Royal DS Ch. 06: Pages by Gailtales,Gailtales

Tray found the intimacy of the restroom comforting. He set his leather leash on the counter and took care of his natural needs quickly. Then, he took a small towel and washed himself everywhere. He did not want to fail Rose and certainly not for lack of hygiene.

Tray took note that the material of his sarong closed and covered him so simply and yet it was so easily buttoned open. It was clever how his excitement or anyone’s merest effort exposed him. Clearly, the garment was well designed for this duty.

He inspected his sex and was relieved that the leather had not harmed him. For now, he was glad that his sexual excitement had subsided to a less obvious state.

Softly he wrapped his hand around his shaft. It instantly began to harden, and his temptation almost overwhelmed his restraint. God, it felt good, he thought. Then he thought of failing Rose, and he stopped. He could not do that to her dream.

So, he looped his leather leash around his sex and tied himself with a slip knot. An undeniable twinge of pleasure resulted.

As he looked in the mirror before departing, he noted that his shirt hung loosely open without its buttons. He looked like a character in an old swashbuckling movie, and it amused him. Then, holding his leash in his hand, he stepped outside to wait for his love, Rose.

While Tray was waiting, Rose completed her own preparations. She had noted the curious appeal of her exposed breasts and the constant flashes of her legs through the long slit in her dress. It both embarrassed and warmed her.

With intent she washed herself taking care that her private places would not embarrass her or cause her failure. She combed her hair and straightened her dress as well as she could. Taking a final glance in the mirror, she smiled, even chuckled and left to find Tray. She hoped his leash would be in his hand. Then she would know.

When they met outside the restrooms Tray immediately took her in his arms. He held her closely, molding into her. She felt the leather in his hand.

He kissed her lips softly and said, “Rose, I’m not sure about this royal thing. I want it badly, but I am afraid for us, afraid about what you see in me.”

“Oh Tray, we can do it. The court just needs to find out who we are. They wouldn’t want to be surprised with anything.”

“But Rose, I don’t like seeing you exposed, naked or touched, that’s just for me.”

“It’s okay Tray if it’s what they want to judge then let them. In a strange way, it thrills me. Perhaps I want to make them crazy about me and jealous of you. And, dear Tray, despite what your protests your arousal does not lie.”

“I know Rose, and it frightens me. I don’t want to damage us, and I don’t want you to hate me.”

“Good grief Tray, how can I hate you? How can I hate your excitement at my pleasure? You should hate me for what you have seen. I do not know why I react as I do, but your attitude arouses me too. It’s strange but I want you more than ever. Soon we will be alone in our royal bed.”

“Are you sure Rose?”

“Yes, Tray, let’s do this and be royal, sexy royal!”

With that Rose gently took the leash from Tray’s hand and confidently led him forward. An unmistakable pleasure coursed through him.

“Starting to feel good my love?” she said, “Follow me to royalty.”

The couple was met with soft applause as they reentered the ballroom. Rose held Trays leash in her hand and the other end disappeared between the folds of his sarong. She led Tray to stand in front of the King and Queen.

“Ah my sweet lovers have returned. To see Tray led by his woman is an excellent sign. We applaud your decision.

Silently, the Queen took Tray’s leash from Rose’s hand and lifted it to his lips. “Kiss it.”

When Tray had complied, she tied the leather strand to his wrist. Then without notice she pulled his hands behind him and reattached his bracelets. The leather leash slightly opened his sarong as she turned to Rose.

“Most sweet Rose, you have a beautiful and pleasing cover. But, as I have said, one cannot judge a book by its cover. So, now we must, with your permission, go past the introduction and open the pages.

“If you so wish Rose, kneel before me. Put your hands behind you and we shall begin your first chapter.”

Rose knelt calmly before the Queen and put her hands behind her. “Open your dress and your legs Rose. Show us Rose. Thrust your breasts forward.”

Silently, Rose posed as instructed. “Good” Continued the Queen. “The King’s panties looked sweet but the open flower between your legs is better. Well-tended, it will be highly desired. Your lover will learn to groom you completely.

The Queen walked slowly around the kneeling Rose observing every detail of her exposed flesh. The thin leather straps of the Queen’s riding crop lightly tapped Rose’s breasts until the nipples responded.

