Spencer Cove by OldMan45,OldMan45

“Ugh,” I was burning up, trying to grade papers during my free period, sweat running down my neck and armpits, as I pulled the front of my blouse away from my body. The Mississippi heat was brutal today, hell 95 degrees in the shade!

Fanning my blouse trying to cool myself, I was unaware of Principal Manning at my door staring at me. Clearing his throat, “You look hot,” as he stared at my chest, with a gleam in his eye.

“Oh, I didn’t hear you come in Melvin,” I mumbled, I knew he wasn’t referring to the heat, he constantly was making sly comments trying to flirt with me, as well as other females in the school.

As he strolled up to my desk, I went to stand and almost tripped, my foot catching the corner of my chair, he made me so nervous.

“Careful,” he growled, grabbing my arm, his other hand around my hip, “I would hate my favorite teacher to hurt herself, it wouldn’t be the same around here without you,” he grinned.

“I’m.. fine… thank you,” as I stammered and moved away from him, “this heat is just getting to me.”

“Yeah, the central air conditioning is not working properly, that’s why I installed a window unit in my office,” he chuckled. “Too bad we can’t do that for all the classrooms, but the school board said they would put in a new system this summer.

In the mean time, you’re welcome to join me in my office,…you know to finish what you were doing,” he smiled from ear to ear.

I knew he had a reputation for screwing several women, and suspected he was screwing Mrs. Brooks his secretary. He had been divorced twice, understandably, but I had to hand it to him, he was handsome as hell and probably good in bed.

What the hell, I thought to myself, why did I just picture him naked!

“I’ll be fine, but…. thanks…. I will just go down to the teachers lounge….it’s usually cooler there,” as I fumbled around loading my brief case.

A shout from the doorway, “Mr. Manning,” one of the baseball team members hollered, “Coach Wilson asked me to find you, he wanted you to come out to the ball field.”

“Okay son, tell him I’ll be right there,” he frowned. “Guess I better go see what Bo wants, just remember the offer stands, you can use my office anytime,….you know… that you get hot,” as he winked and walked out.

Jesus, what the hell! Sitting back down in my chair, my heart was racing, I felt flushed, here lately it seemed my mind thought about sex too often. Probably from my husband Bill constantly talking dirty in bed as we screwed, always saying shit like “oh baby, did you see how so and so was staring at your ass,” or “God babe, our old neighbor, couldn’t take his eyes off your tits,” then he would come inside me before I was able to orgasm! Damn it had to be months since I had an orgasm, not counting the ones I gave myself in the shower out of frustration.

The lounge was cooler, and I got some work done, but was interrupted when Mrs. Brooks came in, “Hi Valerie, aren’t you glad the school year is about over. Oh by the way, have you finally got settled in your new home?” as she pranced over to the drink machine.

She was an attractive 32 year old woman, but an airhead, but I could see why Melvin wanted her as his secretary, eye candy. With a fake smile I responded, “No I still have tons of boxes to unpack, hopefully this weekend I can get a lot done. I would like to have it all done by the time school is out, so I can just kick back and relax.”

“It’s a shame your handsome son is not around to help you,” she giggled. “How’s he doing at West Point?”

“Finishing up his freshman year and doing very well, we may fly up this summer and visit him one weekend.”

“Tell him we all miss him around here. Well I better get back, Mr Manning was not in a good mood when he left the office to go see Coach Wilson, I need to be there when he gets back,” she giggled again. “I hate to see him upset, he works so hard and then has to go home to an empty house. It’s so sad, his wife leaving him,” she frowned.

“Yeah it’s really sad,” I responded, wanting to throw up! She left because he couldn’t keep his dick in his pants dumb ass. But I didn’t tell her that, surely she already knew more about his dick than I did.

Thank God the bell rang for the last period, so I headed back to my classroom, as she sashayed down the hall to the office.

Last period ended at 3:30, and I felt like I had been roasted in an oven. Hell the kids were even too hot pay attention in class, and I couldn’t blame them. A couple of times I caught a couple of boys staring at my chest, my blouse was pasted to my chest and you could plainly see the outline of my bra. As soon as I glared at them they dropped their heads and pretended to be working on their assignment. Thank God the final bell rang and I could go home.

Reaching my car was no help, it was like getting in a blast furnace, and only started cooling down about the time I got home. The a/c was probably low on Freon, something else Bill said he would take care of last week and didn’t.

Hot, sweaty, angry I stormed in the house, of course Bill was not there for me to unload on, just a note saying he would be late. Meaning he had been home and left again. Going to the bedroom I quickly stripped and jumped in the shower, a cool shower, sure as shit didn’t need a hot shower.

Feeling better after the shower, I stood in front of the mirror wearing just my bra and panties. For 43 I didn’t look bad I thought, not as pretty as Mrs. Brooks, maybe my ass was a little big, but damn it was fairly firm. Bill himself said other men stared at my ass. Without a bra my tits might sag a little, but looked nice in my bra.

KNOCK KNOCK. Shit someone was at the door, so I grabbed a pair of shorts and tank top and threw them on and went barefooted to the door.

Opening the door, our neighbor Ed Spencer was standing there grinning down at me. At 6′ 2″ to my 5’2″ he towered over me. “What’s up Mr. Spencer?”

“Still insist on calling me Mr. Spencer,” he chuckled. “I told you to just call me Ed, hell if my daughter disobeyed me I would bend her over my knee and spank her,” he laughed.

Looking up at him I realized I had never really considered how handsome he was, for a 63 year old man he was built solid, gray hair, and gray eyes that sparkled when he smiled. “Sorry Mr…. I mean Ed, I’ve just had a terrible day, and just got out of the shower. Bill is not here if you’re looking for him.”

“Not really,” he grinned, ” I was just working in the backyard, and it sounded like your pool skimmer was stopped up, afraid if you didn’t fix it, it might burn the motor up.”

“Oh my,” I groaned, “we have never had a pool and I don’t know anything about them. Bill takes care of it and he’s not home,” I frowned.

“I’ll be happy to take care of it for you, if you don’t mind,” he smiled.

“I hate to ask you Mr……sorry Ed, you have been so helpful already to us since we moved in.”

“Nonsense, it won’t take a minute, as a matter of fact let me show you how, then if it happens again you will be able to handle it. How does that sound?”

“Sure, that would be great, I need to learn how, in case it happens again.”

Walking around the pool, he pointed out several floating chairs and said it was a good idea to leave them out of the pool when not being used. Plus he pointed out the water level was a little low. “Come here, this is where you can turn the motor off, then empty the skimmer basket. See how full it is, plus the return lines are blowing bubbles and air, that’s what caught my attention. Go ahead, just lift the basket out, and dump it in the trash.”

“”Now what,” I asked after emptying the basket, and putting it back in place.

“Now just turn this lever here to this mark, see right here? Then turn the motor back on and backwash. Try it.”

“That’s good now turn the motor off and move the lever back to the starting position then turn the motor back on and you’re done.”

“Gee, that wasn’t so hard,” I giggled, “thanks for showing me how to do that Ed.”

“You did great, but you might want to drop a hose in and add some water, with this heat wave you need to keep an eye on the water level and it is a little low.”

“God, it’s 5 o’clock,” I groaned as I wiped sweat from my forehead, “and it’s still hot as hell.”

“Yeah,” he chuckled, “with daylight saving time it will be another 3 hours before the sunsets, then it will still be in the high 80’s,” as he wiped sweat from his eyes.

I laid the hose in the pool and looked up at Ed, his tee shirt was stuck to him from the sweat, and you could see his pectoral muscles, and firm abs. He was definitely in good shape for a man his age. His cargo shorts fit snugly, as my eyes traveled down his long body, to his thick muscled thighs. There was a bugle in his shorts, as I stared at his crotch, and I licked my lips, as a tingle ran down between my legs.

“Valerie,” he snapped his fingers, “Valerie, you okay hon?”

“Sorry,” I mumbled, “this heat is just really getting to me today.”

“Hey Ed,” my husband shouted from the patio, “glad you’re here. Can I offer you a beer?”

“That would be great if you have an extra,” grinned Ed.

Thank goodness he showed up I thought, Ed had just caught me staring at his crotch, and my panties were wet, and not just from sweat!

“Where have you been,” I snapped, “the skimmer was stopped up, and Ed was kind enough to show me how to fix it before the motor burned up.”

“Sorry babe, I had to run out and meet a customer, I left a note figuring I would be late, but fortunately it didn’t take long to clear up his order,” as he came over and threw his arm around my shoulder and kissed my sweaty forehead.

“Well,” I stammered, “I’m going inside,” before I make a fool of myself I thought, and maybe another shower and rub one out! Damn I seem to be thinking sex constantly.

“Oh, come on babe, throw your bathing suit on and enjoy the pool, that will make you feel better. Heck I’ll fire up the grill and Ed can join us, and thank him for his help.”

Before I could speak up and decline, Ed spoke up, “That sounds great Bill, I have a large batch of Margarita’s made up if you would like for me to bring.”

