No Regrets Pt. 04 by deepinleftfield,deepinleftfield

Reading the first three parts will give you the proper context, as this chapter has several references to events in the previous three.


I stopped for a second as I entered my room. Why was that so amusing to my sister? It was a simple statement, wasn’t it?

“Kate, doing this stuff with Mom and Dad will be difficult,” I thought.

“I meant with them around, Kate, not with them!” I yelled. But she was inside her room, the door shut by then.

Oh, well, my sister knew what I meant. I closed the door, flopped on my bed, and dozed off.

I woke to the sound of knocking on my door.

“Steve, it’s dinner time,” my mother said through the door.

I must have slept through my parent’s return. I was still naked from earlier, but the door was closed, and we don’t open closed doors in this house without knocking, that is, unless your sister tells you to!

“I’ll be down in a few minutes, Mom,” I answered as I got up to find something to put on. I grabbed a pair of shorts and a T-shirt and headed out of my room.

I bounded down the stairs to find my mother, father, and sister all sitting in the living room. A pepperoni and a cheese pizza, paper plates, napkins, and other pizza paraphernalia lay on the dining room table. I grabbed a couple of slices of pepperoni, put them on a plate with some little packets of red pepper and Parmesan cheese, and sat on the couch beside my sister.

“So, how was your getaway?” I asked as I poured the toppings onto the pizza, discarding the crumpled empty packets into a pile on the table.

“We always have a good time at the lake. It’s very relaxing, the water, campfires, no kids,” my father chuckled, cracking open a beer as he reached for his pizza, cheese only.

I never understood the concept of cheese-only pizza, with so many toppings available. I just seemed so plain and boring. But, to each their own.

“Yes, it is,” Mom began. “I look forward to our little jaunts whenever we

take them. It’s always nice to relax and get in a little alone time with your

father,” she said, smiling in his direction.

“OK, OK, next subject,” I interjected, looking at my mother and shaking my head.

“What’s wrong, Steve?” Kate said with a laugh, still purposely fucking with me.

I looked over, trying to give her the evil eye without being too obvious.

“I’m trying to eat my pizza, not think about my parent’s romantic vacations,” I replied.

A smattering of laughter filled the room.

“So, you guys do anything interesting while we were gone?” Dad inquired.

That sentence had been uttered many times before when they returned from trips, but it had new meaning this time.

“Yes, Dad,” I thought, “I’m glad you asked. I’ve been fucking Kate the whole time you were gone.” It was amusing, picturing myself saying it and the looks on everyone’s faces, but then Kate chimed in, and the moment was gone.

“Not really. I laid by the pool and got some sun, and Steve played basketball with the neighbors. The usual stuff. You do anything interesting, little brother?”

I’m not sure why she always tried to screw with me, but it was almost as if she liked watching me squirm. It could be just what all siblings do to one another. Of course, we were the only ones that knew what Kate was getting at, but it made me uncomfortable, and I needed to change the subject, but I thought I’d have a little fun doing it.

“Yeah, I won the lottery,” I said with a grin glancing in my older sister’s direction to see if she was as uncomfortable as me. She clearly wasn’t.

“Nah, just the usual,” I continued.

“Well, hopefully, you’ll share the winnings with everyone!” my mother joked with a smile, obviously knowing that I didn’t win the lottery but clueless about the lottery I was talking about.

We continued to eat our pizza, chatting about this and that, but nothing of actual substance. We all watched a movie together, which was fun, and made some popcorn. Kate and I tossed kernels at each other throughout the film like we were twelve years old again, but I was getting tired as it neared eleven o’clock. I got up when the credits rolled, said good night, and went to bed.

I woke the following day around eight, feeling refreshed and recharged. I went into the bathroom, half thinking about going to Kate’s room to see if she was up for a quick fuck, but her door was closed. However, it looked like she had been in the bathroom and showered. So, I hopped in the shower, dressed, and went downstairs.

I saw no signs of my sister. Instead, I could see my mother in the office just off the kitchen, talking on the phone, her flat screen in the background with CNBC or something on it. She was employed by an investment banking firm, so there was always some shit with a ticker on the TV. Like many others, she worked remotely during the pandemic and had yet to return to the office. It was convenient, and the company was OK with it as long as the work got done.

