Summer of an Older Woman Pt. 03 by Rabbitman55,Rabbitman55

The only sounds in the room were of Sam Cooke singing Wonderful World (very appropriate) and our heavy breathing. The odor of the room was redolent of hot sex and sweat. I leaned over and kissed Linda’s leg, which was now resting with her foot on the floor. Actually, I was kissing the nylon/lace of the stocking. I kissed up and down, her thigh and her calf and shin. I was worshiping her, gladly.

Linda pushed her fingers through my hair and pulled gently so I was looking up at her lovely face. “You’re a sexual monster, Baby. You don’t question anything I ask you to try, and we have so much fun doing it all. Just amazing.” Her smile was both weak and brilliant at the same time, somehow.

“I’d try anything with you, Honey. I know you wouldn’t hurt me or ask me to do anything I’d be uncomfortable doing. I’m getting the best sexual experiences I could imagine. Or not imagine. My amazing lady. I love you so much.” I rested my head on her thigh and she kept stroking her fingers through my hair.

“Make a little room for me down there.” I shifted a few feet to the side and Linda slid off her chair to sit next to me on the floor. Our arms were around each other and we started kissing. “I love you, my sweet Baby. With all my heart.”

My heart was pounding, but not from the workout we just shared. “Really? You’re not just saying that, are you, Honey?”

“Dennis, I would never do that to you. I always mean what I say, especially when it comes to how I feel about you.”

I was the one tearing up then. “Honey, I also love you with all my heart. I don’t know how we’re going to say goodbye. I can’t even imagine it.”

Linda took my head to her breast and comforted me. “I know, Baby. I don’t know how we’re going to do that, either. It’s going to be the hardest thing I’ve ever done.”

We rocked back and forth for a few minutes, sad and suffering, and mostly naked. It was kind of a strange mix. Soon we were kissing, tender kisses that kept growing with intensity, with desire, until, despite the time, we wanted each other again. This time I picked her up and carried her to the bedroom. With her in her white lace lingerie, it was like I was carrying my bride across the threshold.

We got into bed and even though we were sticky with perspiration and other fluids, we soon were making love, me on top, moving together as one person in a perfect rhythm. There was no rushing; we needed to make this last as long as we could. When our movements got too quick, we slowed things down so we wouldn’t cum too soon. It was slow and beautiful, and Linda was stunning, not because of what she was wearing, but the look on her face, which was pure love.

“You’re so beautiful. Honey. The most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen in my life.”

“And you’re so handsome, so sexy, Baby. I get so excited just seeing your face. I came home from work with wet panties every day because I had to look into your face each day.” She was smiling, teasing me a little, and I loved it.

“Yeah? You don’t know how difficult it was to keep from walking around with an erection every day. Imagine that in front of 600 staff and kids.” We both giggled, even as we were making love with each other. It was funny and sexy at the same time.

A few minutes later, after kissing each other on our lips and necks and throats, Linda moaned “I’m almost there, Baby. I really need this now. Try to cum with me, Dennis. My amazing love. Go faster.”

I picked up the pace and let my mind go where it needed to go. Soon I was feeling the tingling sensations all over my body. My thrusts became more urgent, more forceful, Linda’s moans got louder and her fingers were digging into my ass. Her stockinged legs were rubbing my sides and my ass, my hips were rising and falling faster, and I scrunched up my face as I gushed more semen deep into Linda’s grasping pussy, twitching as I brought Linda along with me into a perfect climax. We stayed like that, me on top of her, kissing and caressing, until my penis shriveled to the point that it eased out of her pussy. A small amount of our love oozed out of her onto the sheets, something to deal with the next day. Sunday. Our last day alone together. It struck us as I rolled to the side.

“Linda,” I said with a distressed look on my face. I touched her cheek and she turned her face a iittle to kiss my fingers.

“No, don’t, Baby. Not now. We both need some sleep. Tomorrow we’ll talk. All day if necessary. Though there really isn’t much to talk about. But we have to. I just don’t want to cry right now, not when I feel so good all over and we need to sleep.”

We cuddled close, as close as we could. We didn’t bother brushing our teeth, not that night. We couldn’t take our hands off each other. That’s how we fell asleep that Saturday night/early Sunday morning. Holding each other, lovingly, affectionately. Lovingly.


