After the Exes: A New Beginning by Mr_Neb,Mr_Neb

“After the Exes: A New Beginning”

by Mr. Neb

“I have thought about this very moment and just as I thought, it’s a little awkward!” Lauren said.

“I know what you mean”, Jason agreed, almost relieved.

It was indeed awkward. Lauren and Jason were about to have sex for the first time but they were not teenagers. They were not young people just becoming sexually active. If that were the case, they would have blank sexual canvases. They would be developing their sexual personalities from scratch, together. They wouldn’t know their own likes, dislikes, fantasies, secret desires, and personal taboos much less those of their first lover’s. It would all be unknown and they would begin to figure it all out together.

No. These were two people in their 40’s. They both had long marriages that ended in divorce. By now, they both had plenty of sexual history, almost all of it formed with imprint of their former spouses.

“I feel like a kid again,” Jason continued. “I’m not sure what should I do, not do, or what to expect? If we were just kids, we could figure it out as we went along. We could discover together what we were comfortable with. But now. We each have our wants, preferences, and boundaries and mine might not be compatible with yours.”

What made the awkwardness even more acute was that this conversation wasn’t taking place during after-dinner coffee at the end of a date. That situation took place more than an hour ago. They were now in bed, Jason wearing just his boxers and Lauren was in just her bra and panties. They were committed.

Jason and Lauren had been dating for two months and neither had been in a hurry to start a new sexual relationship. Each had gone more than two years without one but it wasn’t because they had lost interest in sex. Quite the contrary. It was because sex was so important to them that they knew it would require a big emotional investment before they would let a relationship get to that point. Prior to meeting each other, neither had felt that anyone had been worth that investment. So there they were, half naked, with long dormant hormones now awakening, emotions building, yet there were trepidations. The stakes were high. Neither wanted to mess this up.

“I trust you Jason. I am comfortable with us. I want this to be a part of our relationship. You are a kind and gentle man and I am sure you are a great lover and I want to be a good lover to you.”

“I am sure you will be”, Jason interrupted while he wrapped his arms around her in a deep hug. “But how do I avoid some sensitive issue that I don’t know anything about?”

Lauren smiled.

“Well I guess there is good news there. I haven’t given it a lot of thought but there probably isn’t very much that would cause me to leap out of the bed screaming hysterically.”

“OK,” Jason said as he returned the smile. “Good to know.”

This procrastinating talk was helping ease the tension and the emotional pressure that each had brought into bed. Afterall, it had been years since either had been in this position. They could wait a little while longer while they sorted things out.

Ah, but they couldn’t delay things forever. The window for small talk was rapidly closing. Their ability to dissect this dilemma, analyze its pieces, and come up with a solution was rapidly being overrun by primal carnal forces that would soon make this whole issue moot. The blood of passion was now flowing within them. There was now a very effective erection present which Lauren had become aware of. Also present were sensitive nipples and increasing amounts of (so far) internal lubrication, all unstoppable and all as designed and intended by nature. These irreversible events were on autopilot and at some point they would overrun and swamp their ability for tender chit-chat.

Lauren returned the hug and also subtly moved her leg. This was her way of non-verbally acknowledging and approving of the present and growing situation between Jason’s legs. One of his hands slowly and tenderly made its way down Lauren’s back. His fingers momentarily snagged the elastic of her panties before making a caressing pass over her ass.

“We have talked a lot about our pasts,” Lauren began while they embraced, “but I don’t really know much about your relationship with Catherine. For me, it’s easy. My sex life with Mike was practically non-existent so there is no baggage one way or the other. He pretty quickly lost all interest in sex, no matter what I did. It was frustrating. I was pretty much left to my fantasies that my imagination could come up with and my vibrator, so I guess I’m wide open.”

The extra meaning in Lauren’s words got a giggle out of both of them.

“In a way, it was the opposite for me,” Jason lamented. “There is nothing wrong with my libido and I too have an active imagination but it was all pretty much stifled with all the rules. Catherine had an endless list of rules. No sex in the morning. No sex unless it was pitch dark in the bedroom. It was rare when she had all of her clothes off. The missionary position was pretty much it for us, and there was no talking. There was barely any noise at all. We could have made love in a library and no one would have known. God, I wish we could have done that.”

“You wanted to have sex in a library?”

“Ha! No. Talk. I just wish we could have talked more.”

“What do you mean talk? Like talking dirty during sex? Phone sex? Just talking about sex?”

“Yes! All of the above. God, there were so many times, in the heat of the moment, it was practically painful to not say what I was thinking.”

“This is great,” Lauren declared. “I’m glad we got into this. Who knows how long we would have gone with you being perfectly silent because you think that was what I wanted. I would be wondering why you were so quite. Was I doing something wrong? Were you mad at me? So for the record, it’s perfectly OK for you to say anything you want. You don’t have to hold back.”

Jason hugged Lauren again, this time he deliberately pressed his erection against her thigh.

“OK but I don’t think you know what you might be getting yourself in for, Jason warned. “I might get pretty chatty and graphic.”

Lauren did not let this opportunity pass. She wanted to put Jason at ease and let him know that she was more than willing to be a very active and verbal participant. She moved her head aside of his, her lips were right at his ear but she said nothing at first. All he heard, and felt, was her measured breathing. Her hand slipped down through the slit in his boxers. She slowly wrapped her fingers around his very erect penis. She held him firmly and then she spoke.

