Mr. Confetti Man 03 by Benny_Blank

Mr. Confetti Man 03 by Benny_Blank

I suppose you are wondering that with all the screwing around I seem to do, much of it without condoms, how I keep from getting any of the number of STDs out there. Well, first, I am judicious. It try to get to know the women first…though that isn’t always the case, e.g., Conchita but even she seemed to be enough of a health and fitness buff to make it worth the risk. Deidre is only screwing two people, her husband Drexel and me; and I know her well enough to trust her on that. Karen, I am absolutely sure, is only having sex with me–no question there. With the extra woman here and there that I wind up in bed with, I use a condom. Moreover, I get regularly tested for STD’s, every month or two. Which brings us to….

Desi is a 25 year old nurse, well almost–I’ll explain later. She is from “The Islands” and is one of those shockingly beautiful women whose lineage includes ancestors from a multitude of countries and colors. She can trace her background back generations. One of her great to the 6th grandmothers was a native Carib, her great to the 6th grandfather a freed slave of African descent. Mix in and English trader, and a illegitimate daughter plantation owner and a Portuguese soldier…well you get the idea. Desi is the poster girl for the refinement that mixed races can produce.

At 5’10” (1.8m) is barely 140lbs (63kg) and Desi is as graceful as a jaguar. If her breasts are a C-Cup I would be surprised–they are more likely a B or a B+; in any event, while attractive they are not her defining feature. Her skin is dark, smooth blemish free, and has a glow about it. Her face is a bit round but nicely proportioned. It is her eyes and her smile that will win one over in an instant. A look, and a smile, and a sentence containing that island lilt of hers and your heart melts like butter. But it is her personality that is her defining trait: a poised woman, calm, reserved but with those flashes of joy and mirth that are captivating. Desi is one of a kind.

A technician in the lab where I go, Desi is the one who helps me with my blood tests, “p” tests, and swabs for my STD testing. She went to school to become a nurse on her home island, passed all of the tests, and was registered as a professional nurse. Her nursing credentials were not recognized here, so she is back in nursing school to qualify for certification here. She is bright, bright, BRIGHT; plus her British educational system taught her the value of study and hard work–a RN was soon to be hers.

So, this is all embarrassing for me, that is going into this lab and testing for STDs on a fairly regular basis and there is the lovely Desi handling all of the non-invasive tests in a professional and businesslike manner. She can’t draw blood but she can do swabs and supervise the urine samples. It is bizarre, but over the months I got to feel like I knew her and, of course, was attracted to her–who wouldn’t be?

I was at the lab just before noon, getting my regular testing done. Desi finished up exactly and 12:00 noon. She was just putting the samples in an envelope and attaching my ID sticker when it was time for lunch. The lab closed from 12:00Noon until 1:30PM. She was headed for lunch.

I took a chance and asked her, “Desi, would it be forward of me to ask you to lunch today?”

In the reserved manner that I have come to know, she said, “Yes, it WOULD be forward of you, Mr. Drummond.”

My face must have fallen with that response, so I said, “Well, Desi, I can’t blame you for saying ‘no’. It was worth it to me to ask, though.”

“Mr. Drummond, you asked me if it would forward of you to ask me to lunch,” she responded in a logical manner, “and I said it would be forward. But I didn’t say ‘NO’, did I? So, the question you should have asked is, ‘Desi, would you go to lunch with me?’. Now, if you would have asked THAT question, my answer would have had an answer for you.”

“Desi, O.K.,” said I assuming some false humility, “would you go to lunch with me? Today?”

Desi smiled that dazzling smile of hers and said, “Well, YES, Mr. Drummond. I would be happy to…but…we must go somewhere away from here. Employees are not supposed to fraternize with our patients…not unethical…just against policy. But I’ll make an exception in your case.”

“That’s wonderful, Desi!” I said with no little joy in my voice, “do you know where “The Grind” is? It’s only a few blocks away and I doubt anyone from here would think of eating lunch there. It is a coffee place but they do have sandwiched, fruit, and things….O.K.?”

I gave her the address. I headed for my car and she headed for hers. In ten minutes we were sitting across from each other sharing a coffee and waiting for our sandwiches.

“Desi, I’m glad I can have the chance to chat with you,” I started out, “you’ve had me as a secret admirer for months. I don’t know much about you except your from “The Islands” and you’re studying to be a nurse. Tell me more.”