The Queen nodded approval as she traced the curves of Rose’s rear with the handle. She lightly whipped the cleft between Rose’s legs. Rose winced but there was no pain.

“Open your knees more” the Queen said, “Flowers need light, and nothing is hidden on the inside pages.”

Obediently, Rose opened her thighs. Her sex lips widened, and her pink cleft was completely exposed. Strangely, a powerful feeling replaced her embarrassment and flushed to her loins.

The Queen then spread Rose’s nether lips with the handle of her riding crop. It slid past the swelling lips and teased her center spot.

The Queen withdrew the handle and briefly inspected it. Then she put it in front of Tray saying. “Moist, isn’t it Tray?”

“Yes” came the reply.

The Queen nodded and smiled as Trays eyes focused on his kneeling lover. There was no doubt that her female heat aroused him.

The Queen returned her attention to Rose. She tapped the inside of Rose’s thighs to encourage wider legs.

“Close your eyes, Rose, feel the natural pleasure of an open page.”

Rose did feel calm as she closed her eyes and waited. She knew she was beautiful, and she desired nothing more than approval from the Queen. Her flesh reacted as she felt the coolness of the moisture between her legs mingle with radiating warmth.

Then, just when she began to relax, she felt a firm object press softly to her mouth. Her eyes flew open to see the handle of the riding crop. It had the definite shape and look of a penis, a smaller cock, the size of a large finger.

“Open,” the Queen commanded, “Take it in taste it. Your chalice would find the shape familiar. Suck it, enjoy it, prepare it, use it, and bring it to life.”

Shocked that her mouth held the phallus that had so recently opened her sex, Rose paused momentarily. Then her lips gently and easily encircled the shaft. Her sex twitched as she sensed the round ridges along the length. It was warm with her juices and in a crazy way she thought of its other uses.

Slowly, the Queen withdrew the handle from Rose’s lips. “Crops are socially useful and all the RDS women have them. They are the cocks that women sometimes wish they had. Perhaps you will own one someday.”

The Queen turned from Rose and beckoned the jurors. “Jurors, Rose is open for your review. Come and flip through the pages and see what lies within.”

Tray watched as several Jurors approached Rose. They stopped to admire her open sex and thrusting beasts. Then one of the women stepped directly in front of Rose. She removed a hand that was beneath her skirt and put two fingers between Rose’s parted lips.

Rose detected a female scent as the fingers pushed gently into her mouth. Rose sucked obediently and then eagerly until the fingers withdrew. Rose’s lips remained open as if seeking more.

Then a juror tapped the woman on the shoulder, and she moved aside. As he took her place, Rose could only see a sarong before her. The obvious bulge in the center made the owner’s sex apparent.

Slowly, but purposely the man parted his sarong to reveal his swollen shaft. As he pressed the tip on Rose’s lips, she heard the Queen say “Open Rose. Let him dip into your pages. We have seen your mouth give pleasure in the movie. We know it does not destroy you. So, open or quit. It is your choice.”

Rose’s eyes searched for Tray’s reaction. When he nodded, Rose silently, slowly, defiantly, slightly parted her lips. The cockhead pressed forward slowly, gently and her lips parted to receive it. Tray was keenly aware of the leather that bound him as his sex surged.

Rose’s lips opened further as the head disappeared. Then, with gentle strokes the shaft pushed forward to open and fill her mouth completely.

As the swollen sex began its slow but insistent strokes, Rose’s lips wrapped around the sex. Her mouth and lips not only accepted but began to caress and suck the flesh they held. Soon, soft moans of male pleasure filled the room.

Rose felt the shaft harden and her hands ached to grasp the flesh. She wanted to possess it, but her position denied it. She could only jut her breast forward to display her need.

The Jurors murmured approvingly as her concave cheeks showed her eagerness to please. She felt the hardness quiver and her arousal surfaced.

Tray heard soft words of encouragement from the juror as his sex slid into Rose’s face. Her lips pressed to please the shaft with each entrance. She withdrew for a moment. Then, the erect flesh eagerly sought and was welcomed by her lips again.

The hardness conveyed something new, something important. Despite her services she felt its need and the power that need gave her. Even submitting as she was, she had power. She felt it, she knew it and her body reacted with a strange pleasure.

Her intensity increased and then she felt the unmistakable spasm of pleasure begin. The cock hardened even more as it sought the depths of her mouth.