“Why of course darling,” she said breathlessly. “I want you to say anything and everything that you feel like saying. I’ll do the same. Would you me to go first?”

She punctuated that last sentence with a gentle squeeze. Jason could only manage an unintelligible expulsion of air.

“Mmmmm. I like this,” she seductively whispered while gently stroking him. “I like the feeling of your hard cock in my hand. I have been dreaming about this, fantasizing about doing this and having sex with you. I wondered what it would feel like to hold you like this, what it would feel like inside me, what you would ta…”

“Oh geeze Lauren!” Jason interrupted. “Slow down just a bit or things are going to end way too soon. You have no idea how that sort of thing makes me feel.”

“Oh I think I do,” she said with a smile. “I think I know first-hand how it makes you feel,” Lauren quipped before returning to a more sultry tone. “It makes you very hard… and… surprisingly moist.”

“Yeah, sorry about that.”

“No need to apologize. I find it incredibly sexy that I can have that effect on a man. I love it!”

Internally, Jason noted the stark contrast between his ex-wife’s attitude and Lauren’s. The former was all but repulsed by the fact that sex was a rather a wet proposition. They latter however seemed to whole heartedly embrace that reality.

While he conjured that dichotomy, he deftly undid the clasp of Lauren’s bra. She pulled away slightly to make its complete removal easier but then she pressed close into him again. She had something she needed to tell him before things when any further.

“I suppose in the spirit of full disclosure, I should tell you something about me. You should know… I… I have very sensitive nipples. There! I said it. I confess.”

“Really?” Jason said with a bit of a giggle, not sure if she was being serious or not. He stopped moving his hand for a moment, as if that revelation somehow meant that he should reconsider where his attentions were about to go.

“Yes, really. I’m not kidding. They are super sensitive and drive me crazy. I get super excited when they are touched or, uh, ‘stimulated’ in other ways. Sometimes I can even get these weird orgasms.”

“Weird orgasms? What kind of weird orgasms?”

She kissed Jason passionately on the lips before returning her lips to his hear.

She then whispered, “Sometimes I can come just from having my breasts and nipples touched, especially kissed. I get very wet and fidgety and of it’s done long enough, I can have these weird orgasms. They are sort of dull and rumbling, not like normal. They feel like they are almost coming from my stomach. They never finish the right way. They’re incomplete. They make me more frustrated than satisfied.”

This was all true although Lauren’s frame of reference over the past several years was from her masturbating, not with a lover.

After a pause she added, “So, do you still like the idea of us talking?”

“More than ever. More than ever,” he said before returning her kiss.

“May I?” Jason asked rhetorically without stating what he was seeking approval for.

Lauren responded only by recreating that space between them, fully exposing her chest for her new lover. However, Jason did not stop kissing Lauren’s face. The younger Jason would have immediately headed down towards her breasts, anxious to see just how true this revelation was, but not the current Jason, not the more patient and more thoughtful Jason. He now knew that this was not the time to rush. This was the time to build the excitement, build the arousal, build the anticipation. He knew that Lauren’s anticipation of when her sensitive breasts would eventually be caressed would almost be as effective as the actual caressing. He was absolutely correct.

He tenderly kissed all about her face. These were meaningful kisses, all part of making love to her face. After kissing each area of her face he would kiss her several times on the lips, his tongue just lightly probing, being met with her tongue. All this movement caused his chest to rub against her breasts. Even that contact with her nipples was putting her arousal into high gear. She knew the signs. Here breathing was less measured and things were getting pretty wet down there.

As he moved to her neck, kissing and caressing, she sighed deeply.

“I knew you were a good kisser, but…”, her voice trailing off.

With a firm destination in mind but in no hurry, Jason kissed, nuzzled, and licked his way down her neck. When he got to the base, just above her collar bone, he paused and breathed in deeply. This was one of his favorite spots on a woman. That wonderfully soft spot, filled with a marvelous naturally feminine scent. They both enjoyed the lingering kisses that took place there.

As Jason continued to move down, his hands did so as well, keeping firm contact with Lauren’s back as he went. She swooned as he kissed his way down her body. She loved every agonizing moment. She was caught in the paradox of anxiously wanting him to reach her breasts but thoroughly enjoying Jason tortuous process.

“Does this feel good?” Jason said with his lips pressed against her chest, between her breasts.

“Oh God yes!” Lauren struggled to reply. “Don’t stop. Please.”

Jason just smiled and kissed her again between her breasts. Lauren parted her legs and he settled between them.

At this point, Lauren expected Jason’s hands to move to her breasts. She wanted that. She ached to have her breasts held firmly in his masculine hands but Jason did nothing of the kind. Instead, his moved his face to under her left breast and repeatedly kissed and licked at the crease. It tickled her but in a good way. He then did the same to the other breast, intentionally avoiding her nipples.

While kissing the underside of her right breast, he brought a finger into his mouth to get it wet. With the slightest touch, his wet finger met the erect nipple of her left breast.

Lauren twitched as if shocked with electricity. He touched her again and she shuddered. Again and again he touched her until his finger could remain in contact without her jumping out of her skin. Again he got his finger wet and returned it to her left nipple and when it made contact so did his lips on her right nipple for the first time. His finger and his mouth felt them taught and rock hard. Now his hands moved to her breasts, slowly massaging them with a firm touch.

