cheeks at the top of every step you do, is that it?” Mike asked, sounding skeptical, but with a hint of amusement.

Karen hid the blush, but didn’t avoid the question. “Exercise done properly is the only exercise worth doing. A well-toned body is its own reward, after all.”

“That’s fair,” he allowed, standing up to tower over everything, wiping at his glistening body with a small towel. Karen swallowed, she hoped silently. DeBourne was wearing only track shorts, socks, and his giant cross-trainers. She’d heard him complain bitterly about the price of the damned things, not at all sure they were worth the investment. After all, the Spartans and Greek Olympic athletes had managed without them, hadn’t they? You never saw cross-trainers on Greek statues, did you?

The rest of his huge body was visible, and it never ceased to amaze her when she saw it- his wide, powerful shoulders, with the pronounced trapezius muscles sitting atop them; the massive chest she couldn’t even wrap her arms around, with the pectoral muscles that made women everywhere salivate when he went shirtless; the tapering waist with the rippling eight-pack abs, balanced over his powerful hips that looked almost tiny under his enormous torso.

She had seem him naked many times before, and she did not envy those shorts for their assigned job of concealing the unfairly large specimen of manhood within. They were failing, if she was honest.

His thighs, his quadriceps were huge slabs of defined muscle, and she thought of how Lisa would giggle when she took hold of them and moved them back and forth. His mammoth calves were straked and striated when he flexed them, which was not surprising given that they were the hardest-working muscle group in anyone’s body. Each calf was required to bear twice a person’s weight all day, statistically, so carrying around DeBourne was a herculean undertaking.

All in all, DeBourne was very imposing, and clearly aimed to keep it that way. It certainly kept the student body in line when he was around, and he was only a sophomore.

Karen frowned. “And what, pray tell, are you gawping at, sirrah?”

“Oh, uh…” Mike said suddenly, coming out of his trance and shaking his head for a moment. “Nothing, I…”

“I find myself unable to believe you,” she said pointedly.

“Fine,” Mike sighed, knowing he was caught. “I was just wondering about that outfit you’re wearing.”

“What, this thing?” Karen queried, stopping her exercise to gesture to herself. Her athletic, erotic form was fitted inside a shining black outfit that could only be described as ‘skintight’. It looked like a one-piece latex bathing suit, with extra support. “Oh, it’s some latex and other polymer super outfit a friend in my neighbourhood bought for me as a gift last year. It’s supposed to make you sweat.”

“Well, it’s certainly making me sweat,” Mike quipped, shaking his head. Whatever it was made of, it had to keep her large, lovely breasts in check, hug her tiny waist, and sheath her sensuous hips and butt. Her long dancer’s legs below the knees and her arms were what remained uncovered from the neck down.

“You think this is sexy?” she asked, her voice tinged with disbelief as she looked down at herself. “I think I look like Lloyd Bridges in ‘Sea Hunt’.”

“Agree to disagree,” Mike said, still looking at her incredible curves. It was so unfair that an unmatched intellect like hers was also packed into that stunning body. He walked over to the area of the floor that was clear of equipment and began his stretches, sinking down into a perfect split with a loud exhale, facing the mirrored wall and away from the door.

“It still dumbfounds me that anyone who displaces as much water as yourself can accomplish splits as good as any I could do,” Karen remarked, watching from her machine but somehow forgetting to resume her workout. Watching DeBourne had her blood pumping as it was.

“I figured it was sensible to remain as flexible as possible,” he replied with a shrug, leaning forward now and pressing his palms and chest against the floor while his feet were still pointed out to the sides at a perfect angle from his hips. “I mean, maybe if I didn’t worry about that, I could be even bigger, but I think the flexibility matters more, and the accompanying speed.”

“And you’re certainly big enough, sir,” she agreed as she came down from her equipment and walked over to him. She plunked down in front of him, her legs crossed for a moment before she simply unfolded into a graceful split, her hips opened wide. She pointed her toes at the walls, then up at the ceiling before bending her torso left and right, stretching out her obliques. “No need to get any bigger, we soon won’t have a lecture room to fit you in.”

Mike couldn’t see it, but some female students were walking by in the hallway, turning their heads to look into the gym. Their eyes widened as they saw Mike’s taut butt and they collided with one another, jostling and hissing at one another before hurrying on. Karen smirked. She didn’t blame them, after all.

“My father has once again extended an invite to you to join us for dinner at my place this Wednesday,” she continued, closing her eyes so that she couldn’t tell if he was staring at her breasts, squeezed into this tight outfit. “Do you think you’ll be able to make it this time?”

“I hope he understands I’m not simply blowing him off,” Mike replied, pushing up on his hands now, but still leaning forward and pushing down with his spine, his huge back muscles bulging above. “But I have no commitments, so it is indeed my intention to accept the invitation.”

“That will please him greatly,” Karen said, stretching in the other direction now. “He has been wanting to hear your thoughts on our Calabi-Yau project. Do you need any lessons?”

“I didn’t with the sharks from Beijing, did I?” he pointed out, rolling his shoulders to loosen them up and trying not to grunt from the effort after that workout.

“True enough,” she allowed, leaning forward now, as he was, but stretching out her lower back by pressing her chest to the floor. She somehow craned her neck to look up at him. “I take it you have had training?”

“A manners coach came through Kapuskasing once, offering a one-day course,” he answered, trying hard not to look down her prostrate frame to her glorious ass, the cheeks of which were poking up, even though her hips were pressing into the sprung wooden floor. “A good deal of the day was spent on which utensil to use at which time, should the need arise. Mom thought I might find it handy it one day.”

“She wasn’t wrong, clearly,” Karen said, pushing herself up now so that she was face to face with him. There was maybe a meter between them, but it felt like mere centimeters to her.

Could he hear her heart pounding?

“Not only will you dine with my father and mother this week, but there is a distinct possibility that we might be dining with some sophistos in Lucerne come July,” she added, terrified to keep her eyes on him, but even more terrified to look away. Those laser-blue eyes were spellbinding.

“I somehow doubt ninety-nine percent of the math and science nerks we’ll be attending the conference with know one fork from another,” he chuckled. “Most of them eat with their knife, I imagine.”

“Oh, be nice,” she chided, smirking. “But I wasn’t talking about them, DeBourne. I find it likely that I may be invited to dine with people of a certain class, sponsors and so on, and if they are at the conference, then they’ll need to meet you as well, as the other half of this equation.”

“Lucky me,” he sighed, allowing himself a moment to close his eyes, ostensibly because of his stretching. In truth, he just needed to look anywhere aside from into those haunting golden-amber eyes. They were almost too much.

Mike made a show of pushing up on his spine again. “I suppose if it draws in support for the project, it can’t be a bad thing.”

“Just so,” she agreed, thankful that he’d closed his eyes to work on a stretch, allowing her to shift away from his gaze. She pushed up and then leaned backward, arching her back and pointing her breasts at the ceiling while the top of her head touched the floor. She folded her legs back at the knee now, allowing a good arch through her core as her elbows rested beside her torso. “With the right attention, we could get international funding for our efforts here. I know the Saudis will be there, and while they tend to favour more practical discoveries, all we need to do is prove there is practicum and profit to this somehow.”

“I’m not yet sure how Calabi-Yau Manifolds and Hawking Radiation will prove practical except to the United Federation of Planets, but I’ll give it my best shot,” Mike said, straightening up and drawing his feet in. He couldn’t help but stare at Karen’s exposed body, with the gleaming black outfit that seemed almost painted on her. She was truly a work of art.

“Excellent,” she declared, sitting up now and nodding before bringing her feet together, soles touching while she lowered her head and let out some deep breaths. She felt more heated and sweaty that she expected to, and she wasn’t exactly ready to decide why.

“I think I’ll go hit the showers,” Mike said, standing up from his sitting position before Karen could raise her head to watch. “I worked up a pretty good sweat with those reps.”

“Who would have thought repeated curls with seventy-kilogram dumbbells would make a man sweat?” she quipped, looking way up at him with a smirk. Ye gods, the man was tall! She held out her hands. “Help a lady up?”

Mike put forward his massive hands and she locked onto them firmly, rising gracefully and silently into a plié pose before setting down on her soles. She smiled at him before going over to get her towel from the arm of the elliptical machine. “Do you perchance, sir, have time tomorrow to go over some numbers regarding the Riemannian error in the Green’s Function?” she asked as she faced the wall, toweling her shoulders and hair. “It’s led to a frustrated system.”

She heard Mike walking away, and even heard the sound of his towel scouring his skin, the noise making her shiver in ways she shouldn’t admit to. He seemed to pause for a moment. “Sure. That’ll require some crunching, so just meet me in my office tomorrow afternoon.”

“That sounds good, I- your office?” she almost blurted, turning around to look at him. “Since when do you have an off-”

He was already gone.

“-ice…” she mumbled to the empty air around her.


Kerkyon Clinic and Services, just north of the Bridle Path, Monday morning…

It was a bright and clean building, and Glenda had told her that while it was still a public healthcare facility, open to anyone, it had many large endowments from the wealthy neighbourhoods surrounding it; as a result it was shiny and modern-looking. Most of the exterior was tinted glass, surrounded by a very pretty park that was just being replanted for the blooming season.

Glenda opened the car door for Jenny and nodded as the posh aristocrat beamed a smile and then headed toward the building. She breezed in through the automatic doors and headed straight up to the front desk. Like her darling Kat, her natural air of authority was such that the woman behind the desk stood up on reflex as she approached.

“A very good morning to you,” Jenny chimed, using a graceful hand to let the receptionist know it was okay to resume her seat. “My name is Jennifer Penrose, and I was instructed to come and see a certain doctor by the name of James?”

“Oh, uh, yes,” the woman said, coming back to herself now. “I… yes, I believe you were referred by the DeBournes? We were told to expect you.”

“So diligent, that pair,” Jenny said cheerfully.

“You’ll get no argument from anyone here,” the receptionist said, taking Jenny’s proffered ID and entering it into the database. “Our notes say you might be staying in the country for a while?”

“I’ve earned a holiday, so I thought roughing it in the colonies might be nice,” Jenny said in a nonchalant tone while the girl worked with her info. “No definite idea about how long, but I haven’t seen Kat in over thirty years, so we’re in no danger of growing tired of one another’s company, if you will.”

The girl paused as she looked at her screen. “Uh… you’re Lady Jennifer Penrose? It says here that you’re a countess.”

“Just so,” Jenny confirmed, nodding. “But I’m just a girl, no different from anyone else.”

“I somehow doubt that if the DeBournes want you here,” the girl mused, continuing. “We don’t have a VIP area or anything, Lady Penrose, but if you take this printout and follow the blue line, you’ll find yourself in the waiting room for the GPs. Dr. James will no doubt see you soon. Do you need an escort?”

