Expanding your Wife's Horizons by JohnMurray4173,JohnMurray4173

Expanding the Wife’s Horizons.

Chapter 1: Explanations and Motivations.

After I wrote the manual “How to Make a Sissy”, I received numerous emails asking if I could write a similar workbook on how to open a woman’s sexuality up. It seemed that many men wanted their wives to play and experiment, but they had no idea of how to go about helping and encouraging their wives’ promiscuity.

I have always responded, “I don’t know if I can write that manual because I have no real idea how to do it.”

It has finally occurred to me that I kind of do.

The following is how I moved my wife from a ‘suppressed Christian girl’ to a sexually confident BDSM switch.

Warning: As with almost any change you make, that change comes with a price. If you introduce your wife to lesbian sex, don’t be surprised when you discover you were able to do it so easily because she is a lesbian.

Also, don’t be surprised if she quickly surpasses you and becomes a ‘hot wife’, or perhaps more accurately, a ‘slut wife’.

And don’t be surprised if your marriage breaks down.

Lastly, remember that the fantasy of watching your wife being fucked by another man is awesome, but the reality can be starkly confronting. Especially when you realise the guy doing your wife is doing her way better than you and that she has cum harder with him than at any time with you.

With these warnings in mind, let’s begin the story…

My wife and I moved in together when I was twenty-two, and she was twenty-three. We had decided to live together to ‘give it a go’ for the sake of our unborn child that Vicky was carrying. Thirty-seven years later, this week, we’ve agreed to ‘give it a go’ for another year.

When I came to know her, Vicky was a good Christian girl living at home with her parents, Majors Edmond and Cheryl Booker of The Salvation Army. Ed and Cheryl were Vicky’s foster parents. Vicky was a victim of abuse and had been taken from her biological parent’s home and placed with the Bookers when she was quite young.

We were both inpatients at a mental health facility when we met. Vicky was there because she was self-harming. I was there because I had a rage episode where I blanked out and hospitalised a man I’d found in bed with my wife.

The court gave me a choice between committing myself and getting help for my anger issues or going to jail–an easy decision to make.

Vicky and I hit it off immediately and were lovers less than a week later.

At that time, Vicky and I were both married to others as neither of us had gotten our divorce yet. I had been briefly married to the woman, Mistress Eliza, described in my series ‘My Introduction to BDSM’. Vicky had married some complete tosser in the false belief he loved her.

This bastard both beat her and cheated on her.

As part of her self-harm regime, Vicky was anorexic and slowly starving herself to death. Even so, to my eyes, she was gorgeous. She still is. In those glorious days of our young love, my wife stood a tiny 5-ft. 4-in. (163 cm) tall and weighed a meagre 88 lbs. (40 kg).

Vicky was a social jogger who ran around 20 miles (32 km) weekly. My soon-to-be wife had auburn hair, flashing green eyes, and a bright white smile. Nobody would describe Vicky as beautiful, not even me, but she is beyond pretty, especially when she smiles.

Even anorexic, Vicky’s legs and ass were lithe and toned. Vicky has (still) a tight, gorgeously round butt. In those days, her breasts were firm ripe apples on her thin chest. They have the biggest, most dying for someone to nibble on, nipples.

With childbirth, my wife’s breasts grew from a B cup to a glorious Double D.

I was still training, hoping that a spinal injury I had suffered playing rugby would repair itself sufficiently, and I could begin track athletics again. Every week, I ran between 40 and 60 miles (64 and 97 km), depending on what my spine would let me do.

I stood 6-ft. 4 in. tall (193 cm) and weighed a lean 174 lbs (79 kg). I was doing aerobics, circuit training, and lifting weights to make up for the lack of distance I could run. I was so toned that you could draw virtually all of the various muscle groups over my body because they were that well-defined.

Friendship was the first thing that bloomed between Vicky and me. We found each other to be almost kindred spirits and could talk for hours about just about anything.

Vicky loved that I was tall, athletic and very self-confident.

I tend to be a ‘helper’ or, maybe, ‘rescuer’ is a more apt description. I like to be needed. I like people relying on me and needing me.

At that time, no one was more needful than Vicky, and I became her protector, her Knight in Shining Armour.

I liked it, but I already knew that I would need to help Vicky become self-dependent and be her own woman for our relationship to last a lifetime.

To achieve this, I had to build Vicky’s self-confidence.

Weirdly, although she was anorexic, Vicky believed she was fat, dowdy and unattractive. So once Vicky knew me well enough to know it was a joke, I nicknamed her ‘Chubby’.

Thirty-seven years later, Vicky is still tiny, toned and delicious, and I still call her by that name.

Chapter 2: In the Beginning.

I was allowed to leave the hospital after completing my anger management course. Another month passed before Vicky was considered ‘no longer a danger to herself’ and was also released.

In those pre-mobile phone days, staying in contact was much more difficult than today. Close to three months passed before Vicky found a phone number for me. She phoned my workplace and left the receptionist a number on which she could be reached.

Unfortunately, that receptionist forgot to give me the message. Hence, another month passed before I learned a number to return Vicky’s call.

As you can imagine, Vicky was royally pissed at me when I called her. She thought I had ditched her now that we were both out of the hospital.

Sidebar: Our First Night.

I’ve missed something here. So let me back up a second and tell you about the first time Vicky and I made love.

To impress Mistress Eliza, I completed a remedial massage course. Until a few years ago, when arthritis in my thumbs cruelled my abilities, I gave the best massages. One of my specialties is giving face massages.

One evening, in the hospital’s shared common room, I offered one to Vicky. I sat on the sofa, and Vicky sat on the floor between my legs. Vicky had dressed for bed as it was close to lights out. With a baggy top covered by a loosely tied robe on and her being below me, I could see down her top and across the mounds of her breasts to just short of her lusciously big nipples.

With her head tipped back, Vicky had to have been aware of how big my erection was, given the back of her head was resting on my thighs very close to it.

This night was the first time my body had a physical reaction to the woman I’d marry. It was then that I knew I wanted more than friendship from this remarkable person.

During daylight hours, and with permission, the patients were allowed to wander the hospital’s grounds. The morning after the massage, I invited Vicky for a walk around outside. Once we were out of sight of the office, I placed an arm around her shoulders, turned her towards me, and kissed her with every ounce of skill I had.

I’ve been an excellent kisser since being taught by a woman old enough to be my mother when I was barely old enough to be legally taught. I guess this is why I find women several years older than me so desirable.

I think Vicky had been waiting for this moment because she melted into my arms and returned the kiss as passionately as I was kissing her.

Breaking the kiss, we made a pact to meet in one of the empty rooms after lights out.

Not wanting to have a bed squeak on us, Vicky helped me pull the mattress off the bed and onto the floor. Then, taking her in my arms, I picked her up and lay her on the mattress. Lying beside her, I stroked her hair, whispered her name, and told her how beautiful I thought she was.

Vicky was way more nervous than I expected someone who had been married to be. I briefly wondered if she was a virgin before dismissing that notion as rubbish.

I stroked Vicky’s hair, neck and shoulders until I felt her relax. When she did, I softly kissed the corner of her mouth.

“You okay, honey?” I asked. “Do you want me to continue?”

Vicky didn’t answer, but she did turn her lips to mine and kiss me.

Keeping my hands away from anywhere sexual, I stroked Vicky’s shoulders and neck as I used every skill I had to turn her on with my kissing.

I knew I was on the right track when Vicky pushed my robe off my shoulders, exposing my broad and hairy chest.

Undoing the sash around Vicky’s waist, I peeled her robe back. Vicky still had pyjama bottoms on as well as the loose top described earlier.

Kissing her passionately, I lightly touched Vicky’s belly button before splaying my hands wider and stroking up towards her breasts.

Vicky flinched when my fingers touched her belly. Her legs, which had slightly spread, jammed tightly back together.

“Shhh, baby,” I whispered. “I promise not to do anything you don’t want me to, okay? You will guide and allow everything. And if you want me to stop, I will, okay?”

Me saying that allowed Vicky to relax, and her legs fell back apart.

I kissed her more, stroking lightly back and forth beneath Vicky’s breasts. When my fingertips touched the bottom of her breasts, Vicky broke the kiss, grabbed my fingers, turned her head away, and then gasped.

“You okay, baby doll?” I asked.

Nodding, Vicky turned back to me and kissed me with a real passion for the first time that night. As she kissed me, Vicky lifted my hand onto her left breast. Still as softly as I could, I ran my fingers in small circles around her nipple before enlarging the circles I was drawing and circling her whole globe.

After a few seconds of doing this, Vicky moaned, and her hips lifted off the mattress.

Taking this cue, I pushed her top above her breasts, then lowered my mouth onto her right nipple. Continuously stroking up, over and around her left breast and nipple with my hand, I licked, lightly nibbled and suckled on her right pleasure node.

Vicky moaned again, took hold of my head in both hands, and then held me to her breasts. Switching back and forth, I made love to my later-to-be wife’s breasts until I heard her panting and moaning in desire.

Hearing this, I began kissing down her stomach. When I reached her pyjama bottom’s top, I hooked my thumbs into the elastic and started to slide them down over Vicky’s hips.

Vicky’s hands were still on my head, but as I lowered her pyjama bottom, Vicky gasped, “No,”

I stopped where I was and kissed Vicky’s abdomen just above her pubis.

Another sensual moan escaped Vicky’s lips before she said, “Yes, slowly, please.”

Following this request, I carefully pushed the pyjama bottom down Vicky’s thighs and shins and then off onto the floor.

As I sat up to remove my pyjama bottoms, Vicky lifted up, stripped off her top, and shrugged out of her robe.

We were naked in front of each other for the first time. I could see the ravaging effects of Vicky’s anorexia in her bony ribs and chest, her sunken waist and how her pubic bone was so prominent.

I didn’t care. She looked deliciously sexy to me.

Vicky was equally admiring of me, “You’re so lean and yet, so muscly,” she mused. “You’re almost like that Michelangelo statue, David.”

Showing off, I stretched by putting my hands behind my head, and my elbows pushed back as far as possible.

Lips slightly parted, Vicky ran her eyes over my lean form hungrily. Then she lay on her back and spread her thighs, “Make love to me, John, please.”

I was so aroused that if I had complied and entered her, I would probably have blown immediately. I wanted this first time to be something so special that she would remember it for the rest of her life, so I ignored her request and moved between her thighs before kissing where I had stopped earlier.

With my fingers on Vicky’s nipples and kissing her smooth, soft skin, I moved in small increments downward. Kissing and licking across her pubic bone, I encountered Vicky’s bush.

In these latter days, Vicky’s pubic area is a ‘well-manicured lawn’, but back then, she was as hairy down there as any woman I’ve had the good fortune of making love to.

Just short of her clitoris, Vicky’s thighs closed on my ears, “Oh, Gawd,” she moaned. “Yes, please, but I’m scared, be gentle, okay?”

‘Could it be that no one has gone down on her before?’ I wondered.

I found out later that I was the first one she had allowed to perform oral sex on her.

Gasping and moaning as she held my head tightly to her pussy, Vicky allowed me to tongue her clit. Twice, she pulled up, then released and let me lower.

My tongue found her labia and the entrance to her vulva. Curling my tongue as tight as possible, I forced it inside as far as I could before letting it flatten out and lapping at her labia.

Moving back to her clitoris, I repeated this motion four more times before Vicky arched her body back, lifted her bum off the mattress, and then held my mouth hard against her clit.

“That is so good,” she groaned.

Then, almost surprised, I thought, she said, “Oh. Oh, my. Oh, I’m going to cum!”

Sighing and shuddering, the woman I had already decided to spend the rest of my life with orgasmed on my tongue for the first of many times.

Pulling me up so she could kiss me, Vicky exclaimed, “I’ve never cum from someone else doing it before!”

‘Really?’ I thought. ‘That’s weird.’

I smiled and kissed her back, “The first of many times, Chubby, I promise.”

“Will you make love to me now, John, please?” She asked.

‘What have I just been doing?’ I wondered but then understood what she meant. She wanted me to penetrate her and make her cum through penis in vagina sex.

Covering her tiny body with my long and lean one, I moved my hips until the head of my thick 7-inch penis was at the entrance to Vicky’s pussy.

Looking deeply into her eyes, I smiled, then said, “You ready for me, baby?”

“Yes,” Vicky breathily answered.

OMFG! She was so tight and so, so wet! Her vulva gripped my thick cock’s head so deliciously firmly that I worried I wouldn’t finish penetrating her before losing my lollies inside her. Her pussy was as hot as any I’ve been in before or since.

