Therapist Helps Out Newlyweds by xxavi,xxavi

Annoying disclaimer for the idiots. This is a cuckold story, so if you hate that stop now, don’t waste your time. There are plenty of other stories to read so please enjoy those instead. Don’t be one of those people who hates sushi and then goes to a sushi restaurant only to leave a bad review. Also, this is a free internet sex story. There will be editing errors, but I guarantee you it’s not enough to distract from the story. I don’t have a professional editor, it’s just me, writing for free and fun. I hate that I have to add this part. Everyone else please enjoy!

Allison and I had a relatively simple wedding being that we were just out of high school. My family was not very supportive since they wanted me to go to college and join the long list of therapists in the family. This was not part of my plan though as I wanted to try and make my own money developing apps. In the meantime I was working at a local movie theater to bring in some money as I worked toward my goal while Allison was working as a barista at the local Starbucks.

Allison’s family was actually quite happy about the wedding because they were very religious. Her dad was also a military drill sergeant, so he ran a pretty tight ship focused on discipline. I think he like the structure of us getting married. Allison wasn’t quite as religious, but she definitely played the role. Part of that manifested itself in our sex life, or I should say lack of. We had gone to second base before the wedding but that was it. It’s weird because it seemed like Allie was always super into it, but when things would start getting good she would stop, saying that we needed to wait for the wedding.

Anyway, on the wedding day we did receive a little bit of money along with a few gifts. One of those gifts was from an aunt who was a therapist specializing in relationships. She gave us a gift certificate for five free sessions from the practice she worked in. My aunt pulled me aside after I opened her gift to tell me that working on relationships early was the key to success. She said that basically all of her clients could have avoided their current problems if they had handled them much earlier. I didn’t really think that much about it, but figured we’d probably use it at some point. Allison didn’t understand and was a little bit offended until I lied and said it was given to all family members.

The wedding night was not quite what I had planned. I thought once we were married it was going to be nothing but sex and debauchery. In our humble little hotel room that my parents got us things could not have been more different. Allison wanted the lights dim because she was shy and thought it would be more romantic. I thought she would try and give me a blowjob finally, but she didn’t even try. I thought about going down on her, but figured if she didn’t want to on me then I probably shouldn’t try on her. We did eventually consummate the marriage in the traditional missionary position. I didn’t last very long even with the condom because I was so excited. She made some noise, but I didn’t get the impression that she liked it very much. I had seen more of a reaction from me playing with her in the backseat of the car.

I’m not really sure what I was expecting given the fact that we were both new to all of this and she was dealing with her religious guilt demons. We did manage to do it again in the morning, but it was basically the same. Allison had such a great little body from her days cheerleading that it was hard to keep my hands off her. She had the typical girl, I hate my body syndrome though, so she tended to keep it hidden more than show it off. So even after the wedding and the wedding night I still hadn’t really seen her pussy up close. I knew what it felt like of course, but surprisingly it was still a bit of mystery visually.

Married life was not much different for us than before. We both kept working. Allison was going to community college because she couldn’t afford University. I was getting closer to my app working but it still needed time. Ultimately I think we fell into the standard rut only 6 months in. The sex hadn’t changed much either. We would do it two or three times a week, but nothing new or different. I couldn’t put my finger on, but it seemed like she was waiting for something or something was missing. It was really starting to bother me so I finally spoke up. I told her that I wanted more from our sex life and she took it as an attack on her. She said it wasn’t her job, which I didn’t really understand.

Things were cold between us for the next two weeks until I suggested that maybe we should use the gift certificate for therapy. That lead to another fight because she thought we should be able to handle our own relationship. Once again she mentioned something about me taking charge. She also felt hurt that we needed help so early into our marriage. I was eventually able to convince her that if we hated it after the first session we would stop and never talk about it again. Also, I told her she could pick the doctor which seemed to really help.

