Thy Neighbor's Wife Ch. 10 by BenLong,BenLong

“God, I love your cock,” Suzie said, snuggled against my side with her hand stroking the mentioned appendage. We’d made love perhaps twenty minutes before and there was no doubt that she was intending to make me usable again. Her stroking was long and pleasant; although I wasn’t sure whether she was doing it to jack me off or whether we were going to fuck again. My cock hadn’t responded much to begin with but now had begun stiffening up again quite nicely.

“You love my cock, or you just love cock?” I queried, only half teasing. Sure, Larry and I had arranged to fuck each other’s wife without them knowing, but Lara and Suzie had figured it out and decided occasionally playing together was good for the mutual libidos and it was easier than a divorce — as long as they were calling the shots.

“Definitely yours,” she answered without hesitation. “Larry’s ok for some occasional variety but if I never did him again, I wouldn’t miss it.”

“You’re sure?” I whispered, my hand coming across my chest to twiddle her one nipple that I could reach. Her grip increased and I realized she was going to take this hand job to completion.

“I’m sure.” She didn’t say anything else for a minute before she changed it to about me. “What about you? Was it as nice fucking Lara as you thought it would be? She wants more, you know.”

“What?” I said, not quite following her transition, my body beginning to writhe as the sensations in my prick intensified. “More what?” and almost immediately realized what she was saying. Suzie giggled.

“I don’t think a day has gone by since then, going to work or coming back, that she hasn’t complained about how Larry won’t go down on her without her asking.”

“Every day?”

“Well not really every day, but it’s a common topic of discussion.”

My fingers tightened on Suzie’s nipple eliciting a hum of pleasure, my lower body beginning to rise. Suzie’s grip suddenly relaxed, she pulled away and turned over — reaching for the bottle of lube on the side table before turning back. Pulling her left hand away from my cock she squirted a glob of lubricant into her palm and reached back for my dick again. I involuntarily groaned with the change in sensation.

If anything, now that I was totally hard again, her stroking slowed down. The lubricant in her hand allowed her hand to easily slither over every inch of my shaft and head, causing my body to shudder and another moan to escape my lips.

“Uhm,” she said to my bodies shudder, “Is it nice? I should give you hand jobs more often.”

“You… you like doing it?” I managed to croak out, my consciousness moving to the head of my cock in her hand.

“Oh yeah, I don’t think I do it enough. You’re really getting hard.”

“Oh, Suzie… I’m… I’m….” Her stroke never slowed, just continued as my cock erupted in her hand. With the lubricant it was rapidly too sensitive on my glans and I reached to still her hand. She stopped the movement, not relinquishing the grip around the shaft. After a moment her thumb slipped over the head, rubbing the last of my cum onto the head. I groaned. “Too sensitive,” I moaned.

Suzie giggled. “That’s like when you finger me off and you keep rubbing my clit after I’ve cum — it’s too sensitive.”

“I’ll try and do better,” I panted, my heartrate slowly lowering.

“You better,” she whispered, moving up to kiss me on the cheek and snuggling a bit closer, “I like it when you finger me too.”

“I like doing it to you.”

“Yeah. Me too. We should plan more masturbation sessions. You doing me, me doing you, with just our hands.”

“That would be nice.”

“Yeah,” she answered, and then another couple of minutes passed with nothing said. “Do you remember your first one?”

“Hand Job?” I clarified.


“Yeah, of course. I think it’s like your first time — you never forget.”

“Who was it?”

“My buddy Robbie’s sister, Kathy. She uh, caught us masturbating once, looking at some girlie magazines. We immediately covered up, but after that she was always teasing me about ‘when I was going to show it to her.’ I sort of knew she was serious, but there was no way I was taking a chance on getting in trouble. I always told her no way was I showing her anything unless she showed me too. She always said, “no way” and then… one day she called and said her brother had come home early and wanted me to come over. I had thought he was gone for the afternoon, but went over anyway. When I went in their house, she was standing there in a robe and when I asked where Robbie was, she said he wasn’t there. And then she said, “Will you really show it to me if I show you too?” I knew immediately what she was saying and just nodded, and she opened her robe. She didn’t have anything on underneath. She dropped the robe and said “Ok, now you.”

“Wow, and you did?”