“That would be great, hell let’s have a party and celebrate it being the weekend,” agreed my husband as he squeezed my shoulder.

“I’ll see you folks in a few minutes, is there anything else I can bring?” asked Ed.

“The Margarita’s will be plenty, see you in a few,” Bill laughed as he pulled me toward the house.

“Why did you do that,” I frowned as we got inside, “I’ve had a horrible day, I have papers to grade, not counting a ton of boxes to still unpack I wanted to get done this weekend!”

“Whoa babe,” lifting me up forcing me to wrap my legs around him, “relax, there is no hurry in getting all those boxes unpack. I think most are David’s stuff, and I’ll put them in the new storage shed I ordered. It should be delivered and set up next week.”

Laying my head on his shoulder, I complained, “But I want to go through his stuff, and use some of his trophies and awards and put them up in the den. Plus that picture of him in his uniform.”

By this time he had walked us to our bedroom, with me still wrapped around him, kissing me he growled, “Now my sexy wife, get your bathing suit on that I bought you last week.”

“I’m not wearing that skimpy suit, I told you that when you brought it home, hell I might as well go naked!”

“That would be fun,” he growled in my ear, “I’m sure Ed would like to see you naked.”

Pushing him back and making him put me down, “Gosh Bill, is that all you think about, is me naked with other men,” as I walked in the bathroom.

“Oh baby, I get a kick out of other men looking like they could devour you, but can’t have you. What can I say, it gets my motor running,” he chuckled.

Coming up behind me in the bathroom, he reached around and cupped my breast, and pushed his crotch against my ass, “God your sexy, I got hard just watching Ed stare at you, but at his age he can probably not even get it up,” he softly chuckled.

“That’s a mean thing to say, he has really been nice to us, and I’m sure he’s just lonely since his wife died,” I moaned defending Ed. With his cock pressed against my ass and him squeezing my tits, I was getting turned on.

“I know, but I’m sure he gets a thrill out of watching sexy women like you, and it at least gives him some pleasure,” he nuzzled my neck. “You can at least let him look and admire your body, okay?”

“Okay, but I’m not wearing that red bikini you bought. I’ll just wear my one piece white one,” I finally consented.

“Thanks babe, get dressed, I’ll hurry and change and go light the charcoal.”

Pulling on my bathing suit, I realized the padding in the cups was gone, making my nipples form a little points in the soft silky material. Shit, I was sure Bill removed them. Fuck him, if he wanted to show me off, damn’t I’d make him eat his words. Checking out my backside in the mirror, my ass looked nice I thought, my back was open down to just a few inches above my butt crack, the thin shoulder straps pulled the suit snug against my body. Damn, I still had a little tummy bulge, but not bad. Putting my hair in a pony tail I headed to the pool.

Walking toward the pool Ed was lifting a large machine on the end of the picnic table, wearing only a gray pair of tight fitting swim trucks. This was the first time seeing him almost naked. He flicked a switch and the machine started a low whirling sound and started stirring the Margarita mixture, as he looked up at me.

A huge smile lit up his face, as he stood, damn he was big, and gorgeous as a movie star. Bill was spreading the charcoals around and looking at me smiling. Well asshole you wanted a show here goes.

“That’s an amazing machine you have there Ed, any chance I could have one of your Margaritas?” I grinned at him.

“Of course,” he smiled, “it’s my special recipe, tell what you think,” handing me a large glass with a lime twist on the edge of the glass.

Taking a big gulp, it burned my throat going down, causing me to wince and slightly cough, “Myyy…. that… taste good… but took my breath away,” I giggled in order to cover up my embarrassment.

“Take a bite of the lime,” Ed grinned, “sip it instead of gulping it down,” as he rubbed, and patted my back.

His large hand touching me sent shivers down my spine, and I moved away to sit down on one of the lounge chairs. Getting seated I took another sip, and looked up at Ed. He was smiling and running his eyes up and down my body, not really hiding the fact that he was ogling me.

Damn, Bill was right, he really does appear to have interest in viewing my body. His eyes seemed fixated on my breast, causing me to glance down, my nipples were hard and poking the white silk like fabric trying to punch through. I felt my face flush as I met his eyes, he had a slight smirk on his face, like he could read my mind. Making me squirm even more, and squeeze my thighs together.

My heart was racing as I took another sip, lost for words, when Ed groaned, “Well, what do you think?”

Damn was he wanting me to tell him what I was really thinking, or, oh he means the drink I finally realized. “I really like it as long as I suck… I mean sip it,” my face turning bright red from the slip up.

He just grinned and told me to let him know when I needed another refill, as he turned and shouted and asked Bill if he wanted one.

“Sure, just let me get these burgers on and I’ll have one,” he looked at me and winked.

Ed sat his drink down on the table and said he was going to take a quick dip to cool off. He dove gracefully and swam the length of the pool. As he glided through the water, I admired his toned body, and watched as his muscles rippled, left stroke, right stroke. When he reached the shallow end he walked up the steps out of the pool, and I watched the water drip down his muscular body. Grabbing a towel he was drying his face, giving me a chance to look over his gorgeous body, without him seeing me ogle him. There was a notable bulge in his trunks, it seemed bigger than before, making me wonder what those trunks were hiding.

I was still staring, when Bill laid his hand on my shoulder, “Here, I refilled your Margarita,” he grinned, “you look like you need another,” he winked and smiled.

Damn he had caught me staring at Ed, which pissed me off, this was not going the way I planned. Ed was supposed to be lusting after me and making Bill jealous. “Thanks honey, I sure can use another,” as I took the glass and downed about half in one swallow. Time to up my game I thought, as the buzz from the drinks flowed through my system, I knew I was wet between my legs, time to get in the pool.

Sitting my glass down I walked over and dove in the deep end and swam across the pool, at least now there was a reason my crotch was wet. Flipping over on my back, I floated in the water, and closed my eyes. Peeking through the slits in my eyes, I noticed both Bill and Ed drinking and staring at me, so I closed my eyes and smiled.

I would intentionally take a deep breath making my chest rise and I could feel my nipples harden more, plus slightly part my legs and move them back together, over and over.

Bill picked up a blown up beach ball and threw it out to get my attention, “Time to eat babe, you want to get out now?”

“Go ahead and start without me, but throw me one of those floating lounge chairs,…and….refill my Margarita,” and blew him a kiss and smiled.

Ed walked over to the edge and put one of the lounge chairs in the water and squatted down, “Here let me hold it steady as you get in it,” smiling.

I tried getting in and was having trouble, so Ed grabbed my arm and practically lifted me up and in the lounge chair with ease. “There, all comfy” his eyes raking my body.

“Yeah…. thanks….can you hand me my drink,” biting my lower lip. When he went to stand I saw the bulge in his shorts had grown bigger, much bigger. A tingle ran through my body and I felt my core muscles spasm. Maybe, I needed to back off I thought, before things got out of hand. It wasn’t fair to Ed I told myself. Oh well, at least I can float in the cool water and enjoy my Margarita.

“Here Babe,” Bill smiled as he handed me my drink. “You think maybe you should tone it down a little,” he whispered.

“Whatever you mean, I’m just enjoying the cool water and this wonderful drink,” I smiled, then sucked on the straw he had put in my drink. He just shook his head and went to stand and I saw he had a bulge in his trunks, making me giggle softly.

I smiled as I floated and sipped my drink. Looks like Bill was finally getting nervous about me being flirty with Ed. Good, maybe he would stop pushing me to entice other men. I was enjoying my drink and about finished it, when I realized my float had drifted into the shallow end, so I slipped off and started up the stairs.

Bill and Ed were still sitting at the table, they had finished eating but were still drinking. Ed seemed fine, but Bill was slurring his words and seemed to have a hard time sitting up straight.

I wasn’t feeling any pain, and had a great buzz going, which surprised, me because Bill could usually hold his alcohol. Sitting down next to Bill I put my arm around his shoulder and playfully said, “What’s a girl got to do to get a burger and another drink around here,” and giggled.

“Heyyy babby, lett..t meee get youraa burg…” and tried to stand.

“Hold on tiger,” Ed chuckled, “let me handle that.”

“OOKkkkkkky doookkyyy,” Bill laughed, “ED’S aaa danggg nic…e guyyy, ain ‘t he……sweettcart.” Then laid his down and passed out.

By that time Ed had a burger on a plate in front of me and just smiled as he looked at Bill. “What happened, how many drinks did he have?” I was puzzled.

“He must have had several beers or drinks before he came home, then a couple of beers here then several Margaritas,” he chuckled. “One minute he was fine, then snap (as he snapped his fingers) he started slurring his words. He never ate his burger, which were damn good burgers,” he laughed.

“Eat up Val, you need some food in you, and he’s fine right there for now.”

“I think I need to get him inside,….” I started to say and Ed cut me off.

“No, just eat your burger Val, I’m serious,” he commanded.

His gray eyes were focused on my eyes, as he stared at me not flinching or smiling.

