The House A Slave Training and Auction Chapter 7 & 8 Revised by an2772


Master Rob meets is trainees and gets a surprise. Please feel free to leave a comment. , Chapter 7
Master Rob Judy and Daisy

Master Rob- I had Vanessa give these two some reading material while I was at the house. Judy-16 virgin from Florida sold to us by her step-father, who taught her how to suck his cock. Daisy-16 country girl I know they like to fuck nice tits big 40 B. Daisy- Damn Master Rob is cute I wonder if he will fuck us now I need some good dick they won’t let me get myself off. Judy-I hope he doesn’t beat me some of the girls in the hall were really beat up and that big mouth girl had a black eye. Master Rob- Hello girls I am Master Rob and I will be your trainer. You will not speak unless I ask you a question and you will be respectful both girls say yes Master. So, Judy you are a virgin yes Master have you ever sucked a dick yes Master ate pussy yes Master anal sex yes Master! With who my step-father made me suck his thing, ok in here we will call it a cock or dick okay, Yes Master! Daisy how many times have you been fucked too many to count Master, have you sucked dick, Yes Master anal sex Yes Master ok this girl maybe a problem. Have you ever been with a woman? Yes Master! I look at her she is clearly turned on I make a note to talk to her later. I point to the floor and both girls go down in front of me on their knees in the right pose. I reach out and pinch Daisy’s nipple and they get rock hard. Damn I can’t wait to put my dick between them.
Daisy looks up at me so I tell her to go ahead. Are you going to fuck me now I really need to cum? I slap he nipple and she moans this girl is horny. I look at Judy who just looks at us so I ask her. What about you? She says whatever you want Master. I tell Judy to get up on the table and put her hands up over her head. I tell Daisy that she will cum when I say she can and since she is in a hurry she will get Judy off and I might let her cum. She looks like she is about to cry I tell her to get over there and put her mouth to good, use. I look up and this girl just attacks she is licking and sucking trying to get her finger in her so I tell her no finger’s. I also telling her too slow down she will not be cumming anytime soon. Judy- Oh god I can’t believe this feels so good it never felt like this when I touch myself. This girl really knows what she is doing. Daisy- oh god she tastes, so good I wonder why I can’t put my finger in her oh she is a virgin. My pussy is throbbing and leaking I want to cum so bad maybe if he spanks me I will cum so I reach down and just as I reach my clit I feel a slap on my ass. Hands off Master says and I think I has a small orgasm.
When Judy starts to cum I go wild I start sucking and licking her clit as she screams as she is grinding her pussy in my face. Judy that is the best orgasm that I have ever had this girl knows how to eat pussy. Master Rob- Daisy is a surprise in fact these girls haven’t cried or ask to go home or even seemed scared I need to get to the bottom of this so I can see where I am placing them. Daisy- Master says that we need to sit and talk I want to be fucked. Master- You girls are not acting like the girls in the slave training class or that you haven’t been kidnapped why? Daisy- I want to be used for sex. I want to be fucked whipped, spanked hard and long I love sex so I figured that this is the best place for me. I grew up on a farm my brother’s and father have been having sex with me for a long time and I cum about 10 times a day. Okay so I was not expecting her to say that. What about you Judy? I just want someone to love me. My mother didn’t want me and she made me give her boyfriend blowjobs since I was five. I heard her tell my step-father that he could take my virginity, but he told her he could get a lot of money for me if I stayed a virgin. When the guy came for me I said goodbye and came.
Daisy how did you get here? I met this guy driving down the road and I showed him my tits and I ask him if he wanted to fuck so after we did it in his car he told me he knows of a place where I can be trained to be a sex slave so I said yes. Master- Ok girls since both of you don’t seem like you are going to cause any problems you both will be getting lots of pleasure. Daisy get up on the table. It is your job to please you Master or Mistress to give them all your attention. Judy, you said that you want to be loved? Yes, Master and Daisy what kind of Master do you want someone who wants lots of sex? Daisy is wet and ready. I tell Judy to get my cock ready, and she does. She licks up and down my shaft and it feels good. I wonder if she can fit all 11 in, well we are about to find out. I grab her by the back of the head and ram my cock in her mouth and hold it there, she doesn’t cough or choke this girl knows how to suck a cock. Judy Master’s cock is big my step-father taught he how to suck big cock when he took me to friend house. Daisy I am so jealous she gets to put in her mouth I want to do that. Master- Ok Judy get up there and put your pussy on her mouth lick each other.