After a week of research, some of which I believe was stalling, she settled on Dr. Pamela Dunbar. I think she thought that a woman would be more sympathetic to her than me. I have to admit I thought the same thing and was slightly disappointed. In another way I was glad it wasn’t a dude because that might be awkward for me. Either way, we were able to make an appointment 2 weeks out. Things finally warmed up between us and we headed to our first session in a better place.

When we arrived at the clinic everything came crumbling down. Dr Dunbar had been in an accident and was out for an unknown time period. We were told that all of the other doctors were booked for at least two months and the only option was a new guy named Dr. Brown, who literally just started, so he had no patients or reviews. We discussed it briefly and to my surprise Allison said we should do it. Her quick decision had me puzzled until I realized that she was hoping it would go terribly so that we would be done with it all. As he had only started the day prior he would be able to fit us in today, which was convenient at least.

Dr Brown was not what I had in mind when we walked into his office. I was expecting your typical TV therapist. Tweed jacket, thin, salt and pepper hair with glasses. Instead he was a little overweight, terrible comb over and thick glasses. He introduced himself with a firm handshake and mentioned that he got his PhD in alternative “eastern therapies”, whatever that meant. Ugh, Allie was going to get her way. This guy is going to be some hippie quack that completely scares off my wife.

Immediately following the introduction he jumped right in and asked why we were there. Allison was quick to jump in to say that everything was fine. I nervously mentioned that our relationship was great, but that I was expecting more from our intimacy. I wanted to say our sex life sucks, but I was trying to make it sound professional. Dr Brown gave a little laugh adding that it was perfectly normal for couples to feel this way, especially young newly weds. He’d seen it before and would be able to help us out. He stated that we both need to be very honest and open with our communication in order for it to work.

After writing for a minute he handed us each a list of words, telling us to read them out loud. My first word was pussy. Definitely felt a little awkward so I paused for a moment before Dr Brown told us this was important to remove the stigma in order to communicate better. Allison looked at me with a school girl smirk on her face, so I let it out. Allison chuckled a little before she blurted out, “Cock!” “Tits,” I responded. “Cum,” Allison squeaked out. On and on it went until all the giggling had stopped and the list was complete.

Dr Brown said that he liked to do that exercise to loosen everyone up, but also for us to feel comfortable using the language that we would need. For the next few minutes he had us both describe a typical sexual encounter between us. I went first, describing generally what happens most times. Before Allison could go he told her to use more descriptive words and be more detailed. I could see that she was hesitant. Eventually she got up the courage and began to describe our sex life in detail using the new language. It was definitely kind of hot to hear her use those words to relive our encounters. At the end she used “finish” but Dr Brown said no, where does he cum. She looked away briefly and then said, “in the condom.”

Dr Brown started asking her if she had ever felt my cum on her or why she never let me cum outside the condom. Inside I was secretly cheering. This guy was awesome. He was asking all the questions I wanted to ask. I was a little scared he was moving too fast, but Allie didn’t seem uncomfortable yet. “Good, Christian girls don’t do that,” she blurted out. Dr Brown mentioned that her excuse was not of personal protest, but societal. He continued by saying that we were married and that part of the pact was that we were supposed to make each other happy, not society. If this was going to make me happy how could it make her not a good Christian or wife? I could see the wheels turning in her head as she thought about that statement. He continued saying that marriage is a partnership requiring give and take by both sides. As long as no one was getting hurt, what’s the harm in trying?

Allison immediately asked why she had to be the one giving, which I’ll admit was a fair point. Dr Brown simply said that for give and take to work someone has to be the first one to give and that it in a good relationship it will balance out in the end. He said what if you find that you enjoy it and it no longer becomes a give then you could both be taking. This was going much better than I could have imagined. He went on to say that she needed to try it first so that she could better understand the dynamic before rendering a verdict. I saw her tilt her head a bit to the side as if she was deeply contemplating what he said.

