The Hitchhiker Gets Lucky Pt. 02 by RebelforYou,RebelforYou

Gwen answered, “No I was ok with it. We sometimes mixed it up a bit.”

I asked, ” What do you mean?”

Gwen looked me and replied, ” I would make love to Jessica and Rick and Read would sort of, you know?”

There was a little silence. I realized I better come back with something.

I blurted out, “Well that would be interesting.”

Gwen came back with, “I have a question?”

“Yes”, I said.

“I know what you are thinking, Bill. It is ok to swap. It is likely ok for two women to eat each over out. But, it is not OK for two guys to touch or suck each other’s cocks right?”

I mulled on that question for a while and said, “Yah. That pretty much sums up how I was thinking”

We both set in silence for a few minutes, then looked at each other and laughed.

I looked at her and said, “You have a a valid point, I stand corrected on my judgement of what is OK and what is not.”

With Gwen being awake, I was able to drive all the way into Hilton Head. We got there very late in the evening so we thought it was easier to just take a road motel for the night. We both were road high form a 6 day ride across the country. We helped a few hitchhikers along the way. Some more than others. We lay there that night and made love, staring into each others eyes from the restaurant signs across the road. It was not a classy place to end our journey, but it gave Gwen and I a chance to really bond. I kissed every inch of Gwen’s body before going for those private and pleasurable areas. Our bodies melted together, her legs rubbing up and down mine, her arms around my back, and her lips kissing my face as I was kissing he nape of her neck. This simple motel room was our place tonight. A place where we made love slowly and passionately. This was about an emotional connection between us as well as a sexual connection between us. The love and sex that night was the best. I definitely know I loved Gwen. By the expressions and emotions Gwen was showing me, I know she loved me too.

I know Gwen and I are going to be soul mate. We likely will experience other lovers in our journey. We both think that is healthy.

We will see.

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