Linda and The Armageddon Project by heighrick,heighrick

My name now is Mark. What it used to be is immaterial, I am thirty-two, very ex-military, and allied occupations. I am also now discovering the country that I have been a citizen of for those thirty-two years without having been a resident of it for more than a few months of that time.

I had spent my childhood living in some awful base camps during my dad’s accompanied ‘overseas’ postings, or in some awful boarding schools in often remote rural Britain whenever he was on ‘special’ ops. After his divorce from my mom she took me with her to Italy.

Mom married the bloke who caused the split and two days after she did that I applied to join the only real family I had known. When my ticket out arrived I decked my stepfather and left to see many of the same places I had hated. Fast forward ten years and I was suddenly no longer a soldier, I was still serving but not in a uniform and not with the same gusto that I had enjoyed when I had a uniform to hide behind. Two years on and the politicians had made life a very risky business for some of us and so my name is Mark.

I bought a medium sized motor home, Large enough to cope with a double bed, (In the hope that I may occasionally need it) and after a few weeks learning the do’s and the do not’s, of mobile home use and membership of the caravan club I set off to explore my country.

Two days later, in the very early morning, I parked at the rear of a large motorway service station carpark to use their facilities, buy a newspaper, and then cook my breakfast. On returning to my ‘van’ I heard a male voice telling someone that if they did not get back in the car he would give them a pasting and make damn certain that they did not stay pretty for long.

Rounding the rear of my vehicle I find a man around my size and weight holding a woman by her wrist and was twisting it up behind her back as he tried to force her into an SUV. She was at least two inches shorter than him and about eighty pounds lighter, but he was the one doubled up in pain because he was so strong that she used his strength to support her as she planted one foot in his gut and the knee of the other leg in his face as his face came down and forward.

If you intended to act, do not wait for an introduction, do not pussyfoot around. I booted his knees from behind and as he continued towards the ground I grabbed his neck and gave him a rapid close-up view of the car door, grabbed his wrist, and forced it up behind his back.

He began struggling and swearing that he would effing kill me, so I smacked him under his ear to quieten him. I turned to speak to the woman, but I would have had to shout as she was already halfway across the car park heading for the shopping area.

I bundled Mr. tough guy into the back of the car and made certain that he would not go far, then took his phone and the gun weighing his coat pocket down, making damn sure I used my handkerchief to hold it before climbing into my ‘van and re-parking it alongside two other motor homes close to the entrance of the shopping area. I stuffed his shoes and trousers into a plastic bag and dumped that in a rubbish bin. The gun and ‘phone went into a lockbox under my seat.

On entering the building I ignored the main area and headed for the rear exit which led to the truck and coach park. Sure enough, she was standing behind a bus watching the lorry area.

This time I got a good look at her which was a very pleasant, and arousing, experience. She saw me and turned to run but stopped when I said that ‘he’ was out cold and in the back of his car without his shoes and trousers, so she was safe for the moment.

“If you come with me now, I can offer you a better chance of getting away from here and him than any trip in an HGV and certainly in more comfort.

Come into my van and as we travel you can tell me what the hell was going on back there. Before we do that, have a look at this and I showed her my driving licence.

Do you have a phone? She nodded; then take a picture of this. I do not mean you any harm, I overheard what he said, I was upset about that but I did enjoy your reply, but he would merely have chased you and now he can’t, so let me at least get you away from here.”

She did as I suggested and then agreed to come with me, at least until the next large town.

“Where are you really going?”

“I was heading to my sister in Scotland. The idea was to dump the car here and hitch a ride. That guy is a member of a midlands gang which has begun a take-over of the all the sex trade operations amongst other things. I am what you would call a ‘madam’ and ran a high-class operation, which they were after so of course I became a target. The threats began to arrive and then the visits I closed it down secured everything that they would need then ran. I knew they would be on the look-out for the car, but I thought I had time to get clear; I was wrong.

I can’t go near my house because they know where it is and they’ll just get me and take me back to their boss. I live in a row of terraced houses. A neighbour is an elderly lady. I wanted to phone her, ask her to go into my place through the back door and collect as much of my clothing as she could manage, and I would arrange a collection method. She has a key which I gave her for emergencies, specifically ones such as this.”

“Do it. Tell me where to go. I can drive to somewhere close and then get a cab to her place, collect the stuff in bags and get it back to you, that way the ‘van stays out of sight and a taxi arriving at a different house should be safe. If we move now it will be done before this Oik and his men think things through.”

She had started from Birmingham, which was uncomfortably close-by so there was not much time for this plan to work, but her neighbour had agreed and so it stood a chance. I did take the time to post the tough-guy’s phone, without the battery, to my own P.O. box for collection later. I kept the gun to deal with later in peace and quiet.

Two hours later I knocked on her neighbour’s door. She opened it and told me to hurry as someone had already been to ask her if she had seen Linda this morning. He had gone away but would probably return with others.

That woman deserved a medal. She must have gone through Linda’s house like a whirlwind because I took four large suitcases back to the ‘van.

