Cassie's Sexual Awakening by creamsoda25,creamsoda25

“Ooh, you look nice.” Lionel’s daughter Cassie came up to him and gave him a peck on the lips. On the lips, not the cheek like she had been doing every day since the day she turned 18. “You look sexy.” she said, giving him an appraising look.

He didn’t think he was dressed especially nice. Maybe a little polished for a Saturday, but he was just wearing what he would to work: a polo shirt and jeans.

“Just don’t fall in love, ok.” she said, coming closer now to adjust his collar. She maneuvered so her cheerleader toned thighs grazed his. She was wearing tight leggings that didn’t leave much to the imagination.

“You’ll always be my girl” he said, trying to ignore the pleasant sensations her closeness was causing. “Besides, it’s just coffee.”

“But I love you.” she said impulsively, and pushed her body close to his. So close, he could feel the warmth of her pussy radiating through her tight pants. Before he could pull away, she closed the small gap between her lips and his and kissed him for the second time that morning, closed-mouthed but still full on the lips. He was sure she could feel his cock jerk against her abdomen.

He backed away feeling uncomfortable and said “Call me if you need anything, and if there is an emergency call Mrs. Anderson, ok?” Mrs. Anderson was an elderly lady who babysat for Cassie when she was young and still came in to do the cleaning once a week.

Cassie fell back into the role of a normal teenage daughter, turning to pour some cereal into a bowl despite the fact that it was 2:00 and said “I’m 18, Dad. I’ll be fine, don’t freak out.” and he picked his keys up off the kitchen counter and left.

“Christ.” Lionel thought as he got in his Ferrari and put on the most boner killing talk radio he could find and backed out of the driveway.

Since Cassie’s 18th birthday two months ago, she had been kissing him on the lips, but never had she pushed herself against him like that.

It had to be some kind of phase she was going through. Or maybe it was Cassie’s mother Amanda’s fault. Amanda had left two years ago and as a result, he and Cassie were really close. She was a young adult, sex was new, and because he was a man, she had confused that closeness with sexual attraction.

Understanding why she might have an unconventional attraction to him didn’t cause his cock to soften though. He imagined Cassie would have the same effect on any man who got within sight of her 18 year old body. She was stunning. In top shape from dance classes and cheerleading, had long brown hair, a pert nose, rosebud mouth. She was really something to look at. A lot like her mother had been without all the plastic surgery and make up.

In fact, he could pinpoint the exact moment he noticed she was no longer a little girl. It was two months ago at her 18th birthday party. She’d blown out her candles on the vanilla cake decorated with cheerleader paraphernalia and a sugar tiara and turned towards him with an excited smile. “I’m 18 now, Daddy!” she squealed, then proceeded to kiss him right on the lips in front of everyone at the house that night. Her friends, a few neighbors, and even his parents had witnessed it. Before that, she had only ever given him a chaste peck on the cheek.

At the time, he had played it off like a normal occurrence between the two of them. As if that had been how they always showed affection. As though she had been in the habit of doing it from when she was a little girl, and when she grew up, he hadn’t noticed her toned curves, perky breasts and a sensual pout that would cause any man to go weak in the knees.

In the privacy of his bedroom at night though, when his mind wandered and pieces of day floated through his head, he thought about that unexpected kiss. How her lips were silky smooth, and how her jeans hugged her ass.

He also thought about how she had gone braless under a sheer white tank top that she had worn around the house the day of the party before changing into her sleek pink party dress. He had been able to see nearly every detail of her breasts under the thin gauzy material. How they had bounced when she moved, and how her perky upturned nipples teased him from under the fabric.

Before he knew it, he was stroking his cock. With the thought of his daughter’s soft, sexy tits in his mind, he barely held off five minutes until his body let loose a powerful orgasm. In fact, the experience left him weak and almost out of touch with reality for a few moments before he drifted off to sleep.

What he hadn’t expected was that she would continue kissing him on the lips even after the birthday party. At the celebration, he reasoned she had been excited about having all her friends there and turning 18. The kissing had been an extension of that. She didn’t have a boyfriend, so she kissed her Dad. It never occurred to him she was aware of how her dressing and kissing him would make him feel. He reasoned she had worn the tank top because she hadn’t cared how her tits looked in front of her 47 year old father. Someone he was sure she saw as asexual, old and out of touch. Hell, he’d thought of his Dad that way at her age.

After her birthday, she hadn’t gone back to dressing modestly though. Right up until the very day she turned 18, she had worn oversized shirts and baggy sweatpants, but overnight she changed her mind and favored breast hugging tank tops and barely there shorts despite the fact that it was October and the weather was crisping up.

In fact, he had even caught her naked on several occasions. It was always when she going from his master bathroom where she liked to use the big tub with the spa jets, to her room. Later she would say she had forgotten her towel in her bathroom, though the excuse was flimsy at best since the housekeeper kept both bathrooms well stocked. He averted his eyes, but had seen everything. Her pink nipples, her soft looking pubic hair and her toned, sexy body from endless hours of exercise that only fueled his late night fantasies.

It was because of Cassie that Lionel decided to start dating again. Truthfully, he didn’t want to even two years after his wife Amanda left, but thinking about Cassie’s kisses and scantily clad body when he stroked himself was becoming a habit, and it couldn’t continue. He needed to stop imagining her toned legs around his body and grinding that camel toe he’d seen so many times in the last few months against his cock. He had to stop, and the only way to do that was to become distracted by another woman, he decided.

So, he asked a woman from his work out for coffee. Rebecca. She seemed nice enough. Career focused, dark brown hair, blue eyes and glasses. In fact, she looked like an all grown up Cassie with more defined facial features and bigger breasts that had the fullness of a woman in her mid 30’s. Someone at least approaching an appropriate age for a man knocking on the door of 50.

