Dark Night of the Varcolac Pt. 02 by Jimyfoxx,Jimyfoxx

Dark Night of the Varcolac: Part II

After waking up in the morning, Katie scurried off to the kitchen to make them breakfast. Roger awoke for a minute or two before falling back to sleep while waiting for his daughter to tell him breakfast was ready. It was then things took a major twist into the downright bizarre.

He dreamed while dozing off. A very vivid dream which, all at once, both scared and excited him. In his dream he was visited by a young lady, not too young he guessed, she was maybe in her early thirties, who very much resembled the fictional woman he described to Katie in his alleged dream the night before.

Abundantly attractive, the raven haired beauty, dressed in a form fitting short black dress and possessing a pair of dreamy green eyes, creamy white skin, and a statuesque figure, featuring a pair of extremely nice and well defined, and very large breasts which made his mouth water and his heart race with desire, smiled slyly at him.

After slinking across the bedroom to him, she bent over, whispering in his ear, “Oh yes professor, I very much enjoyed the little dramatic performance you put on last night for your daughter in order to lure your pretty young daughter to your bed. Yes, I followed you back from where we meet in the woods, lucky for me you are a poor shot, by the way. Anyways, ahh using me… hmm that was a nice touch. You thought you could summon me, use me that is, at your convenience, but think again Professor… it is I who summons you now. You owe me. The price is a night of pleasure to be paid for by your now, not so young and innocent daughter. Then later, if you are lucky, we may include you in our fun and games, but until then I warn you… no more fooling around with her… with your daughter.”

Using the name he bestowed on her earlier, the demon bitch raised up then, transforming herself into the hairy monster, ugly and full of menace, much like the one that attacked him in the woods last night. Her voice was no longer soft, but possessed a sharp edge to it turning the desire he felt into abject fear. Based on what she told him, the professor could only assume this must have been the same creature that attacked him last night in the woods.

“I shall visit you again, maybe in your dreams, maybe outside of them in your awake world with further instructions which I suggest you follow… or else.”

Just to emphasize the “or else” part she reached down, grabbing his hand. He had no time to react as she wretched his hand fully open before dragging one sharp talon across his open palm.

She lowered her head, her tongue lashing out, licking at the blood. Raising back up, she issued one final warning, “Remember, I will be watching, slyly, from either near or afar so follow my instructions or next time I will cut more than just your hand… maybe your throat and your daughter will have to find a new daddy.”

Roger was still shaking as Katie came bouncing into the room a bare thirty seconds later. “Breakfast is ready, Daddy,” she announced happily.

“I will be there in a minute hon. Just gotta use the bathroom first,” he replied while keeping his bloody hand hidden under the blankets.

“OK, but don’t be long or your eggs will get cold,” Katie responded before breezing out of the room and back to the kitchen.

After the professor entered the kitchen, Katie came bounding up to him and tried to plant a kiss on his lips.

Minding the creature’s warning, Roger quickly pushed Katie back. “Honey we can’t… last night was a one-time only thing. As good as it was, we can’t do that again and we should not talk about it. Agreed?”

“But Daddy I–”

He pressed a finger to her lips shaking his head solemnly. “We can’t talk about it Katie. Sorry but I am serious. Now let’s eat.”

Katie sighed her OK before serving her him breakfast.

A week passed and the dream began to fade from Roger’s memory. There was no further visits, in his dreams or otherwise, from the–apparently– all too real Varcolac. If he ever began to doubt if his dream was real though all he had to do was check the palm of his hand. The scar left there from her sharp talon was still evident.

When another week passed, with no further contact, all seemed normal once more as their lives settled back into its former dull routine. The dullness only increased when, sadly, Roger found he no longer possessed the ability to create changes to his body. The power, or the magic, or whatever it might have been, he once possessed that fateful night, was evidently gone.

Then, like a sudden summer storm, their dull routine was broken when Katie came home one day and told him some news over dinner.

“Hey, you know what? I met someone today when I was doing some research for you at the library. We both tried to grab the same book off the shelf at the same time and well, it was weird, but we ended up talking, and then going to lunch together. I guess we are friends now as we have been meeting up at the library for a week now and having lunch together every day. Tomorrow we are going shopping together.”

“Really. Let me guess… it was some handsome young boy and you are about to tell me you have your first boyfriend,” Roger told her only half kidding.

“Actually it wasn’t a boy but an attractive older woman, well, not that old, not like you, I am guessing she is probably in her early thirties.”

“Oh really,” Roger said suddenly very interested to hear more. “What is an attractive older woman, older but not like me older, doing hanging out at the library. I thought only nerds like you hung out there.”

“Daddy! I am not a nerd. Besides I only go to the library to do your research. Speaking of which, do you know she is into the same thing as you… ancient mythical Eastern European creatures.”

Roger, doing his best to contain his growing apprehension, casually asked, “Really. Cool. So tell me more. Is she blond, brunette, red hair, chubby or shapely, tall, short, a local girl or visiting like us?”

“Hmm, she is a local, medium height I guess, and has beautiful, dark hair. Oh, and she has these really enchanting green eyes, and well, she is really, and I mean really shapely, Daddy.” Dropping her voice Katie whispered, “I mean she has real big tits and doesn’t seem very shy about showing them off.”

Roger’s heart skipped a beat. This was a fairly apt description of his visitor the other night. Apparently, things were about to get interesting.

Over the course of their dinner, Katie gave her very curious daddy all the details she could think about in regards to her new found friend Vanessa. Finally as they were cleaning up the dishes Katie said, “I was thinking Daddy. Maybe you could meet Vanessa and you two could compare notes on the Varcolac.”

“She is interested in the Varcolac?” the professor asked.

“Yeah, she is writing a fictional novel and the Varcolac is one of the main characters.”

“Really? A story about Varcolacs. Now that does sound interesting.”

“It is interesting. She told me a bit about the story. You wanna hear?”

“Sure tell me, hon.”

“It’s still just a work in progress. She said it might turn out to have a sort of romantic twist to it, or maybe, depending on certain of her characters actions, not so romantic, and instead it will be more of a horror story. Anyways, that is about all she would tell me. So what? Can you meet her?”

“Yes, I think I would like to meet your new friend after all.”

Two days later, Roger sat with his daughter waiting nervously at a small café in town after Katie arranged for Vanessa to meet them for lunch. When she arrived it only took one quick glance to understand this was the same “being” from his dream.

She was dressed casual in a pair of tight blue jeans and a form fitting white knit top that, just as Katie mentioned, showed off a tremendous pair of tits to a mouthwatering degree.

Over the course of the lunch, Katie steered the conversation toward Vanessa possibly helping her daddy with his research for his book and maybe, in return, Roger could render her some advice on her own book.

Vanessa happily agreed while giving a knowing look to the professor indicating to turn down his daughter’s suggestion of working together would not be such a hot idea. Given no other choice the professor accepted–rather happily.

The plan, as explained to Roger by Vanessa during their first work session, was simple. They would engage in a whirlwind romance culminating in him asking for her hand in marriage by the end of the summer.

In the meantime, Vanessa strongly advised Roger to keep things normal as possible and not, under any circumstances, tip his daughter off to the true nature of Vanessa’s being. All things regarding their pending marriage would come clear as time passed–including when the time would be ripe to propose to her.

Vanessa did make one thing abundantly clear to Roger though on their first date. At the end of the evening, after walking her to the door of her apartment, she leaned in close to him whispering, “Just so you understand Professor, we will not be engaging in any sort of, you know, sexy stuff before the marriage beyond a simple kiss or two.”

Roger sighed. He wanted desperately, even though it was only their first date, to get in Vanessa’s pants. Later, he was given reason to sigh again, an even more pronounced sigh this time when, after they shared a hot kiss good night, she whispered to him, “Oh, and by the way, no satisfying your lustful urges either… on you own, Professor. You understand me. I have the ability to watch you, sight unseen, as I see fit so remember that!”

And with that Vanessa disappeared inside her apartment leaving the Professor with a raging hardon he could do nothing about either now, or later, when he got home.

At the end of a long, hot summer, one where the professor was teased merciless by Vanessa as they continued to date Roger finally was given a sufficient enough hint where he felt the time was right to ask for Vanessa’s hand in marriage.

The hint was pretty damn straight forward as it turned out. It was an early September morning when Katie, over breakfast, nonchalantly said, “So Daddy are you going to ask Vanessa to marry you or what? I think she wants you to.”

The professor stared at his daughter. “Is that what you want sweetie for me and Vanessa to get married? You would be OK with it I mean?”

“I would love it, Daddy. She is so cool and well, I really like her. The truth is I want her to be my mom.”

“Hmm, duly noted daughter,” the professor said.

Their wedding, held in a quaint little chapel in the center of town, attended by only a couple of Vanessa’s friends and Katie, was a brief affair. There would be no reception afterwards, but instead the bride and groom, with Katie in tow, hurried off to Vanessa’s apartment so she could pack for their weekend honeymoon.

The honeymoon, and all its details, were arranged in secret by Vanessa. Other than the fact they would be enjoying their special honey moon night in a romantic little cabin deep in the forest just north of Rasinari, Roger knew nothing else.

The cabin, Vanessa claimed, had been in her family for nearly two hundred years and was very remote and quite charming.

The one detail, more than any other, Vanessa carefully planned was for their honeymoon to fall on the night of full moon. It was one of the keys to it being a most memorable night for her… and for young Katie and her new, and very lucky, husband.

Back at Vanessa’s apartment, the professor and Katie were idly sitting on the sofa in the small living room, waiting for Vanessa to finish packing when Vanessa popped her head out of the bedroom. “Hey honey, could you come in here for a moment.”

In a moment that made the three of them laugh, both Katie and Roger quickly jumped to their feet. “Hmm, I mean my husband honey, not my daughter honey,” Vanessa quickly interjected with a broad smile.

After the professor entered Vanessa’s bedroom, she quickly shut the door. “Come over here and sit on the bed next to me,” Vanessa told him. “I am going to tell you what must happen next.”

Roger sat down looking at her. The bemused look on her face foretold whatever she was about to tell him was probably going to be rather interesting.

“I’m afraid I have some bad news for you, my darling husband,” she announced.

“I am listening.”

“You won’t be coming with me on our honeymoon at my family’s cabin. Not at first anyways.”

“I won’t?” he replied trying his best to hide his disappointment.

“No, afraid not. That honor goes to your daughter. Here is what we are going to tell her…”

The professor was rendered both very excited and nearly speechless by Vanessa’s wicked plan. His excitement only grew when- as they were saying their goodbyes– alone in the bedroom, Vanessa gave him a quick little nip on his neck.

It was just enough to draw a bit of blood, which she made quick work of by lapping it up with her tongue, but more importantly, the small little bite would, once more, release the Varcolac and its many powers still inside of the professor. It would be nearly the same type of powers that allowed him to seduce his daughter that night where he ended up fucking her silly. The same ones that had been slumbering restlessly since that night… just waiting to be released again.

Roger exited the bedroom trying to look worried. He was about to tell a whopper of a lie to his daughter.

“Honey, I have some bad news. Your grandma back in San Diego was just taken to the hospital with severe chest pains. I have to fly back there. Immediately.”

