The Lodge Pt. 06 by marklovessex,marklovessex

No sooner had left, two days later our cousins, Abbey and Randy arrived to interview for positions at The Lodge. Abbey as the director of Public Relations, and Randy to head the Linen service. Abbey had a degree in journalism emphasis on advertising, and Randy had just finished high school.

Terry had picked them up at the airfield outside town which could handle the small jets we used, and brought them to The Lodge. We wanted to keep this more business so we were not planning to go out to our house in the city.

It was late when they got in, we had a small buffet of food on the dining table before we hit the hay. Both Brian and I welcomed them, brought them into the dining room and after they fixed their plates, we wanted to tell them about the positions. They would be staying tonight and tomorrow and flying out in the morning, so not much time.

“I’m not going to sleep with you,” Randy said before we had time to begin our conversation. “I not a fag, so don’t even think about it!”

“We flew you here for a job interview. We heard you need employment and we want to help family be gainfully employed.” I said to Randy

“Mom and Dad warned me to be carefully around you both. They said you were gay and would try and convert me to your reckless lifestyle.” Randy continued. His sister sat next to him looking about as shocked as we were with his comments.

“We are not gay,” Brian informed him. “We are bi-sexual.”

“Same thing,” he responded.

“Well, let’s eat and talk about the jobs. We have no intention of inviting you to our bedroom, rest assured.” I said so as to move the conversation along.

As we ate, I explained the job, the pay, the free housing, in their case a three-bedroom townhouse the next street over from ours in town, and other benefits that came with the job like free meals, breakfast and dinner, use of The Lodge when not working and more.

We finished the meal, showed them to their rooms, and went to bed.

“Well,” Brian said as we climbed under the covers, “It looks like Abbey is interested.”

“Yeah, I’m not interested in Randy even if he is,” I commented turning the lights off and snuggling next to my twin brother. It wasn’t long and I had fallen asleep.

The next day we explained the clothing optional rule at The Lodge, Brian and I were in our signature red jockstraps. Abbey went into her room and came out nude. Randy stayed in his clothes. We headed downstairs to join the buffet line for breakfast. We had also gave them gold wristbands so they could use the elevator to get back to our rooms.

“Quite a crowd for breakfast,” Abbey said. Her body was a real head turner. Blonde hair on her head and trimmed on her mound. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds and her cute smile made you want to lean in and taste her lips. Her breasts were firm and her tits were standing out as she looked around the room at an army of other naked men and women.

“We have 30 rooms rented daily, adding 10 more soon with the treehouse additions. We now allow 200 people to buy a day pass after adding addition steam rooms and the longhouse with ten king-size beds in the middle and built in seating along the walls and three slings. The wooded areas also provide plenty of play space.” Brian informed them.

“Lots of places for sexual deviants.” Randy said under his breath but loud enough for us to hear it.

“If you have questions about the job, I will be happy to answer them,” I said.

“Do all your employees have to work naked?” Randy snidely asked.

“The linen job you have to remained clothed since you are on the Lodge property and also drive out into town for the motels. Town everyone has to remained clothed in public.”

“How can you tell the town people what they can and cannot do,” Randy said with a disgusted look.

“Oh,” Brian said, “We own the town and all the businesses there.”

“The Public Relations job depends on where we set up offices. We prefer town so we can tie it in with our travel agency which would be clothed. If Abbey takes the job, she can always come to The Lodge after work and play.” I said as we all stood having finished our breakfast.

“Enjoy the morning, explore, take advantages of The Lodge, and we will meet you upstairs for lunch. Brian and I will be walking the property and then up to the offices, we have work to do.” I finished.

“That guy,” I said, “why did he even come out here. I don’t think he is going to enjoy his day, especially with his clothes on.”

Brian and I walked around the grounds he decided to check out the longhouse while I decided to hit the steam room.

I grabbed a towel at the entrance, took off my jock and found a seat on the tiled steps. About a dozen guys were in this section, several already finding someone to enjoy the steam with.

A few minutes later and older guy had gotten on his knees between my legs and began to kiss and run his tongue around my head. His tongue rode down my shaft then he went down on my balls, one in his mouth sucking, then the other. Pre-cum was easing out my slit as he lathered my balls with his mouth. Someone had taken the step above me and massaged my back

I was enjoying the pleasure. The older guy began to work my shaft, up and down, sucking then letting my cock pop out of his mouth, then starting back down again. The guy massaging me had pushed me forward until he had slide down behind me, his cock hard and pressing into me. He took a tube of lube from his towel, slid on a condom, and slowly inserted himself into my ass.