She, at 60, is still grippingly tight and just as wet and warm when we make love as she was back then.

Remembering my lessons from Liz and Becca, I started by pushing my pubic bone firmly against Vicky’s clitoris and moving it in small circles over this area.

When I did that, Vicky’s eyes flew open, and she groaned, “Oh, my lawd! I don’t believe it. I’m going to… uh, uh, oh lawd, uh.”

My wife isn’t a squirter, but she does cream beautifully. She came so hard that her juices washed over my balls. All of this, and I hadn’t even thrust inside her yet.

It was then that I learned my future wife was deliciously multi-orgasmic and that, if I was patient, I could drive her through seven or eight orgasmic events at a time. Even more, sometimes.

Lying forward onto her body, I shifted my forearms under her shoulders so I could rest on my elbows. Holding the tops of Vicky’s shoulders, I began thrusting my cock inside her. Every third or fourth stroke, I’d pause to grind my pubis against Vicky’s clit again.

A problem began to appear after I’d been inside Vicky for around five minutes. Her pubis was so bony from her anorexia that it was bruising mine. From what I could hear and feel, Vicky was quickly climbing Mount Orgasmic, so I decided that pain was a problem for later.

As I stroked into her, Vicky came.

With her eyes wide and wondering, my future wife said, “Thrice! You’ve made me cum three times!

“Oh goodness,” She suddenly exclaimed. “Make that four, oh my,” she groaned again. “What have you done to me?”

I’m not sure, but I believe having been denied sexual pleasure for so long before I had so suddenly released it, Vicky’s body was revelling in being able to orgasm. Vicky had four more orgasms before she pleaded for me to cum inside her because her pussy was sore.

Vicky surprised me by cumming again as I orgasmed inside her.

Men like to either get up and go as soon as they’ve cum, or to roll over and sleep. I learned from my time with Liz and Becca that women need time to come down and recover from their lovemaking. Their lover needs to kiss and stroke them and talk inanities to them until they’re ready to sleep or get up.

Vicky and I lay there kissing and cuddling for some time before Vicky reluctantly said, “We’d better go back to our wards before they do the nightly head count.”

Nodding my agreement, I joined her in getting dressed.

Kissing one last time before we left the room, I sent Vicky out before waiting a couple of minutes and slipping off to my room.

Vicky and I made surreptitious love in that hospital many times before I was released. There was one memorable night when Vicky had been allowed an evening pass to attend the theatre with friends. When she left for the theatre, the bed opposite me in my part of the ward had been empty.

Vicky came back around 10.00 pm, right after lights out. She slipped into my bed, pulled me on top of her and demanded, “Fuck me, stud, I’m really horny.”

I didn’t care that the other bed had been filled and that we had an audience. It was exciting to put on a show for some random guy, so I fucked Vicky through five or six back-to-back orgasms before grunting vociferously as I filled her pussy full of cum.

Climbing out of bed, Vicky kissed my cheek before saying, “Thanks, baby.”

It was only then, when the guy in the other bed said, “Well, fuck me,” that Vicky realised someone else was in the room.

Laughing, she ran out.

Back to the story…

…Vicky was royally pissed at me…

After I’d explained what happened and pointed out that I, too, thought I’d been dumped because it had been four months before I’d heard from her, she calmed down and agreed to meet.

I’m early to everything. I don’t think my wife has been on time for anything. I was at the restaurant thirty minutes before our booking. Vicky waltzed in thirty minutes after the booking time.

By then, I had decided she wasn’t coming forty-five times and had decided to leave forty-four times. But when I saw her at the Maître D’s desk, I knew this woman was my one. The woman destined for me.

It was like we’d never spent a moment apart. We chatted, laughed and joked about everything and anything during dinner.

When we’d finished, I invited her back to the house I was about to lose to Mistress Elizabeth in a court case, and we fucked through the night.

Vicky was an enrolled nurse, but she had taken a break from nursing and was working for a travelling sales company. Depending on sales, she would be in a different town or city every second week.

I was selling electronic point-of-sale equipment for a company in Hamilton, New Zealand. My job required me to travel all over New Zealand’s North Island.

Vicky and I became ‘bonk buddies’. If we happened to be in the same city on the same night, we’d have dinner, then spend the night fucking. In the morning, we’d go our separate ways.

We continued this for over a year. Between times with Vicky, I’d returned to the lifestyle I described in ‘My Introduction’. My heart really wasn’t into it, however. Instead, I thought about asking Vicky to take a job in Hamilton and move in with me.

Fate was to take that decision out of my hands.

A Wednesday night, only a few minutes before closing time, Vicky phoned the company I worked for.

“Can you come and see me tonight, John, please?” She asked.

“Sure, are you at your flat?”

“No. I’m in Rotorua.”

A little over an hour’s travel time is nothing here in Australia. In New Zealand, it seemed like the other side of the planet.

Equivocating, I answered, “How long are you going to be there for? I could come down on the weekend if you want?”

“No. Can you come down tonight, please?”

Trying to work out why she would need to see me so urgently, the answer suddenly hit me, “Are you pregnant?” I asked.

Bursting into tears, Vicky wailed, “Yes.”

“Where are you staying?”

The motel she was at was on the northern side of Rotorua on the main road into town. Breaking all speed limits, I was there under an hour later.

We had dinner in the motel’s restaurant. During dinner, we carefully avoided the reason I was there. Taking a walk along the water’s edge after dinner, we finally discussed the elephant in the room.

“I’m sorry, Chubby, but I have to ask this. Are you sure it’s mine?”

Nodding grimly, Vicky responded, “It has to be. You’re the only one I’m currently having sex with.”

A little disbelievingly, I responded, “You’re out on the road visiting all these different people and towns, but you’re not having sex with anyone?”

I would have been. I would’ve been banging every slut I could.

Vicky stopped. I took a couple of steps before realising she’d stopped, then turned back.

Looking at me intently, my soon-to-be wife stated, “Before you, I never enjoyed sex. I used to let my husband fuck me because that’s what a good wife does. The only orgasms I ever had before you were when I played with myself.”

Turning to walk back to the motel, she flung back over her shoulder, “Go back to Hamilton. I’ll deal with this myself.”

I stopped her with a hand on her shoulder. Vicky turned to me with her green eyes flashing. It was then that I realised she had a temper to match mine and that she was possibly even more stubborn than I was.

“Don’t touch me!” She yelled.

Laughing, I hugged then kissed her, “Chubby, I had to ask.”

Slightly mollified, Vicky answered, “I guess you did.”

To cover all bases, I asked, “Do you want an abortion?”

I 100% support that it is a woman’s choice, and I would rally in the streets to protect that choice. I just think it’s a bad choice, especially for the unborn child. If Vicky had wanted an abortion, I would have accepted it and helped her to get it. But, any relationship between us would have ended then.

How could I have a relationship with someone who had killed one of my kids?

“I can’t,” Vicky replied. “According to the doctor, I’m already more than twelve weeks pregnant.”

“What do you want to do?” I asked.

“What do you?”

“We’re good together,” I answered. “Why don’t we move in together on a trial basis and see how it goes? No promises, no declarations of undying love, just two people who like each other, giving it a go for the sake of the child we’ve created together.”

That’s what we did. We rented a small flat on Hamilton’s western side and set up house.

As luck would have it, I got fired a week later, and Vicky struggled to find a nursing job. It didn’t matter. We were young, in love, and nothing could stop us. We took whatever jobs we could find, and we made do: picking berries, labouring, anything that paid an income.

The flat was fully furnished, which meant we had everything necessary to live–a bed, fridge, washing machine, a sofa, and a couple of chairs.

We worked together for many of the jobs we could find. We enjoyed that.

When Vicky was around the eighth month of her pregnancy, an opportunity to buy a sports store franchise came up. Gathering every resource we had, we managed the deposit, purchased the store then moved to Wellington to operate it.

There was a gap of close to two months between purchasing the franchise and being able to take over. In this gap, our first child was born–a bouncing baby boy weighing just shy of eight pounds (3.6 kg).

Once we settled in Wellington, I started on my plan to help Vicky develop some self-confidence. I began by making her dump most of her clothing. Being a victim of abuse, Vicky dressed very conservatively. Chubby has a great body, and I wanted her to wear things that would emphasise her assets. Namely, her high tight boobs and taut round ass.

Vicky didn’t want to wear the first outfit I had chosen for her because it was so foreign to how she typically dressed. Finally, after a number of tears and tantrums, she flounced, “All right, I’ll wear the damned thing, then. But when everybody laughs at me, I’m blaming you.”

The outfit garnered her a heap of compliments. To this day, I select most of her outfits. I have an excellent eye for colour and can put together clothes combinations that match well with a person’s hair, eye, skin colour, and body shape.

Vicky and my sex life was excellent, but it was very much ‘vanilla sex’. Consisting of some oral followed by plain old dick in pussy fucking. Having lived with Liz and Becca for almost two years, I was accustomed to a far greater variety of sexual experiences.

Chapter 3: Introducing Sexual Variety.

Working slowly and patiently, I started to introduce different types of sexual activities to our lovemaking.

Guys, to give you some idea of what you may be up against, it took me six months just to get Vicky to allow me to finger her ass as I serviced her pussy with my tongue. It took close to another six months before she let me lick it.

During this learning phase, I ensured Vicky achieved several orgasms every time I made love to her. When she resisted me doing something new, I reassured her I liked doing it. I also pointed out that whenever I introduced something new, she came hard and often every time.

Once Vicky was comfortable with the idea her ass could be a pleasure zone, I began working on getting her to allow me to fuck her in there.

I started by exerting more and more pressure on her rosebud as I rimmed her with my tongue. For months, whenever I pushed my tongue against her ring, Vicky would protest, “dirty”, then twitch her bottom away from my mouth.

With two of my fingers inside her pussy, Vicky couldn’t deny that her body loved what I was doing, as her pussy’s sphincter would clench down on my fingers when I pushed my tongue onto her ring. But she refused to admit her enjoyment to herself, let alone me.

When Vicky accepted being ‘tongue fucked’ in the ass as a pleasure she enjoyed, I changed my tongue for my finger. I had to follow the same patient process as before. Voicing no complaint or offering any observations that her body obviously enjoyed it by how wet her pussy was. Instead, I would move my finger away, work on bringing Vicky closer to orgasm, and then reintroduce the finger.

Several months later, I could insert my finger into the third knuckle as my wife orgasmed and clenched her ass down onto my finger as she moaned, “Oh Gawd, is that good. Oh, so very good.”

Waiting until Vicky had accepted some ass play as something she loved, I added a second, then third finger, stretching her hole wide enough to take my thick 7-inch cock.

One night, as we made love, I never touched her pussy at all. The only stimulation she was getting was through my fingers and tongue on and in her ass.

After around thirty minutes of this, Vicky begged, “Make love to me now, baby. I need you inside me.”

Putting her legs over my shoulders, I pushed her hips back until her rosebud was high enough for me to penetrate.

“I’m going to slip my dick in your ass, honey, okay?”

Vicky froze, “No! It’s just going to hurt.”

“Yes, baby, it will,” I told her truthfully. “As my cock’s head pops through your ass’ sphincter, it will hurt for a brief moment. But once your ass relaxes, you’re going to love it, I promise.”

Nodding fearfully, Vicky allowed me to continue.

I slid my dick into her ass until I felt the resistance of her knot. Then, holding still there, I leaned forward so I could suck, lick and nibble on her breasts. As I felt her legs relax, I straightened to spread my hand over Vicky’s clit, slip my thumb into her vulva, and find her Gspot.

With my thumb on her most intimate pleasure spot, it didn’t take long before Vicky’s ass’ sphincter released as her other sphincters pulsed in reaction to the pleasure she was receiving.

With the pressure released, I could push home with only a slight twitch and moan from my wife. Once I had slid all 7-inches inside her, I held still, kissing her softly and stroking her erogenous zones as I gave her ass time to adjust to having a cock inside it for the first time.

It didn’t take long before Vicky’s eyes opened, then closed, followed by a deep guttural moan of, “I don’t believe how good that feels. I feel so full. It feels unbelievably intense. Fuck me, baby, please. Gently though, because I’m still scared it will hurt.”

Working carefully, I began moving a little way back and forth inside her ass. As Vicky’s moans and arousal grew, I lengthened my strokes until I was pumping all 7-inches in and out of her ass.

I wanted my wife to enjoy the sensation of a cock breaking through her knot, so I pulled everything out of her before pushing back in several times as she rode the sensations up to her approaching orgasm.

Biting her lips to stifle her moans, my wife came from anal sex for the first of many times.