It was like, I don’t know how to explain it, but kind of like a parent telling a child to eat your vegetables or else.

“Okay,” I mumbled, and took a bite of my burger.

“Here,” he said, as he placed a bottle of water in front of me. “You don’t need anymore alcohol.”

“Thanks,” I said and took another bite of my burger.

“Now you sit there and finish eating your burger, I’m going to start cleaning up around here. Understand?”

“Yes sir,” I responded, making him grin. Then he got up and started cleaning up like everything was normal.

“Well that’s taken care of, how’s the burger?” he grinned, as he sat back down.

“Fine thank you,” as I took a drink of water. “Sorry about tonight,” I apologized.

“Nonsense,” he chuckled, “I had a good time, the burger was good, the company was excellent. What more could a person ask for.”

“Yeah, we’re great host,” finally relaxing and smiling, “I got buzzed and Bill passed out.”

Walking over behind me he bent down and nuzzled my neck and whispered, “Stand up Val,” as he placed his hands on my shoulders.

“What,” I stuttered, as he forced me to stand and turned me to face him.

Bending down he captured my lips with his, and wrapped one hand in my hair tilting my head back, as his other hand pushed my ass so we were joined together. I could feel his bugle poking me. He pushed his tongue between my lips and gave me one of the most passionate kisses I had ever had. I couldn’t breath, my heart was beating out of my chest, as I moaned, my hands on his hard chest.

Then he broke the kiss and stared down at me, as I caught my breath, I was so frustrated and disoriented I just stared up at him.

Still holding me tight he growled, “Your husbands a Cuckold Val, I intend to give him what he wants, and what I think you want too,” as he devoured my mouth again, this time palming my ass in his large hand and pressing us closer together.

Finally freeing my mouth I mumbled, “What..do you.. mean Cuckold,” before he captured my mouth again. Then he freed my mouth and nibbled on my neck, “He is a man that wants other men to fuck his wife, and I’m going to fuck you so hard you will be screaming my name when you cum!”

“We…can’t….I… can’t….besides he’s right there….”as he captured my mouth again. Before I realized it my tongue was battling his as I squirmed and pressed harder against him.

Nuzzling my neck and biting my earlobe, he growled again, “Yeah he’s drunk, but believe me he’s aware of what we’re doing,” releasing my ass with his left hand and pulling down my right swimsuit strap off my right shoulder freeing my right breast.

“Ohhhh… pleaseee stop,” I moaned as he kneaded my breast and twisted my nipple.

Quickly switching hands he now controlled me with his left hand in my hair, using his right to jerk down the left side of my swimsuit, exposing me down to my waist.

When his mouth latched on to my right breast, I moaned loudly, “Oh gawd, please stoppp….” making him even more aggressive. He lifted me and placed me on the end of the table, captured both of my hands in his left hand and held them above my head on the table, continuing to suck, nibble and bite my breast. My legs were spread wide with him between my thighs grinding against my heated core. His right hand slipped under me and grabbed the back of my swimsuit and tugged it down till it was tangled around my upper thighs, then his hand groped my crotch.

Kissing around my jaw and mouth, he chuckled softly, “Your mouth says no Val, but your body says yes….God you’re soaked,” as his finger penetrated my wet pussy.

‘Ohhhhhhh, ohhh,” I moaned as his finger found my G-spot, making me hump his hand. “That’s it, ” he growled, ” cum on my hand Val, you want and need this.”

When he sucked hard on my left nipple while stroking my g-spot, I arched my back and was looking back, groaning and moaning, and I swear I saw Bill with his left eye open watching. Then I lost it, not giving a shit, as I came hard, my body shivering and shaking an orgasm rolling through me. “OH fuckkk,” as I bucked and bit my lip.

“Oh my God,” I moaned, my body limp. I didn’t even notice Ed had removed my swimsuit and his. Then I felt his cock sliding up and down my slit coating his cock in my juices. He still controlled my hands above my head, and was using his other hand to rub his cock all over my wet pussy, and teasing my clit.

Raising my head I glanced down and saw his hard glistening cock wet from my juices, “Ed, pleaseee stoppp….” I whispered.

“Then he devoured my mouth again and pressed the head of his cock at my entrance and pushed the head in about 2 inches. “God,” I moaned twisting my head from the kiss, “you’re toooo biggg….oh shit Ed….you’re too large…

“Damn your pussy is tight, but just breathe, Val, you can take it,” he kissed me again. While smothering me with his kiss he thrust a few more inches in my tight channel, causing me to groan loudly into his mouth.

“Fuck your pussy feels so good Val, I can feel you clenching down on my cock, you want this badly don’t you? Admit it, you need this as much as your cuckold does.”

With that he shoved his entire cock inside me, all thick 8 inches, I would later learn.

“AGGGGG FUCKKKK,” I screamed, but was quickly cut off as he swallowed my scream with his mouth. He just held still and kissed me letting my body adjust to his large member.

When he could sense I had settled down and was now moaning in his mouth, and moving my hips around as much as possible, he raised his head, “Look at me Val, wrap your legs around me,” and I did, as we stared at each other, I totally surrendered to him, he was right I needed this.

Then he started pulling back a little, then slowly pushing back in, over and over. Now I was moaning and meeting his thrust, and he released my hands used both of his to twist and play with my nipples, as he fucked me in a slow steady rhythm. I wrapped my arms around his neck and got into rhythm with him.

“God Val, your pussy feels amazing, you’re so tight it feels like your pussy was made for my cock,” he whispered in my ear as he nibbled on it.

‘Ohhhh Ohhhhh I’m cummmming aggaainnnnn,” I groaned as an orgasm raced through me, making me tighten my grip around his neck.

“That’s it cum on my cock Val, it feels good doesn’t it.”

“God yessss… please don’t stop, I’m almost there…. again…. shit.. shit… faster Ed faster…..”

He started pounding into me making the table rock and he grunted and strained.

“OH MY GAWD….YOU”RE SO fuckkkingg deepppp. YES, YES, OHHHH, OHHHHH,…

“HELL YES, I”M going to fill your pussy full of cum!” he growled loudly. “Cum with me Val, as he grunted and roared. I could feel his cock spurting load after load of cum coating my cervix and walls with what felt like a copious amount of his sperm.

OHHH MY FUUCCKKKINNG GAWD ED, FUCKKKKK!” as my toes curled and my eyes rolled back in my head. We were both breathing rapidly and panting, him laying on top, his cock still inside me twitching and emptying more sperm in me.

“Jesus Val, you’re an amazing sexy woman. Are you okay?”

“It’s a little late to ask isn’t it?” I panted, still trying to slow my heart down.

Still leaning over me with his cock still in my sloppy cunt, starting to soften, he held my face between his palms, “Look me in the eye Val, and don’t lie…. you came hard multiple times and enjoyed it,” he grinned.

“Yes,” I mumbled, “but now I have cheated on my husband, the only man I’ve

ever had sex with until now, which makes me feel like shit.”

Still staring at me eye to eye, a strange look came over his face, then he shocked the hell out of me. “Stop pretending to be passed out Bill, and tell your sweet wife you wanted this to happen, meaning you wanted this, therefore that doesn’t count as cheating. Now Bill, she desires to know the truth and shouldn’t feel guilty about us fucking.” He said all that looking me right in the eye the whole time.

I was laying there naked, cum running out of my vagina, dripping down the crack of my ass, with Ed standing there pulling his trunks back on smiling, when I looked up Bill was leaning over me.

“Oh God babe, I’m so sorry……I…..guess the drinks…..just got to me…..and I let my fantasy get the best of me. But damn that was the most erotic thing I ever witnessed,” as he cupped my face and kissed my forehead.

I was still in a daze, laying there naked, after having the best sex of my life, my husband admitting he wanted this to happen. “So, you set all this up, to watch another man fuck your wife,…..I hope your happy you sick bastard,” as I scrambled off the table grabbing a towel and to cover up, and ran toward the house.

“Valerie…. please let me explain,” my husband pleaded, was all I heard as I slammed the patio door closed and locked it.

Rushing to our master bath, I used the towel to dry my tears, when I glanced in the mirror. Cum was running down my legs, my hair in disarray, the buzz from the booze, the adrenaline rush from the sex I was totally confused. I felt humiliated, yet sexually satisfied for the first time in years, but also felt like a dirty slut for enjoying the sex with Ed. Forcing myself in the shower, I washed away the evidence of my betrayal then slipped on an old sleep shirt and fell in bed. Exhausted from booze and sex I fitfully fell asleep.

Awakening the next morning, I realized I was wet between my legs. Damn cum was still leaking out of my vagina, making me remember the feel of Ed’s cock stretching and filling me like never before. His cock had touched places in me that had never been touched before. My hand drifted down and my fingers smeared the cum around my lips and clit, and before I knew it I parted my legs and started finger fucking myself. “Yes,” I moaned, rubbing my clit hard and fast, using my other hand to twist and squeeze my left breast. Now I was thrusting my finger in and out of my heated pussy, over and over, my hips rising to meet my thrust until I came hard and screamed, “God yes, yes, Ed….fuckkkk meee!” The orgasm hit me, my entire body shook, my heart beating so fast I almost passed out. As my breathing calmed and my heart rate slowed, I rolled to my side and cuddled with my pillow and drifted off back to sleep, and dreamed about Ed fucking me on the picnic table.

