The Real McCoy by RonCabo,RonCabo

She finally said yes. He’d asked her three times to marry him. The first time, they’d only been dating three months. He was certain she was the one for him. She was not so sure. The second time, after one year together, she believed he was probably the one, but she really wasn’t ready to get married. However, she accepted his proposal on condition of a long engagement. After the second year, he asked more to question when she would be ready. By then, she was, but hadn’t really wanted to commit until then. So, she did.

Of course, Peter was thrilled to death. Zoe was a bit more circumspect. So, they started discussing wedding plans, but really got no further. She would have been content for a date a year out, but she compromised on six months.

Yes, Zoe Cane loved Peter McCoy. He was a good man, and he would make a good husband. He was even a pretty good fuck. Pretty good because she’d only been with a couple of other guys. Her parents and friends liked him and felt he was right for her. So, what more could she want?

His parents lived farther away in another city. So, the time came when he wanted he and Zoe to travel to his hometown to meet his family. But he wanted their engagement to be a surprise. She found that strange, but agreed, and was actually excited about meeting them and looked forward to it. That is, until the day of their departure arrived and Peter received an important and urgent business call. A career-changing deal he had been working on had finally been agreed upon and he had to move on it immediately.

“You go on ahead and I’ll catch a flight tomorrow,” Peter suggested.

“Are you serious?”


“You want me to fly to your hometown and go to your parents’ house without you?”

“Yes. It’ll be okay. They’ll love you and you’ll have a day to get to know them before I get there.”

“How will I–”

“Take a cab from the airport. I’ll text you the address.”

It was all happening so fast; Zoe’s head was spinning. As such, she didn’t carefully consider the wisdom of doing what he was suggesting, but she went along with it.

The flight was short and unremarkable, except that her luggage never showed up on the belt. How could they lose her luggage on a direct, non-stop flight? Zoe waited at the baggage claim belt for a while in case they were just behind. But it never showed up. She called Peter on her way to the baggage lost office, but it went directly to his voice mail. She left him a message.

Zoe couldn’t help but notice the very handsome man ahead of her in line to report lost baggage. She listened as he told the agent how important the contents of his suitcase were. The agent tried to explain that he would be compensated, but he argued that it was artwork he had created and that their compensation could not replace something he had created. He was given the paperwork to complete.

Artwork caught her attention as she was an artist herself and owned a small art gallery.

Zoe’s only question to the agent was how her luggage could have been lost on a non-stop flight. The agent merely shrugged helplessly and directed her to a small area to sit to complete the forms. The handsome man was not there as she had expected, thus ending her fantasy of him. However, he did show up minutes later with a cup of coffee and took a seat across from her.

“Do they really need to know all of this?” the man wondered aloud as he studied the papers.

“It does seem excessive,” Zoe commented.

“You lose anything important?” the man asked. Of course, he had given her a second glance. With red hair, she was very attractive in a girl next door kind of way.

“Just clothes and toiletries. Nothing that can’t be replaced. But I overheard you lost artwork?”


“I’m an artist myself. I own a small art gallery. What kind of artwork?”


“My medium, as well.”

“Wow! What are the odds?”


They both went back to completing the forms.

Finally, the man said, “Hope they find your stuff. See you around.”

“Hope you get your artwork back.” Zoe watched him walk off. She would have never pegged him as an artist. As she finished her own paperwork, she stood and took her phone out to attempt to call Peter again. Fumbling with her purse, phone and forms, the handsome man turned, saw her juggling and rushed over to help her.

“Can I help?” he asked.

However, his sudden return actually startled her causing her to drop her phone, which fell right where he was about to step and put his foot down. The crunch was unmistakable. They both looked down and then up at each other, mouths agape in shock. Stooping to pick it up for her, the face was completely cracked, the case was well and truly smashed, the screen blank.

“Oh, I’m so sorry,” he said, genuinely meaning it.

“Oh, shit!” Zoe exclaimed. “I’m on my way to the home of my fiancé’s family. Their address was in my phone.”

“Where is your fiancé?”

“Last minute meeting. He’ll be up tomorrow.”

“This is definitely my fault,” the man said. “Is there anything I can do?”

“You have a phone I can use to call him? I have no idea where my fiancé’s family live.”

“Sure.” He handed her his cell.

She got Peter’s voice mail again and left a message about what was happening.

“Can you remember anything about their address?”

“Only that it’s in a nearby town called Jamesville.”

“Jamesville? Are you serious?”

“Why wouldn’t I be?”

He offered a big smile. “That’s exactly where I’m going. My family lives there. What’s your fiancé’s family’s name? Maybe I know them.”

“McCoy. His name is Peter McCoy.”

With a completely surprised look, the man said, “Pete McCoy is my brother. I’m Jesse McCoy.”

Zoe’s shock equaled Jesse’s. “Are you serious?”

“Of course. Except, we always called him Pete. When did he start going by Peter?”

“I’ve always known him as Peter.”

Jesse shrugged. “He moved to a big city and became a big businessman and went formal.”

Zoe shrugged also.

“I didn’t know Pete was engaged.”

“He wanted it to be a surprise. I don’t know why. Guess it won’t be now. And I didn’t know he had a brother.”


“He doesn’t talk much about his family. I was kind of surprised when he wanted me to come meet all of you.”

“He always had to do things with surprise. Well, at least we know where you’re going and how you’re going to get there.” Jesse held out his hand. “This is amazing. It’s fate. What’s your name?”

With a big grin, Zoe took his hand. “Zoe.”

“Wish we’d met under other circumstances,” Jesse said.

“How do you mean?”

“You’re very beautiful and we have something in common. I could have seen a relationship with you.”

Zoe tried to remember when was the last time Peter had told her she was beautiful. And what they had in common. “Well, fate isn’t always what you want it to be. And speaking of having something in common, what was your painting that it’s so important to you?”

“It’s for my grandfather’s birthday. He’ll be eighty. My grandmother passed a few years ago and he misses her very much. He often tells the story of how they met in New York and of their first date at a little Italian restaurant in New York. Forlini’s. So, I traveled there to paint a picture of it for him.”