Lauren’s head lay back against the pillow, her eyes closed. She was having those feelings again. It was hard for her to lay still. Her pelvis squirmed even beneath Jason’s weight. If things didn’t change she knew she was headed towards one of those weird orgasms. She was both desperate for it and dreading it.

Jason’s hands, fingers, and mouth were preforming the perfect symphony on Lauren’s chest. It was that perfect balance between the ecstasy of arousal and sexual frustration amplified by Jason patient pace. Jason drew one nipple into his mouth, his wet tongue swirling in circles around it. His fingers, kept constantly wet by trips to his mouth, mimicked the same pattern on the other nipple. Lauren clutched at the bed sheets, her legs twitched with each caress from Jason’s mouth. Lauren’s weird orgasm was not far away.

His fingers left her nipple but Lauren did not feel the now familiar sensation of Jason wetting his fingers in his mouth. There was a brief and odd diversion from the rhythm that had been established.

An instant later she knew where his hand had gone and it surprised her. She felt it lay between her legs. She moaned her approval. Jason continued to work his oral magic on her nipple and breast while he softly rubbed her through her panties. He felt the unmistakable warmth and dampness of her arousal.

Jason slipped his hand beneath the waist band causing Lauren to let out a shallow gasp. She knew what would happen next. Jason’s fingers laid against her lips but he intentionally did not slip between them. He just pressed her gently, moving slightly and slowly side to side. He could feel her hardened clitoris beneath his fingers.

Still suckling at her breast, Jason looked up and saw Lauren looking back at him. Her mouth was partly open as if she wanted to say something but the words would not come out. Her face had that look that wordlessly said, “Why did you stop?”

With that, two of Jason’s fingers slipped between Lauren’s very wet lips and lay over her opening. His hand did not stay long though, much to Lauren’s dismay. Jason brought his hand back up and deposited the precious liquid cargo on Lauren’s nipple. He swirled his finger around it, spreading the miracle lubrication, restarting the shock waves through Lauren’s body.

This was Jason’s plan. Her breasts were to remain the center of attention. Instead of saliva, he wanted her own wetness to aid in the stimulation of her nipple. Again and again he retrieved her juices and painted them on her nipple and breast while he kissed and sucked at the other.

“huh.. huh.. huh,” Lauren breathed erratically, trying to speak. “I’m.. I’m..,” she gave up.

Jason could sense what was happening. He knew. This was the start of the weird orgasm. He knew this was no time to stop. Just as Lauren’s dull and throbbing orgasm was reaching its rounded peak, Jason moved over to the other breast, his mouth fully enveloped the nipple that was smeared with her wetness. His tongue lapped at the juices, abrading it hard against her nipple, pushing her further through her orgasm. Again and again he brought his hand up from between her legs, each time wetting one nipple and then the other, each time removing her juices with his mouth and stimulating her nipples. This was taking her orgasm to another level.

Lauren’s whole body writhed in ecstasy with each dip of his fingers between her lips, with each touch and lick of her nipples. This was no weird orgasm. It rumbled on for what seemed like minutes but was in reality just a handful of seconds. The quivers began to subside. The spasms of her stomach muscles lessened. The aching between her legs diminished. Her head began to clear.

When she was able to look down at Jason, she saw him looking back up at her with a very pleased grin on his face. His fingers were still between her lower lips. He did not want to remove them right away, assuming that it would be best to wait until her orgasm was truly over. Besides, he loved feeling of her body clenching down on him.

With that consideration in mind, he eventually brought his hand up. Lauren was in no condition to have her nipples touched, which was fine because Jason because he had no such intention. Lauren watched as Jason looked right back at her. He seductively slid his wet fingers over his lips before pressing them into his mouth. She could tell he was licking them with his tongue.

“You have go to be kidding me!” she exclaimed as she fell back on the pillow.

“Whatever are you referring to?” Jason facetiously asked while he continued to nuzzle his face against her breasts.

“You know exactly what I am referring to. That business with your fingers.”

“Oh. You mean this?” Jason said playfully as he repeated the act. His hand once again slipped underneath her panties. This time though, his fingers slid deep into her juicy opening. The penetration and movement of his fingers made Lauren swoon and involuntarily squeeze down. Jason slid his moistened fingers from her and as before, coated his lips before savoring her sweet taste inside his mouth. Both hands then cupped her breasts as they continued to discuss the recent events.

Lauren’s tone changed to one of uncertainty when she asked, “Do you like doing that? Tasting..” her voice trailed off.

“I lovvvve doing that. You have no idea how much. I liked that very.. very.. much. I absolutely love the way you taste!”

This reassured Lauren. Her fleeting concerns about how she tasted were now gone.

Lauren rose up and rested on her elbows. Jason was still laying between her legs with his head at her chest.

“And how was it for you?” Jason inquired as if her orgasm, weird or not, hadn’t already answered that question.

“It felt wonnnnderful!” she replied. “What you did and watching you do it was soooo hot!”

“Oh, you liked that huh? You liked watching me taste you off of my fingers? Tell me again,” Jason asked with a hint of a plea in that request.

Lauren knew what he meant. This was part of his desire to enjoy a verbal dimension to sex. She knew what she had to do next and she was not going to be shy about it. In as seductive a voice as she could muster, she began.