Daisy yes, I need this. Master if you cum without me telling you too I will whip you with my belt. Judy put my cock in her pussy? Her pussy is so wet that I bottom out and I smack her thigh and tells her to be still and she whines as she licks and Judy’s pussy. I grab her by her hips and slam into to her hard and fast her cunt is milking my dick so I slap her clit as I tell her to cum and she let’s go soaking my balls and thighs I pull out and watch her juices leak out of her pussy man this girl really likes sex. Judy is begging me to let her cum so I grab her nipple and twist them as I tell her to cum. I slam my dick back into her and fuck her hard and fast until I feel my balls draw up and I pull out and shoot my load all over Judy’s face. I look at my too girls and I tell them to get cleaned up.
Daisy that was the best fuck that I have ever had I can’t wait to meet my new Master. Judy, I wonder if he will take my pussy. I tell the girls that Vanessa will be helping me with their training, I also tell Daisy that she can cum once a day and that she must help Judy with learning how to please a woman and I tell Judy to help Daisy learn how to deep throat. I also tell them that they will be wearing chastity belts so they won’t be able to play with themselves unless Vanessa or I say so. I also go over punishments and as I am talking I see that Daisy is so turned on she can’t be still.
Vanessa comes in and takes them to my dungeon to introduce them to the equipment. When I get to my dungeon Daisy is whining about wanting to come so I slap her on her ass hard and the girl moans. I tell her that I will be putting her on the wooden horse if she doesn’t gain some control she looks at it and I tell them both that they may ask questions so she wants to know how it works so I tell her that it will make her pussy feel raw and I don’t think she would be getting any pleasure out of it with her hands tied behind her back she looks sick. We look at the sex swing the spanking bench and I push the button for the chains in the ceiling to come down and I tell Vanessa to remove Daisy’s belt and when she does I chain her to the ceiling I push the button to raise her up. I look over to Vanessa and I tell Judy to lay on the bench on her back I tell V to teach her how to lick pussy.
I ask Daisy as she ever been whipped and she says yes Master! She also tells me that it’s hard for her not to cum. Master- This is one freaky slut I tell her that she can cum as much as she wants I want to see this. I get a whip and begin with her as and thighs and she is not doing anything so I hit her harder and she moans I move up to her back and I realize that I need to get a longer whip as I walk by I feel her cunt and she wet but I know she gets wetter. I go to the cabinet and get another whip and I test it I the air and she moans ok she is a masochistic so I strike her ass first and she moans so I strike again and she moans I move up her back and legs and she convulse she is cumming I move to her front and I lightly strike her right breast and then her left and she comes again this girl has a lot of experience. I look over to see V telling Judy how good she feels with her sucking her clit and flicking her tongue at the same time. I look at Daisy and she is deep in subspace so I lift her to take off the chains and I lay her down on the couch with her head in my lap I know when she come out she is going to be even hornier I look over her welts and I will put some cream on them, but I will not let her cum again she must learn I am the Master and topping from the bottom will not be allowed.
Daisy- I am so horny I can’t keep still when pa did this to me he always let my brother’s fuck he afterward I really need a dick bad I begin to cry Master ask me why I am crying so I tell him I need to be fucked I am so horny and I always get fucked after I am whipped so he ask by who and I tell him by my brothers or the dogs or a dildo I beg and plead and tell him that I need something in me so he tells me that he wants to fuck my ass and I roll over on all four and I tell him to hurry which he slaps my sore ass hard and tell me that if I continue to tell him what to do he will put that thing back on me and I won’t cum at all. Rob- This girl is too much she may be better off working in one of the houses. I grab the lube and a condom and I look at her ass and notice that she has been fucked a lot in her ass as I loosen her up I realize that I don’t need so I line my dick up and slowly sink into her she is still tight I don’t wait too long and she moans as I pick up the pace she is trying to get all on my dick and I slap her as and tell her to be still I grab her by the hair and pull her head back and she moans. I fuck her long and hard slapping her ass I put I hands around her neck and I tell her to cum and she convulse around my dick as I pull out of her and I ask is this what you won’t and she says yes Master! I tell her to cum again and I cum with her ass muscle squeaking my dick so hard. I pull out and slap her ass I tell her that was the best ass fuck I ever had. I look up to see the other two holding each other with Vanessa whispering to Judy. I tell everyone to get cleaned up as I use a wipe to clean my dick off. After putting on the chastity belts I tell Vanessa to take the girls to their room. I also remind them to help each other. I go take a shower and get ready for a meeting.