“Is she going to be OK? I’m going with you, and Vanessa is going too, right?”

“Afraid not, Katie. Vanessa has an important meeting Monday with her publisher regarding her book so she can’t go and as for you… well, we were discussing it, me and your new mom, and we were thinking maybe, if it’s OK with you, you could spend the weekend with her at the cabin. Vanessa was really looking forward to going there. She hasn’t been to the family cabin in nearly three years and… I mean, she just got married and here I gotta go running off and leave her alone. Not exactly the best situation you understand?”

“Yeah, it sucks. I really hope Nana will be OK.”

“Me too, Katie, but anyways would you mind taking my place and going to Vanessa’s cabin with her so she doesn’t have to be all alone… on her wedding night of all nights.”

Vanessa’s wicked plan clicked neatly into place when Katie, of course, consented to go to the cabin with new stepmom.

Katie immensely enjoyed the ride to the cabin along a narrow, twisting road which snaked its way through a dark forest.

It was nearly four o’clock in the afternoon, when they turned off what passed as the main road and onto what appeared to be little more than a dirt single lane cart path. After an extremely bumpy ten minute ride, they rounded one final bend in the road which ended in a small clearing. Standing in the middle of the clearing was Vanessa’s family cabin.

As they climbed out of Vanessa’s jeep she told Katie, “Yeah, I know it doesn’t look like much from the outside but it’s clean and neat on the inside and comfortable but I am afraid there is no wi-fi, and no TV hon so we will be roughing it a bit.”

“Well, I don’t mind. I guess we can find something to do to amuse ourselves over the weekend.”

“Indeed we shall,” Vanessa said, her eyes glued to the young girl’s tight little ass shown off rather nicely in a pair of snug blue jeans as Katie bounded in front of her heading for the cabin’s front door.

Katie burst through the door, finding herself in the cabin’s great room. It was spacious, but sparsely appointed, with the only piece of furniture being a worn out old brown sofa, along with a simple plain coffee table sitting in front of the sofa. Tucked away in a far corner also was a jet black large round pillow chair.

The highlight of the great room was a huge stone fireplace which took up the entirety of one wall. Spread before the fireplace, on the bare wooden floor which ran through out the whole cabin, was an elegant, plush white sheepskin rug.

The kitchen, super tiny, contained not much more than a refrigerator and a small table pushed up against one wall. A pair of plain wooden straight back chairs were perched on two sides of the table.

The short hallway off of the great room led to the cabin’s sole bedroom. The bedroom, like the rest of the cabin, was meager in furnishings, containing only a queen sized four poster canopy bed, flanked by a pair of simple wooden nightstands. In the corner stood a positively ancient looking chest of drawers.

Peeking inside the bathroom, which stood at the end of the hallway opposite the bedroom, Katie observed it contained a huge claw foot old fashioned tub which took up the majority of the small room.

After enjoying a light dinner, Vanessa had packed them a couple sandwiches and some fruit, they went outside after Katie expressed an interest in exploring the surrounding woods a bit before it got too late.

It was nearly full on dark, and starting to get chilly, when they made it back to the cabin after a short hiking trip. After settling down side by side on the great room’s lumpy old couch, Vanessa turned to Katie. “Now what shall we do to pass the rest our evening?”

“I don’t know. What do you want to do? It’s your wedding night.”

“I am already doing what I wanna do… hanging out with my daughter. The only thing that could make that better I guess would be a bottle of wine to share with her.” Jumping to her feet with a bright smile, Vanessa strode across the cabin to the kitchen. “Fortunately, I just so happened to pack a bottle. I hope you don’t mind red wine, hon.”

“Hmm, never really had wine before, Vanessa so… you know, red, white, or blue, I suppose is all fine.”

“Blue, how cute,” Vanessa replied with a smirk as she filled a pair of wine glasses to the brim.

“Just go slow and pace yourself, Katie. I don’t want you to get drunk and pass out on me.”

“Don’t worry I will just sip it,” Katie replied as Vanessa handed her the full glass of the red wine.

They spent the next half hour or so sipping on their wine and making small talk before Vanessa jumped to her feet. “Hey I have an idea. How about a game to pass the time.”

“Sure. What kind of game. Cards? I like Uno.”

“Don’t have that one but I do think we have some checkers hanging around here someplace.”

“Checkers. Cool,” Katie replied.

They spent the next hour taking turns beating each other, one game apiece, at checkers before Katie yawned.

“I think someone is ready for bed? Wine making you sleepy I guess.”

After a brief discussion, where they argued over who would actually sleep in the cabin’s lone bedroom, Vanessa was able to convince Katie, being the guest here at the cabin, the bedroom should rightfully go to her.

After giving Vanessa a chaste kiss on the cheek, Katie retired to the bedroom, and within minutes of slipping into the surprising comfortable queen sized bed, she was sound asleep.

Sometime later, maybe a couple hours, Katie awoke. She was thirsty. After crawling out of the bed, and making her way across the cold, bare bedroom floor, and on down the short hallway leading to the great room, she paused.

She thought she heard a noise. Poking her head around the corner, the soft flickering light from the fireplace gave off just enough light for her to observe Vanessa sitting on the couch. She was hunched over and wearing a thick, white robe which made Katie jealous.

The coming of night had brought an acute chill to the cabin, and she was freezing, clad in her thin little pink crop top sleeping tee shirt, matched with a pair of white boy shorts.

Vanessa was clutching a box of Kleenex and was sniffling. After letting out another loud sniffle, and then doting her eyes with a wadded up tissue, it became apparent Vanessa was crying.

After a moment’s hesitation, Katie was not sure if she should interrupt her new stepmom, maybe she didn’t want to be disturbed, Katie decided it might be better to, at the very least, try and find out what was wrong.

She crossed the room, approaching her slowly. “Vanessa are you alright?” Katie whispered as she got nearer to her stepmom.

“Oh I’m sorry. Did I wake you hon?”

“No. I woke up because I was thirsty. I wanted to get a glass of water.”

“Oh. Here sit down. Let me run and get that for you, Katie.”

Before Katie could protest, Vanessa was dashing across the room toward the kitchen. Katie plopped down on the lumpy sofa, a little upset with herself, thinking how catching Vanessa in a vulnerable moment probably embarrassed her.

“Here, Katie, one glass of water.” Katie, noting the forced cheerfulness in stepmom’s voice, knew something was definitely amiss.

After taking a drink from the glass, Katie turned to her. “What is wrong, Vanessa?”

“Well, for starters, you calling me Vanessa.”

“Oh, well, I… I thought about calling you Mom, but wasn’t really sure… you know.”

“To be really honest, I would love it if you called me Mom… or even Mommy if you are feeling especially sweet toward me.”

Katie smiled. “I can do that… Mommy.”

“Good.” Vanessa reached out, taking one of Katie’s hands into hers. “So you really want to hear what is wrong or maybe I shouldn’t burden you with my problems.”

“Daddy always says I am a good listener.”

“Hmm, well, I guess I should find out if that is true.”

“Please, I wanna help… if I can,” Katie replied.

“OK, well, I did something silly and it has me feeling a bit depressed.”

“What did you do?”

“Just a little bit ago, like about ten minutes ago, I put on something I shouldn’t of.”

“You mean like… clothes? Like an outfit or something?”

“Yeah, kind of. Actually, what I put on is under my robe. Let me explain. I spent weeks shopping for the perfect wedding night outfit to… you know… impress your daddy on our special night. I finally found something I thought he might like and, well, I brought it with me. I was already half packed when the terrible news came about your grandmother and the outfit I had picked out for my wedding night was already packed away.”

Vanessa paused to take a large sip of her wine before she started talking again. “Anyways I had dozed off about, I don’t know, an hour or so ago, and then just a few minutes ago I woke up and it really hit me.”

She was sniffling again and looked to be on the verge of tears. Katie squeezed her hand tight whispering, “What hit you, Mom?”

“The fact I was alone on my wedding night. I thought, stupidly, putting on what I had bought for your daddy might make me feel better.”

“It didn’t work huh?” Katie prompted after a few moments of silence.

“No, not at all, sweetie. It just made me feel more alone and depressed… especially when I got to thinking how no one will ever get to see me in my… you know… special wedding night outfit.”

“Why can’t you save it for later for when my daddy gets back?”

“Honey, it may sound silly and superstitious but I planned on wearing this, what I got on under my robe, just the one time, on my wedding night, for my special loved one. If I was to wear it… some other time, other than my wedding night, I know it would be bad luck.” Vanessa doted her eyes again with a fresh Kleenex. “Like I said, sounds silly huh?”

“Actually it sounds really romantic to wear your wedding night outfit just the one time on your special night.”

Vanessa looked down, twisting a Kleenex in her hands, making it into a small ball.

“Yes, it could have been, like you said, real romantic, but not so much now being that I am all alone.” Vanessa flung the Kleenex, it was wadded into a tight little ball now, across the room angrily as she hissed, “And a girl shouldn’t be alone on her wedding night.”

“I can understand why you are upset but you are not alone. I mean, I am here.”

“Yes you are but for how long? I think you should get back to bed. I can tell you are cold.”

“I am cold but I wanna stay out here with you… if you want me to. If you need me that is?”

“I think I do need you, Katie, sweetheart, but what if Mommy needs you…” Vanessa paused, lifting one hand to her daughter’s face. Brushing it lightly with a light touch, she whispered, “for the rest of the night. The truth is, I have a deep dark confession. You wanna hear it?”

Katie simply nodded her head yes. She sensed, somehow, her and her new mother were at a crossroads of sorts.

In a voice that barely rose above a whisper, and cracking with pent up emotion, Vanessa shared her deepest secret with her new daughter.

“You know, sweetie, I always wanted a baby girl of my own to love and pamper, but for reasons, physically, I can’t have a child of my own. Now, here you are, the baby girl I have always dreamed of, all grown up a bit, but still, you are here, and I am your mommy, if only your step mommy anyways…”

Katie interjected at hearing that word. Her voice was firm and full of conviction, “Forget that stupid word! You are my mommy. Period. Don’t soil it by placing that stupid word “step” in front of it.”

“Oh Katie, that is so sweet. I feel the same. You are my daughter. Period. My wonderful, sweet, beautiful and oh so sexy little angel of a daughter.”

They stared at each other for a long, drawn out moment of wonderful blissful silence as they both allowed the sweetness they were obviously feeling for one another sink in just a bit deeper. Finally, Vanessa broke the silence as she rose to her feet. “Well, the first order of business for a mother is to keep her babies warm and since you are obviously freezing, I better get to work.”

Crossing over to the fire, Vanessa began to feed it some fresh logs from the pile of small wooden logs stacked up neatly next to the fireplace. Turning around, as she continued to feed the fire more wood, Vanessa said, “Why don’t you go ahead and finish off your mom’s glass of wine. It will help warm your insides I think.”

“Sure,” Katie replied as she reached over to the small end table next to the sofa and snatched up the glass of wine. It was still about three quarters full as she brought it to her lips and took a generous sip or two.

As Katie watched her mom feed more logs into the growing fire a sudden thought came to her.

The wine helped her overcome her shyness in voicing it. “Hey Mom,” she called out, “I was thinking… why don’t you show me your wedding night outfit… I mean if you want to. That way at least someone will get to see it before you put it away forever.”

