The Seabreacher Effect Ch. 01 by janon314,janon314

Thank you all for suggesting I find an editor. I have connected with RF-Fast and I am certain you will be pleased with the results.

The Seabreacher Effect. Ch01.

[A few years ago, I came across an amazingly cool watercraft called a Seabreacher. It’s a two person craft that looks like a shark and can travel at up to 50 miles an hour on the surface. Which would be cool, but its pièce de résistance was it could dive up to 5 feet underwater and when it surfaced, it could launch itself into the air. Not only did I think that would be amazing, but I saw potential for an amazing business. Who wouldn’t love the chance for a quick trip in one of them?

The price was around £60,000, which was steep, but I figured I could easily earn that back in a year. No, the reason I wasn’t on the phone to order one right away was the driver was in the front seat, restricting the passenger’s views. I figured if I wanted someone to pay a premium price for a ride, they’d not want to stare at the back of my head. Plus, I needed somewhere to use it. Most reservoirs or large enough lakes would have speed limits to reduce erosion of the shore, and the sea would be too unpredictable to get a regular income.

So at that point I gave up! This is a story about what might have happened if I worked around those problems.]

I know almost all of my friends thought I was mad quitting a very well-paid job to become a glorified carnie at 32. Handing over most of my savings to buy a fancy toy and live out of a caravan for 5 months of the year. In some regards, they were right. Twelve hours a day for seven days a week was going to be exhausting. However, it would give me most of the year to do whatever I wanted. No more office 9 to 5 and no tough bosses to push me around.

It would be fair to admit I wasn’t popular with the other businesses on the lake, when I applied for permission to run my business. Nor was the local council keen to let me run my vessel at its top speed. However, the central part of the lake had been used for water speed records in the past, and the laws hadn’t been changed. If I agreed to limit my speed-runs to a few hundred yards and put warning buoys in the water, plus, I would pay for extra signage for the casual sailor who hired small boats. They decided it wasn’t worth stopping me.

Of course, I was quick to point out that I’d be the only person offering the service in the country which would bring in extra visitors to the area.

It took a few months before I won over some locals. Starting with the ferry captains. There were 8 locations around the lake where visitors could hop on and off the ferries and walk along the lakeside paths. As the entire thing was close to ten miles, only the hardiest walked the entire thing. So I took to shadowing the ferries, coming close enough for the visitors to see me appearing and disappearing under the surface. But not close enough to endanger either vessel.

Naturally, the ferries would position themselves near the middle of the lake when I’d do a speed run, to show how the vessel could leap from the water. This had more people piling onto the ferry to watch, even if they were too cheap or scared to try it themselves.

I also became friendly with Kirsty, who ran her uncle’s ice-cream van, which was parked close to the little pontoon where I ran my business. She was 19 and elfin-like, very petite, with a bubbly personality. Very chatty with her customers and very hard working when the summer heat had constant queues for her frozen wares.

As my ‘ride’ was at a premium price, I had many days when I had more gawkers than customers. Lots of people staring and whispering I wasn’t worth it. However, a fair number came sheepishly back after seeing my ‘show’ from the ferry. One advantage I had was because we’d submerge underwater for part of the trip. I had no issue operating in the rain. Provided I had clear visibility of the other lake craft.

Not that it helped in the hours I’d spend sitting on my camping chair waiting for my next customer. That was where Kirsty and I became friends. When she wasn’t busy, she had noticed me sitting in the rain for a few hours. She’d call me over and hand me a hot mug of coffee or even a cup-a-soup. I’d stand under the extended awning and we’d chat for a few minutes before I’d hand back her mug and offer to pay. She always turned me down.

I’d learned she lived down south, but came here for the last couple of summers to work and save money for university, which she’d be starting at the end of September. She hated living with her uncle as he was rather old-fashioned and disapproved of her going out drinking or having any sort of fun.

By the middle of September, after a spell of poor weather, we were both not getting a lot of business. Hikers might be wrapped-up for the rain, but few people wanted to eat ice cream in the rain. And I seemed to spend as long cleaning out mud and water from the ‘shark’ as I did driving it.

One morning after I’d lowered the vessel into the water off its trailer. I nipped off for a pee and got back to see Kirsty standing on my pontoon and looking at the ‘shark’.

“Want a go?” I asked.

“Of course, a few of my friends have done it and they said it was ace! It’s just too expensive for my pockets.”

“I could give you a special friend’s discount.” I offered.

“And how ‘special’ a friend am I?” she asked, giving a mischievous grin and fluttering her eyelashes at me.

I blinked and did a double take. She was flirting with me. To be honest, I’d be lying if I said I’d not thought about her sexually. However, with the age gap between us at over 60% of her age, I knew it was an idle fantasy. Then I realised with her excellent customer service, she was just teasing me like she did with so many of her other customers.

She let me off the hook by giving me a playful punch on the arm. “So how much?”

“I’ll have to calculate just how much coffee and soup you’ve given me.” I said to buy time.

“And don’t forget my pretty smile! Crap! Customers. Gotta go.” She rushed back to her van. I was transfixed as I watched her tiny bum as she ran off. Again, I wondered again what it looked like in person.

Shaking my head, I checked out the ‘shark’ for my first customers of the day. At this stage it was mostly online bookings instead of footfall opportunists. I supposed I’d need to finish the season in the next week or two.

That night, I headed out to a bar for a meal instead of getting a pizza delivered to my caravan in a farmer’s field. It was far better than struggling to cook in the limited kitchen. The place was busy and seemed to be full of locals rather than visitors. My sausage and chips had just arrived, and I had a full pint of the best bitter next to me, when I saw something in the corner of my eye.

It was Kirsty, sitting next to an older couple and a gangly young man. He must have been over 6 feet tall, but his acne and baby fat suggested he was young. She was waving at me and slipped out from her table and made herself over.

“Hey Simon. I’ve not seen you here before.”

“First time. I couldn’t face cooking for myself.”

“It’s pretty good.” She replied, stealing a chip.

“I hope so.”

“Thought about what my ‘ride’ will cost me?” As she said this, she put her hand on my shoulder and leaned in, as if she was trying to show off her cleavage.

Although she was rather flat chested, her lack of bra and the small hard nubbins of her nipples more than made up for that. She caught me looking and gave a knowing grin.

“You’re evil Kirsty. We’ll sort something out in the morning, OK?”

“Really? Fantastic.”

“Kirsty!” came a gruff call from the other side of the room.

Her uncle was standing and putting on his coat and scowling over at me and Kirsty.

“Gotta go!” She took a step away, then turned back and surprised me with a quick kiss on the cheek.

In the morning, I arrived at the lake around 7:30 to see the almost magical mist rising from the surface. When the air is cooler than the water, it seems to steam, producing a bank of smoky clouds just over a foot deep. With almost nobody else around, it felt like a very special moment. The slight sound of water sloshing against my pontoon was almost the only sound.