Lionel forced himself to focus on the podcast about gas prices and politics, and by the time he reached the coffee shop, his cock had retreated. He saw he was two minutes late. “damn traffic lights.” he grumbled, hating to be late, even for a casual get together.

As got out of the car, he saw Rebecca in the window, already seated with what looked like a latte.

“Hi.” she said happily when she spotted him walking through the door. “I’m so glad we could meet.” She stood, gave him a quick hug that barely grazed his chest, and he was impressed with how nice she looked. She had on skinny jeans that clung to her generous curves with flats, and a sweater that was sexy, yet modest. She was also wearing diamond ear studs, and her hair hung loosely around her face.

“Me too.” He said trying to make eye contact and display open body language to hide his nervousness. He then went to the register to order a tall espresso.

Rebecca was easy to talk to. They discussed work, life, then finally she said “I heard you were divorced.” He nodded. Amanda had sent him papers, and he’d signed them willingly enough, though there were quite a few hearings before everything had been finalized since Amanda had wanted to squeeze him for every penny she could. After all, she had run off with Julio, the pool boy from the country club. Someone had to fund her gym memberships and plastic surgery. He doubted some 20 year old boy could do it for very long.

“What about you?” he asked, wanting to get off the subject of his ex wife.

“Well.” she said and sighed. “I never did get married. I’ve had a few relationships, but nothing ever worked out.” He was surprised. She was hardly a spinster. She looked vibrant. She cared about her appearance, obviously. Not like most women who had resolved to remain single, repelling men with extra pounds, sweatpants and unwashed hair.

She smiled demurely at her coffee cup and laughed. “Well, you see, I lived with my father until recently. He and I were very close, but he passed away just last year.”

“Oh. I’m sorry to hear that.” He told her and meant it. Then started telling her about how close he was with Cassie, and how her mother leaving them had brought them even closer.

“I suppose it was like that for me and my father as well.” she said. The corners of her mouth went up in something resembling a smile, but her eyes were sad. “My mother died shortly after I turned 18. I was an only child and, well, my father and I were close. We loved each other very much. Now that he’s gone, it’s been. Well, It’s been trying for me.” she told him and took a deep breath. ” We were everything to each other.”

Lionel wondered if maybe the relationship had been more than father/daughter love, but vetoed the idea. Just because he thought of Cassie in ways he shouldn’t didn’t mean the whole world was fucked up. Rebecca’s father was probably a sweet old man. She had likely been his caretaker. He probably had some disease like ALS or Cancer that required a nurse, and they had gotten close. She hadn’t dated because she was too busy taking care of him, and that kind of thing could be just as repellant to any man as bulky unwashed clothing and 100 extra pounds. Maybe even more so. Get your mind out of the gutter, Lionel. He told himself.

They talked for two hours and Lionel decided he really did like Rebecca. She was smart, quick, and had a good sense of humor. Plus she was hot in a librarian sort of way. He decided he wanted to go out with her again, so he locked down a dinner date for Saturday night. He’d take her to Dominics. He hadn’t been there in years. Not since his wife ran off, and it was high time he went again.

“Well, thanks again, Lionel. It was nice to get out.” she said wistfully. “I hadn’t really been out with a man since…” she said and hesitated. “Well, since my father died.”

“Was it a long drawn out thing?” he asked, feeling a little more comfortable asking questions since they had two hours of conversation behind them.

“Oh no.” she said. “He was in a car accident. Killed instantly. He was very vibrant, why just that morning he had been…well, very energetic.” She said. …………………………………………………………………………………..

On the way home from his date, Lionel went to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner, then pulled into the garage. When he made his way into the kitchen and put the groceries on the counter, he heard a low moaning coming from upstairs.

“Cassie?” Lionel called, moving from the kitchen to the bottom of the wide staircase. “You ok, honey?” He listened.

The moaning got louder and he heard her scream “Fuck, Daddy!”

Had she gotten hurt and was calling for help? “Honey?” he called out urgently, trying to discern what exactly he had heard.

The moaning continued, and she heard “Daddy!! Fuck! Fuck!!” she said urgently and loudly. “Fuck, Daddy!”

“Cassie?” he called, bracing for the worst as he ran upstairs, skipping two at a time as he went.

He ran inside the open door, prepared to see her pinned under a bookshelf or lying there with a bone sticking out of her leg, but stopped in his tracks as soon as he cleared the doorway. There in the center of the pink frilly bed with a white canopy, the one he had bought her when she was 10, was his daughter. She was splayed out before his eyes. He saw it all. Her labia, her clit, her mound with a sprinkling of hair on it. Then there, between her legs was a small wand sized dildo she was thrusting in and out of herself fiercely.

“Oh Christ!” Lionel swore, then grabbed the door and closed it hard. He then headed back to the kitchen, his heart pounding

He took a deep breath and realized he was shaking.

He went to the liquor cabinet and got out a shot glass and bottle of gin. Maybe she had called out in more of a “oh fuck, Daddy caught me. Not, fuck, I’m thinking of my Daddy.” he thought to himself, but it was like fitting a round peg into a square hole. That wasn’t it. That little cock tease wanted him to catch her.

He poured himself a shot and drank it down in one gulp. He wouldn’t play into it. She would go to college next year and find some boy to fuck. She was just having fantasies because the two of them lived together. It was one thing for either of them to quietly lust after each other when her bedroom was far down the hall, but quite another to bring those fantasies out into daylight.

Lionel made himself put the groceries, and took another shot of gin. He then started putting on a pot of spaghetti for dinner.

After dinner was prepared and the gin had relaxed him somewhat, he called Cassie down to eat.

“Hi Daddy.” she said, her face flushed. He wasn’t sure if it was from embarrassment or a great orgasm. She was wearing a pajama top that rode up to expose her flat belly, and a pair of white silk white underwear for bottoms. There was no bra, and he could see her breasts through the thin fabric of her pink shirt, which might as well have the word slut stamped on it.

