The Kinky Crusader Pt. 06 by Fallacy771,Fallacy771

The Kinky Crusader

Pt. 06

(This story is mostly guy-on-guy action, in terms of sex, but it is also important in terms of actual series plot. If you came just to see sexy girls and don’t care about plot, read something else- you won’t find them here! No shame in that.)

Milton walked into the Crusader’s throne room. Cait, sitting in her chair, sighed in dismay.

She began to speak, hand rubbing her forehead. “I knew you’d come, Milton. And to be honest, I’m scared. I know nothing about you besides the fact that you’re powerful. Intensely powerful.”

Milton looked at her coldly. “In that case, give up.”

Cait shook her head. “You know this city used to have a law banning any sort of physical affection in public? For the sake of upholding public morals? You and your fellow Shining League cronies often would be called in to enforce this law. Superheroes being used as a police force against, of all things, affection. That changed when I released the nanobots. That changed when I made the people realize their innermost desires.”

Milton shook his head. “Even if you told the truth, and these nanobots only brought out people’s desires, it is still wrong. I must stop you.”

Cait got up and cracked her knuckles. “Well, though you are likely more powerful than me, every hero has a weakness. Even you, Milton.”

Cait pressed a button on her desk. Nothing happened.

Cait looked confused. “What-?”

Milton shrugged. “Whatever you just attempted to do, it didn’t work.”

Cait formed a nanobot dagger and charged at Milton. But just before she reached him, she tripped and fell, and the dagger cut her forearm, causing her to shout in pain.

Cait got up slowly, backing away. “What-?”

Milton smiled. “I’m lucky. VERY lucky. That’s my only power. Things just tend to go my way.”

Cait held her ground. “…huh. So guns aimed at you will jam, your enemies will make convenient mistakes, and maybe a car just runs over a villain one day. But wait- why haven’t I been struck by lightning or something?”

Milton sighed. “I really don’t know. This hasn’t ever happened before. Things always happen like I want.”

Cait smiled. “Wait. You don’t really want to fight, don’t you? You don’t consider killing me as a lucky thing. That’s why I’m not having a sudden heart attack right now.”

To prove a point, Cait took her nanobot dagger and stabbed it towards her chest. However, the dagger simply disintegrated. The nanobots had malfunctioned.

Milton grimaced. “That can’t be… Samson ordered me to kill you. I want to kill you… that’s why I came here in Samson’s place.”

Cait shook her head. “You know that Samson is wrong. Between what he did to Arrow Ace and his unhealthy obsession with killing me… why do you still follow him?”

Milton held his firm gaze. “Samson has flaws, but he’s a good man at heart. I’m lucky to be by his side.”

Cait smiled, and shapeshifted. Cait took the form of Shimmering Samson, his toned body and chiseled face a stunning sight, especially since Cait now wore only some nanobot briefs.

Cait looked at his unfamiliar new hands. “Samson. What is it that makes you protect him so loyally?”

Cait looked at Milton, and noticed something. His pupils had dilated a bit.

“Love. You’re in love with Samson, aren’t you?”

Milton’s eyes went wide. “No, no. No. That can’t be. I-”

Cait interrupted. “Isn’t it lucky that you ended up in a job that made you Samson’s closest confidant? It would make sense that your power made you and Samson meet. It makes sense also that you are in love with him. Only a lover will defend someone this fiercely, to the point of taking their place in a deathmatch.”

Milton shook his head in denial. “No, no, no-”

Cait walked up to him and grabbed his collar.

Milton’s eyes widened in shock. “But how-?”

Cait smiled. “You wanted this. A shapeshifter suddenly feels horny and transforms into your crush in order to seduce you? Lucky you!”

Milton gazed into Cait’s eyes. He knew in his heart that it wasn’t Samson- and yet he could stare into those eyes all day… that bright, determined gaze that he had fallen in love with at first sight…

Cait kissed him. His tongue went deep into Milton’s mouth. Milton couldn’t help but moan a bit. Their erections pressed against each other, desperately straining to break free of their prisons.

Cait tore off Milton’s clothes, and Milton returned the favor. Cait ran his left hand over Milton’s chest, kissing his collarbone gently.

“Hey… are you imagining I’m Samson right now? Hm? Are you fantasizing about making out with your boss? Hm?”

Milton whimpered. “Ah… s-sir… we… mmm… can’t…!”

Cait pinned him to the floor. “You want me to stop? Hm? Just say the word and this ends.”

Milton mumbled. “N-no. Keep… keep going…”

Cait put his hand on Milton’s penis. “Excited, huh? You like seeing Samson’s body? What would he say if he saw you acting like this, hm?”

Milton stammered. “Well, t-there’s no drone camera this time… he… won’t… ahhhn…”

Cait whispered. “You want him to see you naked, begging for release… I can tell…”

He worked his hand down and started stroking Milton’s penis. Slowly at first, but then faster.

Milton squirmed in pleasure. “I… I’m gonna… I… Samson…!”

Cait grinned. “Cum.”

Milton sat down across from Cait, sighing in dismay.

“I can’t believe you seduced me.”

Cait shrugged. “Hey, Samson’s hot bod did most of the work. People look down on it, but lust is pretty good at exposing people’s true feelings.”

She smiled. “It was so fun watching you fall asleep after you came. You acted all dignified before, but soon you were just… all naked and innocent on the floor. How cute.”

Milton grimaced. “Anyway. I can see you aren’t a terrible person, but I still disagree with your methods.”

Cait smiled. “Okay, well, I’m willing to discuss.”

Milton explained. “Well, you claim that you’re revealing people’s innermost desires. But really you’re forcing them- you’re toying with their minds. Just like Samson did to Arrow.”

“That’s different.”

“Is it? I get that Samson forced things on Arrow and your nanobots are just loosening inhibitions, but loosening inhibitions without consent can have their own effects. Some people need time to come to terms with their desires- forcing them to bring them out would have devastating mental consequences.”

Cait scratched her head. “Hm. I… could you give me an example?”

“Well, you’re removing inhibitions. That’s pretty much what alcohol does. Imagine if everyone was constantly being force fed alcohol against their will.”

Cait pondered for a moment. “…I’ll think about it. But for now- I’m tired. We should rest.”

Milton nodded. “I’ll take my leave.”

Cait watched Milton go. She had a lot to think about.

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