“No, lovey, I can follow a blue line,” Jenny said breezily before flashing a dazzling smiling and winking. “Thank you ever so much…”

She sauntered down the corridor, and the girl behind the desk tried to not make it too obvious that she was watching the countess’ retreating behind.

“Wow…” she breathed, shaking her head and going back to her computer screen, looking at the info she’d entered. “Is there anyone those two don’t know?”

Fifteen minutes later, a waiting room…

Jenny looked up from the magazine she was reading as a young nurse called her name. “Lady Penrose, please follow me.”

Other people in the waiting room were looking at her curiously as she stood and followed the nurse into the rooms at the back. She was directed into a room that was one part examination area and one part posh office. Jenny whistled as she looked around the room. “Very nice.”

“Yes, Dr. James works out of Kerkyon, but is a hot commodity elsewhere in the city too, so it makes sense to have a nice office,” the nurse said. “I’m Katie, and I’ll be doing your initial work-up, getting your vitals and so on before Dr. James joins us.”

“Very well,” Jenny said, stripping off her fancy shawl to reveal her cashmere sweater, which did nothing to hide the size of her bust. The nurse named Katie tried not to stare. “What do you need me to do?”

“I…” the younger woman began, but pausing. “If we’re supposed to give you an exam today, I guess we should get you to undress. Are… are you okay with that?”

“Lovey, I have gotten naked more quickly than this in less savoury circumstances, I assure you,” Jenny laughed, pulling off her sweater first, revealing her large breasts barely encased by her lacy white bra. She pretended to not notice the nurse staring almost dumbly. This was fun! She shimmied out of her skirt next, leaving her clad only in her underwear, stockings, and heels. “Will this do, Katie?”

The girl blinked herself back to reality upon hearing her name and then nodded. She had Jenny sit sideways on the examination table, doing the usual vitals routine for a visitor for several minutes.

“You’re in good health, ma’am, I mean- my lady,” the girl fumbled. “Sorry.”

“Think nothing of it, lovey,” Jenny said easily. “You may call me Ms. Penrose if that’s easiest.”

“Well, I have everything I need for the doctor, it shouldn’t be more than a few moments,” Katie said, collecting her gear (and herself). “There’s a dressing gown right there, and it was nice meeting you.”

Jenny nodded her head as the young nurse made her way out. Jenny sighed, stood up, and pulled on the terrible blue material. She doubted even Kat could make these damnable things look attractive.

Well, if I’m being made to wear this fatuous rig, I at least hope Dr. James is a cute young man, she thought, sitting down again in a guest chair and waiting patiently. That would be a pleasant change from the old warthog I’m normally stuck with in Exeter, I daresay.

Less than five minutes later, the door opened and an attractive woman with dark hair and glasses and wearing a white lab coat came in. She was around Jenny’s height, and it was difficult to discern her build beneath the medical garment she was wearing. She saw Jenny and paused to smile.

“Lady Penrose,” she said warmly, coming forward and holding out her hand. “A delight to meet you, I’m Dr. Samantha James.”

“Silly me, I was expecting a man based on the name given to me,” Jenny said, rising and shaking the newcomer’s hand. It was a warm and pleasant grip, sensual. “My husband was named James.”

“Has he gone on ahead of you?” the classy-looking doctor asked, still holding Jenny’s hand.

“Oh, that was seventeen years ago, my dear, ancient history, really,” Jenny said in a casual tone. “He was actually a doctor as well, a promising young surgeon. We just didn’t know he had a congenital heart condition.”

“All the same, I’m sorry, and please, call me Samantha,” the woman said, finally releasing Jenny’s hand, but still standing close. “So Kar and Mike sent you to me?”

“They seem to have insisted upon you alone, and would have it no other way,” Jenny said as the woman walked around to her large wooden desk. Samantha waited until Jenny sat back down before seating herself. “I am an old friend of Kat’s, and am staying with them at Blackshack for a spell.”

“I’ve never heard anyone call Karen ‘Kat’ before,” the doctor said.

“I’m a very old friend,” Jenny said, winking.

Samantha looked at her files, already pulled up and ready. “Like yourselves, the health care is covered over here, but they’ve dutifully put any unforeseen expenses against a card, so no worries there.”

“One would think there would be better hospital gowns available than this blight,” Jenny groused for effect, looking down at herself while the brunette laughed. “I clash with everything in your office.”

“We’ll need it off for your examination anyway, so if you wish to remove it and are comfortable, you may,” the doctor said amiably. “Whatever is best for you, countess.”

“Please, call me Jenny,” the countess said as she stood and shed the awful upholstery she’d been wearing, now clad only in her bra, panties, stockings, and heels. “Much better.”

“And you do now fit in better with my office décor,” Samantha quipped, making Jenny laugh in turn. “Blackwell Manor seems to have a habit of sending me women built like yourself of late.”

“Kat and Alli, you mean,” Jenny suggested, still standing there so that the doctor could take in the sight of her. She seemed to be enjoying the tour.

“I have also recently become responsible for one of their staff members, a Miss Prospero,” Samantha said, drinking Jenny’s form in with her eyes. “I assume you’ve met her.”

“Got her to fix my hair in place before I came over,” Jenny quipped, primping her chignon for effect. “Lovely girl, what?”

“That she is,” the doctor said rather breathily. “I certainly have no objections to being her GP.”

“Do you think you’ll be able to fit me in, doctor?” Jenny asked in a coy tone, still not sitting. “It has been intimated to me by Katie that you are very much in demand.”

“My personal patients here come first,” Samantha said, standing now and coming around the desk to join the countess. “I’m sure I can fit you in, countess.”

There was a momentary pause in the conversation as they just felt one another’s presence. Samantha smiled and moved a strand of hair behind her ear.

“Am I wearing too much for my examination, doctor?” Jenny asked quietly.

There was a hint of a blush on Samantha’s cheeks as she responded. “I… generally, my patients wear as much or as little clothing as they like, my lady. But, objectively speaking, it is always easiest if the patient is wearing nothing.”

“Well, that settles it then, doesn’t it?” Jenny said simply, stepping out of her heels before unclasping her bra and sliding it off. Samantha stared and tried to not sigh as Jenny’s magnificent breasts came into view. She then bent over and peeled off her panties, laying them and her bra on the chair she’d vacated. “Should the garters and stockings go as well, doctor?”

“No, I can see everything I need to,” her companion said in a somewhat dry voice. “I… since this is your first visit, maybe we should make this examination a thorough one, my lady?”

Jenny smiled and held up a dainty finger before turning and picking up her clutch. She pulled out her cellphone, dialing a number and putting the phone to her ear.

“Glenda? Yes, this appointment may take a bit, as it’s my first. Why don’t you and Miss Prospero head back to Blackshack, and I’ll call you when I am ready to be picked up. Splendid, thank you, darling. Toodle-pip!”

She sighed in satisfaction and put the phone away before smiling. “All yours, lovey.”

“I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say that,” Samantha breathed, shivering and thankful for the long white lab coat that concealed it. “You seem to be in excellent health, if I might say.”

“Well, you won’t know for certain without an in-depth exam, will you?” Jenny pointed out, a sly smile on her face. “But goodness, you keep it warm in here. No doubt for the comfort of patients in various stages of undress. How you’re not broiling in that lab coat is beyond me.”

Samantha removed the coat with as much control as she could muster, relieved that she didn’t fling it across the room in haste. She was wearing slacks and a button-up blouse, and she still felt like she was burning up. She noticed Jenny glancing at her finger.

“Don’t mind that,” she said dismissively, referring to the wedding ring she wore. “My husband is married to his job, as am I.”

“A man of understanding, is he?” Jenny mused, smiling.

“We have a very understanding relationship,” Samantha said, nodding. “And very open.”

“Hard to imagine you not having an understanding with Kat and Michael,” Jenny almost whispered. “Where do you want me, doctor?”

Don’t say everywhere, don’t say everywhere… Samantha silently ordered herself, her mouth going dry. She pointed to the examination table. “If you please… Jenny…”

With a warm smile, Jenny took Samantha’s hand and allowed herself to be led over to the aforementioned table.

The good doctor knew that Katie would already be rescheduling her other appointments.


A chemistry lab, St. George Campus, Monday morning, the present…

“Heya, dad,” Alex said as he entered the dark room, closing the door behind him. “I was told you were seen headin’ this way. What are you up to?”

“Can you keep a secret, Alex?” Mike asked as he kept his focus on something on the station he was working at.

“I kept Alexa from you and mom for two months, and I wasn’t even the one to give it away,” the younger man quipped cheerfully as he walked up. “So yeah, I think I can, what’re you-”

He stopped dead as he stood beside his father, gaping down at the work surface. In the dark, whatever Mike was working on reflected and almost glowed brightly.

“Uh, dad?” Alex said in a voice of quiet awe. “Is that… did you…”

Mike nodded. “The kinetic makeup was key, in fact. Six months in the planning and experimenting stage at this point. Now I’m doing practical.”

Alex was still staring dumbly. “Does mom know?”

“No,” Mike said quietly but firmly. “I hope to have this ready for August, in fact.”

Alex understood immediately. Nobody was to know. His mother had a way of finding things out. Therefore, he wouldn’t even tell Alexa. He would make it up to her later, but he understood the need for secrecy. “How’ve you kept this from her?”

The titan father smiled slightly. “We’ve been really busy with various theories and experiments. We find lab time where we can, and we coordinate notes as necessary. She wouldn’t blink if I found time to work on some things. I try to do this one on her lecture-heavy days, of course.”

“Dad, I’m…” Alex fumbled, not knowing what to say. “Even if you keep this unique forever, you’ll still need a patent, right?”

Mike nodded. “Once the process is perfected, I’ll patent it immediately. Control of that patent goes to you and Alli upon the demise of both your mother and I. What you do with it after that is up to you. But until that day, this gift is for my wife alone in the entire world.”

Alex was still staring. “Dad, it sounds silly, but we can only ever talk about this obliquely in some language only you and I speak.”

His father thought about what he was saying. “She’s intelligible with her Cree these days. Same with Klingon. And it sucks, but she could possibly recognize loan words between Akkadian and Middle Babylonian to her Aramaic.”

Alex also pondered. “What about Mohawk? No real bridges between that and the Cree she might speak.”

Mike sighed. “If it were anyone other than your mother, it would be beyond ludicrous for us to go to these lengths to protect the nature of a birthday present.”

“Pity you taught her Quenya all those years ago…” Alex laughed.


A very secluded office, the Kerkyon clinic…

Jenny was sitting back on one hand, hissing and trying to not groan loudly as she used her free hand to keep Samantha ‘s face pressed into her pussy, legs akimbo and trembling while the doctor massaged her inner walls with her tongue. Samantha was using her fingers to pull Jenny’s pussylips wide, occasionally flicking her tongue against the countess’ clit before diving back in.