Then the 21st century intruded on the moment as I heard another vehicle approaching. It was Kirsty, in her uncle’s ice-cream van. By the time I’d got the Seabreacher into the water, Kirsty had parked and climbed out of the van.

She was wearing a puffer jacket, but not fastened up. Revealing a t-shirt underneath, I was disappointed to see she was wearing a bra or bikini under it. Her legs were bare as she wore baggy towelling shorts and trainers.

“Morning Simon. Have you decided on my discount yet? How about a ride for a ride?”

“Excuse me?” My mind leapt to a pleasant but unlikely conclusion.

“You take me out on the lake in that, and I give you an excitement filled ride around the lake in a knackered old ice-cream van.”

I chuckled. “I don’t think it’s quite the same thing.”

“You’ve not seen how bad the brakes are. Some corners are rather hair-raising,” she replied with a chuckle.

“Unless that thing can go underwater…” I held up my finger to stop her saying it could. “And come back up again safely. We’re not talking like for like. However, as I know, you’re not going to let this drop. You let me stand under your awning in the worst of the weather. I’ll treat it as a promotional tour and write it off as a business loss. Wanna go now?”


“Just let me run my safety checks. Say ten minutes?”

She jumped up and down in excitement, which made me feel rather old. Then she ran back to the van and stuffed her coat inside.

“Can you keep the van keys? I’ve no pockets.” She replied, and I noticed then how thin her t-shirt and shorts were.

Her legs are skinny and pale from being trapped inside her uncle’s ice-cream van all summer.

Once she got into the front seat, I helped her with the 5 point harness. Several women gave me ‘the look’ whilst I did that. Expecting me to slip in a sneaky grope, not that I’d ever do that. Several had looked disappointed that I’d not tried it, and a couple moved at the last second to force the issue. I think Kirsty fell into the middle category. Watching with the excitement that might not have been only related to her upcoming ride.

Squeezing in behind her, I took my seat in the back. My knees parted around the front seat from the confined space. This made it a little awkward with a larger guy in the front seat. Running through the other checks and starting the motor, I closed the canopy and tested the seal. I’d no desire to cut corners and flood the vessel when I was submerged.

Moving ever so slowly from the pontoon, I went about testing the rudder and fins. The diving planes only lowered the ‘shark’ a few inches lower into the water at this speed. Still, with only your head above the water, it gave a unique view of the lake. Unless you swam the entire shoreline, nobody else would see the scenery from this angle.

“We’re going to start off slowly this morning and stick to the edge of the lake. We don’t want to risk running into an early morning kayaker. Literally.”

“OK. Erm, Simon…” She hesitated. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

Where had that come from?

“No, not right now. Not for a while, actually. What about you?”

“Are you asking if I’ve got a girlfriend?” She feigned astonishment.

“I meant boyfriend, but these days I suppose it goes either way.” She chuckled.

“Sort of. Back home, that is. It’s a guy, as that’s my usual preference, just so you know. I’m not sure if you could call him a proper boyfriend, though. It was more of a sex thing.” That made me feel old. The casual fuck buddy era thing was something I missed out on. “I’ve not seen him in months and I’m going off to university as soon as I get home. I doubt he’ll hang around and wait for me until Christmas.”

Unsure what to say, I remained silent, waiting for her to go on. I think Kirsty wanted to say more, but clammed up after I didn’t comment. So I switched to professional tour guide mode.

“Just ahead on the left behind those reeds is a small campsite. At the start of the summer, I caught a few kids skinny dipping.”


“OK, people your age. God! That makes me feel old.”

“Relax, you’re not more than mid-thirties, are you?”

“I’m 32.” I replied.

“Oops.” Kirsty replied at her faux pas. “It’s OK, just the shaggy look ages you.”

Now I regretted that I’d let my hair and beard get a little out of hand. Hard to maintain them when working 7 days a week. I must schedule a few days off next year to deal with such things.

“So was it just guys, or were there any hot babes as well?”

“Four guys and two girls. Let’s just say one of them wouldn’t need flotation devices.”

“Unlike me then?”

“Don’t put yourself down. Some guys prefer smaller perky boobs instead of giant sacks of blubber.”

“Are you one of them?” She asked, and I sensed the question was more than just casual interest. I paused before answering.

“Actually, I am. Big boobs are fun to look at, but anything more than a mouthful is a waste.”

She giggled, and I added a little more power into the engine. As we neared the lower end of the lake, the mist was clearing.

I could see one ferry already running, taking the locals to the various places of work around the lake. At a hundred feet out, I flipped on the strobe light on the top of the dorsal fin and tapped my horn. I saw the captain of the ferry jump and look about wildly. Then he spotted me and tapped his horn twice and waved. It was Alan, a pretty cool guy and something of a friend. He reached for the microphone to talk to his passengers.

Altering the course to come up alongside the far larger ferry. Maintaining a good 20 feet between us. Sailing just a little faster than the ferry until I could see every face at the windows watching us.

“Ready?” I asked.

“For what?”

“A little taste of the fun you’re expecting.” I gave our audience a salute and increased power, easing down on the diving planes.

In less than two seconds, we vanish into the murky depths. Ok, it’s only about 5 feet, but the water is far harder to see through than I’d expected when I originally came here. Kirsty let out a nervous giggle, and I saw her hands gripping the edge of the vessel a little harder.

Easing off on the power left me with a tricky bit. I wanted the ferry to get ahead of us, but the ‘shark’ only stayed under water with forward movement over the diving planes. With no power, we’d bob up to the surface in a handful of seconds. I gauged the ferries’ movement through vibrations through the water, and looked up through the transparent canopy to judge how shallow we were getting.

As the water cleared and I could make out the sky, I knew the dorsal fin would break the surface at any moment. Gradually increasing the power, I could feel us descend again, and once we reached our deepest depth, I poured on more power and angled us up.

We’d not leap from the water at this speed, but create an impressive splash as we reappeared from under the water. It had taken a few tries to ensure I was just far enough from the ferries not to splash any passengers on deck. As expected, I got a whoop of excitement from Kirsty, and I saw the younger passengers on the ferry jumping up and down with their hands in the air.

As we passed the cockpit, I saw Alan give me a big thumbs up, and I increased the power a little more to pull away. Then slew the ‘shark’ into a tight turn. It’s a little like riding a motorcycle, in that you have to bank over steeply to turn. So half of the canopy is submerged in water.

I’ve had more than a few older men, who pretend nothing phased them, exclaim in alarm at that. Forgetting for the moment, we’re submersible.

As we circled around and passed the ferry for a second time, Alan honked his horn at us before we slalomed towards the centre of the lake. I’d paid for two rows of buoys about 400 yards long spaced about 50 feet apart. Each parallel row was just over 100 feet apart and was my exclusive domain for my speed runs. 50 miles an hour may not seem like much in a car, but try doing it on a go-kart with your bum an inch off the ground. Then think of doing it on a boat, when you start off with your eye line almost at water level.

