Kuchman Diary Pt. 01 Ch. 01: Sisters by kuchman,kuchman

Am I taking away some of their freedom in return, or giving them greater freedom to pursue their dreams?

As I stepped into the Oberoi in Gurugram, she walked straight towards me with a smile worthy of a toothpaste ad.

‘Sir, I am Pooja. May I say it will be your pleasure to have met me!’

Now, I don’t deny it brought a smile to my face. Yes, I agree I am well off and may even be called smart or intelligent, but no body will mistake me for a handsome and fashionable man that women drool over. Lets just say, I am an average looking jeans and t-shirt wearing 53 year old brown guy with pepper salt hair.

‘Hmm.. pleasure will be an understatement.. but, you must surely be mistaken’ I said, as I took a measure of her beauty (maybe around 24, fair skinned, dark hair, sparkly eyes, blue designer bindi, long earrings) and oozing sexuality – light blue translucent sari worn over a darker blue sleeveless blouse with clearly visible white bra straps. oh.. how i wish I could touch that hourglass waist!!

‘Ahh.. I am just a tad nervous and fumbled my words, but, I guess to good effect as you did smile!! I actually meant to say, it is really my pleasure to meet you sir. Ramchand Brothers speak very highly of you, and instructed me to specifically take extremely good care of you in every way possible. Please check in sir – I will take your bags.’

Obvious honey trap.. I am here seeking a hedge fund manager to invest $50 million in the Indian markets.. Ramchand Brothers is one of the contenders. They must be desperate. Might be fun to play along, and feast my eyes a bit?

‘I rather be a gentleman and take my own bags. Maybe you can get me and yourself some coffee and come to my room?’

I got to my room and was pondering about this when there was a soft knock on the door. I let her in with the coffee tray and settled into the sofa. She bent forward giving me a good view of her curves given her strategically placed pallu, and placed the coffee in front of me.

‘Wow, this coffee does taste good. It can’t be from the coffee place in the lobby’.

‘I requested the chef and made the coffee myself.. I am really glad you like it Sir.’

Lovely woman who makes good coffee.. definitely a keeper!!

‘Let me set out your clothes Sir’.. she started heading towards my bags.

‘Pooja, please sit down and have your coffee’.

‘Sure, sir. Shall I take off my pallu sir – I see you are straining your eyes?’ she said with a mocking and inviting smile.

‘So, it is that obvious – you noticed me admiring your beauty.. you really are beautiful and sexy – It sure is my lucky day to have met you.’

‘Person of your means and aura doesn’t need much luck sir – we will swoon.. by the way, I am here for absolutely anything you desire sir.’ she said in a soft husky voice while slowly pulling her pallu down.

‘About that… I really can’t do this, even as tempting as it is. I am rather surprised RamChand Brothers would resort to this. I prefer to see them succeed with their financial and business acumen. I really enjoyed the coffee and sugar (wink). But, I suggest you call them and tell them that I find this unacceptable. I will still give them a chance by meeting them tomorrow as I do believe they are capable.’

I saw her face loose all color and was obvious she had quite a bit to lose here. It is unfortunate she got caught in the middle. An idea formed in my mind.. maybe I can turn this around?

‘Actually why don’t you tell me your story?’

‘It is a pretty normal story of coming from poverty sir. Our parents died when we were young. Our grandmother took care of me and my younger sister with her meager means. I helped her however I could and we put my sister through school. She is smart, studied very hard and passed 12th class with distinction. She also got admitted into a very good college. That’s when grandmother died. I had no other means to put her through college, and at my friend’s suggestion I became an independent escort leveraging the street smart skills I had, but no education to get a job. I actually didn’t mind it and it was earning sufficiently for us to get by, as I was lucky having met a few good men. But, the college dues are unrelenting and increasing. It just happened that RamChand Brothers offered me enough to pay her latest fees, with more help depending on how I did.. and here I am.’

‘Umm.. quite unfortunate! Let’s do this. Go home today and meet me at the restaurant here with your sister at 7pm.’

The next day I met RamChand Brothers at their office. They were quite apologetic stating ‘We really wanted to partner with you to both learn from you and were desperate to not lose your business.. ‘

‘I really want you to succeed on your merits. I will let it slide. Let’s start with your opinion on the crypto markets..’

I could see them hesitating.. but, they took courage and said, ‘We wouldn’t invest a dime in crypto sir. While the Dollar or Rupee retain their value from the strength of the respective governments, crypto purely derives its value from trust of all the people making the market, and hence purely speculative (at least gold has something physical behind it). We rather invest in assets that can deliver future value.’