Vanessa paused. Turning, she gave Katie a serious look. “That is a very thoughtful idea Katie, sweetheart, but me showing it to you comes with one small condition.”

“Name it,” Katie said after taking another hearty sip of her wine.

After tossing one final log onto the fire, Vanessa quickly crossed back over to the sofa, and sat down. “What you said just reminded me of something. I have a surprise gift for you that goes hand in hand with the condition I am about to request.”

“You do. Oh I like surprise gifts.”

“Yes, I know. Your daddy sort of mentioned that to me on one of our earliest dates. He talked about you a lot you know.”

“He did?”

“Yes, finish your wine sweetie and I will tell you about your surprise gift.”

Katie obeyed, finishing off the last bit of the wine.

As soon as Katie polished off the last of her wine, Vanessa started talking. “One of the things your daddy happened to mention was because of how strict your mother raised you, and how strict she was about the sexy stuff, you really don’t own anything nice, and by nice I don’t mean “nice” but, hmm, you know, sexy.”

“Yeah, I don’t.”

“Well, just so you know, your new mom is not so strict when it comes to the sexy stuff. In fact, here… stand up.”

Katie carefully got to her feet. The wine had left her feeling a bit dizzy.

Taking her hand, Vanessa started to lead her across the room toward the bedroom.

“I have your gift packed away in my suitcase. I grabbed it at the last minute when I found out you would be coming with me to the cabin. Up until now I wasn’t sure if I would actually have the courage to give it to you.”

“What is it?” Katie asked as they moved into the bedroom.

“You’ll see,” Vanessa said as she pulled her suitcase out of the closet.

Vanessa dropped a small neatly gift wrapped box on the bed. “While shopping for my own sexy wedding night outfit, I happened to pick something out for you. I mean, I just thought it was a shame such a pretty girl like you not having anything special or sexy to wear.”

Vanessa gestured toward the box. “So anyways my condition is simple. You show me how you look in what I got you, and I will show you what I bought special for my wedding night.”

“It’s a deal,” Katie happily told her as she eagerly picked up the gift box while Vanessa crossed over the bedroom and unlatched the bedroom window.

Just before exiting the bedroom, Vanessa turned to Katie saying, “Oh and honey, when you leave the bedroom, make sure you leave the light on next to the bed. I don’t like the cabin to be wholly dark. OK? And leave the bedroom window open just a bit as the fresh night air will help you sleep later on.”

“Sure, Mom,” Katie replied distractedly. She was busy turning the gift box over wondering what it might contain.

A few minutes later, Katie, wearing her mom’s sexy gift, stood in the hallway. Poking her head around the corner, while keeping her body hidden, she spied Vanessa sitting on the sofa, sipping on a glass of wine.

“Mom, I have it on, but it’s, I don’t know, really sexy and I’m really shy so…”

“I know it’s sexy, sweetheart. That is why I bought it for you. Anyways, tell you what, Mommy will close her eyes, promise, and then you come over here.”

She patted the sofa next to her. “I have a robe here for you too. It’s waiting for you on the sofa. I promise not to open my eyes until you put your robe on and then I also promise I won’t bug you to show me how your sexy new gift looks on you until you are good and ready to show me.”

“But I thought you wanted to see me in my sexy new, outfit.”

Vanessa, happily noting the subtle disappointment in her daughter’s voice, answered back softly. “Sweetie, yes your Mom really wants to see her baby girl in what I picked out for her, but I know you are shy hon so… I can be patient until you feel brave enough to show me. Is that OK?”

“OK,” Katie replied.

“Good, now I am closing my eyes. You tell me when I can open them.”

Katie quickly crossed the room to the sofa. Her mom was sitting there, eyes tightly shut as promised. She picked up the beautiful white satin robe and quickly slipped it on, before settling down on the sofa next to her mom.

“OK, you can open your eyes now, Mom.”

Vanessa opened her eyes. Turning to her daughter, she dropped her voice to a sad whisper. “Well that is disappointing.”

“What is?”

Deciding to play coy Vanessa turned away. “Nothing hon. Just… forget it.”

“No tell me.”

After a brief pause, Vanessa sighed. “OK, I guess I just thought when I opened my eyes you would pleasantly surprise your mommy by deciding not to put your robe on is all and letting her see you in the outfit she picked out especially for you, but I guess you just don’t trust me enough… still.”

“I do trust you but–”

“Yeah, I know,” Vanessa cut in interrupting her, “my baby girl is shy… or maybe it’s more about the trust issue. Either way…”

Vanessa let her voice trail off. Shrugging her shoulders, she climbed to her feet and crossed over to the fireplace. Picking up the black poker, she jabbed it aggressively into the fire, making embers shoot up, while hoping Katie would give chase.

She did. Hopping to her feet, Katie moved over to the fireplace. When Vanessa did not acknowledge her presence, but instead kept jabbing the poker into the fire in that same aggressive manner, Katie placed a hand on her shoulder.

“Come back over to the sofa, Mom and I will show you.”

“Promise?” Vanessa replied softly.


Vanessa raised up. “But you don’t have to, hon.”

“I want to. Come on.”

Katie took her mom’s hand and led her back over to the sofa. They sat down, close, staring at each other for a long moment before Vanessa reached over and grabbed her half full glass of wine. “One last big sip baby. It will help you overcome that shyness.”

Katie obeyed and took a big sip of the wine. It left her feeling relaxed even as she felt her mom’s hands tugging on the tie that held her pretty satin robe shut. “Here let Mommy help,” Vanessa whispered as she slowly undid her daughter’s robe.

Katie leaned back, closing her eyes, as she felt the robe slip off her body. After hearing her mom let out a loud sigh, overly curious to see her reaction, Katie opened her eyes.

“Do you like it Mommy?” she whispered sweetly.

Smiling at her daughter she whispered, “I think mommy did really good. It looks gorgeous on you, baby.”

Indeed the white lace corset, in a classic wedding style with its delicate lacey frills along the edges, matched with the white thigh high stockings, and satin boy short panties, looked absolutely delicious on the young Katie.

“It does?” Katie responded secretly thrilled at her mother’s praise.

“It certainly does.” Taking Katie’s hands into hers she guided them to the front of her own robe. “Now it’s your turn. Go ahead and take off your mommy’s robe… I mean if you are still willing to let her show off for you that is, baby girl.”

Katie started to carefully undo the large knot that held Vanessa’s fuzzy robe shut as she whispered, “It’s only fair, I think, since I am showing off for you, Mommy.”

After getting the knot undone, Katie paused, for a brief moment. Her heart was racing as she sensed she was about to get a glimpse of something special. Slowly she pulled her mom’s robe open and then slipped it off of her.

“Oh my God,” Katie whispered under her breath as she finally beheld what was hiding under her mother’s robe. The dramatic build up had been well worth it.

Vanessa was clad, in direct contrast to her daughter’s white, in all black. The outfit she chose for her wedding night was oh so delicious looking and sexy. It consisted of two pieces only: the lace top, with sleeves coming down to her elbows, was sheer, showing off those mammoth sized tits of Vanessa’s to a lovely degree. Also on full display was Vanessa’s perfectly toned tummy as the snug tie top only covered the upper part of her chest, and was held closed by a single delicate black lace ribbon. The matching sheer boy short bottoms rivaled the top in pure sexiness, but was virtually ignored as Katie stared with childish curiosity at her mom’s boobies.

Now it was Vanessa’s turn to quietly ask, “Do you like it sweetie… do you like the outfit I picked out for my wedding night.”

“It’s super-duper sexy, Mommy… just like you.”

“Oh thank you sweetheart. I was so afraid, like I said, no one would ever see me in it.”

“So do you feel better now, Mommy?” Katie asked Vanessa after watching her finish off the last of her wine. “You know, now that I have seen it.”

“Yes, a bit, thanks to you.”

“Why only a bit?”

“It’s a secret but I will make a deal with you, but you gotta listen first.”

“OK.” Katie replied simply.

“Well, now that we are both so… ahh scantily dressed I was thinking we should maybe go over and get comfortable in front of the warm fire so neither of us gets cold. The rug there, I think you shall find, is super comfortable, baby, especially on your bare skin… unless you wanna get dressed and go to back to bed.”

“No,” Katie stated firmly, “I want to stay out here with you… and I wanna hear your secret.”

“Good and I was thinking if maybe you would allow your mommy to cuddle her little girl in her arms, she would share her secret with her while they were snuggling and cuddling so nicely together in front of the warm romantic fire.”

After a moment’s hesitation, Katie simply said, “I like secrets.”

By now she was having flashbacks to that wickedly delicious night with her daddy where he carefully led her, step by step, down a very naughty path. This almost seemed like it might be happening again, and just like that night, Katie could see herself allowing it. Totally.

Hand in hand they made their way over to the fireplace. Before settling down, Vanessa pulled the large pillow chair out from a far corner and dragged it over to the rug.

“I will need something to lean back against as I cuddle you hon,” Vanessa announced while maneuvering the pillow chair into place in the very center of the rug.

Vanessa got herself comfortable first, leaning herself back against the pillow chair, before holding her hands out to Katie, who, after sinking to her knees, snuggled down in front of her mom, leaning back against her mom.

As Katie felt her mom’s arms wrap around her, she let out a long sigh. It had been a long time, too long, since she had been cuddled in the arms of someone she called mom. Her former mom, although she did love her, of course, had always been a bit distant with Katie.

She simply was not one to cuddle or snuggle with her daughter, nor had she been at all very touchy– feely. In other words, it appeared her former mom was the mirror opposite of her current mom.

Running her fingers through Katie’s lovely blond hair, her current mommy told her sweetly, “Now you will have to be patient with me in waiting to hear my secret, honey. I have to be careful and pick the exact right moment to reveal it to you… otherwise you may not fully accept it, like I hope you will.”

Katie started to respond but was quickly cut off when Vanessa put a finger to her lips. “Mommy I–”

“No questions or comments baby… for now. OK?”

“Sure,” Katie sighed.

Vanessa brought her mouth to Katie’s ear whispering, “If you really wanna make your mommy feel good sweetie, you will allow her free reign in cuddling her daughter.”

The wine had left the normally reticent Katie feeling loose and free allowing her to, without any hesitation this time, respond, “Of course you can have free reign in cuddling me, Mommy. I am all yours… especially if it will make you feel better.”

“I’m sure it will baby,” Vanessa said as she pulled back. “So then just lay back, close your eyes and let Mommy cuddle her baby girl while enjoying that free reign you just promised her.”

Vanessa’s hands felt wonderful as they traversed back and forth along Katie’s bare shoulders. After a few blissful moments of rubbing her daughter’s shoulders, and then on down her bare arms, Vanessa felt emboldened enough to lean forward, planting several light kisses along Katie’s shoulders.

Katie’s only response to her mommy’s soft attentions was a gentle sigh as her kisses moved carefully over to her vulnerable, and oh so sensitive, neck. After showering her daughter’s neck with a smattering of light kisses, Vanessa brought her mouth over to Katie’s ear.