“Hi Pumpkin.” he said, and indicated she should sit. He then took a deep breath, deciding he had to bring it up. He had to. He was the responsible adult here. “Honey. When you do things. Privately.” he forced himself to go on. “Please close the door next time, ok?” he said.

“Sorry, Daddy.” she said. “I didn’t know you were home.” she said innocently.. Almost so innocently he believed it. She looked down at her plate while slowly twirling her spaghetti with her fork.

“It’s ok.” he said, hesitating. “I just” he paused. “Please make a habit of closing the door, and I’ll make sure to always knock when I need you.”

She took a breath. “Ok.”

After eating in silence for a little while she asked “How was your date?” She spit out the last word like it tasted bad in her mouth.

“Ok.” he answered, and tried to ignore her breasts that were begging for his attention.

“Did you two kiss?” she asked. It sounded like she was accusing him. Sure, he understood she was miffed about him being intimate with someone besides her mother, but he hadn’t so much as looked at a woman in two years. He needed to fuck someone, especially if she was going to parade around practically naked. Didn’t she know she was the one driving him to do it?

“That is none of your business young lady.” he said more harshly than he meant to. “I’m going to date. It’s been two years since your mother left. She sent papers and is now off in Aruba or God knows where, and we’ve settled. I’m going to be seeing women now.”

“Rebecca.” she spat.

“Honey, I know you feel awkward about it, but it’s been two years. It’s time I started looking for someone to share my life with.”

“But you have me, Daddy!” she said, and he detected real emotion in her voice. In fact, he thought she was fighting off tears.

“Honey, you’ll be going on to college next year.” he told her, bringing his voice down. “I know a year seems like a long way off at your age, but trust me, it’s not. Your grades are excellent, and I can afford to send you anywhere you want to go. Staying here with me would be awful for you, and I’d be robbing you of a future. You don’t want that, trust me”

“But I want to be with you!” she said. “I don’t want to go anywhere. We can go traveling like you and Mom did, and I’ll do anything you want. I already do a lot of the cooking and help Ms. Anderson with the housework. We could move, and I could be your girlfriend.”

“What?” he said, shocked. “Cassie, you’re going to college. I won’t rob you of a life of your own.” he hesitated but said “I’ve noticed you’ve been dressing and acting in a way that’s not entirely appropriate, but I understand. You’re insecure about the future, and scared I’ll leave you like your mother.” He said, restraining himself not to call his ex wife a bitch or a whore for leaving him in such a situation, “Trust me whatever feelings you have for me will fade. Those kind of things always do. Just ask your mom.” he said with a sigh. “A relationship can’t work between a parent and a child because, well…there is an imbalance of power there.

“Daddy, I will always love you. I could never meet a man I could love more than you. You’re so strong and sexy, and I KNOW you are attracted to me. I felt your hard cock this morning, and you think I’m hot too. I’ve been thinking about it ever since you left and I know you heard me when you came in” she said.

“What?” he said, shocked she would bring that up. Having it happen was one thing, having her talk about his hard cock quite another.

“I know you find me attractive!” she said, almost accusing him.

“Honey, I have a cock. It gets hard. I can’t control it.” he said, feeling dread that she knew about his fantasies at night. “Of course I think you’re beautiful, and even sexy, but I’m your father.”

“Can we at least fuck once?” she said.

“Cassie, I don’t want you using that word.” he said thinking of how it had sounded in the heat of passion. “And I want you to march upstairs right now and put on some pants.” for the first time ever commenting on her clothing, but he couldn’t ignore it any longer. She was becoming obscene. “I can actually see your pussy lips through that thin, barely there fabric.” he said, getting angry now.

“But Daddy, it’s not wrong. We’re both adults, and we love each other. I know you love me.”

“Cassie.” Lionel snarled. “Go. Pants. Now.”


For the next few weeks, Lionel barely saw his daughter. She still helped with dinner, still went to school and did her chores, but she looked depressed. She stopped kissing him on the lips or otherwise. She wallowed in her room, listening to music, doing homework and texting her friends. When he came home at night, she had stopped bounding towards him and bursting to tell him about her day.

Lionel tried to buy her things to make her smile. Truthfully, he missed his daughter. He gave her money to go out with friends and let her borrow the Ferrari, but nothing seemed to work. He even thought of having her go off to live with her grandparents across town, but when he mentioned it, she cried and slammed doors, saying she didn’t want to leave her friends since that would mean switching to another school her senior year, so he relented. At least the bulky sweaters and shapeless pants returned to her wardrobe, so he felt a small victory there, even if he would have traded all that for her smile to return.

He continued to date Rebecca. He had begun to really like her. What was better is she had enthusiastically taken to sex, and they started meeting several times a week for lunch or dinner, and and a few hours of sex. Sometimes at her house, sometimes in a hotel because he didn’t feel comfortable having Rebecca around Cassie yet.

After the third week, Rebecca stiffened a little in his arms after the sex act was done and let out her breath as if wondering if she should tell him something or not.

“What’s the problem?” he asked, sensing something was off.

“I need to tell you something, and I don’t know how you’re going to feel.”

“Ok.” he said. She didn’t say anything but only looked embarrassed, so he said “you moonlight as a stripper?” she laughed so he went on “Ah, I know. You were born a man, and haven’t worked up the courage to tell me” she laughed harder so he said “I think you’ll find I’m very progressive about such things.”

“Oh shut up!” she said and lightly punched him on the arm as well as she could with the sheets tucked around her body.

“Well, if you don’t tell me, I’m just going to assume things.”

“Ok, well.” she said. “I guess compared to a sex change, this isn’t quite as big a deal.” she said.

“Then, out with it.” he said.