“Is this what you wanted most of all?” I called out to Kirsty.

“Part of it!” She called back over the louder engine noise.

Checking the strobe was still on. I took a circuit around the outside of the buoys to check there are no swimmers, kayakers, or debris in the water to spoil it. Then lined up for a speed run. My licence said I could run at top speed within the cordoned off area, but I’ve always interpreted that to mean top speed for the full length. So I added on a little more run up to get up to speed. After all, 400 yards takes less than 20 seconds at top speed.

The conditions were perfect, no breeze and the mist had almost entirely gone. Taking one last look for safety, I hit full power, and we shot forward like a rocket. 260 supercharged horsepower, driving a super sleek, streamlined body, and weighing less than a third of your average small car. Think Lamborghini performance on the water.

Kirsty was squealing in fear and delight, as did most of my customers, even the staid old grannies. Although, it’s harder to control the ‘shark’ at this speed. It’s high in the water and balancing it to keep it in a straight line and not catch a fin or diving plane took me weeks to master.

Seconds later, I eased off the power and entered a long wind lazy loop to turn around.

“Fuck! That’s such a rush!” Kirsty blurted out and burst out giggling. “I think a few more times like that and I could cum!”

Grinning, I’d once overheard a few women whisper that to their boyfriends after they’d been on the ‘shark’. At full speed, the vibration from the engine seemed to pass right through the seats. How many climaxes the shark had contributed to, and how many happy boyfriends reaped the rewards after the ride on the lake, I’d never know. One guy had brought his girlfriend back three times in a week and didn’t hang about after she got off. At least from the shark.

“This one’s going to be different. Brace yourself.” I ordered, as I lined up for another run.

“Why?” she asked, her voice was a mixture of excitement and fear. The typical roller coaster feeling.

“Because this time, we’re going to fly.”

“Oh, shit!”

Normally, I’m rather careful about breaching the shark. Get the angle wrong and the impact can be pretty hard. Both for the passengers and the machine. Today, I thought it was worth it. If Kirsty gets excited from just a speed run…

Pushing the down planes fully forward, it’s like we’ve run into treacle as we slow and sink. I know Kirsty was thrown against her harness as we slowed from 15 miles an hour to about 4. However, once we’re down 5 feet, I balanced the down planes just enough to keep us down, without robbing us of speed, by trying to go deeper. As we reached the top speed underwater of 20 mph, I angled us up.

Almost instantly, we go from the dark muddy brown of the lake to sunlight above us. Kirsty screamed in terror and I grinned. The launch was perfect. We exploded from the water at just the right angle. The ‘shark’ cleared the water fully, but only by about 1 foot, so the angle we hit the water again was important.

We wanted to kiss the surface on landing and not dig in hard. That could leave bruises against the harness and reduce the chance of repeat business. The landing, with the accompanying large splash, was as perfect as the launch.

“Oh, my fucking god! That was amazing. And I thought you were overpriced. Now I think you don’t charge enough.” Kristy burst out, her words falling over themselves.

That’s the sort of endorsement I wanted. I should record a video of satisfied customers, over excited like that for next year.

“Want to do it again?”

“I’m not sure I could take it just yet. My heart is going 100mph.”

Taking some slow sweeping turns, I just enjoy the freedom of the ‘shark’ when I don’t have to worry about too many amateur sailors in the area.

“Simon, remember when I said earlier about not having seen my boyfriend for months?”

“Of course, why?”

“Well, my uncle’s house is tiny and there’s no privacy at all. Not with my cousin snooping about. You saw him in the pub last night.”


“So, I thought you’d have figured it out with hints like missing my boyfriend, who I only had for sex, and no privacy to…” She hesitated.

“Oh! I get it. You’ve not been able to ‘deal’ with matters yourself.”

“Not exactly. I’ve found myself ‘dealing’ with myself, as you put it, in the ice-cream van.”

I swear to god my first thought was ‘I hope she washes her hands afterwards’! Stupid brain! Bad Brain! Bad Brain!!

“Just as well I’m a girl, cuz if I was a guy, I’m sure we’d have had complaints about the frozen glaze on the ice cream.”

I had to laugh. Then explained.

“Sorry, there was a Chinese restaurant where I grew up and they caught the chef masturbating with the raw chicken. You can guess why the locals renamed it the ‘Wan-king’.” [True story!!]

“It’s just without Wi-Fi at home and only a small data package on my phone. I’ve not had a lot of inspiration. So I kind of worked out a fantasy with this boat and you.”

That caught me by surprise. I’d thought about Kirsty sexually a few times, just idly, but never expected her to think of me that way. Let alone admit it.

“Excuse me?” I replied.

“Oh god. This is embarrassing.”

“It’s OK.” I reached out and rested a hand on her shoulder to reassure her. And instead of pulling away, she leant her head against it.

“Can we go underwater again? Just slowly.”

Setting the down planes and the throttle to low, we sank lower into the water. As the water almost covered the canopy, I adjusted the planes to level off. I wanted to be able to see if anyone got close.

“Can you give me your hands?” She asked.

The throttle on the craft is like a trigger on a Scalextric controller, but had a second button that temporarily locked it in place for a short time. Long enough to adjust your harness or blow your nose, but not much longer.

Unbuckling my harness, I slipped a little forward in my seat and pushed my hands around either side of her seat. She took my hands and pulled them a little further forward and gave them a squeeze.

“I imagined being underwater and entirely at your control. That you’d take advantage of me.”

Opening my mouth to object that I’d never do something like that. The stream of words I’d planned scattered as she surprised me by pushing my hands against her breasts.

“I know you wouldn’t, but still, it was my fantasy.”

Having her hold my hands against her soft warm breasts stopped me from pulling back. So instead, I gave them a gentle squeeze. Which earned me a soft sigh, and she released my hands. Now she knew I would not stop.

The throttle lock released, and we slowed down, gradually rising higher in the water. Kirsty leant forward and pulled free from my hands. Disappointed it was over, I brought my hands back to the controls. Only it wasn’t over yet. Kirsty unbuckled her harness and, in a moment, she drew her t-shirt off over her head. Her bikini top came next, and she tossed it over her shoulder at me.

Resetting our speed to sink again, I reached forward to recapture her small breasts and run my thumbs over the flesh. Caressing, and then gently passing over her crinkled areola and small hard nipples.

“Yes, that’s it!” She whispered.

She moved in her seat again, only this time she lifted her backside to slip off her shorts. In a moment, she proved how flexible she was as she managed to lift her knees and place her feet on the console. Her knees spread against the sides of the ‘shark’. As her hands dove between her legs, it didn’t take a submarine captain to figure out what she was doing.

In fact, she proved it a moment later as she tugged one of my hands off her breast and pushed it down between her legs to feel her naked pussy.

“Sorry I’ve not shaved recently. I hadn’t exactly planned this.”