Now she had allowed me to add anal to our sexcapades, I began introducing other activities.

Because Vicky had already made love to me in front of an audience, starting there seemed logical. So initially only doing it when there was no one in eyesight, I started seducing my wife in public places.

Vicky was very much a prude in those days, so trying to get her to let me even feel her up in a public place was problematic. Every time I slipped a hand up her skirt, groped her bottom, or brushed the backs of my hands across her nipples, Vicky would jump away and mutter, “Stop it”.

But like having to break a filly to the bridal, I kept lightly touching these areas until Vicky became accustomed to it and relaxed enough to enjoy it. This project culminated with me fucking Vicky as she bent over the rail on the Hawkesbury River’s Newcastle Expressway lookout.

Vicky had braved wearing a very short skirt sans knickers for the first time. It was New Year’s Eve, and fireworks were exploding all over, under and around the bridge. There must have been twenty or even thirty other people at that spot.

We had gotten there early to get a good viewing position. Because Vicky is so short compared to me, I suggested I stand behind her to make more room for the others. As the first of the other viewers walked to the platform, I pushed Vicky forwards over the railing, lifted her skirt, then unzipped and pulled my cock out before sliding it into her pussy from behind.

Vicky and I had gone out for dinner before moving to the lookout, and I had spent the car trip turning her on, so she was very wet and aroused. She muttered a complaint and tried to move off my dick, but I was holding her tight.

With my arms wrapped around her so she couldn’t move, and my dick buried in her pussy, my wife didn’t dare struggle or protest too loudly lest the other onlookers saw what we were doing.

Initially, Vicky lost her arousal as she was terrified of being caught. But when she realised no one was aware, or if they were, didn’t care, Vicky started to get into it. The first I knew that my wife was getting into being fucked in such a public place was when the heat in her pussy raged, and the wetness returned.

Next, Vicky began clenching down on my tool, trying to make me cum. The joke was on her, though, because I had total control of myself. As she pulsed on my cock, I moved my hips back and forth in a barely noticeable fashion.

With this angle, the underside of my cock’s head and shaft were pressed against Vicky’s Gspot. The slight hip movement and her gripping down on my dick caused my wife to orgasm. Taking my hand in both of hers, Vicky bit down on my wrist to stifle her moans and groans.

I think, now that she had cum, she expected me to surreptitiously back out of her and put my cock away. I didn’t. I took advantage of the fact she is multi-orgasmic to fuck her through four more cum events before the fireworks show ended.

We waited on that spot until all the other revellers had departed before my wife dropped to her knees and blew me into a stupendous orgasm. I hadn’t wanted to cum inside her pussy as we stood there because my cum would have leaked back out and down her inner thighs, making it obvious what we had been doing.

Chapter 4: Moving to Australia.

In 1986, after nine years of National Party rule under Sir Robert ‘Piggy’ Muldoon, the Nationals were swept from power by the incoming David Lange/Roger Douglas Labor Government.

In a program called ‘Rogernomics’ by the press, the Lange government made massive changes to New Zealand’s financial infrastructure. The least of which was the introduction of a GST.

Inflation, which had already spiralled out of control under Piggy Muldoon, went astronomical. Then, in 1987, came the ‘Black Wednesday Stock Market Crash’.

The interest rate on our loan surged from 10% to 33.33%. At the same time, the rental on our inner city store blew out from $1500 per square metre per year to $3300 per square metre.

Doing the math, I quickly realised we could cope with one expense rise, or the other, but not both. Talking it over with Vicky, we decided that all we could do was shut the store down and salvage what we could.

I felt ashamed that I had failed and had no desire to try again in New Zealand’s current economic climate. So, with the princely sum of $379 and an unpaid debt of $7500, we moved to Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, with our eighteen-month-old son to start again.

We chose Brisbane, as opposed to Sydney or Melbourne like most of our compatriots, because Vicky had relatives we could stay with until we could find jobs and a place to rent.

$7500 was a lot of money in those days. It took us almost three years to pay it back and clear our bad credit history.

Being a nurse, Vicky had little problem immediately securing a job, so I played house-husband until the New Year.

This turn of events had the bonus effect of forcing Vicky to take a more dominant role and played a big part in her progression from shy wallflower to the strong and confident woman she is today. As our family’s only provider, Vicky was forced into taking more responsibility, which helped her self-confidence enormously.

In February 1988, I started work as a showroom salesperson for a large, worldwide electronics store. My career progressed swiftly with this company. In less than three months, I was promoted to showroom manager for a store that, at the time, was the biggest in Australia.

Six months later, I was promoted to area manager for Rockhampton.

Things were going well, and our relationship was strong, so we decided to try for another child. We expected Vicky to take some time to fall pregnant because she had been on the pill since the birth of our first child.

It seemed that the day after she stopped taking her pill, Vicky fell pregnant. Finally, after some birthing difficulties, our second son came into this world.

We wanted one of us to stay home with the baby for at least the first two years. Because I had a secure job and Vicky had maternity leave, Vicky became a house mum again.

Ironically, Vicky seemed to take a backward step into being subservient to me again. No longer being an equal-paying partner seemed to make her think she had to surrender herself and her personality to me once more.

My career with this company ended in late 1991. I was the regional manager for Sydney, running fourteen showrooms, two warehouses, a collections department and an accounts department and had a staff of 192. During a Board of Directors meeting, I told the company’s Australian CEO exactly what I thought of him. It’s a very closed shop at Australia’s top end of the corporate ladder. Now that I had a reputation as being ‘difficult to work with’, no company would give me a similar position.

Neither of us wanted to live in Sydney, so we packed up and moved back to Brisbane.

Late 1991 and early 1992 was a dark time for me, and I fell into the first of my many subsequent battles with the ‘black dog’ of depression. I had no desire to try and pick myself up and look for another career and had no idea what to do, even if I did have that desire.

I tried selling real estate. I’m a top-notch salesperson and can do the proverbial ‘sell refrigerators to the Inuit people’.

Actually, that always seemed a simple proposition to me. These people wouldn’t need the fridge to keep things cold, but a fridge would keep their foodstuffs from freezing.

Even though I’m a gifted salesperson, I dread cold calling. The beginning of your career in real estate is all about the ‘cold call’, and I sucked at it. This drove me further into depression because here was another career I was failing at.

Because I wasn’t making any money, Vicky had to put our children into day-care and get a job. In my mind, her having to do that outlined in stark relief what a failure I was.

During this time, I met Marla again. I had briefly met Marla earlier when I was the showroom manager at Indooroopilly. She came in to rent some home electronic equipment, and I served her, then took the items out and installed them.

She reminded me a lot of my ex-wife, Mistress Eliza, and was around the same number of years older than me that Liz was. I was immediately sexually attracted to her but made no effort to pursue this as I was happily married.

In my depressed state, meeting her again rekindled my ardour.

Vicky and I were still making love, but not as often or as vigorously as before because Vicky was always tired, and I was depressed.

With my body reacting so strongly to Marla, I made the mistake of falling into an affair with her.

The first night Marla and I fucked there was no ‘making love’ to it, it was pure animalistic lust. I discovered that night that Marla was into BDSM, only she was submissive.

Marla and I conducted a torrid six-month affair before we were, inevitably, found out. During this time, I delighted in revisiting some of my earlier experiences, only this time as the Top.

Vicky took the boys and left.

Moving in with Marla, I quickly discovered how big a mistake I had made, so I broke it off.

It took some time, but Vicky and I reconciled later in 1992. Interestingly, our breakup was a good thing for Vicky. Living alone whilst raising two boys taught her that she didn’t have to rely on me, and she learned that she could be self-sufficient.

By the end of 1992, Australia entered the ‘recession we had to have’. Jobs were scarce, and inflation was running high. So I did what many people of that era did. I ‘bought’ myself a job. I bought a taxi licence to own and operate a cab within Brisbane’s metropolitan taxi district.

As part of our reconciliation, Vicky and I chose to formalise our relationship by getting married. Ed and Cheryl agreed to do the ceremony, so our small family took a holiday back in New Zealand for this joyous occasion.

During our separation, Vicky had begun exercising every day again. Although she wasn’t big by any stretch of the imagination, she had come to match her nickname of ‘Chubby’. At 32, Vicky was back to being toned, shapely and gorgeous.

Some people don’t age well. My wife has matured like a fine wine. The older she gets, the more beautiful she becomes.

With her enhanced physical appearance, I encouraged her to wear more revealing outfits. Dresses that clung to her slim body, big tits and taut ass, barely covering that last item.

Because of her stronger self-belief, Vicky began to enjoy showing her assets off in these outfits, and she loved the wolf whistles and catcalls she received when wearing them.

Chapter 5: Involving Others.

Because I’d spent so many fantastic times fucking Liz and Becca simultaneously, I wanted to re-experience some of those exceptional events. Unfortunately, my infidelity made introducing another person into our relationship a tricky proposition, but I was determined to try.

As part of my marriage vows, I uttered the phrase, “I can’t promise you wealth and riches, but I promise that our time together will never be boring.” I’ve used that paragraph as an excuse for much I’ve done to and with my wife.

“At least it wasn’t boring,” I’ll inform her as she stands there exasperated at something I’ve done.

In late 2002, I grew curious about what events like the spread of AIDS and HIV and the advent of widespread internet usage had done to the BDSM community.

When I’d been involved in the scene during and after my time with Mistress Eliza, the BDSM community was small but incredibly active. If someone decided they wanted to join a local munch, that person would need to do some very careful research and then make a few discreet phone calls. If they could convince the person on the other end of the phone they were genuine, they would be invited to the next munch. Only then would they be given an invite to an event.

I hadn’t had this problem because I was introduced as Mistress Eliza’s latest toy when she took me as her guest to an event.

The BDSM community is very supportive and protective of their own. After our break up, both Liz and I got plenty of support from everyone.

Before AIDS and HIV, condom use during the parties was rare. I wanted to know if that had changed, and what effect having easy internet access had made.

I’ll say here that I think the internet has had a massively detrimental effect on the scene. Before, yes, it was challenging to find your local scene, but everyone involved was genuine, helpful, and knowledgeable.

The few tossers who made their way through the screening process were quickly banished. Likewise, any Dominant or submissive known to be doing the wrong thing was quickly ostracised and usually expelled immediately.

Nowadays, any fantasiser with a computer and a hardon is suddenly a ‘BDSM Master’ and trolling for ‘sluts who want to be used hard’. And don’t get me started on the wankers who have read or watched 50 shades and now think they know what BDSM is.

ICQ was the ‘go to’ computer app for this type of exploration in those days. I still think, in terms of finding like-minded individuals, it was the best app made. I’ve been saddened by its decline ever since.

Using this app to search for people interested in BDSM, I joined some chat groups and started asking questions to satisfy my curiosity.

This time, I sat Vicky down and showed and told her what I was doing so she would know I wasn’t using the app to ‘hook up’.

Vicky had been peripherally aware that Liz and I played in the BDSM scene but hadn’t asked for any details. I expected her to be angry or perhaps more disappointed that I was exploring this scene again. Instead, much to my surprise, she took to BDSM like a duck to water.

I had decided, regardless of Vicky’s wish to be involved or not, that I did not want to be my wife’s Dominant. Me becoming that would be a huge backwards step for our relationship, I believed.

When Vicky decided she didn’t know what role she would prefer, Dominant or submissive, I approached male Dominants to see if they would like to do a session with her with no expectation there would be any more. Finally, after dozens of wasted conversations and many face-to-face meetings with potential Doms, we chose one that seemed to fit our needs closely enough.

This man was married, and his wife didn’t know of his BDSM life, so he was discreet. Also, because he was married, there was little chance that he would become demanding of Vicky’s time, nor would he want to leave his wife for mine.

Between agreeing that some play could happen between Vicky and her prospective Dom, and the first session they were having, I started approaching submissive people on ICQ to try and satisfy my curiosity.

The women on any site with sex associated with it, and even most sites that don’t, get 1,000s of unsolicited approaches daily, usually accompanied by a dick pic. As a genuine person looking for someone to chat with, with no intentions other than to chat, it isn’t easy to get a response.

Not that I blame them. If I had to wade through 900 dick pics to find that one genuine respondent, I wouldn’t bother either.

I found a profile that I liked. The person who wrote it seemed funny, articulate and authentic. I read her introduction, and it seemed to end suddenly as if it wasn’t complete. Copying and pasting the last two sentences, I sent a message saying, “I’m not sure what is after this, or do I use my imagination and make up my own ending?”