Well, I told you my father was wonderful. In fact, I knew I could never find another man as wonderful. He was strong and smart and everything I could ever want. Kind of like you, really.” she told him. “But you have a way better body.”

“Aww shucks” he said,

“In fact, that’s why I like you. You remind me of him a little.”

“So you fucked your father?” he asked, expecting her to either laugh or punch him again.

She did neither, and instead didn’t react, “Wait, that’s it isn’t it.” he said Lionel looked at her and realized that was exactly what had happened. It was written all over her face.

“Please don’t freak out, but we had a very unconventional relationship. I knew I could never meet another man that would fulfill me in such a way. He encouraged me to find someone else. He even sent me off to college for four years thinking I would forget about him, but I came back every weekend just to be with him. I knew there was nobody else for me. Yes, it was sexual. It was beautiful and wonderful, and I don’t regret one second of it.”

Rebecca paused, but Lionel didn’t say anything, so she went on. “Look, I could have just lied about it, but I wanted to be honest with you.”

Lionel took that in. “How long were you intimate like that?” he asked.

“I guess I was about 21 when he popped my cherry. I’m 36 now, so we enjoyed 15 years of a devoted, wonderful sexual relationship. It can be a beautiful thing. I know it’s not for everyone, but for us, it worked. It was love and devotion, and now that he’s gone, I want to find that perfect love and devotion with someone else.”

She looked at him, trying to gauge his reaction, but the truth was, he didn’t know how to react.

“Father’s and daughters can share a deep bond, and sex can go a long way towards strengthening that bond. I like that you’re a father, and you love your daughter. When I heard that, I knew that you might be able to understand.”

‘Oh dear God.” he said and turned on his side away from her.

“I hope I didn’t scare you off. I really like you. You remind me a little bit of him. I like that you’re a bit older than me and I hope you won’t stop seeing me.” she said. “I only wanted to be honest with you.”

He didn’t know how to take it, but promised he would think it over, and see her at work the next day. He needed to think about what she had told him, and the fact that she had been so intimate with her own father, well, he needed to get some perspective on it.


When he got back to the house, Cassie was getting home from cheerleading. She was still wearing her practice uniform, a red and white short skirt that barely covered her ass. He wondered how the hell that was ok given the strict dress code imposed at that damn school, and had asked the coach that very question and received some nonsense about how spirit wear was an exception. Well, compared to some of the outfits she had put together in the past few months, this one was down right matronly.

“How was practice?” he asked, hoping they could fall back into their old routine talking about their days. He missed hearing about who was going to the dance with who, and what they were wearing. The kind of nonsense that was important to 18 year old girls.

“I guess it was ok.” Cassie said.

“How’s Julia?” he asked. “I haven’t seen her in awhile.” Truthfully, he hadn’t seen any of her friends since the day he caught her with a dildo in her pussy, but refrained from saying so.

Cassie rolled her eyes at the mention of Julia and proceeded to give him all the details about how she had backstabbed a girl named Catherine.

He listened to her go on about how Julia had told a girl named Emma that Catherine’s make up looked like she was trying too hard, and then asked if she wanted to watch a movie. “assuming your homework is done.” he said, playing the role of the responsible father. Cassie brightened. “Ok, go take a shower and get changed, and I’ll make some popcorn.” he said, and felt victory at her willingness to spend time with him as she trotted upstairs to her bedroom.

After the popcorn was made, Lionel changed into his sleeping clothes which consisted of boxers and a t-shirt. Cassie then made her entrance into the den wearing a modest long shirt that came to about mid thigh. Then they settled in to watch the Romantic comedy about a prince who falls in love with a commoner at Christmas time. It certainly wasn’t Lionel’s pick for a movie, but he was willing to do whatever would make his baby happy.

“Can I hug you Daddy?” Cassie asked as the opening credits rolled. He didn’t see the harm in it, so she snuggled up close to him, putting her head on his shoulder.

After the popcorn was eaten and the movie was about half finished, Cassie put her hand on his thigh and whispered “I still love you Daddy. You’re still the greatest guy ever. Even more handsome than the prince”

Lionel’s cock, which had been half hard the entire time, probably because of the talk he’d had with Rebecca earlier, seemed to react. He adjusted himself discreetly and squeezed her body in what he perceived as a parental way from the side. “I love you too princess.” he said.

“Daddy.” she said and let out an almost exasperated sound. “Can you just kiss me one time? Please. I really want to know what it feels like, and I won’t ask you again for anything else. I just want to be close to you” and he could feel her soft breasts against his belly while he had his arm around her. “I’ve never kissed a boy, and I want my first time to be with a man I love, which is you.”

Lionel shook his head, but felt his resolve not to engage in this behavior slip away. It had worked for Rebecca and her father, and she looked back on it as a wonderful relationship. A deep wonderful bond they shared.

“Please Daddy.” she said, and turned the sound down to the movie so it was barely audible, but Lionel barely noticed because snippets from the conversation he’d had with Rebecca earlier that day echoed in his head. “It can be a beautiful thing. We were utterly devoted to each other.” seemed to repeat in his ears, and his cock seemed to get harder as he thought of it. It had been good for Rebecca, why couldn’t it work for him and his daughter too?

Cassie inched forward towards his mouth, and he allowed it, letting her come closer. “I want to kiss like the people in the movie.” she said sweetly.

He parted his lips and before he knew it he was enjoying the warmth of her mouth on his. She moved a little, and tentatively he put his tongue in her mouth to deepen the kiss. “Ooh, Daddy.” she said and pulled back, her eyes half closed with ecstasy. If I’d known it felt like that, I would have done it a long time ago,” she said and laughed.

“So you’ve never kissed a boy before?” he asked. He supposed she would have told him if she had. She seemed to tell him everything else.

“No.” she said. “I never wanted any of them. I always knew I wanted you.” she said. “I could never be comfortable with any of them. Telling them how I felt.” She then leaned up to him again, and put her tongue…just the tip of it in his mouth.

