Derek & Mrs. Billings 01 by PinkPurple,PinkPurple

Derek & Mrs. Billings 01

“You look awfully engulfed in your computer screen, Mrs. Billings, so what’s so interesting then?”

“Oh, Derek, you startled me, um, well it’s not like I’ve been searching for how make someone disappear without growing up in New Jersey or anything, so.”

“I mean, Mrs. Billings, are you that upset that Lydia just might become your daughter-in-law again, but from your other son, Billy?”

“Well, I mean, it’s weird, right Derek? There are a lot of women on the planet, so why is Lydia coming back around for another, well, round with the Billings boys then, hmm? I mean, what the hell kind of holiday parties will they be then, huh?”

“I mean, sure, Mrs. Billings, it’s not the normal, but it can’t be any weirder than how you’re sitting at the kitchen table looking at weird websites in just your pantyhose, undies and bra, so?”

“What? [looks down] Oh, snap! Ah, shoot! Oh, boy. Well, you’ve seen plenty in my swim suit, so.”

Ahh, women walking away from you while swaying their hips in pantyhose, ahh. Also, ahh.

“You don’t need to change on my account, Mrs. Billings, so (stop)!”

“Stop with that, Derek, I’ll just throw a housecoat on and be back in a jiff, so.”

Ahh, that time you tried to make a move on a half-dressed woman and it doesn’t work, ahh, LOL, story of my life! But at least this time the woman was actually just half dressed in real life, so, ahh.

“Alright then, Dereck, what was it that you wanted from me today anyways, hmm?”

Ahh, a woman in housecoat that wasn’t tied closed very well, who asks me what I wanted, ahh.

“Well, you didn’t hear this from me, Mrs. Billings, but if your son Billy just so happens to drive by the No Roof Motel tonight at 7:45pm sharp and glances up towards the 2nd floor walkway, I mean, he just might spy something that might just make him change his mind about making Lydia the slut your daughter-in-law again, so? Not that I’m advocating that you become involved with the tattling of the tale or anything like that, Mrs. Billings.”

“Oh, well then, Derek, that does sound like an opportunity that I shouldn’t miss, but then I would become one of those “meddling moms” and that doesn’t quite suit me, so, throw something else out there then.”

“I mean, the only other thing I can think of, without saying anything to Billy directly, is to, you know, capture things on video, so.”

“Keep talking, Derek. Also, stop staring, Derek.”

Ahh, a woman who scolds you for peeking, yet doesn’t exactly close her housecoat, ahh.

“Alright, imagine this then, Mrs. Billings. Well, it’s nothing secret spy or anything, but what if a spy couple were to hang out in room 213 at the No Roof motel and you know, aim our camera phones in the right direction at just the right time, hmm?”

“Oh, huh, room 213 then, Derek? And what non secret spy outfit would I wear for this caper then, Derek? Especially since it looks like we would have to leave like in three minutes then, hmm?”

“I mean, throw on a walking coat and a pair of heels and everyone will think that you’re wearing a min under your walking coat. An you know, the heels will help sell that concept, so get with it, lock the front door and hop into my waiting SUV then, um, that sounds like a plan, right Mrs. Billings?”

“Oh boy, Derek, are you trying to be sexy with me then?”

“Well, is anyone else being sexy with you, Mrs. Billings? Or making it so you can catch your cheating and still cheating ex daughter-in-law, who is this close to becoming your daughter-in-law again, huh? Especially since this is a kill two birds with one stone situation since I know that Lydia has been hooking up with your nephew, Hank, so?”

“What? Seriously? What a “all in the family” slut, that Lydia is!!”

Ahh, that time when a pissed off and half-dressed woman jumps up and gets ready to lock the front door, ahh.

“I just need to, change, Derek, change, I can’t go outside dressed like this, so.”

“I mean, we’re going to miss it all and it took me forever to arrange this set up, so heels and a walking coat will do, Mrs. Billings.”

Ahh, that time a plan actually worked!

“OMG, men and their spy fetishes!”

Ahh, that time when the real flesh and blood woman allowed the plan to work, ahh.

“Oh, slow it down, Derek, this is no time to get pulled over for speeding! Or gawking, so eyes front, young man!”

Ahh, when a play comes together, ahh.

“Oh boy, here we are, Derek, alone is a seedy motel room, peeking out through the curtains to catch some slut activity and LOL, I’m dressed worse than Lydia the slut, oh boy.”

“Hush, here comes Lydia up the stairs! Also, are you sure your walking coat isn’t uncomfortable then, Mrs. Billings?”

Ooh, that time when your MILF Girlfriend let her housecoat slip from her shoulders, ahh.

Oops, that time when you almost forgot to hit record, oops.

“Everything else stays on me, Derek, not that there is much left covering me. Anyways, oh boy, it just occurred to me that I might see something about my nephew that I shouldn’t see, so you got the video duties, right Derek?”