I was now in the company of a stunningly attractive woman of around five feet eight inches tall, in her mid-thirties. Her hair was shoulder length, almost black, probably because it was dyed, but already I was beginning to hope that I may discover if that was the case.

She wore a black T-shirt which somehow managed to enhance the thrust of her breasts which I guessed to be around 36c and merely covered by a lacy ‘bra which was certainly not supporting them. Black slacks and black pumps covered what appeared to be slim legs and small feet. I did want to find out exactly how slim the legs were, but it was the pressure on that ‘bra which I felt sure would need to be released as soon as possible.

Avoiding major routes we left Birmingham. As I drove I told her that I now knew that her name was Linda and would she please tell me what she, and now me, was involved in. I had given her my campers map book to check the area we were passing through and she saw that it showed two camping sites, and at that moment we saw the sign for the first one and we struck lucky.

It had a line of trees across the site which separated the mobiles from the tented, with the mobiles in the rear section. I booked in and connected the services then began to make the meal which I didn’t get earlier, but now it was dinner for two and more chat.

So, Linda ran, or had been running, an up-market escort agency. She had had fifteen women aged between twenty-five and forty and a client list which contained most of the ‘upper crust’ of the city’s administrators and socialites, Including a few females.

I smiled at the addition of a gender tag so Linda told me that I would be surprised at the number of ‘upper-class’ females who enjoyed sapphic encounters.

“I had never considered the possibility of lesbian escorts”.

“I did not say lesbian, none of my agents are lesbians, they provide the sexual services requested, for a suitable remuneration. I do not know whether any of the customers are lesbian because they may swing both ways. I am not a lesbian, but I certainly enjoy the occasional sapphic encounter.”

That last remark caused all kinds of mayhem within my mind and body,

As soon as she was certain that a visit from the gang behind the take-over was imminent, she had sent out a message to her agents advising them to take a holiday and another message to her customers on a secure network app. It said the agency was under threat from a criminal gang and so she had ceased operation and had placed all the agency data in a secure place.

Actually what she had done was pack it, and her laptop, into a large removal box and had it collected by a parcel delivery company to be delivered to her married sister in Scotland. Some families like to keep their business in the family and this family business had been taken over by Linda and her sister using the simple method of buying it as a going concern.

It had been running for over a hundred and fifty years but the family line had dried up and the last members had grown too old to continue. Linda’s brother-in Law knew the previous owner and so he talked her sister into retiring from her previous occupation and becoming the stay-at-home wife he had wanted instead of the globe trotter she had been. The idea of becoming a Madam had piqued Linda’s interest so she set up a similar industry in Birmingham. Because her sister ran the same risks as she did Linda knew she could be certain the records would be securely stored.

Because of their ‘occupations’ They had never phoned each other, so no record of her sister’s married name or phone number existed on her phone. They only ever corresponded by computer and hers was now in safe hands

She was itching to learn something about me so I poured another glass of my mediocre quality wine and gave her my potted history. She appeared to reach a decision because she straightened her back and became a businesswoman.

“You told me that you had no plans, that you were merely traveling to where-ever the fancy took you. You’ve demonstrated that you are tough and resourceful. I think I am going to need those attributes, and therefore I wish to make you an offer which I desperately hope you will accept.

The offer is in two parts. Part one requires you to accept my offer of employment. You will be well paid and the first task is to take me to my sister by avoiding any route which could be monitored.

The second part is not dependant on your accepting the first part, but if you do accept the first part then the second part will be in effect for the duration of part one.

At the successful completion of the first part, the second part will be open to re-negotiation. Please tell me, do you accept part one?

“I do, I will still see the country, maybe not in the relaxed manner I envisaged but in a little more interesting and exciting way. And be paid to do it so why not?”

“I am now about to ask you to either accept or reject the second part without knowing what it entails. If you accept then I shall tell you what is required of you which is in no way dangerous nor illegal. If you reject it then you will have no need to know that.

I was intrigued. What did I have to lose? Not much as far as I could tell.

“I accept. What do have to do?

“First, take those suitcases off the bed and find somewhere else to stow them, then get on the bed and let me thank you for rescuing me.

I have been thanked many times in my life, but never by a completely bronzed and naked voluptuous female who knew a damn sight more about sex and erogenous zones than I did and proved it in so many ways. This included how to keep a penis erect when, after three hours, its owner should have been sleeping with a shrunken and wrinkled appendage.

Her pudenda was completely smooth. Her outer labia lips were tight together forming a tantalising slit which, when parted, revealed her vulva in all its pink, moist glory with the inner labial lips just waiting to part and allow entrance to that tunnel which I so badly needed to enter. So I still did not know what her true hair colour was, nor did I really care.

I now know that licking a clitoris and pussy lips is, to coin a phrase, ‘the tip of the iceberg’ and melting that iceberg is best done slowly, tenderly, and most of all, relentlessly. When the iceberg was already hot it was a more of a matter of taking advantage than anything else.

Even when the recipient has hold of your ears and is attempting to pull you into her soaking tunnel you do not relent, you maintain a steady rhythm of tongue and lips moving sucking and probing. If anal access is already allowed then the use of fingers are certainly acceptable to add spice to the proceedings.

