Broker of the Year by richardbedfordwhite,richardbedfordwhite

Broker of the Year

Like most American families with school age children and two working spouses, we maintain a family electronic calendar. This is accessible from all of our phones, tablets and computers and when properly used keeps us up to date on each others activities. I’m sure we all would agree that it is a great improvement on Post-it notes on the refrigerator. It is also a great settler of arguments rising from the familiar “you never told me” and “if only I had known.’

For weeks I had seen an event posted by my wife Rebecca for October 18 at the downtown Hilton for an awards dinner. Since she hadn’t mentioned anything about it to me personally, I assumed that my presence was not required. Then, at 4:37 PM on the day of the event I received the following text from my wife’s phone.

It is imperative that you check your private email account now! I have sent you an explanation of why I will not be home tonight.

I immediately went to my nonbusiness email account and found the following with a time stamp two minutes earlier.


As you know tonight is an important awards dinner for the major securities brokers in the state. I am being named Broker of the Year and since you do not like attending these events, I will be going with an associate with whom I share a very strong sexual attraction. Jason Stuart and I have been heavily flirting for the last few months and while we have not had intercourse, we have, from time to time, engaged in inappropriate conduct for a married woman. Tonight after the dinner we will be adjourning to a suite in the Hilton and over the following twelve hours we will engage in multiple acts of intercourse and other intimate sexual activities.

Since I am giving you ample notice of my intentions, I do not consider what I am going to do as infidelity or cheating. I am not having an affair and will return to our home and marital bed fully intending to remain your wife. You know I love you and after excising this demon, will be faithful to you and only you.

Your loving wife


What would you do if confronted by a message like this? Go nuclear, roll over and take it, disrupt the event, inform the guy’s wife, get out the Louisville Slugger, ignore it or none of the above? I guess to really answer, you would probably need to know a little about this marriage and the basic facts of my situation.

Contrary to your probable first impression, my wife and I have really not had an all together bad marriage. From a torrid courtship through an 18 year marriage we had frequent and quite satisfying sex. It was in our professional lives and related financial activities that we were significantly different.

Rebecca was a top student in Business School, was actively recruited by top Brokerage houses and had a very successful career as a Broker and Financial Advisor. I am a tax accountant. Early on I wrote my own return preparation software, sold it to major retailer and was able to start my own business out of my home. Annual updates to the software and add on programs kept the product fresh and a substantial income flowing in.

The fact that I worked out of our home meant that I naturally fell into the role of primary parent when it came to our two daughters, Julia and Elizabeth. They were both born very early in our marriage and at the time of Rebecca’s bombshell they were 16 and 17 years of age. I was Mr. Mom for the girls. I was the parent that attended all of the sporting events, teacher conferences and even cooked brownies for the bake sales. I was the one who fixed all the cuts and scrapes, soothed the wounded feelings, figured out the homework, made the special projects work and in essence, made sure that my daughters were happy, healthy and well adjusted. And yes, I even handled the menstruation talk which was probably more embarrassing for me than for the girls. Non of this was a chore. I loved the girls and I loved the participation in their lives.

The other thing that separated us from most couples was how our financial lives were managed. When we we first married Becka was very jealous of what she considered “her money” whereas I was comfortable with merged assets and had no problem with “our money.” Apparently her father had left her mother high and dry and so she had instilled in her children the the need to be careful that it not happen to them. Consequently Becka kept her checking, savings and investments separate from mine. As she worked from the beginning of our marriage she also filed her own tax returns. It would have made more sense to file jointly but she refused.

On my side of the ledger I therefore maintained my own accounts and tax returns. I had inherited the home we lived in from my Grandmother when she died and so that was also in my name.

Becka was quite willing to contribute her fair share to the family operational budget and so we each made an automatic deposit into a joint checking account and that covered the expenses of the kids, food, utilities and other non capital items. The system worked for us and only drawback was that we were not building any equity in joint marital property.

Earlier I mentioned that we had a very satisfying sex life despite the seeming separation in the rest of our marital life. For instance, a usual evening went something like this. Becka would explode into the house with her bigger than life persona just in time to kiss the girls goodnight. She would share some little vignette about her work day and then proclaim how proud she was of her girls and me. Then, it was off with the business suit, into the shower, don her wife beater tee, grab a glass of wine, and eat a few leftovers as I filled her in on our day. She occasionally ran over her day but rarely went into the same detail as I did. What was predictable was that four or five nights a week she would be very horny and would openly tell me when she came in that “tonights the night.” As I’ve said before, she was highly sexed and perhaps because she spent so much time with men, was very vocal when it came to her sexual preferences. Let’s face it, I’m a guy and when a beautiful sexy woman leads you into the bedroom by the dick, you go.

Throughout our marriage Becka kept her body fit and trim with daily workouts in the company gym. Approaching thirty eight with two teenaged children, she had the trim figure of a woman a decade younger. Her breasts had filled in after her pregnancies and if there was a hint of sag, I couldn’t detect it. When in business garb she was forced to wear really heavy duty bras because her nipples were very prominent and always vying for attention. However, while lounging at the kitchen table in a tee shirt sharing an evening wine with me she was always happy to be free of her bra and would absently toy with her nipples while chatting about her day. I think it gave her an autoerotic thrill to stroke her nipples until they called out for attention.