I then rambled a few sentences as to what I thought the ending of the introduction was. I tried to be funny, something I am in real life, but not sure if I am when I’m writing.

It seemed to work because the woman replied, “Your ending was much better than mine, but there must have been a maximum word count, and ICQ has left the end of my introduction off.”

She copied and pasted her complete introduction.

This woman, Annut, was submissive and in a long-term relationship with a Dominant. I politely asked permission to speak with her Dom, then, when she agreed that I could, asked his permission to carry on talking to his submissive.

Even if I hadn’t known Annut’s Dom was reading everything I wrote, I would still have been as rigid with the protocols as I was. Having learnt my BDSM craft in a small, closed community, to this day, I’m a stickler for doing the right things within the scene.

Sidebar: What I love most about the BDSM community, or at least how it was, is its honesty. In a ‘vanilla’ relationship, if one of the partners wants to have a fling, it’s done behind their partner’s back, without that partner’s knowledge or consent.

It’s the betrayal of trust, I believe, that causes most of the damage to the relationship.

In the BDSM community, if the Dom or submissive wants to play with another, it’s openly discussed and permissions and/or qualifications given. Then the play proceeds.

Either party is able to give or withdraw permission at any time.

It’s similar to open relationships. As permission to play has already been given, there is no betrayal.

Back to the story…

A few weeks after Annut and I started chatting, she broke up with her Dom. Annut is an English girl who was then living in Waco, Texas. Her Dom had begun obsessing over whether she was having sex with others and had become insanely jealous.

After they had broken up, Annut, a woman who is still the most naturally submissive person I’ve ever met, turned her needy ways and attention to me. To make sure I brought Vicky along on this ride, I insisted they meet over a Skype connection and chat to see if they, too, could find a connection.

The girls hit it off like they were meant to explore the BDSM world together.

After several months of chatting, I invited Annut to Brisbane. I emphasised that it was only for a meet and greet, but she could use our home as a base for an extended holiday even if we all decided nothing would happen between us.

In January 2004, Annut flew into Brisbane. Vicky and I picked her up at the airport and brought her home. She was to stay with us for almost eight years.

Note: You can read about AnnA’s (Annut’s) and my first session in my story ‘Candles, Rope and Honey’. Warning first, though. That story was very much written with a female audience in mind. Women love it, but men find it lacks a certain graphicness for them to get into it.

Back to the story…

Earlier, I had explained to Annut how Vicky was meeting her first Dom to do her first session. Annut insisted I call her once I had dropped Vicky off at the motel because she was worried I wouldn’t cope.

We had talked endlessly and had opened up to each other about almost everything. Annut knew about my hospitalisation and the reasons why. She was concerned I might suffer a similar attack.

I explained that the person I found in bed with Mistress Eliza was someone I detested and that Liz had agreed no play would occur between them. So it wasn’t that she played with another that set me off, but whom she had played with. But Annut was still worried.

The reality of the day I beat this guy so badly was that it probably should have been Liz that I was slapping around. Liz, because, well, my house, my bed, my wife. The guy wasn’t there uninvited.

Vicky’s session with her Dominant went well. She enjoyed having her breasts bound and found she adored being hit with a cat ‘o’ nine tails’ flogger. She described how being made to kneel over her Dom’s knees and being spanked as he fingered her pussy made her orgasm at least twice.

Vicky had decided not to allow penetrative sex between herself and her Dom. Instead, she rewarded her Dominant by licking his butthole as he masturbated before blowing on her face.

Vicky loves to swallow but hates being cum on. I asked how she felt being made to accept a load onto her face.

She replied, “It was such a submissive thing to do, and that was the role I was playing, so I took it like a good girl should.”

“Yeah, but did you like it?”

Chubby blushed beautifully, embarrassed because she wouldn’t let me do it, but had enjoyed her Dominant cumming over her.

“He came so much,” she said. “It was everywhere. The fact that I had turned him on so much that he had that big a load for me was such a rush.”

Vicky was finally beginning to admit she loved that many people, especially men, found her sexually attractive.

Vicky’s next session with her Dom was also at a motel. I dropped her off and went down to the local McDonalds to Skype with AnnA as I waited to be called to come and pick her up.

This session also went well, except for one facet. Vicky’s Dom tried to tie her hands and feet up. Doing this had been a ‘soft boundary’ Vicky and I had established during our meetings with this Dominant.

Because it was a ‘soft boundary’, Vicky’s Dominant was entitled to test it, but it was too soon as full trust hadn’t been established. Vicky can freak out if she is bound because of the abuse she suffered when she was younger. On the other hand, I can tie her up because she trusts me intimately.

Once Vicky and her Dom got past this mistake, the session went well. Vicky found being paddled almost as enjoyable as being flogged and being forced to masturbate herself to orgasm for her Dominant, an intense but exciting experience.

She rewarded her Dom by receiving another load over her face. This time she helped him by tonguing his ass and licking his balls.

Sidebar: Meeting Derek/caroline.

One of the people we met early on our journey into the BDSM world was an ex-pilot and current business owner. Derek was his ‘vanilla’ moniker, but when his submissive urges raged, he became ‘caroline’. Caroline is a crossdressing, cocksucking slut who loves being humiliated and verbally abused.

An invitation for Vicky and me to meet him/her, with no expectation, was extended. If things went well, we could stay and play.

Upon arriving at Derek’s hinterland motel units, caroline greeted us in full regalia. I had never played with a crossdresser previously, so this was a new experience for me, too.

Caroline was polite, respectful, and very charming. Vicky and I were both quite smitten by her. I’ll add here that caroline was way more ‘drag queen’ than transwoman in her appearance. Nobody seeing her face would ever be fooled that she was anything other than a man in women’s clothing.

After a lengthy chat and some light refreshments, I took Vicky aside to see if she wanted to do a session as the Dominant with caroline. Vicky was nervous but keen to try the Dominatrix role.

We returned to where caroline was waiting. I told her that Vicky wanted to do a session, but she wanted me to be there to help and guide her as she was inexperienced. Caroline was happy to be Vicky’s ‘test subject’.

Caroline showed us to a bedroom where we could get changed and then sleep overnight if we chose.

Earlier in the week, I took Vicky to a sex shop to purchase some items for our play date. We bought a red teddy nightdress with a see-through robe to go over it and some 9-inch platform-soled, stiletto-heeled shoes.

Her ‘whore heels’, as we called them.

My wife looked quite simply stunning in this outfit. With her hair pulled back in a severe ponytail, she looked every inch the Dominatrix MsV she was portraying.

Because Vicky liked someone using a cat ‘o’ nine tails whip on her, she bought one to use on caroline.

Well before meeting Derek/caroline, I had purchased some soft rope. I cut this rope to various lengths to use to tie up and restrain our prospective play partners. Some of the lengths were quite small. I would use these to tie thumbs together or nipples off.

Others were long enough to wrap around someone’s waist before being tied at the top of their thighs, just above the knees, above the ankles, and then stretched down to be tied off at that person’s big toes.

Running the rope along the submissive’s groin causes their pussy lips and vulva to gape open or, in caroline’s case, forced her dick forwards and out.

Caroline had an impressively thick, almost 8-inch cock. But unfortunately, due to some medical issues, she had trouble achieving a full erection.

Taking control, Vicky ordered caroline to strip naked and then stand with her head up and eyes closed. Next, she was to put her hands behind her head, with her elbows back, and then spread her legs.

Kneeling before caroline, I showed Vicky how to attach the ropes securely. Once caroline’s legs were well bound, I picked her up and lay her face down on the bed.

By the surprised grunt caroline gave, she wasn’t expecting me to manhandle her quite so easily. Derek/caroline isn’t a small girl. I’d guess she is well over six feet tall (183 cm) and weighs around 200 lbs (90 kg).

Vicky secured caroline to the bed before running through the safe words and how to use them with her.

Caroline is an experienced BDSM player, but I emphasised to Vicky to never assume her play partner would automatically understand what safe words to use and when.

A sidebar within a sidebar, not sure if that works, but here goes:

In an awful lot of movies that I’ve watched that have some BDSM component to them, the safe words they mention are extraordinarily complicated and difficult to remember.

If you’re the Dom, the last thing you want is for your play partner to want you to stop, but they cannot remember their safe words correctly, so you don’t.

You’re going to be in court charged with torture and/or abuse and/or rape.

As a submissive, the very last thing you need is to have reached your limits but be unable to stop the session because you can’t remember your safe words.

I like to keep things as simple as possible. Orange, if you want me to ease up or slow down. Red, if you want me to stop.

There’s a little more to it than that, if you want to know more, send me an email, and I will expand for you.

Back to the sidebar…

… would automatically understand what safe words to use and when…

Once caroline indicated she had heard and understood the safe words and how to use them, Vicky began the session.

Note: Your session must have a definitive starting and finishing point so that your sub knows when you expect them to be in full submission mode. Having a defined ending tells them when they can begin to climb out of that space.

A simple phrase like, “The session starts now,” is all that is required. When the session is over, saying, “The session has ended,” will allow your submissive to begin returning to ‘normal’ mode.

Back to the sidebar…

In full ‘MsV’ mode, Vicky used the flogger up and down and across caroline’s back, ass and upper thighs.

Caroline loved it. She was moaning and groaning, and her thick cock, which caroline had pushed down between her thighs, was already pouring precum.

After using the flogger for a time, Vicky seemed a little lost about what to do next, so I indicated she should stroke her fingers over the head of caroline’s cock. With Vicky doing this, caroline, as her arousal grew, began humping the bed.

Taking out a thick leather flogger, I handed it to my wife. Vicky gave me the ‘cat’ and hefted the flogger as if to test this new item out. Then, deciding she could wield it effectively, Vicky whacked caroline’s ass with it several times.

Caroline initially jumped at the change of flogger, but her groans became even deeper and faster as MsV whaled on her ass.

Testing what caroline liked and could stand, MsV hit her behind the knees twice each. Doing this elicited an immediate ‘orange’, so Vicky left that action alone.

Vicky looked at me, silently asking, “What now?”

I mimed that she should wet her forefinger and then rim caroline’s ass.

Putting my hand out, I took the flogger from Vicky before handing her a smaller ‘cat of nine tails’ whip.

The larger whip is a soft suede. This smaller one is leather, a lot lighter, and the lashes are thinner. This makes the sensation less painful but more intense. Using this whip also allows you to specifically target an area, like the top of the coccyx, as an example.

Exerting pressure on caroline’s rosebud caused caroline’s ass to open to allow MsV’s finger inside.

As I’ve explained in the ‘My Introduction’ series, internal ass play does nothing for me, so I was a little surprised Vicky knew how to do this. Later that night, I asked where she had learned to do it as she had never done it for me. Vicky explained that being a nurse, she had to insert suppositories regularly. Also, checking a patient’s prostate was another task she often did.

Lucky caroline, huh?

Smacking the nexus of nerves above caroline’s coccyx as she fingered caroline’s prostate was enough stimulation to send caroline over the edge into orgasm. Then, gasping and moaning, caroline spat her juices onto the bed, despite never achieving a full erection.

As I had taught her, MsV untied caroline from the bed, released her from all restraints, and then stepped back to allow caroline to rise.

Caroline flipped onto her back before telling MsV what a great job she had done. Caroline explained that she rarely came these days and was pleased that Vicky had been able to get her there.

Caroline then asked, “What do you want me to do to reward you?”

Vicky looked at me enquiringly.

“You can either ride caroline’s face or cock, baby. What do you want to do?”

Caroline made a moue, “I don’t think I can get hard enough to penetrate you, Mistress, but I’m willing to try if you’d like?”

By the shocked look on Vicky’s face, I’m pretty sure she wasn’t expecting me to give her permission to ride caroline’s cock.

MsV lay beside her submissive so she could kiss her lips and play with her dick. I handed Vicky a bottle of lube, and she oiled caroline’s cock so she could stroke up and over it rather than pulling on it.

Caroline achieved the same semi-erectness as earlier, but, as she had feared, she wasn’t hard enough to penetrate Vicky.

MsV swung a leg over caroline’s hips, then rubbed her pussy along caroline’s thick cock. I placed a finger on the entrance to Vicky’s pussy and noted that she was wetter than an El Nino summer.

I hooked my finger under the teddy’s bottom to move it aside so I could feed caroline’s cock into Vicky’s pussy.

Vicky turned to say, “No. I only want to ride along the shaft. I’m really close to cumming, so it won’t take much.”

But, although Vicky rode caroline for an age, she couldn’t quite get over the edge. To help her, I took hold of caroline’s shaft and lifted it against Vicky’s perineum. With me holding caroline’s cock against her pussy, and my fingering of her butt, Vicky shuddered into a loud orgasm.