“Oh yeah. I got naked too, and then we played show and tell. She said she’d been dreaming of giving me a hand job. I let her touch me, and showed her how to grip and stroke. We laid down on the floor and with her other hand she began to touch herself. When I asked her what she was doing, she said that was how she got off, and when I asked if I could do that to her too, she said yes.”

“Oh my god, that’s hot. Did you fuck her?”

“No, we masturbated together several times. And then she met a guy who became her boyfriend, and we never did anything again.” I should have asked Suzie about her first one, but I didn’t.

“Do you regret it?” She asked a couple of minutes later and at first, I didn’t instantly understand she wasn’t talking about my friend’s sister, Kathy, and my younger self, but rather us, now. And then it dawned on me that she’d changed subjects again.

“Lara?” I asked, clarifying.

“And Larry,” she amplified, “the two of you switching without telling us.”

I didn’t answer immediately, thinking about it before saying, “Yeah, mostly.”


How many times had I kicked myself since that unnecessary risk and betrayal of my wife’s trust? Why exactly had I stepped away from her side to slip my cock into our neighbors’ wife? I was married to the woman that I thought was the hottest, sexiest, most loving woman on earth — and I’d challenged that relationship just to have a different piece of ass on the side. That by doing so our relationship had evolved and gotten better was beside the point — it was the wrong thing to do.

“It was… a betrayal of you. I was wrong.” She didn’t say anything, just lying there beside me, her fingers playing in the glob of semen on my belly. “What about you? You two really turned it around on us. Do you regret it?”

“No.” She rolled more onto her side, so she was looking me in the face.

“You don’t? You’ve forgiven me?” Her head bobbed once in a nod.

“We’ve certainly been a lot more honest with each other since then, haven’t we?”

“How so?” I questioned, not really having thought about it.

“There were things that I was stifling because I thought you wouldn’t want them. But by… sharing… ourselves with Larry and Lara, I think we’ve both realized there are things that I want, and you may not, and vice versa but that doesn’t necessarily need to affect our relationship.”

I realized she was right. “Like playing with your ass?”

“Be honest. You mean fucking my ass. You play with my bottom all the time.”

“Ok, yes, fucking your ass. Yes, that probably never would have happened before.”

“You know it wouldn’t have. And now that we’ve done it, we don’t ever need to do it again as we’ve got a neighbor who is perfectly willing to help out if I need that and you don’t want to do it.” I shifted my eyes to look into hers rather than just viewing her face. “You didn’t like it, did you.” I shook my head no. Although anal sex hadn’t been bad, it didn’t do anything for me. She laid her head back onto my shoulder, it was several minutes before she spoke again.

“Do you know what I liked the most?”

“Larry taking your…” I let it drift off, I didn’t need to finish.


“Really?” I asked, a bit shocked as I was sure Larry fucking her in the ass was going to be her answer.

“Not at all. Really… what I liked the most… was seeing Lara suck your cock and then seeing you eating and fucking her.”

“Huh,” I not so intelligently replied, “why is that?”

“It took me back, remembering watching my sister sucking her boyfriends from the balcony. Watching her fuck that one time. That was really hot, and seeing you doing Lara was really hot too.”

“Not seeing their fuck tape?”

“It would have been hotter if it was you doing her on tape.”

“You’re saying you like seeing your husband fucking our neighbor?”

“Well, not just her,” she giggled, “Our own movie is pretty dang hot too.”

“It is that,” I admitted.

Watching our own sex tape had become a regular feature of our loving. Probably once a week or more, one or the other of us would put it on as we went to bed, resulting in hot duplicate sex. Seldom did we actually finish the video, we soon got distracted and didn’t need the visual stimulation to keep going. At least twice I’d come home to find the video going, Suzie having self-started without me.

“Seeing me doing Lara, that’s what you found the hottest?” She nodded her head on my shoulder, not saying anything. “Why? What was it about that?”

“It took me back. Back when I was at home, watching my sister suck her boyfriend’s dicks and fucking that one time. Watching her take her bra off and ice her nipples before going back downstairs. The nights she did that, I’d masturbate and get myself off two or three or more times.”

“You really are a voyeur, aren’t you?” I whispered, my hand reaching over and searching for a nipple, a coo of pleasure telling me I’d found it.

“I’ve always liked watching.” I didn’t say anything, we both lay there again for several moments. “Do you know what I’d like someday?”

