Summer of an Older Woman Pt. 03 by Rabbitman55,Rabbitman55

By the end of this chapter, Linda and Dennis are going to have to face a big decision. What will Dennis do? Will he still go to Albany? It’s going to be very difficult for them. Let’s see what happens…


After camp, I followed Linda home; it was Friday and her kids were with her ex, the scumbag. She couldn’t stop him from seeing his kids without taking him to court, something she was reluctant to do, unless she had an indication he was hurting the children. When we got to her building, I told her to go up to her apartment and I went to the supermarket a block away to get some things, including for dinner that night. I bought a nice steak, a couple of baking potatoes, some fresh broccoli, and a few other things she told me she needed. And a bottle of wine at the liquor store a few stores down (in NY you can only by liquor and wine in liquor stores). When I got to her place, Linda had already showered and was in a comfortable robe.

I poured her a glass of wine while I put up the potatoes, then I took a shower and joined her on the couch. Linda leaned her head against my chest and had herself a good cry. I didn’t say a word, I just let her cry herself out while I kept my arm tight around her. I didn’t try to kiss her or make a sexually suggestive move. I was just a loving boyfriend that evening.

We ate a pretty quiet dinner. When we were done, I wouldn’t let her help me clean up, I told her to just give me ten minutes and I’d be with her. We brought the rest of the wine into the living room and again cuddled together.

After a little while as we watched some television, Linda turned her head and kissed my cheek. “Thank you, Dennis, for making tonight easy on me. You haven’t pushed me to talk, you haven’t pushed me to do anything. You made us a nice dinner and cleaned up. You knew exactly how to treat me tonight. I can’t believe you’re only 19.”

“Almost 20” I responded with a wry smile. “I guess I just felt you needed a little peace, but also a little affection. You can tell me I should go home tonight, Babe. I won’t be offended. Or, if you want me to stay, we don’t have to have sex. I can hold you and make you feel safe. We don’t need to do anything more than that.”

Linda looked upwards, into my eyes, and she stroked my chest and teased my chest hair. “I want you to stay, Baby. But I think sex is not in the cards, not tonight. We can take that day by day. Are you sure you’re all right with that?” She searched my eyes.

“Honey, the most important thing to me is to spend time with you. As long as you want me to. The rest is not important for now. I love you, Linda. So very much.” I kissed her forehead, just affectionately.

“I love you too, Baby. You make me feel loved and safe. Not many men have done that for me before, aside from my father. How about that, you’re over ten years younger than I am, and I think you’re the most mature and loving man I’ve ever known. It’s a strange world sometimes.”

“I’m not complaining. I’m as happy as I’ve ever been. So let the world be strange. We found each other at an unusual time for both of us. And it seems like we’re both very happy about it.”

We got into bed early that night, and, as Linda asked, there was no sex, but there was a lot of affection, and it was great. I spooned her and then held her to my chest. We didn’t talk a lot, we just enjoyed being together. The rest of the weekend was the same. Saturday we saw a concert in Flushing Meadow Park, Sunday we went to a Mets game, and we just had fun in everything we did. There was no sex that weekend. She just wasn’t up to it. I didn’t mind. Sex was missing but love was very present at all times.

Sunday, as I was getting ready to go before Dave brought her kids home, Linda came up behind me while I was packing my bag. She wrapped her arms around my waist and squeezed me tight. “You were wonderful this weekend. You were so good to me, Dennis. I promise I’ll make this up to you. My very special man. I love you.”

I turned around and held her, and we shared some very sweet kisses. “Wouldn’t I have been a real bastard if I pushed you for sex when you weren’t feeling in the mood? That not only wouldn’t have been any fun, but it would have felt like I was being as cruel to you as your ex. We can wait, Babe. When you’re ready.”

“We don’t have that long to wait, Dennis. Camp is over next week, then we’re going away. And then before you know it, you’ll be going away. The sweetest man I’ve ever known.” Those tears were forming again.

“We still have time, Honey. We’ll do the best we can. It’s all we can do. I love you.”

“And I love you. You’d better get going. I don’t want you running into Dave.”

“I don’t either. I might decide to throttle him.” I was kidding. Well, mostly. There was a small chance. Instead I picked up my bag and we said a long, romantic goodbye at the door. I left wishing I could have stayed that Sunday night. Hell, I wanted to stay every night.

When I got home, after having a rare dinner with my family and answering questions about what Linda and I did that weekend, I pulled my father aside and told him about how Linda’s ex assaulted her. He first of all was worried about her health, then he worried for her safety.