In the softest of whispers she asked, “Do you love me, baby girl.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Katie said in between several more gentle sighs. Her mom’s little shoulder rub, her kisses, the wine, the romantic atmosphere as they cuddled, were all conspiring to encourage the mood of forbidden romance growing between mommy and her little girl.

Vanessa used one gentle finger to turn Katie’s face up toward her. “Tell your mommy you love her, sweetie,” Vanessa begged, “Pretty please, baby girl.”

Katie started to obey, was opening her mouth to do so in order to speak the words her mother so desperately wanted to hear, when Vanessa stopped her by pressing her finger against her lips.

“Say ‘I love you’ to your mommy not with words, but like this sweetheart.”

Vanessa showered both of Katie’s cheeks in turn with light kisses before planting a firmer kiss on her forehead. Finally, after a moment’s hesitation, where they gazed deep into each other eyes, both their hearts longing for more, Vanessa brought her lips to Katie’s.

When they kissed it sparked something deep within Katie’s very soul. It was almost as if a thousand little firecrackers were exploding all over her body, all at once, when their lips brushed together for the first time. Her mom’s kiss, full on the lips, gentle yet firm, sweet yet forbidden, lasted for a long slow count of three before she pulled back.

“Now it’s your turn, hon,” Vanessa whispered, “tell Mommy you love her… like I just showed you.”

Katie moved her lips to her mom’s cheeks, spraying each with several dainty kisses, before moving up to her forehead, and depositing a single firm kiss there. Her mouth slipped back down, hesitating mere inches from her mom’s lips. She closed her eyes, and then became lost when their lips came together in a series of increasing passionate kisses.

The great room was filled with the gentle sound of smacking lips with Katie saying, “I love you” to her mother, not with words, but with kisses–just as her mother prescribed to her.

Their sweet little make out session carried on for what seemed an eternity before their lips parted. Both of them were nearly panting from this long, heartfelt exchange of kisses.

Vanessa was the one to speak first. Whispering, she told her daughter, “Oh sweetie that was so, so nice. I can really feel your love for me… such to the point where you have melted my once cold heart completely and I am ready to share my secret with you. Do you still want to hear it?”

Katie, her heart still thumping away in her chest from their little kissing fest, simply nodded her head yes.

Bringing her hands up, Vanessa framed Katie’s pretty face. “My secret is a simple confession baby.” she whispered. “Tonight, you being so close, just in the bedroom, yet so far away, was what, more than anything, caused your mommy to cry. You see baby, I didn’t marry your father to gain a husband, but because I desperately wanted a daughter… you, sweetheart.”

The confession caused Katie’s heart to literally stop. “Really, Mommy, could that be true?”

“It is. I swear baby girl. I have wanted you, as my daughter, since we first met that day in the library. Here is another shocking confession, at the wedding this afternoon when the priest announced ‘you may kiss your bride’ it was not a kiss from your father I so desperately wanted, but one from you, little girl.”

Vanessa gently pulled Katie’s face closer whispering, “Tell me you love me again, sweetie or tell me you hate me for using your father to get to you and to try to make you mine.”

“That is an easy choice, Mommy. I could never hate you but I promise to always…” Again their lips came together, with their kisses, this time, becoming deadly serious almost instantly.

Vanessa took charge. After several soft kisses, she pressed her lips firmly against Katie’s before loping her tongue deep inside her mouth. Katie responded by pushing back with her own tongue, just like her daddy taught her not so long ago, as they fell back against the pillow chair.

Another breathless infinity passed, mother and daughter lost in a stormy, wild sea of mad kisses before–finally–Vanessa somehow found the will power to pull back.

Stroking her daughter’s face tenderly she breathed, “Are you truly mine, little girl?”

“Yes, Mommy, a thousand times yes, I am all yours.”

Vanessa pulled back a bit more, the expression on her face growing somber.

“Then we must make it official… our mother daughter relationship, Katie.”

“How,” Katie whispered while somehow sensing it was going to involve that little three letter word, S-E-X, her daddy introduced to her on, what she now privately referred to as: The Dark Night of the Varcolac.

A rather ironic name considering she’d been referring to that night by that title–before the fledging authoress, Vanessa, came into her life. The irony stemmed from the proposed title to Vanessa’s novel: The Dark Night of the Varcolac.

“Your daddy told me you are really super naïve and innocent in all things but especially the sexy things, Katie, but you must know a man and a woman consummate their relationship on their wedding night by making love. You understand this right, sweetie?” Vanessa gently asked her daughter.

“Yes, I understand as much, Mother,” Katie snapped back, almost angry she could not brag about how she was not so sweet and innocent anymore thanks to her daddy.

Running her fingers through Katie’s blond mane Vanessa said softly, “Well then, we must also consummate our relationship by performing the most intimate act a mother and her baby girl can share.”

“And what is that,” Katie whispered. She could feel a tingly feeling growing between her legs as her mother continued to softly stroke her hair.

“I must share something with my daughter that only a kind, nurturing mother can share with her baby…”

Katie, her words barely rising above a whisper, asked again, “What is that?”

Vanessa moved back away from Katie, stretching her body out on the pure white carpet. She leaned on her elbow, her other hand resting on her hip, a look of pure seductive sultriness crossed over her beautiful face as she stared at her prey– before whispering the words that would set young Katie’s heart on fire.

“Mommy needs to share her big boobies with her hungry little baby girl.”

Katie tried to speak but the words got stuck in her throat… as she stared at her mommy’s immense boobs clad so seductively in their black mesh cage.

“Don’t you agree that nothing, absolutely nothing is more loving than a little baby girl suckling on her mother’s tits… getting that sweet nourishment from her that only a mommy can provide.”

Katie, maybe trying to stave off the inventible, tried to go all clinical on her mother; it didn’t work. “You are talking about breast feeding I think, but mother, I am not a baby anymore. I’m eighteen and don’t need to suckle my mommy’s boobs anymore for… nourishment.”

Vanessa only smiled at her daughter’s disclaimer. After a brief moment she whispered back. “Nonsense. You are my baby girl, regardless of how old you may be, and the nourishment my baby girl needs tonight, needs now, is not her mommy’s milk, but her mommy’s love. A love that can flow as sweetly as her milk would have years ago through her breasts, across your eager lips, and into your suckling little mouth.”

Vanessa paused once more, while arching her back, putting her large tits on full display for her daughter’s wide, staring eyes. “And from that desperate suckling little mouth of yours, my love, your mommy’s love that is, will flood your little girl heart as only a mommy’s love can.”

She reached out, touching Katie’s face lightly. “It is, what I’m suggesting, the most intimate act a mother and daughter can perform… don’t you agree sweetheart?”

“Yes, but–”

Vanessa interrupted her. “It’s my wedding night honey, and as a result of my wedding to your father, you now belong to me… I am your mommy now. I mean…”

Vanessa’s voice was breaking. She looked to be on the verge of tears as she began to sniffle. “You told me, ‘yes, a thousand times yes’, when I asked if you were truly mine.”

“I did,” Katie whispered. Her thoughts, filled with her new mother’s deliciously wicked suggestion, now led her eyes to become helplessly stuck on her mommy’s mountainous breasts.

“Then can’t we make it official? Don’t I deserve to have at least one relationship consummated properly on my wedding night? Don’t I deserve that in the very least, sweetheart?”

“You do, Mommy,” Katie replied.

“Then kiss me some more, shower your mommy with the love she so desperately needs from her baby girl, and when you are nice and ready, bring your mouth to my ear and whisper…” Reaching out, Vanessa gripped Katie’s hands, squeezing them tight as she dropped her voice to a mere whisper. “Mommy, your little baby girl is hungry. Please sweetheart, do this for me.” Vanessa leaned forward, placing a small kiss on her forehead, “Pretty please.”

Katie, after a brief hesitation, nodded her head yes.

Following the first part of Vanessa’s suggestion, Katie brought her lips closer to her mother’s face, with the idea of showering her with love. Her kisses, sweet and innocent at first, fell upon her mommy’s cheeks, and then her neck, before finally finding her lips.

Once more the silence of the great room was broken by the light smacking sound of mother and daughter’s lips coming together – over and over again.

Katie’s hands, guided softly by her mother’s, found her mom’s bare tummy and began rubbing all over in small circles. The circles were rising, slowly, carefully toward her mom’s breasts as their tongues engaged in a series of mock battles.

Katie’s shy, little hands hesitated. Vanessa’s keen Varcolac senses felt the hesitation and reacted. Dropping her own hands, she found Katie’s hands floundering about just below the precipitous rise of her boobs. Taking her daughter’s hands into her own, Vanessa guided them north. Allowing her mother total supremacy, Katie relaxed, letting her hands be pushed up and onto her mommy’s tits.

Vanessa smiled inwardly as she felt her daughter’s first tentative squeezes upon her breasts. She allowed their passionate kissing session to extend a few glorious seconds longer as Katie’s first hesitant explorations of her mommy’s tits became more serious.

It was time. They were in the home stretch now. Breaking off their kisses Vanessa leaned back.

“Do they feel nice baby girl… your mommy’s big boobies?”

“Oh God yes, Mommy.”

Leaning back onto her elbow once more, Vanessa gave her daughter an inviting smile as she pawed at her tits with both hands. “That’s it, honey. Mommy wants you to concentrate on playing with them as it will only serve to ramp up your appetite for them later.”

The mother bear watched, her passion growing, as her darling little cub ran her hands lightly all over the vast expanse of her tits, before giving them several eager little squeezes and then pulling back.

Katie, still unsure of herself, looked at her mother, wanting her approval to keep playing. Vanessa’s acutely powerful senses again picked up on her daughter’s desire immediately.

Tilting her head to one side playfully, Vanessa whispered, “You want permission to keep playing with your mommy’s tits, huh little girl? Don’t worry, you have mommy’s permission, you can play with them if you want, baby girl… for as long as you want even… Mommy doesn’t mind.”

The memory of that night with her daddy, intense and perfectly clear, as if it happened just yesterday, came flooding back to Katie. The remembered words, the ones he spoke to her so sweetly, so kindly, now only served to ramp up her desire for her new mommy now.

“That’s a good girl. Hey, I know, pretend your daddy’s big cock is a new toy and you are playing with it for the first time sweetie… show how much daddy’s little girl likes playing with her new toy.”

The correlation between the two wicked events was not lost on Katie. First, she had treated her daddy’s giant cock as a toy, playing with it until it spurted out the cum like an immense geyser. Now, mere months later, she was playing with her mommy’s giant boobies.

As she slowly reached out her hands toward her mother’s beckoning hills, she wondered if Vanessa wanted her to act all sweet and innocent– just as her daddy had wanted her to that fateful night while she played with his cock.

No sooner had the thought entered her mind than Vanessa spoke up. Reaching out, she intercepted her daughter’s outstretched hands. “I know you are a shy, sweet and innocent little girl, Katie, and playing with your mom’s breasts might seem a little naughty but…”

One after the other, she lightly kissed both of Katie’s hands before pressing them up against her boobs. “But as long as you play with them shyly, with sweetness and innocence, it will be alright… I promise.”

There it was. She wanted her to act shy, sweet and innocent–just like her daddy had wanted her to do. The connection between the two nights was wholly complete now as her new mommy steered her hands to the black satin ribbon in the center of the beautiful black lace tie top.