Mid morning I woke up, tangled up in the sheets, wet sheets I might add. Dragging myself out of bed I stripped the sheets, not bothering to make the bed, and headed to the shower.

As I combed my hair, after dressing in a pair of loose fitting shorts and baggy shirt, I wondered what lay ahead. Was my marriage over, I loved my husband, but would he continue with this kink of his. Why would a man want to see his wife with another man? Does he want an excuse to screw other women? Did I enjoy the sex with Ed, and did I deep down want him to fuck me. Of course I enjoyed sex with Ed, that’s not the point I kept telling myself. UGH! Coffee that will help, as I slammed down my brush and comb and headed to the kitchen.

Sipping my coffee, I wondered where Bill was, hell I had locked him out last night, he didn’t have a key to get in, his car was parked in the driveway. Peeking out the sliding door, he was sprawled out under our covered patio, in a lounge chair with several empty beer cans on the ground around him.

Serves him right I thought, as I walked back to the kitchen for another cup of coffee.

The phone on the kitchen wall rang, starling me as I stirred my coffee. After the fourth ring I finally answered, “Hello.”

“Val, please don’t hang up. (pause) Are you still there… (pause)?”

“Yeah,” as I took a deep breath.

“Where is Bill?” he asked.

“Conked out on the patio, drunk I’m sure from the number of beer cans around him,” I snarled.

“Oh, well we need to talk, can you meet me?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I mumbled, “I can’t even think straight right now.”

“If we meet, maybe I can help you understand things about your husband, he’s not alone, you would be surprised how many Cuckolds are out there. It’s a kink and they can’t help themselves. So think about it, you have my number if you want to talk.”

“Not now,” I stammered, “I just need time to think about what’s next and if I want to stay married to him. Bye Ed.”

Hanging up the phone I made up my mind I needed time away from Bill. I had things to do regarding school, clothes that needed washing etc, so I marched over to the patio door and unlocked it. Stepping outside I saw an almost full can of beer on the table next to Bill and picked it up and poured it over his head!

“Get up asshole!” I shouted.

“What….” as he jerked awake while wiping beer from his face, “the hell Valerie.”

“I”m going for a drive, you have one hour to clean up, pack up and get out, or so help me Bill I will file for a divorce first thing Monday morning!”

“But babe,….please just let me talk to you,” he pleaded.

“Not another word, I mean it Bill, shut the hell up and get out. Don’t you dare come back before Monday morning after I have left for school. I DO NOT WANT TO SEE YOU, OR HEAR FROM YOU THIS WEEKEND!!!”

Then I grabbed my iPhone and purse and headed out. First stop was going to be at the Mac’s Garage to get my damn a/c fixed on my car. I looked like shit, very little make up, baggy clothes, and Jim the head mechanic knew me and could tell I was mad and upset.

“Mrs. Hunter, I can put more Freon in and it will cool for a few days, but it’s just going to leak back out. You need a new compressor.”

“How much will that cost, and how long will that take?”

“It will probably run around $1100 to $1500, but I can’t get to it until Monday, and it will take about 4 or 5 hours.”

“But I need it this weekend,” I pleaded.

“Tell you what, I’ll put some Freon in now at no charge, and you drop it off Monday morning on your way to school. I’ll have it ready by the time school is out.”

“Thanks Jim, you’re a lifesaver.”

Shortly after I was on the road, the a/c was working, and I hit the drive-thru at McDonald’s and got me a #1 combo with sweet tea. I wanted to give Bill plenty of time to get out of the house, so I drove to the city park and had lunch at a picnic table under a large oak tree.

The more I thought about last night, I realized maybe I was partly to blame. I had teased Ed, because Bill encouraged it, but I could have flat out refused. Then again, why was my husband always trying to get me to wear revealing clothes, and talking about other men lusting after me? It didn’t make sense that a man would want to expose his wife like that, if he truly loved her. Ed says he can explain why Bill is like that, and…. that men like him are Cuckolds.

Still confused, I threw my trash away, and started home. Driving slowly by the house I saw that Bills car was gone, he drove a company car, a 2021 Pathfinder, while I was stuck in my 2016 Ford Focus, that needed replacing!

Using the garage remote I parked in the garage, then shut the garage door and went inside through the laundry room. Thinking with my car out of sight, maybe nobody would expect someone to be home. I had not seen Ed when I pulled in and sure as hell didn’t want to talk to him.

Needing to get my mind off of last night, I got my laptop and school briefcase, and sat down at the kitchen table and started working. An hour later I had all the papers graded, and just needed to make up the final exam for each of my classes, Civics, American History and American Government.

Opening my laptop I typed in my password ‘LoveToTeach’. As I started to open my Civics document folder, I noticed I had several unread emails. One email was from an unknown sender ‘WifePleaserES’ See attachments.

Clicking on the email a screen opened showing 3 attachments. Opening the first one, “Cuckolds” A film started, a woman was sitting next to a man, and she was explaining that her husband was a cuckold, and enjoyed watching her fuck other men, even strangers. All the time her husband was smiling at her as she described how happy her and her husband were, that she enjoyed the freedom of sex with many men, and that her husband encouraged her. Sometimes he watches, other times he he jerks off when she comes home, and tells him about the man, or men she just fucked. All the time she was talking, the man got excited, smiling at her he was rubbing his cock over his tented pants. She reached over and made him stop, telling him he could not cum without her permission. Then she explained that her husband was not allowed to cum unless she said he could.

I paused the film right there, how in the hell did they both look so happy? Her husband appeared to be a normal guy, and he was looking at his wife like he worshiped the ground she walked on. Was Bill like him? Bill never came right out and asked me to fuck other men, but… he did say how erotic it was that Ed fucked me. Plus he was always trying to get me to dress provocatively, and talking about other men lusting after me as we had sex.

Wanting to hear more, I restarted the film. The woman was explaining to her audience that she loved her husband very much, and that their marriage had never been stronger, since they were both getting their needs met. Now I will let my husband tell you, about our lifestyle from his view point.

The man smiled at the camera, and he said he had never been happier since he accepted that he was a Cuckold. He said for years he had a deep desire to see his beautiful wife have sex with other men, but never had the courage to ask her too. He would just entice her to flirt with other men, and encourage her to wear sexy revealing clothes. Then one night at a party everything just seemed to fall in place, and an old boyfriend of his wife attended the party. We were staying at the hotel where the party was being held, when the party ended I invited him up to our room for a nightcap. We all had a buzz going, and I started kissing my wife in front of him. The friend just smiled and made a comment he deserved a kiss. So I told him I agreed. While he was giving her a passionate kiss, I got a hard on and was playing with my cock with my hand down in my pants. The old boyfriend noticed, and got more aggressive and unzipped her dress, which made my wife glance my way. She was aroused and saw me with my hand in my pants, I just smiled and nodded at her. Before she realized what was happening he had her down to her bra and panties, and started finger fucking her. I came in my pants watching her moan and groan when she had an orgasm. Right before my eyes he pulled his cock out, pulled her panties aside and fucked her right in front of me. I was so excited I dropped my pants and jacked off again. When he finished he thanked both of us for a wonderful evening and left. My wife and I had some of the best sex we had ever had, as soon as he left. Anyway, that’s how it started and life couldn’t be better.

The wife smiled at her husband, patting his leg, then looked at the camera and told the audience, that she hoped everyone understood the Cuckold lifestyle better now, and that she loved her husband very much. She reached and grabbed her husbands cock, then smiled at the audience saying that was the end, and that she needed to take care of her cuckold, as you can see he’s excited and needs to cum, Bye.

The film ended, and I just sat there dumbfounded. I was aroused, and my panties were wet from listening to her husband talking about watching his wife get fucked. I was picturing Ed fucking me on the picnic table, an even my mind flashed picturing Principal Manning fucking me on my desk at school.

What the hell, I got up and went to the kitchen sink and turned on the cold water and splashed cold water on my face, as my face felt flushed and I was burning up. Plus now my panties were soaked. As I patted my face dry with a paper towel, I remember Ed telling me I wanted and needed to be fucked, as he was fucking me!

That was when I wrapped my legs around him fucked him back, resulting in several orgasms.

My iPhone started ringing, and I glanced at the screen flashing, it was Bill calling, and I just let it go to voice mail. I couldn’t talk to him right now, I was too confused! Hell I was even picturing Bill’s face on the man in the film smiling telling the audience how happy he was being a Cuckold. Then my mind flashed, picturing me in place of the woman, telling how happy I was fucking other men.

