Ginger New Year by JupiterMars,JupiterMars

Spoiler Alert: The following is a work of pornographic fiction, an adult fantasy that is shallow on story and steep on sex. It contains graphic sex between consenting individuals over the age of 18. It does not contain deep characterization, long narratives, or a complicated plot. It is recommended that the reader decide what they are in the mood for before proceeding.

It is said that some women covet the idea of wild, uninhibited sex with a handsome mystery man. That a night with someone they hardly know and will never see again, frees them of inhibition and anxiety. On New Year’s Eve, 2011 Haddie found herself in just such a mood and with the perfect opportunity.

The streets outside the Lancaster Building, a tall residential building in Lower Manhattan, were still decorated for Christmas but had that unique buzz that can only be found in New York City on New Year’s Eve.

Standing at attention beside the front door was not the usual doorman, yet he seemed vaguely familiar. Haddie Mills watched as he held the door for several other building tenants. There was the older woman from the second floor, the large guy that lived on the eighth, and the two stewardesses that shared an apartment on the nineteenth. He greeted each with a million-dollar smile and a friendly nod.

As she approached the door, he said, “Happy New Year Ma’am.”

“Thank you,” Haddie replied, stepping into the lobby. “Where’s Roy? He usually has the Saturday evening shift.”

“He’s got the night off. I came back to fill in for him.”

Her amber eyes met his, “Came back?”

“Yeah, I worked here while I was going to physical therapy school. When I graduated and got a P.T. job I quit being a doorman. I’m back for the night because Roy always covered for me when I had to study. He had plans for New Year’s Eve, I owed him, so I said I would cover for him.”

“I thought I recognized you. You must’ve left about the time I started.”

“That’s right, you’re the Walkers live-in nanny right?”

She blushed at the thought that the handsome stranger knew something about her, “Yes, yes I am.”

“How are they? I haven’t seen them tonight.”

“They’re spending the holidays in Europe.”

“Wow, it must be nice to be super rich. They didn’t take you?”

“Nope, just a family trip.”

“So you were alone in the city for Christmas?”

Haddie unconsciously curled a lock of her long red hair around her finger as she said, “No, just New Year’s. I went home for Christmas, and got back yesterday.”

“Where’s home?”


The doorman looked surprised, “No way?”

“Yeah, why?” Haddie asked, enjoying the banter they had going.

“Well, I got a great physical therapy job in Cincinnati. I’m moving there in a few days.”

“Hey, good for you. Is that why you were willing to work on New Year’s Eve?”

He grinned a sexy smile, “You got it. I’m Kyle by the way.”

“Haddie,” she replied, extending her hand.

As the two shook hands Kyle noticed the square, flat box suspended from the fingers of her other hand by a thin red ribbon.

“Shaylee’s. The best gingerbread in town.”

“How’d you know what I had in here?” she retorted.

“I didn’t know what you had in the box. But I do know that Shaylee’s has the best gingerbread in the city,” he declared.

“I agree, that’s why I picked up a whole cake. It’s my New Year’s Eve date. You like gingerbread?”

“Absolutely, I’m a big fan of all things ginger. Gingerbread, ginger beer, ginger chicken.”

With a flirty tone, Haddie cut him off, “Ginger girls?”

Kyle smiled an alluring smile, “Most of all ginger girls.”

Balancing the box between her fingers, her sensuously full lips puckered as she said, “As much as I like it I don’t think I can eat a full cake. Would you like some?”

“I would love some,” his deep brown eyes now had a sparkle.

“All right then, make a trip up to the top floor and hit the buzzer when you’re on break.”

“That’s nine o’clock,” he said with a nod, holding her gaze.

“The ginger will be ready,” she replied in a sultry tone. “See you then.”

As the elevator door closed behind her she whispered, “Maybe there will be some New Year’s fireworks after all.”

Haddie grinned to herself while thinking naughty thoughts as she entered the Walkers luxury residence. She plucked off her beret-style winter hat and slipped the double-breasted wool jacket off before making her way to the kitchen.

Once there she set the box on the counter, clipped the red ribbon, and transferred the cake to a perfectly sized Christmas plate. It was tempting to put the cake in the refrigerator but she knew doing so would dry it out. ‘Moist is always better,’ she thought to herself.

