Grace Ch. 14 by outdoorhorny,outdoorhorny

I spent a busy weekend grading essays and generally catching up on life. Spending afternoons and evenings with Lindsey was amazing, but it was definitely throwing my routines off at school and at home and I had to adjust. It also fueled some incredible fantasies–with thoughts of Grace mixed in of course!–and kept my mind busy all the time. I knew we didn’t have a future, but it was an amazing time in my life and I felt lucky, grateful, and horny every day.

On Monday, Grace passed me in the hallway and gave me a quick smile over her shoulder. I nodded back–the consummate professional–and slowed down so I could admire her ass as she walked further down the hall. Her friend Katie and one other girl were with her, so I had plenty to look at on either side as well. Three young, tight asses swayed in matching black leggings, not one of them showing a panty line to break the symmetry of their curves. Grace’s was by far the nicest–it had that perfect heart-shaped profile that I adored. Katie’s, though, was small and twitched enticingly with each step. The other girl was a little more muscular and had wide hips that swayed from side to side as she walked, evoking thoughts of an incredible cock-ride as she moved away from me. God, I was SO going to get arrested!

On Tuesday, I received a text from Grace saying she would be ready to meet with me and that she had a surprise. That piqued my interest, of course, but I sent back a neutral smiley face emoji and a thumbs up, along with a more normal “see you at 3:00” part. I also got an email from Lindsey that was another masterpiece of innuendo and line breaks:

Dear Steve, (she wrote)

Looking back over the last few weeks, I am very satisfied

With the work you have done. Grace is very happy, too,

And we both look forward to your visits.

Have a great session today–I’ll be gone all afternoon

And evening

If that helps your planning.



I chuckled as I typed a professional response:

Dear Lindsey,

Thank you for your kindness.

I look forward to seeing you in the future

And will do my best to make sure Grace comes

Out in good shape this semester.



I had no idea what Grace’s surprise was, but I thought it was worth taunting her mother all the same. The rest of the day passed by normally and I had time at the end to have a snack and a quick iced coffee for energy before I headed out to meet Grace.

After I parked, I glanced quickly into the garage to make sure there were no other cars besides Grace’s. Once I confirmed that, I crossed the wide driveway and knocked. Grace opened the door quickly and invited me in. She was clearly excited about something–she was all smiles and giggles as we made our way into the kitchen. She did ask very politely if I wanted anything, but I held up the remains of my iced coffee and thanked her as I sat down.

“So what’s the surprise?” I asked when she joined me at the table.

“Oh, my gosh!” she chirped. “You have to check this out! I worked on it all weekend and during my frees!”

“Worked on what?” I asked as she turned her laptop toward me.

“My paper! I finished!” she exclaimed proudly.

“Wow! That’s excellent!” I replied with a smile. “Let me take a quick look.”

I skimmed the paragraphs she had done since our last session. They were completely mechanical and included some giant quotes that took up a lot of space, but they were actually okay in terms of what she was trying to prove. She even had a basic conclusion.

“Grace–this is very good!” I said, mentally crossing my fingers. “You did a great job finishing the argument and using good evidence.”

She practically glowed in response and turned to face me. I was struck again by what a beautiful young woman she was–her green eyes were sparkling, and the sensual curves of her lips swept into a wonderful smile. Her dark hair framed her face perfectly and her shoulders were back, thrusting her firm, young breasts forward deliciously. She was wearing her usual black leggings and a v-neck sweater that bared her collarbones and plunged deeply into her cleavage.

“I worked really hard on it!” she said seriously.

I did some quick calculations and guessed that Mrs. Day would award her a passing grade even if the second half of the paper was not as strong as the first. It did, realistically, look like work that Grace would do herself, too, which was a good thing in the tutoring world.

“This is a great surprise!” I said sincerely. “Mrs. Day is going to be really happy with you for getting it done by yourself and on time. Do you want to go over it together or just be done with it and move on?”

Grace’s smile changed from pride to a more enigmatic expression and she leaned forward.

“That was only part of the surprise, Mr. Robertson!” she said in a low voice.

“What’s the rest?” I said, my thoughts racing.

“I finished fast for a reason.”

“What’s that, Grace?” I asked, raising my eyebrows and smiling gently.

“Well, I heard something. Actually, a couple of things.”