Dr Brown then went on to ask about our foreplay, mentioning that during our description of a typical night it seemed non-existent. He commented that neither one of us was providing oral sex to the other. Allison got a little squeamish during this topic. I mentioned that I would love to both give and receive while Allison again said that she thought it was not proper. They both went back and forth for quite awhile, both making good points. What I noticed throughout their conversation was the ease at which my wife was now talking about blowjobs. It’s like Dr Brown had some Svengali like technique to making anything seem normal. He and Allison were chatting like old friends. I could tell that she was warming up to him.

As the session was wrapping up he gave us a homework assignment. We were to engage in foreplay only until the next therapy session a week from now, with an emphasis on oral sex. I was over the moon of course, but I could see some trepidation in my wife. Once again he was able to smoothly talk her into it saying if she hated it that would be it, but at least we would know and be able to work on other things. I was really beginning to like these “eastern therapies.”

To my great surprise Allie decided she wanted to try it right away when we go home. I think the session had her turned her on a little. As a fiery red head I think the liked the tit for tat conversation she had with he doc. We both showered up as the doctor suggested for the first time in order to present our best selves.

We decided that I would go down on her first. She laid back on the bed, but managed to hold her legs tightly together. I crawled up to her from the foot of the bed as I tried to pry her legs open. She put her hands over her eyes, shaking her head no and giggling. “Come on, we have to do it for the doc,” I said. Slowly she relented as her legs began to open. This was my first view of her pussy up close. I was mesmerized. She had a light coat of red hair that didn’t really hide her sex. She had two very symmetrical lips that just barely stood out. It reminded me of a tiny little flower with delicate petals.

As I got closer the aroma was intoxicating. I can’t really describe it other than I knew I liked it. I could see at the entrance one little drop of honey. I reached out my tongue to taste it. Her arms immediately grabbed the blanket as she inhaled deeply. I was finally here, my dream come true, one problem though. I had no idea what I was doing. I just wanted to look at, but I never really thought about what I was going to actually do. She seemed to like that first lick so I continued doing that. I was so use to fingering her that I thought I would just do that with my tongue. She seemed to enjoy it from what I could tell, but after ten minutes there was clearly no climax so she offered to switch.

We changed positions quickly. Unlike her I had no problem putting my cock right out there for her. I’d watched some porn before so I knew I wasn’t very big, probably average based on what I’d seen and heard. More importantly I knew she hadn’t seen any others so to her this was technically the biggest one she’d seen.

She got up real close like she was inspecting it and the anticipation was killing me. She started off by kissing it, which was so exciting. Problem was she kept doing that. It felt good at first, but wasn’t really doing it for me. I didn’t want to scare her so I just said change it up. That’s when things got a little weird. She started blowing on it. Interesting feeling for sure, but again, not going to make me cum. Now she was alternating between those two things. Nice, but not amazing and not what I was expecting. After ten minutes I wasn’t getting anywhere close to cumming so I told her to stop.

I told her we should transition to sex so that we could both finish. Astonishingly she said no. She started going on and on about how Dr Brown was specific about only performing oral until the next session. Great I thought, I’m living my fantasy and nightmare at the same time. Ultimately we gave up that night. We tried it again but with the same results two more times. Luckily for me I cheated and jerked off in the bathroom after most sessions, but Allison must have been living on the edge. It was like only doing foreplay and never finishing for a whole week. The next session with the doc couldn’t come fast enough.

At the start of session two Dr Brown of course asked us how things went. Both of us looked sheepishly down and away from him. Eventually my wife answered first. She said that we stuck to the assignment but oral sex wasn’t as fun as the other stuff. I nodded my head in agreement, adding that I expected it to be much better than it was. He then asked us to explain in detail what we each did to each other. When Allison mentioned the blowing part Dr Brown let out a little chuckle. He asked her why she was blowing on it. Of course she gave the most obvious answer which made him laugh a little more. She didn’t appreciate this. She started saying it was his fault and how could we be expected to know what to do. He responded that it was a fair point. He had assumed we had both seen porn before, for which she quickly denied and I demurred. Truth is I had watched porn, but I usually skipped to the fucking and cumshot portions.