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Master’s and Mistresses
Ann how did it go? Rob Daisy is a hot little nymph she grew up on a farm fucking and sucking her brother’s and father and the way she eats pussy mother and sister’s also. The girl told me she cums about ten times a day and she was pissed because she hasn’t cum in a few days. Judy that girl can suck the chrome off a bumper although she is still a virgin only because they knew what they could get more for it. Rob- We may need to find a couple for her! I agree Judy says that she wants love, she needs someone soft and I don’t know if we have someone who is looking for a new slave. Ann, are you looking for a new slave? Yes, but she is too weak! I need someone with some fight and who will be by my side when I need to put in work. Also, she wouldn’t be able to handle my other side and I wink at him. So, we will put her in the v auction and she gets who buy’s her. We just got a new shipment they are in with the doc right now here is the list.
Jack- White 16-dark hair light eyes gay virgin small taken from Iowa
Leslie- White 16 dark hair dark eyes breast 36 d virgins taken from Iowa
Stacy-Black 16 dark hair dark eyes breast 34 b virgins taken from K.C.
Milton- White 16 blonde hair blue eyes gay not virgin from K.C.
Ann ok so not too bad. Liz looks at the list as well as photos of the new slave not bad at all. Ok so Ann are you taking, one or two and D is taking 1 so who is training Andre he can watch and be trained by Rob and I D says, the spoiled Bitch is gone she was picked up about an hour ago.

Kathy- I am bounded gagged and I have a hood over my head. I think I am on a plane going to god knows where and I hear a door open. I am on a bed my hands are handcuffed to something and my shoulder’s hurt. Aahil- This is a pretty bitch with her blonde my man can’t wait until I grow tired of her so they can have her. It’s been a few months since I had a virgin. I get my belt and begin to whip her the first strike lands on her right breast and she screams make my cock go rock hard I love it when they scream I want to hear her so I pull the gag off her pretty mouth. She asks me why am I doing this? And I say because I can! I tell her that I am her new Master and that she will do what I tell her or I will hurt her.
I continue to whip her I flip her over and I start on her back as she continues to scream. I hit the button on the shock collar that she is wearing and she convulse. I take my cock out and I put it on her face and I tell her that if she bites me I will open the plane door and throw her out of it.

Kathy- I have been sold to a man with a thick accent middle eastern I think. Why did I fight them I should have done what they wanted? I will never see my family again not that I wanted to see my father after what I heard him say and what I saw. As he tells me to suck is cock and I believe him when he says that he will throw me off the plane if I bite him, so I start to lick the head of his cock when he slams it into my mouth. I am choking and gagging on this huge dick in my mouth and then he stops. Aahil I have got to get in her pussy as I climb on the bed I bend do to taste her I see that she is still intact and I know I can’t wait another moment. I coat my dick and put the tip of it in her whole and I push and then I pull back and slam into her as she screams I don’t stop I am fucking her hard and fast I speed up and then slow doing never giving her time to adjust to me. She is tight even for a virgin not for long. I tell her that when we get to my palace she will be a hit with my other slaves as I bite her nipple she continues to scream.
Kathy this man is going to kill me he continues to rape me I need to find a way to get through this. Aahil she has some good pussy if she does what I tell her what to do I would keep around awhile. I reach down and twist her nipple and she groans I slap her across the face and tell her she can’t cum until I tell her to. I hold her down as I continue to fuck her hard and fast. I feel my balls draw up so I tell her to cum as I slap her pussy hard as I cum. I pull out and get between her legs as I lick up the blood from her now deflowered pussy.



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