“Open my dear” the Queen said, “Show us the pleasure he gives you!”

Just as the Queen words stopped, Rose sensed the first of the orgasm. She felt the hardness come to a crest and the cock’s need. Heat and pleasure surged through her. Then, the sword instantly withdrew just as the spasm of explosion began.

Tray could only watch as the cock’s contents burst onto Rose’s breasts. Warm drops splattered between her globes and on to her belly. Her lips and sex opened in heat. She didn’t seem to care what the jurors saw.

Then, as the juror’s applauded the man bent down and tenderly kissed Rose on her lips. Tray’s cock throbbed painfully against the leather. He winced in pain as he could neither hold her nor hold himself.

The man said only, “Good read” as his spent shaft disappeared into his sarong.

Rose knelt alone for a few moments as the Queen gazed over her. Finally, the Queen looked into Rose’s eyes and said, “That page was quite promising. Your book is a page turner! It’s a page much admired in the RDS. Now, you may stand and relax.”

As Rose stood, the Queen continued, “Good girl Rose, excellent evidence covers your breasts and your belly. Tray has seen and knows. His sex is full, his love and desire grow with your heat. It is natural, and it reveals one of Trays pages. It’s a page we will find enjoyable.

The Queen motioned for Tray to come forward. “Tray, your woman needs your attention. She is askew and while it is erotic, it is better to be nice and fresh. So, Tray, take this moist cloth and remove the evidence of the Juror’s approval.”

Tray was handed a warm towel. With a nod from the Queen, he gently cleansed the drops of semen from Rose’s breasts and belly. Then, with a final touch, he softly wiped the towel over Rose’s lips.

“Very good Tray, your sex responded to the heat left on your woman. My instinct tells me you found it exciting. Hot women always are.”

Tray did not answer, because he knew it was true.

“Desire, and heat are such beautiful pages to read. Pages of both lovers revealed so simply. How nice. But now it is Rose’s turn to watch as Tray’s book is opened.”

The queen motioned to Tray and said, “Stand tall, Tray, show how good your posture is with your hands locked behind you. Keep your legs spread and your shoulders back. Show us the body that is your handsome cover. And do not be embarrassed by the arousal under your sarong. It will provide emphasis to the pages within.”

“We know one of your pages already, and we are pleased. We saw that the liberties Jake and Jill took with your darling excited you. Rose’s dances and poses excited you. The King’s panties on her excited you. The juror leading you by your sex excited you. The heat she creates in other men excites you. And her heat excites you. Is that not true?

“Yes” came a timid reply.”

“Good to be open Tray. Lots of information in these pages.”

“It is admirable that her pleasure is becoming yours. That is good, but you must do more than stare and share. We must know what pleasures are within you to get and to give.”

The Queen circled around Tray. With the riding crop in her hand, she lightly lashed Tray’s backside and inner thighs. He winced with each ticklish stroke as she added, “And how shall you give pleasure in the Royal world. Shall we see what your pages reveal?”

Then, turning to Tray’s front she used her stick, to open his sarong. His erect flesh held it parted. Then she used her riding stick to lift his package, push his shaft from side to side, and probe his swollen testicles.

She removed the leather leash from Tray’s wrist and held it in her hand. Then she pulled firmly causing his swollen sex to lurch forward.

Turning Tray toward the jurors, the Queen continued. “Jurors please note that the grooming is obvious although not fresh and a bit timid. Manners require that male pubic hair be completely removed unless the Society decides on another design. However, there must never, never be any hair on the sack, around the shaft or on the backside which could disturb the softness of feminine hands. And anything but absolute cleanliness is very bad manners. Do you understand Tray?”

Tray nodded.

With that, the Queen took Tray’s cock in her hand and squeezed it. Tray gasped.

“Fine specimen of the male sword and balls Tray. Their fullness from two weeks of chastity is clear. Perhaps they enjoy their torment. In any event your sex looks eager and very capable of pleasing a woman.”

“And I bet you enjoy taking a woman and pushing your shaft into her. But for now, you are not pushing, you are being led, led unless you quit.”

“Clearly, your cock is healthy and ready. I hope you are ready to please as well as plunge. And learn this; Sometimes your cock is not needed. Do you understand Tray?”

