Product Tester by OzMonkey,OzMonkey

“Ooh, big boy is right!” She said happily. “Drop those pants this instant! I want to see that beautiful tool in all its glory.” My pants fell around my ankles, followed shortly by my boxers. “It looks like you enjoyed my show.”


“You like to watch?” She asked, toying with a nipple. “You like it when women do sexy things for you.”

“Oh, god yes!”

“Then start stroking, because you are in for a treat!” With that she began the show, and I began to touch myself in earnest.

First she pressed her tits against the glass and rubbed them against it. Keeping a slow comfortable rhythm with my right hand, I pressed the palm of my left against the glass and matched her motions.

“Ooh, you’re just dying to touch these, aren’t you?” She said, squeezing and stroking.

I didn’t answer, but then, I don’t think I had to at this point. After a moment, she pulled away from the glass. Then she turned around and bent over nearly double. Peering at me around her legs, she smiled and gently spread her exposed pussy lips.

“You wanna fuck me like this, huh?” She ran her fingers up and down the length of her slit before dipping a few inside. I increased my pace to match the thrusting of her fingers.

Soon she turned back around to face me. Smiling widely, she climbed up onto the shallow window sill, bringing her pussy to eye level. Then she slowly spread her legs as wide as she could, gripping the eave at the top of the window with one hand and sliding the other down her body. After pinching a nipple briefly, her hand continued trailing down her smooth stomach before finally finding its target. She began rubbing her fingertips against her clit frantically, and started to moan again. I echoed her. And so it went, back and forth, both of us enjoying ourselves and each other. We continued our mutual stroke-fest for a short while longer, until suddenly I let out a gasp and started to shoot streams of cum against the glass. Immediately she dropped back to the ground and began licking the glass where my shots landed, still moaning and rubbing herself frantically.

Then the door opened.

“How’s everything going in…Holy Crap! Val, what the hell are you doing?!?” Doctor Smedley stopped dead in the doorway. I could see Ana peering over his shoulder.

“Oh! I’m coming! Yes!” Val shouted as her orgasm overtook her, and she collapsed out of sight.

“Oh, shit, I can explain…” I started as I frantically grabbed at my pants.

“What is going on in here?” Dr. Smedley asked again.

“Sorry,” Val’s voice drifted up from below our sight line. “He wouldn’t turn the knob any higher.”

“Dammit, you knew that was going to happen from time to time, but we gave you a script for every situation. I’m pretty sure it didn’t involve…whatever the hell just happened in here.”

“Would somebody please tell me what the hell you’re talking about?” I said, finally dressed and feeling much more confident now that I was safely tucked away.

“I’m sorry, but this whole thing is a setup. You’re on a new hidden camera show we’re filming for a major adult television network,” was Smedley’s answer.

“I’m what?”

“There are cameras there, there, and there,” he said, pointing, though I still couldn’t see them. “We were filming your reactions to the…unusual situation.”

“So you aren’t really a doctor, then?”

“Nope, just an actor. Ana and Val, too, and the receptionist. Good thing you didn’t recognize them, some of our potential targets do. Ana is especially famous in certain circles.”

“So all this was just to film me jerking off?”

“No, you were supposed to turn the knob up higher when Val asked,” the ‘doctor’ said, glaring in Val’s direction.

“And then I was supposed to pretend to have a violent orgasm and pass out, so you’d freak out.” Val called up to us.

“Hold on now, if that’s the case then don’t blame Val. I’m the one who wouldn’t turn the knob,” I said.

“Thanks, sweetie, but it was my fault,” she said, “I sort of…got caught up in things, and forgot to do my job.”

“Caught up?”

“You just had to go and make me cum for real, didn’t you?” As she said this, her head popped back into view and she grinned at me and stuck out her tongue, “You considerate bastard.”

“So…now what?” I said, turning back to ‘Smedley.’

“Well, this scene is no good. Nobody is going to laugh at some guy having an awesome time. We’ll have to start from scratch.”


“Hold on a minute,” Ana said, “Maybe this won’t be a total bust.” And she leant over to whisper something to ‘Smedley’.

“You know, that just might work. Okay, kid, how would you like a job for the afternoon?”


“We have an exact duplicate of this room next door. The idea was that we could alternate rooms, so we’d have extra time to clean the rooms after each session. Ana here suggested that if we run twice as many scenarios this afternoon, we can make up for the wasted time this morning.”

“I wouldn’t call it wasted,” Val interjected.

“Quiet you!” Smedley snapped.

“Wait, what are you saying?”

“I’m saying I want you to be a ‘doctor’ and run a few scenarios of your own. We’ll give you some time to look over a script, but basically all you have to do is what I just did.”

“Well…okay, if it will help.”

“Great! Ana, find this boy a script!” he said, turning to leave the room.

Meanwhile, Val had pulled up her lab coat and come into the main room. “Looks like we’ll be working together some more, ‘Doctor’,” she said with a grin.

“I like the sound of that!”

“Come on, it’s time for our lunch break.” she said, and led me down the hall and into another room. This one seemed to be some sort of break room.

“Wait, how can we run two of these scenes at a time if there’s only one of you?” I asked.

“Oh, there are actually four of us; besides me there’s the receptionist, Ana, and the girl who was screaming. We rotate jobs, or otherwise it would just be too exhausting.”

“I’ll say! I was worn out just looking at you.”

“Not too much I hope,” she said, once again flashing that wicked smile, “I think we have some unfinished business.”

With that she backed into the table and sat down on the edge. Then she spread her legs wide, re-revealing what the lab coat had barely hidden.

“Bon appétit…”

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