If the subject has not been broached then the occasional slight passing pressure of a moist finger on the outer sphincter and the quick kiss or sometimes lick, will eventually produce the opening you seek, maybe not on the first occasion but often by the third time she will be sufficiently relaxed to allow that finger to enter her through her rear door to discover if more sensations are available.

Having decided that there would be very little activity on the bed for some time she took a shower.

When she came out of the tiny cubicle to towel herself I felt the stirrings of male libido, and when she bent over to dry her feet so did she. I entered into as she leaned against the small wardrobe door. Linda sighed and said that now she would have to shower again, before spreading her thighs wide and moving one of my hands from her hips to a breast. I took the hint and reached for her other breast and then did my utmost to fuck her into a wet heap

I knew I would be able to impale her in that manner because, under her guidance I had been down that route once before. What I had forgotten was that she loved it and I had become over excited by the intensity of her responses then and the same happened this time. Again I had to pump semen into her rear channel when she climaxed, and even though I did it to keep her and the ‘van clean her sphincter still had a go at squeezing a groove into my pride and joy.

I showered, and because I am a considerate bloke I stayed awake until she had drained her anal passage and showered, then I slept deeply and woke to the sound and aroma of coffee and frying bacon.

Linda gave me bacon sandwiches and coffee and shortly after that, herself. She mounted me, impaled herself on me and then pressed her wonderful soft breasts onto my face and fucked me relentlessly until she had an orgasm which damn near flattened my cock.

I was still rigid which I think was her intention because she rolled off me, put a pillow where her hips would be then lay face down and ordered me, yes, I do mean ordered me, to take her. I did what she wanted, but at my pace, not at hers. I had to kneel on the floor to give me a comfortable working height, but it was worth the effort.

Once we were both happy with the connection I allowed my weight to ease my erection down past her inner sphincter and into her rectum. When I was satisfied that she had all of me snugly fitted, I allowed her to lift her bottom up until she could get her hand down to her clitoris and then I began to fuck her.

Slowly, very slowly I retracted a little way and then back down. Repeat for ten minutes, Then rapid pumping action for two minutes, repeat slow movement and begin kissing her neck and shoulder then fuck her as though there was no time to waste.

There wasn’t, because my semen was already boiling up the tube and pumping into her rectum and she was screeching into a pillow to drown the noise as her orgasm erupted. For a while I lay on top of her. I was spent and desperate to keep her body where it was, but she was being squashed so I uncoupled our equipment and she set about once again draining her rear passage before laying down beside me to doze for a while.

It was turned mid-day when we had ham and salad sandwiches for lunch then set off on the journey North. I did it by heading North-East to North Yorkshire and then North up the coast to Northumberland and then Northwest to Stirling and a nearby camping site. I checked in to the little office there to register for the slot.

As I pulled out my Camping Card I also pulled out the receipt from the previous stop, but there was something I had not noticed when I was given it by the owners wife. It was a note stapled to the back of the receipt slip telling me that anytime I was passing I was welcome to make her scream the way I had my wife this morning.

We reached our destination in the late evening. It was a substantial ranch style single story house behind a half stone, half iron railing front boundary wall with solid wooden gates on the edge of a town. She used my phone to call her sister and moments later the gates opened.

After they had closed behind us Linda directed me to the rear where there was a garage block which could easily house a bus, so my van was no problem. We entered into the house through the rear door to be met by a clone of Linda.

The only difference between the two very arousing females was that Linda’s sister had shorter hair. In all other areas I could be forgiven for mistaking one for the other and I certainly would not mind being forgiven if the opportunity arose.

Introductions made I was now able to call vision number two, Irene. She had taken our sudden arrival calmly and without hesitation had set about providing something hot and nourishing and over a quickly prepared meal of heated up stew Linda told her of the events over the past two days.

That done Irene made certain that she understood the relationship between Linda and me.

“So you spent a night together in a motor home which I guess has only one bed. Will that be two rooms or just the one?”

The remainder of the evening was spent in the traditional manner of strong-minded women the world over. Which meant that I underwent a thorough grilling about my background and what appeared to be more important, my ambitions. The question which appeared to be uppermost in Linda’s mind came as we finished our evening ablutions.

As Linda climbed onto the bed and straddled my legs she took hold of her now favourite comforter and asked the question I had been expecting.

“What do you think of Irene?”

“Oh do come on! What else could I think other than I would love to do with her what I have been doing with you, and you just wanted to hear me say that.”

“If she came in here now and asked you to bed her, would you?”


“Why not?”

“Because right now I want to put what you’re holding inside you! and I do not care which orifice is used. If I was in the unlikely state of still being able to function after doing what you want me to do, I would love to try to please Irene even though it would probably be unsatisfactory for both of us, so I’ll pass on now and see what tomorrow brings.”

“Oh Mark, That was nicely stated. Honestly, I would not mind if you managed to bed her. I shall.”

“Please, stop stroking it like that, or I shall cum over your stomach, Just a minute! You said that Irene is married, so what sort of marriage do they have.?”