“Aw, that’s so sweet. I’ve heard of Forlini’s.” She’d never heard anything so sentimental from Peter.

“He’s a great guy. You’ll get to meet him.” After a few minutes silence, “So, how did you and Peter meet?”

“Mutual friends at a party.”

“A party? Pete, Peter at a party?”

“Yes. Why?”

“Pete was never a party person. He never went to school dances, and in college he didn’t go to parties or anything, either.”

“Really?” Zoe questioned with surprise. “The city must have changed him. He’s actually pretty outgoing now.”

“Really?” Now it was Jesse’s turn to be surprised. “Outgoing, huh?”

They spent the remainder of the trip talking about art, and by the time they reached the McCoy home, Zoe almost thought she had more in common with Jesse than Peter. Jesse was friendly, comical, and displayed a warmth she had not seen in Peter.

* * *

It was late when they finally arrived. As soon as Jesse opened the door to their home, his parents rushed to greet him. His mother hugged him like she hadn’t seen him in years. He had to push her away.

“I’m so so happy to see you,” his mom said.

“It’s only been a few weeks,” Jesse protested.

“You didn’t tell us you were bringing a girlfriend back with you,” his dad said, noticing Zoe standing quietly behind Jesse.

“Oh, no,” Zoe spoke up, “We’re not–”

“This is Zoe,” Jesse introduced. “She’s actually Pete’s fiancé. These are my parents, Anne and Mitch.”

“Fiancé?” Anne repeated in amazement. “He didn’t tell us he was engaged.”

“It was supposed to be a surprise,” Zoe told them. “Surprise!” she offered with a helpless grin.

“Is he still coming?” Anne asked. “He said he’d be here for grandpa’s birthday.”

“He didn’t tell me we were coming for his grandfather’s birthday. I would have made sure to have a gift. He had a last-minute business thing that came up. He said he’d be here tomorrow,” Zoe reported.

“Does he have your luggage?” Mitch asked.

Zoe explained what happened to her suitcase and cell phone.

Jesse picked it up, blaming himself for the phone.

“You’re welcome to use our phone if you want to call Pete,” Mitch offered.

“And you and I are about the same size,” Anne noted. “I have some things you might be able to wear.”

After grabbing Zoe some clothes, Anne heated them some leftovers, and then she and Mitch excused themselves to retire as it was past their bedtime. Jesse suggested they change into pajamas and relax on the sofa in the family room with their food. Zoe felt awkward donning the nylon nightgown. It wasn’t sheer, but the way it clung to her, it might as well have been. At least the length was reasonable at mid-thigh. She removed her bra, but knew her nipples were imprinted in the material, but she did keep panties on. Jesse’s eyes went wide when he saw, but he said nothing, and she could see he did his best not to stare.

Some of his paintings hung on the walls and he explained the basis for some of them.

Zoe found herself enamored of Jesse, his demeanor, his artwork. She was enjoying listening to him, being with him. Was that wrong?

A while later, she awoke with her head in his lap, not remembering falling asleep and certainly not resting on his thigh. She was able to glance up and see that Jesse had nodded off also. In the course of turning her head, her cheek brushed against something. Another twist of her neck determined that it was his cock. His hard cock. It seemed sizeable. She had an instant need to rub her cheek against it, causing it to pulse. She had a sense that he was bigger than Peter.

It had been a while since she and Peter had been together. More pulsing had Jesse’s dick worming out of the slit in his pajama pants confirming his impressive size. Suddenly, Zoe really wanted it. Gently, so as not to disturb him, she turned onto her stomach. His cock was aimed toward her lips, so it was easy for her to slide them over the head. That was all she took into her mouth, sucking it tenderly like candy, running her tongue around the rim, spreading his urethra with the point of her tongue. She swirled her tongue around the mushroom-like head, enjoying her first taste of cock in quite some time.

A moment later, she felt Jesse slowly driving his dick into her mouth. She glanced up as best she could to see that he still seemed to be sleeping, that this insertion was involuntary. She allowed the advance, but halted it when it hit the back of her mouth. However, that was only so she could lather up his shaft so she could let it slide down her throat. That woke him up.

Jesse glanced down and moaned, disbelieving his eyes as his dick disappeared down his brother’s fiancé’s throat. He knew he should stop her, but he had fantasized about her almost since meeting her. He further reasoned that she had initiated this, so she must want it. Still, when she came up for air, he had to ask, “Are you sure about this?”

“Your brother is always so damned busy with work, we haven’t… been together… in a while,” Zoe explained. “I’m sorry. I’ve never cheated on him before, but you were just too irresistible.”

“I’m ashamed to say I don’t have much of a conscience right now, and it’s actually been a while for me also. I don’t have a girlfriend. So, if we can help each other, no one else has to know.”

With a smile, Zoe returned to deep throating him. “Slide these down,” she ordered, tugging on his pajama pants.

Jesse did not hesitate to push his pants down to the floor.

Grabbing his scrotum, Zoe licked the head like a sucker, then took half his cock into her mouth bobbing her head on it. Deep throating him again, she shook her head with him completely engulfed.

That caused him to giggle and moan. All he could think was how good she was. His lucky, fucking brother.

Using her hand, she stroked his lower shaft while sucking the upper section.

Jesse couldn’t imagine his stuffy brother enjoying this, and he wondered what part Zoe’s oral skills had played in the development of their relationship.

Now, she started bobbing her head faster and sucking harder going deep after every few strokes.

Jesse felt his balls churning. He couldn’t remember when was the last time he’d been sucked, but certainly never this good. He desperately wanted to come in her mouth, so he debated whether he should warn her. But he knew it was the considerate thing to do. “I’m going to come,” he whispered.

“Uh-huh,” Zoe mouthed without skipping a beat.

She took his pent-up ejaculation with ease, swallowing it effortlessly. She held enough in her mouth to playfully paint the head of his dick and that had him actually shooting a couple more drops, which she easily scooped up. She then licked him clean.

“That was incredible!” Jesse blurted.

“Shhh! Don’t want to wake your folks.”