“Denny (he only called me my childhood nickname in moments of very loving affection between us), you’re sure she’s all right? She doesn’t need to see a doctor or go to the ER? It’s not too late for that. And if she wants to press charges, let her know it’s not too late for that. I couldn’t interview her because of our relationship, but I know a few detectives that would be glad to help. They really despise men who abuse women. Like I do.” His hand was on my shoulder, squeezing very gently. I loved my dad, even more than my mom. He was a tough cop, a loving father and a best friend. I could trust him about anything.

“I will tell her, Dad. And thanks. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t want to press charges; it could devastate her children. Though if he hit them, I think she’d press charges in a minute. After she tore his ass.” I smiled at him. He understood what I was talking about. He’d seen everything in his 22 years in the NYPD.

“I know you’re kidding, but just be sure you mention to Linda not to hit assault him after the fact. Just my experience talking. Domestic cases are always a huge mess. Let the police handle any future problems.” I got the message, loud and clear.

Wednesday, when I slept over again, sex was back, and it was as great as ever. I just had to be a little careful kissing Linda on the right side of her face. And then over the weekend, we reveled in each other. Aside from doing some food shopping, we didn’t leave her condo the entire weekend. It was wanton, wild, and also loving. At one point I watched the other movie, the one with Linda, the other woman and two men, and while they all frolicked in the movie, Linda gave me an amazing blowjob. When she sensed I was getting too close to cumming, she applied her thumb to the base of my cock by my balls, and delayed the rising explosion from within me. Then, as the movie was about to end with the two men cumming over both women’s faces, Linda let me go, jerking off a huge load of my own, all over her face and throat. It was far and away the nastiest thing I’d ever been part of (really saying something considering how that summer was going). When I was recovered enough, I spent as much time as she wanted going down on her, fucking with my tongue and lips, until she begged me to fuck her. That ended with another very messy situation that was also mind-blowing.

Since Thursday was the last day of camp and we were going away on Saturday, we spent that Wednesday apart for the first time all summer. My mom gave me a little more grief about going away with Linda (I loved my mom dearly, but it was her nature) but my dad was accepting. And Tom was simply happy for me. I think he was kind of looking forward to the day he could try to do the same, when he was old enough. I took him out for pizza that night, something we barely did that summer. I missed my brother when I thought about it.

The last day of camp is always bittersweet. A lot of tears from people who may or may not see their friends next summer, but sometimes bonds are formed that last a lifetime. And that night there was a staff dinner at a nice restaurant, all staff invited, just no alcohol since many were underage. Linda and I were now very open about our relationship, dancing a number of times together, especially the slow ones. We didn’t need to be sad…yet. That time would come in a few weeks. in the meantime, we had time to share and we were going to make the best of it.

Her kids left with their father Friday for 9 days in the Bahamas, and she called me after they left, crying. I understood. 9 days without her kids was a hell of a long time. After packing my bags, I said goodbye to Tom and my mom, and I called my dad at work to do the same, and I spent the night with Linda so we could get an early start. No sex; she was still sad about her children and needed affection more than anything. And Saturday morning, we left at 8 for the hour and a half drive to Wading River State Park, well out to the east on the North Shore of Long Island.

As I got on the way, I noticed we didn’t have the tent she said she could borrow. Linda gave me a sweet, sexy smile. “We’re not camping. I found a small cottage to rent right on the beach. Surprise!”

I glanced at her like she was crazy. “Linda, I wish you had told me. That’s kind of expensive, isn’t it? I would have been fine camping.”

“This will be more private, and as I said, it’s right on the beach. This is my treat to you, my sweet, sexy man. I love you and I’m going to miss you in two weeks. I wanted to make this special, memorable. Besides, I wanted to thank you.”

“Thank me? What the hell for? I’ve had the best summer I ever had with you. There’s nothing to thank me for, Honey. Everything we’ve done, everything we’ve shared between us has been as much my pleasure as yours.”

“Baby, you’re very wrong. My divorce ruined my self-confidence with men. It’s actually been like that for about four years now. Dave and I stopped having sex then, not long after Sandy was born. I thought it was me, that I turned into a fat, old woman, not attractive to men. And no one asked me out for a date, even a simple dinner or drink, since the divorce. My confidence was pretty well into the ground. And then you came along. A 19-year-old who, by all rights, should have been looking for a girl his own age, especially since you’re so handsome and there were so many cute girls your own age this summer.” I could see her warm, loving smile from the corner of my eye. I reached across our seats and held her hand. “You gave it all back to me. Not just sex. Also interest. You’re interested in me, in what I have to say, in what I think. You don’t know how vital that is to a persons’ sense of self. I’ll miss you like crazy, my love, but I feel so much stronger than I did just a few months ago.”

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