Rushing back to the bathroom I stripped and took a long cold shower. Feeling better after a long shower, I slipped on a pair of pink cotton panties, and a light weight white cotton sleeveless sleep shirt that went down to about mid thigh. I even set the thermostat on the a/c down to 60 degrees, to keep me cool. Maybe now I could complete my work and keep my body cool.

Back in the kitchen I grabbed a cold bottle of water from the fridge, and sat back down at the table. Touching my laptop, the screen brightened up still on the email I had opened earlier. The other 2 attachments were there on the screen, and I thought about deleting the entire email. My finger paused over the delete button, but I couldn’t bring myself to delete it.

The next attachment label read ‘How To be a Wife of a Cuckold’. Reluctantly I pressed play. A woman was staring off camera, and asked someone if they were ready. You didn’t hear anyone speak, they must have just nodded to her, because she laughed, then faced the camera and smiled. Telling the audience she was sorry about that, but she was nervous and didn’t realize the camera was running. Then she introduced herself by telling everyone that she was 55 years old, and had been with her husband a little over 30 years, 32 to be exact she said and grinned. We have 2 children, a 25 year old son, and a 23 year old daughter. We married when I was 23, my husband was 28, and early in our marriage we discovered that my husband desired for me to have sex with other men. I was shocked to say the least, but on our 2nd anniversary things changed.

She paused for a minute, then looked off the camera to her left and motioned someone to come forward. A handsome older man came out and sat beside her and whispered in her ear. She laughed and held his hand, then turned back to face the camera. Sorry again, I just feel better talking about this with my husband with me. Okay she grinned, where were we? Oh yeah our 2nd anniversary.

Well, we stopped in a bar for a drink, after a nice dinner out, and this complete stranger came over and asked me to dance. He was an older gentleman, very handsome, and I started to politely decline his offer, and my husband here, as she nudged him and giggled, told him sure. I was surprised, but it was not the first time he had encouraged me to dance with other men, but usually men we knew.

The gentleman danced with me and kept telling me how beautiful I looked, and kept on the dance floor for 2 more songs. When we went back to our table, my husband invited him to join us. Several drinks later, I danced with the man again, his name was Ron I think, anyway, he was putting his hands on my ass and holding me tight against him, and I felt his cock against my belly, and he had his thigh between my legs putting pressure on my pussy. Returning to the table, my husband was grinning, and leaned over and whispered to me that we should play out our fantasy and have a threesome. His argued that Ron was a stranger, and nobody would ever know.

I was aroused from that last dance, plus had a buzz going from the drinks, and when my husband took my hand and placed it on his hard cock, I realized he was excited from watching Ron fondle and grind on me. He pleaded with me to grant him this wish. I reluctantly agreed.

Anyway we went to a motel and got a room, and no sooner were we in the room Ron was on me kissing and feeling me up. This was what my husband wanted so I went along with it. Ron had me so worked up I forgot about my husband for a few minutes, then I caught a glimpse of him in a mirror, and he was naked from the waist down jacking off. Ron never paid any attention to him, and stripped me of my dress and ripped my panties off and quickly started eating my pussy like it was his last meal. As soon as he made me cum, he lowered his pants and rammed his cock in my pussy and was fucking me. My husband watched and even started telling Ron to fuck her good, make her cum on your cock.

By this point I didn’t care, Ron was pounding me into the mattress and making me squeal and gave me 3 more orgasms before he flooded my pussy with his sperm. Looking over at my husband as I caught my breath, he was panting and had cum all over his hands and the floor. Ron, finally got up and started dressing, then handed my husband a business card, and told him the next time his wife needed a real man to fuck her to call him. Then he left.

No my husband and I didn’t have sex on our anniversary night. He had already jacked off and cum three times in the motel, and couldn’t get another hard on if he wanted too. All he could do was snuggle with me in bed and tell me how much he loved me, and how beautiful I looked when I had cum on Ron’s cock.

Since that night I couldn’t count the number of men I’ve had sex with. If you’re just getting into this lifestyle, here are some tips.

If your Cuckold is anything like mine here, he likes for me to tease him, and nothing makes him happier than eating a cream pie after I fuck someone.

Make your cuck wonder when he’s going to get to cum again, and if he disobeys you, punish him. I have a cock cage I put him in when he tries to control who I fuck, or when I fuck. In this kind of marriage you, the female is in charge when it comes to sex. I should say, I’m in charge of his sex life, because some of the men I fuck, they demand to be in charge, and, she grinned, I can be a little submissive. That made her husband laugh.

Also remember sex is about more than feelings, it also enhances the experience with dirty sex talk. Tell your cuck you like being a dirty slut with other men, and that he’s not nearly the man your other lovers are. Let him watch sometimes, and other times go on a date without him. Then make him beg for you to tell him about the erotic details.

Last but not least, love your husband. He really can’t help being kinky, it’s just a part of him. Plus I get all the sex I want, so we are both happy. Oh, just in case you’re wondering, my two children, DNA proves my husband is the father. There was a close call that first time, which I think my Cuckold actually enjoyed the suspense, until the DNA came back and said he was the father. And no, our children are not aware their father is a cuck, or that their mother is slut. Not yet, anyway, then her and her husband kissed and the film eneded.

Damn the temp in the house was 60 degrees, I had little clothing on, and I was sweating, my nipples throbbing and nearly punching a hole through my thin cotton top, and my pink panties were soaked!

Leaning back in my chair, my head back, I pulled my panties aside and slipped a finger inside my cunt and started finger fucking myself. It wasn’t enough, so I slipped two fingers inside and soon all you could hear was squishing sounds coming from my sloppy wet pussy and my moans echoing off the kitchen walls. when my orgasm hit I nearly fell out of the chair. My hand was soaked with my juices, there was a puddle on the floor, and my legs felt like jello. All I could do was close my eyes and groan and moan as my heart raced a million miles an hour. Fuck, fuck. Minutes later I finally made it back to the bathroom and stripped and took another shower. At this rate I was going to be out of panties, shorts etc,. No more watching or looking at that damn email I told myself. You have things you need to do you idiot. UGH!

Not bothering to dress, I pulled on one of the Bill’s button up shirts and buttoned it up. and it hung down to my knees. Then set the thermostat back to our normal setting of 72 degrees, and walked over and closed my laptop. No more I told myself, I’ll do laundry, and remake our bed with clean sheets.

Starting a load of laundry, I went and made the bed, then realized it was late and I was hungry. So I made myself a grilled cheese sandwich, and poured myself a glass of milk. Feeling more in control, I opened my laptop, and started to delete the email that was on the screen, but instead just clicked off it, and opened my Civics folder and started working on putting together the final exam. As I finished my meal and the Civics exam, I heard the dryer buzz, so I went and took care of that chore. Feeling proud of myself that I was accomplishing something, I started working on the other 2 exams I needed to finish. An hour later I was finished. and decided I needed to relax, so I made myself a Gin Tonic and curled up on the couch.

Grabbing the tv remote I flipped through channels trying to find something to watch, but couldn’t find anything interesting. Out of the corner of my eye I saw my laptop sitting there, tempting me to open the final attachment. Gulping down my drink, I went and fixed another Gin Tonic, then paused and stared at my laptop. What the hell, I had already watched 2 of the attachments, might as well check out the last one.

Opening my laptop I pulled up the email and saw the third attachment labeled ‘Literotica’. Opening it was the web address literotica.com, with instructions to go to section marked “Stories” and in search bar type in Cuckold. There was a link so I clicked on it, and it took me to the website. Scrolling down was all kinds of categories, Anal, BDSM, Incest/Taboo, Interracial, Loving Wives, NonConsent, plus many more. Further down I found ‘Search Stories.’ Clicking on it I typed in Cuckold in the search bar. My God, there were at least 30 or more stories to click on, and 217 pages more. Several on the first page caught my attention, ‘Make your Wife Cuckold You’, ‘Cuckold in Training,’ and ‘Are you a Cuckold, Sweetheart?’

So damn many to choose from. I spent the next four hours reading through some of the most erotic stories I had ever read in my life. Some were only 1 chapter, some were 11 or more chapters. I was starting to get a better understanding of my husband, plus I was getting aroused from some of the stories. Glancing at my watch, hell it was after 11 o’clock. I was wet between my legs, and I had a buzz from the Gin Tonics I had consumed, it must have been several because the Gin bottle was almost empty! One more drink and one more story I told myself.

Forty-five minutes later I was laying on the floor next to my bed masturbating like crazy. On the floor because I had just put fresh sheets on the bed! I made myself come at least 3 times, before I was exhausted. I used my husbands shirt to wipe all the fluids from my body and carpet, then put on an old pair of white cotton panties to sleep in, to protect the clean sheets. Climbing in bed I quickly fell asleep, fully satisfied.

Waking up Sunday morning, I stretched and groaned, damn I was sore between my legs. Guess I was a little rough finger fucking myself several times yesterday. Feeling my panties, they were a little wet, but seemed to have done their job of soaking up my juices. Laying there staring at the ceiling, I thought about all the info on the three attachments. Who was ‘WifePleaserES?’ Could the ES stand for Ed Spencer? Picking up my iPhone I saw I had several missed calls from Bill and two from Ed. Plus my voicemail was full.

