Moot Point – Bree by cruel_mirror,cruel_mirror

Author’s note:

Due to some of the comments about my previous story, I am adding this note for the ones who “wasted their times” or think that they were “mislead”:

This story also has elements of pschobabble, a wife acting out of conventional marriage expectations (*a slut), a wimp and so on. Also, there’s not much sex in the story.

And the story title explains that there will be untold parts about what really happened.


It’s been two months since I was sacked and Bree is the only breadwinner in our marriage.

There are a few temporary jobs available but since we are young, I need to find something I can put in my CV; since it looks very lame with only one work experience in it. I need to gain experience towards my future positions, so, we decided to be patient until I find something satisfactory.

But the main problem was that, we made an investment; I gave my savings as the front payment and signed a sort of short-term mortgage contract on a house, which is still being constructed. The house is in her name but since her work contract was in temporary state back then, I signed for the remaining loan. We paid most of it already and we don’t want to lose that. We have to be able to pay for two more years.

If I can’t find a high salary job, our savings and her earnings won’t be enough for us to keep it.

On the other hand, she has been working as editorial staff for a psychology department’s publications office. This got her interested in the subject and she’s attending classes, hoping to get a degree on this area.

But unfortunately, she heard that the office is planning to downsize and Bree is almost keen that they will let her go sometime soon. I still don’t think so because she’s good at what she does. And they didn’t downsize yet, after a few months.

She got an idea while trying to figure out her future options and she decided to record some podcast-like videos, I guess she calls them video blogs or vlogs, considering to earn some money that way. She made me watch one of them and I guess it was interesting to watch.

When I told her that, she decided to upload them on the internet.

We both weren’t expecting it to draw much attention but her videos received lots of interactions such as likes, comments and even voluntary sharing by the users.

She was talking about anything she knew well. Some meals which she cooked good, some exercises she was good at, her diet, her thoughts on social relations and even on romantic stuff.

She felt good and sexier in a funny way doing that, being successful made her horny more. We were fucking like rabbits. Since she had viewers, she cared about her weight and appearance more, making me crazy. And any new outfit she bought was sexier than before. Or, her refined figure after workouts made them look like that.

I was hesitant at first since she’s an attractive girl but I started to get jealous when she got more comfortable and started to record the videos in those new outfits. She was wearing casual ones, even her pajamas, showing her daily appearance. I didn’t like that. Then she started to wear sexier stuff. She started making videos in miniskirts and nylons, yoga pants or shorts.

Those latest videos brought a new set of commentators. The ones who did not care about what she was saying, making comments about her legs, face, mouth, ass. At first, this made me hornier, though it was disturbing, naturally.

One day, some loser wrote “I’d pop that innocence out of you, sweet cheeks!”

That made it unbearable for me.

I tried to talk sense into her about this, telling her how uncomfortable this was making me. She said that we needed more money and this was a negligible side-effect compared to the increased viewing numbers and her earnings on advertisements.

I offered her to step back a bit, telling her I could start one of those temp jobs to compensate.

“I will not stop. This is the first time I’m enjoying something I do like this. I feel like this will be something big in the future. I’m into this and I’ll pursue it until I see where it goes.” It was her decision and I wasn’t in a place to make her step back. I wasn’t making money, so I didn’t have that confidence to speak up more.

“At least tone down the ‘sexy’ outfit thing or leaning over the sofa poses a bit” was all I could say.

The last month passed like that. They didn’t let her go, not yet. She’s earning more than what we earned together, by herself. I’m feeling like I’m a dead weight in this marriage and I’m trying to find a job as soon as I can.

She’s writing stuff, recording videos when she’s home and she works all day at the office.

I started to feel neglected a bit, since she doesn’t come to bed with me that much anymore and she doesn’t spend time with me there.

I’ve been trying to snuggle or make out whenever I can but most of the time, she didn’t let me interrupt her work.

If I find a job, I can at least talk to her about some ground rules in this marriage.

It’s been another month and she’s still not fired. Her online channel hit some kind of a peek and it’s not getting bigger anymore. She’s trying to find different stuff to keep the fire burning and unfortunately, she found out that most of her recent followers were watching just for her innocent beauty. That’s what she said, of course. I’d say her sexy outfits. She’s not innocent in fact, not even a bit. She was a horny vixen in our relationship, at least before those busy weeks started.

She lost some of her initial audience, mostly because of the comments written for her videos.