This is where my entire life changed. Dr Brown apologized, but said he an unorthodox solution that has always worked in the past. He told my young wife that he would like her to demonstrate what she was doing on me. I think we were both caught off guard. He went on to explain that the fastest and easiest solution was for him to see what we were doing so that he could correct it. We both said we were a little uncomfortable with that for which he said that he was a medical professional who had seen it all before. I was about to get up and leave when my new bride said, “who should go first?”

Very matter of factly he responded that she should go first. Allison was wearing an ankle length dress so he said the best way would be for her to sit on the couch, pull her dress up to her waist and then pull her panties to the side. This way she wouldn’t be exposing to much. Somehow in the moment this all made sense. I rationalized that he wasn’t trying to get her naked so this wasn’t so bad. It took a minute, but ultimately she complied. As she was pulling her dress up he told me to kneel on the floor between her legs. Once her dress was up he just simply said, ‘begin.” I started doing what I had done the days before, but I was getting even less of a reaction from Allison this time. After a few minutes Dr Brown started trying to give me tips. Lick the outside of her labia for bit, lightly touch her clit, etc…. Problem was I didn’t know any of these terms so I couldn’t comply. Another minute goes by before I finally say I don’t know what he means.

With an air of confidence I had yet to see he simply tells me to move, he’ll show me. Like a good little patient I simply did as he asked without even thinking about what was happening. My wife was about to protest when the doctor put his lips right onto her sex. She immediately reacted with a large inhale. The doctor paused briefly to tell me that he was licking her clit. I could see that he was making little circles around the top of her pussy. He then started licking the sides of it before dragging his flat tongue from the base back up to the clit.

My wife was clearly loving it. She was moaning and mewing like crazy. I had never seen her like this before. He again briefly paused to say once you have them warmed up you can start attacking the clit with more gusto, but don’t be aggressive there right away or it’s too much. I then saw him suck her clit right into his mouth and looked like he was licking it hard from there. Allison starting saying “ooooo yeahhhhh, right there, dont’ stopppp”, “Oh my godddd.” Right when I thought she was going to explode he stopped. He got up and asked if I had any questions. My jaw was on the floor. If I had a question I couldn’t remember what it was. All I knew is that I was hard as a rock.

Dr Brown told us to switch positions. I still have no idea why we just followed these commands. I think it’s because we were both right out of high school. We were so used to having authority figures tell us what to do it was just natural. Either way I took my seat on the couch while my wife knelt before me. I couldn’t wait to take my cock out. It had been so hard not to touch it while our therapist was eating out my young wife. I know I should have been angry, but for some reason it was a huge turn on watching this older, rather ugly man pleasing my hot young wife. Allison took my dick in her hand beginning her kisses up the shaft. The weird thing was that as she was attempting this I started to soften. Allison looked to Dr Brown and asked what she was supposed to do. He told her that this sometimes happened to guys. He explained that it could be any number of reasons, but it wasn’t necessarily her fault. Allie then asked him how she was supposed to get better if she couldn’t perform on me.

Dr Brown stepped next to me in profile to me but facing my wife. “Here, try this,” he said. Next thing I know he unzips his suit pants and out flops this huge, thick, uncut penis. It’s probably a good 6 inches soft, already thicker than mine hard and the head is just poking out from the foreskin. I thought for sure Allison was going to slap him in the face and run out of there. Instead she merely turned to look at it with a stunned, but fascinated look on her face. He immediately begins giving her instructions.

“Kiss the tip, while holding the shaft,” he first says to her. Without hesitation she complies.

“Now pull the skin back and expose the head.” This is all happening right in front of my face. I literally couldn’t get a more direct view. Again, for reasons I don’t understand, I do nothing.

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