I was getting impressed with their courage for not falling into fads, but focusing on what delivers value. We continued on multiple investment and hedging strategies and settled on this – Pick the companies that can deliver long term value based on their financial strength, purpose and values, but use derivatives to play on the day to day volatility of their stocks, while always keeping a floor for long term value. I didn’t need to think further and transferred the money for them to invest.

With that done, and their happy thank yous, we had lunch. After lunch, I requested a meeting with their real estate expert stating that I needed a private matter to be handled, for which I would pay separately. They were more than happy to introduce me to Sanjay, with instructions that he help me in any way needed.

‘Sanjay, I urgently need to buy a 3-4 bedroom, about 3000 sq ft apartment in one of the newer high rises in Gurugram – something not too posh, nor shabby to gift to someone – and I need it by tomorrow 10 AM.’

He was visibly uncomfortable, but managed to say, ‘ you will end paying a premium sir, as it is extremely difficult to get newer apartments that quickly’.

‘Do your magic and show me some options later today’.

Sure enough he called me around 4pm and showed me couple of options. I liked one with a modern chic touch and good lighting, which came to around $600,000. I told him to close on it and bring the keys and a notary to that building at 10 AM the next day.

I came by the restaurant at 7 and liked the fact that Pooja and her sister were there waiting. I asked the hostess for the most secluded booth for dinner. While they arranged the table, I asked, ‘So you are the brilliant sister Pooja was telling me about?’

‘My sister exaggerates.. I am Priya. Truly a delight to have met you sir.. a true gentleman that she excitedly told me about last night’.

She was in a sleeveless light pink churidar and flimsy flowered dupatta elegantly covering her.. matching pink bindi and high heels. The churidar was tightly hugging her curves and I could make out the outlines of her bra. Too alluring a sight.. not to be outdone, Pooja was in similar sexy sari ensemble as last night, but with matching pink as Priya’s. I was positively aroused at the sight of these sisters.

‘A gentleman.. maybe I will end up changing that ‘rosy’ view of me’ I said as we were seated alluding to their pink outfits.

Once we ordered our food, ‘What are you majoring in Priya?’

‘I am leaning towards law sir.. a long journey ahead!!’ Her voice and looking at both of them was really giving me a sense of excitement and longing. No point waiting.

‘Here’s my proposal. I will give you sisters an apartment to stay, pay your tuition till you become a lawyer and give you 25 lakhs every year for all other expenses.’

I saw their eyes light up with a sense of joy and gratitude.

‘We wouldn’t even know how to thank you sir for your generosity – truly a godsend’, chimed in Pooja.

‘By both of you being exclusively at my service whenever, wherever and however I choose.’

‘We expected that and will gladly be yours sir’, they both almost said simultaneously with smiles on their faces.. ‘ having faced poverty for so long, your generosity will let us live our lives without worry sir’.

‘I can pursue my career as a lawyer and change, in my own way, the lives of other women in our situation sir’.

‘Before we go too far, let me mention a few other conditions. We will do this for 3 years and during that time, if I notice any hesitation to serve or am made aware of you touching any other man, I will call it off instantly. You can live freely and pursue any careers or hobbies otherwise. After 3 years, we can reassess our needs and decide then.. but, will let you keep the apartment. Are you both really agreeing with these.. any doubt and we can call it off and just enjoy this dinner.’

With little hesitation, Priya said, ‘we have only one condition sir. We don’t want to be with you, I mean sexually, at the same time. That might be too creepy for us’.

‘I see you fully expected my proposal and came prepared.. I should known given how alluring you both look!! I myself wouldn’t do that anyway and agree to your condition. In either case, I want you to think it over once more. I will be at this address tomorrow at 10 AM and if you both come as sexily dressed as you are now, I will have a contract ready along with a notary to make it official with your signatures. Don’t worry the notary will not read the content, but will check your IDs and confirm your signatures.’

‘We just can’t believe our good fortune and are filled with extreme gratitude sir. Moreover what we like is your good heart sir. I can sense your apprehension about locking us into a contract. Please be assured sir, that we will willingly submit to you even if you weren’t this generous – having wavered however the wind blew thus far, your strength can lead us on the right path sir.’ Pooja said.

That gave me a great sense of relief and I was beginning to feel giddy about the possibilities and we started enjoying our dinner. In between the small talk, Pooja said, ‘We actually couldn’t afford what we are wearing sir.. but are borrowed from a shop keeper we know – as they are meant to be taken off anyway?! I am really glad you like it Sir. By the way, what should we call you, Sir?’

‘I am liking being called Sir.. let’s keep it that way. I couldn’t keep my eyes off you both.. absolutely like what you are wearing.’