“Mmmmm, yes, lovey,” Jenny moaned as softly as she could, squirming her hips against her lover, feeling her third orgasm approaching. She was still wearing her stocking and garters somehow, and Samantha was also as naked as the day she was born. “Just like that, yesssss…”

She choked a little and shuddered, falling back on the examination table, arching her hips and letting out a silent scream as she pressed her wanton cunt desperately into her lover’s face, bathing Samantha’s lovely features in her essence. She had barely allowed her behind to touch the table again before she pulled the brunette up on top of her, mashing her lips to her lover’s and kissing her greedily. Samantha returned the kiss, their naked bodies squirming together lustily as their tongues dueled.

Panting, Jenny raised herself into a sitting position, with the doctor leaning back and kneeling in front of her newest patient. They were looking into one another’s eyes, chests heaving and naked bodies shining with the sweat of their exertions. Half the struggle was not screaming and alerting the entire facility as to their activities. Thankfully, Samantha’s office was at the end of a long hall, and her walls and door were very sturdy. For privacy’s sake, of course.

Jenny put her hand on the back of the woman’s neck and held her close, their foreheads pressed together. Both women were panting hard enough that their tongues were hanging out. Her fingers massaged that slender neck, while Samantha’s hands were fondling Jenny’s opulent breasts. They were almost as big as Karen’s and Alexa’s, and she could not get enough of them.

“It’s a very nice examination table,” Jenny managed to say, still panting. “Nice and big.”

“Big enough for two,” Samantha whispered lustily. “Unless your name is Michael DeBourne.”

Jenny gave a tired giggle, kissing Samantha before taking her lower lip between her teeth, tugging on it gently, making the dark-haired woman moan in need. “How many times… has he fucked you on this table?”

“Plenty, and not enough,” her lover whispered, moving closer until their bodies were pressed. Her breasts weren’t as big as Jenny’s, but they were still lovely. The two women moved their legs around until they were latched to one another, their gooey pussies pressed.

“And has Kat fucked you on this table?” Jenny asked lustily as she began grinding her hips, slithering her womanhood against Samantha’s.

“Many, many times,” Samantha moaned, her forehead still pressed to Jenny’s as she began humping back. “And still never enough.”

“I just fucked Michael… for the very first time… last night…” the blonde panted, shivering at her clit stabbed at the doctor’s. “Now we know why Kat… is always so radiant…”

“Lucky,” Samantha moaned, pressing her mouth to Jenny’s again and kissing her feverishly. “Gnnn, fuck me… fuck me…”

They writhed and gyrated, their pussies making wet, slippery noises that gave them both shudders of exquisite, sinful delight. As they swallowed one another’s tongues, their arms were slung around each other’s shoulders, their nipples poking and dueling.

Now they crushed themselves together, shrieking into each other’s mouths as they shook violently, pussies pressing desperately as they came. They humped and writhed, lost in shared rapture, lips above and below mingling wetly. Finally, they collapsed against each other, trembling and spent.

Neither one attempted to move for some time, relying on the other to keep them from tipping over. Bodies were still pressed close, sticky cunts mushed together, clits kissing.

At last Jenny stirred, prompting similar movement in Samantha. They pressed their mouths together, kissing wearily. Both women were wet with sweat, even their hair damp from their exertions. The countess eventually lay back, stretching out her body and holding out her arms. A tired doctor almost flopped into them and they embraced, enjoying the naked closeness. More kissing followed, along with whispers and giggles.

“So,” Jenny sighed, smiling at her new lover. “Am I in good health, doctor?”

“I’m inclined to think so,” the dark-haired woman said wearily, returning the smile. “But I should recommend regular checkups, to make sure that continues to be the case. I’m sure you agree.”

“Without hesitation,” Jenny confirmed. “As often as you deem necessary, of course. Are you coming to the housewarming?”

“Both of them, in fact,” Samantha replied. “I wouldn’t miss them for the world. My husband, predictably, will be abroad, so I might bring Katie as my plus-one.”

“Oh, she is a dear,” Jenny mused. “Does she know about all this?”

The doctor smirked. “She’s been my partner in crime about it since she was assigned to me, in fact. She’s another one of my lovers, although she’s intimidated by your hosts.”

“Who isn’t?” Jenny reasoned, making them both break into giggling, kissing a little bit more before continuing their conversation. “So have you had the opportunity to fuck the young prince yet, or Alli?”

“Not yet, although I’ve been Alex’s GP since he was little and Alexa’s since she came home,” Samantha explained, pulling her damp hair out of her face and then resting her elbow on the cushion of the examination table and her cheek in her hand. “I somehow doubt Mike or Kar would mind.”

“And you know about the two of them, I assume,” the blonde prompted.

Samantha nodded again. “Mike and Kar had me do an absolute battery of tests and bloodwork on them, making sure that there were no congenital complications to account for when they have children. Their genetic integrity is rather frightening, really.”

“Then you’ll come to Versailles as well?” Jenny asked.

The doctor smiled almost dreamily. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world…”

They kissed and fondled some more before slowly sliding off the table together. Sighing happily, Jenny leaned back against it, and Samantha stood close, her legs on either side of her patient’s, her gooey pussy now nestling down onto Jenny’s. They just stayed put, smiling, nose touching nose and whispering things to one another until there was a knock at the door and in came Katie, who stopped at the sight of the Sapphic tangle that greeted her.

“I’ll go get the wet-vac…” she sighed, turning and walking out of the room, closing the door on the two giggling women.


A certain dorm room, Monday afternoon, 1987…

“Diiiiid you just say DeBourne has an office?” Lisa queried, sitting on her bed, her feet pressed together with her hands clasping them and bouncing her knees up and down, as was her habit. She was wearing panties and no top, her little boobs exposed, all her kinky red hair flowing around her shoulders.

“I said he claims to have an office, that’s a different thing entirely,” Karen replied, lying on her bed and looking at her ceiling with her hands behind her head, her lovely features creased by a frown.

“It’s not the sorta thing he’s likely to lie about,” her roomie mused. “I’m not even certain he’s capable of lying, kinda like Superman.”

“Knock-knock, just us,” Janet announced, opening the door and coming into the room, followed by Mona. “Y’said you had something to tell us?”

“DeBourne claims to have an office,” Karen groused, still scowling at the ceiling, gesturing irritably at it with her hand. “Who thought it would be a good idea to give that… that Brobdingnagian battle mammoth an office?”

Mona and Janet both noticed that while complaining, Karen was lying on her bed in only her underwear- a lacy black bra that was doing yeoman’s work holding her large breasts in her place, and a tiny set of lacy black panties that showed minimal ability to conceal her womanhood. Without a second thought, Mona stripped off her shorts and her shirt until she too was just in her underwear, and set up her little stool and easel, facing her dear friend and beginning a charcoal sketch.

“Keep goin’, Princess,” she encouraged, always happy to draw Karen’s magnificent body. “Lemme see and feel what you’re feelin’.”

“Guess I’ll settle in too,” Janet sighed, stripping off her jeans and shirt as well, settling down in the chair near Lisa’s desk, now in her bra and panties. “Sounds like we’re in for a good one. So, Kar, Mongo got an office before you did?”

“That’s what he claims, yes,” Karen almost snapped, sounding indignant. “Where is the justice in that?”

“Oh, I dunno, he did make a discovery that’s rockin’ the entire scientific community worldwide,” Janet needled, enjoying herself while Lisa winced. “And I got the sticky strings across my face to prove it, you remember.”

This prompted Karen to sit up and get off her bed, walking across the room to where Janet was sitting and smirking, seemingly unperturbed. The tall, bronze-haired goddess stood in front of her friend, bent over at the waist, her hands on her hips, and looking Janet in the eye. Underwear showdowns like this were relatively common these days among the four friends.

“I feel compelled to point out that if I hadn’t sabotaged his work on that thesis, he never would have put it back together, even better than before,” Karen announced. “He has even admitted that.”

“So because you sabotaged the project, you’re responsible for this massive leap forward in Colossal Yowie Manifolds, and you deserve the office, is that it?” Janet asked, still smiling, her brown eyes glinting with amusement. She kissed the tip of Karen’s nose. Mona had turned and was eagerly sketching Karen’s magnificently presented ass, a mere three feet away.

Karen sighed and stood up, clearly garnering no sympathy for her cause in this crowd. Maybe if she had a Louisville Slugger between her legs like DeBourne did…

“Well, he’s gotta show you, right?” Lisa reasoned. “He told you to come to his office, so there must be one. Unless he killed and ate one of your profs and is holed up in theirs, which isn’t totally beyond impossible.”

“He’s gobbled up Remington and me in one go, so I know he’s good for eating people,” Mona said, making Lisa and Janet snicker while Karen rolled her eyes. “Girls, anyway.”

“Very well, let us just assume for the sake of argument that he does indeed have an actual, physical office,” Karen sighed, going back to her bed and setting down on the edge of it, leaning back on her hands and crossing one leg over the other, letting Mona continue her figure study. “Let us move on to the fact that this is completely unfair, how he has one and I do not.”

“Why don’t you just get daddykins to buy an office building for you, and then you can have all the offices you want?” Janet teased.

“I have my own office back home in my bedroom suite, you may all choose to recollect,” Karen said rather dryly, giving Janet a look. “And it’s not about having any old office, it’s the principle of the thing. That lummox somehow merited an office before I did. The faculty all love and are terrified of me, and he drives most of them crazy.”

“Not gonna lie, pretty sure they’re at least as scared of him as they are of you, Kar,” Lisa pointed out, making Mona snicker.

“Well, what do I have to do to draw parity?” Karen almost demanded, flinging a graceful arm at the closed door to indicate the campus and world beyond. “Kill and eat a professor? Breathe fire on a village and fly off with all its virgins?”

“Pretty sure you and I are the only two girls left on campus who haven’t slept with him, actually,” Lisa answered with a shrug, making Janet burst out laughing. “I saw four gals from Health Sciences come outta his room last Friday, one of whom was a substitute teacher. And three girls from the Skule a few days before that.”

“Those engineer girls really know how to party,” Mona agreed, still drawing.

“Well, I stand by my statement that this is a wrong business,” Karen grumbled, letting her chest rise and fall with her sigh for Mona’s benefit. “And if the faculty was here right now, they would feel very chastised.”

“Don’t worry, Princess; one day, you’ll have your own big office in the Sciences buildings, with secretaries and everything. As for DeBourne’s office, well… bring us along and we’ll try to drive him crazy for you,” Janet suggested. “We’re good at that.”

“That might work,” Karen mused, nodding. “Very well, consider yourselves invited to come and see this so-called ‘office’ of DeBourne’s.”

The girls all cheered and clapped.

Mona’s figure sketches she’d drawn that day would sit in a frame on the wall of Karen’s boudoir for many years to come.


A locker room, St. George Campus, Monday afternoon, the present…

“That was a great practice,” Laura gushed, laughing as she piled into the room with a bunch of other theatre students. They all began changing out of their clothes. There were a few other girls present, but they just stayed out of the way, mostly ignoring the loud, boisterous conversation. “I think we’re gonna nail the musical performances next month for Showcase.”