“A relaxed one, he lives in Italy and as long as he stays there Irene will keep what she knows about his ‘business interests’ to herself.”

“One last question before I…. Oh fuck this, get on your back and spread them because I am going to shove this so far into you that you’ll get toothache.”

It was rough, it was noisy, and we both ended up covered in sweat and other body fluids, but we just slept as we were until Irene woke us with morning coffee and a big smile,

“You should be aware that my room is next door to this one and the walls are not exactly soundproofed. I think that the evenings are going to be a lot of fun from now on. I would love to dally, but sadly I am a working girl and so must be off to the office. Make yourselves at home.”

After we had showered and sorted everything out we made breakfast and I broached the subject of part two of her ‘offer’.

“Tell me what it is that you wish to re-negotiate now that part one of your offer is completed?”

“Ah well, I had to ensure that I could back out of any further involvement with you if I had proved to be mistaken about your character. I have to admit that it was not difficult to think of using the offer of sex to ensure that I got here, but I never expected to be going as far as we did, nor as often.

“I was rather hoping that you would forget about the re-negotiation bit.”

“I admit that I was trying to think of a valid reason for saying part one was not yet over, and I couldn’t.”

“Mark, I have never married because I have never met anyone who interested and intrigued me so much that I felt the desire to know more. That said, I am a healthy woman with the urges and needs that go with that state,

I have occasionally enjoyed sex with a man for a short duration but have never wanted to make it a regular thing. I have also enjoyed sex with a woman on occasions and with the exception of Irene the same applies. No ‘special’ person, just occasionally satisfying lustful urges.

I now find that I want you around. You are tough without needing to show it, resourceful, calm, and very pleasant company. You are also really wonderfully thoughtful in bed or any other place that we may be. If you feel anything of a romantic twitch inside you, then please say so and I shall do my best to make it an itch you can’t scratch.”

“This is beginning to feel and sound like the opening scene of ‘the lover’s bare their souls’ Linda. I am not, nor have I ever been, remotely tempted to tie any sort of knot with a woman. Although my frequent work-related trips had a lot to do with that. I have never met anyone like you, and I am certain that there is a lot more to discover, which means I shall be close beside you for a long time, I have no urge to find perfection when paradise stands waiting with its gates wide open.

Yes I feel a romantic twitch and right now it is more than merely twitching, I think you are about to be a tabletop delight. I swiftly undid her blouse and exposed those wonderful, taught, tits which did not have or need a ‘bra of any description.”

As I spoke I dropped my own garments onto the floor..

“Please drop your briefs and sit on said table and I shall demonstrate the type of delights that can be achieved with little or no preparation.”

Linda was certainly in the mood for something because her briefs were on the floor before I had finished speaking. She lifted herself onto the table and lay back as I positioned a chair in front of her parted legs and applied my mouth to her soft and oh so fragrant pussy lips which readily parted to provide access to the inner sweetness of her vulva and the honey which lay beyond her inner labial lips.

My tongue had just pierced those inner lips and entered her very moist tunnel when the sound of the front door opening and closing followed by approaching footsteps stopped all thoughts of carnal pleasure.

I stood and turned as a slim woman of Eurasian extraction entered the room carrying a large paper shopping bag which hit the floor with a thud as her brain registered what her eyes had been looking at for two or three paces.

“Irene! Good god you’re not Irene! Who the fuck are you? You look like Irene except for the hair style.”

“No I am not Irene, and neither are you so what the hell are you doing in here?”

“I am a friend, My name is Marie, I collected some shopping for her, but who are you and how come you think it is ok to fuck in someone else’s house?”

“I’m Linda, Irene’s sister. We arrived late yesterday evening and Irene did say that we should make ourselves at home when she left for her office this morning. She did not mention deliveries, and when you have finished inspecting my tits would you please talk to my face.”

“I do apologise, I am not accustomed to being confronted by naked strangers. No matter how pleasant and exciting the scene.

“How much of a friend are you to Irene? I ask because I doubt she lets just anyone have a key and the freedom to know where thing are stored.?”

I began to put my boxers on and asked if anyone would like a coffee while this situation was cleared up. The answer was no from both women as they eyed each other, Marie had a look of fascination and I do believe, lust. Linda had an amused expression as she stepped forward and taking one of Marie’s hands she placed it on a naked breast.

Marie reached out with the other hand and felt for Linda’s slit. Linda sighed and opened her legs as she began to remove Marie’s coat.

“Mark, go and make yourself a coffee while we sort this out, I think I want her as much as she wants me,”

I ignored that and stayed to watch. It did not take much time to divest Marie of her now unwanted clothing and she helped as much as she could while maintain a grip on Linda’s left breast.

Marie: Five feet six inches of stunning womanhood had a slim body which was supple and shapely. A small waist, wide hips, and a flat stomach, high pointed breasts and long slim legs. Absolutely delectable soft rounded buttocks.

She allowed Linda to lift her onto the table and then part those legs. I saw that she had a smooth and silky pudenda with tight labial lips which even so had droplets oozing out. She was certainly ready for whatever came. She also had a snake tattoo on her inner thigh which finished with the head just about to enter her outer lips. When I was allowed to have what Linda had left for me I discovered that the tail of the snake began at her anus as though it had just left there.

