Moving Day ENF by Splart77,Splart77

“I’ll get on that.”

Anna thinks about the series of shenanigans tonight that has stripped her naked and kept her that way. She’s had her pleasant break and doesn’t feel like being a passenger in this story anymore.

“You know what? I’ll come with you.”

“Oh uh….cool….?”

Anna darts out the door, closing it behind her.

Adjusting her pillowcase to be as wrapped around her as it can, she considers what further contrived scenarios might happen if she doesn’t take action.

Chris could slip on the water she left behind earlier and lock the door again with his Movie Pass now in her apartment.

Val could get her shirt stuck in the door of the dryer and yada yada yada now she’s naked too and they have no clothes between them.

Or she could have waited in the nice safe apartment away from prying eyes while the nice polite man retrieved her clothes, but she’s a stiff drink in and already baring her ass to the world so no turning back now.

A guy walks up the stairs, reusable shopping bag slung over his back, eyes glued to his phone. That is until he see Anna, struggling with her modesty pillow case, tits and pussy visible at different moments before she finally settles on simply holding it with outstretched arms in the general direction of the man as she scuttles down the stairs.

Trying not to think about whether or not that man took or is currently taking pics of her to share with his dad or whatever guys do, she meets Chris downstairs on her floor

“So where did you put your clothes?”

Anna’s eyes scan the floor for her hastily discarded clothing. She now has the pillow case wrapped around her waist, just barely protecting her butt and pussy, with her other arm draped over her tits. She’d look like some sort of Greek sculpture if she wasn’t so frazzled and half in the bag.

“Well I was unpacking, I got really sweaty, like dripping wet, I just sorta threw all my clothes off and started scrubbing myself in the shower…”


Anna notices Chris blushing harder than ever as he stares intensely at the wall. She then realizes what she was just saying.


She looks around her sparse apartment, not finding the now incredibly appealing nasty clothes anywhere.


She didn’t realize she stepped out the front door earlier. Did her clothes end up in the hall to be cleaned up by the by-all-accounts-friendly-maintenance-guy-Joe-that-Anna-assaulted-and-mooned?

“Your kitchen’s nice, the…stove…it’s good”


Fuck it. He’s not looking anyway.

Anna lets her pillow case fall to the ground and opens up another box.

This one’s practically empty. Just a few odds and ends that didn’t fit in any other boxes. A pencil case, tied off plastic bag of random snacks, and her Phantom Menace Qui-Gon fast food collector’s cup that she found at a thrift ship for $5. Anna thought to herself that she’d rather flash her full pussy to Chris than let him or anyone else see that.

She tossed the cup behind the large pile of endless boxes, and this gave her an idea. She dumped the box out and punched the bottom open. Stepping into the box and pulling it up over herself, she now had all of the modesty and fashion sense of the village idiot wearing a barrel. Anna thought to herself that she deserved that.

“How do I look?”

Chris very hesitantly turned around to give Anna’s new clothes a look.

Looking like he’d rather be dead he simply gave her a thumbs up.

Anna returned it with a nod.

Also wishing she was dead, Anna’s mind jumped to the next step to avoid this moment in which both parties contemplated being dead.

“How bout we see how Val’s doing?”


Anna and Chris left Anna’s apartment. As soon as the door closed, Chris stopped to think.

“Did you just leave your apartment naked again?”

And Anna thought she was done being the village idiot.

“I did. Do you still have your Movie Pass?”

“I put my wallet down on uh….”

Anna walked past Chris down the stairs. Chris accidentally got a full view of Anna’s jiggling ass walking down the stairs ahead of him, and let out a big sigh as he followed her.

On their journey to the basement, Anna was forced to ignore the stares and laughter of some college boys, a mother covering her son’s eyes, and Maintenance Guy Joe™ looking very confused as she picked up her pace to avoid him most of all.

The laundry room is empty. Anna bends over to open the machines, causing the box to slide down the round of her ass, exposing herself to Chris who at this point isn’t even bothering to look away because the universe is just showing him this woman’s body and hopefully also knows he is in a committed relationship.