There was a slight trace of bristles, but I didn’t care. Particularly as she pushed one of my fingers between her labia to sample her hot and juicy depths. It may have been a while since I’d done this and I’d not fingered a 19-year-old since I was that age, but I’ve not forgotten. Gathering up some of her fluids, I drew them up her slit towards her clit. Circled it once and dipped lower.

This time, I pushed a little deeper and earned a gasp of lust.

Losing track of time sharing the pleasure I was giving her, I blinked as I realised we’d slowed to a stop and were sitting on the surface unmoving. Kirsty was in a world of her own, and I remembered how her fantasy had been about being unable to resist me. So I tested it. Abandoning her breast reluctantly to grip the controls, I increased the power and turned us towards the edge of the lake.

I could see a few early morning hikers and dog walkers as we got closer.

“If you’re under my control, you won’t mind if I show you off to others? Letting them see you naked and getting fingered.”

“No!” she replied in alarm, but she applied more pressure to the back of my hand to push my finger deeper still.

She moaned, and I realised she wanted me to push her more.

“See that man and his dog? How about I sail up close and stop so he can see you like this? Lying naked and having my fat finger inside you. Would you like that?”

This time she didn’t manage a reply, but I saw her head shake in conflicted denial.

The man glanced over as he noticed us getting closer and I felt Kirsty tense. But he looked away as he spotted his dog taking a crap and we sailed past. Not even closer than 50 feet from the bank. At that distance, I doubt he’d even seen Kirsty’s shoulders and certainly nothing lower. But Kirsty was not thinking clearly as she willed me on to get her off.

I angled the Seabreacher to follow the curve of the lake edge, glancing back to see if the dog walker was watching. When I looked forward, I panicked. We’d come too close to where people hired small sailboats and some early bird was pulling out of the slipway in front of us.

It was barely 30 feet ahead of us, but my reflexes and the craft’s manoeuvrability turned us away with no worry of a collision. Not, however, without our bow wave rocking the small boat. The man on board grabbed the mast to keep his balance and glowered at us.

“I’m pretty sure he saw you.”

“God!” she exclaimed, but I felt her pussy clench down on my finger for a moment. Then it seemed she was trying to thrust her legs wider to let people see her.

“Should we go back?” I asked.

Instead of answering, she shook her head, then begged for me to finish her off.

With my thumb on her clit and my first two fingers teasing her opening, I worked her up closer to her climax. Then I increased the speed, and let us rise higher in the water and the ‘shark’ slapped against the ripples of the surface. Creating an additional vibration. Kirsty’s hands shot to her nipples, and she groaned as she started to cum.

Slowing down to allow her to recover, I spotted my pontoon a few hundred yards off, and a handful of customers waiting next to Kirsty’s ice-cream van. Slipping my fingers free, I spread her juices around one nipple, before sampling her nectar myself.

“You might want to get dressed. We’ll be docking in moments, and you have customers.”

It was almost comical with the speed she tugged on her shorts and t-shirt. She had no time to retrieve her bikini top. As we gently ran up against the pontoon, I cracked open the canopy. She jumped out as soon as she could and rushed towards the ice-cream van, calling out her apologies for making them wait.

I’d just got out and was tying off when she rushed back.

“Keys!” she exclaimed, and I tossed them over, noticing how prominent her nipples were through the t-shirt. As she ran back to the van, I sighed as I looked at her tiny bum. Wishing I’d had the chance to see her naked, but there wasn’t enough room in the ‘shark’ to look over her shoulder.

As she hurriedly wound the crank to lift the awning and reveal the service hatch. I could tell she was babbling a hundred miles an hour and occasionally pointed over at me. Hopefully distracting at least some of the group away from her chest. Jumping into the back of the van, she started serving the crowd, and I went back to my usual inspections. Check for any debris in the inlets or scratches on the watercraft.

Then I looked inside and noticed three things. First was her bikini top on the floor, the second was the wet patch on the seat where she’d climaxed, and the third was the smell of sex. The latter was wonderful to me, but I figured other customers might wonder what happened. So I tucked her bikini top in my pocket and grabbed some pine disinfectant wipes to clean up and hide the smell.

By the time I was done, I had four or five of Kirsty’s customers standing around looking at the vessel, my sign and myself. None of them looked like potential customers. More gawkers wanting something to look at as they eat ice cream. Some were hikers with the full gear, whilst others were simply tourists with small kids.

As a drizzle started, the hikers pulled up their hoods and moved off to stand under a tree to finish their cones, whilst the tourists rushed off for shelter. I saw Kirsty leaning out of her serving hatch, waving me over. As I got closer, the back door opened, and she invited me in.

“Boots off first.” She ordered, and I slid my boot under the vehicle to protect from the rain.

She took my coat and hung it on the back of the door as she closed it. This was the first time I’d been inside and it was cramped. Low ceiling and narrow, and this from a guy who literally spends most of his days inside a sardine can.

“I wanted to thank you properly.” Kirsty said, and threw her arms around me.

“My pleasure, literally. It’s a first for me.”

“Me too. It was scary and exciting and intoxicating…”

“Are we talking about the ‘shark’ or…” I left the words unsaid.

“Both. I’ve never cum so hard before. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.”

“But I need to pay you back.” She pulled a large towel out of the cupboard and laid it on the floor.

I was about to say it was unnecessary, but she did two things that stopped me. The first was to pull me down into a deep kiss, and the second was to cup my crotch with her other hand. Ok, I thought, let’s see what she’s offering. She broke the kiss and looked into my eyes.

“You got me off, so I want to return the favour. Take your trousers off and lie down.”

Glancing out the serving hatch, then out through the front of the van, there’s not a lot of privacy. But Kirsty seemed determined as she undid my belt. Stepping out of my trousers, I lay down and she sniggered.

“There’s not a lot I can do if you keep your underwear on!”

A little nervously, I pushed my underwear down and off. Nervous, as I was only partially hard, and I didn’t want to disappoint her. From her expression on her face, she was not disappointed, and she quickly moved to step over me and sank to her knees between mine. Now I know what it felt like in the ‘shark’ for her. My knees were pressed against either side of the narrow space.

Her hands were cool as she caressed my cock, but her mouth was warm as she coaxed me to full length. It didn’t take long for me to realise she was taking her time. And under normal circumstances, I’d have loved that. However, I was a little worried about being caught. It was a little too public for my liking.

“You know, if you turned around and came up here, I could return the favour at the same time.” I commented, and she jumped to her feet and slipped off her shorts.

However, after she knelt above my head, we realised our height differences meant we had to take turns in who pleasured who. I’d lick her for a while, then she’d suck on me. Her pussy might have been a little bristly, but so what? She seemed to pick up on my faster pace, as she started to suck it like she meant it, and not like she was sampling an ice lolly.

Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat outside and Kirsty looked back at me in shock, then jumped to her feet.

“Sorry! I dropped a couple of coins and was trying to find them.” She said to the unseen customer, washing her hands on reflex. The height of the counter hid her lower half from the outside.