I’m afraid that this is turning into those video chat channels, where the subscribers demanded things from the girl. I read many comments like that. Some people were telling her what to wear in her next video, some of them were telling her to show her legs and feet more, while some of them were asking her out or describing how they would make her their slut.

One of those masturbators was telling what he would do to her if she was sitting on his lap at that moment, in detail.

I finally found a job recently and after reading that comment I raised my voice for the first time.

“Are you a call girl or an online chat model? How can you not care what they are saying?”

“Jason, I’m not a call girl and it’s not a sex show. I knew you were going to act like that. You think that I need to show my legs to be successful, right?”

I wasn’t thinking that, I never thought that way about women. I said those things because of what she was doing.

“Besides, what they see is what people see in my daily life. Don’t insult me like that anymore. Do you think that’s the first time I’m being told things like that? Do you know how many times I got groped walking on the street? Do you know what words most girls hear from strangers every day?”

I probably looked like I didn’t understand anything. In fact, I was just trying not to say anything because that wasn’t what I told. I don’t want those bastards watching her and jerking off looking at her legs, ass or mouth.

“But you would have avoided them if you could, right? You can avoid that, at least the part coming from the online channel.”

“I won’t let anything interrupt me doing what I want.”

I almost wished she lost all the followers. I didn’t care about the money anymore.

But just the opposite happened.

She got an offer from an online podcast channel. They sent her a contract, offering money (much more than what she was making on her own) for 6 months. They stated that the amount would be adjusted depending on her viewing numbers, every sixth month.

She didn’t even ask me before signing it.

And, some of the videos were going to be live.

It was OK for the first months. After staying on more serious subjects and wearing casual, decent clothes, her viewing numbers dropped a bit but she got paid more than what she earned before.

She told me that she had to increase those numbers somehow, because in her contract, there was a clause stating the intervals for viewing numbers related to the payment rate. She wanted to get a better contract next time.

I tried to help her finding interesting or trending topics but she didn’t like me suggesting her.

And today, she came back from a meeting with the channel and she put a paper in front of me.

I’m looking at her, waiting for her to tell me what’s going on.

“Ok, today we reviewed the user comments and the results of some survey. There were some requests from the followers and we talked about them, to make a plan to increase their interest in my channel.”

I keep listening, this doesn’t sound good.

“We directly ignored some requests. The one we chose was about me talking about my private life a bit more. Such as my work or daily life, my marriage etc.”

“You already did that before, what’s different?”

“More details about them.”

“It’s not a good idea. You can’t know when you give away too much, there are lots of perverts there. You may regret it. We may regret it. And, what’s this paper about?”

“It’s for your consent. That you will not sue me or the channel if I mention you directly or indirectly.”

I want this to be over but she won’t forgive me if I block her path. I read the paper and it says similar things to what she told me, “I renounce my rights to take legal action for any matter regarding or caused by the video blogs in our channel”. Or something like that.

I sign it. I’m not going to ask for money if she mentions my name, I’m not greedy like that.

“What were the other requests? The ones you ignored?” I ask her sheepishly.

“Never mind, let me have that paper. Ok.”

“Tell me.” This time I get curious.

“About what they wanted me to wear or about me showing some cleavage, that kind of stuff. Mostly from my previous users.”

“Can I have my paper back?” I’m not that comfortable about giving my consent anymore.”

“Come on, Jason, don’t be silly.”

“I want to think about it for some time. I’ll give it back.”

And, after putting the paper in her case, she’s walking to me, with a raunchy look in her eyes.

I’m sitting in my chair, looking at her face, getting aroused every second because of my deprivation in the latest weeks. She knows how much I want her and she’s using that to stop me taking that paper from her.

A minute later, she’s kissing me, mounting me, sitting on my lap, slowly grinding herself on my dick. Then she stops, looks me in the eye and says “That paper stays with me. But I can give you something else instead.” As if this is a strange hot woman, who is offering me sex for the first time. Not just because she said it that way, I felt that thrill as well.

I don’t even think that it is my right to get what she is offering as her husband. I feel like this is a good bargain for me.

I guess I made a sound telling her I accepted because she’s smiling wickedly at me.

“Smart boy.”

The kiss she’s giving me at the moment is nothing like we had before. She’s practically devouring me, while humping me slowly. That was too hot for me and I came in my pants.

I’m guessing that she was surprised her but she doesn’t look unhappy.

“Aww.” Bree looks me in the eyes, inches away, pouting her lips for a few seconds and stands up after slapping my face me a few times gently.