“No, what’s that?” I answered, almost asleep.

“I want to watch you and Lara play. I want to masturbate while you’re eating her or fucking or she’s sucking you… so I don’t have to take care of Larry at the same time.”

“Just the three of us?”

“Yeah, that would be hot.” I closed my eyes. I thought I was contemplating what she’d said, but when I opened my eyes again, the sun was up.


“Oh my,” I said, my hand immediately going to Suzie’s pussy as she climbed into bed naked beside me. I stroked the Christmas tree pubic ornamentation that I found there, my fingers tracing the outline of the tree, culminating in the base which was just above her clit. I’d suspected it was going to happen, it was the second year in a row that she’d done this, or rather — her sister had done this — as she’d quit trimming her pubes, just shaving her labia and keeping them clean, for the last month or more.

We’d arrived at Suzie’s sister’s house for Christmas late the night before. Rikki and Suzie, despite their multiple calls each and every week, acted like they hadn’t seen each other in years. Rikki’s husband Roger and I, having emptied most of a bottle of Chivas Regal whisky between us, gave up the ghost around 2 am, heading to bed and leaving the sisters to be sisters.

I don’t know when she came to bed, but Suzie had been asleep in bed when I got up early the next day on Christmas morning, finding that Roger was also up — and the TV already tuned to the football pre-game shows. The girl’s parents joined us about noon, as did the girls — finally rising after their short night’s sleep, for a family gift exchange and later a Christmas meal.

Now, late on Christmas evening with their parents finally gone home, with her climbing into bed wearing a sexy baby doll without panties, I knew it was to entice me to want sex and to show off her newly trimmed decoration. “Do you like it?” She giggled.

“Of course,” I laughed in response, letting my middle finger slip between her lips to press against her clit. She flinched just a bit to the touch of my finger. “I think its sexy.” Her decoration had the desired effect, and after sliding up to ride my tongue she slipped back down my body to ride my cock.


“You did Rikki again?” I asked half an hour later as she sat rocking gently, cowgirl, my spent but not yet flaccid cock still slightly filling her pussy. My fingers traced the outline of the Christmas tree shaved in her pubes. It wasn’t until much later that I realized my intended meaning of had she ‘shaved’ Rikki’s pussy could have been interpreted as a more explicit sexual meaning — but she didn’t take it that way. As far as I knew, Suzie had never been into or played with girls.

“Yeah, she likes doing that for Roger.”

Rikki and Roger, Lara and Larry, I thought, their matching first letter names popping into my mind, in contrast with our own names, Suzie and Adam. “You know, I think I married the wrong girl,” I teased, reaching up under her still present baby doll and pinching her nipples.

“Why’s that?” She asked, not misunderstand that it was a tease at all.

“Rikki married Roger, Lara married Larry, so I should have married an Alice or an Anicia and you should have married a Steve or a…” I paused, searching for another “S” man’s name, and drawing a blank. “… or a Steve.” Another name popped into my mind. “Stan. Wouldn’t you look good riding the cock of a Stan?”

“Mmm, are you going to get hard again?” She asked, ignoring my tease and rocking a little more. That she wasn’t yet satisfied was apparent.

“I think I am,” I responded, feeling my cock beginning to swell a bit more inside my wife. It wasn’t often that we could stay coupled long enough for arousal to grow again after my cock had begun to shrink.

“Wet your thumb and use it on my clit…” she whispered, her eyes closing; I could tell she was concentrating on our combined genitals. I started to stick my thumb in my mouth, and realized that there was a bottle of lubricant beside me on the nightstand. I couldn’t easily reach it, but pushed with my feet, which both pushed my semi-hard cock against my wife’s pussy and shifted me enough that I could reach the bottle. I popped the top and squeezed a drop onto the base of my cock and her pussy. I clicked the top and seconds later my thumb found the lubrication and pressed it forward between her pussy lips and against her clit. She flinched. “Oh yeah… right there…” she needlessly directed.

Her rocking, along with the added lubricant, seemed to be doing the trick, my cock expanding inside her vagina. She squeezed her muscles around my cock in a Kegel movement that immediately brought a response from me. I felt myself growing with each squeeze, until I was once again hard enough to lift up into my wife. With my thumb on her clit and my once again engorged cock slipping in and out, she soon shuddered in orgasm. When she came, I rolled us over, so I was on top, her legs straightening and then wrapping around mine until I emptied my cock in her one more time.