As she served him, I stared up at her naked lower half and reached up to fondle her bum. Letting out a gasp, she covered it with a little cough. She apologised and gave me a little kick to stop me. However; I took it as a challenge. Grasping one ankle, I persisted in pulling her feet a little further apart.

Allowing my hands to slip up her thighs and press my thumb against her labia, she stiffened, but didn’t stop me. In fact, she moved her feet further apart to let me, whilst leaning over to scoop up the ice cream. As I slipped my thumb inside her, she let out a shiver, telling her customer how cold it was leaning over the ice cream.

I could imagine him agreeing as he saw how hard her nipples were. He paid her and joked that she should be careful not to drop the coins again. After he left, she turned to me.

“That was very naughty. Now it forces me to do something even naughtier in return.”

Stepping over me, she squatted and grasped my cock and pressed it at her opening. The tip engaged, and she lowered herself onto my hard flesh.

I shouldn’t compare women like this, but Kirsty has such a tiny frame she seemed incredibly tight. Slowly, she rocked back and forth until I was deep inside. She paused to allow us both to revel in the sensation.

“God! That’s a lot better than that guy back home.” With that, she put her hands on my shoulders and fucked me.

Reaching up under her t-shirt, I gently caressed her breasts as her hips rose and fell. I could see my cock appear glistening with her juices as she rose, then vanished as her pussy hungrily swallowed it whole.

A creaking sound distracts me, and I look up and out of the serving hatch. It would take someone over 7 feet tall to lean in and see us, but the van was rocking and the 4 foot awning was amplifying the movement. A clear sign to anyone outside as to what we were doing. As I looked at Kirsty, I saw she’d noticed it as well. Swearing under her breath, she jumped up and then jumped out of the van.

Leaving the door wide open, so if anyone walking along the path would see me naked from the waist down, with my cock wet and pointing towards the sky. However, it was Kirsty outside and bottomless that astonished me. As she cranked down the awning, I wondered if anyone could see her. When she eventually jumped back in and closed the door, I commented. “That was rather bold of you.”

She grinned before replying. “To be honest, I was too horny to think until I’d started. Then I thought, fuck it. Besides, I figure girls would more likely get away with it compared to a man. If you’d done it, you’d have been arrested.”

“How about we try another position? One that might not rock the van as much. Doggy?”

“My favourite.”

In a moment, she was kneeling on the floor with her elbows on the seat she usually sat on between customers, looking out through the windscreen of the van. Rolling over, I shuffled to kneel behind her. With our height difference, she had to kneel with her knees together, whilst my knees were outside and spread to get me to the right height to continue.

If I thought she was tight before, this felt even tighter, and Kirsty gasped.

“Fuck, you feel big!”

This time, our mutual thrusting seemed to cancel out the rocking, or we just hit the sweet spot of the suspension. It would be extremely unlikely that anyone walking towards us down the road could have worked out what we were doing. So I worked up to a decent pace.

“How close are you?” I asked.

“A while off, ok?”

Damn, I was getting close and needed a distraction. Unfortunately, I got one from an unexpected and unwanted source. Kirsty’s phone rang, and she snatched it up.

“Fuck! It’s my uncle. I’ll have to answer it or he’ll come down here.” She pushed me back, and I sat back on my haunches.

As she talked, I realised I was breathing hard. Too many months of eating poorly and virtually no exercise had taken its toll. I made a promise to hit the gym and get back into shape as soon as I got home.

When she hung up, she swore under her breath.

“I’ve got to go! The garage called my uncle to say they’ve had a cancellation and they can fit in the van to sort out the brakes. Fuck!”


“Or perhaps I should say un-fuck! I wanted to get off again. How quick could you get the shark on the trailer?”

“10 or 15 minutes. Why?”

“I need to put the ice cream back in the freezer, so when I’m done, follow me back to my uncles.”

25 hurried minutes later. I parked on a narrow terrace street, watching as Kirsty handed over the keys of the van to her uncle. Once he drove off, she waved at me and signalled she needed 5 minutes and rushed inside her uncle’s house.

I closed my eyes and saw her semi naked form dancing across my mental screen in my head. When I heard a slap on the bonnet of my car, I jumped and saw Kirsty reaching for the door with a small bag in her hand.

“Back to your place, please. We’re not done with each other for the day.”

40 minutes later, I pulled off the road and went through the farmyard and into the field where half a dozen static caravans were lifted on jacks. Pulling up outside mine, we barrelled out of the car and stepped inside. Turning the heating to full, I looked around and wished I’d had the chance to tidy up before getting company. Kirsty was the first visitor I’d had in over 4 months.

“I feel a little awkward now. I’ve never been so forward with anyone before.” She said,

“It’s OK, we don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to…”

“I want to, it’s just…” She looked nervous, so I decided to take charge again.

Pulling her over to me as I sat, I guided her to sit sideways on my lap. One of my hands behind her back, the other resting on her knee. Her face in front of mine, I leant in for a kiss and she readily returned it. Shifting my hand to cup the back of her head, our kiss deepened, and she lifted a hand to rest against my cheek.

When we broke the kiss, it seemed like Kirsty’s mood was back in form and I pulled her bikini top from my pocket.

“It seems you left this on the ‘shark’.”

“Oops!” she giggled. “That’s why so many people were staring at my tits. Despite their size.”

“There’s nothing wrong with them. Here, I’ll prove it.”

The hand on her knee moved up under her shirt and over her flesh. Brushing over her breasts and barely touching her areola. She let out a shiver, then kissed me again, harder.

This time, when we broke the kiss, she was breathing harder.

“You really know how to handle them. My former boyfriend was always too rough. Tugging on my nipples like he wanted to twist them off.”

“One advantage of being with an older guy.” I replied, lifting front of her t-shirt and leaning forward to kiss and lick her breasts. Avoiding her areola and nipples entirely. “Smaller breasts mean the nerve endings are closer together and therefore more sensitive than a woman with massive hooters.”

To demonstrate, I extend my tongue and barely touch her nipple with the tip. She jumped as a jolt of electricity from the contact shot through her.

“Shit! I think I could cum just from you doing that.”

“Would that be a bad thing?”

“No, but not yet. I want to finish what we started, but I want you to cum all over my tits. Take me to bed.”

In the small bedroom, I noticed my unmade bed and wondered when I’d last changed the sheets. However, Kirsty doesn’t seem to care as she stripped and pulled off my clothing. Sinking to her knees to suck me again, she pushed me back onto the bed and clambered on top. Mounting me effortlessly and bouncing on my cock.

After a while of thrusting herself up and down, she paused and laughed.

“At least this place doesn’t rock about so much. I worried I might have gotten sea sick doing this in the ice-cream van.”

“I’m sure I could distract you.” Wrapping my arms around her and pulling her close, I rolled us both over so that I’m on top.