“It was hot for me too, don’t worry. We will do it again. Try to hold yourself next time.” That celebrity mood was changing her. It is changing us. She is becoming bold, acting like I am dependent on her. I’m not feeling as her equal. This didn’t change even after I found a good job.

She is becoming sexier and I want her more as our sex life kept deteriorating. There is no other explanation to that rookie mistake, that premature ejaculation. It never happened before, except our first few times.

I watch her grab her case and leave. I have no idea what just happened. I feel like something was wrong. Beyond the obvious part, of course.

The following weeks, she was mostly busy and it was hard for me. We had sex only once; a quickie when she came home too horny.

I was like a mad dog, following her around, trying to get her to bed in this period.

One weekend, it was very hard for me to watch her try her cute and sexy outfits for her next video. She changed her clothes in front of me the whole Saturday, put on ankle socks, nylons, shorts, skirts, tight pants. I once or twice hugged her but she pushed me away telling me to be a nice boy and that she was busy. I was trying anything. I smelled anything she took off, burying my face in it, making sure she was seeing me like that. She was smiling naughtily; this was apparently turning her on but she still wasn’t letting me near her. I wanted her too much that day.

At night, she was writing stuff on her notebook. When I told her I missed her, she surprised me, offering me a new low in our marriage.

“I missed you too. But I’m busy as you can see. I don’t have time; I need to finish that tonight.” She was looking at me while talking. Then she kept looking, playing with her hair. The color on her face told me that she was thinking naughty stuff.

“Since you got me all worked up since the morning, I think you owe me some relief. I wouldn’t say no if you’re willing to do me a favor while I’m working.”

I got her worked up? I was about to explode. On the other hand, this sounded like a good offer, it could result in a point where she wouldn’t resist anymore and accept me to fuck her. I normally never use such terms for my wife but that day, for me, she was just a chick I wanted to fuck.

The only problem was that these kind of seductive deprivation tactics escalated after I signed that paper. We were having sex time to time and she never made me feel like she was doing me a favor.

She had her yoga pants and ankle socks, with a t-shirt above all. I guess she wasn’t expecting me to crawl under the table, and she giggled when I moved to her thigh and kissed it.

She stood up, lowered her pants and underwear to her ankles before she sat back down. This made me hornier and I feasted on her pussy. I think she came two times and I couldn’t get enough of it. I might have forgotten to keep it slow and get her to bed. But I remembered my main goal at some point.

“Come on Bree, I’m dying here!” I said finally.

“We talked about that; I can’t stop working now.”

“Let’s do it here then, please.”

“Ok, you deserved some” she said when pushing her chair back and standing up. I crawled out and saw that incredible sight. She was still typing things, bent over towards the table.

Good thing that I didn’t cum fast this time. I fucked her standing behind her while she was still acting as if she was working. It wasn’t possible for her to be concentrating on her work at that moment. But it was hot. Not nice but really hot. She was ignoring me while I was satisfying myself like a caveman.

Since I got what I wanted, I went to bed alone in peace.

Before sleeping, it occurred to me that I could find some clues about her latest changes if I watched her videos. And read the comments, of course.

In the morning, I woke up to an empty house. She must have left early. She did that time to time, including Sundays like this Sunday.

After breakfast, I open her channel and start watching.

I have some idea about the previous ones, the ones before signing with that podcast company.

I skip the ones where she’s talking about professional life or cooking. But I make sure that I skim through the comments to see if there are any unpleasant ones.

If I see a video where she dresses some hot outfits, I scan all the comments and try to stay calm while reading.

I see a lot of comments like the previous ones. Even bolder ones.

Then, under a video, I saw many disturbing replies. They were asking about our marriage. Our sex life. If she was satisfied. If she was looking. I decide to watch that video.

I can’t believe that she’s talking about how things get dull in marriages. Since she’s not a psychologist who listens to other people’s marriages, everyone understands that she’s talking about ours. We’ve been married for only 5 years and she find our marriage dull?

Ok, I’ll watch all of the videos after that one.

She answers questions from the previous video at the beginning of this one.

“I think sex is Ok in my marriage. Not the best, but Ok.” I know I’m not the reason for that! She’s not letting me near her.

“No, he’s not my bitch. Why would you ask that?” What? I didn’t see that comment. I pause the video and take a note on a paper. I’ll check such comments.

“Come on, BBB.” She doesn’t answer a question but she blushes while laughing, she’s embarrassed but the way she looks is flirtatious. What the fuck? I take a note “BBB”.