“Oh I loved it. I loved feeling your hand go between my legs for the first time. I wanted you to do that but I was nervous at first. And then you touched me. Oh I wanted you inside of me so much! I wanted to feel you inside my pussy!”

As Lauren talked, Jason slipped his fingers deep into her, causing her to take in a deep breath before resuming what was now a narration.

“Oh yes! That feels so good!” she exclaimed with her eyes riveted to his.

“And then you..”

Jason’s fingers left her.

“… rubbed it on me. Oh God! That was so sexy!”

Jason did not follow that portion of the monolog.

“And then what?” Jason asked, reinforcing his desire to hear her say those words. Lauren knew it was time to be bold. She had to plug in and make the perfect connection with Jason’s primal brain.

Lauren slowed her words to maximize their effect.

“I liked it when you took your fingers, covered in my pussy juices, and smeared them over your lips, and then licked them. You were tasting me. You were tasting my pussy. I started to come when I knew you were tasting my pussy.”

Jason followed those words exactly. Once again his lips were covered in her wetness and his tongue tingled with the slick taste of her pussy.

“Do you like that? Do you like it that I am tasting you?” Jason asked for no necessary reason other than to ask. “Do you like seeing me put your juices on my lips and licking it off?”

“Yes,” she replied without any hesitation.

Jason took that as permission to do something that hadn’t asked about. He intentionally twisted those words to mean that she too enjoyed the same thing that he did. He seized the moment that he had mentally created. He quickly rose up and laid on Lauren again which slightly startled her. With her cum on his lips he kissed her, hard. His lips slid wetly over hers. His tongue brought her juices into her mouth. He knew she was tasting herself and that is exactly what he wanted.

She resisted the kiss at first but only because it came so fast. She knew what this meant. She knew what he wanted. She happily obliged and returned the passion in the kiss.

When there was no longer any hint of her taste, the kiss ended. Jason then awaited his fate. Would Lauren transform into Catherine? Would he once again experience a rejection for one of his passions? Would he once again receive a stern reprimand telling him never to do that again? But this was Lauren, not Catherine. She pulled him back and hugged him. She kissed his face tenderly and said the most perfect words.

“I liked that. Please do it again.”

Jason did not hesitate as if the invitation might quickly be rescinded. He quickly but tenderly pressed his two finger deep into Lauren to retrieved her wet treasure. He then seductively transferred as much of the slippery juices onto his lips. Slowly he moved in for another kiss. It was as if their first contact was just the wetness before their lips finally touched. Their noses filled with the exquisite scent. Their lips light slide through the lubricating wetness and then the kiss turned firmer. Their lips pressed into each other harder. Lauren opened her mouth and slid her tongue over their lips. She wanted to retrieve her wetness from his lips. When there was no more to take in, the kiss ended.

Jason was very relieved. He rolled off of Lauren and on to his back. Lauren rolled up and wrapped her arms around him. She gave him more kisses on his face before another passionate kiss on his mouth.

“I guess that’s something you find sexy?” she asked, “When a woman tastes herself?”

“It’s exciting just to hear you say that and yes, when it actually happens, it drives me crazy. I liked the sharing part too,” Jason added. “Please do me a favor and just say that all that again?”

Lauren chuckled and obliged him. She knew she could do better than just repeat herself. She laid down on him and brought her face right to his. She slipped her hand down and around this cock. It was pulsing and hard at full erection. Precum liberally coated the head and down the shaft.

She looked him straight into his eyes and said in a sultry voice, “Do you like the taste of pussy? Do you like licking it off of your fingers? I think you do but what you seem to like most of all is kissing me with my juices on your lips so that you are sure I am tasting it too. You like it when I am tasting my pussy. Do I have that right?”

Jason hung on every word. He didn’t need to answer her questions. His pounding cock in her grip told her how he felt. She knew she was on a special touchstone of his and so she kept it up.

“You think it is hot when I can taste myself, don’t you. Well I’ll let you in on a little secret. I love it too. Yes, I like the way I taste. I like being able to taste myself in the process of having sex. Do you know what I liked best? It was seeing your mouth covered in my wetness, knowing that I made you that way, and then you kissing me. I liked it when I could taste my pussy on your lips. That is so sexy! I’ll tell you what. If you do something for me, I’ll do something very special for you.”

“Oh my God,” Jason exclaimed. “This is so different, and so much better, than with my ex-wife! Anything. I’ll do anything you want.”

Before she said anything, Lauren began stroking Jason’s cock. Each upstroke brought out a long dribble of precum. She looked down Jason’s body. The sight of his precum seeping out of his cock and especially the amount, impressed and excited her.

“Hmmm. I’m not sure what to do next,” Lauren said with a feigned puzzled tone.

“On the one hand,” she said with the pun fully intended. “I could go down there and put that wonderfully hard cock into my mouth. I want to feel it, feel it hard in my mouth. I want to taste all that delicious precum and feel it ooze out. Is that something you’d like my dear?” she asked as she looked back up into Jason’s face.

This was all a very deliberate game now. None of these questions needed to be asked and all the answers were already known. It was just an excuse for them to say and hear those words, to share those inner thoughts.

It was Jason’s volley now.