After Tray nodded the Queen reached behind and unlocked his hands. With a wave of her hand, she motioned for Tray to kneel before her.

When he had dropped to his knees, the Queen spoke, “Keep your sarong open and spread your legs. For this inspection do not hide your excitement, keep your hands behind you and your eyes straight ahead.”

After several silent moments, the jurors began to walk around the kneeling man. Whispers assessed his assets and posture. Some women kissed him; someone twisted his nipples. A woman dipped her fingers into her wet sex and put them in Tray’s mouth. He sucked gently at first and then with hunger.

The leather leash was passed to several jurors. They delighted in his response to their firm and flirting pulls.

After a few silent moments, a loose skirt faced Tray. A dainty hand that held his leash opened a slit in her dress. His nose was inches from the dark groomed pubic hair of a woman. The scent of her sex engulfed him and hardened him.

“Kiss her Tray, kiss her pussy, and kiss her little nub” said the Queen. “Worship her sex with your lips and tongue. Show us your desire to please. Show your pleasure in preparing her, perhaps for another man’s cock.”

Softly, sweetly, Tray’s nose met the fur before it. The scent immediately jolted through him as he felt his sex react. He kissed tenderly, and then kissed again and again. Little kisses. Longing kisses, sweet kisses and then his tongue darted forward to part the cleft.

“Good boy!” said the woman. “Use your tongue. Open my sex for my lover. Perhaps taste what he left. Let us see your addiction to my female juices.”

Eagerly, Tray complied seemingly lost in the woman’s sex. Then, the woman grasped Tray’s head and slowly pushed him away.

The woman gave a sharp tug on Tray’s tether and looked directly his Tray’s eyes. “Good man. A useful man. This page is well worth reading”

Then the woman put Tray’s leash between his teeth, turned to the Queen and nodded. Tray was left kneeling with his sex protruding from his sarong, his leash in his lips and his face glistening with the woman’s juices.

“Quite a sight,” the Queen said, “I think he will be useful.”

Then, the Queen took the leash from Tray’s mouth in one hand and her riding crop in her other. Then she slowly placed the handle of her riding crop beneath Tray’s nose. The scent of Rose’s sex was evident.

“Kiss it, Tray. Kiss my tool, my woman’s cock.”

Obediently, Tray’s lips offered several little kisses to the crop handle.

“Good start.” The Queen continued. “This is a woman’s cock, and you must please it just as a woman may please yours. It may seem like a new page for you. But it’s not, it’s just one you haven’t read.”

With that the Queen withdrew the cock handle from trays lips and passed his leash to the next juror.

Tray felt a little tug on his leash as a dark sarong moved to face him. The sarong parted. A hard shaft was presented to Tray’s face. Tray’s mind convulsed as he felt a strong pull on his bound sex. He looked past the swollen cock to the Queen. Her smile sickened him.

Stroking himself, the man slapped his sex on Tray’s cheek and said, ‘The real thing Tray. Feel it on your face. Like this Tray? Like a cock? Want to suck it? Want to taste the cream? Want to taste cream on Rose’s belly? Want to eat the cream from Rose’s pussy?”

In panic, Tray shook his head. He twisted his face as far away as he could.

“Please,” Tray spoke firmly, “Not this. It will destroy something.”

“What is this cry” said the Queen, “do you object?

“Yes, yes please, it may destroy me for my Rose. It will damage me for my Rose.”

“Ahhh” said the Queen, “Very smart. You remember the destructive rule well. But the damage, as you say, would be in the eyes and heart of your lover. Therefore, since the damage you claim is in her eyes, the decision shall be hers.”

“So, Rose, tell me. Do you wish Tray to suck this cock? Will it please you or be destructive in your eyes? It is your decision.”

Rose’s reply was slow but firm. “My Queen, to see Tray suck a cock excites my fantasies. But this not a fantasy. It would write lies on blank pages and, yes, change him. It would destroy something in him and damage us. Therefore, I beg you to spare him.”

After long moments of silence, the Queen said, “Then so be it. Such love amazes me. Tray, your mouth is spared a man’s cock because the rules require it and because your love, Rose has judged in your favor. But you owe her a fantasy.”

“So, Rose,” the Queen continued, “I command that Tray’s mouth accept the fantasy of a cock for you? You will enjoy and he will be undamaged in your eyes? Would that be a fantasy you would enjoy?”