“That’s so sexy.” she said, breathless, and boldly reached her hand out to his crotch. His reservations melted away as she ran the tips of her fingers along the shaft.

“Oh my God!” she said when she felt it. “It’s really big, Daddy. Bigger than I thought it would be when I felt it through your jeans.”

“Cassie, you’ve seen a man naked before, haven’t you?” he asked. Surely she had. She had restrictions on her phone, and he had done everything to make sure the internet and all that was taboo couldn’t be accessed, but now she was an adult, so he had stopped policing her. She had even managed to get a dildo from somewhere, so she couldn’t have been entirely innocent.

“Well, yeah. At slumber parties and stuff like that.” she said. “But I’ve never had any direct experience.” She said. She kissed him again, put her tongue in his mouth and continued to run her hand along his shaft.

“Will you be my boyfriend, Daddy?” she asked. He laughed.

“I’ll always be here for you sweetie. You know I love you over and above anyone else. The love we feel for each other transcends that of boyfriend and girlfriend,” and then he couldn’t help himself and let out an “oh fuck.” as she squeezed his cock lightly with the palm of her hand.

She then maneuvered herself so that she was facing him. One leg was on either side of him and her crotch flush with his. “You know I could never love anyone as much as I love you.” she said, and rubbed herself against him, clothed. He could feel her warmth radiating through to his cock, even through his sweatpants and her underwear.

“Oh God, baby.” he said, and bucked himself up against her with only the thin fabric separating them.

He allowed his hand to come up under the long t-shirt and pull it up over her beautiful dark hair exposing her torso cupping her breasts. She in turn arched her back and threw back her head in order to show off her beautiful body as she moaned and seductively moved so as to put the pressure of his shaft on her clit.

“I want you so bad, Daddy.” she said. “I’ve been dreaming about your cock and cum.” she said, and pawed at the elastic band in his sweatpants. She kissed him, and then stood in order to allow him to pull down his pants and boxers to expose the thing she had been dreaming of all this time.

When his dick popped out, she gasped. “Oh, It’s huge.”

Oh Fuck, he thought. He’d just fucked Rebecca that afternoon and hadn’t even had a shower yet, but somehow that made it hotter. More dirty.

Before he could protest, Cassie took his naked cock in her hand and maneuvered so that she could suck it and he could put his fingers in her pussy that was warm and tight.

When he touched her sex, her pussy sucked his two fingers in to the knuckle, and at the same time he felt her warm wet mouth on his dick. “Oh fuck, baby.” he said and felt a deep relaxation as his cock sank into her warm wet mouth, consequences be damned.

His fingers kept time with her mouth, and soon enough, he found her g-spot, which caused her to spasm and scream “Oh Daddy!” as she contracted around his fingers. He continued to piston his fingers in and out of her as she bucked against him and went into some kind of a trance where wave after wave of pleasure seemed to overtake her as she ground her pussy against his hand.

When her spasms subsided, he brought his fingers to his mouth and licked up the sticky wet nectar, which caused his cock to respond.

The smell and taste of her sex caused his balls to tighten and then caused him to rocket cum into his daughter’s waiting orifice.

“Oh fuck, baby. Fuck.” he said, at a complete loss for words for several moments as he leaned back, nearly lifeless on the couch.

It was a few moments before his body seemed to recover enough to sink back into reality he finally said, “are you ok?”

She nodded. “That’s the greatest thing that’s ever happened in my life, Daddy.” she said and smiled.

He still felt light headed from the endorphins and completely limp, like all the energy had been sucked from his body and he was only a limp rag, but he managed to say “Ok, bedtime. I know I’m going to sleep good after that,” he said, smiled and pecked her on the lips.

“Can’t I sleep with you tonight?” she begged.

He wasn’t sure how he felt about that, but was powerless to resist. After all, she just blew him to the point of feeling stoned. Even if she hadn’t known how to deep throat or much at all about the best way to please a man, her tight body and enthusiasm more than made up for it. Also, doing something illicit had made the experience more heightened, he reasoned

He was vaguely aware there would be problems down the line. Did this mean he was now in a relationship with Cassie? Also, what about Rebecca? Had he cheated on her? He laughed at his idiocy. Yeah. He had. Well, he would break it off with Rebecca. At least until Cassie went to college and found a boyfriend, or maybe until some time passed and he had some perspective.

He decided not to think about it right then, and instead said “It’s getting late, and you have school tomorrow.”

“We could always stay home and fuck.” she said, looking practically drunk on his cum then nuzzled herself into his chest. He realized she had swallowed every last drop of his jizz like a good little cum slut.

“I think you’ve had enough for a first timer.”

“But you’ll take my virginity, won’t you?” she asked, hopefully.

“Cassie, that’s a really big deal.”

“Only if you make it a big deal.” she argued and hugged him tighter. I don’t know why you keep trying to hold back. I love you. You don’t understand.”

“Honey.” he said. “Sex is a huge step. As much as social media and even your friends might lead you to believe otherwise. You could get pregnant. At least let’s be responsible about this. Christ, I don’t even have any condoms in the house.” he said. It was true. True, he hadn’t worried about birth control with Rebecca, but she was a grown woman. She was nearly 40, and he assumed she would have said something if she wanted him to wrap it up.

She rolled her eyes, “But I can get one of those plan B pills or whatever.” she said. “Julia says they work fine.” she was pouting now.

“Not tonight, baby. I want it to be special” he said.

“But if it’s with you, it will be special.”She continued to pout. “I don’t care about anything else. We can skip dinner and roses. We’ve done that already. Millions of times.” she said, continuing to sulk, but after climbing the wide staircase, flopped into the bed next to him.