“Yeah, that’s true, but we’d be even better if someone would break down and join us, at least for Brigadoon!” called out a girl named Emma, looking at another person standing nearby while the girls she’d come in with all laughed.

“Hey, we’ve been over this, ladies,” replied Alexa, who had just returned from a run and was now changing out of her exercise clothes. Her shapely back and amazing ass were facing the girls, but she turned her head to look at them. “This year is kinda full for me, that’s all. I’ve no doubt got pending court dates through the summer and fall at the very least. It wouldn’t be fair to join the productions and then have to flake out because I’m downtown at Old City Hall most of the time, would it?”

“We know, we know,” said Emma, pulling her own shirt off. “And we all get it, we’re in your corner.”

“When we’re not being jealous of those knockers of yours,” teased a third girl. “Seriously, Lexi, I could just roll around in your tits all day, and I’m not even attracted to girls.”

“Thanks, they do get me into their fair share of trouble,” Alexa replied with a wink back at them.

“And you dress so modestly, too,” said Laura, naked by this time while she changed back into her daily clothes. “Stylish, yeah, but modest, I guess. That figure of yours is hard to hide, mind. You could dress a lot more immodestly, the dress code allows for it. And you strike me as a free and easy kinda girl. So why don’t you?”

Alexa was hooking her bra on, her back still to them. “Truth?”

“Well, yeah,” Laura said.

Alexa turned to look at them, since it was polite to converse. “I wish I could dress a lot more sexy than I do.”

“Is it because your sis and your brother-in-law are two of the dominant profs on campus?” asked another girl. “Because we all wish they’d dress more immodestly too. Especially your brother-in-law.”

There was laughter and general agreement, while Alexa snickered. “That isn’t it, no. I just am playing it safe, you know?”

“Safe for what?” Emma asked, slinging on her sports bra.

“Well, Alex and I are glad you guys’re behind us, for sure,” Alexa explained, standing there in her bra and rather revealing panties as if it was nothing. “But lots of people aren’t, and they’ll take every opportunity to make us look bad. Yes, I could dress far more sexy that I do, but then people will be taking pictures, and there’ll be some sorta narrative started that I’m an immoral, degenerate slut who shows off her body and will have sex with anyone. And it’ll convince just enough people to make the court case about the law we want changed difficult.”

“But lots of girls dress way more liberally or… or even slutty than you do on campus, Lexi,” protested a girl. “How’s that fair?”

“They’re not being targeted, it’s as simple as that,” Alexa said with a shrug as she began pulling on her jeans. They were snug and fit her curves right- hanging low on her hips with some fashionable tears in the material- but they weren’t ‘slutty’ or revealing. “When this case is over and the law is changed, allowing me to marry Alex, I’ll dress however I like. I just don’t wanna do anything to jeopardize that beforehand. So I’m being good, if you will.”

“Okay, I guess that makes sense,” allowed Emma, wiggling into her own jeans. “So not only will you have time for the theatre group when this is over, but you’ll be able to dress much more how you want? I’m kinda lookin’ forward to that.”

“Pretty sure lots of people are, actually, especially Alex,” Alexa said as she finished pulling her white t-shirt over her head that had the word ‘Teaser’ printed on it in a gold glitter font. The girls all laughed and catcalled as Alexa shimmied her large chest at them.

“JUST STOP IT!!!” someone shouted angrily in the locker room, giving several girls a start. “FUCKING STOP IT!!!”

Many of the girls gaped at a young woman who was glaring at them from nearby, her brown eyes blazing furiously. She was wearing plain clothes, her dark hair pulled back in a ponytail. Alexa thought her name was Paige; she’d seen her over in Communications.

“This is all a big fucking social mores score and something to laugh and cheer about, isn’t it?!” the girl snarled, her face twisted in anger. “Fucking Game of Thrones incest shit that’s perfectly okay because the people involved are hot?! Is that it?!”

Everyone seemed so stunned that nobody said anything, all of them just staring at her in shock.

“Ladies,” Alexa announced, pointing at the door. “Let’s go…”

The theatre girls hastily gathered up their clothes and headed out of the room, Alexa herding them along. When the last one was out, blissfully away from that unexpected outburst, Alexa stopped short of exiting and closed the door, locking it. She then turned and looked directly at the girl, Paige, who had been doing all the yelling.

She seemed on the verge of panic as Alexa walked toward her.

“S-stay away from me…” she stammered, her face going pale as the tall, blonde goddess got closer. “I’ll… I’ll scream.”

“No, you won’t,” Alexa replied quietly, pointing at a bench. “Sit.”

Paige wrestled with the order, but ultimately sat down, looking up at Alexa, her expression awash with uncertainty and anxiety. It took all her willpower to not shake in fear as Alexa quietly sat down next to her, turning her torso to look at her.

“Paige,” Alexa began in a soft, gentle tone. “I’m sorry.”

“For… for what?” the dark-haired girl asked, not at all expecting this. She’d been certain that Alexa intended to beat the snot out of her, especially once she saw the blonde lock the door.

“For what happened to you,” Alexa replied, her sapphire eyes radiating her honesty. “I’m so sorry.”

Paige’s eyes flared for a moment. “You know nothing about me!” she hissed.

“I know that somebody hurt you, badly,” Alexa said, her voice still gentle. “Obviously a family member.”

No words came to Paige. Her lips were moving, but no sound game out. She grew even paler.

“And I don’t blame you for resenting the Hell out of Alex and I,” Alexa said, her voice cracking a little, her eyes shining. “I don’t. I cannot sympathize, but I can empathize. It’s a terrible pain you carry around.”

“I…” Paige managed to get out. “I… I get so angry when I see you. It burns me up, and everyone is just laughing and treating it like it’s nothing.”

Alexa closed her eyes, thinking about what to say. This girl’s raw, ragged pain about what had happened to her; and Alexa’s own, loudly celebrated relationship with her nephew was salt and lemon juice in that agonizing wound. There was nothing to celebrate about what she’d clearly gone through.

“I’m going to ask you to trust me, Paige,” she said finally, turning her hands over so that the palms were facing up. “Please allow me to understand… what happened? It’s safe to tell me.”

Paige was frozen in place, having no idea what to do. She had never talked to anyone about this, she hadn’t for years. And here was this girl she resented the Hell out of, asking her to trust her and tell her about the deepest hurt a girl could ever know.

And Paige told her.

“My… my father…” she fumbled, feeling her eyes sting and the old sickness coming back. “He… I was so young, and my mother was too abused to stop it… I…”

“I don’t need details, I promise you,” Alexa said in an addictively gentle voice that somehow, against all odds, put Paige somewhat at ease. “Just tell me about you, and where you are now.”

Paige trembled and dared to put her hands in Alexa’s, feeling the warmth as the beautiful blonde squeezed them gently. The stinging was giving way to tears, tears she’d come to hate. She spent so much time locking this all away, trying to not feel it, and here she was being asked to express it.

“It… it went on for some years,” she confessed, trembling. “The fear, the dread, the self-loathing… all the things you always hear aren’t your fault. Just going along with it, desperately hoping that maybe daddy would just love me and stop doing these things if I surrendered one more time…”

“And it stopped,” Alexa suggested.

“Only because he was found out and arrested,” Paige almost gasped, her chest tight and her throat constricting. “It blasted everything apart, including my family and community. He went to jail, he got murdered pretty quick. Pedo rapists don’t do well in Gen Pop.”

“What about you?” Alexa asked.

“I shut down, mostly,” Paige said in a tiny voice. “All the outrage and the scandal was too much for me. Mom and I had to leave; we moved across the country, cutting off our entire family. We lost everything, but it needed to be done.”

“You’re stronger than some, many, if I had to hazard a guess,” Alexa pointed out. “You’re continuing your education; a lot of people couldn’t.”

“I know,” Paige sighed, squeezing her eyes shut. “And I try hard to not let it define me. But it does. Everything. My mom is mostly just a lump, living on disability due to the damage he did to us. She tries to help, but going back to her every day at home and knowing that aside from doing the chores and making out food, she just zones out, it…”

“And here are Alex and I, in this fairy-tale incest romance that everyone celebrates, and your dad made familial love a nightmare,” Alexa whispering, her eyes glistening. “No wonder you got so angry with all that banter you heard.”

Paige shuddered and broke down, tears starting to stream down her cheeks as she hunched over, ashamed to let anyone see her cry.

“Go ahead and cry,” Alexa said in a soft, soothing voice, leaning in and gently pulling Paige to her side. She knew it was okay. “You have every right to. And you always will. Your tears will never stop being justified.”

Paige sobbed, her head against Alexa’s shoulder. They were still holding hands.

“What happened to you should never happen to any girl,” Alexa said, her eyes stinging. “I can’t even begin to imagine.”

“You don’t know…” the broken girl burbled, soaking the shoulder of Alexa’s shirt. “You can’t…”

“In a sense, I never want to,” Alexa admitted. “I hope I never go through what you did, Paige. But I wouldn’t wish it on you, or anyone, ever.”

“It fucked me up for life…” Paige rasped, still trembling, the pain making her heart ache. “I can’t do anything about it.”

She looked up at Alexa now, her eyes red and bleary. “I want to hate you for it.”

“I understand,” Alexa whispered, nodding. “Like I said, I don’t blame you.”

“How can what happened to me be so wrong but what you’re doing somehow be right?” Paige asked, the pain evident in her eyes and her expression.

Alexa bit her lip. “It’s… I can be completely rational, Paige, and it makes sense, but it won’t take your pain away.”

“There’s pain in resenting and almost hating you, and your nephew,” the other girl said. “If you can make that stop, and I don’t know if you can, then maybe that’s something.”

“I can’t make it stop, only you can,” Alexa pointed out, giving Paige’s hands another squeeze. “All I can do is say my part, and it’s up to you to decide if what I have to say makes any difference to you. I’m sorry, that’s all I have.”

“Because right now, I want to stop everything about your life and relationship,” Paige confessed. “I want to obliterate it. It’s me lashing out, yes, but it brings back so much pain.”

Alexa nodded. “What happened to you is wrong, and always will be. What Alex and I have is completely consenting. I assume you’ve heard the rumours about how it all began?”

Paige squeezed her eyes shut for a moment. Her nod was more of an abbreviated, jerky movement of her head. “There’s lots of those, some saying you seduced him, and some saying he overpowered and seduced you. The one your stupid fan club is always yelling about is that you two met and fell instantly in love over the summer.”

“That happens to be true, yes,” Alexa confirmed. “We fell in love pretty much the moment I got off the plane and met him. We tortured ourselves for weeks about it, and I ran away when we were found out. If Alex hadn’t come to get me back…”

She squeezed her eyes shut to counter the sting of the memory. It was a different type of pain than Paige was feeling, but pain was pain. It was an agony of loss, and maybe there was something to be shared there.