“Yes! I would like that very much. I want to see my cock, dripping in precum, slide between those gorgeous lips of yours. I want to feel your tongue going up and down the shaft. I want to feel your wet mouth on me. I want you to taste me, my precum, feel it come out of me, and..”

“And what?” she asked after he paused.

“I, I want to come in your mouth.”

“You do?” she said with a smile as if no human male has ever had that thought. This was her way of telling him it would be OK for him to say more. She wasn’t necessarily signing up for the act but he had the green light to elaborate if he wanted to.

“You want to come in my mouth?”

Jason’s voice got very breathy and soft. Something triggered in Jason. There was no way that we would be able to temper what he was thinking. He just had to say it all.

“Yes. I want my cock deep into your mouth when I come. I want to fill your mouth with my cum. I want you to feel it. I want you to taste it. I want to see it come out of your mouth and drip over your lips and on your face. I want to see my cum all over your face.”

Jason paused there. Lauren said that he could say anything but he wasn’t sure what her reaction might be once he did.

She intentionally let the pause continue before saying, “Hmmm. Is it your birthday or something?”

They both got the humor. It was a way for Lauren to avoid making a commitment to the act without Jason feeling defensive about his desires. If not now, it was a possibility in the future.

“There is another option you know, ” she pondered as the stroking of his cock continued.

Jason smiled. No matter what it was, Jason was certain he would enjoy hearing about it if not actually doing it.

She slid farther up Jason so that her lips were again at his ear.

She very softly said, “You could fuck me?”

It was not said in a matter of fact manner. The operative word was definitely legato, not staccato. It stretched out to be almost half the duration of the sentence. It was a very soft and breathy, “You could fuuuuhhhk me?”

“Do you want me to?” Jason served and awaited Lauren’s return.

“Oh very much so! My pussy is so wet and ready. I can feel my juices dripping out of me. I want to feel you inside of me. I want to feel that rock hard dick slide deep into my pussy, stretching me, filling me up. I want you to push into me, hard, almost pull out and then go back into me again, deep, and hard..”

While she said those words, she momentarily stopped stroking Jason’s cock so that she could finally remove her panties.

“Here,” she said as she brough them up so they could inspect them. “See how wet they are?”

He could certainly see that the material at the crotch was thoroughly soaked but more importantly, he could once again smell her. He instinctively inhaled her musky scent deep into his lungs. They could both smell her arousal.

Jason moved into Lauren with the intention of rolling on top of her. He was all too happy to execute the command that was her wish.

“Not so fast!” she playfully resisted. “There is a third option.”

“Don’t get me wrong. I absolutely love this foreplay but this is all driving me out of my mind!” Jason replied, only partly joking. “How many options are there!”

“OK. Just one more. I’ve decided what I want.”

Jason now smiled in anticipation, again, not really caring what it was.

“Well if you reeeally like the taste of pussy..” she said with a pause. “Go down on me. I want you to please me. I want to see and feel your wet face sliding all over between my legs. I want you to lick and suck on my pussy until I come. I want you to make me come. I want to come all over your face. I want to see your face dripping with my juices! I want to see you lick your lips so that I know you are tasting me!”

She was very intentionally redundant so that she could say those same words again and again. She had gotten almost maniacal in her tone as she spoke.

“You have such a way with words,” Jason remarked.

Lauren held Jason’s face in both hands, wetting one side of his face with his precum that was on her fingers.

“And then,” she said before pausing, “You can kiss me with your face covered in my cum so that I can taste myself again!”

“Yes ma’am!” Jason exclaimed.

Not in a rush but certainly with a plan, Jason slithered down Lauren’s body. He again nibbled, nuzzled, and sucked at her breasts with full awareness of the reaction it would cause. Lauren wiggled and squirmed as expected.

Once Jason settled between her legs, he did not touch her but instead just looked back up at her face that was flushed with anticipation.

With intense eye contact he said, “Oh my God! You look and smell so wonderful. You are so wet! I am really going to enjoy tasting you again and you had better make good on your promise. You had better come on my face!”

Jason lowered his gaze but like before, did not immediately touch her. Her lips were swollen and moist and pressed together from him laying on her. He opened his mouth and expelled his hot breath on her. Lauren’s body reacted with several uncontrollable internal clenches. Jason repeated the act and to his delight, the reaction was the same. Jason could see the juices seeping from her. Lauren’s breathing was becoming deeper and the tempo was more erratic.

Jason extended his tongue. She stared down at him desperately expecting and wanting to feel his touch on her lips.

“Lick me! Please! Lick me!” she pleaded. “I want to feel your tongue on my pussy!”

Jason did not do as he was instructed. He both pleased and frustrated her by slowly, very slowly, licking up the crease of her thigh. This is not what she wanted! Her squirming intensified but Jason stayed the course. First one side, then the other, then back again. Each lick felt wonderful to her but also verged on torture.

“Never mind,” she screamed. “Just fuck me, please!” This time the word “fuck” was said crisply and quickly.

Jason ignored her but did move to the next phase of his intentions.

He gently parted her lips with his fingers. They remained open with no further assistance. He gazed into her fleshy opening, relishing in the pink plumpness, glistening inside and out with an abundance of that wonderful feminine nectar. He looked at her as he used his fingers to caress the sides of her pussy and to his delight, saw the juices seep out of her opening because of his touching. He moved his face in and captured her wetness, making sure Lauren could see it dripping off the tip of his tongue before be drew it into his mouth and close his eyes to savor the tangy treat.

