The Champion’s Companion 13-EDIT by BlknMild611

Marcos was seated in the upper level library with Princess Nossin who was asleep in a high backed armchair. Kaarthen was on the settee with Rinis but she seemed distant staring of into space. Mara was playing a board game of Queen’s crux against Jilleta. She seemed to be beating her.

He watched and it was an interesting game. More so than other games, Queen’s crux is strategic game where pieces are lost and regained quite easily. In Menthino, it is the national game. Both seemed to be masters, and they chased each other around the board in a mutual attack strategy. Marcos was quite impressed; he’d seen old men play the game for hours with only half a dozen moves between them. These two played in quick turns and altered styles frequently.

They were summoned for supper before either player gained any kind of advantage.

Marcos looked up shocked. “Wow, that was amazing you two did that for a whole hour and I didn’t even notice as I stood here.” Marcos said genuinely impressed. He had been genuinely sucked into the drama and actions of the board game and even felt a energetic buzz from it. It almost made him want to play despite the fact he wasn’t very good.

“Well she learned earlier with Princess Nossin. Perhaps it was beginner’s luck.” Said Kaarthen coming awake.

They moved to the dining room as Ein and the prince departed. No one said anything to the other party.

They were seated with Princess Nossin at the head with Marcos and Kaarthen at her right and left. Mara sat next to Marcos and Rinis was seated next to Kaarthen. Jilleta, Princess Nossin’s Hjordis stood behind as she ate.

“How was the day?” Kaarthen asked. They had just finished a soup course. It was obvious the kitchen was in disarray after the prince was allowed to compress and collapse the chief’s schedule.

“Boring enough to need a drink for a distraction. Speaking of which, we’ll be heading for Sellis when we return. We may be fighting our way out or bringing peace to the region so be prepared.”

“Will my angels be alright?” Kaarthen asked reaching for Rinis.

“Why wouldn’t they be?” Marcos replied confused. He realized that they did not have immortal eyes. They were no longer vampire nor exactly succubae but it didn’t say what or any limitations they may have. They had gotten stronger, but Marcos thought perhaps that was from the milk Kaarthen pushed on everyone. “Would they be?”

“They will not have trouble.” Princess Nossin said looking down the middle of the table and out the window.

Marcos looked at Kaarthen blankly. “See? The Princess always knows.” Kaarthen stared at her before looking back.

Kaarthen considered the question further of what could hurt the girls, but the Goddess occupying a corner of her mind seemed deliberately vague with answering. Kaarthen understood that nothing they were likely to face could hurt them but that didn’t answer what actually could.

The meal was excellent. They were served veal over rice and a tangy gravy. The group went upstairs to the parlor and met with the appeased Prince Carthin. He tried to show graciousness and attempted repeatedly to speak with his peer Princess Nossin. She let his conversations drop and left inane questions unanswered, as she watched Marcos and Kaarthen stand at the edge of the room. The prince persisted and she finally turned to him and missed when her subject disappeared with Kaarthen into their room.

“You’ll go crazy if you don’t get better prince. Kaarthen will come for your head then.” She said with uncharacteristic venomous cruelty, and immediately stood and walked off to her room.

Marcos and Kaarthen went to be alone privately in their room. As he closed and locked the door, he turned and found her nearly naked already. She climbed sinuously onto the bed. Her ass raised and her wet hairless holes peaked out invitingly. She slid flat on her stomach and looked over her shoulder at him from the soft mattress. The bed had a canopy and seemed an elegant backdrop for the beauty of her divinely feminine frame. The tower’s training and rich food helped her keep her curves and muscles but softened her with a pleasant soft layer. She looked at the moment not as a barbarian Amazon from the wilds but like a six and a half foot tall, impossibly curvy, pale as death, seductress. Her silvery white hair rolled over a shoulder and her catty pupils danced merrily in their voids. Her curved ass and thick muscled thighs contrasted well with her narrow waist and wide back. Marcos undressed in a trance staring at her. She had achieved synergy with her divine occupant and synchronized to radiate feminine sexuality as she writhed on the bed. His fantasies and impulses danced in her minds eye and she danced with them. Her tumbling spread her scent around the room and messed up the bed to create a love nest of mussed bed clothing and pillows that would envelop them. Her movements enthralled him more and more as she showed more and more of herself to him. Marcos stumbled as he undressed and he stepped out of his pants revealing his hardness. Finally unclothed, he straightened and walked to the bed.