“Yes, my Queen, that would excite me indeed.”

The Queen motioned for Rose to come to her. Then without warning the Queen plunged a finger into Rose’s sex. When the finger withdrew the Queen brought it to Tray’s mouth.

“Tray, suck this finger as a fantasy cock. A cock that is moist with Rose’s juices. Feel how good it is to suck and give pleasure. Feel how it arouses you. Taste how Rose’s fantasy aroused her. Let Rose enjoy.”

Tray’s sex bobbed with lust as his mouth slid up and down the finger. He knew he could erupt at the slightest touch. Somehow, he was not embarrassed.

“Is Rose’s fantasy too much for you Tray? Do you want to quit?

Tray looked into Rose’s eyes and said, “No, my Queen, I want to stay.”

The Queen nodded and put Tray’s leash to his lips. “Kiss it Tray and hold it in your teeth. Good boy.”

As Tray’s lips grasped the leather the Queen said, “I am certainly enjoying each page of these books. Perhaps these pages reveal what has been hidden before. Now Rose, kneel beside your lover…hands behind you.”

Rose knelt beside Tray put her hands behind her and spread her legs.

“Good girl Rose, you learn well. Such a lovely couple when kneeling side by side. Rose with her breast loose and her sex exposed. Tray with legs parted showing his bound and excited cock. Binding your hands is not needed. Excellent!”

“Are you ready to open more pages? Are you ready for Chapter 2?”

“Yes, my Queen,” Rose responded, “but haven’t we already been read?”

“Ah dear Rose, you have and sweetly, but there are more hidden pages. Pages you may not have read. Pages so intimate that your eyes must be covered so your minds are free of distractions. May I assume you wish to proceed?”

“Okay,” came the meek reply.

“Okay is not good enough, my lovely pets, tell me like you mean it.”

“Yes, oh yes, yes we do! Really.” they replied.

“Good.” The Queen said as she took two blindfolds from her pocket and put them on the two lovers.

The Queen continued, “To start Chapter 2 my dears, lean forward until you are on your hands and knees. Pretend you are a cat or dog, whatever pleases you.”

As Rose knelt forward, she felt her breasts loosely fall beneath her. The slit on her dress opened to reveal her leg but she was happy with the slight modesty.

Tray found his position as his sarong opened beneath him. His tethered sex was very aware of its dangling binding.

“Very good my pets.” The Queen continued, “Now Rose, bend down to your elbows. Rest your head on the pillow before you.”

Gracefully, Rose lowered from her hands to her elbows. She kept her back straight and seemed to relax.

“Good Girl Rose,” the Queen continued, “Now arch your back downward, and push your rear into the air. Show us the mating need of a female animal.”

Rose blushed but she obeyed. Then, she heard a slight swish and felt a riding crop slap her covered rear. “Higher Rose” came the command “get in touch with your feminine.”

Rose dropped her head further into the pillow as she bent to thrust her bottom upward. She was grateful for the material covering her most private places.

The Queen walked slowly around the displayed woman. With the crop she lightly whisked her back, her legs, and her loose breasts.

“May I open a hidden page now Rose?” said the Queen.

As Rose nodded, the Queen grasped the hem of Rose’s dress and drew it up her back. “Show us Rose, open your legs, arch your back, show us your secret page, show us the cleft between your cheeks, show us your heat, show us your most private treasures.”

As Rose arched her back her sex and her dark side were displayed to the Queen and jurors.

The Queen and several jurors walked around the open woman before them. The Queen used her crop to open the valley between her cheeks yet further.

“Now, this is an open book, Rose. Opened to the secret page of animal lust. Do you object to us reading these pages?”

“No, my Queen, I do not”

“I see your pussy as a beautiful flower. An orchid. The pink and dark rose lips are clearly visible and line the entrance well. They display desire and will cause desire. They are swollen and ready for mating. We see your animal lust triumphant”

“And I see your cleft cheeks discretely framing your dark almost virgin orifice. In the RDS both you and Tray must keep that area shaved, clean and ready for jewels or intrusions.”

You know intrusions Rose.” The film did not lie. We saw the liberties Jake took with your dark side. That is a page you cannot deny. From what I see you have recovered well your first experience. From what we saw it was a very tight start, but as you relaxed, your nerves seemed to bring you pleasure. Perhaps you were spared pain by the loving way Tray stretched you for Jake’s cock.”