Linda began as I had when she was on the table, Marie wanted to help as much as she could. She held her own legs high and wide apart to enable Linda’s mouth as much room as possible as she sucked and nibbled on her playmate’s sexual apparatus. When Linda’s third finger entered Marie as she sucked her engorged clitoris, the shriek of pure animal sexual release would have had the police round very swiftly if this had been a built-up area,

Linda wanted to change places with Marie, but Marie was in no state to take any pleasure from the opportunity so I told her to take a rain cheque as I led her to our bedroom to introduce her to my joystick.

On reaching the bedside She asked me to lie down which I was happy to do and then she knelt down and began to stroke my already solid starting handle as she smiled at me as she told me that she wanted this more than I could realise. She said that she had not had a really solid erect penis inside her for two years and now she felt that the time had come to end that.

“Please go slowly until I tell you to fuck me hard and then you may do anything you like.”

This was surreal. I had just been asked to fuck a woman I had just met, not spoken to, or even caressed, I did as asked and took her to three orgasms, mainly because she was on a hair trigger but also because what I had seen in the last hour had been so bloody erotic.

I turned her over, parted her bum cheeks and licked her sphincter before she had time to comprehend what was about to happen to her, I used her own vaginal fluids to lubricate her sphincter and soon had it responding to the slow circular movement as I licked it.

It opened, my finger went in and I began that circular movement again and her bottom began to lift and lower and shortly after that I had two fingers inside her rectum and she was almost fucking herself on an imaginary penis.

She was bemused when I turned her over and entered her vagina again and began a long slow fuck towards another climax as I kissed her, she was almost eating me when she came.

The moment she calmed down I placed a pillow alongside her at hip hight and then rolled her over, got between her slim legs, placed my cockhead at the entrance to her anal canal and applied a little pressure.

She moaned as I began the journey down her tunnel, but she was the one doing the work, She kept lifting her bottom as I held still so that she was sliding backwards along my shaft, when she had all of me inside her she spoke: “You bastard, You fucking wonderful bastard, I often wondered what anal sex would be like but I never expected to be in a situation where I would allow it to happen.”

I stopped her chatter because I began to fuck her backside, and I had my hands on her uptilted pointed tits as I did it and I hung onto them through all of her thrashing and humping as I took her to two enormous orgasms. I filled her rear channel with semen which felt like hot lava on the second one and then I crawled off her to lay beside her as she allowed my recent donation to drain onto a wad of toilet paper from the roll Linda had just brought from the bathroom cupboard.

Linda came and lay beside me, we fondled and kissed and fondled some-more and then another hand appeared and some-more fondling occurred and that was followed by Linda having her legs parted as Marie moved around and eased her head between them until her face was within licking distance of Linda’s labia.

There was a lot of wriggling and sighing as both women settled themselves into comfortable positions and then the sounds of oral sexual pleasure and appreciation arose.

I stood it for as long as I could and then my resolve broke. I got off the bit of bed I had been relegated to during the initial manoeuvring and went for a shower.

What goes around, comes around. I was back in the bedroom drying myself when Irene walked in. She didn’t say anything for a while, she merely watched me watching Linda giving Marie’s rear passage a thorough workout using two of her fingers and then she spoke:

“I came home early in the hope of manipulating at least one of you two into having sex with me before dinner and now I doubt any of you has the stamina to manage my needs.

The past two years has been hard to bear, and I was so fortunate to find that I had a saviour living close by with the same problem that I had which was a lack of a suitable male sex partner. That may sound banal and silly, but she and I do have a strong libido and recently I have begun to get aroused just by seeing the bulge in a pair of trousers,

Marie: I have to say that I did not expect to find you here at all, let alone having any sort of anal sex because I know you had never had it. I assume therefore that you walked in on them which meant that they had easy meat to play with. I am rather pleased that you finally came to your senses and decided to enjoy a more exciting and happier life, or did Linda decide that for you?

I am also relieved that you all seem at ease with group sex because now I don’t have to worry about how to get Mark into bed, I already know that I can get Marie and Linda in there, But a change of diet will do me a power of good.”

“If that is an offer, then come and turn words into deeds, I have already experienced the treasures that lie within your sister and Marie. I have the feeling that you are hiding similar treasures otherwise Linda and Marie wouldn’t be so keen to bed you again.”

“Well Mark you are loquacious, can you walk the walk as well as you talk the talk?”

“If you need references then ask Linda and Marie or allow me to show you. In fact, seeing that you were happy with a group fuck situation, come here and I’ll show you here and now.”

She did allow me to show her that I could walk the walk, She kept asking me to show her again but then her sister insisted on having me for a while because Marie had just gone home.

Once the initial rutting session had run its course and the house had been reset to neat and tidy, Irene admitted that she had arranged for a meal to be delivered by a catering company in which she held a large number of shares and as it would shortly be delivered we should perhaps take a little time out to dress in more suitable clothing.