She looked up at me and said. “Now you have me captive in your secret lair. What are you going to do to me? Nobody knows where I am. You could do almost anything to me and I’d be helpless to stop you.” Her words are a little worrying, but her tone is still playful.

“If you want to play it that way, then I think I’d want to keep you as my sex slave. Put a collar and leash on you and have you sleep at the foot of my bed.”

“You’d let me sleep?”

“Only after I was too exhausted fucking you in every position.”

“Every position? Does that mean in every hole?”

“Of course.”

Her ankles wrap around my back and lock together, trapping me and pulling me deeper inside her with surprising force.

“I think I’d love that.”

I was determined to impress Kirsty. I was inspired to give her my best performance, perhaps to prove that older men are worth her time. Or simply because I needed to prove to myself my long ago ex was wrong about me being a selfish lover. Whatever the reason, I did my best and revelled in her expression as her climax washed over her.

I could see the tension in her muscles moments before the sudden relaxation and distant look in her eyes as it hit and flooded her body with happy chemicals. I stopped moving, but remained inside as she rode the wave and finally came back to herself.

“That was wonderful. But you’ve not cum. Why?”

“Because that one was for you. I wanted to; no, I needed to make it good for you.”


“It’s a long story, and not for now.”

“OK, but this is your turn. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

She pushed me off and got me sitting on the end of the bed as she knelt on the floor and worshipped my cock.

As with the beginning in the ice cream truck, she went at it slowly and I wanted to hurry her up. But this time we had nothing to worry about being caught now. Just my impatience to cum. So I tried to be patient until her movements synced up with my needs and I called out.

“I’m gonna cum any second. Do you still want me to cum on your tits?”

“Not this time! I want to taste you properly.”

“Shit!” I cried out as her lips locked over the tip and she wanked the shaft.

Sending my spunk shooting into her hot, soft mouth, she swallowed and grinned up at me.

“Good?” she asked, and I nodded.

“How long before you can go again?”

“Give me a minute. I’m not a machine.”

“Sorry. How about we snuggle in bed for a bit?”

I nodded with a huge grin, and we crawled into bed and spooned for a bit.

This day was not turning out how I’d expected. Infinitely better of course, and I was working on remembering every detail as I could. The feel of her flesh, the sensation of our first proper kiss. The warm moist feel of her pussy as I touched it for the first time. Weird, I’d touched her pussy before I’d kissed her properly. The smell of her hair and the smell of her arousal in the tight confines of the Seabreacher are burned into my memory.

Stroking her hair, my mind was elsewhere, as Kirsty said.

“Simon, when I mentioned my ex before, I think I need to explain that he was my first proper boyfriend.”

“You mean; I’m only the second guy to…”

“Yeah. I thought you should know, in case you thought I wasn’t very good.”

“Of course not. I’d never judge someone like that. Besides becoming an expert, it’s all about practice. Practice, practice and more practice.”

She chuckled and pushed her bum back against me. “I like the sound of that.”

I felt a twinge of life in my cock. “It’s still too soon. Relax.”

A few minutes later, I noticed the steady breathing that signalled she was asleep and my bladder insisted I get up. Slipping from the bed, careful not to wake her, I grabbed my jeans and closed the bedroom door behind me. Putting on my jacket and jeans, I stepped outside and checked no one was in sight and chose a place to pee.

The farmer who owned the land encouraged me to pee outside, as it discouraged foxes from scavenging around the caravans. However, for me, as the caravan was not plumbed in, it meant emptying the toilet tank and topping up the freshwater less often.

Back inside, I flicked on the kettle and saw it was only just 11 am. Making coffee, I checked the Wi-Fi signal on my laptop and sat down to catch up on the news.

I was making another coffee and a sandwich when Kirsty appeared from the bedroom door naked. Her pale, skinny elfin form was almost otherworldly. She smiled sleepily at me and stretched, and watched as her small breasts lifted. The slit between her legs was clearly visible, with just a hint of colour from her pubes growing back.

“What time is it?”

“Just gone 2 pm.”

“Shit, I must have needed it. My room at my uncle’s is at the back of the house and the neighbour’s dog yaps at everything. My uncle says I’ll get used to it, but not so far after two months.”


“Please, any chance I could get something to eat?”

I handed her my plate and put the kettle on. By the time it was done, she’d wolfed the sandwich down. So I made another couple and put one on her plate with a packet of salt and vinegar crisps.

“Watch the crisps. They’re extra strong. Remember to wash your hands before you touch anything sensitive.” She looked confused. “Let’s just say I was eating a packet of those and surfing porn. Not an experience I want to repeat.” She grinned.

After we’d eaten and had our coffee, she asked.

“Would you mind if I had a shower?”

“Or course not. Help yourself.”

As she moved off, still naked, she paused at the bathroom door.

“You wouldn’t have a razor, would you? I wanted to tidy up down there.” Her fingers brush over her mons.

I point at my beard and shake my head. “Don’t worry about it. That doesn’t bother me. Although I’d like the chance to taste it again. I didn’t get a proper chance in the ice-cream van.”

“Really? My ex used to kiss it a couple of times, lick it a few times and then insist on getting his dick wet.”

“Hopefully, I’ll be able to show you what a man with patience is like, along with a strong desire to please his partner.”

“I think you already did that. To be honest, when I woke up, I felt so empty without you inside me. I almost want to cling onto you like a backpack in reverse, so I could go around with your dick inside me all the time.”

Chuckling, I replied. “That might make things awkward. Although, if I bought a bigger coat to hide you, perhaps.” She grinned as she went for her shower.

Kirsty returned, drying her hair, but otherwise still naked.

“I love being able to walk around naked, but I think you should be as well. And we should remain like that for the rest of the day.”

Without waiting for a response, she started to pull my clothes off. Not that I had any problems with that, especially as she was plastering little kisses over my cock. However, as I slipped off my socks, I noticed how gritty the carpet was and remembered it had been a while since I’d cleaned up.

“Give me a minute.” I asked, and grabbed the vacuum cleaner from the cupboard and started to clean.

Kirsty moved to sit next to my laptop as I pushed the vacuum around the floor. Then she started tapping away on the keyboard. Tough luck looking for my browser history. Incognito mode every time. Keeping your gift buying secrets from your wife, yeah right!

Then I heard the recognisable sounds of Freddie Mercury singing ‘I want to break free’. The video of which shows him doing the cleaning dressed in women’s clothing. Laughing, I try to mimic how he danced in the video from memory. It certainly made Kirsty laugh.

“If you’re just going to sit there taking the piss out of me, you could at least help with the cleaning. How about changing the bedding? The fresh sheets are on the top shelf in the bedroom.”

I could hear the larger grit bouncing off the inside of the vacuum and felt a little guilty I’d not bothered to keep the caravan cleaner. However, as I was finishing the lounge, I turned to see Kirsty bend over the bed with her naked bum towards me.

“That’s a sight I could get used to seeing.” I called, and she chuckled and wiggled her bum at me.