After getting the ribbon undone, Katie carefully opened up her mommy’s lingerie tie top. Letting out a small gasp she whispered, “Oh my God Mommy, your boobies, they are so big and… and beautiful.”

“They also might be lots of fun to play with baby girl. Go ahead, you do want to play with them, right?”

“Y-yes,” Katie replied as she cupped both of her mom’s immense tits in her hands. After jiggling them about–playfully– for a few seconds, Katie let out a childish giggle before exclaiming, “Wow Mommy, they are so big and bouncy!”

“Yes they are sweetie. And you know what, if I had to guess, I think you have been secretly dreaming of what it might be like to have a bit of fun playing with your Mommy’s tits for a long time huh? Maybe since we first met?”

“Maybe?” Katie replied coyly as she gently pushed Vanessa back against the pillow chair.

Using her thumbs, Katie switched to attacking her mom’s sensitive nipples. Vanessa, in heaven now, closed her eyes, letting out a long, gentle sigh. All of her scheming, finally, had come home to roost.

Katie watched with naïve delight as her mom’s sizable nipples became fully erect. She ran her fingers over them slowly, then faster, as she watched her mommy begin to squirm. Just like with her father before, she was growing bold with the power she was having at making one of her parents feel good.

Katie rose up on her knees. Staring down at her mom’s tits, she suddenly had an idea. Taking both her hands she moved them to the outside of her mom’s breasts. Smiling, she forcefully squeezed her tits together before suddenly pulling her hands off of them. She let out a soft giggle as she watched them spring back into place… before doing it again… two more times, eliciting more giggles from her.

Vanessa opened her eyes. The soft, sweet attentions her innocent young daughter was paying to her tits was causing a deep seated ache in the very depths of her soul. She needed more!

Reaching out, she took Katie’s hands into her own. “Honey, I think playtime is maybe close to being over. I would think you would be getting maybe… a little hungry.”

“Hungry for what, Mommy?” Katie demurely asked.

“Hungry for these,” Vanessa barked before suddenly becoming ultra-aggressive. Without warning, she quickly overpowered her giggling daughter, flipping her onto her back. Pushing her mammoth tits down directly into Katie’s face she threatened to smother the poor girl in an immense wave of tit flesh.

Lifting up just a bit, Vanessa allowed Katie a few quick breaths before pushing her tits back down in her face. Any protests Katie might have had were buried in a delightful avalanche of soft, warm tit flesh.

After a few wonderful seconds, Vanessa rose up again, allowing Katie to catch her breath, before slowly lowering her chest down, just enough, so her hanging breasts were dangling delightfully in Katie’s face. Swaying back and forth, she playfully batted her tits against her daughter’s face.

Now it was Katie’s turn to sigh from all of her mom’s soft, playful attentions.

Vanessa lifted up again, staring down at her daughter. Their eyes met. They both understood what must come next as Katie whispered sweetly, “Mommy all this playing has made me… hungry… really hungry.”

“Hungry for more of Mommy’s kisses maybe sweetie,” she whispered in a voice hoarse with anticipation. Wrapping her arms around Katie, she drew her into a tight embrace. Their lips came together as Katie’s hands automatically went back to her mommy’s tits again.

Their tongues slipped in and out of each other mouth’s as Katie continued to paw at her mommy’s breasts with renewed eagerness.

Vanessa pulled back slightly. “Come baby girl, show Mommy how hungry you are to receive her love.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Katie said as she felt Vanessa slowly pushing her face down into her warm bosom.

“Close your eyes and open your mouth little girl,” Vanessa whispered. Cradling her daughter in the crook of her arm, Vanessa arched her back pushing her tits into her daughter’s face.

Katie, her eyes tightly shut, felt one of Vanessa’s fully erect nipples slip softly across her lips. She allowed a few blissful seconds to pass before she latched onto the erect nipple with her eager, young mouth. Clamping down on it with her lips, Katie began to suckle tenderly on her mommy’s nipple, causing her to let out a sharp hiss.

Vanessa ran her fingers delicately through her daughter’s hair while Katie ever so sweetly, ever so patiently, but most especially, ever so tenderly, alternated suckling on each of her mom’s boobs.

The love flowed between mother and daughter as the affectionate little suckling session filled the great room with Vanessa’s soft moans of pleasure. She never experienced such tenderness in having her boobies suckled on, and it was driving her absolutely crazy with pure and unadulterated love for her daughter.

Presently, Katie’s youthful eagerness took over with the kindly little suckling session turning hotly passionate when her tongue joined the fray. Lashing her flickering tongue out, Katie lathered her mom’s distended nipple with a decided enthusiasm, eliciting a desperate moan from Vanessa.

The tongue lashing digressed into a desperate suckling session when Katie opened her mouth wide sucking in the entirety of her mom’s nipple into her impatient mouth.

Her mouth was soon flying back and forth between Vanessa’s tits, attacking each with a sequence of impassioned kisses which quickly turned into a wild suckling fest.

“Oh God baby, that’s it… suck on Mommy’s titties. Oh that feels so good.” Vanessa was squirming all over the pillow chair. Her pussy was on absolute fire and in desperate need of attention.

Katie, after several breathless minutes, finally took a break, if only to catch her breath. Looking up her at her mommy, she batted her eyes at her seductively before whispering, “Is your little girl doing good, Mommy?”

“Oh God yes, honey, but, you know something, if you really want to make mommy feel good can you…” She leaned down whispering the rest in her ear. “Play with Mommy’s kitty cat… you know down there between her legs.”

Katie pulled back from her mom’s heaving chest, before answering shyly, “M-mommy I… I don’t know if I can do that… I… I mean that would be really, really naughty.”

She was half just playing reticent with her mother, and half being serious. Either way, it played perfectly into Vanessa overall game plan as, just then, he came padding softly into the great room.

For the past several hours, after it got dark and the full moon came alive, releasing the full extent of his dark Varcolac powers, Roger had been running–like a wolf–across the dark Romanian country side.

He didn’t have directions to the cabin, but it mattered little as what he possessed now was better than even the best directions. Thanks to that earlier little nip on his neck Vanessa gave him as they said their goodbyes, the professor now enjoyed a direct emotional, physical and mental link with her.

His sharpened Varcolac senses would guide him directly to the cabin as he followed the link with his wife, much like a homing pigeon uses magnetoreception to find its way home.

Once he got close, the cabin was easy to spot, even in the dark forest, made easier by Vanessa insistence of leaving the light on in the bedroom. The professor slowed down from his previous hurtling gallop he used to get there, to a stealthily crawl as he approached the nearly dark cabin.

Vanessa’s instructions were explicit: enter the cabin through the unlatched bedroom window, sit down on the bed and wait patiently for her signal.

The professor’s ears perked up. There it was, the signal coming from the great room. Despite the fact, Vanessa whispered the words ever so quietly in their daughter’s ear, Roger heard the words clearly. Vanessa had written the two words down which would serve as their secret signal on a small piece of paper while giving him the night’s instructions. The words were simple: kitty cat.

Play with Mommy’s kitty cat… you know down there between her legs.

He jumped to his feet, exiting the bedroom quietly. The thought Katie was now “their” daughter wholly excited the professor. His nearly nine inch cock was already twitching, and ready for action, as he slipped out of the bedroom and into the dark hallway–on his way to the cabin’s great room and a night of wicked adventure.

The professor silently entered the great room. Pausing, he looked over at his daughter and wife, over on the rug in front of the blazing fire. Vanessa’s keen hearing naturally heard him enter the room, despite how absolutely quiet he thought he was being.

She quickly pulled her lace lingerie top back in place, before hurriedly tying the ribbon up to hold it in place. It was not yet time to reveal her fully bare boobs to the professor’s hungry eyes.

The professor moved closer to them. Katie’s back was to him. She had just stammered out a nervous unsure reply to her mom’s whispered request to play with her “kitty cat”.

Vanessa looked at him over her daughter’s shoulder, resisting the urge to smile, before she nodded her assent to him for the night’s second naughty act to begin.

“Now don’t be like that honey. Your mommy asked you to do something and you need to obey her.”

Katie whipped her head around. “Daddy,” she cried out, jumping to her feet. Dashing the few feet across the room to him, she threw herself in his arms. He hugged her tightly for a minute before she pulled back.

“I thought you were going to see Nana. Did something happen, is she OK?”

“Your Nana is fine, sweetheart. It was a… ahh a false alarm.”

“Oh,” Katie said taking a step back.

Suddenly realizing how everything must look to him, Katie started to blurt out, what, an excuse maybe, as to why she was with her new stepmother, doing some naughty stuff on the rug… and why they were both dressed so sexy.

“Look Daddy, about…” She waved her hand around and back toward her mother, “all this, listen, I can explain, me and mommy were just… ahh…”

“Shhh, sweetie,” the professor interrupted his daughter with a quick finger to her lips. “No need to explain. You and mommy were just… bonding. Right honey?”

“That is right my dearest husband. Me and Katie here were just bonding… like any good mother and daughter should do.”

“So… so you are not upset, Daddy?”

“Not hardly baby. In fact, I think you need to go back over to the rug and obey your mother. If I am not mistaken, just before I walked in she had asked you nicely to do something for her. Isn’t that right?”

“Yes, but she wants me to–”

The professor again interrupted his daughter, this time by aggressively grabbing her hand. Practically dragging her back over to the rug, he barked at her, “Now I want you to be a good girl and obey your mother and no more questions or comments or complaining.”

The professor half pushed, half helped, his daughter down onto her knees, next to her mother.

“But Daddy–” Katie started to protest before being rudely cut off by her mother this time. “Katie…” Vanessa snapped at her, “you need to obey both your daddy and your mommy, and your daddy said no more questions or comments. So what does that mean?”

To emphasize her point, Vanessa reached out, snagging Katie’s hand in her own, before squeezing it tight… very tight. “Answer me,” Vanessa snapped harshly at her daughter.

“Answer your mother, Katie,” the professor added sharply. Properly cowed now, with both her father and mother snapping at her so seriously, Katie answered meekly, “It means no more questions or comments.”

“And,” Vanessa said tersely.

“And… and…” Katie was unsure of what else they wanted her to say.

Softening his tone, the professor came riding to her rescue. “And obey your mommy is what your answer should be, honey.”

“Yes, and obey my mommy,” Katie said looking up at her father.

After taking two quick steps toward them, the professor leaned down and whispered in his daughter’s ear.

“Tell her you will be a good girl and obey… anything… we tell you for the rest of the night…” Straightening up, the professor used one hand to nudge his daughter’s shoulder saying, “Well go on, tell her.”

Katie turned back to Vanessa. “Mommy, I will be a good girl and do anything you and daddy ask me to do… for the rest of the night.”

“Promise sweetheart… promise you will do anything Mommy and Daddy says without question.”

“I… promise,” Katie answered nervously. Her nervousness came naturally from being put into such a compromising position and was only matched by her pure excitement at being put into such a position.

“OK then, you be a good girl then by sitting there patiently while you mother goes and prepares things inside the bedroom. Oh and no trying to talk to your father. I don’t want you asking him a bunch of silly questions. Understood?”

“Yes, Mommy,” Katie immediately snapped.