The caterers not only delivered the meal they also delivered everything necessary for a meal. The table was already in Irene’s dining room but they supplied everything else, the table linen, cutlery, crockery, everything. The personnel had obviously performed this service for Irene many times because I never heard a query about the location of anything that they would need which they could not have brought with them.

The operation was fantastic and ran as smooth as silk. Once the meal had been served the two waitresses withdrew to a small ante room and could be summoned by a small transmitter which was placed by Irene’s place setting.

After the meal the whole thing was removed by the staff who had been waiting outside in their two vehicles.

Linda began to thank Irene for organising such a fantastic evening, but Irene stopped her.

“That was my way of thanking you for being you and for bringing Mark. I know that you are fully aware of the difficulty in leading a satisfactory private life if you run a high-end escort agency. When it comes down to the question of normal human needs its damn impossible to have your own desires attended to.

I sure as hell am not going to book one of my agents to sort me out and there isn’t a male anywhere within a hundred miles of here that I would allow through the door. Which is why Marie is a godsend for me and you did for us exactly what we needed and Marie would never have had the nerve to ask for.

She has had an awful life; kidnapped, sex slave traded across the world and then managing to escape by hiding in a pig pen for two days and stealing their swill. It took her a year but she ended up in Glasgow working as a skivvy for peanuts in an Asian restaurant. It was turned midnight and the place was closed for business; she had been told to clean the floor while the other staff were in a back room having a meal.

An elderly man came in as she was bending down to move the doormat and he almost fell over her. He was sick and confused, she steadied him and realised that he was shaking and sweating so she sat him down and gave him a drink of water, She went and told the others about him, they didn’t want to be involved and began to force him out of the door. Marie tried to stop them but they hit her so she grabbed the man and supported him as she got him to a bus stop shelter.

She ended up out on the street, with no coat, no money and in charge of an obviously sick old man. Marie saw a taxi coming so she went and stood in the road and as the driver began to steer around her she moved again so he stopped. He saw sense and the result was that she got him to the hospital and not being stupid she stayed there with him because it was warm, and there were chairs for her to sleep on as the hospital staff sorted out the old man.

After she had half carried him into the hospital saying in poor English that he was sick no one had asked her anything, they had assumed that they were together so she was given some soup and a blanket and they woke her up when he was pronounced fit enough to travel and discharged him into her care.

He was fully recovered and remembered what she had done, the end result was that he called a taxi and took her with him to his home and having heard her story he offered her a room and asked her if she would consider staying as his companion and carer. Marie began as his carer but once she had realised that anyone with a house the size of his, on the edge of town just had to be wealthy and soon found out that he was a widower without family.

Marie was, and still is, a survivor the carer turned into an old man’s dream and although he was unable to actually fuck her he did love the foreplay, of which there has been a great deal.

They were married two years ago. I had seen her close by on a few occasions so when I saw her in the supermarket in town I spoke to her and explained that we were neighbours and I had a suspicion that she didn’t have a car so I would gladly give her a lift back home. She had not been idle; her English was good and her sense of humour was just what I needed.”

“Oh that is so kind of you and I would love to travel back with you. My name is Marie, you are Irene and Hamish said that I should be careful around you or I would find myself having to please people in bed. Men! He wants me to do that for him but would have a stroke if he thought that some people needed that access. Anyway Irene, you are wrong, I do have a car but I can’t drive it because I have never learned how to.”

“Two days later I talked her into my bed and she didn’t want to get out again.”

Linda and I made love that night. Not sex for fun, sex as a statement. The two activities are totally different in so many ways. It took a long time and it was not at all tiring.

Irene went to work the next day in a very cheerful frame of mind. She was late, but satiated.

When she came in from her trip to Glasgow, she had discarded the calm,, cool and delectable persona in favour of mean, and deadly. When she had finished swearing It was clear that the nasty little oik intent on taking over Linda’s empire had been able persuade, for want of a civilised word, someone to reveal that Lidia had a sister living in Scotland, who was really the queen of the Scottish trade and Glasgow had been mentioned during the conversation.

This had caused a deputation of his employees to be dispatched Northwards join up with people of their ilk in order to seek out the premises of the sister. Having done that they then explained that in order for her to remain in occupancy she would be required to relinquish control of her business and provide a list of her employees names and addresses to the deputation and that this action should be carried out swiftly before there was any chance of an accident occurring in her property necessitating in the arrival of the local fire brigade.

The representatives of the oik also required to be given the location of the missing Linda because the oik would like her to give him the recording of his visit to her premises in Birmingham and he would also like the return of the gun which his employee had so carelessly allowed her friend to take away. Information as to the whereabouts of that person would also be appreciated.

What was also noticeable was that Irene was carrying a canvas sack.

She placed that on the floor, opened it and removed an oilskin covered package which when unwrapped proved to be what can only described as a sawn-off shotgun. It was of the design much favoured by the Italian Mafioso and known as a Lupus which is the Italian for wolf. This was followed by several boxes of cartridges and several little boxes the like of which I had never seen before.