Note: This night was the first time I’d held a cock that wasn’t mine. Mistress Eliza had tried to convince me to try some man-on-man sex when I was with her, but I had always refused.

I would have eagerly participated if I’d known what I was missing out on.

Back to the sidebar…

After cumming on caroline’s cock a second time, Vicky was able to coax another handjob orgasm from caroline.

After her second orgasm, caroline requested that we leave her room so she could change and meet us downstairs as Derek. It seemed, now that caroline had had her fun, Derek was ashamed of his crossdressing fetish. What he wanted now was us out of the house as soon as possible.

Vicky and I left his place and headed home. We spent the night fucking like jackrabbits. I’d rarely seen my wife so horny or needing to be fucked into orgasmic bliss.

Although we three tried to get together many times, Vicky, caroline and I never played together again.

Back to the story…

Vicky only met her Dominant one more time. Her Dom had lost his job and had become a stay-at-home dad. With all the extra time her Dom had, he became much more demanding of Vicky’s time. Ultimately, I had to step in and tell him their relationship was over as her Dom was trying to use his domination over her to force her to meet him again.

The last session Vicky did with her Dom was a ‘punishment’ session for Vicky not answering her Dom’s emails and texts quickly enough. Vicky was working full-time, and she wasn’t allowed to answer messages during her shift.

As he no longer had an income, the last session had to be at his house when his wife was on the night shift.

I drove her over, then waited in the car. Vicky’s Dom had Vicky do a striptease for him, then kneel over a footrest as he took a belt to her ass.

According to Vicky, he wanted her to ‘apologise for being disobedient and not answering messages immediately’. Vicky explained that she couldn’t answer messages during her shift because mobile phones were banned.

Her explanation served only to enrage her Dom. He tried to belt Vicky into submission but only succeeded in ensuring she would never see him again.

When her Dom finally realised he was fighting a losing battle, he placed a deep tissue massager against Vicky’s clit and slid a Gspot vibrator into her pussy. Vicky told me that she had a truly momentous orgasm, but the session had seemed too much like the abuse she had suffered before being taken to Ed and Cheryl’s place. As a result, she no longer wished to play with this Dom.

Chapter 6: Annut/AnnA.

Vicky and I met AnnA (her preferred spelling, but I’m not going to keep it as it’s screwing with the editing software) as she came off the plane from England on the 12th of January, 2004.

The last leg of Anna’s trip was an eighteen-hour flight from Singapore. As a result, she was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. So Vicky and I took her home and showed her where the shower was. Then, when Anna had showered, we tucked her into our bed.

Anna and Vicky were kissing and caressing when I returned from a brief bathroom break. I was shocked and extremely aroused because neither woman had ever experienced same-on-same sex before.

The biggest problem in bringing another into your relationship is what to do when jealousy surges. I explained to Anna that Vicky had to come first to prevent this. Literally, as well as figuratively.

Although both MsV and I were her Dom/mes, Anna’s primary care was to Vicky.

As this was the first time the three of us had played together, I made an exception to the rule that Anna was never to be between Vicky and me. Vicky and Anna were on their sides facing each other, so I slid in behind Anna and began kissing her neck and the tops of her shoulders.

Anna turned to me, and we kissed, “This is so intense,” she moaned.

Watching my wife make out with another woman was incredibly erotic, so I had to agree as to the intensity of this experience.

Taking hold of my libido, I said, “Enough for now. Chubby, we need to let the poor girl sleep.”

Almost regretfully, Vicky agreed, and we left Anna to recuperate from her long journey.

Vicky and I had taken a couple of weeks off to spend time with our first submissive. So, the following day, when Anna awoke, we had breakfast and discussed what should be next.

The girls decided they would like to get to know each other as lovers and friends before we conducted the first session.

Anna had asked a multitude of questions about Vicky. For example, what were her preferences, how did she like her tea, did she prefer coffee to tea and were they made the same?

I observed that my wife didn’t drink anywhere enough water, so Anna began placing a glass of water in front of Vicky every time she sat down. The effect on Vicky’s skin was phenomenal. My wife had always had a problem with pimples. The extra water Anna provided her with cleared most of this problem up.

As I’d spoken to Anna on the phone for many hours, I felt I already knew her well enough that I didn’t need to discuss things face-to-face. I mostly left the girls to chat and see if they could make a connection.

I knew things were going well when Vicky took Anna by the hand and led her back to bed.

I hung back, unsure if my wife wanted me to join her first attempt at lesbian sex. But when the girls got to the bedroom door, Vicky turned to see where I was. Then, seeing me still standing in the kitchen, she frowned, “Aren’t you coming? I don’t want to do this on my own, I need you there to reassure me it’s okay.”

I’m unsure if my feet touched any part of the floor between where I was standing and our bedroom door.

I’ve had dozens of FFM and FMF sexual experiences. Generally speaking, I don’t like them. Don’t get me wrong, I’ve lived that ‘every guy’s fantasy’ scenario plenty of times, but I’ve found that it’s rare that both women are actually into it.

Either one is doing it to keep their partner (me) happy and is therefore only reluctantly going along with it. Or, one of the women is a lesbian and is putting up with me because she wants to have sex with my girl.

I find MFM threesomes much more enjoyable because the woman is usually right into it. The guys often try to impress her more than the other, so they’re both carefully looking after the woman’s sexual needs

The best sex I’ve ever had has been MMF threesomes, where all holes on all partners are open and available for play. It is even more exciting if the other ‘M’ is transgender or a crossdresser.

Playing with Vicky and Anna was different. It was like playing with Liz and Becca because the girls were equally into each other as they were into me.

Climbing onto the bed, I allowed Anna to move between Vicky and me again. This wasn’t the way I wanted it to be. But, because Anna was the new one in the relationship, I wanted her to become comfortable first.

Once we firmly established our relationship, I wanted Anna to be outside Vicky or me. Preferably, I wanted her outside of Vicky, helping to stimulate Vicky’s pleasure spots so I could drive my wife into numerous orgasmic explosions.

I was never going to become jealous of Vicky and Anna’s relationship. It was something I wanted and liked and had experienced before. However, there was a good chance, because of my earlier infidelity, Vicky would become jealous of the time Anna and I spent together. So it was important Anna and I looked after Vicky’s needs before any play between us occurred.

The girls began with some fairly chaste kisses, but when Anna’s hand found Vicky’s left breast, the kissing heated up. Moaning, Vicky let Anna lift her pyjama top. Anna lowered her mouth onto Vicky’s nipple, and Vicky’s head tipped back as another almost growl of lust poured from her.

Moving to a kneeling position, Anna began switching back and forth across Vicky’s breasts. Anna may have never had girl-on-girl sex before, but she had tits. So she did to Vicky’s breasts what she liked having done to hers.

Lying on my side, I had the best seat in the house. My dick was throbbing and twitching as I watched my wife of nineteen years enjoy her first lesbian experience.

Sitting, the girls peeled their clothes off before wrapping their arms around each other and mashing their breasts against the other. Kissing passionately, Vicky lay down and then guided Anna’s mouth back onto her lusciously large chest.

By 32 and after childbirth, my wife’s breasts had ripened from fine young apples to large, firm melons.

Anna swirled her tongue up, over, and around Vicky’s breasts. She switched back and forth between them, sucking and nibbling on one nipple as she stroked and lightly tweaked the other.

Moaning lustily, Vicky guided Anna down onto her pussy.

This was the moment of truth. Could Anna do it? Could she place her mouth on and use her tongue in another woman’s pussy? Would Vicky let her?

Without any hesitation, Anna’s mouth closed on my wife’s pussy. Sucking Vicky’s clitoris into her mouth, Anna swirled and twirled her tongue over this delicious treat.

A little fearful of how explosively her body was reacting to being orally serviced by a woman, Vicky turned her head towards me and reached out her hand.

“It feels so good, baby,” she moaned. “So much softer than when you do it. Softer, more gentle, and way slower. Oh, Gawd!”

With the later epithet, Vicky came.

Looking very pleased with herself, Anna tried slipping her middle finger inside her new Mistress. Vicky rewarded Anna with another deep groan as her pussy clenched down on Anna’s finger as she orgasmed again.

Anna ran her tongue over Vicky’s clit, pushing her finger in and out. Then, to Anna’s surprise, Vicky came again.

Anna raised to her knees and looked at Vicky in disbelief.

“Did you just cum three times? She asked her Mistress.

Sitting, Vicky answered, “Yes. Why?”

“You can cum more than once at a time?”

“Yes. I can orgasm many times during sex if the sex is good.”

“Fuck!” Anna, a little jealously, groaned. “I struggle to get there once. Usually, I have to masturbate myself to orgasm after my partner and I have finished.”

“I’ll have to fix that for you, then. Won’t I, miss?” I stated.

Anna turned to me, “Do you think you can, Sir? Do you think I can achieve orgasm during sex?”

“I’ve never had any trouble before,” I told her confidently. “I’ve never left a woman unsatisfied yet. I don’t propose to start with you.”

“Will you show me now?” Anna pleaded.

“No,” I answered. “Today is about you and Vicky getting comfortable with each other. And it’s about making sure you and I can give Vicky the best orgasms of her life. I promise you that you and I will play another time and that you will cum at least once.”

Anna nodded and then turned back to Vicky, “What would you like me to do now, Mistress? She asked.

With a nervous look at me and a quick squeeze of my hand, Vicky replied, “I want to taste you, if I may?”

“Of course, Mistress,” Anna answered submissively. “There was no need to ask. Please, just tell me what you want, and I will comply.”

Anna lay against a pillow propped up against the headboard, then lifted her knees and spread her thighs. Kneeling, my wife hesitatingly lowered her mouth down towards Anna’s pussy.

Looking into Anna’s shaved pussy, shaved because I insist all my submissives remain hairless from the eyebrows down, Vicky moaned, “My goodness, you’re so wet and hot! You have pussy juice running out of you. That’s so hot!”

Knowing Anna was so turned on seemed to allow Vicky to stretch her tongue and delicately touch it to the entrance to Anna’s vulva. Anna’s head tipped back, and her eyes closed as she emitted a profoundly sensual moan.

Hearing her girl react so powerfully to what she was doing encouraged Vicky to go further. She placed a thumb above Anna’s clitoris’ hood and stretched the skin back to expose Anna’s clit. Then, flicking her tongue over Anna’s most responsive outer pleasure node, Vicky began encouraging Anna to climb Cum Mountain.

As Vicky was kneeling and had her head down in Anna’s pussy, her bottom was waving tantalisingly in the air. I couldn’t take any more of this magnificently erotic spectacle in front of me without doing something to join in.

Dropping my robe, all that I had on, I knelt behind Vicky, placed my left hand on the top of her bottom, and then held my shaft as I guided my cock’s head into her pussy.

Feeling me slide all of my 7-inches into her, Vicky gasped and moaned. Her hot breath blew over Anna’s clitoris, and Anna came, much to Anna’s surprise.

Anna’s pussy becomes highly sensitive after she’s had an orgasm. So her lover needs to stay away from that area until Anna feels ready to play some more. Unfortunately, neither Vicky nor I knew that.

Vicky went down on Anna again. It took a few minutes before I noticed that Anna had screwed her face up and bit her bottom lip, trying not to cry out.

“What’s the matter, miss anna?” I asked.

“I’m too sensitive, Master,” she replied.

Vicky, hearing my voice, had sat up.

“Explain,” I demanded.

It was only then that Anna explained how, not only does she have problems reaching an orgasm, but once she has cum, her pussy becomes so sensitive that touching it is agonising.

“Would you like to help me make love to MsV instead?” I inquired.

“Yes, please, Master. What would you like me to do?”

“I’m going to do MsV doggy style. If you lie on your back, I’ll get MsV to straddle your head. Once I’m inside her, I want you to tongue her clitoris. Inevitably, you’ll have to lick my balls and shaft as you’re doing that because they’re all going to be in the same area. You okay with that?”

“Yes, Master. I love giving oral to my Dominant.”

“You’ll get a face full of cum when I orgasm. Is that okay?”

“Yes, Master.”

Anna lay on her back.

A little scared but incredibly turned on, my wife swung her leg over Anna, then lowered her pussy onto Anna’s ready tongue.

I avidly watched as Anna probed Vicky’s pussy with her tongue. Then, moving up behind Vicky, I felt Anna’s tongue on my cock’s head as I positioned it at Vicky’s pussy’s entrance. Anna swirled her tongue over my glans and then along my shaft as I pushed into my wife. Once I was fully inside, Anna moved her tongue to Vicky’s clit.