Haddie looked down at the dessert and smiled. It was traditional, simple, and succulent. Not unlike Kyle. His broad shoulders, brown eyes, and enchanting smile gave him all of the qualities of a vintage leading man.

She walked to the living room and turned on a few table lamps. She always felt that soft lighting brought out the elegance of the high-end furniture and flooring. None of it was hers of course, but in the rare times when she was alone, she liked to pretend it was.

She made her way to her room. It was cluttered and unorganized. Knowing she didn’t have time to clean it up, she said, “If anything is going to happen tonight it’s not going to be in here.”

Haddie made quick work of her clothes. She slipped out of her suede leather fringe back boots and dropped them in the closet. She then removed her green sweater and tight-fitting gray pants revealing a black, unlined lace demi cup bra and matching thong panties.

She reached behind her and popped the hooks of the bra. A quick tug sent the brassiere to the floor and exposed her curvy tits. In one motion she pushed the thong down her shapely legs to her ankles, where she grabbed both undergarments and tossed them in the hamper.

Haddie had her own bathroom but it was only equipped with a stand-up shower. What she wanted was a long, warm soak in a tub. She sauntered naked through the condominium to the Walkers private master bathroom. With its polished white porcelain walls, walnut vanities, and white glass countertops it was elegance defined. The free-standing, porcelain, oval bathtub with a view of New York City was the decadence she was looking for.

She turned the tub’s taps with one hand while letting the water cascade over the other. When the temperature reached a level of steamy but not scalding she dropped two bath bombs in and watched the explosion of essential oils and color blend with the water.

One wall of the bathroom had a large floor-to-ceiling mirror. Haddie looked at herself while she waited for the tub to fill. Her pale skin was satin smooth and mapped with light brown freckles. The patches of sexy spots blossomed on her cheeks, upper chest and shoulders then flowed down the entire length of both arms. Between her legs was a thicket of bright hair that matched the color of the hair on her head. ‘If Kyle likes gingers, then he’s going to love me,’ she thought to herself.

When the water was at the right level she slid into the fragrant warmth. The luxurious liquid lapped over her contours opening her pores, releasing stress, and relaxing her muscles. As she submerged deeper her breasts began to float in the smooth soothing waters.

Resting her head against the bath pillow, Haddie reveled in the opulence. Closing her eyes she let her mind wander to the possibilities of Kyle’s visit. It had been way too long since she’d been fucked. As an around-the-clock nanny, and part-time college student she didn’t have time for relationships. And bringing flings to the Walkers home was a sure way to get fired. A smile drew on her face at the idea of sharing a passionate night with this almost stranger. It didn’t just sound inviting, it sounded delicious.

When she was done with her bath she poured herself a glass of zinfandel and relaxed on the couch. The Walkers were always generous with their wine collection and allowed her to help herself. She wasn’t sure if Mrs. Walker would feel the same way about the bright, emerald green silk robe she had borrowed from the master bath closet. Haddie figured as long as it was returned in the same condition she found it her boss wouldn’t know the difference.

She was thinking dreamy thoughts of what the night would bring when the door buzzed. ‘He’s as punctual as he is handsome,’ she thought. Haddie opened the door in a manner that allowed her guest a full view of her. “Come on in working man,” she invited with a smile.

Kyle took a second to admire the lingerie that affectionately hugged her body. He gave her a sheepish yet confident smirk that let her know he was completely aware of what was happening.

“The cake is in the kitchen, follow me.”

She could practically feel his eyes on her back and knew his stare was motivated by lust. She liked it. Her breasts free from the enclosure of a bra swung loosely inside the silk robe and she let her ass sway a little more than normal. Kyle was a good-looking guy, she enjoyed being the center of his attention.

The cake was set in the middle of a small breakfast table. Two slices had been cut off and placed on separate plates. Also on the table were two forks and a tub of whipped cream.

As she approached the table she said in a tone that teased, “I heated it up. You like it hot, don’t you?”

Kyle grinned, “Yes ma’am. I love it hot.”