I waved to her as I rustled up some leftover pizza from the fridge and popped it into the microwave. She finished the call, waved back, then got up from the desk and walked into the dining room area next to the kitchen, a two-tiered counter dividing the two spaces. One of the perks of working from home; wearing PJ’s all morning while working. One of the perks for me was several buttons were unbuttoned, and I might get to see a little cleavage.

“Good morning, sleepy head.”

“Morning, Mom. How are you?” I replied, pulling my pizza from the microwave and setting it on the counter.

“I’m good. What’s on the agenda today, kiddo?” she said, crossing her arms on the higher part of the countertop, leaning forward, and resting on them.

As I glanced up, I could not help but notice that my mother’s tits, thanks to a boost from the arms, were trying to escape from her top. I didn’t see a bra, either. I continued to make eye contact to avoid being too obvious. I felt a stirring as my brain sent a wake-up call to my dick.

“I don’t know. There is some yard work, but I’ll probably do that before it gets too hot. It’s been brutal lately,” I answered, still trying not to look directly at the cornucopia of boobs before me, waiting for the perfect opportunity to present itself.

There was a silence of about five seconds as my mother turned her head to look over her shoulder at the TV in her office, and I zeroed in on her breasts. Of course, I couldn’t see much except for cleavage, but tits had always been my favorite part of the female anatomy.

Then, she turned her head back in my direction, and I looked up, hoping not to have been caught.

“OK then,” Mom said, breaking the silence, spinning around, and heading back to the office. “Time to get back to work. It’s going to be a scorcher out there today. I’m going for a swim later if you want to join me.”

“Sure, maybe after I finish with the yard,” I replied, still trying to get a

handle on what just happened.

OK, what was that? It felt like that was on purpose. It seemed like she was saying, “Look at my tits, son. Do you like them?” Of course, I looked, but I couldn’t stare. I’m a guy, and guys love to look at women when they show some skin. I liked what I saw; how could I not? But they were my mother’s tits. Then again, my morals were already out the window, so did that matter?

So many thoughts were racing through my mind. I need to sort them out, and no better way to do that than a mindless mowing of the lawn. So, I headed outside, pulled the riding mower out of the utility shed in the back corner of our yard, and started it up.

It was about an hour and a half time-suck mowing the lawn. But, of course, it had to be done, knowing it would only grow back, thus requiring another mowing. So the saga continued, rinse and repeat every week, all summer. But it was an excellent way to think, as the mower did most of the work.

It was about ten now. I’d blown off my friends yesterday to fuck my sister, and I’m sure they would want to play basketball eventually. I planned to finish the yard work by about one o’clock, and later, when they all wanted to get together, we could go over to court and play a little hoop. Lamar and Desean both worked until about four, so that would give me a bit of time in between to rest and relax. So, I climbed aboard the mower and dropped it into gear.

After about forty-five minutes and two or three stops to empty the grass catcher, I took a break. I’d finished the front and was about halfway through the back. The backyard was about twice the size of the front, but the pool also occupied some of that area. I ducked into the house to get something to drink from the fridge, not unnoticed by my mother, who must have heard me from her office.

“How goes the battle, honey?” she yelled from the other room.

I closed the door to the fridge, having retrieved a bottle of water, and walked over to her office entrance, cracking the top off to take a swig.

“It’s so hot out there, but mowing is nearly done. A Little weed eater action after that, and we’ll be good to go for at least another seven days,” I quipped.

My mother turned to look at me, still in her PJ’s from earlier.

“Well, I’m about done here for now,” she said, putting her computer into sleep mode and standing up. “I’m going to go up and change and head out to the pool. I won’t be in your way out there, will I?”

“Nah, you should be good. When I come around trimming, though, you might want to move so nothing hits you.”

“That’s fine,” she said, passing by me and reaching out with her thumb and index finger to give my midsection a little pinch. “You should come out to the pool with me when you have finished. The water will feel good with all this heat today,” and then headed upstairs.

She was trying to sell me on this pool thing, it seemed. It was hot as balls outside, so I could understand why the pool was a good idea. I went through the sliding glass door, climbed back on the mower, and resumed grass cutting.