Vicky turned her head to look back at me, “This is so wild,” she moaned.

Then, uttering a rare swear word, Vicky yelled, “OMFG! I’m cumming!”

Anna and I were able to force almost a dozen orgasms out of my wife before she begged, “enough”.

In those days, I could cum four or five times myself in a session. I had two orgasms inside Vicky as she repeatedly climbed and then fell off Mount Orgasmic. When Vicky had finally had enough, I was rock-hard and dying to go again.

“Would you like me to fuck you, miss anna?” I asked.

Anna answered, “My pussy is still too sensitive, but I’d like you to take my ass, Sir, if you’d like?”

After this session, I sat Anna down and then explained that, as my submissive, Natalia, she didn’t have breasts or boobs, she didn’t have a pussy or vagina, nor did she have an ass. What she had were tits, an arse, and a cunt. I told her Anna had breasts and a pussy and an ass, but Natalia was nothing but a receptacle for cock and cum.

Note: I have over thirty-five years of BDSM experience. One of the many things I’ve learned is that it’s better for the overall mental health of your submissive that they have an almost split personality. One personality is the submissive slut that lives to be owned and dominated. The other is their normal ‘vanilla world’ self. Having a ‘sub name’ that you use when you want the submissive slut helps with this transition from everyday life to BDSM submissive.

Natalia was Anna’s ‘sub name’.

Back to the story…

Turning to my wife, I asked, “You okay about me fucking this slut in her ass?”

“Go for it,” Vicky replied.

I learned that morning that Anna loved anal sex. More often than not, her pussy would rub raw before her partner came and before she could orgasm, but I could fuck her ass for hours, and all she wanted was more.

Anna rarely came from anal sex, however. She loved it and revelled in the feelings, but they didn’t cause her to orgasm.

After I had cum in her ass, Anna dutifully used her mouth to lick and suck me clean.

To my surprise, having watched me fuck her submissive, Vicky was ready to go again. This time I lay on my wife in a classic missionary position as she exchanged kisses and caresses with Anna.

Vicky came twice more before she told me to “hurry up and cum inside me. My pussy is sore.”

Primarily, Anna was Vicky’s submissive, but most of our BDSM sessions were either done exclusively by me or run by me with minimal input from my wife. Mainly because my wife still lacked the self-confidence to do them on her own.

Anna stayed with us as our submissive for almost eight years. Unfortunately, we had to spend some of that time apart as Anna wanted to become an Australian citizen. To be allowed to do this, Anna needed a work sponsor. Anna is one of the few people in the world that can not only build you a supercomputer from scratch, she can program it for you as well.

One of the big two supermarket retail chains offered her a job in programming and sponsored her citizenship. Unluckily, this role was based in Melbourne.

Over the eight years we were a D/s trio, I taught Anna that she could cum from penis in vagina sex. She still tells me that doing so with others is a very rare occasion for her. My most significant success was teaching Anna to ‘cum on demand’.

My doing this alleviated Anna’s most persistent fear, that she would disappoint her sexual partner by being unable to orgasm with them. Now, I could raise her arousal to almost fever pitch, use the trigger phrase, and she would immediately lurch into an orgasm.

With others, all Anna has to do to get over the edge is imagine them demanding, “Cum for me now, my little natalia”.

Anna left us because she wanted to find a Dominant that could be hers alone. She loves us, and we remain in constant contact, but she now lives in The Netherlands with her Mistress.

Sidebar: Separating the submissive from the ‘vanilla’ entity.

I have worked with numerous submissive women and, latterly, submissive men. I’ve found that giving them an almost split personality at the beginning of their journey into submission is a good thing.

Once I’ve achieved the separation, the next phase is to change the need to a want. I’m not trying to turn every needy slut into a self-confident, ‘fuck you’ woman. I’m trying to get them to submit because they want to, and it’s fun. Not because they’re compelled to to satisfy their emotional needs.

When I’ve changed the need into a want, I need to reintegrate the two personalities, creating a whole person that loves to submit because it helps balance their lives.

My experiences tell me that a true submissive has a deep-seated need to submit. Unfortunately, this overwhelming need, especially in women, leads them to make terrible decisions when choosing lovers and Dominants.

With women, they seem almost always to choose lovers who aren’t so much dominant as either physically or emotionally abusive or both. However, once they understand what they truly yearn for, they can choose their life partners more wisely. They typically yearn for someone to take the reins and who will encourage and support their self-discovery journey.

If I take on a new submissive, I ask them to choose a ‘sub name’. I do this to separate the sub that needs to submit from the strong, independent person underneath.

Back to the story…

Chapter 7: Vicky’s first male submissive.

My wife isn’t really bisexual, let alone a lesbian, but she adored having sex with Anna. Making love to and with Anna was simply one of the ways Vicky could show her love and appreciation to her submissive.

Although she would have one-on-one sex with Anna, these events were usually confined to after Vicky had completed a session with her. Most of the sex she and Anna had was together, with me.

I wanted Vicky to experience a BDSM session with a male sub. Male subs are different to female ones. Male subs, as most men are, are sex driven. An awful lot of men aren’t submissive at all until they’re horny.

With that in mind, it’s vital that you don’t allow a male submissive to cum until the end of the play session. Whilst they’re horny, you can make a male sub do almost anything. But, once they’ve blown, it’s often impossible to get them to do a damned thing.

Vicky and I began trolling through ICQ, looking for a suitable submissive male for Vicky to experience.

I’ve stated this elsewhere, but, submissive men are a lot like dog shit on a Parisian street. You can’t help but stand on some every time you turn around, there are just that many of you.

In terms of actual numbers, I’d guess the percentage of submissives in both genders is probably close to the same. But men can advertise their submissiveness with little consequence. On the other hand, women who put on a site that they are submissive are immediately inundated with zillions of messages from the likes of the wankers mentioned above.

What this means, boys, is you need to try extra hard to stand out. For example, a sentence saying, “Sub male looking for Domme to serve,” along with a dick pic, just won’t cut it.

Oh, you’ll get messages from ‘Financial Dommes’ offering to conduct a session for a price. But it’s unlikely a Domme will randomly contact you. Not even if you have a 10-inch dick.

Wading through the 100s of possibilities became nothing but a chore and quite depressing. In the end, we gave up and joined our local munch.

We met a Dom/me couple at the munch who had several subs in their stable. After meeting this couple socially a few times, I was able to negotiate a swap. They would loan us their least experience male submissive in return for the Dom of the couple being allowed to dominate Vicky in a return session.

I had initially offered Anna, but neither the couple nor Anna felt any attraction, so we had to work out an alternative.

This Dom insisted that vaginal sex with Vicky had to be part of the deal. I was happy, as I wanted my wife to become comfortable having sex with others. But Vicky was hesitant. She eventually agreed as long as the Dom wore protection.

Notes: The Domme of this couple wanted me included as part of the deal. Even if Vicky had agreed, I never gave Vicky the chance to because I flatly refused, I wouldn’t have done a session as a submissive.

Although I enjoyed the sex Mistress Eliza, Becca, and I had, I did not like being forced into the submissive role.

Plus, I felt the Domme of this couple was a bitch, and I didn’t find her the least attractive.

Vicky wanted an inexperienced submissive male for her first attempt because she was afraid of screwing up and embarrassing herself in front of him. She thought an inexperienced player wouldn’t notice if she erred in something.

Back to the story…

I’m not sure who was more nervous when Albert, our chosen play partner, arrived at our place for the session, him or Vicky. Albert was curious about man-on-man sex, one of the reasons he had been chosen and had only had one previous BDSM session with his Domme.

Albert was barely twenty and still a virgin until Mistress Constance had relieved him of that burden during their first session. I wondered why an experienced BDSM power couple like Rich and Constance had accepted such a callow youth into their stable until Albert stripped off.

Albert must have been at least 9-inches long and was thick with it. He also sported a pair of meaty balls. His are the biggest balls I’ve ever seen on someone.

Vicky glanced at me with widened eyes, “Wow!” She mouthed with her back towards Albert.

Vicky explained that I was only there in an observational and supervisory role and that no play between Albert and me was required. Albert looked crestfallen at this.

I discovered later that Rich played no part in the BDSM play between his wife and their male submissives. Rich was, in fact, quite homophobic.

Experience has taught me that the more homophobic someone is, the more likely it is that they’re at least bicurious, and they’re probably terrified that they’re gay.

Vicky had expanded her MsV outfit for this session. Instead of the ‘whore heels’ described above, she had purchased a pair of ‘thigh-high fuck-me boots’. To go with these boots, she had bought an ultra-short leather miniskirt, a leather thong, and a leather bustier.

To complete the look, she had a full-length flowing leather jacket that fell from her shoulders to just above the floor.

Later in the session, I discovered that my wife had purchased and was wearing a strap-on.

If I were to ever do another BDSM session as a submissive, my wife wearing this outfit and demanding that I got on my knees to suck her cock would probably be the reason I did.

To start the session, Vicky had Albert stand against the wall with his head up, eyes down, and hands behind his back. Then, squirting some lube into her palm, Vicky wrapped her hand around Albert’s enormous cock and began stroking him.

Only a few seconds of this had Albert begging to cum.

In reply, Vicky released his cock and then stood back.

“You will cum when I say you can,” she told him authoritatively.

Now that she had Albert’s complete attention, Vicky ran through the safe word procedures and then made Albert repeat them back to her. With his dick throbbing and twitching and precum pouring from the eye of his cock, Albert correctly stated his understanding of the procedures.

With a formal, “Albert, the session starts now,” Vicky then demanded, “Kneel before me.”

Albert knelt.

“Eyes down!” Vicky snapped.

Note: During a session, I bar the submissive from making eye contact with me. Making the sub keep their eyes lowered helps reinforce that they are below you for this period. That their purpose, within the established boundaries, is to serve you.

Other Dom/mes I know demand a sub always look at their eyes. I don’t think either way matters because what is essential is that the sub is doing as instructed, not what they’re doing.

To further establish our positions, the sub is only allowed to answer with one of these three sentences_ “Yes, Sir”, “No, Sir”, and “I don’t understand, Sir”.

The sub must remain quiet if I ask a question that these phrases can’t answer.

Punishment is due if the sub breaks any of the above rules. Blatant breaches of the rules are punished by me ending the session and sending the sub home to reflect on their actions.

An example of a blatant breach: The sub presents without having shaved all body hair off.

Back to the story…

It was here that Vicky made her first mistake. She demanded that Albert take the second ‘sub-position’, assuming he would know what that was. When Albert moved then froze because he didn’t know what this position was, Vicky became a little flustered.

Note: The first ‘sub-position’ is kneeling naked with your ass on your heels and knees apart, your head up and shoulders back, but eyes down. Your hands should be palm up on your thighs.

If you want to really impress, when your Dominant enters the room, say, “I hope you find this girl (boy) acceptable, Sir (Ma’am).

Back to the story…

Fortunately, with his eyes firmly fixed on the floor, Albert didn’t notice the panicked look MsV threw at me.

“Has Mistress Constance taught you any of the standard ‘sub-positions’ yet, little one?” I asked to cover Vicky’s sudden moment of self-doubt.

“No, Sir,” Albert replied.

Now that she knew the problem, Vicky could step back in again.

“Kneel on the floor with your head down on one arm, knees apart, and the other hand spreading your butt cheeks,” she instructed.

Once Albert had assumed this position, Vicky inspected him.

“Hairy for a submissive, isn’t he?” She observed.

Note: I insist all of my subs remain hairless from their eyebrows down. I’ve lost a lot of potential male subs because of this edict. I insist on this because I’m not physically attracted to the masculine. I love feminine crossdressers and adore transgirls, but masculine males leave me sexually cold.

I insist my submissives are hairless because it teaches them that my will rules and their task is to please their Master. Them appearing before me hairless pleases me.

Back to the story…

“Shame he isn’t one of ours,” I pointed out. “If he was, you could make him shave down for you.”

Albert silently stayed in the requested position, but the back of his neck flushed. He seemed to like the humiliation because his ass’ sphincter was pulsing in time with his cock’s throbbing.

Albert is an average-sized guy, maybe around the 5 ft. 10 in. (178 cm) range. Albert wasn’t fat, but he could have done with some exercise to tone up. Albert’s hair was a mousy brown and cut quite long. His untidy mop fell over his glasses and covered his eyes all the time. I didn’t understand why he didn’t have it cut shorter.