As Kyle sat down Haddie used one of the forks to scoop out an appetizing portion of whip cream, “Do you like it on top or on the side?”

His grin grew wider, “On top is pretty nice.”

“A man after my own heart,” she replied, raising an eyebrow as she plopped the cool cream onto his warm cake.

She slathered whip cream on her slice before sitting down across from him. “Happy New Year,” he exclaimed as he forked off his first mouthful.

“Happy New Year,” Haddie returned as she did the same.

She moaned in satisfaction at the delicious dessert.

“I know right,” Kyle responded as he took a second mouthful.

The two ate silently, exchanging glances and smiles. The divine combination of scrumptious spicy cake and blatant sexual tension was one they were both excited by. He was pushing the last crumb onto his fork when she asked, “How late are you working tonight?”

“One o’clock then old man Clark will be in for his usual shift.”

“So you’re going to miss the ball drop.”

“That’s no big deal, I never got much out of this holiday anyway.”

“Why’s that?”

“It’s just an excuse for people to act silly and stupid. Everything’s overcrowded and overpriced. I’m just not into it.”

“I see, but what about someone to kiss? Doesn’t that make New Year’s special?”

“Sure but I don’t have one of those this year either?”

“I have a feeling you are the only man in New York without a party or a date.”

“You’re probably right. I do have a few New Year’s jokes though.”

“Yeah? Let me hear one.”

He wiped his mouth with a napkin before asking, “Where do you go to practice math on New Year’s?”

Haddie grinned and shook her head, “Tell me.”

“Times Square.”

The simplicity and juvenile nature of the joke made her laugh out loud.

“You like that, I have a few more. What did the little champagne bottle call his father?”

Still smiling from the first joke she shook her head again.


This one made her laugh harder.

“I got one more. Are you ready, here goes? Why do you need a jeweler on New Year’s Eve?”

Haddie squeaked out an, “I don’t know,” between laughs.

“To ring in the New Year.”

Silliness overcame her as she leaned back in her chair guffawing. While the laughs distracted her attention Kyle used the opportunity to let his eyes wander. He looked at the lines of her exposed calf and thigh. The loose sleeves of the robe allowed him to see the sexy freckles on her arm. And when she leaned back the silky garment slipped away allowing him a glimpse of her shoulder and breast.

He let his eyes linger, taking in every detail until Haddie’s laughs faded and she covered herself. She knew she should put on some false embarrassment like that had been an accident but she didn’t. She was glad it happened. She looked at him with wanton in her eyes.

His expression was calm and confident, “You look as delicious as this cake was.”

“Thanks. You can have a piece if you want,” she murmured in a tone that dripped sex.

“Sounds great but my break is almost done. I’ve got to get back to the lobby.”

It wasn’t what she wanted to hear but found it endearing. A man who takes responsibility seriously, a man who can resist temptation. These were qualities that suited him.

She tilted her head, batted her eyes, and said, “Well the ginger will be here all night. The gingerbread that is… if you’re still hungry.”

“I’m sure I will be,” he admitted as he stood.

She held the front door open for him as he made his way out. But rather than stepping through the door he rolled his arm around her neck and brought her mouth to his. His kiss was skilled and masculine, leading but not dominating, and with a tantalizing balance of lip and tongue.

Before giving her a chance to process what was happening Kyle used his free hand to open the silk robe and fondle her breasts. He felt the warm, soft tissue as he gently massaged their fullness, her nipples immediately hardened against his talented fingers.

The sudden rush of sexual attention made her head spin and her knees weak. Then at the apex of disorientation, Kyle pulled away, grinned, and said, “Now don’t fall asleep watching the ball drop.”

He sauntered down the hall leaving her standing in the doorway, dazed, breasts out and mouth open. It wasn’t until she heard the elevator chime that she came to her senses. She gently shut the door then leaned against it grinning.

The next several hours were a blur of sexual expectations. Haddie could feel her hormones churning inside of her. Her stomach was full of butterflies and her heart would race then slow. Her sweaty skin forced her to change from the robe to a bright red negligee. She was giddy, unable to stop smiling and snickering.