“That’s too much detail, maybe I’ll answer it later.” She doesn’t read the question and I have no idea what she’s talking about.

“Yes, he takes classes with me.” Who? What’s the question? She’s not talking about me and she must have told them something about some guy. I will have to view all the videos.

Then she talks about her classes, her work. I get some popcorn while still listening to her.

Finally, she starts talking about us.

“As some of you girls suggested, it works. Girls, keep your men deprived. Alice’s method works. Jason can’t stay far from me lately and you’ll like to see your men crawl for you.”

Is she crazy? Who tells such things? This can ruin my career and social life. When did she become that stupid?

Anyway, I keep on watching and reading.

It’s about late afternoon and I can say that I almost covered most of her content.

She talked about a young guy hitting on her and that’s the one she’s taking classes with.

I couldn’t find that BB guy. If it’s a guy.

She has talked about us a few times before but all shit started after she posted the video which I watched before that.

The comments were all about me. Girls were asking her what she made me do, while guys were talking about me as ‘wimp’, ‘boot licker’, ‘doormat’.

In the next video, she answered some questions which I couldn’t find. I finally saw the private message link on her page. She was getting private messages. Probably that BBB guy wasn’t posting out in the open.

She talked about her ex. She implied that he wasn’t as handsome as me but he was “very good” in bed. Not “Ok”. Very good.

As I scrolled down to the comments, I felt really bad.

“Sorry to hear that you never met a real man.”

“Was your ex a big boy?” Wait. That message was from a guy named BigBoyBarnie. I looked at the previous videos’ comments and there! This fucker asked her “I see you like to experience things. I suggest you try a big boy, what do you think about that?”

He told her that in all those people and she blushed reading that comment. What’s wrong with her?

I will stop this shit. She lost her wit doing those videos.

She finally returns and shouts ‘Hii!’ before going to the bedroom.

I’m still trying to finish the next and last video, so, I’m happy she didn’t come near me yet.

She answers that question “Ok, BBB. No, he wasn’t. Bigger but not big. I mean, I don’t think so. I’m not a judge on that area.” Bigger? Than me? Still not big enough? Why would she say things like that?

I don’t want to read the comments.

I’m reading the comments now, since she’s in the shower.

Most of them are saying that they got what she needs.

BBB only has written “Check your messages.”

I have a headache now and I’m about to explode.

She comes out of the bedroom in her pajamas.

“Bree, sit down, we have to talk.”

“Ok but I have to finish writing tomorrow’s text. What’s it about?”

“Are you aware of what you’re doing? How can you talk about such things? How can you answer such questions?”

“Oh, come on Jason. You know most of it is just stories. Most of them aren’t true. Interaction made my numbers go sky high. I’m having fun with them.”

“You’re using my name and you’re embarrassing me. What if my colleagues find out that my wife is talking about her ex’s cock? Which is, by the way, bigger than mine but still not big enough?”

“Ok, people like such stuff. Degraded husbands, slutty wives. You can tell you co-workers that it’s all fake. You can tell them we write it together.”

“Are you crazy? Do I look like a pimp?”

“Do I look like an escort to you? This conversation is over. Believe it or not. They are stories.”

“Wait! Who is that BBB guy? What did he write to you on the private message?”

“First, they are ‘private messages’. Also, he’s not writing anything different than what he’s writing in the public area. Would you prefer them to write those stuff there?”

“What did he write? I want to look at those messages.”

“Fuck you! I won’t show you anything and you will wait long to get me into bed after this talk.”

I wasn’t even looking at when she walked to the kitchen to start typing.

This marriage is turning to shit lately. I’ll watch her next video tomorrow and if she goes on like that, I will consider divorcing her. We can sell the house and split the money. In fact, I guess a judge will think the way I do. She’s not acting appropriately, not like a married woman. I can even get the house.

I woke up a few times at night, feeling troubled.

It’s afternoon and I guess she already posted her video. But I’m very busy today so I will have to wait to go home to watch.

I see one of my colleagues with headphones watching something on his notebook. Since yesterday, I feel agitated and I think that he’s watching her video. As if she’s really a celebrity.

When I walk towards him, he notices me and hits some keys on his keyboard, looking at me turning red in the face. But I can’t understand if he’s embarrassed or is he condemning me. Maybe he was watching porn.

I’m home, finally. I look for her but she’s not at home.

I turn my notebook on and start watching. It says “Live” on the right top of the screen. I understand that I’m watching the recorded video of her live broadcast.