I lifted my ass then rode him back and forth with the tempo the guy was sucking me. It wasn’t long until we both had cum. The older guy drinking down all my cum as I shot into his mouth.

I thanked them both for a fun time, went down to the showers and cleaned the sweat off then headed for the office in a somewhat better mood than I was with Randy’s comments earlier.

Brian came back to the office and shared his time in the longhouse. He had met a m/f couple and had fun fucking both of them.

We met up with the cousins for lunch. We had a meal served upstairs in our dining room. Abbey shared her adventuresome morning, taking a swim and then meeting some people in the hot tub enjoying foreplay before leaving to come for lunch. Randy didn’t say anything about his morning.

On their own for the afternoon, we went back to the office and worked until dinner. We had a meal delivered to our dining room instead of joining the buffet downstairs.

“I want to accept your offer,” Abbey told us at dinner. “I can start in three weeks; I just need to get packed and such.”

“We have a moving company we will get you the information. They will pack you up and ship it here. You said earlier you had a car, we will have it shipped here as well, and you give us the date and the jet will fly you back here.” I informed her. “We are glad to have you part of the team.”

>You know, when I tell Mom and Dad you have been walking around nude, and have taken a job here, they are going to be very angry.” Randy looked at his sister and spitted out his words.

Dinner out of the way, we went to our rooms except Randy who headed down stairs and onto the grounds.

Thirty minutes later security called. “Your cousin has been bullying one of the guests, you need to come down, the guest is in tears.”

I told Brian to stay and I would go down and see what was up. When I got there, Randy was continuing to call the guest a faggot, a loser and all sort of uncalled for comments.

Instructing security, I had them go to our floor and gather his suitcase, which fortunately he had packed, and drive him to the major airport, over an hour away and put him on a plane home.

As they were leaving, I said, “Randy, that was uncalled for. You will be flown home tonight, and not welcomed back here or to town.”

He turned his venom on me as they escorted him toward the car after getting his luggage.

I turned to our guest who was still in tears. “I am so sorry this happened.” I told him pulling him into my chest as he sobbed.

“This just caps off my day. Yesterday I came out to my parents and they asked me to leave. I came here last night to town and got a room then rode out this morning to The Lodge. I have wandered around all day with no luck, so him yelling at me was just the icing of a bad day.”

“Do you have your clothes in a locker?” I asked. “By the way, my name is Mark.”

“I think everyone here knows who you are. I’m Dennis” he sniffled. “I do have a locker.”

Terry, my driver and bodyguard was by me so I slipped off Dennis wristband and asked him to retrieve his clothes.

When he got back, Dennis dressed and I asked him to come with me while I dressed and Terry got the car.

I explained to Brian what was happening, that I was taking Dennis to our house and try to make up for his disastrous day, that I would see him and Abbey in the morning.

The car was at the gate when we came out. Terry opened the door for Dennis and I to get in.

“Where are you staying tonight?” I asked Dennis.

“My car is in the parking lot, my suitcase in the trunk. I’m driving somewhere tonight.” Dennis stated.

“Point out your car as we drive by, we’ll get your suitcase. You can stay at my place in town tonight.” I told him. “Terry, I ordered some burgers and fries for you two so we will pick them up at the café. I had just finished dinner.”

We got his suitcase, dinner and headed to the house. Pulling in, the limo let us out underground and we rode the elevator to the main floor for dinner.

“You don’t have to go to all this trouble.” Dennis said as he opened the b ox with his bacon burger and fries.

“Tell me about yourself,” I asked him.

“Not much to say, I recently graduated from high school. Did running start so I have my AA degree as well. Turned 18 this year and now because I’m gay, I am homeless since my parents told me not to come back. I was taking this year off before I started at the University but those plans are off since my parents were paying. I am also not much of a gay guy; I have jacked off a few times with friends and that’s it.”

“The guy who insulted you, and again, I’m sorry, was a relative we flew out to look at a job with us. We were looking to hire someone to oversee our linen program, making sure from washing to delivering we had everything on schedule and clean. It is a start with our company. You think it is something you could do? We will of course train you.” I said.

The tears again flowed as he said he would like to try.

I went into the kitchen and brought back a bottle of wine to toast his new job.

“I’m only 18,” he said as I poured white wine into his flute.

“Legal drinking age here is 18 according to the towns rules which I set because you are aware, I own the town.”

I went over the package we had offered Randy; his eyes grew big and he came over and hugged me. We will get you into your three-bedroom condo tomorrow. Tonight, you can sleep with me if you want, I will show you how enjoyable sex can be.”