She tried to distract herself with wine and Ryan Seacrest’s New Year’s television special but her desire consumed her every thought. She watched the ball drop but got no satisfaction from it. She knew what she wanted was an hour away and that was the countdown she cared about. Kyle’s arrival was the celebration she yearned for.

She watched the time on her phone click to one o’clock. It would be soon she knew, old-man Clark was a professional, he was never late and never missed a shift. That meant Kyle could be at her door in five minutes, three if he was lucky, and seven if he was slow. She finished her half glass of wine in a few swallows hoping it would calm her. She turned off the TV and a few lights to make sure the mood was right.

When the buzzer rang she looked back at her phone, it was one-o-four. She composed herself and opened the door with as much polish and demure as her horniness would allow. Kyle immediately noticed the negligee and smirked. “I see you were expecting me.”

“I was,” she replied in a sultry tone. “At one o’clock. It’s one-o-four. You’re late.”

Playing along he responded, “I think I can make it up to you.”

When he leaned in to kiss her she put a hand on his chest. He looked confused thinking she was trying to stop him but realized his mistake when she started unbuttoning his jacket. He took off his hat while she finished with his coat. As she put both on the coat rack he slipped off his shoes.                            

As Haddie turned back around Kyle slid one hand around her hips and pulled her to him. This time she didn’t put her hand out, just the opposite, she slid one around his back and the other around his neck. She tilted her head allowing his lips a clear path to hers.

Wasting no time, Haddie slid her tongue forward as soon as their lips met. He responded in kind, pulling her body closer to him. Their tongues moved in erotic tandem, touching and sliding together. She felt her nipples stiffen and her pussy begin to ache.

As terrific as the kiss was, she was too impatient to stay standing. She broke their contact, grabbed his wrist, and led him to the couch. She pushed him down, straddled his lap, and ran her fingers through his thick dark hair. It was just the right length for her to take a fistful and pull his head to hers for another passionate kiss.

While their tongues sensuously stroked each other Kyle’s hands moved like a confident predator. They slipped under her negligee and cupped her swollen C cups. He rubbed and squeezed the soft tissue with a gusto that matched his state of arousal. He ran his fingers over her hard nipples and touched the rough, constricted tissue of her areolas. When she moaned he moved his mouth away from hers and kissed a trail from her lower lip to her chin, then her neck.

This was it, the sexual attention she’d been pining for. The erotic sensations generated by his hands, his lips, and the erection that she could feel through his pants erased everything from her mind. All that existed was her pleasure.

Kyle pulled the silky bit of lingerie up and off of her. He pressed his palms into the front of her shoulders and pushed her back so he could get a better view of her naked torso. “You’re amazing!” he exclaimed as his hands explored.

“You like?” Haddie asked playfully.

“Hell ya. Your pale skin and full garden of sexy freckles are fucking spectacular.”

Before she had a chance to remark, he leaned forward and brought his mouth to her chest. She let out a whimper as he sucked one nipple into his mouth and began tantalizing it with his tongue. He switched to the other and did the same thing. Her breathing became heavy and she felt an overwhelming desire to be fucked.

He slipped a finger past the damp crotch of her lace panties. Her labia was wet to the point that the skin was frictionless, making it easy to slide along her folds to her clitoris. Haddie slumped forward against him as he began to rub her nub. She was helpless against his sexual manipulations, the intensity of her endorphin response was overwhelming.

Haddie knew she’d probably orgasm soon and even though that’s what her body demanded, she didn’t want it like this. She didn’t want an orgasm from foreplay she wanted an orgasm from fucking. She summoned all of her will and huffed out, “Stop. Mmmm please stop. Bedroom. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

Kyle removed his mouth and finger, grinned, and said, “We can go anywhere you want.”

Haddie got off of him, practically shouted, “Follow me,” and sprinted to the guest bedroom.

The guest bedroom was like a luxury hotel room. It had a king-sized bed, with satin sheets and big fluffy pillows. The décor was mature and ornate and the large window had a spectacular view of Manhattan at night. Haddie brought her lover there because it was an upgrade from her room and knew the Walkers wouldn’t notice that the room had been used while they were away.