He had thought she would try to get him to fuck her before going to bed, but he supposed it was late and after a fantastic mind numbing orgasm they were both spent. He fell asleep, his cock, semi hard against her naked ass crack and his arm slung across her midriff.

In the early morning hours, he woke up to a gentle breeze on his cock as if the blankets had been lifted from his body. He opened his eyes to find his beautiful daughter, lovingly gazing at his dick, then looked up at him with adoring eyes, before slurping it into her mouth to kiss him to life.

After several minutes of sucking him like a cock possessed nymph, Cassie shimmied up to where she could face him “Daddy, you’re so good. I need you to fuck me. Please. I need your cock, and I need your cum inside of me.” and ground her pussy on his cock so he could feel the juices on his rod.

At this point, he couldn’t have stopped it if he tried. He was powerless. His member was rock hard, and here she was with her fresh and young virginal pussy, gyrating for him. Begging him to take her.

“Are you sure you’re ready for this?” he asked.

“Oh yes, Daddy. I’ve been dreaming of this moment. Please. Fuck me! I need it. At least once.”

“Cassie, I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

“I don’t care, Daddy. I’ve been wanting this. I need this. Please!” she said. “If you don’t fuck me right now, I’ll die. I need you inside of me.

With that, he turned her on her back and lined up his dick with her hole. He thought about how small the dildo was compared with his cock. What she had used to toy herself with was only about the size of a tampon. His cock was a lot bigger, and she was going to be in for a huge surprise when he actually put it inside of her.

“Are you sure you are ready for this?” he asked.

“Oh yes. Give it to me.”

He placed his cock on top of abdomen as if to show her visually just what exactly was going to go inside her, but she impatiently moved so that his cockhead was ground against her lips which seemed to want to suck him inside.

He complied and leaned forward. God she was tight and wet. He had to push inside a centimeter at a time. “Oh Daddy!” she said, throwing her head back. “You’re so big!” she whispered in awe as he continued to thrust inside of her tight fit.

Finally, his cock hit a wall, and he was in as deep as he could go. She looked down and saw herself impaled on his rod. “Oh, it’s really in there.” she said and laughed a little. “Finally.”

“Yeah. That’s what you wanted.” he said. “You ready to get fucked?” he asked.

“Oh God yes!” she moaned, and he thrust himself out of her as slow as he could so she could get used to his size.

He barely thrust at all when he felt her pelvic muscles clamp down around his cock, hard and she screamed “Oh God, Daddy! Oh Fuck!” which caused him to want to go faster and harder.

She was adapting to his cock, and her body seemed to be set off by having him inside of her. He felt a gush of juices around his cock, and he wondered if she had cum already. She tightened her legs around him and pulled him close as he felt her pussy contract against his, which seemed to be only the beginning.

After a few moments, she indicated that she wanted to be in control of him, and she pivoted her body so that he could watch her breasts jiggle as she bounced up and down on his cock, and moaned “Fuck, Daddy! This is fantastic!”

She was bucking wildly against him, and the sight of her in ecstasy caused him to thrust up against her harder and more urgently.

“Oh God, Daddy! I’m going to cum!” she said. “Fuck! Fuck!” she said as her face grew red and more excited as she got closer.

“I can’t hold on any longer.” Lionel bellowed. “I’m going to have to pull out.”

“No! Just a little longer Daddy. Just cum inside me!” she begged.

He didn’t think he could pull out of that vice like cunt if he wanted to.

Suddenly, her pussy clamped down on his cock, and as she ground down as hard as she could against him, and the suction and tightness caused him to empty himself inside her, hard. Her vagina drained his balls, and it felt as though she had drained him of every thought and every stress and every misgiving he’d had over the past few months. In fact, he wondered why he had resisted her so long.

She hugged him and whispered what she thought of the situation. “I love you, Daddy. We were meant to be together, you and me.


Lionel walked through the door of the insurance company, he was three hours late. Rebecca smiled at him awkwardly, and in response, he nodded vaguely as he went by her desk. Christ, he would need to deal with her eventually, but dreaded the necessary break up talk.

When he made it to his corner office, he found he had a full inbox of ledgers to sort through, and he got started reading through them, trying to get his mind off the crazy situation he had created with his daughter and girlfriend.

A few minutes ticked by. He talked to someone trying to file a claim for the loss of food in their fridge, filed a few reports, and then there was a knock at the door.

“Yeah.” he said, half hoping it was his partner coming to talk to him about advertising or some such non emotional issue, but instead it was Rebecca. Of course it was, he thought with a sigh. He tried not to let his annoyance show as she tentatively stepped inside the office and quickly clicked the door shut behind her. She was obviously distraught.

Lionel forced the corners of his mouth to go up in a pathetic imitation of a smile and gave her his full attention. She sat without being asked, and a million things flashed in his mind. He would spin some kind of bullshit about how he wasn’t ready to date again. After all, the ink on the divorce papers was practically still wet. That was a plausible enough explanation. If she inferred he was turned off by her relationship with her father, well, so be it. Before he could say anything though, she began to talk.

“I’ve been thinking about what I told you all night, and I totally understand. I probably shouldn’t have told you what happened between me and, you know.” she said sheepishly. “I can’t change the past, but I should have waited a while longer to tell you something so personal. Something that would seem so perverse to a lot of people. Her eyes fluttered downward.

He was afraid she was going to cry and probably had been for quite some time. Her eyes were puffy, and she wasn’t wearing any make up, so she had likely spent most of the night in tears.

Lionel wasn’t sure what to say. She did remind him a lot of Cassie, especially the way she put the hair back behind her ear. Oh hell. He never could stand to see a woman upset.

He came over to the other side of the desk, and sat in the chair beside her reserved for clients.

“It’s ok.” he said and put his arm around her shoulder. “To be truthful, I’m not sure how I feel about your past, but the past is in the past.” he said. He couldn’t bear to break her heart.