As soon as she had left the room though Katie advanced toward her father whispering, “Daddy I–”

She barely got the whispered words out when almost immediately from the bedroom came Vanessa’s harsh voice. “I can hear you young lady. Go sit back down and keep quiet as your mommy instructed you.”

Roger gestured for his daughter to obey as a smitten Katie retreated back to the rug.

A short minute or two later, Vanessa came out of the bedroom. Pausing at the edge of the great room, she gestured for her husband and daughter to follow her into the bedroom.

Inside the bedroom, it was now bathed in soft candle light from the dozens of tall pillar candles covering both of the nightstands flanking the queen sized poster bed, along with an excessive amount of smaller tea light candles covering the dresser, Katie and Roger paused.

Vanessa was sitting on the edge of the bed with a wicked smile on her face. In her hands she was holding a pair of hand cuffs.

“A-re those for me, Mommy?” Katie nervously asked.

“Actually, they are for your daddy, sweetheart. Come here professor so I can put them on you.”

A few seconds later the professor was sitting on the edge of the bed, toward the foot board, his hands securely cuffed behind his back.

“Why did you handcuff my daddy, Mommy?” Katie quietly asked.

“It’s so he can’t even think of touching himself as me and my pretty new daughter do some more bonding, sweetie. I mean you do wanna bond some more with me right, baby girl?”

“Yes, Mommy I do,” she answered immediately.

Roger sighed as he suspected he would be in for some serious teasing.

“Now that I have secured your daddy nice and proper it’s time for you to do the same to me, baby.”

Vanessa leaned backwards, stretching out on her back in the middle of the bed. “See those shackles on both of the upper posts sweetie. Use them to secure your mommy to the bed.”

Katie’s heart raced. She had not noticed the pair of gleaming black shackles attached to each of the upper bed posts.

As she quickly followed her mom’s instructions her excitement continued to increase to a fever pitch by the time she snapped the second shackle securely around her mom’s left wrist.

Everything was set now as Vanessa whispered to her daughter, “Do you remember what your mommy asked you to do just before your daddy interrupted us?”

“Hmm, play with your kitty cat… down there between your legs.” Katie shyly answered.

“Good so…” Vanessa said to her as she spread her legs a bit wider.

Katie nervously raised up onto her knees. She wasn’t sure what she was actually supposed to do, but she would have to give it a shot or otherwise… yeah she would be in trouble.

Sensing Katie’s unsureness, Vanessa raised her head up, calling out to her husband. “Honey, why don’t you help that pretty daughter of ours out and maybe give her some instructions on exactly what she should do.”

Turning to look at her daddy, Katie said, “Yeah that is a good idea, Daddy.” Softening her voice, making it as sweet and innocent as possible, Katie added, “I… I don’t really know how to play with mommy’s kitty cat… I never done nuttin like that before, you know.”

Roger cleared his throat before speaking. Apparently, despite being cuffed and helpless, he now -somehow– found himself in charge.

“OK then, ahh… listen to me sweetie and do exactly as I say.”

Vanessa smiled, things were going better than she could have hoped for… so far. Sinking back down against the bed, she closed her eyes, preparing to be the recipient of what she hoped was some very soft and sweet affections from her lovely daughter.

“Now honey, listen closely. Position yourself between your mommy’s legs, sitting on your knees.”

Katie quickly scooted around so she was facing Vanessa, between her legs, just as her daddy instructed her.

“Now take your hands, both of them, and place them each on one of your mommy’s lower thighs and then carefully caress them in small circles, going higher and higher, with each passing circle.

Katie did exactly as her daddy instructed, rubbing her mommy’s lower thighs in small circles while ever so slowly moving upward.

The professor gave it a few moments, until Katie was rubbing at about mid-thigh before he called out. “Does Mommy’s thighs feel nice and firm, hon?”

“Yes Daddy,” she promptly replied.

“Well keep going… right up to the edge of her sexy panties.”

Katie again did exactly as he instructed, rubbing her mommy’s thighs in small tight circles right up to the very edge of her panties.

“Now reach one finger carefully inside of your mommy’s panties and see if you can find her kitty cat.”

“OK, Daddy,” Katie replied softly as she slipped one finger inside her mommy’s panties.

Mere seconds later, Katie exclaimed with exaggerated innocence, “Daddy, I think I found it. I can feel the fur… and it’s thick and soft.”

Vanessa smiled. She was old school and had a full bush of healthy, dark pubic hair down there.

“Then start petting it baby, start petting mommy’s kitty cat,” Vanessa whispered.

Vanessa again smiled as she felt her daughter gently stroking her pubic hair with such tender loving care leaving her nearly breathless. Speaking up she said, “Honey, I think it might be easier to pet mommy’s kitty cat if you took her panties off.”

The professor sighed and started to squirm mightily as he watched his daughter carefully pull his wife panties down and off of her. Katie sat there, on her knees still, staring intently at her mommy’s pussy. Reaching up, she used the back of one finger to stroke the soft tufts of dark hair between her mommy’s legs.

The sight of his daughter bent over, using a single finger to stroke his wife’s pubic hair, was causing his cock to become nothing less than a raging monster.

“Now use that lucky finger you are petting mommy’s kitty cat with honey to find her secret spot. It should be nice and moist by now and somewhere under the fur. Go on… do some exploring until you find it baby girl.”

Katie smiled to herself. She knew what her daddy was talking about, knew exactly what he was talking about as she had played with herself enough to know, but decided to still play the role of innocent little girl… to the hilt, for them.

She continued to stroke the soft pubic hair for a few seconds longer before exclaiming, “Daddy I can’t find it.”

“Ask your mommy to spread her legs a bit wider hon… it might help. Plus, maybe you should lean down, get real close and you might be able to actually see it with your own eyes.”

“Mommy can you spread your legs wider for me?” Katie asked softly.

“Sure baby,” Vanessa replied before opening her legs wider for her curious daughter.

Katie moved her face closer, getting a faint sniff of her mom’s womanly scent down there. Using her index finger she stroked the soft fur a few more times before letting it slip down further and inside of her mommy.

Moving carefully now, she let her finger deftly slip in and out of her mom’s wet opening several times, noting how this made her squirm and moan a bit, Katie did it again, this time a bit harder and faster, causing her to moan and squirm even louder this time.

“That’s it sweetie. Do it again, harder and faster,” the professor whispered as his cock began to get hard… real hard.

Katie went to town then on her mom, shoving her finger in and out at an increasingly furious pace, making the bound Vanessa wriggle all over the bed, much to Katie’s joyful delight.

“Why don’t you try kissing your Mommy… down there baby,” the professor quietly offered from his observation post at the end of the bed.

Katie gave both her mom and dad a sly smile before lowering her mouth in between her mom’s legs.

“Oh God that feels so good,” Vanessa moaned as she felt her daughter’s first tentative licks lapping at her moist snatch box.

“Use your tongue to play with your mommy’s clit baby,” Roger told his daughter in a desperate whisper.

After some playful searching, Katie’s curious tongue found her mommy’s clit, attacking it with youthful exuberance.

Katie smiled inwardly, loving the way she was making her mommy moan with such wicked pleasure. Pulling back slightly, she let her tongue lazily lick up and down the vertical gash of her mommy’s hair covered pussy before she applied several loving kisses directly on her swollen clit.

“Oh God baby… you… you are going to make Mommy come but…” Raising up, it took all of Vanessa’s willpower to make her daughter stop. “But it’s not time yet so stop baby.”

Katie reluctantly pulled her mouth back from her mom’s sweet tasting pussy as she looked up at her, awaiting further instructions.

“Professor come closer and stand up. Right next to the edge of the bed where your daughter is at,” Vanessa told her husband.

Roger quickly obeyed as he hopped to his feet and moved hurriedly over toward the side of the bed where his daughter was awaiting further instructions.

“Now Katie, sweetheart, I want you to undo your daddy’s jeans and underwear for him in preparation of you playing with that big hard cock of his.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Katie whispered as she impatiently yanked down her daddy’s jeans and then his underwear. After kicking both the jeans and underwear aside, Roger stood there, his large hard cock jutting out toward his daughter.

Vanessa, speaking in hushed tones, now told her daughter what to do next. “Now lick the palm of your left hand. Get it nice and moist before wrapping it around your daddy’s cock.”

Roger let out a quiet sigh as his daughter’s hand wrapped itself around his hardness. “Now start stroking him at the same time you lean that talented mouth of yours down to your mommy’s pussy so you can give her kitty cat some more loving attention.”

In a mere manner of moments, Katie had both her bound and helpless parents squirming with forbidden pleasure.

As Katie happily licked and stroked her mother and father respectively to intense orgasms it was not lost on how powerful she felt giving them both coinciding pleasure as they were so helplessly bound. Yet although both of her master’s, that is her parents, may have been bound and she was the only one free, she still felt utterly powerless to them.

As Katie’s tongue darted and flitted across her clit a squirming Vanessa cried out, “Oh God, baby, Mommy is going to come baby… don’t stop… Please don’t stop.”

Roger watched the action on the bed as his daughter’s hand expertly stroked his cock to full hardness and beyond. He was already near to coming when his wife moaned loudly, “Oh God baby… Mommy is coming… Mommy is commming.”

Watching his young daughter pleasure his wife, combined with her softly stroking him, tipped the professor over the edge as a huge load of cum spurted forth from the head of his cock.

“Oh wow I made both mommy and daddy come almost at the same time,” a very self-satisfied Katie giggled.

“Yes you did sweetie now be a good girl and release your daddy and me from our handcuffs. The key is there in the nightstand.”

After the both of them was free, Vanessa patted the bed next to her whispering, “Now my pets… come snuggle with me on the bed while we exchange some soft kisses while waiting for my husband to regain his strength for our next forbidden adventure.”

They both happily obeyed and within minutes were engaged in a hot three way kissing fest as Roger, within a very short period of time, was feeling himself growing hard once again.

During their kissing fest, Vanessa whispered to her new husband how she allowed his prior powers to return. Most specifically of these powers was the ability to get hard again after a very short refractory period. He also, once again, enjoyed the power to swell his cock again up to a mighty ten inches or so by simply putting his mind to it. Or in the reserve, he could use his shape shifting ability to make it a more manageable six inches if he so desired.

“Now warm me up, both of you, by suckling on my boobies so sweetly before I let my husband finally make love to his new wife on their wedding night while our daughter watches.”

Roger and Katie both fell on Vanessa’s big tits like a pair of ravenous dogs then as they sucked on them with a barely controlled wild passion.

It didn’t take long before Vanessa was twisting around onto her hands and knees. “Go on professor, fuck me doggy style… hard and fast. I need it so bad.”

Roger slowly rose to his knees before positioning himself behind his new wife as his daughter maneuvered around so she could cradle her mommy’s head against her chest while she got fucked.

With his now ten inch hard cock, swollen to such lengths by merely thinking of it, Roger flashed back to the months long teasing he was forced to endure from Vanessa as they dated. As he snuggled up behind her, his mighty hardness resting on her wet doorstep, he prepared to give his wife a harder, faster, and better fuck than she had ever enjoyed before.

Gripping her by the hips, he very slowly nestled his cock just inside of her as he heard Katie whisper to her mother, “Daddy is going to fuck you so hard and good huh, Mommy?”