Zoe sat up and Jesse could see her hard nipples making a more pronounced imprint in the nightgown.

“May I reciprocate?” he asked.

“I was hoping you would.”

He pushed her onto her back, her head resting on the armrest. Spreading her legs, he tugged her panties down and off, and for good measure, he pressed them against his face and inhaled deeply. Peter never did anything like that. Jesse’s first contact with his tongue sent shivers throughout her body, but she loved it. He pealed open her vaginal lips with his tongue and tenderly licked the inside skin. Gradually, he worked his way up to tease her clit. Then he became serious with it, flicking his tongue and sucking gently on the little bulb. He drove his tongue as deep into her hole as he could, then whisked it sideways across her labia.

Jesse was way more inventive than his brother. Peter only performed oral on her enough to arouse her. Fucking was more his thing than oral or foreplay. But in that respect, he satisfied her. But this. She could lie here for hours letting Jesse lick her. And he was so good, it took very little time for her orgasm to build. She had to reach for a throw pillow to cover her face so she could moan without making too much noise. Her climax was all-encompassing. Like being wrapped in a warm blanket on a chilly morning or being immersed in a tub of warm water. In fact, she felt herself floating as the pleasure pervaded her.

Finally, she had to clamp his head in her thighs to halt him as she couldn’t take any more.

Jesse sat up, his face smeared with a combination of his saliva and her secretions. The sight enticed her to reach up and pull his face to hers to kiss him and enjoy the concoction.

Zoe reached down and felt his still hard cock. She was amazed that he had maintained his erection.

“You want to stick that thing in?” she asked.

“It would be my pleasure.”

“I hope it would be both of our pleasures.”

Jesse used his dick as sensually as his tongue, entering her slowly, driving it in all the way, and just as slowly pulling back, leaving only the head in. Grabbing his cock, he teased her pussy with the tip, rubbing it around, inserting it and rolling it around. He then slowly slid it all the way in, then pulled it out for more teasing.

Zoe wanted him to just fuck her with it because he really filled her, and she wanted to feel it caressing her vagina. But she also wanted to allow him to do it his own way because he had proven with his tongue that he could be a good lover. He must have read her mind because after his third insertion, he eased into a rhythm of ins and outs at a moderate pace.

“Mmmm,” she moaned. “That’s what I want.” However, having him hovering over her, she wanted him closer, so she pulled him down on top of her and wrapped her arms around him.

Jesse smiled and their lips came together. Of course, he kissed as well as he did everything else. The combination of his big dick stuffing her, and his talented lips pressed to hers had her ready to come again. She grabbed his ass to control his thrusts and to make certain he didn’t change up his pace because everything was perfect as it was.

Her orgasm built slowly, and she didn’t explode, but rather was engulfed by a wave that washed over her and carried her. It was pleasureful, and in an unusual sort of way, soothing. Like having a chill come over her. This one didn’t last as long but was no less satisfying. She purred rather than screamed, so no throw pillow was necessary.

Jesse continued pumping, and that now became somewhat difficult for Zoe as her pussy was extremely sensitive. However, she knew he likely wanted to come again also, so she grinned and took it.

For him, her pussy engulfed him in a perfect fit that touched every part of his cock. The warmth of her tunnel soothed his dick and drew him to the edge. “I’m gonna come again.”

“Come on.”

He took that to mean he could come inside her, so he stepped up his thrusts until his cock spurted blob after blob of warm, gooey sperm. It just seemed to pour out of him rather than spurt, and it was the most pleasing orgasm he could ever remember having.

When he finally pulled out with his shaft covered in a come cocktail, it was too inviting for Zoe not to sit up and clean his wilting dick. That amazed him and satisfied him immensely.

After a few moments, Jesse said, “I want to say that we probably shouldn’t have done that, but I’m not the least bit sorry. You were amazing!”

“You were pretty damn good yourself. We can wait until tomorrow to have regrets.” Zoe stood. “I need to clean up.”

“There’s a bathroom next to the kitchen,” Jesse pointed out. “I’ll take care of these dishes.

When she finished, she found Jesse eating a cookie in the kitchen. “That looks good.”

“Mom’s homemade. Want one?”

“Sure. Can we take them back to the sofa? I’m really not sleepy yet.”

“Great idea. Neither am I.”

* * *

“Well, isn’t this cozy.”

Both Zoe and Jesse were jolted to wakefulness by Anne’s comment. The two had fallen asleep leaning against one another.

“Guess we dozed off,” Jesse groggily said, stating the obvious.

“Why don’t the two of you go upstairs and get cleaned up and I’ll make breakfast,” Anne suggested. “Zoe, you can use Pete’s room.”

Groggily, both complied.

Once inside her fiancé’s room, Zoe had to look around. Anne had set some clothes on the bed for her. Not surprisingly, there wasn’t anything really personal. In fact, if she had to guess, Zoe thought that Anne had probably turned the room into more of a guest room by removing childhood mementos and such things.

With a shrug, she exited the room and headed for the bathroom. The door was closed, and she could hear the shower running. Thinking about last night on the sofa, Zoe couldn’t help but ease the door open and peek in. The glass shower doors offered her a pleasing view of Jesse’s hand soaping his rigid cock. She licked her lips at the appetizing sight and didn’t resist her urge to enter.

Jesse’s jaw dropped open when he saw her.

“I could do that for you,” she offered.

“As much as I want you to, I feel like I shouldn’t let you. You’re my brother’s fiancé.”

“As much as I shouldn’t, I really want to. And he’s only my fiancé.” Zoe didn’t wait any longer. She quickly stripped down and got in. “Besides, we’re conserving water.”

Zoe took the soap from him, lathered her hands, and then stroked him. That caused his cock to pulse. With a shrug, Jesse reached out and pawed her breasts. He then cupped her neck with both hands.

“I’m sorry,” Jesse said. “I just can’t resist you. Particularly since you’re so willing.”

As they kissed tenderly, Zoe used her free hand to grab his balls and roll them around as she pulled on his cock. She then squatted and took his dick into her mouth, alternating sliding her lips and her hand down his length. Holding his rod straight up, she craned her neck to suck his balls, but had to hold them under the spray because they tasted like soap. She then resumed mouthing his scrotum.