‘What would you like to see us in, sir?’ Priya asked with a flirty smile.

‘Nothing at all perhaps? I actually like women who can dress elegantly, yet be flirty.. just like you are dressed now.. though I very tempted to know what you are wearing inside’.

‘Shall we head to your room then, sir?’ Pooja asked.

‘As I mentioned, I really want you to think it over till 10 AM tomorrow, after which I want you to anticipate and serve me without me asking for most part.. and do willingly everything I ask for! From everything I have seen and heard so far, you have a very keen perception.. part of the reason I was too taken to make this happen.’

‘You flatter us, but truly thankful to serve you sir.. now, just so we put it aside, what should we wear going forward?’

‘Pooja, you should always be in saris with sleeveless and mostly backless blouses.. bindi, long earrings, high heels.. always in soft, not lacy and never black, bra and panties.. most important.. fully waxed and shaved!!

Priya, you can wear whatever you are comfortable in when you go to college. When I am around, you can experiment with a variety of Indian clothing and maybe fusion as well. Same thing about accessories and what you wear inside.

I expect both of you to stay fit and healthy.. and never want to see you in sweats, torn jeans or shorts ‘

‘Thank you sir.. makes it easier for us.. and looking forward to serving you wearing softest floral white panties? If you don’t mind me saying so, your generosity, kind heart and anticipating dressing up and serving you is making me wet. sir!!’ Pooja said, while Priya nodded at that.

‘Oh my.. don’t let me loose my will.. let’s call it a night. I hope I will see you tomorrow. Else, I really enjoyed this dinner immensely’.

So saying.. I left for my room.. and came in no time with self-pleasure!!

As I reached the apartment building the next day, I saw Pooja and Priya in the same clothes from the night before, but looking fresh and faces lit up with happiness.

‘Good morning Sir’, they said in Unison.

‘Morning. I take it you are fully agreeing to my proposal? Please read this over, just to reconfirm’.. I handed them a contract.

Priya was reading over it, while Pooja said,’ We couldn’t be more thrilled and happy sir.’

I took them to the apartment and Sanjay was waiting there with another person, who I assumed was the notary.. I took the contract from Priya and another copy I had for myself, folded it in a way the notary couldn’t read the contents and asked him to secure and validate their signatures.

In the meantime, ‘Sanjay, I really can’t thank you enough. I might continue to bother you like this, knowing the magic you have!!’

‘Thank you sir. You are not a bother sir. We are very happy you chose to invest with us. We are here in anyway we can help.’ so saying he handed me the keys.. I gave him a packet with money as a gift for his family, having already transferred the money for purchase of the apartment an hour before.

I signed the contract too, kept a copy for myself and gave Priya a copy. I asked Sanjay for his business card and handed it to Pooja. Sanjay and the notary left after a couple more thank yous…

Right after, Pooja and Priya bowed to touch my feet in respect as Pooja said, ‘ You are really godsend and more than a husband for us.. we are yours in every way’.

I was touched and very happy. ‘ I am indeed very lucky and happy to have you both. Now, here are the keys to this place.. it’s yours! Call Sanjay if you need help. Also here are 10 lakhs for you to furnish to your liking and make it your home.. and for buying clothes. Now, let’s take a tour.’

They giddily surveyed place. I asked them to choose a bedroom each, leaving the master for when I am around. They were impressed with the appliances and the chicness and lighting of the place. I could see their joy overpouring..

I had to break the reverie, ‘I have to fly out tonight and will be back in 10 days. I expect this place to be transformed into your home and you both fully settled in by then.’

‘Oh, excuse us sir.. we were truly lost in our happiness.. and ideas popping in my mind about decorating and furnishing this place.’ So saying Pooja hugged with all her body.. my hands caressed her back over her thin blouse strap covering her bra strap. Priya came over too and I hugged and ran my hands on their backs.

‘Okay, you are getting me all aroused.. Priya, go to your college and come over to Oberoi when done. Pooja, let’s head out now.’

As we entered the lobby of Oberoi, she said, ‘Sir, I am Pooja.. May I say I waxed, shaved and prepared myself just your pleasure’.. trying to reenact the first time we met.

‘You don’t have a choice, do you.. it will only be for my pleasure from now on’ I said mockingly.

I settled into the sofa once we got to my suite, and signaled for her to sit on my lap. I kissed her with a sense of urgency and passion, while I let my right hand squeeze her breasts over her blouse, feeling the both the softness of her curves and stiffness of her bra.. After what felt like a long time of kissing and fondling, she said, ‘ May I show you the floral panties I mentioned last night – they are wet though.. all your kissing and playing with my boobs had me very aroused.. or may I open your zipper and use my mouth?