She first answers the questions from the previous video, then she talks about her week and finally she starts reading the online public comments sent during the video.

She reads and answers, reads and answers.

Then she reads a message without speaking, her cheeks turn red, a wide smile appears on her embarrassed face and she says “Oh, BBB.” She’s still smiling and giggling, covering her mouth, looking at the camera. Is she flirting with that guy? But this is too disturbing. She can’t stop her smile.

I stopped the video and started to look for comments. And found it.

“So, do you still don’t have any idea what a big boy is?”

What? I already got used to messages implying things but her response to that question? That’s it. That’s enough evidence for me to divorce her. I don’t care if it’s fake or a made-up story.

I find some site to download the video, I take screenshots for such comments and start my preparation for the divorce.

Tonight, I will tell her. She closes the channel or I walk.

She returns home a bit late tonight. I smell alcohol.

“Where were you?”

“We celebrated today’s video. It made great success. Why?”

“Why? I watched the video. And I saw you giggling to his big boy comment. Don’t you have any shame? Can’t you perceive the position you put me in? What’s going on? What happened with that guy?”

“Jason, I told you. Most of it is act. That BigBoyBarney works for the podcast channel. There are lot of comments like that, I mean coming from the staff.”

I can’t believe what she’s saying. She’s telling me that they are making me look like a clown on purpose. If what she’s saying is true.

“You’ll stop this nonsense.”

She smiles but not friendly.

“I mean it. Otherwise, I can’t go on like that.”

“Oh, you’ll sit at home and watch. You’ll prepare meal for your celebrity wife and wait for a chance to satisfy her.” She’s talking sarcastically but it sounds too real to me.

“I want you to take this seriously. I will divorce you.”

Her smile is gone.

“I guess you won’t.”

She’s not talking to me like she loves me. I don’t understand what’s happening.

“You have no interest in me lately and I don’t see any reason for us to go on like that.”

“But I liked what you did that day. I’d love to have you around when I’m horny and busy. Don’t you want that? You liked it the last time?”

What’s she talking about?

She started joking again “We can make you a kennel under the table if you want?”

“Fuck you! I’m leaving. I mean I’m divorcing you. I had enough.”

“Ok. But I have to remind you that you will need to find some place to live. I’m staying in this house.”

“Yeah, you will. Nobody will ask you what you want. You will be thankful if the judge didn’t call you a slut after declaring the verdict or ruling, whatever its name is.”

“And, why is that?”

“I already copied the videos and comments.”

“I already copied the paper you signed.”


“Yeah, that little paper will be a problem for you. Maybe the judge will ignore it but my company has big boys as lawyers, so…”

This is stupid. The paper didn’t mention such things, I’m sure the judge will be the voice of reason. And I know she said ‘big boys’ to annoy me even more.

“Did you fuck him? I saw your expression.”

She’s not answering. She’s biting her lips.

“Tell me! What did he mean by that?”

And her cheeks turn red again, with that familiar aroused smile. I know she did. I know she let him fuck her.

I left the house that day, after she shivered in an exaggerated way. I don’t want to tell what I pictured in my mind about them having sex. Bitch! And she didn’t care about all that viewers think that she did it.

The judge didn’t ignore the lousy paper and she refused to share our investments. My moronic lawyer explained me that the ruling wasn’t a surprise since I was considered to be divorcing her out of no reason. And the house was in her name, so…

It’s been two months and I’m still paying the loans for ‘her’ house.

I’m living in a rental one room apartment and I’m watching her latest video.

I watched all her previous videos and found out that there was another section on that site, where she was taking requests or accepting challenges coming from users. “Put that hot sauce to your meal tomorrow”, “Wear this going to work”, “Deprive your husband from having sex with you” and so on. I guess “Make him eat you while you’re working” was her own thought.

I don’t care about her or what she did to me anymore and I’m still sure that she let that bastard fuck her that Sunday. I also hoped that I was right, otherwise… No, I did right. Even if she didn’t, what she was doing was unacceptable.

It made me feel bad when she stood up and showed her new yoga pants. I considered jerking off to her ass until she started talking.

“And, thanks to my ex-cuck, who’s still working out there to pay the loans for my new house, I bought five different colors of this baby.”

Did she just admit making me a cuckold? I wasn’t a cuckold; I didn’t know what was going on!

Wait, I know what she’s doing. She knows I would watch that video and she wants to annoy me. Did she cheat or not?


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