Road Tripping Pt. 10 by Stagger_Lee44,Stagger_Lee44

As the second set went they were again able to get over to their friends and all danced until the beginning of the drums section when all four of them just about collapsed into their seats, exhausted from the long drives and busy day. After sitting for five minutes just relaxing to the dueling rhythms they made a run for the bathrooms and brought back an extra-large basket of French fry’s for all four to share.

The rest for the freeform music sections and a slow song allowed all four to eat, rest, and share a relaxed joint between themselves before all danced to the three rocking tunes that closed the show out.

Shortly after the show ended they were all hanging out at Andromeda’s tailgate as Lou got a grill and their kettle on for tea or instant soup for anyone who would like some. They all huddled close to the grill with the cooling night and Molly got their blankets for all to share who wanted while having their cups of choice.

Hailey telling them in between sips of her cooling soup about Irv’s grandmother. “I hope I’m as spry as her at eighty let alone a hundred. She wanted to come out on tour with us, but Irv’s dad forbid it! He still acts like he’s in the Marines. Half the time he still on some island in the Pacific in the war I swear, He scares me a little, but we still had a great time.”

The cool night and long drives all had just completed had everyone heading for the exits with a planned meeting outside the gates for twenty minutes before they opened, with Lou telling them of their planned trip to the nearby mall before the show. They were shortly packed up and after hugs all around it was time to join the scramble for the exits.

On their way to the campsite, they spotted an open Burger King, and they did a quick drive through run for some burgers and a couple of milkshakes. The campground was looking to be full as they pulled in and ran for a quick shower before it became too busy. They called Sara to say a quick Hi. Sara had just gotten into bed and told her that her new toy was AWESOME, and she had great time with it in the middle of the night last night and was going to do the same tonight while thinking of both of them.

It was cool in the tent, and they snuggled naked under most of their blankets, and began to slowly make out deeply. There was no rush tonight and they knew they could not be too loud in the crowded campground.

After tenderly making out with their passion rising they worked themselves into a sixty-nine on their sides under the covers still. With both of their pairs of feet hanging out from under the blankets, both began their loving explorations with their tongues.

The recent shower left both fresh and clean so they could both taste and smell the excitement of their joining. They stayed with their slow pace tonight letting the quiet excitement build between them.

They held their legs wide apart for their lovers to easily access all they desired. Molly licked the large drop of precum which had built up around the slit of his cock.

Lou felt her tongue begin to wash his head as he sought out the line of moisture seeping from her naturally spreading lips of her pussy. There was more than a drop awaiting his tongues explorations as both had more seeping from them for their partners to enjoy in seconds of their first licks.

Lou was using as much of his wide tongue to just lap at her in long extended strokes that went across the width of her spread couchie. More fluids awaiting each pass, which grew longer, deeper and reached to cross her now always eager brown rose.

Molly’s mouth and tongue explored Lou further working and circling the base of his shaft until she went to lick and make a detailed study of his balls with the tip of her tongue making him leak precum onto the side of her head and drip down her cheek, adding to her excitement as she explored lower, tracing the crease between his balls down and leading her to tickle his asshole with the tip of her tongue. Just pushing with the tip to get a quarter inch in and tease him for several moments lightly. At the same time one of his fingers was stroking her g-spot with madding slowness.

Molly came in a long slow rolling wave throughout her whole body. Her pussy just releasing a long and slow river over Lou’s stroking finger and her own pulses out to his wide-open mouth with his tongue still using the same slow pace on her pulsing clit, his strong hands keeping her very strong legs from clamping down on his head.

Molly tried to muffle her deep moans of pleasure engulfing his testicles as best she could with her large mouth and full lips while deeply moaning into his sperm sacks.

It was a sensation that made Lou jump and moan into her breaking the rhythm he’d kept on her g-spot through her orgasm. He quickly put his two longest fingers into her now eliciting another deep moan from Molly and she went to quickly take his cock to its base gaining approving sounds and actions from Lou.