“Please!!!” she begged.

“Shhhhh,” he replied. “Remember. This was all your idea.”

“Please! I need you inside of me!” she said, to no avail.

Jason extended and flattened his tongue. Very slowly he licked his way from her anus up over her opening and over the tip of her hard and protruding clit. That one motion sent shock waves all through Lauren’s body. When his tongue touched her clit she felt she would jump right out of her skin. She almost had a mini orgasm!

Jason did it again, and again, and again, each time slightly faster than the last. Each time his tongue pressed her lips apart just a bit farther. Each time his face became wetter with her juices. Each time he could taste more and more of her.

The slow and patient torture was paying off. Lauren was now laying back down on the bed. Her eyes were closed. She was losing herself in the all the sensations. She could smell herself. She could of course feel what Jason was doing to her. Her breasts were calling for attention and so she began to rub them and pull at her nipples. Jason liked that she was doing that to herself. All of this was building to a major orgasm and they both knew it.

For the first time, Jason slipped his tongue as deep into Lauren’s pussy as he could manage. His tongue was rewarded by being surrounded in her warm syrupy juices. The complex taste of crisp sweetness saturated his tastebuds. He moaned with pleasure. His tongue was certainly not the feeling a penis would have given but Lauren reacted with a big gasp of breath nonetheless.

Jason moved his tongue in and out and side to side, all the time using his upper lip to massage her clit. Those were the perfect sensations for Lauren. The perfect recipe for a thunderous orgasm.

Jason slipped his tongue from Lauren and replaced it with his finger. Again Lauren let out a gasp as the finger was more of a penis than a tongue. One finger was joined with another and the thrusting began. Jason’s faced moved all about Lauren’s lower body. He sucked and tugged at her pussy lips. He pressed his face into the crease of her thigh. He licked and sucked at her clit. Each motion, each touch, each thrust, each breath of his on her released even more and more of her scent and liquid lust. Each change in physical sensation ratcheted Lauren closer to coming. Her breath had now become very rapid and shallow yet her chest heaved deeply. She was now incapable of playing with her breasts.

“I’m… I’m gonna.. I’m…c” was all Lauren could muster.

It didn’t matter. Jason knew exactly where Lauren was in the process. Although unnecessary, he enjoyed Lauren trying to say that she was coming as well as her inability to say it. With his face pressed deep into her moist pussy, he smiled at her struggle.

Jason’s pace quickened. His fingers stopped thrusting. His tongue and lips now alternated between her opening and her clit. Faster and faster he went.

Finally she could master the words.

“I’m COMING!” she screamed and then added, “Please. Please. Fuck me!”

Jason knew this was the time. Her orgasm had started and was past the point of no return. His face felt her body press out a surge of wetness. His face was covered in it. His tongue was bathed in it. His nose was overwhelmed with it.

As quickly as possible so as to minimize the time when there was no contact between them, Jason rose, moved up Lauren’s body and laid back down on her. His cock, desperate for his own release, pressed deep into Lauren like the perfect match between blade and sheath.

Lauren exhaled all breath from her body at the sensation. It was almost impossible for her to have any breathing rhythm. Her pussy went into uncontrollable spasms, grabbing at Jason’s cock as if to prevent it from ever leaving. The rest of her body shuddered as her orgasm raged on. Her eyes were shut tight. Her head thrashed from side to side. Her chest heaved but was unable to capture a breath. Moans of joy, pleasure and ecstasy were all that came from her mouth. Lauren orgasm expelled more of her cum. Jason could feel it slide out from around his cock and wet his balls. Her juices slid out of her opening, slipped down towards her anus, and off onto the bed but she was in no condition to feel any of this.

He steadily but slowly thrust in and out of her. This was the best way to move her through her climax. When Lauren reached the apex and began the journey back down, Jason just looked at her face, a gaze she was unaware of.

After what seemed like an eternity to Lauren, her orgasm began to subside. Whole body shudders now gave way to sporadic shivers as if she were cold. Her hips began a gentle movement to match Jason’s. Her eyes blinked open. She smiled and she looked at Jason’s face for the first time since he had entered her. She reached down and placed her hands on his lower back, pressing down on him each time he pressed into her. After a few more thrusts, she held him there. She just wanted to feel his cock deep inside of her with no movement. After a second she thought to herself that Jason might like to hear how she felt about what had transpired.

“Oh my God! Your cock feels so good so deep inside of me! Did you like that? Did you like fucking me like that?”

What an unnecessary question to ask but it was all part of the game of being able to verbally express their feelings. Jason happily took the opportunity to answer.

“Oh God, yes! I loved everything! I loved sucking on your pussy, tasting you, smelling you, and then putting my cock inside of you!”

“Did you?” Lauren said to prolong the arousing dialog. “Did you like sliding your tongue between my lips and licking inside of me, feeling your face get all wet when I came?”

Jason smiled. He knew that she was saying all of that just for his enjoyment. There was no question in either of their minds that Jason thoroughly enjoyed going down on Lauren and that she was the happy beneficiary of his enthusiasm.

“Yes..”, Jason started before Lauren interrupted.

“Your face is very wet with me,” she playfully informed him. “You have my pussy juice all over your face.”

With a pleased smile Jason said, “Yes, I certainly do.”