She sniffled and accepted his embrace. “So you’re not breaking up with me?” she asked in disbelief. “When you didn’t return my phone calls, I thought you were done with me.” she said, wiping her eyes.

Lionel was a softie. He couldn’t say no to his daughter, and couldn’t say no to Rebecca either, it seemed. “You caught me off guard, that’s all.” he said.

She hugged him gratefully, and went right for his crotch. The cock his daughter had fucked only that morning. “Oh good, because I missed this.” she said, rubbing it through his kaki’s. As wonderful as my father was, his cock wasn’t anywhere near as big and satisfying as yours, and I mean that.” she said, and leaned in to kiss him.

He allowed himself to be kissed, and his pants suddenly felt a lot tighter.

“So you’re not put off by my…past relationship?” she said, searching his eyes. “I can tell you’re upset about it. You look tired. I bet you didn’t sleep last night either.” she said.

“Well, it’s not the kind of thing you hear every day.” he said, glad he had a plausible reason to look disheveled.

She kissed him further, then whispered, “Fuck me right here!” she said. “On your desk.” she said. “I’ve been missing you so much.” she said, and stripped off her sweater right in front of him, so that she was only wearing her bra, and faced his computer on the desk.

Lionel unzipped his pants and let free his cock, which was rock hard at the prospect of fucking two women in the span of only a few hours, despite the fact that he had cum twice already that morning. He then hitched up her skirt, pulled down her black lace underwear and teased her slit with his cock.

“Oh God.” he thought, and his mind wandered to his daughter’s pussy. How fresh and unfucked it had been. He thought of how wet her hole was, and how she had so willingly and knowingly wanted his cock inside it. How she had begged him to fuck, and how he had accepted her lewd offer. He imagined himself going from hole to hole, fucking both of them at the same time as they kissed and the three of them pleasured each other.

He eased himself into Rebecca from behind. She wanted it just as much as Cassie had. In fact, he wondered if Cassie would look like Rebecca when she got older. She probably would, but without the big breasts. Cassie was more athletic, and Rebecca more a curvy pin up girl type.

He began to thrust inside Rebecca and saw her large breasts jiggling with the movement, which was perhaps the biggest difference between the two women and felt her need surround his cock.

She let out a moan, and forced herself to stay quiet, whispering somethign that sounded like “oh Fuck.” he continued to thrust inside her and enjoy the sensations her pussy was creating around his cock. As soft and wet and warm as she was, he knew Cassie’s pussy would be even more so. The memory of Cassie’s virginal pussy clasping around his fingers caused the familiar tug on his balls that was his cue to pull out. He did, and he felt his balls empty themselves all over her backside.

He wiped up his spunk with a tissue, and she turned around and faced him, happy. “Thank you.” she said and kissed him. “Thank you for fucking me, Lionel.” she said.

He kissed her again, and said “Dinner on Friday?” and she nodded excitedly.

For the next several months, Lionel felt guilty. He was fucking his daughter pretty much every day, sometimes twice a day. In fact, he was even missing work and she was missing school to stay in bed and pleasure themselves, and then he had Rebecca to contend with several times a week, who had no idea he was fucking Cassie. Had it not been for the forbidden aspect of it, he doubted he would even have been able to get it up for Rebecca on their Tuesday/Thursday rendezvous.

As it turned out, it was Cassie who broached the subject of Rebecca.

“Dad, are you still seeing that woman?” she asked. “You know. The one you went to coffee with that works in your office.”

Lionel went stone silent.

“You fucked her, didn’t you.” she asked.

“Well,” he took a deep breath. “Yeah.” no need to mention he was still fucking her.

“Is she pretty?” Cassie asked.

“Honey, I don’t know what you’re getting at.”

“Just answer the question. Is she pretty.”

“I mean…”

“Is she as pretty as me?” she asked and sulked.

“No, she’s not as pretty as you.” he said. It was true. Rebecca was attractive, but Cassie was younger and if he was going to be blunt about it, had a much tighter pussy. He enjoyed fucking Rebecca, but Cassie was a 10, and he would choose her every time.

“Why do you ask?”

“I don’t know, I just have these urges.” she said.

“What do you mean?”

“Well, I mean, your cock is amazing, but sometimes I wonder what it would be like to try pussy.” she said. “I’m just being honest.” she said and kissed him. “I have been watching porn on the internet and saw a threesome. It looked really fun. I mean, I love your cock, and I never want another man inside of me, but I do wonder what it would be like to have sex with a woman too.

His cock got hard at the thought, even though he had just busted a load inside of her, but didn’t know how Rebecca would take it.

“So you want me to ask Rebecca for a threesome?” he asked, in disbelief.

“Yeah. I mean. If she’s petty and whatever.” she said. “I don’t want to do it with a girl at school or anything. It might be weird. But if you’ve already been intimate with her she might be open to it, and maybe she could teach me some things” Cassie said. Sometimes experience is better.”

He had to agree. It was true that Rebecca did give a much better blowjob. She’d had more practice, and her technique was much better. He only wondered how she would take it. If she would be into it or not.


At dinner the next night, Lionel took Rebecca to the fanciest restaurant he knew of. A place where the entrees were 100 dollars, and with appetizers and wine, the meal would probably run at least 500 dollars. He reasoned at least if she was angry with him, she likely wouldn’t make a scene in such a posh atmosphere.

Over appetizers, he almost decided to just let things go on as they were, but truthfully, he wanted something to happen. He was tired of lying to Cassie about sleeping with Rebecca, and letting Rebecca go on believing she was the only woman in his life. At the very least if she wasn’t into it, he could stop the sneaking around. He wasn’t lying exactly, but at least if Rebecca was out of the picture, he could focus on his daughter alone and keeping her pussy satisfied.

“Are you enjoying your food?” Lionel asked, wondering how he was going to broach the subject. He would do it, he had to. She might be upset, but at least there would be a resolution.