After about twenty minutes, I finished and put the mower back in the shed. Then, I grabbed the weed eater and headed to the front yard to start the trimming. I worked my way around the front of the house and out to the back and noticed my mother was reading a book on one of the chases.

I made my way over to the pool, which had a border of about ten feet of pavers surrounding it. My mother was on the side of the pool furthest from the house, in the same chase my sister had been in for my voyeur adventures this past weekend. As I got closer, I noticed she was wearing a red two-piece suit I had not seen before. My parents are not Puritans by any means, but it was two triangles of fabric, maybe five or six inches a side, with a third one below. There were strings for straps disappearing over the shoulders and around the sides and hips. I was caught a bit off guard by my mother wearing a suit like this. It covered what it needed but left much to the imagination, and mine ran wild.

“Hi, baby, do you need me to move?” she said, lowering the book and looking over the tops of her sunglasses at me.

“If you could, I don’t want anything flying up and hitting you. It’ll only take a minute,” I replied.

She stood up, laid the book on the lounger, picked up the phone, and turned toward the house. My eyes immediately went to her ass, which was on full display. A strip of material was going up the ass crack to the top, where it met the straps coming around from the sides; my mother was wearing a G-string. I’d never seen her in one of those. Hell, I didn’t even know Mom owned anything like that.

My mother looked over her shoulder at me, strolling over to the glass door leading into the house.

“Let me know when the coast is clear,” she said, disappearing into the house.

I started the weed eater and trimmed around the pool quickly. I didn’t imagine things in the kitchen earlier; there was a flirty vibe as we talked. Of course, that was just the first hint, but this, Jesus, was like an

invitation, right? I couldn’t make sense of it, though. That would be cheating on her husband, my father, with her son? Could she even do that? Could I do that, for that matter? Then again, a week ago, I didn’t think I could fuck my sister either, so what did I know.

I walked to the shed, put away the weed eater, closed the door, and locked it.

As I headed back toward the house, I passed my mother on the way back to her chase. It was all I could do to not stop and stare. As she walked toward me, the thin red material of the top struggled to contain her tits. I passed by and looked back to see her butt quivering with each step.

“Thank you, baby. You always do such a good job,” she said, sitting down on the chase, swinging her legs over, and picking up the book to resume reading.

“I’ll be right back after I change,” I blurted out, my mind made up to join her at the pool. If nothing else, this would give me plenty of jack-off material for later.

“I’ll be right here,” she replied without looking up.

“Women. They know when they have you, and she had to know I was looking,” I told myself.

I couldn’t get to my room fast enough. I stripped off my clothes and threw on some trunks. I toyed with the idea of cracking the shades and jerking off, watching my mother by the pool, like I did with Kate a few days earlier. Kate was naked, but my mom was not, so I headed back to the pool, grabbing a towel.

As I stepped out of the house and into the backyard, my mother slid her glasses down again to look over the top of them. It was sexy, and she knew it.

“That was quick, Steve.”


“It’s so hot. I wanted to get in that water,” I said as I took several

steps, dropping the towel and diving into the deep end.

I came up for air, swam toward the shallow end, and stood up.

“God, does that feel good,” I exclaimed, walking through the cool, clear water to the stairs. I did feel good. Not nearly as good as skinny dipping the other day did, but a close second.

“I’m coming in,” my mother announced as she stood up, putting her book and sunglasses on the chase and jumping in feet first.

After my mother resurfaced, I returned to the pool’s center, where she was treading water.

“This does feel good,” she sighed.

We floated like that for a few minutes, chit-chatting about everything

meaningless, and then moved to the shallow end to get out. I got out first and turned to extend my hand to help my mother out. I couldn’t help but notice the two bumps were straining against the thin red fabric of the suit’s top. So I helped her up the steps, and we went to the chases to lie down.

“Oh, this sun feels good, doesn’t it?”

“It does, Mom,” I added as I lay back on my chase, keeping it at the same

forty-five-degree angle as my mother’s.

“Steve, can I ask you a question?” my Mom began. “Promise you’ll answer


“Sure, what is it?”

“Do you think this suit looks good on me? I got it the other day, and I’m not sure your father will like it. So that’s why I wore it out here. I wanted to ask you what you thought,” she explained. “I don’t want to wear something that isn’t age-appropriate, you know?