“I can smell it. Can you smell me? Can you taste me?”

Jason just kept smiling and he drew in a deep breath and licked his lips without saying anything.

After watching him, Lauren whispered, “Kiss me” and then pulled his face down to hers.

Just as his lips reached hers, she opened her mouth. Her tongue extended and licked all around his mouth. She now tasted what he tasted. His tongue joined in. Their lips pressed together and their tongues took turns going from one mouth to the other. When neither could taste her cum, they would retrieve more from his face. Jason’s mouth would do to her mouth what he had previously done to her pussy.

In a gesture that surprised Jason, Lauren reached her hand down between them and pressed her fingers deep into her pussy. After retrieving as much of her cum as she could, she sloppily smeared it all over Jason’s mouth. Before he could enjoy her taste with his tongue, she again brought his face down to hers. This time, her lips and tongue caressed his mouth as if it were a pussy. That excited Jason very much. It was not difficult for him to create a mind’s eye image of Lauren doing that exact same thing but with her face between the legs of another woman. The finale of that fantasy would be for Lauren to kiss him with her wet face so that they could share the taste and scent of that mystery woman.

When they were finished, their faces were wet from all that kissing and licking. Lauren’s juices were mostly gone but the smell lingered in their noses and the taste remained on their tongues. Jason’s cock was still inside of Lauren but there was little movement between them. They were both very happy. However, there was one very big problem that had to be dealt with.

Jason laid down on Lauren, his face pressed into the pillow beneath her head. His breathing was a bit labored. His heart was pounding in his chest. Lauren on the other hand was in a very pleasant and calm state of bliss.

“Are you OK?” she asked.

“Yes, but…”

“But what?”

“If I don’t come soon I think I am going to have a heart attack!” Jason jokingly warned.

“Oh my God!” Lauren gasped at the revelation that she had lost sight of that fact. “I’m so sorry! Everything felt so good that I..”

“It’s fine,” Jason reassured her. “Trust me. I thoroughly enjoyed what we just did. I am not complaining.”

“Ok,” Lauren replied, “but remember I said that I would do something special for you? If you can hold out just a little longer…”

Jason picked his head up and looked at Lauren with a puzzled expression. Lauren knew what she had to do. She had to use everything she had learned about her new lover in this very short period of time. She very much wanted to do whatever she could to thank him for how good he had unselfishly made her feel. She knew that it would have to start by her saying things to him.

“You like the taste of pussy don’t you? You like putting your tongue into my pussy, smelling me, tasting me, feeling your face get all wet with me. Don’t you?”

Jason was about to speak but she held her finger to his lips.

“No. Let me talk. Let me talk. I’ll tell you when I want to hear you say something and then you can let it all come out!”

Jason started to fuck her again, but slowly. Lauren began again.

“You get off on licking pussy. I can tell. You made me feel so good the way your pleased me with your mouth and tongue. It felt so great to come and get your face all wet.”

“But what you like even more is when I am tasting myself! You like it went I can taste my pussy, when you put your fingers, all wet with my juices into my mouth, or like we just did, when I am licking my cum off of your face!”

Jason’s orgasmic gauge was now well past redline. He could feel contractions starting in his abdomen. His was having trouble maintaining the slow precautionary movements of his hips. There was that uncontrollable urge to thrust into her just one more time, launch his head back, blurt out a primal grunt, and expel wave after wave of thick cum into her welcoming pussy.

Lauren knew where Jason was in the process. She held his hips to stop his movements in order to prevent what would have been the inevitable spurting conclusion.

She held him close to her and whispered into his ear.

“Get up! Bring me your cock. Bring me your cock, dripping in my cum. Bring it to my face. I want to see it, all wet. I want to smell my pussy on your cock. I want your cock in my mouth. I want to lick and suck my cum off of it. I want to taste my pussy on your cock!”

Jason did as instructed. He quickly pulled out of Lauren, straddled her chest, his balls wetting her breasts in her juices. He moved his long, thick, angrily engorged cock towards her open mouth but just as he was about to slide it past her lips, she closed her mouth and slightly turned her head. His wet cock pressed against her closed lips, slid to the side, and up over her cheek. She then turned her face back again. This smeared her wetness from one side of her face to the other. She wanted him to see this. She wanted him to see her face covered in her pussy juice.

“Do it now,” she announced as she opened her mouth. “Put your wet cock into my mouth. I want to taste my cum off of your cock!”

This time she did not turn away. Jason slid the seeping head between her luscious lips and felt her tongue wildly move all over his shaft as more and more entered her mouth. She happily sucked him in until he reached the back of her throat. He partly withdrew and slid into her again, his cock was again pleased with the attentions of her tongue. Her eager moaning sent vibrating sensations into him. For a third time he fucked her mouth. She then pulled her mouth off of him. While sliding his dick over her face, now covered in a mix of saliva and pussy, she spoke to him again.

“Mmmm. I liked that. I like when you fucked my mouth and I could taste my pussy on you,” she murmured before asking, all the while planting kisses on his shaft, “Do you want cum? Do you want to shoot your thick hot cum on my face and into my mouth so that I can taste your cum and my pussy together?”