As soon as Kyle caught up with her she immediately attacked his clothing. She tugged at his belt, unbuckled it, undid the fasteners of his pants, and yanked them open as far as she could. She reached in, grabbed his hard cock, and squeezed it tightly. She began moving her hand up and down on his erection as he pulled off both his shirt and undershirt simultaneously. Haddie removed her hand and forced his pants and underwear to his ankles then pushed him down on the bed.

That’s when she got her first look at his naked body. He had broad shoulders and a toned chest that tapered to a trim waist. His thighs and forearms were muscular and he had just enough body hair to be manly but not furry. His penis was impressive, strong, and erect with a drop of clear liquid glistening from the circumcised, mushroom-shaped head. Haddie thought to herself, ‘I’ve hit the hookup jackpot.’

She crawled onto him, dragging her bare breasts over his chest and abs until she faced his erection. Tipping her head sideways, she began running her tongue up and down the shaft of his cock. She did this a few more times before rubbing her freckled cheek against it. She gave the head a long kiss, then opened her mouth and engulfed his hard manhood. Her lips closed around it and her tongue began rubbing the smooth skin. “Oh fuuuck,” Kyle cried.

Haddie enjoyed the feel of his erection in her mouth. She moved her head up and down slowly, keeping her tongue soft as it explored, paying close attention to the area where the head met the shaft. She also drew in a bit more saliva, knowing that her mouth would give him a warmth, texture, and wetness he wouldn’t find anywhere else.

Kyle continued making sounds of satisfaction and he rolled his torso upwards. She felt his hand touch her back before sliding up past her neck to her head. He combed his fingers through her long hair, pushing it out of her face. His noises became labored words, “Oh fuck you’re good at that. You’re really good at that. You look so sexy right now, so sexy with my cock in your mouth.”

His mix of praise and dirty talk was all of the encouragement she needed to get him to finish. She increased the speed of her oral attention and switched her gaze from his erection to his eyes. This gave him a great view of her amber eyes, freckled face and red hair. And in the middle of all that ginger glory was his cock getting the blow job of a lifetime.

Seconds later his jaw tensed, his eyes closed and a crinkle formed between his eyebrows. Figuring he was close she replaced her mouth with her hand in one swift motion. Haddie felt the rigid organ twitch, then throb before several healthy gobs of cum shot up and out of him. He fell back shaking and grunting.

She smiled in satisfaction as she continued to stroke his cock through the end of his orgasm. When he was done she cuddled up next to him pressing her naked flesh into his.

After a few moments of heavy breathing, he said, “That was amazing.”

“I thought you’d like it.”

“It was amazing buuuut.”

With a ‘wait, I’m confused’ look she said, “What? There’s a but?”

Kyle’s smile gave away that he was messing with her, “That was amazing, but I’ve not had enough of your glorious ginger body!”

He quickly rolled over and started tickling her. She giggled and squirmed as he tickled her sides. She exclaimed with laughter, “Oh stop, please stop, please stop.”

He did as she asked, smiling down at her as she recovered from her giggles. She looked up at him and smiled back. Needing no other cue he looped his fingers under the waistband of her panties and pulled them off. He stared at the full patch of red pubic hair.

“Hello gorgeous,” he exalted, hooking his hands under her knees and lifting them up and out.

The air felt cool on her swollen, damp pussy. She whimpered when he placed a finger against the base of her vulva. After a single saturated stroke through her folds, he put his finger in his mouth. The look on his face was the same expression of delicious enjoyment he had while he ate the gingerbread cake.

Kyle repositioned, settling himself between her legs. Wasting no time with further foreplay he pressed his tongue flat against her pussy and gave her a slow lick. Haddie moaned and squirmed under the intimate oral contact.

He went to work with the skill and confidence of a professional. His tongue slipped between the pedals of her pussy, parting the lips and touching the entrance before licking hard across her clit. She felt a sense of sensual hypnotism, like pleasure had taken control of her body, but she didn’t care because what was happening was incredible.

He continued licking her most private place in a specific pattern and at a deliberate pace, savoring the ecstasy. This is what she’d been craving, to be taken care of as a woman, to have sexual attention lavished on her. He made one more pass over her labia before making his way back to her clitoris. He sucked the button into his mouth and held it before darting his tongue directly onto it.