Setting the vacuum aside, I crept up behind her, knelt, reaching out to caress her bum. She let out a sigh. Then yelped a little yelp as I bit her bum gently. She burst out laughing and called me an idiot, but I wasn’t to be put off so easily.

Placing my thumbs under her cheeks, I eased them apart and pressed my face in and tried to lick her pussy. It was a stretch, and I only teased the very base.

“That’s distracting. At least let me finish this first.” She chuckled and pushed me off.

“Only if you hurry.”

As she finished, I ran the vacuum over the bedroom floor.

“Sorry, the place is such a mess. I never expected company.”

“It’s ok. I never expect a single guy to clean up after himself.” She stood as she finished the bedding.

“I’ll make it up to you. Pick a number between 1 and 10.”


“It’s the number of orgasms I’ll give you with my tongue and fingers.”

“10!” she declared, then laughed.

“OK, we’ll just need to make sure we take meal breaks and I get some electrolytes to make sure my tongue doesn’t cramp up. Let me show you.”

She squealed as I grabbed her and playfully wrestled her to the bed. She pretended to struggle, but helped me manoeuvre my head between her legs. Then she stopped wriggling.

I’d once overheard a couple of women talking about cunnilingus. One suggested it was like baking a cake, the same basic ingredients, but it was how you put them together that made all the difference. And that under no circumstances should you try to rush it.

Kneeling on the floor, I began. Kiss, lick, nuzzle and suck. Mouth, tongue and fingertips, each used and alternated as I moved from her mons, labia, slit and up to her clit. However, I moved away before I touched it, not wanting to go there yet. Changing the order and the pattern, gradually working Kirsty up slowly and steadily.

As ten minutes progressed to twenty, Kirsty’s hips were rocking, attempting to gain more stimulation. I didn’t deny her, but set my own pace. She started shaking her head and then burst out.

“Oh, for god’s sake Simon, let me cum!”

“No problem!”

Locking my lips to encircle her clitoral hood and clit, I gently suck and tickle her clit with the tip of my tongue. Releasing the suction for a moment and then sucking again. Kirsty lets out a gasp and I insert a finger inside her pussy and angle the tip to find her G-spot.

For some women it’s an obvious patch of flesh that feels different, however for others like Kirsty, there was nothing. Except for the reaction as I rubbed the right spot.

She bucked her hips up off the bed as she climaxed and let out a scream to rival any of the foxes’ cries. As she gasped to get her breath back, I sat back on my heels and wiped her juices off my beard.

“Fuck! I think I’m having a heart attack. Jesus! That was intense.”

“Do you want a few minutes’ break before I go on with the other 9?”

“Shit! I think I’d die.”

“But what a way to go.” I added with a chuckle.

She twisted around to cling on to me. Showering my face with kisses.

“Thank you. I was beginning to think my friends were lying about how good it was when done properly.”

“There are benefits of experience.”

“Speaking of experience. I notice something else has come up…” She reached out and stroked my resurrected erection. “How about we finish the doggy style fuck from the van?”

It was like she was reading my mind.

Once Kirsty came back from a quick pee break, she got on the bed and wiggled her bum at me, but I needed no encouragement. Kneeling behind her, I lined up and slowly applied pressure and watched as my shaft was gradually swallowed by her hungry pussy. It was a sight I could savour continuously. Especially combined with the warm, tight sensation as the enthusiastic young woman was pushing back against me, egging me on.

Without the worry of discovery, it seemed that she was normally loud during sex, and she swore and begged me to fuck her harder. Then the only sounds were of our slapping flesh and the creak of the mattress filled the room.

My fingers were gripping her hips and I could see her flesh pale from my tight hold as I thrust into her. I knew I wasn’t going to last long, and I was panting for air from unexpectedly strenuous exercise. Not that I’d have stopped short of a stroke.

“Fuck! I’m cumming again!” She exclaimed and tensed up.

That was enough to let me explode inside her. Shooting spurt after spurt of cum deep into her pussy.

We snuggled for a while, then I offered her a massage.

“A real massage, and not some teenage boy’s idea of one. You know the sort of thing. Rub, Rub. Grab her tits. Squeeze her bum. Stick it in, until you cum.”

Kirsty chuckled and agreed. That was what usually happened with a ‘massage’

Grabbing the massage lotion from the bathroom, a few towels, and my laptop, I returned to the bedroom. Put on some soothing music on the laptop and spread out the towels on the bed. Kirsty looked on until I sat on the bed with my back against the wall. I told her to sit between my legs and lean back against me so I could start with a scalp massage.

Taking my time, I made sure to keep it a proper massage and not some excuse to grope her. I’m pretty certain she was surprised that I steered clear of her areola and pussy. It wasn’t easy, I can tell you. Especially when she pushed her bum up at me as I massaged it.

Kirsty tried to return the favour, but I ended up with her straddling me and pressing my cock back against my stomach, whilst she rubbed her labia along the underside. I’m sure it felt great for her, but the prickles irritated my cock and I reluctantly had to stop her.

We cuddled for a while until we both fell asleep.

When I woke up, I felt a smile spread over my face at the memory of how unexpectedly good my day had gone. Slipping from the bed, I saw Kirsty on her tiptoes, trying to look through my cupboards. Doing it naked made it a much nicer sight.

“What do you do for food?” She asked.

“Pizza?” She nods in reply and I grab my phone.

“Hey Simon. The usual?” Came the voice came from the phone after I’d dialled.

“Caller id? Actually Dave, make it extra-large, throw in a garlic bread and a bag of salad. Oh, and make it 8 cans of beer.”

“Sounds like someone is having a bit of a party.”

Glancing at Kirsty, I can see she’s eyeing my semi hard cock. “Something like that.”

“OK, I’ve got a few other orders for your general area. It’ll be about an hour.”

“Ok, an hour.” I replied and hung up. Kirsty smiled, adding.

“If we have an hour, I think I need something to occupy my mouth in the meantime.”

Taking me by the cock, she led me back into the bedroom and played with my cock for her own amusement. Obviously not trying to get me off, but by the time we heard the pizza guy’s horn outside, I was getting close.

“Shit. I’d better get dressed and get the pizza.” I muttered.

“I’ll get it.” She replied.

“The money’s on the shelf.” I pointed to some notes, and she grabbed it.

She grinned at me with a gleam in her eye as she shut the bedroom door. Did that mean she was? No, it couldn’t be. She was planning on letting him see her naked? With the laptop still playing music quietly in the background, I couldn’t hear what was said. When the engine of the old car started up and pulled away, I jumped up and yanked open the bedroom door to see Kirsty.

She was grinning at me and wearing my coat. That swamped her completely.

“Did you think I’d open the door naked? To be honest, I thought about it, but chickened out. Mind you, I think he might have seen more than he should have. I took the pizza off him with one hand and was holding the coat closed with the other. When he held out the beer, I reached out and took it, before I realised I had to keep the coat closed. You should have seen his face.”