Oh, oh, that time when your sleazy motel room partner needed you, oh, oh.

“Oh boy, I can’t believe that I’m saying this, but I’m a mature woman, so verbal descriptions might be alright then, but smooth things out for me, Derek.”

Oh boy, that time when your MILF Girlfriend slid down your leg to keep out of sight, but wants to listen, oh boy.

“Oh boy, I can clearly see what you’re thinking from down here, Derek and I’m not saying that I’m not a little worked up too from being in a shady motel room barely half dressed, but thrust me, I mean, trust me, I was never ever going to be voted the blow job queen, so.”

“Hush, Mrs. Billings, Lydia is just strutting past our door, but you sure do seem comfortable in that squatting position, so, let’s oh boy talk about that later, oh, hush.”

Oh boy, squatting can also be considered butterfly wings flapping then too, oh boy. Also, butterflies would good in sheer pantyhose, so, oh boy.

“Oh boy, Derek, it has been a long time since I’ve been this close to a man. Has she passed our room yet? Also, Derek, are you going to, oh boy, try to fuck me tonight while we’re hiding out and spying from this sleaze bag motel room, hmm?”

“Hush, Mrs. Billings, they are whoa, greeting each at their motel room door and holy snap, that’s some way to say hello then. And what if I were thinking about seducing you tonight, Mrs. Billings?”

“Oh boy, is all I can say right now, Derek, so, oh boy.”

Ahh, that time when your MILF Girlfriend didn’t say “yes” nor did she say “no” while you were holed up in sleazy hotel room, ahh, promising.

“Also, I’m not flapping my legs like a butterfly as a sign of yes, but you sure seem to like me this way, I mean, oh boy, I picked a bad time to not even making the court jester of blow jobs, LOL. Anyways, oh, oh boy, what’s going on up there then, Derek? You went quiet on me, so?”

“Oh, I mean, I’m still recording and they are still, wow, greeting each other, but I’m in a bit of a “oh boy” state myself and by that, I mean, oh boy, are you sure that your bra, undies and pantyhose have to stay on then, Mrs. Billings?”

“Oh boy, I’m going into a “oh my” state myself, Derek, but we’re on a mission to catch that slut red handed, so, whew, keep recording [lean in and nibble].”

Ooh, ooh, ooh, fisherman live for nibbles, ooh, ooh, ooh.

“Alright, Mrs. Billings, they are inside of their motel room, so you can get up now, but slowly would be better, so?”

“Hah, men and their “go slow”, right? It needs to work the other way around too! Anyways, wow, you’re jazzed up, Derek!”

“Oh, and I’m about to switch over from jazz to singing the blues, Mrs. Billings!”

“Oh boy, and I get that, I mean, damn, I mean, damn, Derek, I mean, damn, I mean, what if Lydia pulls this off and becomes my daughter-in-law again and you’re in the wedding party, hmm?”

Ahh snap, MILF Girlfriend logic, ahh snap.

“Well, with your nephew Hank only being 22, I mean, we should have at least an hour to sing the blues together with plenty of time left over to sorrow in our regrets, so?”

Oops, horny young adult logic, oops.

“Alright, alright, Derek, I mean, I’ve already said that a blow job from me will be a disappointment, LOL, even though I suppose a man thinks that every blow job is a good blow job, but listen, how about if we start a little slower then? I mean, my pantyhose and undies can stay on while you, um, fuck my tits then, so?”

Oh, oh, that time when your MILF Girlfriend had a Plan B, oh, oh.

Oh, stupid horny young adult logic again, oh.

“Oh boy, I guess a good tit fuck job would be difficult without some sort of lubrication, not that I’m all that fond of you asking me if I had a stick of butter in my bra, so, I’m running out of illicit affair ideas here, Derek. But since I’ve removed my bra already, I guess it can stay off then.”

Ooh, ooh, when your MILF Girlfriend releases the girls while still squatting down, ooh, ooh.

“Oh boy, being holed up in a sleazy motel room with a very fit young man wasn’t on my “to do” list this morning, but no negative words from you Derek if this isn’t all that you hoped for, so.”

Ahh, when your MILF Girlfriend is in the same heat of the moment as you are and caves in, ahh.

“Cough, spit, gag, ga, gulp, gag, cough, swallow, gag, cough, gulp, ugh, ugh, ewe, ewe, gulp, cough.”

“Ahh, that was amazing, Mrs. Billings!”

“Cough, gag, OMG, men and their gross man juice! Cough, spit, gag, gag.”

Ooh, that time when you realized that bare boobs bounce all over the place when the court jester of blow jobs is coughing and gagging and spitting, ooh la, la.

“Fine, you can have me the right way if there is a next time. Also, LOL, oh boy, that was actually my lifetime best, so whew, we can practice some more, if there is a next time, Derek, so.”