Looking down at her, Jesse saw a loving look in her eyes as she glanced up at him. Why hadn’t he found this woman first?

Zoe went back to sucking his cock with no hands.

But as good as it was, as good as she was, Jesse pulled her to her feet so they could kiss again. She was good at that, too. He then sat her down on the built-in bench in the stall, spread her legs, and enjoyed a pre-breakfast treat. He covered her vagina with his mouth, licking and jabbing with his tongue. She leaned back against the wall to enjoy Jesse’s talented tongue. Peter was not this good, even when she could get him to do this.

It didn’t take long for her to start feeling that tingling, so she reached out with one arm to hold his head in place until he licked her to a satisfying orgasm.

“Mmmm, that’s so good!” she whined. She rode the wave of pleasure as long as she could until she was finished.

Jesse then turned Zoe to sit sideways on the bench. He knelt one knee on it, positioning himself to slide his cock into her juicy pussy.

“Oh, yeah,” Zoe moaned as he filled her with his dick.

“Oh, yeah is right,” Jesse agreed. She was such a desirable woman that simply fucking her was stimulating in itself. Her pussy felt so soft and warm around his cock, he knew he wouldn’t last long.

Jesse had never fucked in the shower, and even in this limited space, he imagined the possibilities. However, he knew there wasn’t time. His parents might become suspicious if they sensed the water was running too long. So, he pumped faster to get to where he really wanted to be, which was emptying his balls. Even though she’d allowed him to come inside her last night, today, he chose to pull out and splatter her abdomen so she wouldn’t have a mess leaking out all day. Of course, the shower spray quickly washed it all off.

Zoe got up and washed herself as Jesse stepped out and reached for a towel.

A few minutes later, she turned off the water and said, “l guess it doesn’t say much of me that I’m cheating on my fiancé.”

“Doesn’t speak any more highly of me that I’m cheating on my brother with his fiancé.”

“I wouldn’t be doing this if he and I were married.”

“Neither would I. Can we just say that you needed a last-minute fling to make certain?”

“We can try to justify it anyway we want, but that doesn’t change it.” She wrapped the towel around her. “I’m going to get dressed. I can smell your mom cooking breakfast and I’m hungry.”

* * *

“That smells wonderful!” Zoe commented as she entered the kitchen ahead of Jesse.

“Hope you’re hungry,” Anne said.



“You don’t have any pictures of your family,” Zoe observed.

“I used to have a few,” Anne explained. “But when Jesse started painting, he replaced photographs with his artwork. We were so proud of him; we didn’t stop him.”

“He’s very talented,” Zoe complimented. “I could sell his work in my gallery.”

“He’d probably like that. Have you heard from Pete?”

“I have no way of communicating with him.”

Anne reached for their landline portable phone. “Call him.”

So, Zoe did. Once again, she got his voice message. “Peter, where are you? I’m at your parents’ house. I’ve been trying to get in touch with you. Please call me at your home.” She shrugged and handed the phone back. “He’s always hard to get in touch with. It’s very frustrating.”

“I can imagine.”

Zoe had an idea. “Can I use your computer? Maybe I can send him an email. He always checks that.”

“Sure.” Anne got up and retrieved a laptop.

Zoe accessed her email. “He’s asking why I’m not answering my phone.” She smiled. “But he’s on his way here.”

“Well, good.”

“I smell breakfast,” a male voice bellowed. “Hope you saved some for me!”

Jesse was entering the kitchen and said, “Grandpa!” He turned and headed toward the front door.

Anne got up and followed, so Zoe did the same. They witnessed Jesse and his grandfather hugging. Mitch appeared also and shook his hand. The old man then turned to Anne and hugged his daughter.

“And who’s this?” Grandpa asked.

“This,” Jesse said, “Is Pete’s fiancé, Zoe.”


“Yeah. We didn’t know he was engaged, either.”

“Peter wanted to surprise you all,” Zoe explained. “But he had some last-minute business to take care of and sent me alone.”

“Well, aren’t we lucky,” Grandpa said, stepping up and hugging her.

Zoe hugged back and felt an immediate affection for the old man.

As they continued getting acquainted, the doorbell rang. Jesse went to answer it. It was the airline with his lost belongings. When she heard that, Zoe went to the front door.

“Do you have anything for Zoe Cane?” she asked the driver.

“I’m sorry. I can’t–”

“I’m Zoe Cane.”

He checked his clipboard. “Nothing for Zoe Cane.”


Jesse carried his suitcase and art portfolio into the house.

“You did some paintings on your trip?” Grandpa asked. “Let’s see.”

Jesse glanced at Zoe with a questioning look.

She merely shrugged.

“This was supposed to be for your birthday dinner tonight,” Jesse said.

“It’s my birthday all day,” Grandpa reminded.

“So, it is,” Jesse agreed.

“Just give it to him now,” Mitch suggested.

So, Jesse unclasped his portfolio and lifted out a painting. He held it up for all to see.

“Forlini’s!” Grandpa instantly recognized the Italian restaurant. A tear formed in his eye.

“Happy birthday, Grandpa.”

“Jesse, you went to New York City to paint this?” Grandpa deduced.

“I know how much you miss grandma, so I thought I’d do something for you.”

“Jesse, this is magnificent. It’s perfect. I can’t thank you enough.”

Zoe could see how much the old man appreciated Jesse’s gesture. It touched her heart that Peter’s family was so close.

Zoe was suddenly thrilled to be a part of this family, such that she was.

* * *

They all went to the kitchen to eat a leisurely breakfast that lasted into mid-morning. Grandpa told the story–mostly for Zoe’s benefit–of how he’d meet his wife in New York City and how it related to Forlini’s. Zoe assisted Anne in making a birthday cake for Grandpa, even though the young woman had no baking skills. But she could take direction. It was fun and she felt like she belonged. She’d never done anything like this in her own family.

As the day wore on, Zoe and Jesse did not have any other opportunities to get together, which was just as well. As much as they had enjoyed their two times together, both knew it was wrong

Finally, late in the afternoon, they heard the front door open.