Well fuck. There was a reasonable explanation for all this. My mother had got the suit for my dad, and this morning’s cleavage was probably my overactive imagination and unintentional. I fucked my sister, and apparently, I thought fucking anyone was now possible. I needed to get a grip. I can only guess what might have happened had I made some kind of move on her. Jesus, what an idiot I am.

“Well, I was wondering about that, Mom. It is quite revealing, all though, if I’m being honest….,” I trailed off, shrugging my shoulders as I cocked my

head slightly to the side, a grin appearing.

“If you are being honest………..,” she laughed, “continue, please.”

“Well, you look pretty hot in it, if we are being honest,” I finished.

“We are being honest, aren’t we? I knew I could count on you,” she said, smiling while handing me a tube of sunscreen. “Can you do me a favor and put some of this on my back?”

“Sure, Mom,” I replied, feeling defeated.

She changed the angle of the chase so it was flat, then laid face down on it. There was that butt again, just staring at me.

“Can you get the straps for me? I hope you don’t mind, but I don’t want to get any tan lines,” she explained.

I untied the neck and back straps, and they fell off to the sides of the chase.

That ass, and now some serious side boob, smashed against the chase as they were. I could feel my cock springing to life. But, I had to temper my expectations because I had apparently misread the earlier situation. So, I’d have to settle for a bit of eye candy, and that was it. Oh, well, the glass is still half-full. I could always lay there in the sun looking at her, dream of what could have been, and jerk off to it later.

I began to liberally dispense the white cream on her back. I started in small circles, pushing down a little as if to almost give a light massage as I spread it around, covering all of her.

“Oh, that feels good, Steve,” she said as I continued to rub the sun protection into her. “Can you do that to my shoulders and neck?”

“Yeah, no problem,” I said, applying a little more and massaging it into the neck and shoulder area.

I must admit I enjoyed this; giving my mother pleasure excited me. So the day wasn’t a total loss after all.

“Your hands are magic, Stevie. I needed this. Can you do my lower back, too?” she pleaded.

I got up, put my towel on the stones along the chase, and knelt beside her to make it easier. I moved my hands down, aware I was inches from her exposed ass as I continued the massage. The G-string strap served as a kind of border that I was hesitant to cross. However, my mother seemed to enjoy the rubdown immensely, and I was trying to think of a way to accidentally slip and touch a cheek or side boob and test the waters. My hopes were on the rise, so I started moving out from the center of the back in larger circles, slowly working my fingers until I touched extended over her butt, and still no objection.

“God, this feels so good, baby,” she said, moaning softly.

All in a split second, I rotated my hands outward and farther south so they were now on each cheek and massaged her ass. I repeated the motion four or five times with no protest. So, I was playing with my mother’s ass, and she was OK with it. But, it was short-lived.

“Steve, you realize your hands are on my ass?”

“I’m sorry, Mom. I thought you were enjoying this, so I keep moving to new places,” I stuttered, moving my hands from her backside. “I’m sorry, really.”

“It’s OK, Steve, but it might be better if you just straddled me so you can do it evenly. It feels great.”

I got up, stepped over my mother’s chase with one leg, and then it occurred to me. Fuck! My cock was practically sticking straight out. I had to think of a way to keep from hitting her with it, or the jig would be up. I put each knee outside my Mom’s legs, staying slightly elevated, and resumed working the lower back and ass. I moved around a bit so it didn’t look like I was focusing too much on her ass, and this continued for another minute of soft moans. With the amount of sunscreen I was using, there was no way Mr. Sun would ever get to this skin.

“Steve, you are doing a wonderful job. This feels fantastic. Can you stand up for just a second?”

“Sure, Mom,” I replied.

I put one leg on the ground on each side of the chase and stood. Then, my mother rolled over. The straps to the top were previously untied, so nothing but her bottoms were still on. So there I was, with a hard-on not so concealed by my swim trunks and my mother in front of me, topless.

Her skin was light brown from tanning, but no tan lines existed. She had nice tits. She was definitely the B cup, as they were slightly smaller than my sisters. The areolas were a darker brown than Kate’s but about the same size, and the nipples stood out about a quarter of an inch or so. There was a slight sag to the sides, and they pancaked out a little, not quite as firm as they might have been in days gone by. But, on the other hand, she was forty-three, and any woman her age would be proud of those tits.