‘Umm.. let’s do one after the other’, so saying I unhooked her blouse. ‘Take off your blouse and Saree’.

She seductively bent over showing her curves while she removed her blouse. She slowly unwrapped the Saree. She was in a white bra with light pink floral print on it. She was wearing an almost transparent petticoat through which I could see matching panties.. I signaled with my finger for her to come closer and lift her petticoat… indeed her panties were wet and I could see her cameltoe.. and I ran my finger over it at which she let out a deep moan.. ‘Very soft indeed and the right color.. you were listening well to my requests!!’

So saying, I lowered my eyes, at which she understood and came to her knees, removed my shoes, unzipped and pulled off my pants, kissed me over my underwear and pulled it down. She slowly lowered her mouth onto my stiff penis with her eyes looking at me..

It was such a wonderful sight.. ‘Take it slow, with your tongue playing with the tip’, I told her.. which she followed perfectly putting me in high state of arousal. I ran my fingers through her hair, while she meticulously sucked and played with my penis.. I exploded in her mouth, with what felt like a long stream, and she swallowed every drop of it.

‘The longer the anticipation, the greater the load’, I said while she cleaned my penis and balls with her tongue and mouth.

‘Indeed. That tasted wonderful!’ she said. I held her shoulders indicating she get up. I pulled at her petticoat’s string and it pooled at her feet. I asked her to take off her bra and sit on my lap, with her head leaning onto the pillow at the end of the sofa.

When she was in position, I slowly pulled down her panties. I touched softly around her areola with my left hand, while I feather touched around her clit and labia, with my right. I continued this soft touching as her body started writhing slowly. In a flash I pinched her nipple and sent two fingers into her vagina.. that surprise sent her into a deep moan and I rhytmically continued that soft touch followed by in-and-out of her vagina.. in a minute, she shook wildly and orgasmed strongly.. it took her what felt like minutes to calm down..

‘Oh my.. I never orgasmed that strongly before. Not only are you generous, you are very skillful too.. How can I be so fortunate!!’

We sat like that in post coital grin and happiness for a while, just looking at each other.

‘Hungry?’ I asked.

‘After drinking all that load?’ she said with a naughty smile and slowly got up, ‘let me order and set up the lunch’.

I pulled up my underwear and opened my laptop to catch up on the markets..

‘Lunch is served sir.’

‘I like this service. I know you are mine per contract, but never meant you to..’

‘It is truly my pleasure, sir.. and command me as you wish.. we truly meant what we signed sir – we are yours!!’

After lunch, still in my underwear I went onto the bed. She took off her clothes and joined me between my legs, waking my penis and repeating her routine of sucking and playing as I had instructed her before. Then, she climbed onto it, inserting it fully into her vagina.. she went up and down my penis, while I squeezed her boobs to the same rhythm and we both came in synch a few minutes later.. She kissed and came over to the side.. after a few minutes, I was into a deep nap.

I woke up to the smell of coffee.. and saw waiting with a tray of two coffees in the same clothes, but looking as fresh as she was, when I saw her in the morning. I liked that she had showered and was very clean and meticulous that way.

I went to the restroom, freshened up and came to the sofa and took a sip.. ‘ I can’t get enough of this coffee you make.. there’s some magic in it’

‘Maybe my gratitude mixed with love – or just the thought of serving you makes me feel special?’


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‘That reminds me. You mentioned in the morning that I was more than any husband.’

‘Absolutely, sir. more than any patidev.’

‘I am back in 10 days and will be coming to the apartment in the evening. Arrange the master bedroom for suhaag raat and Priya as the bride.’

‘What a great idea sir. She would very much like it, given she’s still a virgin! And I will have fun getting it all ready for you sir.’

‘Wow.. a virgin? are you sure?’

‘We discussed it sir. She rather learn and serve you than some no-good boyfriend. We are truly committed.’

‘I am seriously happy to have you both as mine.. now, I have to catch up on some work before I head to my flight and don’t want to see you both in the same clothes for so long. Why don’t you meet Priya and get busy settling yourselves into the apartment and for me. I will see you both in 10 days… for my suhaag raat.. my anticipation is building again.’

‘I will truly miss you for these 10 days sir. May I take your Calvin Klein that you are wearing now sir.. I will keep your smell with me as I go about my days.

So saying, she bent down, pulled out my underwear, sucked my penis till it got to some pre-cum.. she wiped it with my underwear and put it into her purse.. and headed out..

After a few hours, laying flat in my first class bed on my flight, I smiled at the most interesting few days I had, and slowly Zzzzz…

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