After the pizza, we returned to bed to watch a movie. Kirsty chose a chick flick, but I couldn’t complain too much. She leant back against me as we both watched it naked. This way I could play with her breasts when the movie lost my attention.

Afterwards, she jumped up and brought back a couple of open cans of beer. She picked up on my hesitation to take it.

“What? I assumed you would want me to stay the night!”

“Of course.” I replied quickly. In truth, I’d assumed she’d want me to drop her home. To move off the point, I asked. “Have you told your uncle where you are?”

“Nope, and it’s none of his business.”

“True, but he might worry if you don’t come home. At least let him know you’re OK.”

“Fine.” She was nearly pouting as she walked into the lounge and I heard her side of the conversation, and it was obvious it didn’t go well.

Phrases like ‘I’m a grownup’ and ‘you are not my father’ always bode ill for this sort of thing.

She hung up in a huff, and I apologised for pushing her to do it.

“It’s OK, it’s just he winds me up. I’m 19 and can do what I want. I’ll be at university soon and nobody can tell me what to do. God! I’m all worked up and need to work it off.”

“What about your plan that we don’t get dressed today?” I asked, and she looked thoughtful.

“Are any of the other caravans occupied?” I shook my head after remembering the last of my neighbours had moved out a few days ago. “So we can take a moonlight stroll? Naked?”

It was amusing to see her when she first stepped outside. Moving like a frightened fawn, her eyes scanning for every threat. However, she seemed to get used to it and hooked her arm through mine as we wandered across the fields.

Being in a valley, we could see the oranges and reds of the sunset, but not the sun. Meaning we walked in a shadowy world at ground level, but there was enough light to see. Part way through the walk, I guided towards a copse of trees and held up a finger to my lips for silence.

At the first tree, I leant in a whisper.

“There is a fox’s den in there.” Leaning my back against a tree, Kirsty leant against me and I held her shoulders.

After a few minutes of silence. I gave her shoulders a slight squeeze as I made out the slight twitch of a pair of fox ears as he watched us watching him. She let out a slight gasp, and the foxes darted back into his den.

Heading back across the field, I explained how the fox and I had been watching each other all summer. He’d come around scratching around the caravans foraging for scraps, and sometimes I’d come out to watch him in his den. Of course I’d not done it naked before.

Kirsty laughed, then stopped me.

“I want to do something.” Before I could ask, she showed me.

Dropping to her knees, she took my soft and chilly cock between her lips and warmed it up in her hot mouth. In only a few hours she’d learned some things that I liked, and it was hard quickly. This time it was clear she wasn’t just playing around, but working on getting me off.

Closing my eyes to enjoy it until I sensed something. Snapping my eyes open, I saw Benji, the farmer’s Border collie sheepdog, bounding towards us. A very friendly dog.

“Oh, shit!” I muttered, and Kirsty looked up.

“Getting close?”

He was too slow in reply. Benji introduced himself to Kirsty by pressing his cold, wet nose against her bum. She shrieked and leapt to her feet, turning to see the dog. Then we both saw Bill, the farmer, about 60 feet off, walking in the shadows along a path.

He waved at us and Kirsty shot off like a hare towards the caravan. One hand over her crotch and the other over her breasts.

“Nice night for it!” Bill called out, and I could hear him chuckling. Covering up myself seemed pointless, so I waved and headed after Kirsty.

She was agitated, moving around the lounge. When she saw me, her face was flushed, and she burst out laughing.

“Looks like I needn’t have worried about flashing the pizza guy. Not after getting caught with your dick in my mouth. You don’t think he’ll say anything, do you?”

“I can talk to him in the morning if you want. Of course, if you were to talk to him, he might agree more readily. Especially if you’re nude again.”

The punch against my arm was a surprise and quite hard.

“God! My heart is going a hundred miles an hour. Fuck! Come here, you.”

Taking me by my still mostly hard cock, she pulled me into the bedroom and pushed me onto the bed. Clambering on top, she lowered herself onto me and rode me like a champion jockey. Her arse bouncing at speed.

From the earlier teasing and incomplete BJ, I knew I’d not last long, but the look of concentration on her face confirmed she wasn’t looking to string it out.

“I’m right on the edge.” I warned her.

“Quick, get on top. I want it all over my tits.”

She threw herself off me and onto her back, and I’d barely straddled her ribs before my ejaculation splattered over her tits. She shuddered, and I noticed both her hands were buried between her legs

“So 5 in one day is good, but we can try harder tomorrow.” I commented and kissed the top of her head.

“Some of us have to go to work tomorrow.”

In the morning I woke to find a sleeping Kirsty holding my morning wood, but still asleep herself. She seemed a little embarrassed to discover even in her sleep she wanted my cock. When I asked if she wanted to do something with it, she admitted she was a little tender from yesterday.

“I’m sorry.” I automatically reply.

“It’s OK, I don’t regret it. But I just need a little time to recover.”

As I dropped her at her uncles, she insisted I didn’t wait for her. She was expecting a lecture from her uncle. However, it wasn’t a long one as she arrived in the ice-cream van within minutes of my getting the Seabreacher into the water and performed the safety checks.

“You OK?” I asked as she cranked open the awning.

“Sort of. At least he didn’t flail me alive. I’m sorry to ask but…” She looked down at her hands before continuing. “It’s going to be intolerable living with my uncle now. Could I stay with you for a few days? I’ve only got 5 more days before I go home and 2 more before I go to university.” She looked hopeful, then added. “Besides, you still owe me some orgasms.”

“As many days and orgasms as you want. Sure, I’d love some company.”

I was surprised that I meant it. Not just from the sex, but just having someone to talk to. Months of living alone and only chatting a little to my customers had ground me down. It seems Kirsty had anticipated my response and produced a couple of bags and a backpack from the back of the van. Putting them in the back of my car.

Handing me a coffee afterwards, she commented she knew a lot of locals had wanted a go in the ‘shark’, but it was out of their budget. Had I considered an end of season promotional discount for locals?

It was a great idea and for the next 5 days I was busier than I’d been all summer. Both during the day and during the night in bed with Kirsty. On our last night together, Kirsty seemed to go out of her way to have as much sex as possible. Only quitting when I could not get it up, despite her very best efforts.

She insisted I drop her off at the train station instead of letting me drive her all the way home. It was a rather quiet and sad farewell, but we took each other’s numbers and emails and promised to keep in touch. However, I doubted if she wanted to after she started making new friends and all the new things to do.

I hoped she’d remember our time together fondly, as I knew I’d remember her. Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t high romance, and I’d moon after her for years to come. However, I’d miss more than just the good sex. After a couple of painful former relationships, it reminded me not only about how good sex was together, but also how much I appreciated her company.

Still, after I paid my last bills and headed to my actual home, I realised I had a lot of thinking to do about my future.

The End

[Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter and will take a moment to vote and comment.

I have a second part finished where the pair meet up and she introduces him to her university friends. Comment if you’d like me to post it.]

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