When she opened her eyes again, she smiled.

“Avunculate marriage, the marriage of an aunt and a nephew, or an uncle and a niece, is legal in some countries already,” she said. “France, Australia… if you moved to those countries, would you hate anyone in those relationships?”

Paige thought about that. “I don’t know. Not like I could do anything about it, but it’s the law. Would that make me a bigot if I was screaming at them and resenting the Hell out of them?”

“I don’t believe so,” Alexa offered. “If… if what your dad had done to you hadn’t happened… what would you think?”

“I don’t know,” Paige admitted. “I… I’m totally for gay marriage and human rights and so on. Are you trying to tell me that my trauma with my dad is screwing up my perspective?”

The blonde shook her head. “I’m not telling you anything, Paige. And Alex and I are going to get married. We’re in love. Desperately. All I’m saying is that it shouldn’t have to cause you pain, because… when you get down to it, what happened to you and what Alex and I have are not the same thing. At all.”

Paige was quiet, feeling a flinch and sting inside at those words. Alexa wasn’t telling her that the pain was unjustified, nor that she was wrong for being hurt at the sight of what Alexa had with her nephew. She’d spent her life believing that all incest was abusive and wrong, no exceptions made. All Alexa was saying was that it didn’t have to be an unpleasant reality for Paige.

“I don’t go to therapy anymore, I can’t afford it,” she murmured. “They told me that the seven years I got should be enough. They were wrong. I don’t know what to do.”

Alexa sighed, squeezing her hands again. “Paige, I can set you up with therapy for as long as you need without even blinking. That I can do. And you wouldn’t owe me anything for it. Hell, it’s not even my way of compensating or trying to make it up to you about Alex and I, because there’s nothing to be sorry about there, from my point of view.”

She took up Paige’s hands, holding them and looking into her eyes. “And I’m not saying that you need to accept what Alex and I are. I imagine lots of perfectly nice people never will, simply on their own moral grounds. And I can live with that. But I hope you can make that judgement for yourself, outside of what your father did to you. Because he’s gone. I hope you can somehow keep him from controlling everything you do for the rest of your life. For you.”

Paige burst into tears and wrapped her arms around Alexa, sobbing loudly.

Alexa’s own tears flowed freely as she hugged Paige tight.


Blackwell Manor’s informal dining room, Monday evening, the present…

“Well, that’s rather heavy,” Alex said as thet say around the table, sharing dinner. “Although I imagine it’s more common than we like to think.”

“Statistically, rape of all kinds is turning out to be rather more commonplace than society willingly admits,” Karen agreed with a nod. “And that doubtless includes incest. The poor girl. Of course, Alli, we’ll make a survivor’s fund available. You can be the executor, to assure her privacy.”

“Thanks, Kar,” Alexa said, sipping at her wine. Aside from herself, her sister, Alex, and Mike at the table, the only other person was Jenny. Theresa had made a magnificent pheasant, along with root vegetables and a mushroom risotto. Alexa almost felt guilty for bringing the subject to the table, but she wanted this done quickly, and it was the first time all day that they had all been together. “I admit I was shocked by how angry she was about Alex and I. But… I guess there’s a parallel, at least to her.”

“There may be nothing wrong about the love you and Alex share, but that doesn’t mean it won’t sting to some people,” Mike pointed out, sitting at the head of the table, opposite his wife. Jenny was sitting around the corner from Karen. When dinner was informal, she insisted on not having a place of honour. She just wanted to be part of the gaggle. “It sounds to me like she has had it rough.”

“I dunno what to do except throw money at her problem,” Alexa confessed.

“There may be nothing anyone can do, lovey,” Jenny added. “All you can do is be understanding. And no, that doesn’t mean you and Alex need to walk on eggshells around her; it’s on her to get over this, so to speak. I know that sounds insensitive, but her trauma cannot ruin your happiness.”

“I get it,” Alexa sighed. “Not like I can even hire a thug to go beat her dad within an inch of his life, because he’s long since been dealt with. That means it’s all on her, and her alone.”

“What about getting her mother out and involved in something?” Alex mused. “You said she sits at home like a statue. She needs at least as much help as your friend, right?”

“Actually, Alex, that is a good idea,” Karen agreed, nodding. “Part of your friend’s problem is that her mother is a constant reminder of what happened, and she cannot seem to help it. She has none of the support mechanisms her daughter does, apparently. She needs her own chance at life again. If that cycle is broken, then maybe that will make things easier on her daughter as well.”

Alexa smiled warmly and took Alex’s hand up, kissing it. “You are such a smarty, Alex. I knew I fell in love with you for a reason.”

“And we are all convinced it has to do with his brain, and nothing to do with what’s in his pants, is that it?” Jenny quipped, smirking over the rim of her wine glass. Everyone laughed, and even Valentina, standing dutifully in the corner of the room, allowed herself a giggle.

“And apparently you and Gigantor have a playdate on Friday?” Alexa queried, looking at her sister.

“Indeed,” Karen confirmed. “One of Michael’s and my favourite students, and probably the most gifted, a certain Rebecca Fischer. Her marks were almost as good as anything Michael and I ever achieved. She graduated with honours.”

“Hey, I sorta remember her,” Alex said, tapping the table with his finger. “Tall, leggy and busty blonde, right?”

Alexa raised an eyebrow at him. Did her nephew have a type?

“That would be her, yes,” Karen confirmed. “We’ll have to see if she remembers you ogling her when you thought she wasn’t looking, young man.”

“Hey, I was in my early teens last time I saw her, give a guy a break,” Alex laughed. “You wanted her to come and work at the university, right? With you and dad. Since that didn’t happen, what did she end up doing?”

“Lord save me if she wasn’t devoted to young minds for some reason,” Karen sighed. “She is languishing away as a high school science teacher, in fact.”

“Hey, teaching young minds is a noble endeavour,” Alex reasoned. “Somebody’s gotta have the patience for it.”

“It is, however, my intent to see if Michael and I can finally lure her away to the university,” Karen continued, sipping her sangiovese before getting into her pheasant again. She was so busy of late that her appetite was working overtime. She hoped it wouldn’t affect her figure. “We have an opening in the Physics department for the Fall, and she would be an excellent fit.”

“To Friday’s fox,” Jenny offered in toast, holding up her glass.

“Friday’s fox,” everyone answered, holding up their glass.

Who didn’t need a little playtime at the end of a busy week?


The master suite, a few hours later…

Mike was lying over the two women, who were pressed together on the giant bed, groaning and panting as Mike took turns pushing his massive cock inside one of them and fucking them hard for several seconds before pulling out and penetrating the other.

Karen and Jenny were staring into one another’s eyes as they wrapped their arms around each other, squirming their pussies together while Mike railed them. Sharing these moments, still so new to them, felt so right, and like an old puzzle piece had fallen back into place. Jenny was fitting in very well, and seemed to have no heartache about her former girlfriend and great love, Kat, being married and completely devoted to the man who was deep inside her at the moment.

They kissed deeply, not only thrilling to the sheer pleasure of the act, but also almost tumbling back through time to when they were younger, making love and sharing boys. It felt new and old all at once, a heady mixture of sensations and emotions they were glad to be sharing again. Neither had realized exactly how much they’d missed it over the past three decades.

But they’d fallen into one another’s arms again almost instantly, as if no time had passed at all. And Michael fit in perfectly, holding it all together, as only he possibly could.

Jenny wailed into Karen’s mouth through a deep, heated kiss as she climaxed again, the titan cock touching places deep inside her she could only normally reach in her most private and embarrassing moments. It made her head spin to think that this was how Kat had lived for thirty years now. No wonder she was so hopelessly in love. She pushed back against the invading member, and up, grinding her clit against Karen’s while her pussy clenched and squeezed.

The countess almost whined in protest as she felt the cock leave her body, suddenly feeling empty and needy, desperate for more. But her eyes danced as Karen moaned loudly, and she felt the great weight of Mike’s body pushing down on her as he slid into his wife just above her. The two women kissed feverishly, bodies trembling and squirming. Tongues plunged and hips thrust, their large breasts squashed together, nipples scraping over one another and making them both shudder and moan lustily.

The huge man fucked his wife until she too shrieked, right into Jenny’s mouth, her entire body wracked with unreal pleasure as the orgasm crashed over her. Jenny came too, mashing her sensitive clit against Karen’s, the two women slathering each other’s pussies in cum. Their hearts were pounding as they were rocked with pleasure.

“Cum in her,” Jenny gasped, looking past Karen and up at Mike. “Cum inside your wife, let me feel it!”

Mike nodded and continued pumping, finally allowing himself to release. He leaned lower and pushed harder, driving Karen into Jenny as he pistoned his hips. Jenny was in awe of the pounding, wondering what her beloved Kat was made of it she could endure the power of that man’s body. She’d let Mike fuck her hard once so far, and it had nearly undone her. Kat was clearly a machine, and also created by the Good Lord Above to match this man and be his equal.

Karen clamped down around Jenny and wailed as Mike let out a low, enthralling growl, beginning to pump his cum deep inside his wife. She clung onto Jenny as if for dear life, the wailing becoming a whimper as she rode out the orgasm. Their lips were locked, kissing desperately and sharing this most intimate of moments.

Mike finally relaxed, and held himself steady while letting the women kiss, coming down for their mutual bliss. After some moments, he withdrew from Karen and slowly rolled onto his back. Karen released Jenny and snuggled into him, almost purring in pleasure, while the blonde woman slowly wiggled down to clean them both off. Karen had been the one he’d cum in, so now Jenny had the pleasure of tonguing it out of her, not to mention sucking him clean.

Mike and Karen shared a deep, timeless, and loving kiss, with Karen giggling lightly as she felt two of Jenny’s fingers slip inside her to plug her up and keep any of Mike’s pearly offering from escaping while she bobbed up and down on his cock, greedily slurping up their mingled cum. Assuredly, not a single drop would be wasted.

Up above, the husband and wife were lost a private moment, despite the presence of their dear lover just below. They had been one another’s worlds for over three decades now, and that was in no danger of changing. They were hopelessly devoted to each other, and anyone who had ever seen them together couldn’t deny it. This was one of the great romances of any age. Nobody they knew could think of a pair more desperately in love.

“Mmmmm,” Karen hummed through the kiss, expressing her devotion to this magnificent man. “What you do to me, sir.”

“I’m the luckiest man on the planet for the chance to play the part,” Mike replied, holding her close, her massive arms encasing her like a shield against a world gone mad.

“Oi, get a room, you two,” Jenny called out from below, making Mike chuckle and Karen giggle. She went back to cleaning him off, then pulled her fingers out of Karen and began coaxing the cum from her pussy with her deft tongue. Some minutes later, she crawled back up beside them and the two women made out for some time to entertain Mike before snuggling into his sides, everyone content and sleepy. They’d shower in the morning. Well, Mike and Karen would; Jenny might not wake up until noon.