“That’s got to be Pete,” Anne surmised excitedly.

Zoe and Jesse exchanged glances. He had a sour look on his face. She merely shrugged. Knowing she should be excited to see her fiancé, she got up and headed for the foyer. Peter was hugging his mother, so his back was to Zoe. When he let go, Zoe jumped on his back.

“What the hell?” Peter turned around as Zoe let go. “Who are you?”

“You’re not Peter McCoy,” Zoe accused.

“I’m Pete McCoy,” he corrected. “I’ve never gone by Peter.”

Zoe was suddenly horrified. “Oh, no!” It quickly occurred to her. “I must be in the wrong house. How did this happen?”

“This is our son, Pete,” Anne confirmed.

“How did you and Jesse meet?” Grandpa asked.

“I dropped my cell phone on the ground–”

“And I accidentally stepped on it,” Jesse admitted.

“Peter’s family’s address–the address I was supposed to go to was on it.”

“l let her use my cell phone to call her–”

“My Peter. But he didn’t answer, so I left him a message.”

“I asked her where she was going,” Jesse said.

“And I said Jamesville.”

“So, I asked her who her fiancé was,” Jesse explained. “In case I knew him.”

“And she said Peter McCoy,” Mitch deduced.

“And that explains it,” Grandpa said. “Jesse thought Pete and Peter were the same person.”

“So, I offered her a ride.”

“And here you are,” Anne concluded.

Zoe was in anguish. “I’m so sorry.”

“Oh, don’t be silly, Zoe. We love having you here,” Anne said.

“Thanks, but I still feel bad.” Frowning, another concerning thought occurred to her. “I need to call Peter. He thinks I’m at his parents’ house.”

“You know where the phone is,” Anne said.

Zoe instantly sought out the phone. This time, Peter actually answered.

“Zoe, where are you?” an obviously worried Peter asked.

She explained what happened. “I left you voice messages.”

“Your first message was not very clear. There was a lot of static. All I heard was that your phone was damaged.”

“And the fact that I was calling from someone else’s phone didn’t register?”

“I tried calling your phone back and it went to your voice mail, so I didn’t think it was completely destroyed. But when my mother let me know that your luggage was delivered to their house, but you weren’t there, I became seriously worried and hurried there, particularly since your message this morning said you were at my parents’ home.”

Fortunately, he couldn’t see her roll her eyes or shake her head. Trying to contain the annoyance in her voice, she said, “Will you come get me?”

“Of course.”

She gave him the address. Returning to the living room, Zoe announced, “He’s coming to get me.”

Zoe could tell that their smiles of approval and support were forced.

“We’re sorry you have to leave,” Grandpa said.

“You’re welcome to come back and visit,” Mitch added.

“Thank you, all,” Zoe said. She went to the front door to watch and wait.

Jesse followed. “I’m going to miss you.”

Zoe smiled. “Yes. I enjoyed spending time with you, also. If you’re ever in the city, come visit my gallery. If you’re interested in selling any of your work, I’d love to show it.”

“Thanks. I’ll consider that.”

“Well, at least, you didn’t cheat on your brother,” Zoe pointed out.

“Small consolation.”

They stood together awkwardly for a few minutes.

“He’s here,” Zoe announced loud enough for all to hear. She then turned and hugged Jesse in a more than casual embrace.

Jesse kissed her neck, and the two quickly parted as the rest of his family joined them. Zoe then hugged the others but not with the same level of affection.

“Thank you all,” she said before heading outside.

Peter was out of the car and approaching her right away. He immediately embraced her, and they kissed.

“I’m so happy you’re okay,” Peter said.

“Thanks to the hospitality of the McCoy’s.”

That family came out to meet him.

“This is… my… Peter.”

Peter smiled. “I’m the real McCoy.”

But the change in their expressions said they did not appreciate the remark.

So, Zoe turned Peter around. “Thanks again.” She then hurriedly led him back to the car.

Once inside the vehicle, Zoe admonished, “That was not a very nice thing to say. ‘I’m the real McCoy.'”

Peter merely shrugged. “I was just trying to be friendly.”

“Strange way of showing it.”

He callously ignored her remark.

“I need to stop and get a new cell phone.”

“Okay.” As the rode, he said, “So, I’ve been working on wedding plans.”

“Wedding plans? We haven’t even set a date.”

“Well, if we pick a date six months from now, we can get married in the ballroom at the Plaza,” Peter proudly informed her.

“The Plaza?” Zoe questioned with a frown. “I wasn’t planning on a wedding that big!”

“My family knows a lot of people. Have you ever been to a wedding at the Plaza? It will be amazing!”

“Terrific,” Zoe commented in annoyance. She remained quiet during the remainder of the short drive to the cell phone store. She made him wait in the car for her. Fortunately, she was able to keep her same number, and the salesperson explained that she should be able to restore her phone from the cloud if she had been backing up the previous one. She had. She was still stewing when she got back in the car because Peter was making decisions without her… and then he pulled into the driveway of a mansion. “This is your parents’ house?” she asked in astonishment.

“Yes,” Peter answered, smiling proudly. “We’ll have a place like this one day.”

“I’d probably get lost in it.”

And then there was his parents, who were there to greet them as they entered the foyer, which was as big as the living room in her apartment. Peter’s mother, Margaret, approached her son within a foot, leaned in a bit closer without touching, puckered her lips and made a kissing sound, but didn’t actually kiss him. Peter, likewise, offered a similar gesture.

Zoe couldn’t help but frown at the totally unaffectionate exchange.

When Peter introduced Zoe, the younger woman extended her arms to hug, but Margaret coldly reached for Zoe’s hand and shook it once. “Nice to meet you.” There was no warmth in that greeting.

Peter’s dad, Henry, was a bit more friendly–actually, too friendly. Not only did he throw open his arms for a hug, but he also let his hand slide down her back and off her ass.

“Ooh,” Zoe uttered, quickly stepping back. She quickly glanced at Peter, but he hadn’t noticed.