The shock of the change made her back arch and her chest heave. His tongue moved faster driving her to the inevitable. She could feel everything and nothing at the same time. She rolled her hips into his face, grinding her pussy against his strong chin. He continued unabashed, the feeling was almost too much for her to bear.

“Oh yes! Oh yes! Oh Yes!” she urged.

Kyle licked harder, maintaining his speed. Her freckled arms shook and her toes curled to the point of hurting. With a crying wailing sound, she uttered, “Yeeesss!!!!”

Haddie’s orgasm came like an out-of-body experience. Her skin was charged with electric tingles and her hips jerked around, but her mind and soul were on a completely different level, one of joyful euphoria.

As Haddie’s reality came back into focus, her nipples were rock hard and her skin was covered in goosebumps. The ringing in her ears faded and her breathing returned to normal. Kyle was now lying next to her.

Haddie turned her head as Kyle leaned in for a kiss. She could taste herself on his lips. She slipped a hand down his body and found his cock was back at full erection. He responded to the touch by trailing kisses from her mouth to her breasts. The same tongue that had just moments earlier done wonders to her clitoris began doing the same to her puffy pink nipples. His concentration reawakened her aching need to be fucked. She squeezed his rigid manhood and whispered, “Please.”

Understanding her cue, Kyle moved on top of her. She spread her legs allowing him to easily press against her. He watched her freckled face, framed with brilliant red hair, as he twitched his manhood into position. Haddie made a little sexy sound indicating how impressed she was at his cocksmanship.

Feeling the head pressing at her entrance sent a thrill through her body. She was finally going to scratch that intense itch. She felt like she was being slowly filled with something magical as he moved his hips forward and pushed his cock into her. When their body union was complete she knew everything was finally where it belonged.

Kyle extended his arms, looked into Haddie’s face, and began taking long, slow, easy strokes. She knew his love of gingers motivated him to want to look at her while they fucked. Knowing that her face and body turned this handsome man into a fuck machine was so hot. She wrapped her legs around his waist and began moving her hips with his motion.

As Kyle continued to pump into her she began to get a sense of euphoria again. His cock was the perfect size and shape for her and was hitting her pussy in all the right places. Her heart was racing and waves of tingling pleasure swept through her body.

He amplified his rhythm while continuing to look down at her. She fucked back eagerly anticipating every push of his cock. With each stroke, the momentum increased. With each stroke, the vigor and intensity multiplied. Soon he was fucking her hard and she was screwing right back with all of her might.

Haddie’s orgasm came first. She cried out loudly as her legs and arms began to tremble. Her pussy muscles contracted as a feeling of warmth radiated out from her pelvis and spread through her body.

Her orgasm was not as intense as her first but lasted longer. Kyle was focused, plunging in and out of her. Haddie knew he was racing to join her in climax but she was too consumed with her own bliss to help him get there.

Just as her body stopped trembling he thrust deep and hard. He held there while his face twisted in elation. She felt his hips recoiling against her and knew he was releasing inside of her and that made everything right in his world too.

He collapsed on top of her and they lay there, bodies intertwined, slowly letting their pulse return to normal. Haddie rubbed his back as she felt him soften and slide out of her. Kyle kissed her neck a few times before moving to her lips. They kissed a different kind of kiss, tender and more sincere. It let her know that he had thoroughly enjoyed her company; that she wasn’t just some New Year’s bang. She hoped that he had gotten the same impression; that this had been a perfect night, but it had come to an end.

They shifted positions and spooned for a bit. Eventually, Haddie spoke, “The cleaners will be back in the morning. Probably best they didn’t find the doorman naked in the guest room.”

He snickered, “I think you’re right and I still have packing to do.”

He got off the bed and started collecting his clothes. Haddie sat up and said, “I’ll wrap a piece of the cake for you.”

“I’d like that, but after you, all other ginger things are going to pale in comparison.”

She grinned and kissed him for the compliment.

While he dressed she packed the cake in a disposable container and met him at the front door.

“Good night,” she whispered.

“Good night,” he responded. “And Happy New Year.”

As she shut the door she giggled to herself, ‘If the year was going to continue as it started it would be a happy year indeed.’

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