A Family Affair by mt44

Peter finally opened his groggy eyes to find his daughter smiling at him. How could a twenty-year-old girl completely drain his energy? Somehow, a quick blowjob in his car easily qualified as the greatest oral experience of his life, and he knew that he had his perfect princess to thank.

“Better than Mom?” Stacy asked, planting one final kiss on the head of his shiny cock before settling back into the passenger seat.

“Better than Mom?” he laughed while pulling his pants back up. He turned the ignition to resume their trip home. “Is that a serious question?”

It was exactly what she wanted to hear. At the end of the day, Dad belonged to her, and it was nice to hear him admit it. What if he came to her with all of his sexual needs from now on? What if he never touched Mom again? Oh my God, what if she could call him her boyfriend?

But she knew better than to get ahead of herself. They needed to take things slow. Tonight, she finally enjoyed her father in ways she’d never previously imagined, and she would savor every remaining moment together.

Chapter 4 — A Guilty Conscience

Three Hours Later.

Kim walked into the family room to find Peter sitting on the sofa, surrounded by darkness. Why wasn’t the television on? Or how about a light? It was strange to find her husband not busy doing something to occupy himself, so she couldn’t help but be confused by what she saw.

She turned on the light and looked at him. “Hey.”

“Oh…hey,” Peter responded faintly.

“How was dinner?”

“What?” he asked. “Dinner?”

Her eyebrows perked up as a result of his peculiar demeanor. Why had he yet to take a shower? Or even change out of his work clothes? She’d heard him and Stacy arrive home hours ago, so she didn’t understand the reason for his odd behavior.

“Um…yeah, how was your dinner with Stacy?” she asked in her typical nightwear which consisted of baby blue pajama pants and a matching t-shirt.

She continued to observe him curiously as he looked off at the wall. What was going on? Who replaced her husband with a shy high school kid? It was almost as if he was guilty of something.

“It…uh…was good,” he answered, still avoiding eye contact.

An awkward silence flowed through the family room. Peter clearly felt uncomfortable from his wife’s presence, while Kim struggled to understand why her husband acted so distant. It was uncharted territory for the parents of two.

“I need to confess something.”

Kim waited to hear whatever was on his mind from her spot just in front of the family room entranceway. She was surprised to not see him walking on clouds after enjoying a nice dinner at a fancy restaurant with Stacy, because he’d never hid who he preferred spending time with in the past. Their daughter really did own his heart.

“It’s…um…going to sound absurd,” he warned her. “You have to promise to not freak out.”

That certainly grabbed her attention. “What will I freak out about?”

His eyes evaded her once again. He honestly tried his best, but he just couldn’t look at her. The shame of his impending confession weighed too heavily on him.

“Peter, what will I freak out about?” she asked a second time.

His stomach churned. His blood pressure rose. The biggest mistake of his life occurred on the ride home from what should’ve been an innocent dinner, and he didn’t know if he could live with himself because of it. How could he have been so weak?

Stacy was his daughter. He was supposed to protect her, but instead, he took advantage of her trust. He crossed a line that he could never return from. He’d failed his daughter, cheated on his wife, and disappointed himself all in the span of fifteen brief minutes.

And now it was time to face the music.

He had to come clean. What was he supposed to do? Live with such a monumental secret for the rest of his life? The mother of his children deserved to hear the truth, and he absolutely couldn’t move on until he cleared his conscience. Otherwise, he would break down piece by piece until the entire world collapsed on top of him.

“I did something.”

She waited for him to expound on his words.

“Something bad,” he said quietly, staring down at the hardwood floor.

“Like what?”

He struggled to divulge his worst nightmare. “I did something with…um…Stacy.”

A copious number of potential possibilities swiftly occupied her mind. She knew how helpless Peter was around their daughter, so she could only imagine what took place while they were out. Did he let her drink wine with dinner? Or maybe she convinced him to stop by a jewelry store on their way home to buy her a diamond necklace? Or what if he committed to allowing her to backpack Europe with her girlfriends for a month during the summer–after they’d repeatedly told her no several months ago?

“Oh boy, what did you buy her this time?” she asked, preparing herself for anything. Stacy probably booked her future flight to Germany as they spoke.

He gulped but his throat was dry. Kim’s question would be accurate under most circumstances. Common sense pointed to him spoiling his daughter with an outlandish gift–like usual–but he unfortunately committed a far greater sin than spending significantly more on her than he did on Nick.

Peter dropped his voice to a barely audible level. “We…kinda…messed around.”