Squatting behind him, Vicky ran her hands across his neck, down his back, over his ass cheeks, along his perineum, and onto his balls.

Albert groaned lustfully as MsV’s hand found his heavy sack.

Notes: This action does two things. Firstly, when the sub is required to be hairless, it allows you to check how effectively they have removed their body hair. Secondly, it gives the sub a chance to become accustomed to your hands on intimate parts of their body.

Straight guys will gleefully accept a woman’s touch. Gay or bisexual males will happily accept a man touching them. Heterosexual identifying males will flinch and probably jump away if another male touches them sexually before they’re comfortable with the idea. Running your hands across the male’s shoulders and back in an intimate, but not sexual, way gives the sub a chance to get used to another male touching their body.

Women typically need you to establish trust before they can relax enough to enjoy being touched sexually. Slowly stroking their erogenous zones before going near their breasts, ass, or pussy helps you to establish that trust.

Back to the story…

“Were you a good boy and refrained from masturbating for the last three days?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Did you have any wet dreams where you orgasmed?”

“No, Mistress.”

Note: I like my subs to be hot and horny before a session with me, so I refuse to allow them to masturbate for at least three days before a meet. Women can follow this demand easily, usually. Males struggle. Show me a man that says he doesn’t masturbate, and I’ll show you a liar.

The male, especially if he’s as young and inexperienced as Albert, will more than likely have a wet dream if you make him celibate for too long before your session.

Back to the story…

“Good boy,”

Albert blushed again at the praise.

Vicky was gently manipulating Albert’s massive balls as she asked these questions.

“So, my little albert, does that mean you have a big sack full of man goo for your Mistress?”

Groaning, Albert gasped, “Yes, Mistress.”

“Would you like to cum for me?”

I nearly stepped in here. If my wife had continued this tease for much longer, Albert would have cum regardless of what denials were in place.

“May I, please, Mistress?” Albert begged.

In response, Vicky released his balls and moved in front of him. On her way, she picked up the larger ‘cat’ and the studded leather flogger described above.

Dangling these two items in front of him so he could see them despite his lowered head, Vicky shook the ‘cat’ whip, “First, I will use this on your back and arse. After I’ve used that, I will use my paddle on your ass as you kneel over my thighs. I will give you ten strokes with the paddle. You will count each one, then thank me for it.”

Albert only nodded his acceptance, so MsV whacked his ass with her open palm, “What was that?” She asked.

“Sorry, Mistress,” Albert almost whispered. “I meant, yes, Mistress.”

“Good boy.”

Albert almost wagged his tail like a happy puppy at that praise.

Vicky administered the first few hits with the whip from where she was standing. These were all quite gentle, testing to see Albert’s response and where his pain threshold was.

Note: Generally speaking, I find a woman’s pain threshold is much higher than a man’s. Women seem more able to accept the pain into themselves and then ride it into pleasure. Men usually fight the pain. As a result, the pain amplifies and becomes too intense.

I’ve known many female pain sluts, but have only met one male one.

I don’t enjoy playing with pain sluts as there are no limits. I like bringing my play partner up to the edge of their known limit and then seeing if I can’t add enough pleasure that they can stretch this limit further.

Some Dom/mes seem only to want to inflict pain. They then expect their sub to turn that pain into pleasure themselves. I don’t. I use pain as a counterpoint to the pleasure I’m giving them. For mine, using pain as just pain is abuse. Using pain to emphasise pleasure is terrific for the sub as it drives them to greater heights of sexual ecstasy.

Back to the story…

Albert took these first few shots without a sound or movement, so Vicky moved behind him. Ramping up the strike’s intensity, MsV lashed Albert four times from the tops of his shoulders to the top of his bottom.

Albert was humming and subconsciously humping his hips forwards and back. I doubt that Vicky had noticed as she had hesitated to wait to see what Albert would do and to see if he needed to use a safe word.

Albert’s hips slowed to a stop. When they did, Vicky said, “I’m going to give you four hard whips on your ass cheeks, two on each, alternately, okay?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Stepping back to give herself more room to swing, MsV brought the suede ‘cat’ down onto Albert’s ass quite hard. Albert’s hips jerked forwards, but he quickly forced them back to the required position.

As soon as he had reassumed the correct position, Vicky hit his other ass cheek.

Albert’s ass had welted beautifully. Just the right kind of red that will leave a faint bruise for Albert to proudly wear as a memento of this session, but not hard enough to do any real damage.

He did moan quite deeply after the second blow, however.

As I’ve taught her, Vicky asked, “Do you need to use a safe word, little mister albert?”

Note: Check in with your sub regularly during a session. Female subs often get lost in their submission and do not notice their body screaming at them that they must stop. Male ones get that whole ‘male machismo’ bullshit happening and won’t admit that a ‘mere woman’ can hurt them enough they need to cry off.

Asking the above simple question will save you a court case later and ensure your sub’s safety.

Back to the story…

“No, Mistress.”

Vicky was about to resume when I touched her elbow and indicated how Albert was ‘humping the air’.

Seeing this, Vicky wet her index finger and rimmed Albert’s rosebud.

“Oh Gawd, Mistress. Oh, Gawd,” He moaned.

Just as Albert was about to cum, MsV grabbed and squeezed his oversized balls. She squeezed them hard enough to remove Albert’s imminent need to cum. Her doing that kept him as hot and horny as hell.

“Two more, little one. You ready?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Albert averred eagerly.

Albert had already associated being hit with pleasure. So he was keen to endure more pain to be rewarded with more pleasure.

Vicky moved to one side so she could hit across both of Albert’s ass cheeks simultaneously. With the same approximate intensity as the first two strokes, Vicky hit him from his right once, then moved to repeat this from the left.

The criss-cross of welts over Albert’s ass looked divine.

Albert was moaning and ‘air humping’ again.

Vicky gave me a mischievous grin. Then, pulling her skirt up, let her strapon fall into view. Surprised at her daring, my eyes widened, and I had to stifle a gasp of surprise. Then, grinning even more broadly, MsV took some lube out of her bag and greased her strap-on cock.

Moving closer to Albert, MsV demanded, “Close your eyes, little one. Put your head on the ground and spread your ass cheeks. Your Mistress is going to take your ass’ cherry for you as you requested. You may not cum from this. Do you understand?”

I knew Albert and Vicky had been chatting on Facebook messenger, but I didn’t realise they had discussed this. Vicky had kept shtum because she wanted to surprise me. Vicky phoned Constance to check if she was allowed to deflower Albert’s ass.

Constance replied, “Oh, Gawd, yes. I hate how the whiny little bitches snivel when I do it.”

Moaning, “Yes, Mistress,” Albert took the requested position.

Squatting, Vicky positioned her strap-on’s head at Albert’s rosebud.

I thought I needed to step in again because Vicky hadn’t done anything to stretch or prepare Albert’s ass to take a cock, but my wife had it covered.

“Have you been using your butt plugs, little mister albert? If you haven’t, I will punish you by forcing you to take my cock anyway.”

“Yes, Mistress,” Albert replied.

“Good boy, this strap-on is smaller than the biggest plug you use, so you should be able to take this easily.

“Yes, Mistress.”

OMFG! Readers, the only scene I can imagine being more erotic than my wife taking Albert’s ass cherry would be my wife taking a virgin girl’s.

Vicky gently entered Albert’s ass. MsV held there, waiting for Albert to groan an acceptance before pushing in further. Albert moaned and pushed his ass back to indicate he was ready for more.

Albert jerked, then groaned as the strap-on’s head broke through his knot. But, once Vicky had slid all of the strap-on’s cock into him, his groan of protest turned to one of pure pleasure.

Even though she was inexperienced at using a strap-on, my wife knew from her nursing exactly where a man’s prostate is, so she instinctively adjusted her hips until Albert’s moans indicated she had hit his P-spot.

My slim, prudish, sexually inexperienced wife fucked this submissive man’s ass perfectly. It was an enormously stimulating spectacle. Watching Vicky Domme this guy had me hotter than four inches from a noonday sun.

As Albert’s Mistress had permitted me to play with Albert, and he had expressed a desire to try male-on-male sex, I lay on the floor close to his head and offered my cock to his lips. Albert’s eyes flew open when he felt my cock push against his cheek. He stared at me briefly before opening his mouth and letting my dick inside.

Note: This was the first time I let a male even touch my dick.

Back to the story…

With only the first third of my cock inside his mouth, I slowly thrust my hips back and forth. As I pulled back, Albert quickly learned to cover his teeth with his lips and run his tongue over my glans and penis’ eye.

It didn’t take long before I knew I would blow if I didn’t take my cock out of his mouth.

I didn’t want to distract MsV and Albert any further, so I screwed the lid firmly down on my libido and retook my position, standing to the side.

Albert was grunting and moaning as Vicky fucked his ass. Precum poured from the eye of his cock, making it obvious how close to cumming Albert was.

“Do you need to cum, my little whore?” MsV asked.

“Yes, please, Mistress, Albert pleaded, hoping Vicky would let him.

“I’d better stop fucking your slut arse, then, hadn’t I?” Vicky told him maliciously as she pulled her ‘cock’ out of Albert’s ass.

“No, Mistress, please. I need to cum so badly,” Albert protested.

Vicky showed me she could be an excellently severe Domme. She picked up the studded leather paddle and brought it down hard onto Albert’s ass.

“Stop your whining, my little bitch boy. Count yourself lucky I don’t punish you for breaking the allowed answer edict by sending you back to Mistress Constance. I will send a note telling her you’ve been disobedient if I do.

Defeated, Albert answered, “Yes, Mistress.”

Vicky knelt on her dresser table’s chair.

“Over my knees, little mister albert.”

Albert crawled across to her and assumed the correct position. Vicky reached underneath Albert to force his cock down and between her thighs. Being like this would be exquisite torture for Albert. Every time he or MsV moved, MsV’s thighs would rub over his cock delightfully.

“You will receive ten hits on your ass with my ping-pong paddle. You will count each one, then thank me for it. If you endure all ten, I will let you cum, do you understand, little mister albert?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“Remind me of your safe words again, little one.”

Albert started to answer, then realised this was a trap. He couldn’t answer this question with any of the three responses he was allowed. So, as he couldn’t answer, Albert wisely remained silent.

Giving Albert a few minutes to weaken and answer, Vicky said, “Well done, my darling boy. Your Mistress is very pleased with you. I will ask the question again; for this question only, you may answer as you please. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

“What are your safe words, and how are they used?”

Albert correctly explained what he needed to do if he was reaching or had reached his limits.

“Good boy. Are you ready?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

No sooner had “…tress” escaped his lips than MsV brought the paddle hard down onto Albert’s right ass cheek.

“Fuck!” Albert expletived.

Trying not to laugh, MsV said, “The correct answer is ‘One, thank you, Mistress’. Or was that not one?”

“One, thank you, Mistress,” Albert quickly mimicked.

With a pretence at severity, Vicky said, “I will allow this breach, also, little one. But no more, are we clear?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

MsV hit Albert at the ess sound at the end of this averral.

Albert almost swore “fuck” again before changing it to, “Two, thank you, Mistress.”

Vicky changed the paddle to her left hand before rubbing the pain of her hit into Albert’s ass. As she did this, I leaned forward to check the state of Alberts posterior. Vicky was using the exact amount of force to raise welts but not break the skin or even for one individual hit to leave a bruise.

At the session’s completion, Albert would have a nicely bruised ass to show off to Mistress Constance and to look at and admire in the coming days, but there was no lasting damage.

Nodding to Vicky, I motioned for her to continue.

“Three in a row,” she warned Albert before hitting his right, left, and right ass cheek.

“Three, four and five, thank you, Mistress,” Albert groaned.

Listening to the sounds Albert was making, I almost made the mistake of stepping in here. I thought Albert was nearing the end of his tether, but I had mistaken his ‘groan of pain’ for one of pure lust as he was humping his ass, rubbing his cock between my wife’s sexily toned thighs.

Vicky better understood what was happening because she had squeezed her thighs together to give Albert even more friction. Then, just as he was about to cum, Vicky spread her thighs widely enough that Albert was ‘humping air.’

Albert very nearly moaned, “Noooo,” before turning it into “Ooooo”.

“Five more, little one. Do you need to use a safe word?”

Groaning with denied release, Albert shook his head and said, “No, Mistress.”

Vicky hit his left, right, and then left cheek again.

“Six, seven and eight, thank you, Mistress.”

Vicky pressed her thighs tightly around Albert’s thick cock again as she fingered his rosebud.