Yep, they are all good, ahh.

Oops, huh, Hank and Lydia didn’t need an hour then? Which made me feel good going forward, so huh.

“Hush, Mrs. Billings, I think I hear some stirring in the room next to us.”

“Well, Derek, I haven’t been this jazzed up in quite a while and I could use some air, so let me just take a quick peek out in the walkway because, whew, I need to catch my breath and maybe spit a little more then.”

Ahh, when your half naked MILF Girlfriend pokes her head out of the sleazy hotel room door, ahh, what a view. And shut it that I like a body wrapped in pantyhose! Ahh.

“Well, well, well, if it isn’t my squeaky clean, soon to be mother-in-law for the second time then, holed up in a sleaze bag hotel room! By the way, nice tits and oh, by another way, I would imagine this is how your tits look like 25 years ago before you sagged, so.”

Ooh, ooh, ooh, a shirt whip-open from Lydia the cheating slut, ooh, ooh, ooh, a battle of the boobs!

“Oh, Lydia, um, oh, I mean, it’s just that I’ve taken on part work cleaning the motel rooms her at the No Roof motel and I’ve figured out that the tips are better if I let my tips out, so this is all innocent, Lydia! And by the way, what are you doing sneaky out of super sleazy room 212 then, Lydia when you should be making wedding plans with my son Billy then, hmm?”

“You see, slutty future mother-in-law for the second time, I’m at least honest and I was next door with your nephew Hank because he has a decent sperm count! I mean, with your family’s history and all, it fits that my baby and your grandchild looks more like your sister’s child than yours! Also, who are you holed up with in your own sleazy motel room with then, hmm?”

“Well, I’m technically single, so that doesn’t matter, but what are the odds that my nephew is going to pop out of your sleazy motel room within the next few minutes? I mean, there are some things that I just can’t see. Also, what are the odds that you have a spare stick of butter on you, Lydia?”

Wait, wait, wait, that moment when Lydia the “all in the family” slut just so happens to have a spare stick of butter on her person, wait, wait, wait.

“Now, who is in there with you, “future mom again”? And we’re both in it knee deep, so be honest. I mean, if all of this wasn’t so “all in the family” with your nephew here at the motel and with me hooking up with two of your sons and all, I mean, we’d make a foursome out of it, but, right? Anyways, who are shacking up with tonight then anyways, squeaky clean mother-in-law, hmm?”

Snap, that time when you were to be revealed yourself, snap! Or snap, thrown under the bus, snap.

“Oh, huh, Derek. I mean, I could fuck him too, so.”

“Well, you’re too late, cheating slut! I have this stick of butter now and I’m not afraid to use it, so.”

Ooh, ooh, ooh, that “cat fight” time, ooh, ooh, ooh.

“By the way, saggy boobs have the advantage when it comes to a good tit fucking, so you don’t need the stick of butter.”

Oh, oh, sleazy motel room walkway chit chat rules, oh, oh.

“Get on your back for Derek and I’ll show you a few things then.”

“I most certainly will not lay on back and let Derek straddle me with his second fat rod and allow you to “show me a few things” then, Lydia! You’re about to be my slut daughter-in-law for the second time, for Pete’s sakes!”

“I’ll munch on you just after you both figure out your strides, so?”

Don’t wake up, don’t wake up, ahh, that time when, well, ahh, that time.

“Well, oh boy, you did mention that we were both in it knee deep, so, oh boy, we’re in it now.”

“And if your precious Derek needs a little pussy afterwards? I mean, you have cob webs, right?”

“Fine, oh boy, knee deep, balls deep, just step inside before someone spots us then, Lydia!”

Oh, wake up and join in, wake up and join in, ahh, that time when an illicit 3-way just came out of nowhere, ahh.

“Well, oh boy, I mean, I guess I can keep my mouth shut, so.”

“Oh, like when, Mrs. Billings? I mean, well, not when Lydia had her lunch anyways, but LOL, I get it and I can keep my mouth shut too, so, Lydia?”

“LOL, it’s my legs that I have problem keeping shut, but I think I found me a better baby daddy, so, twice a month then? And I’ll wear pantyhose for you to rip off, Derek, if we can all hook up at least three or four times a month, so?”

“(Can I get some butt sex at least once then?)”

“(LOL, ask him, out loud, prude.) Anyways, I have a wedding and a baby shower to plan then, so ta, ta, my loves.”

Ahh, that time when your MILF Girlfriend threw caution into the wind just after our slut left because “she’s not getting the last word in for tonight” and the promise land finally came, LOL, again! Oh, and that same time when your illicit MILF Girlfriend said that I couldn’t have enough swimmers left over to worry about getting her pregnant.

LOL and that wedding photo when the mother-in-law’s baby and the brides baby looked like twins! And nope, they didn’t look like nephew Hank, so.

End Derek & Mrs. Billings 01

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