The Runaway Pt. 02 by heighrick,heighrick

Tiredness can be rewarding.

When The electrician arrived my world turned into a place that I never wanted to leave because my guardian angel just had to be the busiest in the heavens.

He had brought a companion. The companion was female. She was an inch shorter than me, had a curly mop of ginger hair, a freckled face and breasts that were giving severe stress to her coveralls above a waist which could never be classed as sylph-like as it would require a long, strong, arm to encircle it and I knew that I had such an arm and oh how wonderful it would be to be allowed to do just that with it.

I could not see anything of her legs but if the equipment above her hips was anything to go by then they were going to be magnificent, and I was determined to discover if I was correct in that assumption.

Yes, I gawped; but fortunately, I was in a trench and so was able to bend and try to get my brain back onto some sort of an even keel before going into the cottage to wash my hands and face before meeting them formally. As I passed Mo she whispered:

“Oh damn, now I shall have to buy a wedding outfit because that look tells me that she is not going to be allowed to escape. I do so hope he is not her husband,”

When I did meet them Mo managed to gain the attention of the electrician with questions about power supply requirements and my dream spoke to me in a broad Scots accent.

“Good Morning. My brother insisted that I come with him to check you out. He had meant the job and any possible plumbing requirement, but I can see his point, just how many men close to my size are there in this part of Yorkshire, especially ones with ginger hair? Are you a Scot or a Yorkshireman?”

“My parents are Scots; I, therefore, have Scots blood in my veins but I was born a Yorkshire tyke and shall forever remain so.”

She looked at the build and then asked me if I had done the work unaided or had help.

“I did it but it’s just a raft construction so that was no problem.”

“Oh yeah, and the trenching, the blockwork and brickwork. Don’t try and bullshit me, that was not easy, and it is bloody neat work. Who’s your employer? ”

“The owner. Mo'”


“Sorry, Maureen. And when this job is finished then no one.”

“Where do you live?”


“Here with Mo and…?”

“Yes; I owe my life to them and would do anything to repay that debt. So leave it at that.”

“When this job is done, would you like to work for us?”

“What I would like is a date,”

“Oh! Down boy, one step at a time. That may be on the horizon but about Mo and…?”

“Ruby. And I said leave it there.”

“And for that reason, you will get your date and that happens very rarely. We just may get on together.”

“Well, what you see is what you get so don’t expect much change.”

“Do you have transport?”


“I’ll pick you up at seven. Jeans and a T-shirt. Local gastro pub, a pint, and a chat.”


“It will be after seven so it’s anything but work. You could even tell me about yourself, and you could even ask me my name.”

“And I am?”

“Oh! Er, touché. I’m Fiona.”

“Hello Fiona. I’m Paul and so very pleased to meet you.”

“Fiona; When you’ve finished doing whatever it is you are doing over there can we do what we came to do?”

“My brother Robert; likes to be seen to be in charge when on site. He’s a good electrician but crap in the office.”

“I admit that I would never have tagged you as a plumber. How on earth do you manage in tight spaces?”

” I’m pretty agile, bend well, and try to avoid tight spaces.”

“Do you now?”

She laughed and strode off to do what she came to do.

They left to return to their office and work up the quotes, not estimates and had also contracted for Fiona to source, transport and fit the white goods at a better price than we could manage to arrange.

Mo made coffee and we chatted about the visit.

“Paul; Before things get serious and from what I just saw and heard I think they will, I want to say that Ruby and I would hate to lose you, but even this early I think that Fiona is going to steal you and I shall be very happy for you. Remember this, you will always be welcome here and I do so hope that you don’t go far and return often.”

Ruby came home and the talk over dinner was all about what had taken place and how pleased we were with the visit. I did notice that Ruby asked a lot of questions about Robert. How he behaved, was he polite, was he knowledgeable, did he mention her visit to his office? Even Mo looked amused.

Tempus fugit: It was a Saturday morning in the middle of June and the build was finished. Mo was ecstatic with her utility room and at the cost which had been quite acceptable. She spent a long time allowing me to find out just how ecstatic she was during the night, so when the doorbell rang at ten-fifteen I was still dozing, and Mo was in the kitchen making tea to take back to bed for us.

She answered the door to find Fiona on the step having, ostensibly, come to check that all was in order with the new equipment. Mo took her into the kitchen, gave her a cup of tea and told her just how happy she was with it all.