Margaret might have witnessed it, but the woman had already been frowning, so there was no telling if she had a reaction.

“Show Zoe to one of the guest rooms, Peter,” his mother ordered. “We’ll meet for breakfast in the morning to discuss the wedding.” She then turned to walk off. “Come along, Henry.”

With a roll of his eyes, Peter’s dad fell in behind his wife, but not before winking at Zoe.

“They’re a little formal,” Peter said.

“A little?”

“Come along. I’ll show you to your room,” Peter beckoned.

Come along? Zoe mouthed silently at his odd formality. Following him up the stairs, she asked, “Why can’t I sleep with you in your bed?”

He stopped abruptly and turned sharply, and in all seriousness, said, “Not in my parents’ house. It isn’t allowed.”

“What do you mean, it isn’t allowed? How would they know?”

He shrugged. “She has a sixth sense about such things. It’s only for a couple of days.”


They reached her room. She entered. He remained in the hallway.

“What did she mean, we’ll discuss the wedding?”

“She’ll want to offer some… suggestions.”

“Suggestions?” Zoe shook her head. “I don’t know if I like the sound of that,” she said under her breath. Then, aloud, “Terrific. Excuse me.” She went into the bathroom attached to her room and closed the door. What the hell kind of rabbit hole had she fallen into? Turning on the faucet, Zoe splashed water on her face as though that would change everything. However, all it did was wet her face.

There was a knock on the door. “Zoe, please come out and let’s talk.”

“I need a minute,” she shouted back. She splashed more water, but still nothing changed. Drying the wetness, she finally opened the door.

Peter was standing there. “We can talk about this. My mother will just offer her own thoughts. We can do whatever we want.”

“Whatever we want? You’ve already got it all planned!”

“Well, we’ve never really talked about it, so I just took the initiative. Let’s talk about it.”

“Can we go for a walk?”

“Now?” he asked incredulously. “At night?”

“Yes. Now.”

“No one walks at night here.”

With a heavy sigh, Zoe said, “Then leave me alone. I’m going to bed.” He’d only come into her room to knock on the bathroom door. Now that he was back in the hallway, she said, “Good night,” and closed the door.

Looking around, she now noticed that the bedroom was double the size of her bedroom in her apartment. There was her lost luggage, which was neatly arranged in a corner of the room. A window overlooked the front of the house, and a glance out revealed other homes of similar size spread out as far as she could see. A wing back chair occupied another nearby corner, so Zoe took a seat to ponder the twilight zone she had entered. These McCoy’s were not real. Not like the first McCoy’s she had met. They were genuine.

After a few minutes, Zoe decided she really needed that walk. Opening her suitcase, she removed the dated clothing Anne had leant her and slipped on a comfortable short skirt, blouse, and flat shoes that were ideal for walking.

Opening the door to the hallway, Zoe peeked out. Not a creature was stirring. Still, she eased out quietly and walked softly to the staircase. It was carpeted, but she continued to step lightly. Down in the foyer, the house was silent. Quickly, she went to the front door, unlocked it, and moved outside onto the small porch.

Remembering her view of the neighborhood from her bedroom window, Zoe felt that the mansions up and down the street should make it a safe area. However, not knowing her around, she decided merely to walk up the street a few blocks and then back.

A block away, Zoe became aware of headlights approaching. At first, she was not concerned. But only until the vehicle did not pass her by, which she expected should have happened. Stepping up her pace, she became alarmed when the car did the same. She looked around for a potential place of refuge, but aside from the porches of other homes, there was no place that could offer safety.

It occurred to her that she could slow down and let the car catch up, then turn and run like hell back to the McCoy house. The car would not be able to turn around easily because the street was not wide enough. She wasn’t certain how sound her plan was, but it was the only course of action she could think of.

Slowing her pace, the vehicle drew nearer. But it stopped a few feet behind her. She knew it was now or never, so she reversed course and took off.


However, hearing her named called slowed her down. She couldn’t help but glance at the car. The driver had opened his door, and the overhead light inside revealed… it was Jesse! Without hesitation, she approached him.

“Jesse. What are you doing here?”

He shrugged. “I don’t know. Looking for you, I guess.”

“What do you mean?”

“There are only four McCoy’s living in this town, including my family and your Peter’s,” Jesse explained. “I just wanted to see where you ended up, so I went to the other two. The car that Peter picked you up in was not in either of their driveways, so I moved on to this house, and there was his car. And then, I was lucky enough to have you come out for a walk. You didn’t mention that these McCoy’s were wealthy.”

“I didn’t know. It was as much a surprise to me,” Zoe revealed. “So, if I had not come out, what would you have done?”

“I don’t know,” he admitted. “I hadn’t really thought that far. Why are you out walking this late at night?”

It was Zoe’s turn to shrug. “It was stuffy in that big house–in more ways than one.”

“Things not going well?”

“We probably shouldn’t be loitering out here at this time of night.”

“Get in.”

She did and he drove off. “Where are we going?”

“Not far.”

Jesse drove out of the neighborhood and turned onto a main thoroughfare. A mile away was an auto dealership. He pulled in and parked next to several used, unoccupied vehicles.

“This is clever,” Zoe remarked.

“It was a great place to park in high school. The cops didn’t know you were here. If you parked on lover’s lane, they were always patrolling, and if they didn’t see heads, they would knock on your window.”

“Wow. Nobody I knew ever thought of doing anything like this. So, why are we here?” she asked with a grin, as if she didn’t know.

“Uh, uh, it’s a quiet place to talk.”

Zoe grinned. “Oh, okay.”

Jesse understood. “So, what’s going on with you?”

She told him what she had experienced since getting in Peter’s car at the first McCoy’s home. “He wasn’t like that back in the city. I’m hoping that when we return, he becomes himself again.”

“I only met him for a second,” Jesse said. “But from that alone, I don’t think he is right for you.”

“You don’t, do you?”

With a smirk, Jesse added, “Of course, I might have a selfish reason for feeling that way.”

“Oh? And what might that be?” Though she thought she knew.

Taking her seriously, he explained, “I’ve become attracted to you in the few days I’ve known you.”