I had much to learn regarding my ‘helpless’ playmates. They set to work immediately, emptying the rucksack revealed more boxes of shotgun cartridges, what looked like plastic drinks bottles, packets of a powdery substance and small metal boxes containing something wrapped in aluminium foil.

Then I got it, I had seen a similar set-up once before, just before a warehouse full of mines, missiles and heavy munitions suddenly exploded as a white fog of something with an evil orange corona came out of the muzzle of one man’s shotgun and went through the thin metal wall of the store.

Linda opened a cartridge box and took one out. She removed the plug and removed some of its steel balls; she opened a metal box and then removed the foil wrapping of the packets in the box and poured the contents of that into the cartridge and replaced the plug in the cartridge.

As she worked, Irene had opened a pack of powder opened the plastic bottled and poured the powder into it, until it was about half full and then added a little water She fastened the cap and shook the bottle vigorously, the contents expanded and the plastic creaked but held fast then the expansion ceased. She immediately unscrewed the cap and screwed a metal tube on in its place then the whole thing was screwed onto the end of the Lupus.

Two things were exercising my mind at that moment. One was wondering how the hell she had all that kit, which I knew for certain was highly secret never mind classified, the other was how the hell she knew what went where, and when, and above all else, how did she become so proficient at putting it together.

I knew what it was, I knew what it did and I knew how it did it. I could have put it together but not that speedily or proficiently, ergo; Irene is, or more probably had been, a spook. Brit, German, French, or Italian or Israeli. It mattered not, that kit was supposed to have been chopped up a long time ago.

I knew what it did because I watched it do it, or rather I saw the guy poke the bottle out of the car window as he drove past the gates of the warehouse. He didn’t slow down to aim, he didn’t need to because he knew what I knew, if the bottle hit the building then the building wouldn’t be there for much above a minute and he couldn’t miss a target 400 ft long and 20 ft high. And he did not want to be anywhere close when that happened.

I had heard the shotgun fire as I ripped my night vis goggles off, closed my eyes, and hugged the base of the pylon I had been hiding behind. I know the bottle was travelling at the front of a rocket trail and had begun to spurt a white fog as it hit the warehouse wall, a cloud with an expanding perimeter of orange heat which was turning incandescent when it went through the hole the bottle had just made. I know that because the warehouse and over a 100 sq. yards of real estate disappeared along with several million dollars’ worth of mixed ordnance.

This was the moment when I realised that it had not been a guy in the speeding car, but none other than Irene and because Linda was holding another example of the thing then she could probably replicate her sister’s actions.

“Irene; just accept that I know what it is, what it does, and how it does it and tell me how the heĺl you have two of them. I know three were made, I know one was used, because I was there, but I also saw the destruction certificates for all three units afterwards. Who, how, and why, please.”

“Who is no longer involved he retired to go fishing shortly after the destruct order was actioned.. The instruction to destroy the three systems came from a Langley staffer who had never left his nice safe office and three systems were duly destroyed.

The live one which we used to upset the Iranian’s little plan was system one. The two training systems which were inert and useless and so had been put in storage and forgotten about were retrieved and became systems two and three. It was not difficult to convince that moron in Langley that the box of certified junk actually was the real deal.”

“You’re not exactly Mr average squaddie either. Who the hell do you or did you work for?”

“I did but I don’t, so the who doesn’t matter, but that was you in the car wasn’t it? I have always assumed it was a guy until I watched you put that lot together just now.

“That puts you in a slot; now, what about Linda’s place in this. How long has she been involved with the cousins?”

“Always, we were, in fact still are a team. She was waiting half a mile down the road on a motor bike, she’d parked a semi-rig across a Y junction, cut the air hoses and sprayed black gloss over the windscreen and driver’s console. We were airborne before thar lot was moved.”

“I keep having this feeling that I should be asking you to tell me why you have just recovered the Armageddon factor. Take it on trust that I am exactly what you thought I was, a civilian. Just one that knows more than you thought I would. I am not so sure that you and Linda fit into that same niche.”

“We are, and we do, It is a sad fact of life that our retirement was politically driven and we decided to have a little nest-egg stowed away in case of inclement weather. As I said, the Langley staffer didn’t imagine for one moment that the idiots who kept going out in the rain just might have arranged for an umbrella.

He sent Linda and me to log everything in because we understood the importance of making certain that this kit was safe until the destruct order could be signed by his boss who was out playing golf in Europe at the time. Well, for a couple of weeks Linda had been very friendly with an umbrella salesman and he was keen on acquiring a fishing boat. It is amazing just how much unaccountable gravy slops about during some operations and no-one seems to bother about who mops it up.”

“The reason for the Armageddon system is that Linda’s spot of nastiness has now spread his evil little tentacles up here and so I am now under threat and that irks me somewhat, They also would like a heart to heart with you so I assume that you are with us in stopping the bastards.”

“Of course I am, I have been ever since I got involved.”

“Good. They chose fire as the weapon so fire it shall be. We have reduced the range and power but for this to work we need to be in three places at once. Can you ride a motorbike?”

“I certainly can, Where am I going?”