Wanting the tension rise to nearly an unbearable level, Roger said to his daughter, “Katie, sweetie, why don’t you pull down that cute little corset of yours and let your mommy suckle on your delicious little boobies while I began to make love to her.”

“Yes, that is a good idea baby,” Vanessa whispered to her daughter, “Mommy would love to suck on her little girls titties.”

Playing coy, Katie whispered back. “Really mommy you would,” as she slowly tugged the corset down to reveal her small boobs to her mother.

Vanessa’s mouth darted forward, lavishing an embarrassment of loving kisses all over her daughter’s chest as her husband used the tip of his penis to carefully stroke up and down and around her wet hole.

Katie, warming to the task, lovingly stroked her mom’s hair as she suckled on her tits. Having what she hoped was a good idea, she looked up at her daddy, “Go on daddy fuck mommy for me. I wanna see. Fuck her hard and fast. Make the bitch moan… please daddy… for me.”

Vanessa pulled her face away from her daughter’s delightfully small tits. Smirking, she whispered harshly, “Yeah shove it in Professor… show me how hard you can fuck me. I need it so badly…” Turning to Katie she whispered, “Right baby… mommy needs it so badly.”

“Yes she does Daddy. Fuck her please daddy… for me.”

Roger took a deep breath before he violently propelled his hips forward, burying his full ten inch hardness deep inside of his wife.

“OH GOD,” Vanessa moaned loudly as she felt herself being impaled by her husband’s huge cock.

Turing her face up to her, Katie kissed her mother passionately cutting off her moans as Roger repeatedly slammed his cock inside of his wife in a hammer like fashion.

Katie, breaking off their passionate kiss, looked down. She smiled, liking the way her mommy’s whole body was being rocked back and forth, liking the way her mommy was moaning so loudly from the intense fucking she was getting from her daddy.

“Mommy is getting fucked so hard and good huh,” Katie cooed to her.

“Oh God… she is.” Vanessa panted as her husband continued to rock into her with a furious passion that soon had her tipping over the edge.

When Katie reached down, cupping her tits while playing with her ultra-sensitive nipples, it propelled Vanessa over the edge as she came hard bare seconds before the professor exploded deep inside of her.

Katie watched, very much amused as both her mommy and daddy slumped down onto the bed, panting like a pair of wild dogs.

“That was fun watching. Can I watch every night… can I huh?” Katie asked sweetly.

After allowing herself a few precious seconds to catch her breath, Vanessa replied quietly, “If it’s OK with your daddy you can do more than watch… you can join in our lovemaking… every night baby… starting here and now.”

“Of course I am OK with that,” Roger replied while trying to hide his eagerness at having both his daughter and his wife in his bed.

“Well then let’s start the fun and games now. I do believe we both have been satisfied but little Katie here… un-huh,” Vanessa said as she stroked her daughter’s soft cheek.

“Go on stand up, baby.” Vanessa took her hand, helping her daughter to her feet.

Katie obeyed, allowing her mother to help her to her feet. As she stood next to the bed she looked at her parents as they sat side by side each other while wondering what her deliciously wicked mother had in store for them.

“Wait one second guys. I just gotta get a little something,” Vanessa told them as she hurried off to the bedroom’s small closet before returning with a shoe box while wearing a sexy little white satin robe she donned from inside the closet.

“Now slowly strip off the rest of the way that sexy corset of yours for us, baby girl.”

When Katie hesitated, instead of obeying right away, her shy act always seemed to pay outsized dividends, although, even now, truth be told, it was not really an act, her daddy snapped harshly, “Katie, obey your mother, now.”

As Katie slowly undid the intricate hook closures running up the front side of the corset she became acute aware of the way both her parents were staring at her with a looks of hungry desire on their faces.

After stripping the undone corset off her body, Katie dropped it to the floor.

“Now take off your stockings sweetie,” Vanessa ordered her.

Katie didn’t hesitate this time as she stripped off both stockings before tossing them aside also.

“And now, finally, take off those cute little boy shorts of yours baby so me and your daddy can partake in your glorious completely naked body.”

Slowly, again extremely mindful of the way they were both looking at her, Katie shyly stripped off her boy shorts.

As soon as she was naked, Vanessa reached behind her, grabbing the shoe box and handing it to her daughter. “Put these slutty little shoes on your mommy picked out for you the other day baby and your look will be complete for us.”

Katie hurriedly slipped on the silver pointy toed pumps with their delicious five and half inch heels before turning to her parents.

“Actually, the truth is, these sexy little shoes I picked out for you are more of a present for your daddy than you baby girl so go ahead and ask him how he likes the present his adoring new wife got him.”

“Daddy, do you like Mommy’s present.”

“Wait before your answer sweetheart,” Vanessa interjected, “Why don’t you strut around the bedroom a few times allowing your daddy to admire his present.”

“OK,” Katie whispered as she carefully navigated a few times back and forth across the small bedroom. She could feel her daddy’s eyes tracking her every movement, especially when she turned her back to him strutting away. Wanting to please the both of them, Katie screwed up her courage, allowing her to add a bit of swagger to her walk.

Vanessa leaned in close to the professor whispering, “Jesus that little slut of a daughter of ours pretends to be shy but she is actually a bit of a show off huh, honey. Look at the way she is strutting that cute little ass of hers around.”

“Yeah, I think so,” Roger replied quietly as his eyes seemed to be helplessly glued to his daughter’s supple ass as she sashayed about the bedroom.

After another once around the room, Katie sashayed up to her daddy. “Tilting her head seductively at him, she whispered, “Hmm, do you like the way mommy’s present looks on your little girl, Daddy?”

“Very much so, sweetie.”

“So how about let’s see if me and you,” Vanessa interjected, “can get your daddy all… hmm excited about his present shall we.”

Taking charge, once again, Vanessa took both her husband and her daughter by the hand, leading them out of the bedroom and back out to the great room.

After enlivening the fire with some fresh logs, the professor made himself comfortable under a blanket on the sofa while the girls settled down on the rug in front of the fireplace.

“I have yet another present for my husband,” Vanessa told them as she reached over to the sofa where she pulled a small box hidden strategically just under the sofa on the floor. The box was expertly wrapped in shiny silver wrapping paper.

Handing it to Katie, Vanessa said, “We don’t you open his present up for him, baby.”

Katie looked at her daddy and after he nodded his head in approval she excitedly tore the wrapping paper off revealing a plain white oblong box underneath.

“Go ahead and open the box, sweetie,” Vanessa said as she gave her husband a sly smile.

Katie pried the lid off the box before letting out a small giggle as she pulled her daddy’s present out from the box.

“Do you know what that is, sweetie,” Vanessa said as Katie curiously turned the large, bendable, vibrating double dong around in her hands. The purple double dong was a nice fourteen inches in total length with a blissful four inch girth. Included was a small hand held four speed remote control in matching purple and a small bottle of lube.

The naïve Katie was not well versed in sexy toys so she was telling the truth when she shook her head saying, “Uh-uh. I mean… it’s kind of weird looking mommy.”

After staring at it thoughtfully for a few seconds later, Katie added, “The ends looks like the head of… you know… a man’s thingy but why does it have one at both ends. I thought… what do you call them?”

“They’re called a dildos, sweetie,” Vanessa answered for her.

“Yeah, dildos but I thought they only had one head thingy shaped like a man?”

“This is a special kind of dildo, baby girl. It’s called a double dong. It’s a real fun kind of sex toy, sweetie and it’s made for girls to play with.”

“Hmm, but mommy if it’s made for girls to play with how is it a present for my daddy?”

Vanessa smiled at her naïve daughter and although she couldn’t tell if she was really being “that” naïve, or it was just an act, it mattered little as it played right into her hands. “Coz baby girl watching me and you play with it will be a very nice present indeed for him. Especially if we let him kind of join in at first as he sits quietly and watches by controlling this.”

Turning to Roger, Vanessa smiled brightly, “Don’t you agree, honey? You wanna watch me and your daughter play with the toy I got you.”

“Very much so,” Roger said rather eagerly as he took the remote control from his wife before settling back down on the sofa.

Katie watched curiously as her mom lubed up both ends of the dual threat dildo.

“Now lean back on your elbows baby and mommy will insert your end for you first before she puts her end in, OK?”

“OK, Mommy,” Katie whispered sweetly as she laid back on the nice thick rug while spreading her legs.

Katie let out a soft groan as she felt the bulbous head of her end of the dildo penetrate her slowly guided by her mommy’s expert hand.

She then watched as her mom stripped off her robe before positioning herself facing her. Moving slowly, Vanessa inserted the other end of the lethal purple dildo inside of herself. They intertwined their legs as they both slowly, carefully, especially Katie, worked the double ended dildo deeper inside themselves by slowly thrusting forward and back.

They maintained total eye contact, as they gyrated their hips forward, allowing the intimacy to grow between them. Then the professor got into the act as he clicked the remote control for the vibrating feature of the dong to its lowest setting of one.

Katie’s eyes flickered with soft surprise as she felt the dildo come to life inside of her while Vanessa, an old pro at such things, only smiled at her husband while mouthing the words higher.

Roger happily indulged his wife as he ramped the vibrator feature up to the next to highest setting of three, merrily skipping right past two.

Poor Katie. She let out a loud whimper as her head lolled back when the vibrating dildo absolutely set her young pussy on fire. Meanwhile, the old pro Vanessa only smiled as the dildo buried inside started to vibrator with a more serious purpose.

Reaching out, she found Katie’s hands with her own. Grabbing them tightly, she pulled the young girl closer to her forcing the dildo inside of her tight little snatch box deeper.

Quickly the two of them fell into a rhythm of sorts as both their hips gyrated back and forth, back and forth, allowing the dual ends of the dildo to easily slide in and out of their cunts simultaneously.

Vanessa gestured at her husband to come closer as she carefully watched her daughter slide inexorably closer to the edge of an intense climax.

It was too soon though for such a happy ending for the young lady. No, instead, Vanessa had something entirely naughtier in mind for her young, naïve daughter.

With a quick wave of her hand she indicated for her husband to turn the vibrating feature off just as she stopped pumping her hips forward in time with her daughter’s.

“Honey… stop… it’s too soon for you to come, baby,” Vanessa whispered harshly at Katie.

“But Mommy, I… I was almost there,” a disappointed Katie whined as she sat up, resting on her elbows.

“That’s OK baby, as if you are OK with it Mommy has an idea that will make that orgasm you thought you were just robbed of appear to be mere child’s play.”

“Really, what… what do you have in mind?”

Vanessa gave her daughter a sly smile before saying, “It’s going to be a surprise for you baby. You like surprises, sweetie… right.”

“Yes, Mommy,” Katie dutifully and truthfully answered.

“Good then…” Leaning over she whispered some quick instructions in the professor’s ear.

Katie watched as her daddy, the blanket wrapped tightly around his body, disappeared hurriedly into the bedroom.

“Run to the bathroom real quick baby and then meet me back out here in the great room and we will take you to your surprise.”

Katie obeyed her mother and ran off to the bathroom to take care of her business while wondering, very excitedly, just what kind of naughty surprise her wicked mommy had in store for her… or them actually.