“You…messed around?” she asked, unsure of what she’d heard. “What does that mean?”

He continued to stare down at the floor, but decided to remain silent this time. He just couldn’t find the courage to admit to his deeds.

“Peter, what does that mean?” she tried to get some kind of explanation.

He could do it. He had to. Otherwise, the night would drag on forever until he eventually spilled his guts. He just needed to collect himself, clear his throat, and confess to his dastardly actions.

He finally looked at his wife. Her blue eyes didn’t fill him with joy in the same way that Stacy’s did, and her high cheekbones lacked a certain beauty that his incredible daughter effortlessly possessed. Even now, he wasn’t sure if he would change his night if he could do it all over again, but his lust didn’t make it right. He’d still fucked up big time.

“We messed around…sexually.”

Her blank stare went unchanged.

“I don’t know what got into me,” he told her. “I honestly don’t. I really don’t know what to say other than I’m sorry.”

A hint of a smile appeared on her formerly expressionless face.

“Kim, I’m serious. I made a huge mistake,” he said, doing his best to get her to see the gravity of the situation.

She started laughing.

He looked on in disbelief as his wife found humor in his bizarre confusion. What was going on? How could she react this way? He’d expected to be met by an irate woman after coming clean, but she didn’t seem to take him seriously at all.

“Messed around sexually,” she continued laughing, shaking her head. “God, you and your daughter always had a twisted sense of humor.”

“I’m not joking.”

“Oh, I forgot to tell you that I gave Nick a lap dance after dinner,” she joked, refusing to fall for his sick prank.

“You need to listen to me,” he stressed the importance of his confession. “We pulled over on the ride home and Stacy gave me a blowjob.”

Something changed after she heard him say the word blowjob. The humor was sucked out of the room, only to be replaced by serious energy. In an instant, her carefree personality vanished. Her playfulness disappeared. Everything turned extremely somber.

She needed to make sure that she didn’t misunderstand his words. “What did you just say?”

He took a deep breath and glanced down at the floor again. Repeating his confession would be twice as difficult now that Kim knew it wasn’t a joke. “Stacy gave me a blowjob.”

“You pulled over on the way home and Stacy gave you a blowjob?” she asked, unable to comprehend his admission. “That’s what you’re telling me?”

He nodded.

“A blowjob? Our daughter gave you a blowjob?”

He nodded again.

“Peter, if this is a joke, then you need to tell me immediately,” she demanded.

“I’m so, so, so sorry, Kim. I–”

“Oh my God, Peter!

It was the exact reaction he expected.

“Are you kidding me!?” Kim panicked, running her hands through her brown hair. “A blowjob!? A freakin’ blowjob!?”

He opened his mouth to apologize again but quickly thought better of it. Kim clearly wasn’t done.

“You made our daughter give you a blowjob!?” she shouted, beyond flabbergasted. “What is wrong with you!?”

“Hey, I didn’t make her give me a blowjob,” he defended himself. “I would never do something like that.”

“So, she wanted to give you one?”

He nodded.

“And that’s supposed to make it better?” she questioned, glaring at him. “How in the world could you do this to your own daughter? You’re her father! Not her boyfriend!”

He looked up at the ceiling, dreading either of his kids hearing Kim. The good news was that they lived in a big house, but their space was pretty much the only upside to how things unfolded. He still didn’t regret his decision to confess his sins, but he kicked himself for not waiting until he was alone with his wife.

Kim tackled the pressing issue as to why she wasn’t completely enraged. Yes, she was mad; and yes, she’d screamed at her idiot husband. She couldn’t help but think that she should be furious, though. Why didn’t she throw the lamp sitting on the end table at Peter? Why didn’t she hit him as hard as she could? Why didn’t she kill him?

Because the truth was that perhaps a little part of her had always expected to hear some like this eventually.

Peter and Stacy were inseparable. She’d never recalled seeing her husband more upset than when Stacy first went off to college. It was like part of him died while she was gone. Twenty years of their daddy/princess relationship cumulated in a a moment of taboo oral sex on their way home from an expensive dinner, and it suddenly clicked for her in a moment of complete clarity. Everything immediately made sense.

She turned and headed for the stairs.

“Kim?” Peter called out, concerned about her decision to leave the room without further addressing his horrific revelation.

She didn’t have time to chat. She climbed the stairs and headed down the hallway to the one place where she belonged. If Peter loved Stacy to the extent that he couldn’t control himself in her presence, then it was time for her to do the same.

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