“Birmingham; I would like you to make sure they don’t fire her house or her neighbour’s house. Linda will be down there as well with an Armageddon to toast their place and then get to her office and upset their watcher team. I shall be toasting the Glaswegian mafia’s base and popping over to my office to see if I’ve collected any lice.”

“What about this place?”

“Everything about this place is under the name of my husband, I don’t get a mention and I certainly don’t get any bills.”

“I have the phone from the guy in the service station and his gun. The phone is in my P.O, box and the gun is the van. I think they both should end up with the CID in Birmingham, You have Linda’s recording of threats being made and the written threats the idiots sent her when this all kicked off. That little lot could be sent from different places without pointing a finger at you two.”

Soon everything was ready to go and so off into the sunset the brave trio sped. I had even been supplied with leathers and helmet belonging to Irene’s husband to go with the motorbike from the same stable. I turned into Linda’s street and saw a Transit van parked across from Linda’s house so I kept moving and turned at the first junction to be clear then I stopped and phoned the emergency number to report sounds of violence and what sounded like a bang coming from a big van parked in that location and then rang off before the questions began.

I took the three small and thin plastic bags of wet cement and pebbles out of a pannier and lodged them inside my now unzipped jacket, made sure that I could quickly grab the gun after they were gone then rode around the block to the start point and waited with the engine running until I heard the first blues and twos sound.

I moved off, round the corner accelerated and made as if to pass the van once again but I braked as I came along side, threw the weighted bags at the door window followed by the gun which was deliberately thrown against the panel to drop to the ground and then I was away happy because the third bag had gone through the then broken window. I turned at the end of the street as the police car entered at the other end.

Linda had made sure that I could find her office location and in fact I could have found it without a problem because the sound of fire engine, ambulance, and police sirens did mark the spot rather well.

I drove as close as I could then dumped the bike and eased my way through to the tape and my heartrate slowed. There was a burned-out shell of a vehicle in the driveway to a block of offices and no sign of the SUV that Linda was using.

I returned to the bike and set off to meet up with her in Tesco’s car park. She was there and I spent some time making certain that she was in one piece until a passing late-night shopper advised me to get a room.

We should have already been on our way to visit the Oik in his lair but I really did have to know that she was unharmed, and this was new territory for me. As she drove across Birmingham she told me how the scene outside her office had played out. She had keys to the main front doors and also the rear emergency door.

She had parked on a side street and walked up the rear access lane to the building. Using the emergency door she’d gone up to her office and unplugged a desk lamp, connected a timer switch to it and set the timer for thirty minutes ahead then plugged the timer into the socket and switched it and the lamp to on.

She left the building by the same route as her arrival and walked down the rear access lane to get back onto the front street and then kept in the shadows as she approached the van from the rear.

They had parked the van across the street from the driveway and whoever was in the van merely watched the approaches to the building so no-one was keeping an eye on the rear of the van.

When the light went on in Linda’s office they drove across the road into the drive and then all three occupants leapt out and ran to the front doors as Linda threw a plastic milk bottle full of petrol through the open driver’s door followed by a lit firework. She said that she had to do an Olympic sprint to get clear before the van lit the street up.

She was in her car and away well before the three nasties had managed to get around the building and out onto the rear lane.

“So how are you going to deal with their HQ?”

“I am going to call him in a moment and tell him that I am on my way to deal with him. He can interpret that any way he likes but I think he’ll decide that he’s won. I shall call him again when we get there. Hold on.”

She phoned the Oik and it went as she’d described. A few minutes later she parked and pointed out a car repair workshop sign.

“The Oik lives alone in the house next to that place which is also his. He will be in the workshop waiting for his troops to report in, The house next to his is derelict. He will not be pleased about his house joining it.”

Linda moved into the back of the car and I moved into the driver’s seat ready to drive when she said.. I could now see the Lupus which was already leaning against the side window. She lowered the glass then she phoned the Oik again:

“Right you piece of shit, so you think that dealing with women is easy. I am about to show you just how wrong you can be. You threatened to involve the fire brigade if I didn’t do as you said, well I hope you have their number on speed dial.

I took that as my cue and drove up the road accelerating hard as she stuck the bottle end out of the window. We shot past the workshop, she fired and ducked down as I hunched low over the steering wheel. We only just made it to the junction when the fireball lifted the house roof off then we were safe behind a row of shops.

The report said that the unfortunate owner of both the house and workshop had been in the act of leaving the workshop parking area when most of the house roof landed on the workshop and cars parked close by the building.

We had returned to Tesco’s car park. I to collect the bike and Linda to pack the Lupus into a readied cardboard packing box to take to the main postal sorting office. She pulled alongside me as we approached Glasgow and held a sign up which had a drawing of a bed on it. She pulled ahead and I duly followed.

The Hilton hotels have wonderful beds, big and soft, and you would certainly have a very sound sleep. We didn’t even try to see if that is correct as it was we only just made the breakfast cut off. We made our separate ways to Irene’s to hear how she had fared. We knew she’d done what needed to be done but we wanted the details and the phone was not the way.

After we’d garaged the transport we entered quietly thinking that Irene would be sleeping, she was in bed but so was Marie and they definitely were not sleeping.

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