We finished dinner, cleared the table and Terry went to his room while I took Dennis by the hand and lead him into Brian and my bedroom.

I closed the door and pulled him near the bed, started to kiss him. He was about 5’7″ thin with brown hair and blue eyes. His mouth tasted sweet, our tongues parting our lips and tangling in each other’s mouths.

My hands reached down and played with his cock through his jeans, and he followed my example doing the same. Pulling Dennis tight against me, I could feel his hard cock. I reached up and slide his shirt off so I could see his bare chest. My hands began to play with his nipples as we kissed.

I pulled his pants and underwear off so he was naked except for his socks. Pulling him toward a chair, I sat down. He was probably no more that 120-125 lbs. My mouth went down on his cock, my hands holding onto his ass cheeks.

My tongue swirled around his cock, cut and tasty as his pre-cum oozed out his slit. I deep throated him, Dennis moaning with the attention.

“I have never been sucked before,” he moaned.

“We are just getting started,” I replied back.

My tongue went up and down his shaft until I found his balls pulling one then the other into my mouth.

I stood and bent him over the bed, “You have an awesome body,” I told him placing him ass up and rimmed his sweet spot.

“Wow, that is hot,” Dennis said

He jerked up and down on his cock as my tongue worked around and in his pucker. Reaching back, he pulled his cheeks apart so I could have better access.

Dennis moved back and stood, turning around and removed my shirt. I reached down and stroked his cock with his hands sliding inside my waistband, getting ahold of my cock.

He pulled off my pants and went down on my cock, sucking and lapping away. His hand on the base of my cock, stroking it in and out of his mouth.

I pushed him back onto the bed, his stomach on the bed and started finger fucking him after taking a tube of lube applying it to get him ready to be fucked. This would be a first for him and I wanted to make sure my 7-inch cock would not tear his entrance. One finger, then two, finally three stroking while he moaned with pleasure.

“Fuck me,” Dennis said ready for my cock to glide in.

I slowly brought the head of my cock to his entrance and pushed forward until I could feel his muscled ring allow me passage. Soon I was all inside, balls to the wall, stroking his fine ass.

“Yeah, oh, shot your load deep, oh my god…” he said in a low voice mixed with pleasure.

I began to accelerate my pumps into him until I could feel my cock swell. He was squeezing me tightly as I shot my load deep into him. He lay on the bed letting himself down from being on all fours as my cock soften and withdrew.

“That was so awesome, thanks!” he said.

“I’m not done,” I replied, turning him over and sucking on his cock until I had his load going down my throat.

We went into the bathroom, showered together, I enjoyed soaping him up and cleaning him. Then we got in bed, both tired from the day and our play. I spooned against him and the next thing I remembered; it was morning.

Brian told me when we got over to The Lodge for breakfast, he had a wonderful time with Abbey. He said she had gone to bed with him, not wanting to sleep alone after hearing about her brothers’ misadventures and things developed from there.

“She was something in bed, we had hardly laid down when she was all over me, her hands on my cock she went down on me, leaving her cute cunt atop my mouth. After she had me good and hard, she asked me to make her a baby. Apparently, she talked with our sister. I told her it would only happen if you and I did it together, so that would have to wait until she returned since she was flying out in the morning.

I slipped on a condom as she laid with her back on my stomach, inserting my cock in her wet vagina. Straddling me, she pumped up and down.

I flipped her on her back and got between her legs, tasting my precum in her entrance, how I wanted to take the condom off and give her what she wanted, but we have a way we want pregnancies done so no one could know which one of us fathered the child, we were twins, twin dads.

I took hold of my cock and rubbed it between her folds, then pushed my cock all the way in. She climaxed right away, squeezing me so tight in her passage. It was just a couple of more strokes and I was filling the condom with my seed. Mark, you are going to have a fun time when she gets back.” Brian finished.

“Well, wait until you get to spend some time with Dennis, truly a virgin to gay sex at 18. I could have played all night with him if we weren’t so tired. I offered him the job we had for Randy. He is in HR filling out the paperwork now. However, I thought of another position I think will be much better, we will talk about it after we get Abbey on the plane.” I said.

We had breakfast. Dennis joined Abbey and we talked about the business, life in general, and the future. Terry gathered Abbey’s luggage and headed for the airport.

In a couple of weeks our mom, sister and Abbey would be returning and starting their jobs. Not too long from then, we would find out if our sisters were expecting.

So much to look forward…

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