Rolling out of bed, I pulled on a t-shirt and headed to the kitchen to make coffee. I was hungry from not eating much yesterday, so I grabbed a skillet and started frying bacon, then made myself a cup of coffee. Sipping coffee, I laid the bacon on a plate, then fried 2 eggs and made toast.

Sitting at the kitchen table I ate breakfast, and thought about how I should confront Bill. We had to talk sometime, and how would we explain to David, why we were divorcing, if it came down to that. Could I accept my husband as a Cuckold, or maybe I should be asking myself, did I want to have the freedom to fuck other men?

I had to finally admit to myself that the sex with Ed was fantastic, and I had at times looked at other men and wondered what it would be like to have sex with them. Maybe because for years Bill had talked my ear off about how other men looked at me. Still, I never told anyone, especially him that the thought ran through my mind.

Bill was the first man I had sex with, so yeah over the years I wondered what it would be like with other men. What woman doesn’t. But I never plan on acting on it. Hell I fantasized about Brad Pitt and Ben Affleck, but that was never going to happen!

Finishing my breakfast, I loaded the dishwasher, then fixed another cup of coffee.

I had just sat down at the table and started to take a sip… when…..

KNOCK, KNOCK. The sound startled me, making me spill coffee down the front of my shirt. “Shit.” KNOCK, KNOCK. Damn whoever was knocking the whole neighborhood was going to hear, they were knocking so loud.

Rushing to the door I looked through the peep hole. There stood Ed fixing to knock again, so I opened the door just enough to tell him to go away.

“Leave Ed, I don’t want to speak to you right now,” I pleaded.

“Val, I am not leaving until we talk, meaning I’ll stand here and beat on this door until you let me in so we can talk.”

“I think I need to talk to Bill first, and I don’t plan on talking to him until Monday or maybe Tuesday. You and I can maybe talk then.”

“I’ve talked to Bill, and I think you need to talk to me first. So I’m not leaving Val.”

I was so flustered, I opened the door to let him in, forgetting I was just wearing panties and a t-shirt wet from coffee, plastering my shirt to my chest. Nipples showing of course!

Stepping in he looked at me and chuckled, “Cute.”

“Shit,…. I’ll be right back, there’s coffee in the kitchen,” as I rushed off to the bedroom.

Coming back with a clean t-shirt and wearing a bathrobe cinched tight around me, I found him sitting in the kitchen drinking a cup of black coffee. Leaning against the door frame, I mumbled, “What’s so important you couldn’t wait until I talked to Bill?”

“Sit down Val, I don’t bite,” he chuckled, “at least not all the time. And right now we are just going to talk…… unless you have something else in mind,” grinning at me.

“Damn’t Ed, don’t suggest I want something from you,” I nervously murmured.

“Sit Val, I’m not going to tell you again,” speaking firmly.

“Okay,” I mumbled as I sat across from him, clenching the top of my robe.

He just stared at me with an amused look on his face, sipping his coffee, which made me squirm in my chair.

The silence was killing me so I finally asked, “Are you ‘WifePleaserES’?”

Grinning, he responded, “Figured a smart woman like you would figure that out. Did it help?”

Squaring my shoulders and looking him in the eye,”I didn’t read it, I deleted it.”

“Liar,” he chuckled again.

“I am not, I deleted it and got some work done for school and did laundry all day yesterday,”

“So, if I open up your laptop, the email will be gone, in the trash bin, is that what your telling me,” he stared at me.

“You’ll have to take my word for it,” feeling braver. “Besides my laptop is password protected and you can’ t get in it.”

“Val, Val, what am I going to do with you? You continue to lie to me, and for your info I know your password is ‘LoveToTeach’ and you watched every attachment, plus spent hours on literotica.com last night,” he smirked at me.

My face flushed beet red, as I gasped out a response, “How…. in hell do you know that?”

“That’s why we need to talk Val. Are you ready to listen…. and be honest with me. Believe me, I’ll know if you’re lying.”

“Okay,” I sighed.

“First, let’s get this out of the way, I know your husband loves you, the question is do you love your husband…. even after what happened Friday night?”

“Of course I love him, that’s never going to change…. I just don’t know if I can live with him…… I’m still deciding,” I mumbled nervously. “Still you haven’t explained how you know my password and,…. if I did read your email.”

“A while back your husband asked for my help, his desktop computer in your home office crashed, and he knew I had a background in IT. Something about some files he had about his customers he needed, and the only copies were on the desktop. He was really shook up about it, so I came over to see if I could fix it.”

“Anyway,” he smiled, “your husband was pacing the floor, and I finally told him if he wanted my help he needed to give me space so I could concentrate on finding the problem. Long story short, I finally found the problem, he had been watching porn and a virus infected his computer. Not just any porn, but porn about Cuckolds. His browser history showed hundreds, going back years.”

“If that’s true, why did it crash now and not earlier?” I asked.

“Because he failed to renew Norton Security, and to be honest he was just lucky up until now. Anyway, he also had documents storing personal info and passwords to your laptop and his. I even found he had been emailing other Cuckolds, he must have made contact with on porn websites. He was telling them about wishing his wife would cuckold him and how beautiful you looked when you had an orgasm. He even had pictures of you he sent to some of them..”

“Oh my God,”……I will kill him!”

“Hold on,” he chuckled, putting his hand up to shush me, “none of the pictures showed your face, most just pictures below the neck, he must have snapped them on his iPhone when you were dressing, or bathing. Quite good pictures, I must say,” chuckling again.

“All this time…. and for the last several months he has been even more persistent about pushing me to expose myself and flirt with men…… when we made love…. he constantly talked about how other men would love to be in bed with me. Even to the point he would get so excited…. he would prematurely ejaculate….. and leave me frustrated. Hell I got to where I would rub one out in the shower. Friday night was the first orgasm I had during sex in over 5 or 6 months,” I sighed.

Silence filled the air, as I thought about the last several months, finally looking at Ed, I said, “He’s never going to change is he?”

“He can’t Val,” speaking sincerely, “it’s who he is, and it doesn’t mean he doesn’t love you. Hell he worships you. Hell he was so drunk and scared that he was losing you after Friday night, that I worried he would do something stupid. So I found him at the motel he was staying at and he was drunk as hell, saying he couldn’t live without you.”

“Is he okay,…. hell I’ve not listened to any of the voicemails he left me….. if something happened to him because of me…… I don’t know how I could face that,” as I broke down sobbing.

Coming around to my side of the table, he easily lifted me in his arms, then sat down with me in his lap. “Hey, he’s okay, that was yesterday, I spoke to him today and he is stone cold sober,” as he cradled me in his arms and rubbed my back.

Handing me his handkerchief he told me to wipe my eyes, and stood and put me back down in my chair. “There, now let me get you a bottle of water, we still have some things to talk about.”

He gave me a bottle of water, and waited for me to calm down then said, “”Bill realized I had discovered what he had on his computer and finally opened up and told me about his kink. He admitted he put you up to flirting with me, as he had with others. I told him I suspect as much, which shocked him, so I told him I was known as ‘WifePleaserES’ and had experience dealing with Cuckolds. That’s when he asked me if I would fuck you, if the chance came up.”

“He flat out asked you to fuck me, is what you’re saying?” with a shocked look on my face.

“Yes, and I told him I would play along, and if you responded I would definitely fuck you, but…. if you put up a struggle or resisted I would not force you. I don’t go around raping women Val.”

“I told you to stop,” I protested meekly.

“Val, you teased me all evening, so I went for it, and you didn’t put up much of a struggle, hell your body responded and you melted into me. I could tell you wanted it to happen, and were putting up a token of resistance to rid yourself of guilt about fucking someone other than your husband. Be honest with yourself.”

I just sat there, knowing what he said was true before in a low voice, “I guess I did….I saw you were aroused….” as I looked down at the bottle of water I was holding and rolling from one hand to the other, “and I… was so horny. Guess I’m guilty of being a slut and cheating wife,” I mumbled.

“You were not cheating Val, he wanted it to happen, I was shocked by the way you responded and ran in the house. I feel bad about that, I’m sorry I pushed you.”

Looking at his concerned face, I had to correct him, “That’s not it Ed. I’m glad you fucked me, hell I wanted it and needed it just like you said. But… for him not to come out and ask me himself…… and sit me up like that……being a coward and acting like he was passed out! God I wanted to kill him!”

“I guess it didn’t play exactly the way it should have,” he chuckled softly, “I thought he overplayed the drunk part.. and I was surprised how many of my Margaritas you drank and was still being frisky and sexy.”

Pausing, I looked at him and asked, “So you have been screwing other Cuckolds wives before….. what about your wife….. how did that work?”