“Oh, Mr. Drummond,” she said mildly, “you name isn’t Mr. Drummond I know….that’s just your first name but, well, calling you ‘Mister’ just makes it more formal for me, you being a patient and all.”

“That’s quite all right, Desi, I have no problem with that at all,” I said to put her at ease.

She proceeded to give me a brief rundown of her life as a nurse in “The Islands”, her decision to move to the USA. She was frank about leaving home for here because of a break up of her marriage that she was essentially contracted to as a teenager, and the challenge of re-establishing her credentials as a nurse. She didn’t seem bitter about any of this. She was matter of fact with a large dose of hopefulness.

As our sandwiches arrived, she said, “You, know…er…Drummond, that I wonder why it is you come in so frequently for your testing. I know it is all ‘self-ordered’, no doctor’s orders, and out doctor gives you the results. ‘Why’ has always been in the back of my mind…so, if I might ask, WHY?”

I was a little disconcerted by the question but I composed myself and said, “Desi…I have never been embarrassed about my coming in for STDs testing before. For me, I think it just makes good sense…I’ll tell you why in a minute…but, since you’ve been there helping me I have felt rather self-conscious about it. I am happy you haven’t expressed any judgment at me at least.”

“I am a medical person, Drummond, I try not to judge,” she said professionally, “but I do have my curiosity….in this case not entirely medical…about why you have this testing done. Does that help?”

“Immensely, Desi,” with that opening I continued, “I’m going to rely on your discretion and, well, ethic of confidentiality, if I might. The situation is this, Desi, I…er…have a number of girlfriends…I know that sounds like I’m bragging…but these women friends are very close and dear to me…and…well…I’m not ‘exclusive’ with any of them nor are they ‘exclusive’ with me…if you know what I mean…so, for their safety and mine, I make sure that I get tested for STD’s regularly. Does that make sense to you, Desi?”

“Well, of course it does, Drummond,” she said between bites of her sandwich, “that is a marvelous position to take! There would be much less threat of STDs if more people, men and women, took that approach. But there is one thing…and I hope I won’t embarrass you…How come so many girlfriends? I mean….well….?”

I looked her in her gorgeous brown eyes and said, “Well…yes…that is a VERY GOOD question. Again I’m going to rely on your discretion and confidentiality…and I’m going to be very honest with you…The long and short of it is, I adore women. I love beautiful, smart, honest, women…of course their looks are a factor but not the deciding one. And…honestly I don’t know why…just by being friendly…no really being a friend…some women are just attracted to me…and I to them. I absolutely can’t brag about any of this…it just happens. I don’t know exactly how else to explain it.”

Desi smiled and said, “Oh, I think I have an idea why Drummond, but it will take me some time to test my hypothesis, to put it in a scientific way. Just how many of these women to you have on ‘the string’….is that a way to put it?”

“Oh, Desi, I don’t know that I’d call it ‘on the string’ really,” I answered, “it is more that we just like each other and we spend time together and…well…. yes…we have….uh…sex together. It makes them happy, it makes me happy…so….everybody is…well…happy! And I don’t make any secrets of it to any of them. They all know that I have sex with other women and they are perfectly O.K., with it, each for their own reasons. And…yes…if any of them were to have sex with another man…that’s O.K. with me, too. But we also agree to let each other know if we have sex outside of our relationship without using protection, so that we can make sure we’re safe by getting tested. It’s real simple. If that doesn’t happen then the sex part goes away. Does that make sense to you, Desi?”

“It makes absolute sense to me, Drummond,” Desi said as she finished her sandwich, “and I admire you for it. You have been very helpful to me…very. And I thank you for this nice lunch and the time we’ve had to talk. I will see you soon…I expect…and I don’t mean to joke. You are a really nice man.”

“Thank you for taking your time to talk to me and for being so understanding, Desi,” I said gently shaking her hand, “and, yes, I shall see you again at the lab, unless you pass your boards and Ms. Desi, RN, finds herself in a quality medical job. I so admire you, too, for your determination. Good bye, for now.”

She went to her car, and I to mine. She headed back to work and I headed over to Karen’s.



I cruised up the long driveway to Karen’s house. Yes, it was palatial! It had the feel of one of the old English manor houses but with modern touches. Instead of being one solid, rectilinear block of rooms with regular windows across the front for three floors, it had terraces and balconies. It did not look like a hodgepodge, it looked more like something of a modern conception of an English mansion while still retaining a general feel of a British aristocrats country home. Kurt and Karen could easily afford this place as well as several others they owned around the USA and around the world.

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