Upon coming back out to the great room, she found both her mom and dad dressed in robes and waiting for her impatiently.

“So where is my surp–” Katie started to ask before her question was rudely interrupted as her mother snapped at her harshly, “Silence young lady.”

Next her daddy grabbed her roughly spinning her around as he too snapped at her, “Listen to your mother, Katie and stay silent.”

Before she could even think of disobeying, Katie found her father forcefully yanking both her hands behind her back before snapping the same handcuffs around her wrists she used on him earlier and then her world was plunged into darkness when her mother put a black blindfold in place over her eyes.

What happened next in front of the fire was a bit of a blur as Katie found herself being spun back and forth between her parents as they took turns applying a plethora of wet, wild kisses to both her lips.

She also found a pair of soft hands, it must be her mom’s, rubbing enticingly all her bare ass while another, rougher pair of hands, fondled her small breasts.

The wild fondling kissing session lasted for a few breathless moments before her mother announced, “Let’s get the little bitch in the bedroom.”

Grabbing her roughly by the arm, Vanessa half pushed and half propelled her across the great room, down the short hallway and into the bedroom.

As Katie found herself being half dragged, half carried toward the bedroom her mom leaned over, hissing in her ear, “Do you know what’s going to happen when we get that cute little bitch ass of yours in the bedroom, sweetie.”

“Uh-uh,” Katie said innocently although she did have some thoughts on the matter.

“Me and your daddy are going to take turns fucking you silly baby girl,” Vanessa said in a harsh whisper just loud enough to get the attention of the professor.

Hearing such a matter of fact assessment of the situation caused his already twitchy manhood to spring back to life.

Once they had Katie inside the bedroom, at a nod from Vanessa they both fell on her with ravenous appetites. Katie, once again, found herself being spun back and forth as they took turns kissing her while their relentless hands travelled up and down, exploring every inch of her naked body.

Katie sighed, over and over again, as she felt both her parents kissing her simultaneously on the sides of her neck. Her sighs became more pronounced when their joint kisses fell together on each of her small boobies.

“Oh God,” she whispered as their joint tongues flickered delicately over her nipples making them spring to life.

Adding to her carnal delight was the way they both were taking turns exploring her tight little cunt with their fingers.

Her knees were beginning to get weak as her parents lustful cravings for their innocent young daughter reached a fever pitch. Knowing who was really in charge, Katie cried out, softly, sadly, “Please Mommy I… I need to sit down. You guys are making my knees weak.”

Giving her husband a knowing look, Vanessa guided her new daughter, her new plaything that is, over to the bed before roughly shoving her down as she barked, “Fine, sit and then spread those legs of yours, Katie.”

Vanessa dropped to her knees in front of her daughter as the professor maneuvered himself so he was positioned behind his daughter on the bed, sitting on his knees.

Wrapping his arms around her, he held his daughter tight as his wife went to town eating her pussy.

“Oh Mommy that feels so good,” Katie hissed as her mom expertly slashed her tongue back and forth, and all around her daughter’s delectable tight little cunt.

At the same time her mother’s tongue was attacking her clit with impassioned vigor, her daddy assaulted her vulnerable neck and throat with dozens of loving kisses as he used his fingers to delicately tweak her nipples.

The bound and blindfolded Katie was suffering–quite joyfully– from sensory overload as her moans of forbidden pleasure became louder and more desperate.

Sensing she was about to tip over the edge, Vanessa pulled back as she had a more wicked idea of just how she would make her daughter come over and over again like a cheap little harlot.

All it took was a subtle glance from Vanessa for the professor to pull back himself.

He watched as his wife lubed up, once again, both ends of the double dong before giving him a nod.

“Pull her back so she is laying on her back, honey,” she told Roger as she settled down on the bed next to them.

“Be a good girl now and lay back for your mommy and daddy,” the professor sweetly told his daughter as he helped her recline backwards.

“Now spread your legs again, baby as mommy is going to use her toy to play with that sweet little pussy of yours.”

Katie jerked and little out a small moan as she felt her pussy being invaded by the double dong and then… Oh God… she felt the other end of the double dildo being rubbed gently up and around her anal cavity… before her mommy slowly pushed it up and inside of her there also.

Giving her husband a smile, Vanessa quietly gestured for him to take out his cock and put it in her mouth.

The professor stroked his daughter’s blond hair softly as he gently turned her face toward him and his waiting hardness.

Whispering, he said, “Open your mouth baby… daddy has something for you to suck on while mommy uses her toy on you.”

Katie took a deep breath before obeying.

The bound, blindfolded Katie, now with all three of her holes being filled, writhed in pure carnal delight as her mommy and daddy treated her body like a playground.

Her squirming reached epic proportions when her mom turned on the remote control making the dildo begin to hum softly. She only waited a moment or two before adjusting the setting from one to two, causing Katie to squirm all the more.

The professor meanwhile was working his hardness in and out of her mouth. His excitement was nearing a fever pitch as he watched his wife work the double dong in and out of both of her holes down there.

Vanessa turned the setting up to three. Katie immediately began to thrash her body around uncontrollably, forcing the professor to use one hand to hold her head in place as she sucked his cock.

Finally, as part of the grand finale, Vanessa twisted the knob to four, the highest setting, before dropping the remote on the bed. Immediately she reached down with both hands, using her fingers to lightly tweak her daughter tender young nipples.

Katie, with the double dong inside of both her pussy and ass, humming at its highest setting, thrashed, twisted and squirmed as an intense orgasm of epic proportions washed over her. If her mouth wasn’t filled with her daddy’s cock her moans of pure forbidden ecstasy would have filled the small bedroom with forbidden passion.

Instead just as a third and the most powerful wave of her intense orgasm washed over her she found her mouth filled with cum as her daddy released a full load inside her mouth.

Knowing he came in her mouth, Vanessa cooed sweetly to her daughter, “Swallow your daddy’s love, sweetie.”

Of course, she obeyed and was rewarded by being released from her state of bondage.

After her mom undid her handcuffs, she fell into her daddy’s arms as he gently lowered her back onto the bed.

“Did you come little girl,” the professor whispered to his daughter as he held her tight.

“Yes, Daddy… more than once I think. It… it came in like waves.”

“Hmm, well relax as your mom is preparing things for our next little adventure.”

The still blindfolded Katie was more than a little eager to see what her wild and wicked step mommy was up to, but knowing it would only ruin the surprise, and she liked surprises, she didn’t bother to ask her daddy any questions.

Instead, she laid there, cuddled tightly next to him, as he softly stroked her hair.

Vanessa took her time attaching the four cuffs, two low and two high, to the twin posters at the foot of the bed.

Once she had the cuffs attached she joined them under the covers of the bed. Sweetly, the three of them, with Katie in the middle, dozed off for a few short minutes wrapped tightly in a three way embrace.

It was Vanessa who woke them both up, maybe thirty minutes later.

“It’s playtime again my pets,” she said as she gently shook first her daughter and then her husband awake. “Help me get Katie in position, professor,” she told her husband.

Together they wrestled the still blindfolded Katie in position. Standing on the floor, facing the head of the bed, Katie submitted meekly as both her ankles and wrists were bound to the lower and upper posts of the canopy bed respectively.

She was, once again, truly helpless and at the utter mercy of whatever wicked thing her mom was planning next.

Katie found her face being twisted back and forth as her mom and dad took turns snaking their tongues deep inside of her mouth while using their hands to stroke her naked body all over.

Observing closely in the candle lit room, Vanessa waited until her husband was once again sporting a sizable erection. Knowing he would be fucking his wife again, the professor used his lethal Varcolac powers to make the size of his cock a lethal nine inches, give or take.

Vanessa, she was completely naked now, hopped up on the bed before turning herself around. Positioning herself on her hands and knees, she faced her daughter. The freshly lubed purple dildo, along with the remote, were both laid out neatly nearby.

As the professor moved up onto the bed, positioning himself behind his wife, Vanessa told them both, “The idea is for us all to come as a family. Would you like that Katie, sweetheart, to come again, but this time you will having your orgasm at, hopefully, the same time, as your mommy and daddy. Does that sound like fun?”

“Yes, Mommy,” Katie obediently answered right away.

“OK so your mommy is going to eat that sweet little pussy of yours while your daddy fucks me nice and hard doggy style and like I said the goal is for us to all come together.”

Both the professor and his daughter murmured, happily, their consent.

Vanessa nestled her face up and under Katie’s spread legs just as the professor gradually pushed his huge nine inches slowly inside of her.

Katie felt her mommy’s tongue working its magic all around her pussy for a few blissful moments before she jumped as she felt one end of the dildo carefully enter her anal cavity.

The three of them quickly fell into a rhythm of sorts as Roger carefully began to fuck his wife while gradually increasing the strength of each of his manly thrusts. Each of his thrusts would propel Vanessa’s face forward, forcing it closer to Katie’s waiting pussy. Her tongue would lash out, expertly attacking the nub of her daughter’s clit making her moan with soft delight.

Then as the professor would rock backwards, Vanessa also pulled back, giving her daughter a brief reprieve from her tongue lashing, but not from the humming monster inside her ass.

Instead, Vanessa clicked the remote on and moved the setting up to two right away… just before her husband rocked into her forcing her face forward again.

Again, he tongue slithered out, lathering the entirety of Katie’s tight little cunt with several loving licks and kisses causing her to thrash wildly against her restraints while her moans of forbidden passion again filled the small bedroom.

Their carefully orchestrated rhythm was never bound to last though as their collective passions for carnal delight all began to boil over at the same time.

Vanessa, of course, got the ball rolling as her husband’s gentle lovemaking began to turn more serious as he just couldn’t help himself. As he began to fuck his wife with serious purpose, Vanessa let the world know.

“Oh God, that’s it, fuck me harder… harder, Professor!” Vanessa cried out just as she buried the other end of the dildo in her daughter cunt.

The professor happily obliged her as watching his wife first eat his daughter out, before shoving one end of the dildo inside of her pussy, immensely turned him on.

Gripping her hips, he went to work slamming his cock inside her wicked and wanton wife. Finding the remote, Vanessa powered it up to four as her body shook from the powerful fucking she was receiving.

The pulsating monster buried in both of Katie’s holes now had her twisting and turning all around as her powerful orgasm rushed home.

“Oh Mommy, I am going to…” She couldn’t finish as just then her mom’s tongue found the nub of her clit, sending her rocketing over the edge and into the abyss of a most wonderful and powerful orgasm.

Like a line of firecrackers going off, Vanessa was the next to go. Hearing her daughter’s screaming orgasm only served to turn her on all the more as she moaned out her own confession. “Mommy is coming to sweetie… Oh God, I am…”

The professor, watching first his daughter and then his wife come, could not resist. His orgasm was the third firecracker to go off as he shot yet another load of cum deep inside of his wife.

A bare minute or two later, a still shaking Katie found herself, uncuffed and free of her blindfold, snuggled deeply in between her parents. The fact she had become a sort of human sex toy for the two of them bothered her none at all.

As Katie drifted closer to sleep, she could only imagine what wicked and wanton fun and games her mommy and daddy might have in store for the three of them in the future. The thought made her smile as she slipped off to sleep.


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