“I’m sorry that I got you excited,” she giggled, looking at the bulge in my trunks.

I was too dumbfounded to say anything. I wanted to say something, really I did, but I couldn’t take my eyes off her long enough to think.

“I want you to do me a favor?” she purred. “Can you give these the same

attention you’ve been giving my ass for the past few minutes? You can leave out the sunscreen; we’re done playing games. Can you do that for Mommy?”

I knelt back down on the chase, straddling my mother, reaching out and taking a tit in each hand. They were soft and pliable, and I began caressing the flesh, working my way to each nipple and running my thumbs over them. They were hard, and she let out a few soft moans as I continued to play with her.

“Oh, Stevie, that feels so good, but I think we need to move this party

indoors,” she suggested.

I stood up, not wanting to let those tits go, but knowing that it would only be temporary and better things lie ahead. My mother picked up her things, leaving no evidence of our visit behind. I grabbed my towel as well, and we headed into the house.

Once inside, we headed upstairs, my mother in front and me watching that sweet ass as she went upstairs.

“Do you like the view?” she implored as we reached the top.

“You have a nice ass, Mom,” I replied. It didn’t sound as strange as I thought it would.

“This way,” she whispered seductively, motioning toward my parents’ room at the end of the hall.

Obviously, I hadn’t given this much thought, but honestly, my parents’ bed was the last place I would have imagined this would occur.

“Let me see that,” Mom said, taking my towel from me, throwing them both into the hamper as we entered the room, then turning to face me. “Let me check my phone to see if I need to take care of anything or if anyone is coming home soon.”

Now that she was standing, I had a different perspective. Laying down or standing up, they were formidable tits for a woman of any age.

She tapped away at the phone, texting it would appear. Then a series of single taps, maybe on an app, I couldn’t tell exactly. Finally, when finished, the phone was tossed on the dresser, and she turned to me, moving closer and taking my hands, intertwining her fingers with mine.

“Now, where were we?”

I looked down as my mother looked up at me, and our eyes locked. She had beautiful deep green eyes, like my sister. I’d paid little attention to them until now, but I could see where Kate got them. Mom let go of my hands, and I felt them move to my hips. She then moved forward, brushed her lips against mine slowly several times in a back-and-forth motion, then kissed me.

The first kiss was a little peck, but each subsequent one lasted longer until I felt a tongue part my lips, four or five kisses in. Our tongues met, intertwining, as we explored each other’s mouths. I could feel the blood pumping through my veins, my dick harder than ever, the excitement eclipsing anything I had felt with my sister. She then moved back, her eyes engaging mine.

“Baby, are you good with this?” my mother whispered.

If you ever want a positive answer to a question, the time to ask is a situation like this. I was on the doorstep, hoping to make it to the promised land, as any guy would be. It was a purely rhetorical question, I was sure.

“Yes, I’m good with it,” I said quickly, conveying my approval.

“What about Dad?” I then mumbled, trying to hide my excitement but feeling like I should at least act concerned about him. But, of course, at this point, I knew deep down it didn’t matter what the answer was; wild horses couldn’t drag me away.

“You just leave that to me, baby. Mommy is going to take care of everything,” as she tugged my swimsuit down, my stiff cock exposed as the suit fell to the floor.

She stepped back a few feet, looking me up and down, my dick parallel to the ground and ready for the action that awaited it.

“Baby, you’ve grown into a magnificent man. That’s a very nice cock. I’m impressed, now come over here and unwrap the rest of me,” she said, motioning to the only piece of clothing still on her body, the G-string.

I moved closer to my mother, reaching for the tied strings on each side. I pulled them up and outward, undoing the knots as the bottoms fell away, revealing my mother’s pussy in all its glory.

She was shaved, except for a small patch of rectangular hair running horizontally about two inches long and three-quarters of an inch wide, like a dash. Her lips extended a bit farther than my sisters, and they were a bit puffier. She reached down with a hand and took hold of my cock, stroking it gently.

“Does that feel good, Baby?” she whispered, the other hand moving to my sack to massage it while she slowly caressed my length.

“Yes,” I replied, closing my eyes. A small moan escaped my lips, proof of the pleasure her hands were creating.