“That’s a story for another time,” he grinned. “Right now you need to decide how you want to proceed with Bill. I told him this morning to stay sober and leave you alone t

That I would try and talk to you, and for him to go to work tomorrow and wait for you to contact him. He promised me he would.”

“I don’t know Ed…. how that would work….. that’s all I’ve thought about and it’s driving me crazy,” I pouted.

“The email I sent you didn’t help?”

“That’s another thing, how do you know if I looked at the attachments?”

“My computer alerts me when an email I sent has been opened, even the amount of time you spent on each attachment. Especially since you clicked on the link I sent you for Literotica.com. Now quit procrastinating, and tell me if the information helped,” he smiled.

“Yeah, it helped….I can’t believe there are so many out there like him. Those two couples seemed so normal…. and happy.”

“You would be surprised to know how many kinky couples here in town, some I’m sure you know personally,” he laughed.

“Who are they, if you don’t mind telling me?”

“Not now, maybe later I’ll tell you, depending on what your decision is going forward with your marriage with Bill. I better be going, you have some hard decisions to make, you have my number. Call me if you have questions or if I can do anything. And Val, whatever you decide, I hope we can at least remain friends.”

“Your leaving?”

“This is something you need to decide on your own, I don’t want to influence your decision one way or the other. I told Bill I would let him know how you’re doing, he was worried about you. So I’ll tell him you’re okay, and that you will be in touch with him when you’re ready to talk. Is that okay?”

“Yeah, tell him I’m okay….. and tell him I love him…. but not to contact me….. I’ll be in touch when I’m ready to talk. Thanks Ed,” as I gave him a hug.

“Bye Val, call me anytime if I can help,” he smiled as he walked out the door.

After Ed left, I opened my laptop and opened back up the email, and reviewed the first two attachments, fast forwarding to the parts I wanted to view. Then I went back to literotica.com and reread the article ‘How To Get Your Wife To Cuckold You.’

Finishing that I fixed a Gin Tonic, I sat on the couch thinking about what all I read, and how some of it applied to Bill’s fetish, or kink, whatever they called it. The signs had been there all along, I had just not connected the dots. Now I was connecting the dots, and thought maybe Bill and I could make this work, but for it to work I needed to be sure Bill was agreeable to my terms. I would decide who I fucked and when. Also under no circumstance was he to have sex with other women…..well unless I later decided he could. I chuckled as I thought about that idea. Nah, for now that’s not going to happen, and I laughed. Hell, I’m actually considering becoming what was that term…..’HotWife’…. yeah that was it. Damn all the new terminology I was going to have to learn. Time to call Bill, it’s about 5 o’clock, better FaceTime the call, I thought, I want to have him face to face when we talk.

Refreshing my drink, for courage, I FaceTimed the call. On the second ring, he picked up, he looked haggard, but was smiling like crazy.

“God I’m so glad you called, I been going crazy, please tell me I can come home. I’ve missed you so much, I’ll do anything you ask if you will not leave me. I’m so so sorry about what happened. I’ll never do anything…..”(interrupted)

“Bill, Bill, shut up. We need to talk, I didn’t call to tell you to come home. Just listen or I’ll hang up. Understand,” I spoke firmly, but smiled waiting for his response.

“Okay. Sorry,” he mumbled, and looked like he was about to cry.

“Are you sober, have you been drinking today?”

“No ma’am, I promise,”

“Good, I was worried about you. Did Ed tell you I still love you?”

“Yes ma’am, he said he talked to you and that you would call me when you were ready to talk. I thought maybe you were going to say I could come home.”

“Bill, you know and I know, or at least I now have a better understanding of this fetish you have. You know me fucking other men. I realize that’s never going to change regardless of what you promise right now.”

“Please Valerie, I’ll do anything not to lose you,” he pleaded.

“Just listen, I love you and don’t want to lose you either. So, I have decided I’m going to give it a try and, this, this Cuckold lifestyle I guess you call it.” As soon as those words were out of my mouth, he smiled so big I thought his face would crack.

“Don’t talk just listen, you need to understand, what I say goes, if you can’t agree to that, then it’s over between us. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am, I promise.”

“Okay, Be home tomorrow night at 6 pm, not a minute before, and don’t be late. Can you do that?”

“Whatever you say,” he smiled again now like he had won the lottery!

“Now I will tell you what I am going to do tonight. I’m going to call Ed and see if he will come over here and fuck me in our marital bed. Tomorrow night I might tell you about it, then again I might not. You tricked me the other night, which I didn’t appreciate at all. So this is pay back. I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night, but Bill, I better not see or hear from you before then. Understand?”

“Yes ma’am, thank you, thank you baby,” he was practically jumping up and down when I told him bye and that I loved him.

I freshened up in the bathroom and applied lotion to my body, a little perfume, then decided to go naked, with just a light summer robe that just covered my ass, then called Ed.

“Hello, What do I owe the pleasure of this call. Have you made a decision yet?”

“As a matter of fact I have, and I facetimed with Bill and he is aware of my decision. He will be home tomorrow at 6 pm.”

“That’s great Val, I’m happy for you.”

“Well, I have a favor to ask if you have time, that is.”

“Yeah, I told you whatever you needed to just ask, what do you need.”

“Well, it’s about 6 o’clock, I have to work tomorrow, but…. I thought maybe you could come over and fuck me until about 10 o’clock, that would still give me time to sleep.”

He laughed so loud I had to pull the phone away from my ear. “Oh Val, you simply amaze me, my wife would have loved you. Do we need any Margaritas to celebrate the occasion?”

“Yeah, that would be nice. See you soon, the front door’s unlocked just come on in…. I’ll be in the bedroom.”

I waited in my bedroom, with only the light short robe on. I was leaning against the headboard, with my iPhone. I had learned on literotica.com about a site called pornhub.com and was watching a video of a young girl giving a sloppy blow job on an older man. I knew that’s what I wanted to do, get a good close up view of Ed’s cock. When I heard the front door open then closed. Then it sounded like he was in the kitchen, finally I heard him coming down the hallway.

When he got to the bedroom door he leaned against the door frame, with 2 glasses in his hand and just smiled at me.

“Well, are you just going to stand there and stare at me,” I teased.

“Let’s see I brought the Margaritas, and the limes because I wasn’t sure you would have any, plus I brought my dick. Did I forget anything?” he smirked.

“The Margaritas and limes are nice,” as I slid out of bed, “but I’m more interested in your dick,” as I reached him and took one of the drinks.

We both stood there sipping our drinks, smiling, when I took a big gulp then sat my glass down on the glass top dresser, and dropped down on my knees and started to unbutton his shorts, he wasn’t wear a belt. He just smiled down at me and continued to sip his drink.

When I unzipped his shorts, they fell down to his ankles. Damn, no underwear and I was staring at his flaccid cock, it was almost 6 inches long, and thick. As big as Bill’s dick erect.

Without touching it I just admired it, and looked up at him and smiled. He calmly set his drink down and pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it over in a nearby chair.

With his hands on his hips he smiled at me, “Well are you just going to stare at my cock, or suck it?”

“I was just admiring it,” as I reached and grabbed it just behind the head, “I didn’t really get a chance to see it Friday night. I jacked him down to the base and then added my second hand, then run my tongue around the head. “Mmmmm” then looked up smiling, “it’s big, thick, and perfect” I hissed, as I jacked him with both hands, and his cocked started to stiffen. As I stroked him he got fully engorged, and precum formed on the head and I took the head in my mouth and licked and sucked it up, “Mmmmmm mmmmm, yummy. Just hope it will fit in my mouth, damn it’s big.”

He chuckled, “It fit in that sweet pussy just fine,”

“I know, it stretched the hell out of my little pussy,” I giggled. “But I want to see how much I can get in my mouth.” As I took him back in my mouth. My mouth was stretched wide as I took about 3 inches in my mouth, he was at his full 8 inches now, and I didn’t see how I was going to get much more in my mouth.

Now I was using one hand to jack him and bobbing my head up and down, using my other hand to cup his huge balls.

“God,” he moaned, “you look so damn beautiful with your mouth wrapped around my cock,” as he placed his right hand on the back of my head.

The only sounds in the room, “guck, guck, gugg,” as I slurped and sucked on 4 inches of his cock. Saliva and precum were filling my mouth and dripping down my chin. I was really bobbing up and down at a fast pace as I jacked him off.

Finally, I tried to go deeper and take another inch, “Guck, guck gugg, guggg aggg,” gagging and coughing I jerked my head off his cock when it hit the back of my throat. “Damn…” my eyes were watering, my lower face covered in saliva and precum, “sorry about that” as I still held on to his cock and balls.

Wrapping his fingers in my hair he tilted my head up to look at him, “Your doing great, just breathe thru your nose, and when you feel like your going to gag, just swallow and it will slid right into your throat,” he smiled at me.

Wiping my mouth with the back of my hand, “I’m ready to try again,” and leaned forward and started sucking the first 3 to 4 inches with no trouble, then after a few minutes, I tried to go deeper again. As his thick cock hit the back of my throat I started to gag, but Ed had a grip on my head and forced his cock down my throat. My throat was stretched, I couldn’t breathe, but it only lasted a second and Ed jerked my head off his cock.