“Have you?” She had not been wrong.

“Our evening on the sofa was magical,” Jesse went on. “And then again in the shower was a dream come true.”

“I agree.”

“I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it–or you.”

“That’s sweet,” Zoe said. “I’ve thought about it also.”

“You have?” he asked with an excited smile.

“I have.” She leaned over and kissed him on the lips.

Of course, he willingly kissed back.

“Remember when you said after the shower that maybe I just needed a last-minute fling to be certain?” Zoe asked.


“After what I just told you about my experience at Peter’s family home, I think I need one more fling to be… absolutely certain.”

Jesse kissed her deeply again. “I was hoping you might.”

“I’ve never done it in a car,” Zoe admitted.

“Leave it to me.” Jesse pulled a lever on the side of his seat and pushed the seat back as far down as it could go, almost completely supine. He then squirmed backward into the rear seat. Reaching the side of the driver’s seat again, he returned the seat back to its upright position, then slid the entire seat as far forward as it would go. There was a gap between the front driver’s seat and the passenger seat, enough for Zoe to crawl between to the rear. When she did, Jesse reached to the side of her seat to move it all the way forward.

Sitting in the rear seat, the two regarded one another.

“You’ve done this before,” Zoe deduced.

Jesse merely grinned.

But Zoe was too eager to wait any longer. She pushed Jesse to lean against the passenger door and immediately pressed her lips to his. Their kiss was passionate, and Zoe’s arousal had her rubbing Jesse’s cock though his pants. She slid down, undoing his pants in the process. She pulled them down below his scrotum, grabbed his hard cock and guided it to her lips. The size of his dick was perfect for her mouth, and she took it as far in as she could. Sliding her lips up and down his shaft was like partaking of a delicious meal she had not had in a while.

But again, her ardor was such that she was anxious for the big prize. She yanked his pants down to his ankles. Jesse kicked off his shoes and pushed his pants and underwear completely off. As he sat up, Zoe hiked her skirt up around her waist and hurriedly removed her panties. She straddled his lap, and with him holding his cock straight up, she easily impaled herself.

“Aaaaahhhhh!” she couldn’t help but emit. Riding him gently, Zoe wrapped her arms around his neck. “This is divine!”

“No complaints from me.”

Zoe rested her head on Jesse’s shoulder to enjoy the ride.

Jesse was already in love with her, but he knew he could not tell her. However, that did not prevent him from wrapping his arms around her and holding her lovingly.

Sensing his affection, she again mashed her lips to his. More than just spit was transmitted, and they both felt it. In her heart, she knew this was wrong. But sex with him was just so much better than with Peter. That wasn’t to say that Peter didn’t have his moments. But he was not consistent. Not like Jesse.

Zoe’s sweet pussy caressed Jesse’s cock like no woman he’d ever been with. He reached up to unbutton her blouse, and then reach around to unclasp her bra. He couldn’t remove it, but at least it freed her tits for him to fondle. He pulled her to him for another savory kiss.

Though it was a gentle fuck, it was no longer enough for his cock to just basically be inside her. She had to start grinding her pussy against him. Sensing her urgency, Jesse thrust his hips up hard to meet her as their sex became intense. Only a few minutes of this was necessary before each felt that magical feeling of orgasm. In an unprecedented experience for each they exploded simultaneously without warning. But that didn’t stop either from thrusting, each wanting their climax to last as long as possible.

If someone had been watching from the street, they would have possibly noticed the odd vehicle rocking back and forth. However, they would have had to really be looking since Jesse had cleverly parked as far back as possible. Both wisely stifled their moans and groans not knowing how far their voices could carry outside.

As Jesse’s cock deflated and wormed out of Zoe’s pussy, with it oozed much of the cum he had shot inside. It dripped down his balls and onto the seat.

Zoe eased off him, sitting beside him, where more of his jism seeped out of her pussy onto his car seat. “We’re making a mess on your seats.”

“I might not even clean it because it will be something to remember you by.”

Zoe giggled. “We really fogged up the windows.” She started dressing.

“You in a hurry?”

She shrugged. “Not really. But I have been gone a while. Don’t want to tempt fate. It might already be too late.”

* * *

The knock on her door awoke Zoe like a slap in the face. She sat up sharply and looked around groggily. Another knock startled her, even though she was mostly awake.

“Zoe, are you up?” Peter urgently asked.

“I am now.”

“It’s seven a.m. Mother is waiting for us for breakfast.”

Fucking wonderful, she thought. “I need a quick shower.”

“Do you have to?”

No, I only have dried cum between my legs, she said to herself. “Okay. Let me get dressed.” She hurried to the bathroom, wet a washcloth, and gave herself a cat bath, then quickly threw some clothes on.

“Why did you oversleep?” Peter asked in annoyance. “You knew we were having breakfast with mother to discuss wedding plans.”

“I guess because I was tired.” And I snuck out for a good fuck and was late getting back in. Fortunately, she had been able to sneak back in undetected. She’d had Jesse drop her a half block away.

Peter huffed and Zoe dutifully followed him down to the breakfast room. His mother was waiting with her usual look of dissatisfaction.

“Sorry I overslept,” Zoe offered.

“Please sit,” the woman said, but not as a command, extending her hand to a nearby chair.

Zoe obeyed.

A middle-aged woman, possibly Hispanic, wearing in an old-time waitress-type dress, appeared with a plate of typical breakfast food: scrambled eggs, bacon, and hash brown potatoes.

“Thank you,” Zoe told her.

The woman frowned as if she didn’t understand, then quickly smiled. “You are welcome.”

“May I have some coffee?”

“Of course,” the woman said, disappearing back into the kitchen and returning immediately with a cup of coffee.

“Thanks, again.”

“You are welcome.”

As the woman vanished, Zoe got the feeling that she wasn’t accustomed to the courtesy of appreciation. Zoe further surmised that the woman was treated merely as a servant.

Zoe was now aware of a conversation that was going on between Peter and his mother regarding the location of the wedding.

“Why must we travel to New York?” Margaret asked. “Why can’t you get married here at the country club?”

“You love the Plaza,” Peter pointed out.

