Police Partners Hook Up by Nakedcraving,Nakedcraving

“Do you think he suspects?”

“He thinks we’re really strong to resist temptation,” she said.

“What if he finds out?” he asked.

“Do like the criminals do. Never admit anything,” she said with a grin.

I had caught my wife fucking her policeman partner, watched them have passionate sex and heard things from her that stunned me, but the most amazing thing about it all was that it aroused me more than pissed me off. The cliche’ had come true. Their being together so much five days a week had brought them to an intimacy that was predictable, maybe even inevitable.

She listened to him complain about a wife who didn’t give him the affection and understanding that he needed it, and God knows what she shared with him about us. However, whatever it was it brought them together. She provided what he needed and he fills needs she had. I was angry at her, but I understood and even spent a good deal of time imagining their lovemaking.

One morning it all came to a head when she came in at 6 in the morning. I had left the patio window at his brother’s house at 1 am, watching as usual as they fucked and sucked and made out like newlyweds on the unmade bed, so unless they were called back to fight crime after that time they had not left the bed.

“Hard night?”

“Lots going on tonight,” she said as she stepped out of her uniform. It did not escape my noticing that she had no panties on and I watched her fold her pants and place them on a hanger.

“Any of it happen at 237 Dillard?” I asked. She straightened up and turned, dropping the pants on the floor. She started to deny she knew the address, but she had spent many nights there over the past few months, fucked her partner in his brother’s bed at that address, and knew I had to know everything. “Is this where you just don’t admit anything?” I said, “or can we get passed that shit and decide what we want to do?”

She literally collapsed into the chair near the closet and her eyes began to tear up. “Here’s the thing,” I said, “we’re all adults and if you really like fucking your partner, then we need to come to some decisions. You could keep on without telling Sally and see if we can make it work. We can break up and let you two have all the time together you need, or we can let his wife know and see what happens when the department finds out you two have been fucking on the time clock.”

“We never… ” she said, then stopped, realizing it would not help to deny it. On the clock or not, at least it was certain they had fucked and often. “Sorry. We just… ”

“I don’t care why,” I broke in. “Don’t even care that your partner has fucked my wife more than I have for the last few months. Many told me men and women can’t be partners because they would be fucking eventually, and I don’t even care that they were right. What I do care about is that I still love you and I want our marriage to continue unless you don’t. If you don’t, I’ll give you the divorce you want and you can fuck him day and night, whenever you want. If that happens, you won’t be partners, and the department will not like to news to get out that two of Seattle’s finest were fucking while the city went to hell.

“When he asked you if I suspected anything, I did.” Realizing I must have been spying on them, righteous indignation began to boil up within her and her expression turned livid.

“You watched?” she gasped.

“I did. Even got turned on by seeing things you don’t even do with me. Watched a lot, actually, saw you let him come in your mouth, lick your anus, actually liked that, but ask yourself, is watching my wife fuck her partner as heinous as the infidelity I witnessed? Which is worse? I even got to see the two of you make out in the squad car once. Pretty hot, really, but I don’t expect it was the only time.

“Look, I love you”, I said. “I don’t want to lose you, even if you like fucking your partner. What I don’t want you to do is promise you’ll stop screwing Craig, because you like doing it. That has been evident. I want you to tell me if you still want to be married to me.” She nodded, woefully. “I can live with you having an affair with your partner. What I can’t live with is you being forced to be married to me out of guilt.”

I went to her, lifted her chin with my upturned fingers, and kissed her softly. “I think the three of us need to talk.” Tears streamed down her cheeks as she nodded. “Will you fuck me occasionally?” She stood, put her arms around my neck, and cried.

Finally, she looked up and dried her eyes. In a moment of total honesty she said, “I love having sex with him.”

“I know.”

“We talk about almost anything,” she said softly.

“And you talk all the time. That’s what you do most of those long hours alone in the car, right?” She nodded. “He probably is a good listener.” She nodded again. “And you will continue that.

“Let me asked you one thing. Do you love me?”

She nodded and squeezed me tightly. “Yes.”

“And Craig? Do you love Craig?”

“I think so,” she said. “I think I love both of you.”

“Well, what do you want to do?” I asked.

It took her a long time to answer. Finally, she said, “I don’t want to hurt Sally. I don’t want to lose you, and I want to continue to be able to make love to Craig. He is one of my best friends.”

“Okay, then that is what we will try to do,” I said. “We must do all we can to not hurt his family, so we have to keep it from Sally and protect her. We will continue to love one another, and you and Craig will be more discreet, more careful. You’ll have to stop parking the police car in front of his brother’s house after you get off your shift. Does his brother know it’s you?” She shook her head. “Maybe you should come here.”

The surprise on her face was more intense than when I let her know I knew about Craig. “You’d do that?”

“To keep my wife, I’ll do anything.”

I kissed her and we held one another for nearly five minutes. It was a good time for us, a time that our love actually deepened.

“Lets get Craig over here and talk it out,” I said. She nodded.

Craig and Claire have been partners now for two years. After that night the three of us met and talked nearly all night. We agreed that they would still be partners, still have a sexual relationship, and that we would all protect Sally. She and Craig seem to be doing better and his brother’s house no longer gets any late-night police visits. He still makes love to my wife, his partner, but I think that has leveled off a bit as well. I’d say “cooled”, but I’m not sure that’s it, really, but I think they are no longer as sexually frantic for one another, like newlyweds, like in the beginning of any hot romance. Sometimes he fucks her in my bed, while I’m in it. We have become good friends, and he has been inside her while she and I kissed, and they’ve fucked occasionally while I read or watched TV next to them.

I was reading one night and my wife and her partner were having sex on the sofa. Craig and Claire were both nude, their uniforms folded neatly across the back of a chair, and she sat back on the couch with her legs open, his face against her pussy, his tongue wagging between her puffy labia. I looked over my book as my wife’s partner ate her pussy.

“I love you,” she whispered. I blew her a kiss. Incredibly, watching her being eaten by Craig had to be one of the sexiest moments I’ve ever had. The pleasure I got from seeing them together was incredible. Another man was kneeling in front of my wife with his mouth over her wet and rosy vagina, and I was loving it, relishing her pleasure and the sensual electricity in the room.

It is all pretty normal now, except that he is married to another woman and is love with my wife, as I am. His marriage, I am told, is still shaky but doing better. The three of us work at helping that, in whatever way we can, and we are completely at ease with our relationship as a threesome, sharing her equally. He and I are totally comfortable with the arrangement. She loves him, he and I love her, and I’m pretty sure she still is in love with me. I like watching them have sex, because there is something he does for her that I can’t. Don’t know what exactly it is, but I don’t resent it anymore and it is actually a pleasure to see. I like watching her do him orally, enjoying when she slides her lips over the end of his very ample erection.

So let me give a word of advice. If your wife is about to be assigned a partner of the opposite sex, prepare yourself. It may not happen every time, of course, but the odds are in the favor of an affair, or at least a close, intimate relationship. Just think of yourself. If you are around a person constantly, and you like them, how hard would it be to fall in lust with them?

Sally and I have become closer because of it, and I have wondered if that can lead to anything. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the wife of my wife’s sexual partner and I started pleasuring one another while our spouses were doing the same somewhere else after hours. If that happens, I’ll let you know.

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