“Good, baby, then you’re going to love this,” as she removed a hand from my sack, causing me to open my eyes. She placed it on her cunt, and, using the index finger, slithered it between the swollen lips and then inserted it. After a few seconds, a second finger joined it.

My mother was stroking my cock while fingering herself. This was crazy. In four days, I fucked my sister, and I was pretty sure I was about to fuck my mother. I had jerked off to them both a few times just because they were females and sunbathing at a pool below my window, and it was easy. I’d never considered the taboo angle, but as with my sister, I think that had become the driving factor. Sex with someone I shouldn’t have sex with was like the holy grail I was discovering. This time it was even more intense than with Kate.

My mother sank to her knees and pointed my cock at her mouth.

“Do you want mommy to suck your dick, baby?” she cooed, lightly stroking the shaft.

“Oh, God, yes,” I said, my excitement mounting and my mind wondering how much of a dick-sucking I could handle before exploding.

“That’s not good enough, Stevie. I want to hear you say it,” she demanded.

I had been here before. It would appear as though my Mom wanted to play up the whole mother-son thing like Kate did with our role-play, and who was I to deny her?

“I want you to suck my cock, Mommy. Please?” I begged.

“That’s a good boy. Mommy’s going to suck you dry,” she said, feeding my cock into her mouth, then moving up and down on it and jacking the base with her hand.

“Oh, fuck that feels fantastic, Mom,” I moaned.

This continued for about thirty seconds as she bobbed on my dick, pulling it out to lick the shaft down to my balls, taking each ball into her mouth, suckling them before returning to the head and engulfing me again. My shaft glistened with spit and precum mixed together, her hand wrapped around it, sliding up and down its length in rhythm with her mouth. Then, she pulled me free.

“Baby, get on the bed,” Mom ordered.

I walked across the room and climbed onto my parent’s bed. The thought crossed my mind earlier that this would have been the last place I would ever get laid in this house. I had certainly never thought it would be with my mother.

She followed me, climbing onto the bed as we interlocked in a long deep kiss.

“Mmmmmmm, I could eat you alive,” she purred as she grabbed my cock again with her hand, squeezing it as she pulled up and down.

“Do you have a treat for Mommy?” she said, looking down at the precum forming on the tip. “Let me get that; I want to see how you taste.”

She moved her head down, extended her tongue, and licked the glistening juice from the tip of my cock.

“Mmmm, you do taste good,” she said, licking her lips.

That sounded strange. It was almost like my mother confirmed I tasted good instead of tasting me for the first time and saying, you taste

good. There was no time to think about that now; I was where I was and needed to press forward. I was about to fuck my mother unless the world suddenly ended, and that was all that mattered.

“Baby, I need you to move a bit. I want you to lie down on your back here,” pointing to a spot on the bed. She then turned in the opposite direction and threw a leg over my body so that her cunt was directly in front of my face. “I want you to eat my pussy while I suck you,” as she returned my rod to the warmth of her mouth and started the jack-and-suck motion again.

I reached around, grabbed my mother’s hips, and drew her to my mouth. It was much more challenging to eat pussy in this position than the way I had done it with Kate, but I stuck my tongue into it and started to probe and lick. She was soaking wet, and I worked her back and forth across my mouth, occasionally tongue fucking the slick hole. She was moaning inaudibly as my cock went in and out of her mouth, enjoying the sensations she received and providing me with my own. We continued this way for half a minute, moans filling the room.

“Oh, Mom, this feels so good. It won’t be long till I cum,” I said, that

“I’m getting close feeling” starting in my balls.

She immediately rolled off on me and sat up, my cock still in her hand but not moving, instead squeezing the base.

“We have more to do before I let that happen,” she asserted. “I need you to stand over here,” pointing to the left side rear of the bed. It was like she was a director making a movie or something, with all the moving around.

I got up and stood where Mom had pointed, and she moved across the bed, laying down on her back in front of me. I knew what was coming next. Looking down at the naked body before me, I thought, this is my mother. I’m about to fuck my mother. I never wanted anything so badly.