“Two more, my little cunt licker,” MsV said. “Then you may cum. These two will be the hardest yet. Plus, you won’t know when they’re coming. You ready?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Feigning pity, Vicky said, “You sure, honey? I can stop if you want. All you have to do is use your safe words, and I will send you back to Mistress Constance. However, you’ll have to explain to her why you failed to please me.”

Showing he had learned his lesson, Albert stayed quiet.

“Good boy. The last two, ready?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Albert was doing a great job at accepting the pain MsV inflicted on him, but he was nearing the end of his endurance. He explained later during the debrief that this session was much more intense than anything he had done with Mistress Constance.

Every time Albert felt MsV move, he twitched, and his ass cheeks clenched in feared anticipation.

MsV, if she ever decides to become a full-time Dominatrix, has an intuitive feel for when her submissive has reached the end of what they can take. She knew that if she struck Albert hard, it would force him to use a safe word, possibly ending the session before either of them had got what they fully needed.

So, instead, she lightly touched his right then left ass cheek with the paddle. Even so, Albert jumped and winced at each touch.

“Nine and ten, thank you, Mistress.”

“Kneel before me, little one,” Vicky demanded as she stood and moved away from the chair.

Albert knelt before her.

“You will reward me for this session, my wannabe cock sucking slut. Then, once I’m satiated, I will allow you to choose how you cum. Do you agree?”

“Yes, Mistress,” Albert replied.

“Good boy,” MsV told him.

Pulling her leather thong aside, Vicky held the back of Albert’s head and then pushed her pussy against his mouth.

“Eat my cunt, you fucking carpet muncher,” Vicky demanded.

Reader, I’d never heard my wife use that kind of language before. I nearly lost my chocolates all over the floor when she said it.

Albert had only given oral once before, we discovered. It was the night he had lost his virginity to Mistress Constance. Mistress Constance hadn’t so much gotten him to service her pussy as she had sat on his face, almost suffocating him, as she rode his nose and lips to several orgasms.

Because of this, Vicky patiently showed and explained to Albert how to successfully use his mouth to bring a woman to orgasm.

Albert learned quickly, and MsV had two quick orgasms on his tongue.

“Good boy, little mister albert. How would you like to cum?”

“May I cum in your pussy, Mistress?” Albert dared.

Up to here, Vicky had refused anyone but me access into her most intimate place.

Note: Until I released her inner slut, Vicky had only had vaginal sex with three people. One that I can’t mention, her first husband, and me.

Back to the story…

Vicky stared at Albert searchingly for a long time. I was hopeful that she would say “Yes”, but I was certain she would refuse.

“Okay,” she answered. “But, I control things. You will lie on your back and not touch any part of me unless I place your hands upon it. And, you may not cum until I say you can.”

I had to scrape my jaw off the floor with a shovel.

“Yes, Mistress,” Albert acquiesced.

With his 9-inch todger rampantly erect, Albert lay on his back on the bed.

Vicky looked at me almost as searchingly as she had looked at Albert, “You sure you’re okay with this?”

“As long as we do everything together or with the other’s knowledge, yes, my love,” I answered.

“You’re going to let another man cum inside me?”

“As long as this is what you want, Vicky. Then, yes. I’d love to watch you take that monster.”

“I’ve never had something that big anywhere near me, so, of course, I want to try. But aren’t you worried I might become a ‘size queen’?

Note: Size queen: Someone that only wants someone with a cock at least ‘n’ inches long to have sex with (usually 7+ inches).

I’ve often wondered if that’s because their sex hole is so big that a ‘normal’ sized penis would rattle around in there like a shotgun pellet in a glass jar.

Back to the story…

“No, not at all,” I honestly answered.

“You know I’m going to do this, right?” My wife said. “Unless you say ‘nay’, I’m going to ride that effing thing until my head explodes.”

“Go for it,” I responded.

Note: I’ve never understood jealousy. As far as I’m concerned, jealousy is just a measure of your insecurity. I love my wife, and I know she loves me. Vicky could fuck 1,000 guys, and as long as she has shared with me that she was going to do it, I wouldn’t be concerned.

I’m confident in our relationship and secure in the knowledge that nobody has ever been able to make her cum as hard or as consistently as me. So why, then, would I be jealous?

Back to the story…

Vicky took her strap-on off before standing on the bed with her feet on either side of Albert’s hips. Lifting her left, then right leg, my wife took her leather thong off before dropping it over Albert’s nose and mouth.

Vicky grabbed Albert’s massive cock and bent the shaft so it pointed straight up in the air before lowering herself onto it.

Looking over her shoulder at me, MsV said, “The head is so fucking big I don’t know if I can take it.”

I laughed, “Bullshit! You’re dying to feel that cock split you in two.”

My wife didn’t answer, except that she positioned Albert’s big purple cock head at the entrance to her vulva before sinking onto it.

As Albert’s dick slowly disappeared into her, I had to control the urge to take myself in hand and masturbate.

I didn’t because I had a surprise for my wife planned. Vicky was riding Albert in a classic ‘cowboy’ position. I wanted to wait until she had almost forgotten I was there before straddling Albert’s knees and shoving my dick into my wife’s ass.

Moments later, my gorgeous wife had utterly forgotten her husband was standing less than three feet away.

Vicky was in such rapture that she seemed to have lost her grasp of the English language.

Moaning and mumbling her way from ‘Oh, fuck, so big,” to “Gawd, that feels so good,” to “Fuck, I’m cumming again,” and then back.

Oiling up my thick 7-inch cock, I waited until my wife fell forward onto Albert’s chest as she shuddered her way through another orgasm. When she did, I straddled Albert’s thighs, grabbed a handful of Vicky’s hair, pulled her head back, and then brutally shoved all 7-inches in her ass.

I thought for a moment that I had ruined it all because as my cock’s big head roughly forced her rosebud open, Vicky sucked in a deep breath to scream. But when my cock forced Albert’s up against her Gspot, her imminent scream changed into a lust-filled groan of, “Oh, my good lawd, is that good!”

Panting and gasping and cumming every few seconds, Vicky lay there and let Albert and me fuck her to sexual oblivion.

Albert, by the clock beside our bed, somehow hung in without cumming for five, ten, then almost 15 minutes.

Nearing the fifteen-minute mark, I could tell Albert could take no more. He, despite his groaned denials, was about to orgasm.

“MsV!” I snapped. “You need to let your boy cum!”

I wasn’t sure my wife had heard me until she managed to lift her head and say, “Cum in your Mistress, little one.”

Albert almost screamed as his massive boner exploded inside my wife. Albert came so hard I could feel his cock twitching and jerking through the thin wall between MsV’s ass and her pussy.

Feeling Albert filling my wife’s deliciously tight cunt with his young man’s goo was too much for me. Grunting like a lowlands gorilla, I blasted cum into my wife’s hot, warm anal passage.

Feeling us both cumming inside her drove Vicky into another close-to-squirting round of orgasms. By the time we three came down, there were love juices everywhere. Vicky had to simply roll off Albert onto the cleanest part because there wasn’t anywhere un-messed to lie down.

Panting with exhaustion, Vicky said, “Thank you for some of the best orgasms I’ve ever had, Albert. You’re quite the stud.”

Albert blushed again.

“Little mister albert, the session has ended. My husband will show you to the shower so you can clean yourself up and then leave. I expect a text message when you get home to say you’ve arrived safely. By the end of today, I want an email outlining your impressions of the session. What you liked, what you didn’t, and what was just okay.

Tomorrow at 9.00 am I will call you to make sure you’re okay. Are we clear?”

“Yes, Mistress.”

Note: Unless a potential submissive play partner allows me to check in with them the next day, I will not do a session with that person. I insist on this because submissive people can easily slip into ‘sub space’ after a session and then get lost there.

I want to ensure my play partner hasn’t crashed into a depressive interlude. If they have, I will immediately go to their residence and stay with them until it has passed.

If you’re wondering why: What goes up must come down. If I’ve done the subs session well, they will have experienced the highest of highs. Often, they can then crash to the lowest of lows.

Back to the story…

With my knees threatening to collapse on me at any moment, I got Albert a towel and washer from the linen cupboard, then showed him to the shower. Once I heard the water running, I stumbled back to our bedroom to find Vicky sitting naked cross-legged in the middle of the bed, glaring at me. Even though cum was still leaking out of both of her holes, all the bedding was on the floor.

“My ass hurts,” she accused.

“It did after that first night I fucked it, too, remember?”

“You were way more gentle that night than earlier.”

“Because I knew you’d love it.”

My wife’s eyes dropped, and she turned away, blushing, “That’s not the point. Okay, it is the point… You could have warned me! I thought my ass was going to tear wide open when you shoved so hard, so unexpectedly into it.”

“If I had told you what I wanted to do, you would have refused. This way, you had no choice, and it gave you the most intense orgasms you’ve ever had. Go on, admit it!”

Blushing even redder, Vicky muttered, “You still could have warned me.”

She looked at me silently as the seconds crawled past. Then, finally, she said, “You know I’m going to want to experience that again, don’t you?”

“Yes, Chubby. I wouldn’t have done it if I didn’t want you to experience this and add it to our sex play.”

“We already have one permanent, live-in sub. Do we have room for another?”

“You want Albert to be yours?”

Vicky nodded.

“It’s not going to go over well with Rich and Mistress Constance.”

Luckily, it wasn’t that much of a problem.

Sidebar: Why it wasn’t much of a problem.

As observed above, I thought Mistress Constance was a bitch. This impression was confirmed when Vicky and I approached her and Rich about Albert joining us. Mistress Constance could have easily said yes or no, and that would have been the end of it.

Instead, she ordered Albert into the room, then castigated him viciously for ‘being allowed to play outside of their arrangement once and immediately wanting to leave’.

After Mistress Constance had finished making Albert feel like the worst submissive on the planet, she turned to Rich with a smirk.

Still looking at her husband but talking to me, she had dismissed Vicky from her mind entirely, Mistress Constance said, “You can have the snivelling whining little twerp. My husband, needle dick, here, is insanely jealous that I prefer Albert’s decent-sized canoe splitter to him.”

Pure rage flew onto Rich’s face.

Standing quickly, I said, “I’m taking Albert with us. He can come back tomorrow for his things. Thank you for releasing him so gracefully.”

“Whatever,” Mistress Constance sneered. “Albert, you’ll never be a true submissive’s asshole. If your stuff isn’t out of your room by 10.00 am, I’m throwing everything into the street.”

Yes, Mistress Constance,” Albert replied.

After we exited the room, Albert said, “I don’t have much. My room is just here. With some help to carry a couple of boxes, I can move out of here now.”

Back to the story…

It took some time to work out as our two sons still lived at home. But we moved Anna to a pallet at the bottom of our bed, and Albert moved into Anna’s room. Albert and Anna had to share closet space in Albert’s room as there wasn’t room in Vicky’s and my wardrobe.

Weirdly, Albert never got comfortable with Anna marching into his room naked to dress. Weird because those two fucked together and with us regularly.

Anna, from the beginning, demanded that if we brought another sub in, she be the ‘omega sub’. The lowest of the low, answering to everyone. I think, given her limited experience in BDSM, she expected me to bring another female sub in. But, because of my earlier infidelity, I had never planned on MsV, and I having more than one female sub. However, I hoped my wife would garner a veritable stable of male submissives.

Anna wasn’t sure about suddenly being under a new male sub who was significantly younger than her.

Note: Albert lasted with us less than three months. The first crack in our relationship occurred because Albert began using his higher status in the hierarchical structure to fuck Anna whenever he chose.

I had to specifically ban him from even touching Anna without permission from MsV or myself to stop his depredations.

Back to the story…

A week after her session with Albert, Rich called Vicky and demanded his ‘reward’. We learned later that Constance had banned Rich from talking to either of us, but Rich, who had begun as the top Dominant in their structure, called Vicky, anyway.

Vicky would have refused, but I reminded her she was still experimenting to see what role suited her best. Her doing a session with Rich would give her another comparison point.

My explanation to Vicky wasn’t my true reason for me wanting her to play. Adding another person that she had had sex with to her list, I hoped, would open her up to further exploration.

Vicky drove to Rich and Constance’s place for the session. I waited at home. We had set a time limit for this play session. If I hadn’t heard from Vicky within an hour of the known starting point, I was to come and get her.

Note: Ladies, bad things happen if you haven’t set up contingency plans. Always insist your first meeting with a potential Dominant is in a safe public place. Ensure you’ve told someone who can be there within a few minutes who you’re meeting, where, and when.

Never play on a first date. If your potential new Dominant insists that your first meeting is a play date, the guy’s a moron and is probably dangerous to your health, if not your life.

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