The Accidental Voyeur Pt. 01 by Drmaxc,Drmaxc

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An unexpected sight – an outdoor copulation.

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There is something about voyeurism. I appreciate it is creepy and illegal to go sneaking around and peeking through windows or setting up ever so small cameras in women or girls’ bathrooms, but what of the unexpected glimpse, or more? The sudden thrill of seeing more than one might expect. Perhaps a lot more. Does the unexpected make it the more delicious? Noticing from your hotel room a couple at play in a lit window opposite with them unaware they can be seen; the unexpected sight in the countryside maybe just of a young woman taking a leak; perhaps hearing the sound of splashing when on a walk near a house and quietly coming up to hedge or fence behind the house and peeking through leaves or a knothole and seeing a group of naked girls in a swimming pool; or those pleasing little recollections I read of a contributor to ‘SoloTouch’, a website which is very much about what its title implies, of him watching what was going on in the next compartment on a corridorless train in the 1970s, all seen through tiny holes where screws had been deliberately removed. Copulation, fellatio and wanking all voyeured through the little spy holes. Imagine noticing little pinpricks of light when alone in such a compartment and pressing your eye to one of the holes and seeing — well, perhaps it is overdoing it to quote Howard Carter’s supposed saying of ‘wonderful things’, but you can get my drift.

My experiences have been various. Nothing deliberate but sights just falling into my lap over the years. Accidental if you like. For example, as a first experience, I remember watching a couple on Wimbledon Common down near London. I had stepped into a belt of trees, one hot weekend, and after a very pleasant and sunny afternoon walk across and around the common, had settled down and was enjoying a little quiet nap. I had awoken to find not far from me a couple ‘at it.’ Really at it. Not just a little at it. The full thing — and completely naked to boot. A few bushes sort of separating us, and with me hidden low to the ground in the long grass I was not noticed at all by the couple; not, that is, until later when they finished their activities and got up to leave. Rather too involved in each other perhaps. That they did not see me when they first settled down was clear, nor when they began to make love. And nor did they see me pull my tee shirt up, wriggle my jeans and pants down and bring my cock out into the sunshine and have a lovely steady wank whilst watching their fingering, sucking and copulation. Two cocks out in the sunshine to say nothing of rather wonderful wobbly boobs. How good to unexpectedly see young naked bodies doing what young bodies do.

Had they looked, immediately after they very clearly came, both by sight and sound, they might have seen a raised and grinning face looking across at them just above the long grass. Moreover, a little away from that face, sudden arcs of white liquid appearing up above the long grass and then falling down. I could cum back then. Really cum well! Having ejaculated, I tugged jeans and pants up again, pulled my tee shirt down and pretended to be asleep. I heard them get up and both really start in surprise as they walked away from their trysting place, at finding me so close to them — right under their feet.


“Is he dead?”

“No, he’s breathing.”

I feigned sleep. Just wonderful hearing their whispered words and surprise.

“Do you think he saw?”

“No. Hope not…”

But I had seen. I most certainly had. And taken advantage of the unexpected sighting.

Whether they saw wet splashes seeping through my tee shirt or upon the grass I don’t know. What I did see, when I opened my eyes to slits just as they set off away from me, was a view right up the girl’s dress, the sun easily penetrating the thin material and illuminating all. No knickers, just a hairy (blond) puffy sex complete with the creamy stuff. I was probably lucky I didn’t get that dripped on me! Well, actually, there was enough already of that stuff in my jeans and wet under my tee shirt, so, really, another drop or two wouldn’t have made much difference!

What are we now? Forty or more years on and still that memory of the glimpse up that girl’s dress makes me hard. A red dress with white polka dots.

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