I leaned forward, taking a nipple in my mouth, letting my cock brush against her pussy petals. I nibbled and sucked it and then moved to the other one, repeating the action. I took my time, allowing my cum-clock to reset from the earlier action. The last thing I wanted was to cum after a few strokes, which was definitely a possibility a minute or two ago. I then stood up and lined my cock up with that beautiful pussy, taking it in my hand and rubbing it back and forth, trying to stimulate her clit, my precum mixing the wetness from inside. Then, I entered her.

“Oh God, baby, that’s big, oh yes, fuck me. Fuck your mother,” she moaned as I continued my advance. I pressed forward a few inches before I felt resistance, but she was wet, and I was hard, and this cock was going all the way into her, one way or another.

I started moving in and out of her, making slow but deliberate progress. Her cunt was tighter than I imagined it would be, but I did have a sizable cock, and I couldn’t help but think about my father and how he compared.

“Oh, Mom, you feel so good,” I said, driving my cock deeper with each thrust.

She had both hands on my hips, pulling me in farther and gyrating beneath me, her tits bouncing around each time I slammed forward.

“Oh, fuck Stevie, make Mommy cum. Your dick is unbelievable! It’s

better……..oh, fuck me…fuck me, baby!” as the sentence trailed off into a loud groan.

It sounded like there was more to that sentence. It’s better than what? My father? I didn’t know, but again, now was not the time to press. I needed to focus. I continued to pound my mother for a minute or so, fast, then slower, at which point she would look up at me. I could see it in her eyes. At this moment, she belonged, writhing on my cock. I owned her. I was in control, and that only made it hotter.

I grabbed her left leg, rotated her onto the right side, and banged away from that angle, straddling her right leg with her left leg over my shoulder. It felt like I was getting maximum penetration this way, and she loved it. I also liked how her tits flopped around from this viewpoint, like a side boob jiggle fest.

After twenty seconds, we moved back to missionary. I continued my assault on my mother’s soaking pussy as she thrashed about, my cock like a bow on a violin, playing her to perfection.

Then, I pulled out entirely, knelt down, jammed my tongue deep into her pussy, and licked and ate it for a few seconds. I then stood back up and rammed my meat back in.

“Fuck me harder. Oh, Jesus, baby, that was so awesome,” she hissed.

“You like fucking your son?” I shouted, timing it with a deep thrust into her depths.

“Oh, I love it, baby. Give it to me,” she yelled, reaching up with one hand to grab a boob while moving the other to her clit.

I had never imagined anything like this was possible; it seemed almost surreal. But as we headed into the home stretch, I knew there was nothing I had enjoyed more.

“Mommy’s going to cum soon, don’t slow down. Keep fucking me. I want it all,” her voice louder, frantically rubbing her clit while tweaking her nipple, pushing closer to orgasm.

I plowed into her with renewed vigor, pulling out almost all the way and then driving my cock back in until it was completely buried. This approach worked well with my sister, and I was about to see the apple didn’t fall far from the tree.

“Oh, baby, that’s it, Mommy’s cumming, fuck me, baby, fuck me!”

Her movement increased, head moving side to side, mauling her tit and clit like a woman possessed.

“Oh, Stevie, this feels so fucking good. Oh God, baby, I want you to cum. I want to feel you cum inside me,” she cooed as she hit her peak, riding it for all she was worth as I continued to plunge in and out of her, my cock ready to deliver.

That was all it took for me. Much like with my sister, the very thought of this taboo act, ending in me shooting my load into someone that I shouldn’t be, was the pinnacle of gratification for me, and I let my mother know.

“I’m going to cum, Mom. Here it comes; I’m going to fill you up with my cum,” I shouted as we made eye contact, the moment of truth now at hand.

We looked into each other’s eyes, and I felt a connection far deeper than the act we were engaged in. The first burst rocketed out of my swollen cock and into the depths of my mother’s pussy. It was quickly followed by several more as I continued pumping my jizz into her, my reservoir replenished from the last time Kate and I fucked. Then, as I slowed, my climax subsiding, I fell onto the bed beside my mother.

We were both trying to catch our breath from the effort we had put forth.

A minute passed, and I looked at her as she lay there, naked and beautiful.

“Well, was that everything you thought it would be?” she asked, rolling to the side to tilt her head in my direction and reaching over to caress my cheek.

“It was incredible,” I answered. “Honestly, I’d never thought about it

until this past week. Was it everything you thought it would be?”

