My Home is My Castle by Bearcatfozzy,Bearcatfozzy

Aware that my stories are usually TOO long, thought I’d take a stab at a 750-word effort

Kelly and I married in our late 20s and decided on no children, turns out it was a good choice after seven years. I had a feeling that something was wrong. Investigation followed with the typical cameras and mics hidden throughout the house and her car. Easy for a professional techie like me.

I discovered that Kelly was cheating whenever I left on business. My trips usually lasted a few days but could longer. I didn’t know, and had never seen, her paramour. I learned that he was a former boyfriend named Mike, now himself married, necessitating meeting at our home. I guess he faked business trips so he could fuck my wife.

Our sex life was pretty good, nothing crazy, but the stuff Kelly did with Mike was downright kinky, stuff she never did with me. I never knew Kelly had such a submissive side and was shocked at her enjoyment of many degrading acts.

We had a strict prenup since we’d both been cheated on before. In fact, I think Mike was the boyfriend that cheated on Kelly before we met. In the prenup, I kept my business (as I started it before we met), and Kelly kept a small family trust fund that was worth a fraction of my business. Any infidelity resulted in painful financial penalties to the cheating spouse. Especially harsh for Kelly since she chose not to work.

Because of the prenup, she really tried to hide her affair from me and the neighbors. Mike hid low in Kelly’s car while she drove down the street until she pulled into the garage. The garage cam view of him popping up in the passenger seat once the garage door was closed was quite comical. They’d spend the night in a guest room, fucking up a storm. In the morning, Kelly drove and picked up a take-out breakfast, leaving Mike alone in our house.

While she was gone, he’d go into my office and rummage through my things and try to access my computer. My computer was locked down and everything important was stored on it, so I wasn’t concerned that he’d rip me off. Nonetheless, his violation of my personal space, let alone my wife, really pissed me off. When Kelly returned, he’d be out of my office and join her for breakfast, followed by several more rounds of kinky sex. That night, he’d once again hide in the car and Kelly would drive back to his office and he’d return home to his wife.

Over the course of three trips, I observed the same routine – one-night stay, breakfast fetched by Kelly while he rummaged in my office, more sex, followed by his return trip. I made bogus plans for a three-day trip, but returned the next morning. Beforehand, I’d removed all the surveillance devices except for those in my office and her car. Using GPS, I waited a half mile from home until Kelly was at the breakfast joint and then I called her.

“Hi honey, good news, the client had some sort of emergency and had to reschedule the install. I caught the red-eye back and should be home really soon.”

“What?!?” she stammered, “I’m at Jim’s getting breakfast, why don’t you join me here rather than going home?”

“That’s OK, I’m not really that hungry and need to get some things done around the house. I’ll see you when you get back.”

I used my key and quietly entered through the front door and retrieved my Glock. I quietly made my way to my office and found Mike rummaging through my things. I acted surprise for the cameras as I yelled, “who the fuck are you and why are you in my office?”

Mike was considerably bigger than me and made the mistake of trying to bull-rush his way past me. I exaggeratedly fell to the floor, raised my Glock and fired. He was dead before he hit the floor.

Kelly arrived five minutes later, around the same time as the police via my 911 call. I told them I’d never seen the guy before and I’d caught him rummaging in my office before he rushed me and I was forced to shoot. The office-cam confirmed my story. When confronted, Kelly, still in shock from Mike’s death, admitted to her affair and that she was out when I arrived home.

Financially secure after the divorce, I’d like to thank the prenup, and my state’s “castle doctrine” for the smile on my face.

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