“A little horny, were we?” I asked. She just giggled in response. “Does she have a new Christmas tree in her bedroom too?” I asked, my now thoroughly spent cock choosing that moment to slip from her vagina. I reached over to the table and retrieved a Kleenex which Suzie took from me and placed against her pussy to trap my semen.

“You know she does.”

“Oh?” I said, rolling off to one side and putting my arm out so Suzie could cuddle against me. “And how would I know that?”

“My exhibitionist sister? I only did this because she wanted to.”

“Oh yeah, as if you didn’t get any good loving from me last year when you came home with it?” The year before I’d had to return right after Christmas for work, but Suzie had stayed on until the weekend, surprising me with her pubic decoration when she arrived home. She didn’t say anything, just snuggled up to my side.

“I love you, Adam.”

“I know you do.”

“When did you do it?” I asked, my fingers playing around the edges of the pubic decoration.

“Last night, or I guess it was early this morning. After you and Roger went to bed.”

“Ah.” I wasn’t going to pry, just let her tell me whatever she wanted. I lay there, almost falling asleep.



“She wanted me to tell her again about our sex tape.”

“That’s what you get for spilling the beans last summer. What did you tell her?”

“Pretty much everything. How we both got such a kick out of making it, how we did it every which way we could think of and then edited it down to something actually watchable.”

“Hmmm. Did you tell about Lara and Larry? That they made their own tape too?”

“I didn’t tell her anything about them or about how we’ve… shared.” My head bobbed in acknowledgement. Rikki really had no reason to need to know about our private sex tape, but she did. She also had no reason to know that Larry and I had fucked each other’s wife — or that Lara and Suzie had liked it, or that when Lara had a birthday and booked a bed and breakfast weekend, that it had been me that had gone away with her. Or that Suzie and Larry had stayed home.

Although it had been a mistake, a horny lust driven doozy of a mistake, mostly our plot to fuck each other’s wife had turned out for the better. Our love life, after 7 years of marriage, had been rejuvenated. Sex was, once again, no longer just on the weekends, but most weekdays also. And, whereas before, we’d often stifled our own wants and desires if we didn’t think that the other spouse would want or approve, that had changed. Suzie had brought her vibrator, which before I’d never even seen her use, into our bed, and it quite often had a place of honor up her ass. And even though our sex was phenomenal, as they say, variety is the spice of life and Larry had definitely spiced up her love life — even as Lara had spiced up mine.

“She wants them to make a movie.”

“She said that?”

“Not outright but I think she does. She just kept asking about it. Wanted to know the details, and kept saying how hot she thought that it was that we’d made one.”


“She told me that she’d told Roger about it.”

“Kind of hard to keep a secret when you start telling other people about it, isn’t it?” I didn’t really care that she’d told her sister, it’s just that once you start telling anyone a secret like that, someone else has that tendency to say something to someone else and just like that, it’s no longer a secret.

I didn’t say anything else. I already knew that I had a hot wife, as hot or hotter than any woman I knew. I knew that what she was really saying was that her brother in law, Roger, now imagined her getting fucked and probably wanted to see her naked. He probably wanted to see her sucking my cock, wanted to see me boning her. Somehow, having already been through this with Lara and Larry, it really didn’t bother me that her brother-in-law was lusting over my wife, it was what it was. And then it dawned on me that her sister might be lusting over us too — or was that she was lusting over me? I mulled this in my mind when she changed the subject again.

“Do you want to go out in their new spa with them tomorrow night?” she whispered. It took me a few seconds to realize what she meant.

“What? They’ve got a new spa?”

“You didn’t notice it? It’s in back, under the patio cover. They got it a couple of weeks ago. Rikki said it’s their Christmas present to each other this year.” I had noticed that they had given each other a couple of minor presents during the gift exchange that afternoon and hadn’t thought anything of it.

“I haven’t been out back. Roger hasn’t said anything about it. When did you see it?”

“Rikki and I went out this morning — early this morning after you guys went to bed.”

“In the snow?” I asked, knowing that we’d had intermittent snow showers most of the day after a moderately heavy snowfall during the night.

“It doesn’t snow under the patio and the water’s really hot.”

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