“Splendid life, isn’t it, Kat?” Jenny sighed, nuzzling her cheek against Mike’s muscular chest, her eyes closed while she caressed the taut skin.

“No argument all the way over here,” Karen replied, reaching across her husband to caress Jenny’s hand. “Rather grand from my standpoint.”

“You sure you can put up with me until June?” the countess asked, reveling in her beloved Kat’s touch.

“There is so much to do until then, Jen,” the bronze-haired goddess pointed out. “Lisa, Janet, and Mona are coming, the housewarmings, my little boy’s birthday, the carnival week and talent show at the university, that absurd nerd convention. I plan to keep you busy, Penrose.”

“Heavens, I might even have to forge a truce with mornings in order to fit it all in,” Jenny quipped, smirking back at Karen.

“Don’t worry, countess,” Mike said, putting his huge arms around them and holding them both close. “I have no doubt Gordon can make it worth your while.”

Jenny nodded and snuggled into him, slowly drifting off to sleep.

A grand life indeed.


St. George Campus, a lecture room, the present, Tuesday morning…

“So, while this may be slightly outside your normal course material, I think it might add a little something to your wider field,” Karen explained as she stood at the front of the class. She was wearing a white lab coat over her skirt suit, keeping it buttoned below her bust, which she couldn’t readily button the coat across. Professor Dwyer had called in sick today, and they needed someone to cover his morning class on health and molecular nutrition. Karen had been approached and agreed. “Does everyone have an understanding of what a key polarity protein does now?”

The students all said or nodded their affirmation to the question. She’d gotten through to them, even if many of them spent most of the lecture staring at her chest. Everyone knew her and had seen her countless times around campus, but to have Dr. Gordon here in their lecture hall…

Karen had readily acceded to the request, since she had no courses this morning, and without the distraction, she might have been stuck up in the offices, meaning having to run the gauntlet of walking by Anson at the reception desk and somehow not murdering the lazy little twerp. So when Dwyer needed a replacement, she was all in.

“While normally associated with ciliated cells, they facilitate other delivery mechanisms as well. For instance, they seem to help with insulin delivery. Cinnamon, it turns, out, interacts with polarity proteins, which explains why cinnamon is so helpful in insulin absorption by the body.”

“So eating lots of cinnamon helps me not inherit my grandma’s diabetes?” one young man asked.

“It seems to be a possibility, and it certainly can’t hurt,” Karen replied, smiling. “I-”

The door opened and in swished a lovely blonde woman of seemingly indeterminate age. She smiled at everyone dazzlingly as she walked through the room to the far side, having selected a seat. She was wearing chic jeans that seemed almost painted on, a pair of ankle boots, and a crème-coloured sweater that did little to hide her large bust. Over the sweater, she was wearing a brown bolero jacket. Her blonde hair was done up in an elegant chignon.

Coming in quickly behind her and trying not to blush was a smaller woman, with dark bobbed hair and wearing a pantsuit. The dark-haired girl avoided Dr. Gordon’s gaze, the professor’s eyes narrowing as she watched the pair.

“Hellooooooo,” the blonde chimed as she walked to her seat, slipping into it and beaming a smile at the room. She addressed them all in a posh English accent. “Sorry I’m late, Kat, I simply had to go and find a new outfit before joining you.”

“Countess,” Karen said levelly as she tracked Valentina’s movement across the lecture room, watching her stand nearby the blonde woman and wait awkwardly. “And how did you know I was here?”

“Oh, the administration told me, of course,” Jenny said, waving the question off as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. “I told them who I was, I asked where you were, and they were more than happy to oblige.”

Karen’s head turned a little more to look directly at Valentina, her golden-amber eyes boring into the younger woman’s head.

“Sorry, Mistress,” Val said rather lamely. “Lady Penrose thought it’d be more fun if we showed up unannounced. She made me hand over my phone, in case I tried to warn you.”

“As I was saying,” Karen resumed, trying to get the lecture back on track while most of the students continued staring at Jenny. “An effective delivery mechanism for insulin, I-”

She paused again when she realized she doesn’t have the attention of many of the students. They were still gawping at Penrose.

“Goodness, it is getting slightly warm in here, isn’t it?” Karen mused, unbuttoning her lab coat and slipping it off, followed by her blazer. Her bust, which was larger than even Jenny’s, was now restrained only by a pearlescent silk blouse.

She had their attention again. Jenny was trying to hide a smirk at the (decidedly effective) one-upmanship.

“Cinnamon is indeed an effective natural assistant in delivering insulin to the body, we’ve found,” she continued. “That’s one of the newest discoveries about it, the way it interacts with polarity proteins. It is effective with assisting antioxidants against free radicals, and is also a thermogenic.”

“Do you and your husband have a lot of cinnamon in your diets, doctor?” a young woman asked, raising her hand.

“Lovey, have you seen Kat’s husband?” Jenny cut in, smiling at the girl. “There’s so much cinnamon in that man’s diet that if he sneezes, he’ll accidentally become the Kwisatz-Haderach.”

I had no idea Penrose ever read Dune… Karen thought wearily while the crowd roared with laughter at Jenny’s quip. Jenny winked at her.

“Oh, goodness, look at the time,” Jenny said, examining her watch before standing up, grabbing everyone’s attention again. “I simply must find an espresso, what with mornings being such a ghastly time of day.”

She smiled dazzlingly and waved her fingers at the students. “Toodle-pip!”

The countess blew a kiss at Karen, and then she was gone.

Karen stared at Valentina, who stayed in place. She gestured toward the door. “Well, go after her, what makes you think I want her rampaging around the campus unattended?”

“Yes, Mistress!” Val said hastily, trotting across the room and disappearing out the door. Silence reigned for several seconds. Karen gave her charges a nonplussed look.

“Go ahead, ask your questions,” the bronze-haired woman sighed. “We’ve covered today’s material, and this is going to be all over campus soon enough, if it isn’t already.”

“Ummmm…” one girl said, putting up a hand. “She’s a countess?”

“Yes,” Karen confirmed. “One of my oldest and dearest friends, Jenny Penrose, the Countess Greymoor from Devonshire. She’s come for a visit and clearly decided that my day needed to be made more chaotic.”

“Annnnnd the other one that called you ‘mistress’?” queried a boy.

“A member of my staff, Valentina, from back at my residence,” continued Karen, knowing where this was going. “I asked her to look after the countess.”

“Why’d she call you ‘mistress’ though?” he pressed. “Isn’t that a bit classist and kinda smacks of slavery and oppression?”

“What I can guarantee you, sir, is that if you ever suddenly went completely stupid and said that to her, you would require special accommodations for the rest of the semester, the least of which is eating applesauce through a straw,” Karen said dryly, making several of the students snicker. It was no secret that the professor was fabulously wealthy, heiress to an industrial empire. “Miss Prospero is a trained professional, and she likes the formality. I indulge it for her.”

“Uh… okay, I guess,” the young man said rather hesitantly.

“Oh, she’ll be so glad to know she has your approval about how she does her job,” Karen stated, shaking her head while several other students laughed. She’d made it through the day’s material already, and now it was time to keep them distracted. She sat on the corner of the lecture station, crossing one leg over the other and rocking her knee back and forth. She definitely had their attention again, because her pencil skirt ended above her knee.

“Any other questions before I release you into the wild?” she asked, leaning back on her hands slightly.


The Theoretical lecture hall, Tuesday morning, the present…

“So as you can see…” Mike instructed while most of his students (at least the girls) just stared at him dreamily. “When dealing with observation of the coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering through a crystal of sodium cesium iodide, we can isolate particles recoiling from charged light when the-”

“Bonjour, my friends,” Jenny said gaily as she swished into the lecture hall, followed by Valentina. The students all seemed somewhat confused. “What did I miss?”

“Ah, there you are, countess,” Mike said without missing a beat. “Folks, may I introduce Lady Jenny Penrose, the Countess of Greymoor, and mistress of Heatherly Hall in Devonshire. Please, take a seat wherever you like, Lady Greymoor.”

“Oh, um… thank you,” Jenny said somewhat hesitantly. With eyes still on her, she picked an empty seat and sat in it.

“As I was telling everyone else, an ansatz-scaling method allowed us to observe the charges in paired particles in a quantum bond using a cesium iodide medium,” Mike continued. “Are you familiar with the sodium-doped method?”

“I… only for my tequila shots,” Jenny replied hopefully. Fortunately, Mike and the students all laughed. She felt the pressure lift, and thought she might have to behave in this class; Michael was clearly on to her and had anticipated her arrival. Damn the man!

“Miss Prospero?” Mike queried, looking directly at her, standing near the countess. Val squeaked and stood up straight, her hands folded in her lap.

“Yes, Master?” she answered on reflex. Several students raised their eyebrows at her response.

“At the countess’ convenience, make sure she is shown the staff lounge,” the towering professor instructed. “Tell anyone who tries to interfere I said it was okay, do you understand?”

“Yes, Master,” Val said, nodding her head respectfully.

Mike smiled at Jen. “You’ll like the lounge, countess, but we’ll head across the road to the pub after the lectures. We can test your tequila and sodium-doped medium theory.”

“I’m glad to see you know the way to a lady’s heart, good sir,” Jenny said, standing up and fixing her purse. She looked at the students in their rows. “Pay attention, you lot. The instruction doesn’t get any better than this.”

She winked at Mike and waved her fingers before heading out again. Valentina trotted after her dutifully. The students were all staring at the door.

“Questions?” Mike asked, getting their attention again. “About the countess, I mean.”

“She’s a real countess?” asked one girl.

Mike nodded. “One of Doctor Gordon’s oldest and dearest friends, come for a visit with us.”

“Why did the other woman call you ‘master’, sir?” asked a guy.

“She’s a member of our staff,” Mike explained with a shrug. “She’s been working for wealthy families for some years, and she is very formal in that regard. She calls my wife ‘Mistress’ and me ‘Master’, because it suits her style.”

Silence hung over the room for some moments before a girl finally spoke.

“That is so cool,” she breathed, and everyone seemed to agree with her. “Wish I had someone callin’ me ‘mistress’ all the time.”

Mike laughed. “Kar assigned Miss Prospero to look after the countess during her visit, so as you can guess, her hands are going to be very full. You’ll enjoy getting to know Lady Greymoor; I’m willing to bet she intends to be around her a lot. Shall we continue?”

The subject matter was important, and they went back immediately to giving Mike their full attention. Countess shenanigans could wait.


The Sciences Faculty building, Tuesday afternoon, 1987…

“Pardon my ongoing skepticism, but you still expect me to believe that you have an office?” Karen asked somewhat tritely as she walked with the huge blond student while he strode down the hall. He was doing her the courtesy of shortening his steps, but even so, she found herself hustling to keep up.

“Yeah, that strikes me as kinda weird too,” Janet added, walking with Lisa and Mona as they followed the pair. “And you said your dean gave it to you? He hates you. He hates you the way Heyman hates dairy.”