“It’s divine.” she said.

“So, you haven’t met my daughter, Cassie yet have you?” he asked.

“Well, no. I’ve looked her up on the internet though. She’s quite impressive. She’s beautiful, looks to be involved in cheerleading and was on the yearbook staff, if Google is a good indication.”

“She’s on the honor roll too.” he said with a fair amount of pride.”

“I’m not surprised.” she said “You’re her father.”

“I wanted to tell you though.” he said, and was starting to feel nervous. This was the beginning of the end he told himself. Once he said these words, he could never unsay them. Christ. He thought. “You know how you said you slept with your father?” he said looking at her gauging her reaction.

“I did.” she said, looking confused, then putting the pieces together. “Are you telling me you want to sleep with Cassie?” she said looking at him perplexed.

It was now or never, he told himself, trying to get up his courage. “I don’t want to.” he said slowly. “I kind of am.”

“What?” she asked, confused. “You’re having a sexual relationship with your own daughter?” she asked, almost in disbelief.

“I probably wouldn’t have, but you came along and made it seem normal, and she’s been coming onto me since her 18th birthday.” he paused then went on.” I guess one thing led to another.” he tried to explain, stammering.

“I don’t really know how to take that.” she said. “I just thought you were going to say you wanted us to meet.”

“I do. I definitely do, but I want you to know what’s been happening.

“I…I think I need to get some air.” she said, and grabbed her bag and left the restaurant.

Lionel paid the check, and left, glad he had at least taken her somewhere where she couldn’t cause a scene. Of course she was upset. It was only natural. She wasn’t at work the next day either, and Lionel was fairly certain he would receive her notice in a week or so. He didn’t care. He would sign her paychecks until she decided to give her notice even if it was in a year. He owed her at least that.

One week went by without any word from Rebecca, but then one day when he put the key into the lock after a long day at the office, he saw Rebecca in the living room of his house talking to Cassie.

“Hi Daddy!” Cassie said, looking at him and grinning. “Look who stopped by.” he wasn’t sure what Rebecca’s mood was, but she looked sexy as ever.

“Hi Lionel” she said, “I thought about it, and decided that you shouldn’t give up your relationship with your daughter. That it meant so much to me to have such intimate feelings for my own father, and that it would be a shame if you two couldn’t experience the same. Also, I’m just so in love with you, I don’t want to break up. Given the circumstances, it might be worth it to share our love for each other. The three of us.

His cock got hard at the prospect.

“Come sit down, darling, and let me see that big dick of yours.”

He sat. The two women appear at his side, working together in order to please him. Each taking turns outlining his cock with their fingernails and kissing him.

Rebecca was the first to stand up and give him a strip tease, slowly shimmying off her trademark dark sweater and letting him see her black lace bra beneath. She then took off the leggings she was wearing, slowly, as he watched, his daughter touching and teasing his cock.

When Rebecca was clad in just her underwear, she then gestured that Cassie take off her clothing the same way. When Cassie stood to put on the same show, Rebecca pushed things forward by taking off Lionel’s pants and allowing his cock to bob free.

“Oh I just love being part of this!” she said with excitement. “I want the three of us to be together for a long time. Fucking and enjoying your cock sweetheart!” she said. He couldn’t do anything but groan his agreement.

Unlike Rebecca, Cassie normally didn’t wear sexy underwear, preferring basic white undergarments that did the job rather than look ornamental, but today she was wearing a red lace thong and bra with underwire, making her already perfect figure look even more ideal, and also making him wonder if this had been planned. Had Rebecca reached out to Cassie?

He only thought of it briefly before his daughter put her mouth on his dickhead and teased it by flicking her mouth over the tip while Rebecca held the base. “That’s so sexy.” she said.

They took turns sucking his cock and balls, until he finally felt the familiar tug in his groin, knowing that he was about to explode. As the cum was released from his testicles into the girls’ waiting mouths, they kissed it away, almost seeming to fight for the taste.

As Lionel recovered on the couch, Cassie continued to kiss Rebecca and pulled down her lace black underwear. She then gently guided her so that her back was on the carpet so she could better access her pussy. The fact that they were still spitting his cum around in their mouths made it all the more sexy.

“Ooh, I’ve wondered what pussy tasted like.” she cooed as she stuck her tongue out in order to lap at Rebecca’s clit. “I love it.” she said, and continued to french kiss it.

Cassie then maneuvered so her pussy was in Rebecca’s face in a 69 position, and the two women had access to each other’s holes and could finger and lick them.

When Lionel recovered, he made his way over to fuck his daughter, for the first time, infront of someone else.

“Ooh, that’s hot.” Rebecca said as she watched his cock go inside her as she licked Cassie’s pussy. “I fucking love looking at that. It’s so beautiful.” she said and in response, Cassie seemed to lap at Rebecca’s clit harder. “It reminds me of the good times I had with my father,” she said. When Lionel’s cock slipped out of his daughter’s pussy, she kissed it lovingly and put it back inside of Cassie.

Soon enough, Rebecca was ready to get fucked, and with a happy sound, guided Lionel on his back and sat on his dick. Then she said “Come on Cassie. Sit on his face, and we can play with each other’s tits” she directed, and was soon in a trance of fucking and kissing and gyrating in a sexual frenzy.

When she was finished and both Cassie and Rebecca had cum, the two girls took turns licking his cock and sucking his balls. Finally, he let loose another mind numbing orgasm that took all the energy out of him before he collapsed again in a puddle of endorphins, spent.


After the initial threesome, Lionel and Cassie decided Rebecca should move in so they could enjoy sex together every day between whoever they felt like sleeping with at the time. It was a wonderful loving relationship where to the outside world, it looked like they were living as father, stepmother and daughter, but in their private world, the two women were sex sisters who gobbled up the cum of their daddy every day.

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