“Yes, but I do not care to travel anymore; at least, not as far as New York.”

“It’s where our friends are,” Peter argued.

“And my family,” Zoe threw in.

The other two both shot Zoe a look as a parent does a child who spoke out of turn.

“And my clients,” Peter added.

“You want to invite your clients to our wedding?” Zoe questioned.

“Some,” he answered. “They might not all come, but it’ll help me with them in the future.”

“I really would like to keep this small,” Zoe said.

“That is not possible, my dear,” Margaret said. “There are too many people we must include.” She turned to her son. “And many of those will not want to travel to New York.”

“Well, let’s move on to other things,” Peter suggested. “We can circle back to location later.”

“No. We must decide on the location first,” Margaret insisted. “Too many other items depend on location, such as catering and flowers. And we have a florist here that I’ve been dealing with for years. I would trust her implicitly to provide an elegance worthy of your wedding. And the chef at the country club is amazing.”

Aside from being tired from her late-night romp and little sleep, Zoe was zoning out of the conversation, primarily because it did not seem what she wanted mattered. Not to mention that Peter was arguing for his own interests, not hers. Her mind returned to Jesse and their unplanned coupling. She’d wished it could have lasted longer, but she really had feared being discovered. She also thought about Anne and Mitch and was certain that if they were to be her future in-laws, Zoe’s feelings and desires would be more of a consideration.

In fact, the more she thought about the other McCoy’s, the more she wished she were still with them. They had shown her way more love and kindness, even after it was determined she was not their Pete’s fiancé.

Zoe had told Jesse that Peter was different back in New York, not like he had been acting here, and that she hoped he would be his old self when they returned. But she suddenly realized that she was seeing a side of him she had never been exposed to before. And she didn’t like it. Once married, how many trips to visit his family would they have to make, and how much of this attitude would she have to endure.

Having consumed only half her breakfast, Zoe suddenly lost her appetite. She stood to their curious eyes. “Excuse me.” She returned upstairs to her bedroom.

As she ascended the steps, she heard Margaret comment, “That was rude,” and assumed the woman was referring to Zoe’s abrupt leaving.

Taking a seat in the chair in her room, she reconsidered her earlier thought about Peter’s change in attitude since being home. Was she overreacting? They’d been together two years. Had she really thought she knew everything about him? Hadn’t she known other guys whose mothers set them off?

On the other hand, she’d only met Jesse a couple of days ago and already they had fucked three times. It had probably been three months before Peter even made the first move. In fact, he asked her to marry him the first time before they’d even had sex. And it had taken more times than that before their sex had been any good. It had been good with Jesse right off the bat. And she and Jesse had so much in common, like art. What did she really have in common with Peter? He didn’t even like art.

What had kept her with him all this time? She really couldn’t answer that.

At the moment, she no longer wanted to marry him. She wasn’t even certain she wanted to be with him.

The inevitable knock on the door came.


“Zoe? Are you all right?” Peter.

“I guess.”

“May I come in?”

“If you’re sure it won’t make your mother angry.”

He entered anyway. “What does that mean?”

“Well, we don’t want to make mommy mad, do we?”

“That wasn’t very nice.”

“It wasn’t very nice the two of you discussing my wedding as if I wasn’t there and had no say so.”

“Just trying to make it easy for you. Your mother is gone, and you have no one to help you. And because of my family and colleagues, we need to have the kind of wedding you can’t afford.”

“Wow. You just keep laying it on. I’ll bet the two of you even decided where to have it.”

“She finally agreed to New York.”

“How convenient,” Zoe remarked flippantly.

“You know, Zoe, if you would just go along with this, you’d probably end up enjoying it. Most girls would love a wedding like you’re going to have.”

This was just about more than she could take. “Really? You think so?”


“Well, in that case, I suggest you find one of those girls to have it with. I’m done.” Zoe hadn’t really unpacked except for the clothes she had on and a few toiletries. These items she quickly retrieved and stuffed into her suitcase, closed it, and left. At the door to the bedroom, she turned, “Tell your mom she doesn’t have to go to New York now.”

“You’re leaving?”

“What does it look like?”

“What about the wedding?”

“There is no wedding.”

“Oh, come on, Zoe. Let’s talk about this. We can reevaluate some things.”

“Reevaluate some things? You think this is a business deal you’re negotiating?” Zoe shook her head in aggravation. “Ug! I’ve got to get out of here.” She headed for the stairs.

Peter followed. “Please, Zoe.”

But she kept on.

Margaret was waiting at the bottom of the stairs.

And Peter was still pleading.

As Zoe opened the door to leave, she turned and glimpsed Margaret grabbed her son’s arm.

“Let her go,” the woman said. “She’s not right for you anyway.”

Zoe merely shook her head in stupefaction as she closed the door behind her. She headed in the direction she had walked last night. A couple of houses down, she glanced behind her and didn’t know whether or not to be surprised that Peter had not followed. Shaking her head, she pulled out her new cell phone and dialed.

“Can you pick me up where you did last night?”

* * *

“Zoe, so nice to see you again,” Anne greeted as she and Jesse unexpectedly appeared. Then, she frowned and asked, “What brings you back?”

Mitch and Pete approached also.

“Let’s just say that Peter showed me a side of himself I didn’t particularly like. It was unreal.”

“Aw, I’m so sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m glad I saw it before taking the big step.”

“Well, if it’s a real Pete McCoy you want, I’m available,” he offered with a smirk.

“Sorry, Pete,” Zoe said, “but this is the real McCoy I want.” She put her arm around Jesse.

With a huge grin, Jesse did the same to Zoe.

“That’s wonderful, Zoe,” Anne said. “I’m so happy for both of you. Will you be staying with us?”

“I don’t want to impose, but I do still have a few days before I have to return.”

“No imposition. But now that Pete is home–”

“She’s more than welcome to share with me,” Pete offered with another smirk.

“She can have my room,” Jesse offered.

“That’s very real of you,” Anne noted.

“With me in it!”

They all laughed.

“Doesn’t get any more real than that!” Anne quipped.

“I am her real McCoy.”


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