Our Friday Nights by lockfocus,lockfocus

Our Friday Nights

This is an account of the Friday night sex routine between myself and my wife, Sally which has been going on for a number of years. For the most part it’s remained the same although slightly refined over time. Firstly, our love-making (or “play” as Sally calls it) is unspoken. Neither of us need to suggest it. It is “booked in”. We both look forward to it and we know it’s going to happen.

We will always start off on the couch and the entertainment will either be a TV series that we might be into, a movie or sometimes just talking. Generally anything on the television needs to be reasonably light and romantic or funny. Something too serious doesn’t help the mood.

Sally will start on some cheap Champagne (we find it tastes much the same as the expensive stuff) or white wine and may have some snacks to go with it. Over the years I have learnt not to drink too much (so for me it might be just one glass) and to limit how much I eat.

The lights will be down, we will be comfortable and the TV show (or talking) will start. For the most part we don’t touch each other but just focus on what we’re watching or talking about. At about the one hour mark (when Sally’s had about three drinks) I announce that I’m going to have a shower. Sally’s happy with the break and will usually go to her phone to check social media.

My shower is usually a quick affair. I work in an office during the week so there is not much dirt and grime to deal with. It’s usually just making sure I’m clean for the “play” that is to come. Usually after a long week of getting up at 6:20am each morning I get a bit tired come Friday. However the shower and the thought of what is coming up will energise me.

After the shower I put on a tee-shirt and boxer shorts. I then re-join Sally on the couch. As we continue watching TV or talking, I’m emboldened to reach through the opening of my shorts and lightly play with my penis. Given that we’re only lit up by the TV this usually goes unnoticed. Eventually my touching becomes a bit more obvious as I’m now pulling my penis out the front of my boxer shorts and it’s starting to get hard – particularly if Sally has gotten up for another drink.

We’re close together now and after a bit, Sally will reach down and grab a hold of my penis. She will give it gentle strokes on top before getting her hand underneath and stroking the underside. Sometimes if I’m particularly horny I will continue to touch myself at the same time as Sally, including playing with my balls. This never puts her off and she will continue touch me.

At some point I will suggest that we go to the bedroom. We get up and she will go briefly to the bathroom. When she arrives, I am sitting on the side of the bed. She will usually strip off to her bra and panties and will then stand before me. In the past she has been a bit shy and wanted to lie down straight away. In order to overcome her shyness, she will usually start a new line of conversation. I like to linger at this point and let her take off her bra. Her medium breasts hang down nicely, and are capped off by very sizeable nipples which I will immediately go to with my hands or mouth.

I will then slowly take off her panties to reveal her bald vagina. (She has taken to trimming her vagina very closely in recent months and I have been very happy with that). She will continue the conversation (which is quickly becoming a one-sided conversation) as I run my finger up and down her two inch slit. If I can, I’ll get her to widen her stance slightly so I can ease a finger between her legs, still only touching on the outside of her.

When she’s had enough, she will usually declare that I’m a bit “over-dressed”. That’s my cue to remove my tee-shirt and boxer shorts and let her lie down on the bed. I will then take up a position on my knees next to her. My cock is very hard and quite big at this point (over six inches I’m happy to say). She’s more than happy at that point to resume fondling it.

In the last six months I’ve taken to wearing about four rubber rings between my dick and my balls. They provide a nice stretching feeling which heightens the touching and intercourse. (Any guy out there who hasn’t tried this before, I recommend giving it a go). I was a bit worried Sally wouldn’t approve but apart from being curious in the beginning she has no problems with it. So, at this point I will usually put the rubber rings on. There’s a little bit of kissing at this point but mostly it’s mutual touching.

Now it is my turn to move things along. I will suggest that she moves down the bed and I turn her pillow 90 degrees. This allows me to straddle over her in a “69 position”. No matter how hard my dick is, she will always take it in her mouth. As she does she will reach one hand between my legs and use the other one to go around behind me. I then get the very nice feeling of her hands on my balls and a finger or two touching lightly down my anus. She will often just keep my cock half way in her mouth. That’s ok but if she starts to suck up and down on it (a bit difficult in the position she is in, granted) that can almost tip me over to orgasm straight away.

I will start to lick her pussy. Sometimes it’s hard to keep focus given what’s going on behind and underneath me. She doesn’t really respond in a big way to the oral but she does bring her legs up and spread them wide to receive my tongue. Where I can, I will reach a hand behind me and squeeze one of her boobs. Sometimes I will move forward a bit and can reach my tongue down to her anus but I don’t do this much as I know there is plenty of that to come.

We carry on for about five minutes and then I withdraw from her mouth as I roll over. I ask her if I can turn her around. She knows what this means and is always happy to oblige. She grabs her phone, shuffles on all fours to the end of the bed, arches her back and lifts her bum into the air. By this stage I’m behind her on my knees. As her puckered anus comes into view, I waste no time giving it a big lick. This may not be everyone’s “cup of tea” but I really enjoy the intimacy of it. Sally will happily play on her phone on Facebook or the internet for as long as I want to continue. As I go along I will probe my tongue into her arse and gently stroke her pussy with the tips of my fingers.

Once I’m done I will announce that I will go to the bathroom to brush my teeth. This is something she has always insisted on because she says she doesn’t like the taste of her own pussy when we kiss. Fair enough. (Sometimes when she’s really drunk I can sneak in some passionate kissing after I’ve been down on her). When I come back, she is on her back awaiting me. I will get between her legs with some lube. My erection has usually subsided a bit but Sally will automatically reach out and grab my cock to bring it back to its recent hardness. I then insert my dick inside her and she will arch her back to receive it.

The penetration in the missionary position is by far Sally’s favourite. While I start off slowly I know that the harder I go the more she likes it. Usually I can reach back with a hand and grab her arse and even stick a little bit of finger in her anus. I’m quite tall (6’3”), so the reach is not a problem. Even though Sally has a low tolerance for anal sex (we’ve tried it a few times but it’s not her favourite), she’s never fussed with a small bit of finger up there at this point. There is usually a lot of passionate kissing going on and, if Sally is so inclined, a fair bit of dirty talk. I won’t go into detail but she sometimes surprises me with what comes out of her beautiful mouth, such as “Give me your big dirty dick!” – Pardon (?!)

After about five minutes (which is not a long time, but there has been a fair bit of pounding going on during this time) I’ll ask her if she wants to come on top. I’ll let her up and then take her place lying down. My cock will be hard and ready to keep going while my balls will be stretched and sticking out the other way with the help of the tight rubber rings.

She will mount me and automatically my hands will go to her boobs. The softness of her breasts in my hands as she quickly moves up and down is not something I can get in the missionary position. I also have easy access to grab onto her arse. She will hold onto the bed head to give her some support or sometimes I will pull her down so we can passionately kiss while her breasts press against me and I take over the fucking motion. Sometimes I use this position just to fuck her with the tip of my dick as that is usually the most sensitive part for me. I can usually feel my balls swing around and all these things combined usually has me coming hard. I relish the moment and don’t bother to minimise it – it feels great to come inside my wife, my lover, my best friend and she enjoys my enjoyment and completion.

We reach for the tissues, which always seem to be slightly out of reach as we always forget to get them sorted beforehand. I pull out and we deal with any residual mess. If we have come to bed “too soon” we will usually go back to the lounge room to continue watching the TV. Other than that, it’s off to bed with a couple of quick kisses and a warm embrace. Another awesome Friday night!

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