“And Jakes cock did find pleasure in your hidden spot. Tight, hard pleasure with his easy strokes until he took you fully. Do you remember how the seed felt as it pulsed into you? Do you remember how it felt as it dripped out Rose?” Did you feel empty when his shaft departed?”

“Yes, yes, I do, I did. Oh god….”

“And Tray, liked seeing it too. The jurors remember that page well.”

“If you find these thoughts exciting, then wiggle your backside. Show your animal heat.”

Rose slowly began to sway her arched ass. She was confused as feelings of lost pride conflicted with a natural thrill of display.

Gradually, her desire overwhelmed her shyness as she imagined herself as cat, a cat in heat. Then she felt the hypnotic hunger, the natural hunger, surface and radiate from her sex to her mind.

Rose’s thoughts were interrupted when the Queen lightly whipped between her legs with her riding crop. Then Rose felt the Queen gently slide the handle of her rod between Rose’s nether lips. When it touched her rosebud sparks of pleasure caused Rose to shudder.

The Queen observed for a moment and then used the handle to force Roses lips further open. Rose trembled as her bud sought a touch.

The crop handle parted Rose’s pink inner lips again and her sex tunnel opened. The handle glistened with wetness as it teased Rose’s chalice door.

After a quiet moment, the tip of the handle disappeared into Rose’s chalice. Rose felt the ridges work through her tightness as she rolled her hips to accommodate the entry. As the handle slid to its hilt a familiar warmth flowed through her. It seemed so long ago.

The Queen softly said, “I see you accepting my woman’s cock with pleasure. Perhaps you remember Tray’s last entry. You want to stop?”

Rose shook her head as the ridges of the shaft gently opened and closed her muscles. Thoughts of Tray made her muscles hold the wooden handle tightly. Then slowly, very slowly, the shaft withdrew leaving only drops of wetness on her fur.

“I see that this page of wanton dark desire, will also bring joy to those who read it. That is good. Now show us your pleasure.”

Rose resumed her posture, arched her back, and thrust her rear into the air. She did not care for she felt like an animal blossoming in heat.

After a few happy moments, Rose felt her dress being unrolled to cover her nakedness. Then a warm hand brought her to a standing position and her blindfold was removed.

“Well,” the Queen said, “Those were exciting readable pages. I feel the jurors will enjoy the book. You may return to your seat. Relax and watch as your lover’s book is opened.

Turning to Tray the Queen said. “Drop to your elbows and knees and embrace the animal you are. Put your face on the pillow before you. Present your hidden gifts, just as Rose did. Keep your legs spread, arch your back, thrust your rear upward. Sway your hips. Entice us with your submission.”

Tray lowered himself to his elbows. Suddenly he heard the swish of the Queen’s crop and he felt it slap his covered rear. The feeling was sharp but without pain.

“Good position Tray.” The Queen continued,

Tray felt cool air on his rear as several jurors rolled his sarong upwards to his waist. He felt the leather leash taken from his teeth. Then he felt the leash tighten and pull his swaying package behind him through his legs. His cock throbbed with the tight binding forcing his cock downward and exposing him like an animal.

“Such a joy to see an extended cock beneath your virgin rear. For this page it shall serve as your large clitoris. May we read it?”

“My Queen, I shall obey but.”

“But what Tray?”

“Well, I am not a woman and men do not present themselves this way. My lips, tongue, hands, and sex are ready to serve but I do not understand.”

“You feel embarrassed by the display of your dark side and yet you encouraged your love, Rose, to display her twin places of lust for our reading.

“But, my Queen, the mounting of a female animal from the rear is natural.”

“Ah yes, dear Tray, the sex channel is erotic and natural, but the second place? That is not natural for either sex. And, yet you allowed Rose to be opened by your fingers and then by Jake. In fact, you encouraged her to submit and found it arousing. Is that correct?”

Trey nodded.

“Tray, it is simple. We all have hidden pages, secret pages, pages of the feminine and masculine. To know only one is to deny half our pleasure.”

“Rose, tell me do you want to open the feminine pages Tray denies? Do you want him to find his submissive female side as you discover your male side? ”

“Yes, my Queen, let him discover. After my reading, he owes it to me.”