“Hey, I love dairy!” the little Jewish redhead protested, bringing up the rear. She was the shortest of them, and usually ended up trailing and out of breath by the time they reached anywhere, especially if DeBourne was leading the charge. “I just hate what it does to my gastric system.”

“Everybody hates what it does to your gastric system, Li,” Mona pointed out, smirking. “We all hate it the way Marks hates DeBourne, meaning desperately. But yeah, I agree with Janet, big boy. Why on earth would your midget dean give you an office if he hates your guts?”

Mike smirked. “He didn’t want to, but I made a very good point about my ability to get us ready for Lucerne and the numbers we’d need to be able to account for. That said, I mentioned a dedicated office space in the Sciences building would be extremely helpful in getting numbers coordinated and crunched as we prepared. He was ready to say no, but the Theoretical professors all agreed with me and insisted he make it happen. Saying he was displeased in an understatement, but he was caught, so he acquiesced. Now I have an office.”

“That makes little or no sense to me,” Karen sniffed, trying to sound officious. “If you needed help with crunching numbers, it’s not like I am all that far away, man. And against all odds, I am even faster than you at it.”

“Yes, but Calabi-Yau still belongs to Theoretical, and you belong to the Math and Logic Physics department,” Mike pointed out, continuing to lead them to the lowest level of the building. “So until it’s assigned to Experimental, which we both belong to, it’s technically outside your field, Gordon. Hence, I have an office.”

“DeBourne,” Karen growled, almost glaring at him. “What on earth would you even do with an office? Since when can you afford anything to even put in it?”

“Hey, I’m not that poor, thank you,” Mike protested, still walking.

“Please,” Karen snorted. “If we were all in a Roman comedy play, your joke Latin name would be ‘Impecunious’.”

“Oh, ow,” the huge blond man said, trying to sound hurt.

“I kinda figured it would be ‘Biggus Dickus’, y’know?” Janet quipped, smirking.

“My money’s on ‘Magnumopus’,” Mona added, making Janet and Lisa break down giggling.

“Laugh all you want, puny humans,” Mike sniffed, rounding a corner. “I’m still the only one with his own office.”

“In the basement?” Karen asked, looking around. She wasn’t even sure she’d ever been down here before. “Is there an old abattoir or trepanning room they’re allowing you to make use of?”

“Nothing that grand, but I’ll take what I can get,” Mike said, finally stopping in front of a door, set into one of the bare concrete walls of this echoing basement hallway. The metal door had apparently once been yellow, but was now painted brown. “Allow me…”

Mike inserted a key into the doorknob, unlocking it and then swinging the door open. “Welcome to my office, ladies.”

They all seemed rather hesitant to walk into the dark space, until Janet nudged finally Mona from behind.

“Oh, sure, make the black character go first into the murder hole,” Mona groused before stepping inside. She paused, looking around.

“Uhhhh, DeBourne?” she said, finding a light switch and flipping it on, ignoring the faint traces of bleach in the air. “This is a janitorial room, pretty sure.”

“Was a janitorial room,” Mike corrected, letting her come out and then stepping in himself before beckoning them to follow. There were two long, plastic tables set at right angles along the walls. Several screens and keyboards were spread around the surfaces. “Nnnffff, I admit, it’s a bit of a tight fit, but…”

He sat down in the large rolling chair and beamed at them. Karen was looking around in bemusement. What baffled her were all the computer towers and drives that lined the shelves bolted the all four walls. There must have been over twenty of them, all with little red lights blinking to indicate they were asleep, and with knots and twisted gnarls of wires and cables running between them and over to the tables, to yet more towers.

“DeBourne, what have you done?” Karen breathed, sounding slightly aghast. “Where did you get all these drives?”

Mike shrugged. “The university was getting rid of ’em, they’re old and subpar, most of ’em. I managed to convince the powers that be to let me make use of ’em down here, to help with my number crunching. I’ve connected them all, and they borrow memory and processor power from one another when I feed them data.”

“What sort of RAM are you getting from their collective input?” Karen queried. The other girls were still looking at the ophidian tangle of wires that were bolted to the walls to keep them out of the way before dropping down to attach to the drives sitting on the desks between the monitors.

Mike grinned. “If they’re all running peak, I can get 980K out of them for a few hours at a time. Even got just over one megabyte out of them for about forty-five minutes the other day.”

Karen’s eyes widened. That number was absurdly high. That competed with the mainframe systems her father’s various companies were producing! This little setup may not have been as sophisticated, but the fact that it was all here in this dinky little room…

“Ready for this?” Mike asked, reaching for a button.

At this single touch, all the drives hissed and whirred to life, making a general racket for a moment before calming down as he summoned the machine spirits to do his bidding. Lisa looked around nervously. She’d recently watched ‘The Demon Seed’, and she’d resolved to never own a powerful computer. Or a Bricklin.

Music started up as the screens flicked on, their glowing green readouts crawling with endless numbers. Then a synthesized orchestra filled the room, making Lisa squeak in alarm.

“Is… is that the theme song for Airwolf?” Mona asked, frowning in confusion.

“Yep,” Mike said proudly. “Every time I boot this system up, the theme song plays for me.”

“Jesus, you are such a nerd!” Janet groused, her hands in her face. “I can’t believe I let you cum inside me almost daily!”

“How do you have enough memory in this setup to do all your floor-level calculations and still play an entire music file of that quality?” Karen asked in wonder, looking around and ignoring the pang of jealousy she felt. The other girls were all so awestruck that they’d forgotten their purpose in being here, to drive DeBourne crazy. Not that she blamed them for forgetting.

“Oh, one stack, that one over there, is storing the theme song, and a few sound bites,” Mike answered, pointing to a specific shelf where three low, squat cases sat in a stack, blinking away. “Yeah, they all share memory, but they still each have some designated roles. All in all, though, it’s one big cluster.”

“A cluster,” Karen mused in a quiet voice, lost in the sheer scale of the project. DeBourne must have attacked this with a will. She wouldn’t be surprised if these rigs collectively calculated as fast as she did. “But knowing you, it has a name, doesn’t it? What have you called this monster-child of yours, DeBourne?”

He gave her a knowing smile. “Welcome to the Dayraven Cluster, Gordon.”

Dayraven, she thought, still stunned by everything around her. I’ll have to remember that name…


St. George campus, Tuesday afternoon, the present…

“For real?” Alexa snickered, holding hands with Alex as she walked down the hallway of the building. “You’re named after your father’s computer cluster?”

“No,” Alex sniffed, shaking his head. “I’m named after you. My middle names are courtesy of Grandpa DeBourne and dad’s computer cluster. I just tell people who find out that I’m named after the character in Beowulf.”

“That’s almost as much fun as you being born in Dildo,” the blonde goddess remarked, her eyes still dancing with mirth as they walked. “And Mike’s middle names are courtesy of Elvis and King Charlemagne?”

“He’s actually pretty sure he was conceived in the Charlemagne Hotel in Montreal, during grandpa and grandma’s honeymoon,” Alex answered, making Alexa dissolve into giggles. “But yeah, he’s named after the King, since grandpa and grandma’s first real date was an Elvis concert.”

“At least my big sissy and I have names inspired by literature and poetry,” Alexa said airily. “Mom says Kar was allowed to pick the name Aurora, because I was born at dawn, and Mike picked Andromeda.”

Alex smirked about something, but she didn’t pick up on it.

“And apparently the Andromeda galaxy was visible the night she was giving birth to me,” his wife continued, looking wistful. “My given names all start with A, but I think they’re as pretty as Kar’s names.”

Ekaterina Leda Gloriana, Alex thought, also knowing how his mother’s names came about. “Yeah, yours are every bit as pretty, no question.”

Alexa glanced around somewhat furtively in the hallway, seeing if anyone was looking. Without another word, she took Alex by the hand and pulled him into a small study room. He was wondering what she was up to, but then she locked the door and turned out the lights, the room falling into complete darkness, except for light from the hallway filtering through the frosted glass of the door’s window.

“Awesome,” she said quietly, turning to look at him now. Even in the relative darkness, he could see her sapphire blue eyes glinting lustily. “You and I simply do not fuck enough here on campus, and to be honest, Alex, I really need you in me right now.”

“No need to tell me twice,” he agreed with a nod, dropping the backpack from his shoulder while Alexa put down her books. She pulled her t-shirt off over her head, revealing her large breasts, barely contained by her lacy black bra. She wiggled out of her jeans next, revealing the matching thong panties to the bra. Alex had shed his shirt and pants now, his strong, chiseled body now clad only in his boxers.

“God, I love seeing you as a silhouette,” she said breathily, losing her bra before dropping to her knees and fishing his cock out of the opening in the front of the undergarment. “I’m gonna suck your soul out through your dick and then I want you to fuck me good and hard, Alex, please…”

Wasting no time, she slid her lips all the way down his (as yet) flaccid length, moaning in contentment before beginning to bob back and forth. One of her hands stroked along behind her lips as he started to swell and harden, while the other one snaked down and inside her panties, teasing her pussy. Alex sighed in pleasure and put his fingers in her long, voluminous golden tresses, kneading her scalp or tugging at the roots.

It didn’t take her long to get him rock-hard, and she still pushed down the entire length, feeling him in her throat. He held her there and somehow swirled her tongue around the shaft before bobbing again. He was like an iron bar in her mouth, and she shivered in delight, thinking about having this wonderful tool inside her momentarily, here in a room on the university grounds. She knew that Mike and Karen fucked here on the campus regularly, and she intended to make a tradition of it for her and Alex too.

Alex pulled away and she gasped as she felt him take hold of her, lifting her off her feet and carrying her over to a large, study desk farther back in the dark room. He put her down on it and she straightened her long legs out while he stripped her panties off before putting her legs over his shoulders. Alexa let out a choked grunt as his tongue slithered around her already gooey pussy, flickering against her throbbing clit. She bit her knuckle and willed herself not to cry out as he lashed her increasingly slippery womanhood mercilessly.

“Oh my God, Alex,” she panted, her eyes almost rolling up into her head. “Fuck me, please…”

Her nephew smiled evilly and nodded, standing up again, her legs still braced against his body and shoulders. His throbbing tool easily found the entrance and slid inside. Alexa clapped her hand over her mouth and groaned loudly as he reached into her depths. She squeezed him fiendishly, as if her pussy never wanted to let his cock go.

He held her legs tight against him as he began thrusting deep inside. They knew they didn’t have long, so this would be quick and savage fucking, not lovemaking. Alexa panted behind her hand, not daring to remove it, because she was worried she’d be heard. No matter how many people on campus approved of their love, rutting like animals in a classroom was still not allowed.

Alex thumped his thighs against her ass, driving into her, determined to make her cum as quickly as possible. No one was wetter or tighter than Alexa, especially once her pussy was contracting around him. It was a silken, slippery vise. His hands reached forward and began squeezing and groping her large breasts and she keened in delight. She loved when he manhandled her breasts, his strong hands squeezing just right. It was as if they knew instinctively how to pleasure one another, and that had been the case almost since they first began fucking.