That did it. Even though they both knew this was about to happen, neither was prepared for how instantaneous it was. In one massive contraction of Jason’s lower abdomen, his cock shot out a long thick white stream of cum. It splashed all over her lips and slithered up one check. It stretched over her eye and streaked into her hair. Before either could react, another stream burst out with equal force, this time splattering her chin. Half of it splashed over her partly open mouth and the rest dangled off of her chin and stretched down towards her neck.

“Oh my God,” she exclaimed as she barely managed to close her mouth on the head of his cock just as it erupted a third time. The thick warm cum filled all the space in her mouth what wasn’t taken up by the spurting penis. With no place to go, cum flowed out around her lips and down both sides of her mouth in thick slow moving dribbles. Her tongue was bathed in cum. It was surprisingly warm to her, thick and very slippery. It was mildly salty, musky, and very pleasingly masculine.

Again he released more cum into her mouth but now with diminishing force and volume. Lauren opened her mouth. Jason could see the pool of thick white cum that filled it and surrounded his cock. She managed a smile to let him know that she was just fine with what was happening. She closed her lips around him again causing even more cum to slip out from the edges of her mouth. She emitted a very satisfied moan.

From their different perspectives they both enjoyed the final pulses of Jason’s cock, the diminishing contractions that now just oozed more cum from the head. They looked into each other eyes as Jason’s orgasm played out, all the while is cock nestled in her mouth, sheathed in his own cum, the excess dribbling out around her lips.

When she could feel that the head of his cock was no longer pulsating, no longer pushing out any more cum, she delicately moved her lips up and down this shaft, only light caressing the sensitive head with her tongue. She was easing him down gently. She looked up at him, watching his eyes dart from location to location all around her face, presumably taking note of all the places that were now spattered with his ejaculate. They just looked at each other, both very pleased with how the evening had worked out.

“Well for someone who likes to talk, you’re now awfully quiet,” she said only slightly seriously as she slid her cum covered lips up and down his cock.

“I’ve got cum in my mouth,” she continued. “That’s all I can taste. It’s all over my face, your cum and mine. I can smell us both. I’m a wet sticky mess and you have nothing to say? Sort of makes a girl feel pretty insecure don’t you think?”

He knew that she was joking and that she wasn’t really feeling insecure. She knew that she had delivered a fantasy that was tailor made for Jason and probably three quarters of the males of the species. There was no denying the fact however that he was indeed speechless. His primal brain was processing an awful lot of data and was on the verge of overload. There were just no mental resources available for composing a coherent thought and delivering it verbally. All his mushy brain could do was go through what had just transpired. His cock, having been smothered inside her deliciously wet pussy, had left that happy place only to go an equally deliciously wet and eager mouth. He replayed the way she shockingly slid him all over her face, smearing it with pussy juice, before sucking him inside. His recap went to slow-motion when it came to the part where his cock erupted and cum spattered her face, streaked across her cheeks, and filled her mouth. His mental gaze zeroed in on her face, his cock slowly moving in and out between her lips, still pulsing cum to her mouth, seeing it leak out at the corners.

He returned to real time and by looking at Lauren’s condition, he knew that it was not a dream. All of that had indeed taken place, the evidence still abundant on the face below him.

“I’m sorry about that,” he said as he slid off her to one side and laid down next to her, preparing to apologize for the lack of a warning.

They embraced, their faces mere inches from one another. They breathed in deeply, almost together. The smell of sex was strong in their noses. It was difficult to maintain his train of thought while watching the streaks of cum slowly move over her face after she had moved to her side. She made absolutely no attempt to do anything about it. She couldn’t have cared less.

“For what?” she reassured him with cum stretching across her mouth as she spoke. “What happened is exactly what I wanted to happen. You didn’t like it?”

“Oh my God!” he continued. “That was the sexiest thing that has ever happened to me. I’ve never done that before. No one has ever done anything like that for me! And…”, he stopped.

“And what?” she asked.

Sheepishly he added, “You look so amazing right now.”

“I do? How so? I can’t see how I look. Tell me. Tell me what you see.”

She knew exactly how she looked. She was once again giving him permission to say anything he would like without fear of criticism or judgement or rejection.

Using a focused and deliberate tone, Jason was not going to let this opportunity go by.

Looking deep into her eyes he said, “You look so fucking hot. There is cum all over your face. I’m still hard because I can see it on your lips, cheeks and in your hair. I can smell it. It’s in your mouth. I know you can taste my cum. I loved looking down at you, watching you suck your pussy juices off my cock, taking it into your mouth, tasting yourself. I loved how it felt to be in your mouth when I was coming. I could feel the cum filling your mouth. I loved watching it come back out over your lips. God, that was so hot!”

Lauren reached down and grabbed his cock, checking to see if what he was indeed hard. He was.

“Is there anything else?”

“Just this.”

With that, he hugged her close and kissed her hard on the mouth. Over and over he kissed her, his cum, still warm and thick, serving as the perfect slippery lubricant between their sliding faces. Their tongues shared the texture and taste, decidedly masculine but her presence was there as well. They were rewarding themselves for a job very well done.

Mid kiss, Jason rolled back on top of Lauren. She released his cock because she knew what was next. Effortlessly he slid back into her. Lauren’s mouth gasped open as he drove deep inside of her pussy. This allowed his cum covered tongue to do the same to her mouth. His tongue and cock worked their magic, one fucking her mouth and the other fucking her pussy. The evening of this new beginning between two new lovers was not yet over.

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