“You heard Tray. So, will you let us see your feminine pages, the pages where you are not the rutting stallion but the mare in heat?”

“Yes, Yes, I will try to please my Rose and my Queen.”

“Good. Now spread your legs, offer us your special gift, your virgin dark spot, show us your helpless clitoris swollen with desire. Sway your rear, entice.”

Tray swayed in rough motions.

“Good,” now Tray, you need to play the part until you feel the part. You are in heat, a cat or mare in heat. Your haunches are warm. Your clit is swollen. Feel it, show it. Arch your back show your need. It will come.”

Tray took a brief glance at Rose. He saw warmth in her eyes as she nodded.

Tray closed his eyes. He arched his back; he swayed his protruding rear. Strangely, he began to feel like a female animal presenting her sex for mating.

Tray’s feelings were interrupted as something warm dripped between his cheeks. It dropped down his tethered cock, smelled faintly floral and warmed his sex. He instinctively arched in further display.

“Ah” the Queen said, “Tray feels the heat. Do you think it is time Rose? Shall we open his virgin feminine side? Shall he experience what you felt with Jake? Shall we add another avenue to pleasure?”

Rose nodded as the Queen handed her the riding crop. “Take this Rose. Take this wooden cock moistened by your juices. Use it to take, possess and free your virgin lover. Tell him why.”

“Tray, I am going to deflower you because I want to. I want you to submit for your pleasure and mine. I want my leash to tease and control your big clitoris. I want you to show your pleasure and desire. I command you to present your virginity for my possession.”

Tray blushed as he arched his back. He felt the leather tighten as his sex was pulled further back between his legs. It was very sensitive.

Then, a hard stick circled his cheeks and dipped between them. Its oiled surface probed for his tight opening. The touch instantly hardened him as he heard Rose say, “Relax, my sweet man, submit, it will make it easier, and the pleasure may come.”

The probes became more insistent and then Tray felt the head begin to open him. The phallus pushed and Tray winced as the first few ridges entered him.

Rose pushed gently but deeper with each stroke. As more ridges entered muscles softened, pain subsided, and senses were awakened. “Relax,” Rose whispered, “Soon the pleasure will come.”

After moments of gentle prodding, the handle was inserted past the final knob and Tray’s muscles closed on a narrow spot on the handle. He felt gentle tugs on his leash, his clitoris surged with confusion and his comfort increased.

“Good,” Rose said softly, “To the hilt., you are mine! ”

“Good boy Tray.” said he Queen. “Your clit tells all. It drips with pleasure or wonder. Some men’s clits erupt at the occasion. Your feminine page has unfolded.”

Rose tenderly plunged the shaft to the hilt one last time. The jurors heard a soft moan from Tray as the phallus was withdrawn.

After a few silent moments, the Queen grasped Tray by the chin, removed his blindfold and drew him to his feet. “Hands behind you Tray. Don’t hide your excitement. Do not be embarrassed at your feminine side. The most masculine have them.”

The Queen turned to Rose. “You have opened a new page of feeling for Tray. How does this hidden page feel?”

“I will tell you how I felt.” Rose giggled. “I felt sublime erotic power. It aroused me. And I also felt a deep connection or correction.”

“You may not remember, Tray, the first time you entered me, but I do. I remember how your swollen shaft pushed into me and how proud you were to do so. I remember your cock was marking me, possessing my sex and even my womb with your seed.”

“I envied your power. Oh yes, I enjoyed submitting to you, but I envied how easy you got hard and released your seed. I envied your power to take me so easily.

“Today, I marked and possessed you with this wooden cock. Your submission aroused both of us. I will read this page again.”

The room was silent as the Queen surveyed the. Jurors. They nodded.

The Queen bowed slightly and addressed them. “So, jurors, the books of Tray and Rose have been opened. The pages have been read and what we saw is seems worthy of the RDS. If there are no objections, we are ready to move to the next phase of this event.”

“Rose, please remove Tray’s cock tether and hold it for him. And Tray, please raise the front of Rose’s dress, and fasten the ties. Let the beautiful dress cover her again.”

The King then stood and said, “Now” said the King, “let us pause and take a refreshment and restroom break. If Tray and Rose wish to leave that will be with honor. If they wish to present themselves for the final phases of this RDS event, they will be welcome. Thank you.”

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