She had forgotten about me still being in bed so I knew nothing about the visit until I walked into the kitchen, luckily in my birthday present of a bathrobe.

That was no big deal until Ruby appeared, looking for me. She was not wearing a bathrobe, all she had on was a smile and that went pretty swiftly, as did she, to put a robe on. When she returned Fiona was so smooth it was a joy to watch and listen to.

“Ruby, honestly I never have, but I do believe I would and I’m damn sure Robert would, but all three of you?”

Mo spoke:

“No Fiona, Ruby was in the second bedroom. Paul and I were in the master. I was showing my appreciation for the work he’s done, but I don’t think that you came to check on the hardware, his maybe, but not the whitegoods.

You two have been as close as any young couple pretending to be just friends as any I’ve seen. This pleases and saddens me because we like you and I think you deserve him and he sure as hell deserves you. The thing is, we feel the same way about him.

We love him and do not want to lose him completely. I know you know what the situation is, but I will tell you what I said to him when all this kicked off.

I said that Ruby and I would love to teach him how to make love to a woman in readiness for the time when he met someone that he loved. He was completely clueless, and it was a joy to change that, and we love making damn sure that he doesn’t forget it. Ruby and I have a story which we may one day share with you about how all this started. Unless he’s already told you.”

“Mo. He has never said a word to me about your relationship, he flatly refused to even allude to it, and I certainly wouldn’t ask about it. I’m not blind, I have been here often enough to see what’s what and it intrigues me. I meant what I said to Ruby, I think that I could easily be persuaded to try it and I do know for certain that Robert is aching to tell Ruby how he feels.

I maybe shouldn’t be telling you this Ruby, but he is as shy as hell and one of the reasons I am here is to ask you to please put both of us out of misery. Let him know whether or not he’s wasting his time, and I say that even though I have watched you watching him, so I think I know the answer. You are older than him and that makes absolutely no difference to him, and all I hear these days is Ruby does this and Ruby says that.”

“Er, what did you mean, you would?”

“Oh do come on Paul, I know I am a big girl, but I do not have a whole lot of experience of being a woman. I am fully aware of what can go on in a bedroom and I keep wondering if I am ever going to find out. I had begun to think that it was bound to happen here, but I have no idea how it would begin.”

” Fiona:”


“Him first, or me?”

“Ruby. If I say you, will I still have my hymen afterwards?”

“Oh yes, but this has to be now and you had better have plenty of time.”

.”Paul, I…”

I closed with her.

“Fiona, Please go with her and do yourself a favour. When you come back down here you will be a very happy bunny and you will also have some idea of what you will experience when you have your first time with a man and that will make the experience so much more enjoyable for both of us. Oh! Err, I meant both of you.”

“No you didn’t! You just propositioned me. At bloody last. Have you any idea what I’ve been going through waiting to hear something along those lines? It was not quite the way I hoped to hear it, but I’ll take it.”

Ruby dragged Fiona out of the room and Mo gave me a brandy.

“Sit down, drink this and listen. You do not come near me or Ruby today. You sit here and wait to hear Fiona learn what a real orgasm is like and then Ruby and I are going into town because I am now certain what my next step shall be.

I am going to get you two sorted for all our sakes and just before we leave I am putting fresh bedding on my bed and it had better be in a mess when we get back.”

She phoned Robert.

“Robby; Well Ruby calls you Robby when she mentions you, like every minute. Ruby and I are coming into town after lunch. Fiona will not be with us. You are going to take Ruby somewhere quiet and what happens then is up to you. Do not fluff it. No, you can’t talk to her, she’s busy. No, she’s busy as well. It doesn’t matter what with and anyway I don’t know.

He just had to have heard the wail, it was loud enough to make us jump, Mo said that she had to go because someone at just had a surprise and rang off.”

When Mo returned from town, she was alone and Fiona was no longer a virgin, I had asked her to marry me when I got myself sorted financially and she said yes. She then said “Yes please” to my unspoken question and so I spent another hour showing her how much better the second time was and that the third was also good.

Fiona had ginger fluff all over her pudenda and vulva, but I could still see that little clitoral bud pulsing as I sucked her furry labia. She was tangy, almost like lime and she was running in vaginal lubrication, so I decided not to waste it, for which she appeared grateful. She told me that Ruby is going to de-fluff her for which I am also grateful.