As if they were made for one another.

“Fuck me… fuck me…” she panted, moving her hand and letting it grip the edge of the desk she was lying on. Her eyes were locked on his silhouette here in the darkness as he thrust against her. “Fuck me and cum in me, Alex…”

Never able to deny her anything, he pumped back and forth harder, faster, spearing deep inside her. He felt his cock throbbing and expanding, and her pussy gripping him wetly. The incredible tingle was building inside him and he rammed into her, rather amazed they weren’t breaking the desk.

Alexa clamped both hands over her face tightly and screamed, arching her back to get him as deep inside her as she could. Her pussy spasmed around him, bathing his midsection in her ecstasy while he growled and filled her pussy with his warm, pearlescent cum. His hands were gripping her shoulders now, pulling down to help get deep.

She flopped down on the desk, seeming boneless, and panting heavily. He could feel the warm sheen of sweat on her skin, and knew he was covered in the same. He carefully unhooked her legs and rested them on the edge of the desk while he stayed put between them, his hard cock still throbbing inside her. His heart was hammering in his chest, his whole body still awash with the pleasure of their shared orgasm.

Alexa’s panting had given way to sighs and what could only be described as purring. Her hands slowly wandered around her body, gently fondling herself. Alex kept caressing her thighs, helping her come down. Finally, she opened her radiant blue eyes and smiled at him dreamily.

“Well, that’ll keep my libido in check for an hour or two,” she sighed. “Time to do my wifely duty and clean my man off…”

Reluctantly, she pulled her pussy away from his cock, feeling decidedly empty as it came out of her. With a sensual movement, she slowly turned herself around on top of the desk, her head now hanging over the side, his still-engorged member next to her face. Alexa hummed in pleasure as he slid into her waiting mouth. She swirled her tongue around the softening cock, cleaning him of their mingled cum while he pushed slowly and gently back and forth with his hips, shivering and reveling in the sensation of his aunt-wife sucking him dry.

Alexa took her time, loving the feeling of his cock in her throat. His hands gently caressed her breasts while she did it. She kept her pussy muscles clenched, greedily not letting a single drop of his cum escape her. She wanted it all, the exception being if she let a girl suck it out of her. Not this time, though. It was all hers, and nothing made her happier than feeling full of her husband’s cum. It was her favourite gift.

Finally, Alex pulled back and let Alexa sit up on the desk. She sighed in contentment and rolled her neck slowly while he gazed at her incredible body in the dim light. She pointed to her little clutch, which he picked up and handed to her. She quickly pulled out a little package of wet wipes that she cleaned his manhood with. They’d simply have to put up with being sweaty under their clothes, but they were both perfectly fine with that.

And if anyone asked or suspected anything, what cold they prove?

“You excited about our aunts coming?” he asked as he began pulling his boxers on. “I know you said they’re a big part of your pantheon, so I imagine it’s okay to be anxious too.”

She seemed hesitant to answer for a moment while she was sliding into her panties.

“You’re not anxious, you’re upset,” he mused, pausing in slipping into his jeans. “You’re loving the idea of surprising them, but you’re not gonna be there for the big reunion because you’ll be hiding at Freja and Jeanie’s until Saturday.”

“I guess I feel like I’m missing out,” she confessed. “But I really wanna be my own surprise for them too, Alex. They’re gonna see Jordan again, they’re gonna freak out when they see Jenny is back… I don’t mean to sound selfish, but I want my reunion with them to not compete with all that. I want my own day. Does that sound awful?”

“Not at all, it makes perfect sense,” Alex reasoned. “And what if I told you I thought up a reasonable compromise?”

“You always seem to,” she breathed, smiling at him dreamily. Alex was, if anything, even smarter than his parents, and a stellar problem solver. Ever since he’d come to get her from Paris and bring her home, it had been one of the central truths of her life that she relied on. “Tell me.”

“You still won’t be there, not physically,” he explained, sliding on his shirt. “Buuuuut, if mom, dad, Jordan and I are all wearing tiny cameras that are hiding in clothes or jewelry, and if they’re running through Ari’s firewall, you can watch live from your laptop. We’ll just hook them up to it. That way, you miss nothing, and can even cycle between cameras to keep up. Ari can save it all to a dedicated drive, so that it’s available after.”

“Alex…” she said, almost beyond words, her blue eyes crystalline, shining with near tears. “That’s wonderful. I’ll feel like I’m there, and after I get it all from Ari, I’ll have it with me forever. You can get it all set up?”

He nodded. “Count on it. Mom’ll love the idea, especially since she seems to love wearing hidden cameras. She blames dad, something about a caper together that invented Wi-Fi. I don’t know.”

“I feel so much better about all this now,” Alexa sighed happily, sliding into her shirt. “You are the best thing to ever happen to our family, Alex.”

“Pretty sure I’m biased about that being you,” he chuckled, typing his shoes. He pulled her into his arms and hugged her tight. Alexa melted into the hug, trembling in relief. Life just got better and better.

“Hit the lights please, Alex, so I can make sure there’s no evidence left of the desk,” she requested. She wiped it down, pleased to see no marks. Once she checked her compact mirror to make sure she was put back together, Alexa stretched her arms over her head and let out a squeaky sigh of happiness.

“People who don’t wanna do that all day are stupid,” she announced, beaming at him. “You’ve got Fraser and Linguistics now, right?”

Alex nodded. “And you’ve got advanced Arabic.” They knew one another’s schedules as well as their own, so coordinating was always easy. “Where’s your study group after that?”

“Study Hall D in Wycliffe,” she said, giving him a wink. “Much as I would love for you to come and pin me down on the table to give everyone a show, I doubt that’s the right college to do it in.”

“Probably never stopped mom and dad, but I know better than to ask,” he said cheerfully. He walked over to the door and opened it, gesturing grandly for her to exit. She left the room in a swish and a wiggle, followed by her husband.

A professor happened to be walking by and raised an eyebrow as the infamous duo left the classroom. She watched them walk down the hall together, then looked at the room again.

She decided she was better off not knowing, sighed, and went about her business.


Blackwell Manor, Tuesday night, a large solarium, the present…

“Well, I am glad to hear that you’re getting on well with Dr. James,” Karen said casually as she sat in the large hot tub. Sitting close by was Jenny, and on the other side of the tub, Mike.

Jenny smirked. “Oh, like you expected otherwise, Kat. A delightful woman, I wish my own practitioner back home was so professional and thorough.”

“I find she is most attentive to the details,” agreed the bronze-haired goddess. “Am I right in assuming that she found you in perfectly good health?”

“Despite my constant assaults on my liver, yes,” Jenny said, raising her martini glass with a sly smile before taking a sip. Karen took a sip of her Death In the Afternoon. “I am in remarkably good shape for a woman of my age. Must be all the clean living I do.”

“If ‘clean living’ was the requirement for a long and healthy life, you would have been stillborn, Penrose,” Karen replied, causing her guest to giggle. It was true. “Still, for the duration of your stay, she will be looking after you.”

“I’ll try to keep from being too big a pain in her arse,” Jenny promised. “I imagine that’s more of a gig for your husband in any event, since I know now that dear Samantha likes it in the bum.”

“How you, of all people, are considered a model of propriety amongst the aristocracy is completely beyond me,” Karen sighed, shaking her head and eliciting another giggle from Jenny.

Half a second later, there was a splash of water in front of them as Valentina burst up to the surface, gasping for air, her lovely breasts wetly on display. She was directly in front of Mike and she turned to look at Karen, her chest heaving.

“Okay, Mistress,” she breathed, nodding. “He’s primed and ready for liftoff…”

Karen made an elegant gesture toward her husband while looking at Jenny. “Countess, if you would do the honours…”

“Don’t mind if I do, Kat,” Jenny lilted, standing up and wiggling across the tub to stand in front of Mike. Val got out of the way, standing just to the side and watching. Jenny smiled down at her mighty host before turning around to face away from him. She slowly settled down into his lap. Once in place, she fished around between her legs beneath the water for a moment to find something and then raised herself up. Another few seconds passed before her eyes almost rolled up into her head.

“Ohhhhhhh…” she groaned loudly, settling back against Mike now, firmly spiked on his enormous tool. “Oh, Heavens to Gimbels, yes… Kat, lovey, every woman on the planet should be jealous of you, and not for your bank account.”

“Master is the only thing that deposits more regularly for her than money,” Val quipped, watching and smiling as Jenny began to squirm on Mike’s lap. His huge hands came up and began fondling and massaging her breasts, making her moan and shiver. She braced her hands on his enormous thighs and started moving up and down, feeling his tool sliding in and out of her. Heaven.

“Gnnnn, Kat,” Jenny moaned, her eyes closed as she fucked Mike. “You lucky tramp…”

“No need to inform me, of course,” Karen replied, moving in closer to fondle and caress Jenny. Mike moved his hands to sit on the countess’ waist while Karen leaned in and swirled her tongue around one of Jenny’s nipples, making her shudder and gasp. Valentina dutifully flicked her tongue against the other nipple before sucking on and gently biting it. She hadn’t fucked Lady Penrose yet, but no doubt she would soon.

“Dear God, woman,” Jenny breathed, feeling herself already beginning to peak, so very quickly. “How do you endure this?”

“Decades of practice, and it wasn’t easy, I assure you,” Karen purred, smiling wickedly as she reached under the water and stroked Jenny’s clit while assaulting her nipple with her tongue. Jenny seized up and then moaned in shameless bliss, almost convulsing, her nails digging into Mike’s thighs while she was battered by one of the quickest and strongest orgasms she had ever experienced.

She almost sagged, and Karen leaned in to embrace her, keeping Jenny from sinking under the churning water. She gently pulled the countess off Mike, and looked at Val. “Tag, Miss Prospero, you’re it.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Val said agreeably, clambering into her Master’s lap and settling herself down onto him. She groaned loudly, but she was used to this by now. She put her arms around his neck and started almost bouncing on his lap, fucking him while Karen moved Jenny to the other side of the hot tub, cradling her close and smiling.

“Was that… revenge for my showing up unannounced in your class this morning?” Jenny asked rather feebly, her head still lolling about as she tried to recover. “You are inhuman, Kat, enduring that all the time.”

“You’ll adjust soon enough, of course,” Karen said simply, caressing her beloved friend’s cheek as they rested in the water. “You’re just out of practice, I imagine.”

“Normally, I would protest the assumption, hotly, but in this case you are right,” Jenny sighed, pleasure still foaming through her system. “So good…”

“Are you looking forward to your night out with all the students you met up with at the pub?” Karen asked, reaching down under the water and cupping Jenny’s well-used pussy, stroking it and calming her nerves down. She knew exactly what to do, even after all these decades apart. Nothing had changed in that regard.

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