Anna pulls her box back up her…box…and finds a sticky note on the dryer. Chris looks over her shoulder and they read it together.

Got the laundry, let’s go clothe that girl.


P.S. Her butt is cute, don’t feel bad about looking 😉

They both blush.

“Back upstairs then I guess”

Chris turns to leave but Anna sinks down to the ground and closes the top of the box.

Chris looks back to see what appears to just be a tall box.

“You okay?”

That was a loaded question.

Anna spent the day exerting herself to move into her new home because none of her dickhead friends could spare an afternoon. She then ran up and down the building, assaulted a beloved working man, and also was absolutely butt ass naked the entire time.

Couple this with the fact that she hadn’t had a drink in a while and the exercise was already enough to make her head swim.

So to answer his question;

“I’m okay”

A beat goes by.

“I think I’m just gonna wait here for a bit.”

“Okay we’ll bring you something to wear”

Chris starts heading back upstairs.

“That’s what they all say…”

Once Chris is gone, Anna pops up like a depressed, topless, Jack in the Box.

Maybe it was the exhaustion and booze, maybe she just wanted to disappear, but Anna decided it prudent to close the bottom of the box before closing the top back up again.

Anna curled up nude in her dark little corner of the world and waited for this all to be over.

Anna woke up to what she though was the sound of a purring cat. It was comforting, reminded her of home. The purring only got louder as she became more cognizant.

Sense returning to her, Anna sprung up out of her cardboard sanctuary to find nothingness.

It was dark all around her. She felt her butt. Yep. Still in the nude.

She felt around to find more cardboard boxes.

“Oh no”

The picture was all coming together. The box she was wearing had the words MOVING DAY written in bold. Somebody else must have been moving out on the same day she was moving in. And somebody who was diligent about their work took it upon themselves to load this wayward box into the moving truck.

“Fucking Joe”

Anna wanting nothing more than to return home, takes a seat in her box since that’s the closest thing she’s got right now. After some time passes, she rationalizes that the further this truck takes her from her new apartment, the worse this is gonna be for her. She stands up in her box and touches the large backdoor of the truck. She opens it up a tiny bit to find pavement speeding by and harsh sunlight shining through.

Anna realizes she slept through the whole night and could be displaced in another state for all she knows, without a stitch of clothing or anything else for that matter.

She decides that the best thing she can do is wait in her box, covering as much as she can, and hope the driver of this truck will be a good samaritan.

Before she can act on this, the truck hits a pothole. This causes Anna to jerk back, still holding onto the doorhandle. So of course this sudden motion opens the door up enough for her and her box to tip out of the back of the truck before the door slides shut again.

Were it not for the cardboard box, Anna’s body would have been just as injured as her pride. But since she’s just that lucky, she ended up sliding a good distance on the cardboard with the worst of it being that she had the wind knocked out of her.

After taking a beat to catch her breath and take in what just happened, Anna kneels up. The cardboard is no longer a box, just a mangled wreckage surrounding the now publicly nude woman. Anna quickly remembers to cover herself up as her head darts around to take in her surroundings.

It’s early in the morning on some highway. Luckily there aren’t too many cars out right now, but she can see some heading for her, coming in fast. She scrambles to grab as much of the cardboard as she can and rolls out of the way as the car cleans up the bulk of the cardboard. She can’t tell if the car honked for her to get out of the way or because that’s a thing guys do when they drive past a hot girl for some reason.

She looks down at what she could salvage of her precious cardboard.

Just some torn up shreds, nothing to help her in her current state.

Anna’s disorientation is at an all time high. As she covers up with her hands, she looks around at the road signs, not recognizing the location. She hears yet another honk and turns to find a fleet of cars heading for her. She screams and runs off the road into the woods. She trips and rolls down a hill, falling into a pond.

Anna slowly stands up, thinking about how sore she’s going by the end of this. Trudging out of the water she takes a look down at herself. Aside from being covered head to toe in grass and dirt, she can’t help but chuckle at the fact that two lily pads are stuck over her tits and one over her cotch. At least she’ll have a little less work covering up now.

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