“Ahhhh, ahhhhhhhh” I gasp trying to get air in my lungs.

“Have you had enough, right now I could fuck your brains out and be happy.”

“No, I want to try one more time, I’ve had you fill my pussy up and I want you to come down my throat.”

“A piece of advice, before you try and swallow a cock, while you can still breathe through your nose, take a deep breath, then swallow it.”

“Okay, but if I can’t, I still want you to come in my mouth,” I pouted.

“If that’s what you want, but get ready, I’ve not cum since Friday night,” he chuckled.

“Use your hand again and help me like last time.” as I took him back in my mouth. I was getting tired, but I was determined to swallow him. Hell those girls I watched on pornhub made it look easy.

This time I was doing better, my mouth was getting used to his thick cock, and I loved his musky taste. Before I tried taking all of him, I breathed as much air as I could then forced my head down, and Ed used my hair and forced his head down my throat past my tonsils. Holding my head hard against him, my nose buried in his pubic hair, he unloaded 4 large spurts of his creamy load down my throat. Then I slowly pulled my head back, sucking and licking his cock, then stopped when I just had the head in my mouth and licked and sucked until he was drained.

Sitting back on my heels, I was breathing hard, and panting, proud of myself.

“My God Val, my legs almost buckled”, as he too was panting and breathing hard.

“That was one hell of a blow job,” he laughed.

“Well, your the first man besides my husband to fuck my pussy and throat,” I grinned as he helped me up.

“Believe me,” as he hugged me, “I’ll cherish that experience forever,” as he kissed the top of my head. Hell there was a foot difference in our height, I couldn’t get my arms around him. I felt like a small child getting hugged by her Daddy.

“I think my throat could use some of that special recipe of yours,” I giggled.

“First,” stepping back, and kicking his sandals off, “I think you need to get this robe off, you slobbered all over it,” he laughed. “Besides I want to look at that voluptuous body of yours. Especially that heart shaped ass!”

“Now you’re making fun of my big ass,” I pouted.

“Honey, you have a J’Lo ass that men would die to get a hold of. It’s perfect,” he swatted my ass. After removing my robe he tossed it over in the corner, “Now grab your drink and lead the way to the kitchen so I can admire that sweet ass. I really didn’t have a good look at it on Friday night.”

If Bill could see us now I thought, as me and Ed stroll buck naked through our house. Hell Bill and I never walked around the house naked I thought, making me giggle.

“What are you giggling about,” Ed softly chuckled.

“Just thinking, how everything has changed so much since I left school last Friday afternoon. I sure as hell never imagined this, walking around the house buck naked with my neighbor,” I laughed out loud.

As Ed refreshed our drinks, “The funny thing is, I don’t feel bad about what happened last Friday, or about inviting you over tonight. Does it make me a wanton slut?”

Turning and handing me my drink, he pulled out a chair, then pulled me in his lap. “No I think you and Bill have finally opened up to each other, you have researched and analyzed everything and you’re comfortable with your decision. You can do what makes you happy. You and Bill love each other, plus you’re free to explore whatever sexual urges you have fantasized about. That doesn’t make you a slut. To me a slut is some bitch that fucks everything that walks, and cheats on her husband behind his back. She only loves and thinks about herself. You’re not that person Val.”

“‘That’s kind of you to say, but you have no idea some of the thoughts that have run through my mind the past 24 hours. I have had some crazy thoughts about sexual desires. Maybe I read too much on lireritica.com,” I laughed.

“Just remember, no sex act is wrong as the people involved agree to participate. Each person has to establish hard limits and make sure people know what they are.”

“What if I don’t know my hard limits?”

“This is all new to you. Don’t rush things. Read, research, ask questions. Hell, I don’t have all the answers, but I’ll help you find them if you ask me. Okay?”

Finishing my drink I set my glass on the table, “Okay,” I smiled, “but tell me the answer to this question, what is that thing poking my ass?”

Putting his glass down, “I’ll show you,” as he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder, then swatted my butt, as he marched to the bedroom, with me laughing my head off.

He threw me on the bed, and I bounced nearly off the other side, but Ed was quick and grabbed ankles and dragged me back to the edge of the bed, and buried his head between my thighs. He was licking and nibbling my folds, with his large hands pulling me tight against his face. When he sucked on my clit, I wrapped my legs around his neck, and used both hands to grab his head and humped his face.

“Please….don’t stop….. Aggg…fuck I’m cummmmming!” I screamed. But he wasn’t through, he got up on his knees with my cunt still against his face and continued eating me out. Now I was upside down with no leverage, my legs flailing pointed toward the ceiling. My head barely touched the mattress, my arms fell to the side gripping the sheets. I was moaning and opened my eyes, I could see us in the mirror, me upside down getting my pussy ravished with his mouth and tongue. I was mesmerized by the sight, and got lost in the orgasm that hit me like a lightning strike, making me scream until I blacked out.

I woke up to Ed holding me in his arms, when he leaned in and kissed me. I could taste myself on his lips, as he caressed my breast and then started nibbling on my neck and earlobe, as he whispered, “Are you ready for a hard fucking, and my cock stretching that pretty, sweet little pussy.”

“I’ don’t think…I have anymore orgasms in me,” I mumbled.

With that he rolled me on my face, and pulled my hips up, where I was face down and my ass in the air, “What….are you doing?” I groaned.

“I’m fixing to fuck you doggy style so I can looked at that fine ass as I fuck you,” he growled.

“Not my ass, not my ass,” I scream in panic.

“I’m going to fuck that sweet pussy,” he chuckled, ” so calm down,” as he lined his cock up with my entrance.

“I’ve….never done this before…I thought you were going to… you know,” I mumbled.

“Well, you’re in for a treat,” as he very slowly slid his thick hard cock in my soaking wet pussy. Inch by inch until he was fully seated inside me.

“Ohhhh,, ohhhhh, ohhhhhhh” was all I could say as each inch slid inside my vaginal tunnel. When he finally was fully inside me, “Myyyy Gawd….I’m soooo full,….please don’t move….for a minute,” I pleaded.

“Jeez your pussy feels amazing, I can feel you cunt clenching around my cock. Fuck you feel good,” he growled.

Reaching and grabbing a hand full of my hair, he forced me up on my elbows and pulled my head back, and growled in my ear, “look in the mirror while I fuck the shit out of you,” as he drew his cock almost all the way out, then rammed it back in me.

OHHH Ffuuuccckkkkkk,” I screamed.

He started pounding me and all you heard, were “Slap,slap, slap as his thighs slammed against my ass, other than the incoherent sounds I was making grunting and moaning.

“Open your eyes Val,” he grunted as he slapped my ass with his large hand. When I didn’t he repeated himself as he spanked my ass again, telling me he would keep spanking my ass until I watched him fucking me.

“Okayyy…”I groaned opening my eyes. In the mirror I looked so small, with this large man behind me pounding my pussy, my tits bouncing in every direction. When he saw my eyes open he pounded me faster and harder. Then an orgasm started, building, my pelvic muscles started to spasm, and it was like every nerve in my body was firing out electric shocks. It started in my pelvis and flowed to the top of my head, down to my toes.

“Ohhhhh gawd…..yes, yes…..fuck, fuck….cock…..cunt…fuck….Oh God….” I was screaming in breathless high pitched wails.

“GRRRRR…” growled Ed as he gripped my hips with both hands, let my head fall down, seated as deep as he could he shot rope after rope of his hot cum deep in my pussy. Deeper than he had before.

We both collapsed out of breath, panting and moaning. I couldn’t move, my body was totally limp and rung out. My pussy was sore from the pounding, and cum was draining out on to the bed. I was a sweaty, cum soaked mess. I just wanted to not move and go to sleep.

“Damn Val, if it wasn’t so late,” he mumbled in a low husky voice, “I would consider going again.” Smack! He slapped my ass, “You have work tomorrow, you better clean up and get to bed, it’s 9:50 pm now.”

The smack on my ass hurt, but felt kind of good, I almost wish he would give me a spanking, like he mentioned before, just to see what it was like. Those stories I read on the web site about women cumming from spankings intrigued me.

“Oh I just wanted to lay here,” I moaned. “You fucked me so hard, I can’t move.”

Chuckling, “You asked me earlier to fuck you hard, don’t ask for things unless you want them,” Smack! Slapping my ass again.

“OH, are you enjoying spanking my ass, you pervert?” I giggled.

“Oh, you will know when I really spank you, that was just a love tap,” he laughed.

“Seriously, my clock radio is already set for 6 am, would you just please cover me up, and go out through the garage. You can raise and close the garage door and I won’t have to move. Please,” I begged mumbling in almost a whisper.

“Sure thing,” as he pulled cover over me, “talk to you tomorrow,” as he kissed the side of my face and tucked me in.

I never heard him leave, I was fast asleep.

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