After a quick moment enjoying his cock buried deep in her mouth Molly came up with the lube she was seeking to coat her thumb and use her most recently discovered favorite toy for Lou’s ass. She had already licked and played with his ass, so he easily took her thumb penetrating him as she again took his cock down all the way to his base.

Lou’s head was now clamped in place by Molly as he moaned out he was going to cum any second now.

Molly either didn’t hear him or was so lost in the orgasm racing from her brain and clit to every corner of her body. She took him all the way to his base again feeling him swell and pulse in her mouth and throat.

The feel of his cum rushing out of his cock and straight down her throat was something she had never felt before. It was like when she felt him cum deep in her pussy or ass. She could actually feel his hot cum being pumped straight down her throat and head for her stomach. She was careful not to try and inhale while this was happening, but she reveled in the sensation mixed with the pleasure she was feeling ebb and flow from her own squirting orgasm soaking Lou’s embedded face.

Molly came up from his soaking wet cock with a gasp. “Holy Shit! I took your whole load straight down my throat. I’ve never felt anything like that before. I can still feel your cum sliding into my tummy.”

Lou was breathing hard with his just released face shinning with her cum all over him from his nose to his chest. “That felt awesome Molly. It felt like I was Cumming in your pussy, I was so deep down your throat.”

Their mouths met once they untangled themselves from their legs and blankets. Molly loved the taste of her pussy squirting in his mouth and all around his face and chest. She could barely taste any of his cum for the first few moments until they were both satisfied themselves in cleaning the other and cooling down from their strong orgasm’s.

Lou handed her a small towel he wetted to clean herself a little while he got another for himself. Molly patted her little round belly and said that felt cool with your cum going into me so warm I Loved it!

She then let out a loud belch and said “That was different, cum and Burger King mixed in that burp. Not too bad!” I wouldn’t want your secret sauce on my burger, but I sure like it afterwards.” She added with a laugh and another burp escaped her lips.

They finished cleaning up a little quickly in the now cold tent. After the fourth “Burger Cum” belch she took the offered toothbrush and cup of water. The novelty had worn off.

They did a quick makeover of the bed and dressed in enough clothes for a run to the bathrooms before running back in and stripping again to warm their skin against the other under the covers in the night. They were asleep in minutes and slept in a bit after the long days before.

Both surprised when Lou said the clock in Andromeda said two minutes past nine am.

They quickly dressed and were at the nearby breakfast nook for a look at their menu. They ate well and said they would be back tomorrow. The weather today was supposed to be nice but tomorrow looked to be cool and rainy. By the time they were done eating and shopping for the day it was too late for them to try for the mall, and they went picked up the pizzas they ordered from the just opened restaurant. They bought more food today figuring it would be busy on a Friday with the nice weather and if they were wrong it would all be there for tomorrow.

They had decided to stay in the tent for the next two nights and save for the trip to California where they had only one camping and one hotel reservation on the way, both in Arizona for the digging and the music festival.

Arriving early today they were in line with many of their friends and soon had six vehicles lined up in the lot set up best for shade and to give the sellers all the room they would need with some extra eyes and hands around to help if needed.

It was a busy day with all selling food and items at a brisk pace. A regular relay of people going to Donna and Maggie’s van to smoke various types of weed that came by during the day since they could sit 4 at a time comfortably. It was just another fun day in the sun.

Star came over in midafternoon and asked if one of them could watch part of her stand for a half hour or so. Lou volunteered as Molly had just come back from smoking with Maggie and needed to sit down for a few minutes.

Lou had fun playing salesman again, and after the first twenty minutes he had made three good sales for Star’s family when a young couple came up. By the time Lou was done with them the young lady was ecstatic at the new crystal pendent, earrings and bracelet set that had been put together on the spot and sold to them for a little over two hundred dollars, and he told the guy to pick himself a shirt for each of them and he charged them only half price for those.

Star caught the last five minutes of Lou’s sales job on these “Kids”, and she came to talk to Lou as he sent them to Molly saying that food was on him as he told Molly to set them up as she watched him also, and then checked out what they had bought while she showed her crystals to them.

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