Sunday I got up earlier than Linda did. My bladder was bursting and I had to deal with it, 8:20 or not. I used the bathroom, brushed and flossed my teeth (ah!), then I made a pot of coffee. I brought in the Sunday New York Times from her front door and I let her sleep while I went through the main section and started looking at the magazine. I figured I’d let her sleep until 10 or so before bringing her a mug of coffee, black with 2 Sweet N’ Lows (Look it up).

About ten minutes to 10, I looked up and Linda was there, in her robe and hte lingerie gone. She was dressed for Sunday morning comfort..

“Good morning, Honey. Why don’t you sit down while I get your coffee.”

“Thank you, Baby. I’m dying for a mug.” I passed her on the way to the kitchen and we shared a quick, very loving kiss as she went to sit down and I got her morning caffeine fix.

We sat and sipped (I got a second cup) and went through the paper like it was any other Sunday morning. But it wasn’t. We were still avoiding the inevitable. We couldn’t even spend the coming Wednesday together; it was my last day at home and I had to be with my family. We had plans to go out Tuesday night for dinner, but it was going to be simple since her kids would be around. I wouldn’t be able to spend the night; I might not even be able to stay late enough to spend half that night. I’d be busy during the day on Wednesday and had to get some rest Tuesday evening.

I kept looking at Linda across the dining room table. Just staring at her until she put the paper down and looked back, a terribly sad expression on her face. Probably like the one on my own face. We held that look, thinking whatever was going through our heads. Wordlessly, I stood up and I took Linda’s hand and led her, very willingly, back to bed, where we spent the next hour kissing, licking, sucking, touching, and then loving. As far as we knew, it could well have been the last time.

Afterwards, we were laying in bed and talking, the way couples often do. We shared our most personal thoughts and feelings. Again, very possibly for the last time.

“Baby, would you tell me the truth about something?” Linda was laying on her side up on one elbow, her full breasts aimed down towards the bed.

“I’ll always tell you the truth, Honey. For as long as we have left.”

“Do you really think I’ beautiful, the most beautiful woman you’ve ever known? You’ve said that to me a number of times recently.”

I leaned over and kissed her two or three times. “When we first met, I thought you were cute, even very pretty. But I didn’t use the word ‘beautiful’ when I described you to my father before we went out for the day on July 4th. You’re not a fashion model, Honey. You are very pretty. But the beauty part, that grew on me very quickly. Real beauty comes from inside. It’s the person you are. My Linda. It even means beautiful.”

“You have the words of a poet, Baby. A very romantic poet. You should try your hand at writing. God, you have such an incredible heart. Aside from my father, no man has ever made me feel this adored. And that’s a different thing altogether. The way you love me, just like the way I’ve fallen in love with you…it’s not expressible in any logical way. Dennis, I’ve thought you were handsome since we met, and I felt this attraction to you. But the love I feel for you, that comes from what I see inside you. Like the beauty you see in me.”

“And the love I feel for you, Honey. Don’t forget that.” We were quiet then, for a few moments. Any other morning, we would have been famished by then. I’d been up for over 3 hours, Linda, about 2. But we weren’t thinking about food. “Honey, I don’t know how I can go back and live without you. I don’t even want to think about meeting some other girl. None could match you.”

Linda’s eyes were showing her own hurt. It had to match my own. “Yeah, I’ve been thinking the same way. How can I meet another man that comes even close to you? A 19-year-old…”

“Almost 20.”

“Ok, 20-year-old with more class and grace than anyone I’ve ever met my own age. And Dennis, you have to go back. No if, ands or buts. I would never let you throw away your future to be with me. I’m not going there either. Not with kids, and not for only 8 months of the year. That can’t work. We have to end this. There’s just no other way.” We were both crying and holding hands in bed.

“I know. In my brain, I know this. There’s no other logical way. But in my heart…I want you more than anything. I’d give the world for you, Linda. To be with you.”

“I feel the same way inside, Baby. Except for my kids, I’d give anything for you. But the best thing for you is to go back to school. That would be the biggest sacrifice I can make for you, to make sure you move on with your life.”

We were both bawling by then. The pain we felt was worse than anything I’d ever felt before, at least for me. Even worse than when I broke my right tibia when I was 11, playing hockey. That pain eased as I healed up. This pain was going to last a long time. I knew it, Linda knew it, from the beginning, when we knew we were in much deeper than a casual fling. We couldn’t stop ourselves if we had wanted to. But now we were paying the price.

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