Becka was outspoken when it came to her sexual needs and had no compunctions about just announcing that she was horny and needed to fuck. Sometimes she was so urgent that she would just strip off her shirt and lead me into our bedroom. At times even though recently showered I could smell her lust. The first fuck was always quick and explosive. Whatever foreplay was going on in her head didn’t matter because I would only have to give her three or four strokes and she would be crying out in orgasm. Her second and thirds were more paced and less explosive but just as intense as the first.

By her third she would become a little more attentive to my pleasure and would perhaps grab my butt, curl her legs around my waist and begin whispering filthy demands and exhortations into my ears. She loved it when I came because I was always a high volume cum producer and she loved counting out the spasms as I pumped into her voracious pussy.

Any unfinished business of the day would now be discussed as we slowly straightened out and relaxed. At this point she would become more sensuously erotic, stroking and caressing and slowly bringing our bodies back to attention for round two. This interlude of sex most closely resembled actual love making as opposed to the frantic fucking of our first round. Becka was an erotic machine that need regular injections of semen to power the beautiful beast that she was. For the years of our marriage I eagerly helped her fuel that machine. After all, what guy would turn down a gorgeous woman who just loved to fuck?

Was she a wife that could be instinctively trusted? Clearly not. There wasn’t any one thing that she had done over the years that caused the mistrust but rather her whole persona and the aura of secrecy that surrounded her finances. Did I love her? In the early years when she had her babies, yes of course. However, once she fully committed to the wonderful world of work she became more and more and enjoyable as a fuck partner and less and less the loving life partner. Quite frankly at any time in the last ten years if she had announced she wanted a divorce I would not have been surprised nor heartbroken.

So what was my response to her announcement?

At 4:45 I sent her the following text.


I do not support, approve or in any way endorse your actions.


I followed that post at Midnight with.


I can’t say I’m surprised with your announcement. I have suspected that you were getting something on the side for some years now and so thank you for confirming my suspicions in writing.

Don’t bother to return to your former home in the morning. Judge Arnold Crator has issued a restraining order keeping you away from myself, the girls and my home for the next ten days. During that time you will be served with divorce papers with the proposed property settlement.

Good luck with the new man. Is he getting a divorce also or will his wife be joining the two of you in bed?


PS Your clothes, cosmetics and identifiable electronics will be delivered tomorrow to a storage unit. I will email the address and unit number when it becomes available.

Forty eight hours after my last text she responded with.

Bastard! Bring on your divorce. When I’m done with you I’m going to have custody of the kids, the house and whatever pitiful assets you have managed to scrounge from the household account.

By the way, Jason was fantastic. He has a beautiful fat cock that simply refuses to get soft. You’ll be easily replaced in the bedroom loser.

What my dear cheating wife didn’t appreciate was that I had been preparing for the separation and divorce for about half of our marriage. Therefore when her law firm responded to my petition for divorce my lawyers and I were ready. Over a decade ago all the rights to my software creations were transferred to an off shore group and I was put on a salary that was mostly paid into a retirement program that coincidentally was comparable in size to my wife’s. My salary all went into our joint account and I had no other individually owned investments. The house had always been in my name and I paid the taxes from my salary.

The result of my planning was that there was negligible marital property. All that could really be identified was the small household checking account, several pieces of furniture, one painting and the family dog. All credit cards and bank accounts were in individual names as were our cars, computers and miscellaneous electronics.

The direct result of her paranoia about keeping things separate in our marriage came back to bite her in the ass. The judge ordered her to pay support for the girls until age 18 since they were staying with me. This came about at their request and after Rebecca was unable to name a single teacher, doctor, friend or prom date for either of the girls. The only one she came close on was a dentist to whom she had sold a retirement program. The house of course remained my property and the spousal support would be a nice reminder of my dear ex wife.

It was interesting when Rebecca’s net worth was revealed to be $12,500,000. My legal net was of course much much less but soon I will be making a trip to the Cayman Islands to check on investment opportunities. Perhaps a pot of gold was waiting.

For a brief interlude I missed the hot sex that had been served up by my ex. However, it didn’t take long for the ladies local network to organize the Paul Weston relief association. Divorced and widowed ladies have needs too and I became their happy contributor. I was offered occasional married pussy but I was morally opposed to that avenue.

Eventually I caught on with a widowed lady who had daughters in my girls 11th and 12th grade classes. We took our time getting to know each other both in and out of bed and surprisingly found love again at age forty one. It helped that our daughters were in cheerleading together and friends. By the time Sally and I tied the knot two of our kids were already off to college and the other two were going the following year.

The last I heard about Rebecca was that she was being sued for alienation of affection by her lovers spouse and had been dismissed from her position for violation of the firm’s fraternization policies.

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