The legs, I forgot to say that her legs are long, they are also strong and when she uses them in a scissor grip I cannot get free until she has decided that I had soaked for long enough. I can’t help wondering whether Mo and Fiona would be evenly matched in the scissor grip department, but I do know that if they want you to stay put, you do.

Fiona has admitted that she would like to continue doing with Ruby what she had been doing with Ruby and when I suggested that she may need to fix a playlist with Mo her eyebrows went up.

“Really? You don’t mind? I thought that you may not like the idea, and I thought that Mo just had the hots for Ruby because they had been together for so long.”

“You have got to be kidding. What would I be losing? As for Mo. Look at yourself, look at your tits and compare ’em with Rubys. That’s a twin set if ever I saw one and Mo is going to want a handful of those. Mind you, it would be nice if you broached the subject with her, I think she would appreciate being led for once.

Er, you do realize that Ruby may not be back today and Robby, which is what Mo now calls him because Ruby does, will be a tad miffed if you go home tonight, so my lovely, It will be me, thee and Mo tonight and do you know what? We have never had a threesome.

When Mo did get back the woman had pulled a rabbit out of a hat and performed a miracle of manipulative magic. I had known the background of her plan but not what its ultimate aim was.

The cottage at the other side of the field to Mo’s cottage had been the home of an elderly lady whose children had seen sense years ago and headed South for richer pastures. Now she needed nursing care and so they were selling the cottage.

The agent knew that this was going to be an uphill struggle and had approached Mo immediately to see if she would be interested, She was, but not at the silly asking price. She had asked me to have a look at it.

After she learned about the failing chimney stack, the failed ridge beams and no damp proof course because when these cottages were built such a thing had never been thought of. Mo’s father -in Law had had one installed and it had not been cheap.

She made an offer which was seventy-five per cent less than the asking price because she had checked with the county council and English heritage and neither body believed that a collapsing building was a good thing to have.

She could remove the thing and replace it with a new build in the same style and layout as the original at a fraction of the cost of restoring that which should never have been contemplated.

She got it and had just commissioned her architect to draw up the build plan for the new one plus another one in the empty field which I didn’t know was hers. Neither had I been aware of just how much she was worth in available cash. Her father-in-law had been a financial trader and he seemed to have been good at it.

A very excited Ruby and a very bashful Robby arrived around ten o’clock and brother and sister had a confab. Fiona shrieked when she found out that Ruby was going to be her sister-in-law. Robby shook my hand and thanked me for getting his sister off his back.

We went into the back garden for a lads’ get-together.

“Paul, Tell me the truth. Did we both score last night?”

“Sorry Robby, I did that while Ruby was being driven to your place. But I had proposed first.”

“Yeah, me too. I am bloody glad she knew when to do what. I honestly had no idea there was so much lead-in time before delivery, but I have an embarrassing question. What the hell is sapphic sex? Ruby said she liked it but I have no idea what she was talking about and I feel stupid having to ask her.”

When I told him he asked me if Fiona knew.

“She does now.” Ruby showed her for which I shall be forever grateful. You lose nothing, they get a lot of fun and pleasure by doing something that you will also love to do, and no comebacks.”

It took just over eighteen months before the two houses were ready for their new tenants. I did carry Fiona over the threshold of our wedding present on the same day that Robby carried Ruby over the threshold of their wedding present. Neither Robby nor I will offer to do that again.

Sundays are devoted to Mo. It took a threat from his sister and Ruby had to use Marital Law to get Robby into Mo’s bedroom, but she showed him exactly how pleased she was to see him and nature did the rest.

There was a bittersweet ending to our story. Fiona and Robby lost their mother. After the funeral, they insisted that their father come with them to Yorkshire.

It was natural to expect their dad Angus to stay with them but Mo pointed out that we all had to be away for work on most days of the week so he would be alone, therefore, he should stay in her spare room because she could feed him, and they’d be company for each other.

I don’t know how long it took for Angus’s understanding of the word ‘company’ to collapse under the weight of Mo’s interpretation of it, but three weeks after he’d arrived Fiona had to ask Mo if she would close her bedroom window went she went to bed.

That was three months ago and yesterday they set off for a fortnight’s cruise.

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