“It was. Baby, you were wonderful. I don’t know if this makes me a bad mother, but I have been thinking about this for some time. I didn’t know how you would feel about it, but your sister solved that riddle.”

“Kate?” I said, trying to play dumb.

“Yes, honey, Kate. I know you two spent the weekend fucking.”

I was speechless. I had talked with Kate about this, and while her answers always seemed vague, I thought we were on the same page. So I ran back at some of our previous conversations in my mind.

“No one has to know unless we tell them, right?” or “You worry too much about Mom and Dad finding out.”

Technically, she didn’t ever say she wouldn’t tell them. I should have put two and two together since she was very non-committal, but who would have guessed this scenario? Sherlock Holmes wouldn’t have seen this coming until it bit him in the ass.

The icing on the cake was my unclear “Kate, doing this stuff with Mom and Dad will be difficult,” and her reply, “Little brother, it won’t be

nearly as hard as you think.” It took on a whole new meaning now.

“So, Kate told you about what we did?” I asked, rolling onto my side to face her.

“Yes, but don’t be mad at her. She said it was great, and you fucked all weekend. That doesn’t sound like something to regret.”

“I couldn’t be happier the way everything turned out.” I reasoned. “So

this was all intentional, then? Kate fucked me and then told you about it?

My mother looked at me, nodding her head.

“Yes, baby. I thought the cleavage in the kitchen might do the trick, but it took this slutty bathing and a massage suit to bring it out. The suit is Kate’s, by the way,” she laughed.

“Well, I definitely liked the cleavage, Mom, that’s for sure.”

But there was still one thing left–my father.

“What about Dad?” I began. “Where does he fit into this, or even know?”

“I wouldn’t worry about your father. The only thing bothering him about you fucking me is that he wasn’t here to watch or join in. That’s who I texted before we started.”

To say I was perplexed by this would be an understatement. Fucking Kate had already broken the taboo glass ceiling for me, so to speak, but what did this all mean? My mother knew I fucked Kate. They discussed it. My father knew I was fucking my mother and probably Kate, too, then. Are they all fucking too?

“Honey, you are probably wondering about many things right now. First, you need to understand we wanted you to grow up and finish school before we let you in on any of this. We did the same thing with Kate,” she explained.

“So, Dad and Kate………I trailed off, finally putting two and two together and expanding upon the possibilities.

“Yes,” she began, and Kate and I too, she added, as she looked at me, trying to gauge my reaction as I processed this new information.

“I hope you are OK with all of this. It’s a lot to unpack.”

“I’m more than OK with it, but it is all new to me. I’m sure it will take some adjusting, but I think I can manage,” I laughed.

Truth be told, my mind was racing. How was all this going on, and how was I this clueless?

“Understood, baby. You seemed to adjust to Kate pretty fast, didn’t you?” she laughed.

“I did. So, was that planned out too?” I asked, thinking back to how everything fell into place.

“I’ll let her explain that to you. She had a little help. You don’t think she plays with herself by the pool regularly, do you?”

“I guess not. Here I was, thinking it was just me getting lucky coming home at the right time,” I said, shaking my head and chuckling.

I’d have to talk to her later. What help could she have gotten? My Mom and Dad were gone, I thought to myself.

“You did get lucky. I’d even say you won the lottery,” my mother joked, referring to our conversation when they got home last night.

“It’s been quite an eye-opening past several days, I’ll say that,” I contended. “I’ve never had so much fun.”

“Well, that’s a relief. Your sister told me to make you work for it a little, but I didn’t have it in me to string you out for days,'” she laughed. “Besides, she told me you have quite a nice cock, and I just couldn’t wait to get it in me.

“If someone told me a week ago, I would be laying in my parents’ bed, naked with my mother, after we just fucked, talking about how I fucked my sister over the weekend, I’d have told them they were crazy,” I said, as rolled onto my mother, hugged, then kissed my her.

“Yeah, it does seem pretty crazy, doesn’t it?” she said, smiling at me. “But now that you’ve done it with both of us, does it seem that crazy?”

“No, it doesn’t,” I replied.

“Just remember, always keep an open mind; you never know what the future holds and what opportunities may present themselves.”

She was right. If this past week had taught me anything, I did not know what the future held. But I could tell by her voice that it held more than I had seen so far.

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