Kaarthen lay pointed away on her stomach and felt his hard cock slid between her feet as he climbed over her. It jumped and pulsed as it slid up her calves. It wetly slid up her thighs and when it reached her pubic gap it thrust in. She felt how his drooling cock prodded for entrance into her vault. The combined moisture accelerated the process as they slipped along each other. The skin of her body was clammy with the fragrant scents of her pheromones as Marcos dragged himself over her and sank over her like a second skin. Kaarthen’s whole world was on the small patches of their touching skin. She closed her eyes and smiled inwardly as her hips rose and writhed slowly helping his quest.

He found the center of her heat and wetness and shoved in. His cock did the talking as he told her of the irritation and stresses of his day. She turned her head instinctively and opened her eyes. She reached a hand up and over from under her and guided him for a kiss. His cock jumped within her and hardened as their lips met. She kept him from pulling away as she continued and he gasped into her mouth as he thrust in hard gushing into her.

The goddess perked up suddenly from its corner with a celebration of feminine fertility. Sex with Marcos for Kaarthen, was always mind bending and a rewarding reaffirmation of the goddess within her. She immensely enjoyed her worship sessions in this manner.

Marcos reveled in being close to her and separated from those outside, and didn’t seem interested in leaving despite the fact it was still quite early. Kaarthen understood the sentiments he tried to share during sex. She was surprised at the level of dark cold energies of death the prince inspired in those who surrounded him. Marcos, despite his irritation, was only a sliver of that attention. Ein had an order of magnitude more of antipathy towards her charge. Ein’s feelings however, were dwarfed by Princess Ruegin’s cold calculating hate.

She spoke into the pillow as he lay atop her. “The Goddess is greatly pleased with us Marcos. We must settle the business in the west quickly for my child to be born by spring.” She kissed him and patted him.

“If we can make an easy pass that would be the ideal. Sellis may or may not be aware of the beast they are creating. If someone in the guild is actively planning to usurp control, or if in their arrogance the nobles and royalty don’t believe us then we may have troubles.” Said Marcos, as they looked face to face for a moment. “I will have cavalry and several of our heavy infantry units in Leethon. It will take them two weeks to follow. Sellis is known for cavalry and they fight mounted similar styled armies in that region. I won’t be able to win with just a cavalry detachment. I may likely have to ship the heavy assault infantry corps from Pessilberg around the west and up to make landing.” Marcos said and finally rolled off her onto his back.

“You would do all that?” She asked rolling over and lying back onto him

“Yes, similar plans are put forth if the King ever visits other capitals on rare occasions. I do believe however that we’ll be quite capable of defending ourselves and our intentions while we’re there.” He side idly running his hands over her body.

A soft tap roused them and Marcos cursed and rolled for the door. He opened it enough to intentionally show his state of undress as an unmoved grey maid handed him a note and departed.

Grumbling he dressed. “I must be present at the courts, several of today’s swindlers and cheats have a hearing”

Kaarthen turned to him. “I see. Will you take the prince?”

“Yes, why?” Marcos said shuffling on pants, blouse, swords, and his robe.

“Perhaps Rinis should take a turn watching him.” Marcos raised a brow. “Ein seems to think violence against him is not worth deterrence. Perhaps some time for her to cool would be best.”

“Sounds fair. Not professional, but then most people don’t actively work against their bodyguard and Ein isn’t trained to be a wet nurse.” Marcos said chuckled ruefully.

Outside, Marcos told Ein of the changes and collected Rinis and the prince. The municipal complexes they bordered were easy walking distance. The prince however still balked when the Manor’s door opened revealing the sunny street and not a waiting carriage.

“We can’t walk! What is this? Menthino had a carriage for us earlier!” He said looking around for the tardy carriage. “We are forgetting our…my station as prince, walking separates us from them.” He said pointing at the same impassive grey maid who stood at the door.

Marcos tugged him through the door and Rinis followed with perhaps a tiny grin. The walk was not worth two minutes of unabridged lectures, pleas, and curses. Marcos wondered for the innumerable time just how a sickly boy could talk for two minutes straight till he was red in the face about his health, the injustices of the day, and the inequality of the literally pedestrian means forced on him. He resolved to get a trust worthy physician to make a look and get this settled.

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