“About what?”

“About YOU!” she crowed.

“Okaayy…” I began hesitantly. “From who and about what?”

“Well…” she said, suddenly hesitant herself. “My mom and I spent the whole day Sunday together getting mani-pedis and stuff, and we had some wine when we got home.”

“Okaaaaay,” I said, drawing the word out and wondering where she was going.

“And we were kind of talking about all the stuff you did with her and how good it felt.”

“Jesus Christ!” I muttered, feeling myself blush.

Their mother-daughter relationship had some SERIOUS boundary issues!

“So what are you thinking, Grace?” I asked, trying to regain some control in the conversation.

“Well, she told me that you…were playing with her butt.”

“Is that something you want to try, Grace?” I said more evenly while I held her gaze.

She nodded, but couldn’t keep from blushing and looking down at her hands.

“So what are you thinking here?” I asked, putting her on the spot.

“Well…that’s kind of why I finished my essay so early.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, trying not to smile. Motivation at last! I thought to myself.

Grace seemed to settle herself and she lifted her eyes to mine again.

“I know you like my butt, Mr. Robertson. And it felt really good when you…played with me there when we were in my mom’s bed. So I did all my work so that we could have some time today if you wanted to…”.

Suddenly, Lindsey’s email about staying away all evening made sense. What a schemer! What a horny, irrepressible pair of schemers! My cock twitched with eagerness.

“Grace–” I interrupted, “are you asking me if I want to go upstairs with you and lick your pussy and finger your sweet little 18-year-old ass and make you cum?”

She blushed again but held my gaze this time. Then she nodded.

“I DO want that, Mr. Robertson. I want it really bad!”

“And this won’t cause any problems between you and your mom?” I asked cautiously.

“It was her idea, kind of.”

“What a mom!” I laughed, shaking my head.

I reached across the space between us and took both of her hands.

“I tell you what, then. I’m totally game. You KNOW how much I love your ass, Grace, and the whole idea is making me really excited. So let’s slam down a glass of wine right now and go upstairs!”

I gave her hands a squeeze and then stood up, drawing her up with me. My lips came down on hers hungrily and my hands went with equal fervor to her ass, grabbing a double handful and lifting her up toward me. Grace squealed a little but didn’t break the kiss. Instead, she threw her arms around my neck and her legs around my hips, locking our bodies together. Her tongue darted into my mouth teasingly and then she let go with all her limbs, slipping back to stand on her own again.

“I’ll get the wine!” she bubbled, grinning with excitement.

In just a minute, we clinked glasses and both took a gulp while standing at the kitchen island. I needed a drink to settle myself to the task and I wanted her to have a head start on relaxing before I got her upstairs. We stood close together, our thighs touching, as we drank and grinned at each other. She finished quickly and I took a long last gulp to catch up.

“Pour two more, please,” I requested. “We can take them upstairs with us!”

She giggled a bit nervously, but did as I asked. I took the refill in one hand and grabbed her hand with the other, giving her a reassuring squeeze.

“Come on,” I said briskly. “First stop, mom’s bedroom!”

She looked puzzled but came along as I turned toward the stairs. We walked up quickly side by side and went to the doorway. Grace flipped on the light and paused to look at me.

“Why in here?” she asked in a soft voice.

“You said your mom had a vibrator in here, Grace. Where does she keep it?”

“Oh…in a gym bag in that closet!” she told me, gesturing with her glass.

I strode across the room, pulling her along for the adventure. I slid the paneled door aside and looked into the dim space behind. Grace flipped a light switch between the doors and illuminated the whole thing top and bottom. Then she handed me her wine glass.

“There it is,” she said, nodding downward. “I’ll get it.”

“Put the whole thing on her bed, Grace. Please.”

She looked puzzled once more but did as I asked.

I set both glasses down on the bedside table and unzipped Lindsey’s stash. Unsurprisingly, she had a collection of sex toys inside, each in it’s own bag or case. I took a couple out to admire, watching Grace’s reaction. Nerves, excitement, and anticipation flickered across her face with each discovery. I dawdled through the selection, not really wanting anything in particular, but letting her wonder what I was thinking about for her. The truth was that I just wanted to find some lube, but I was enjoying stringing this out and getting her worked up!

“I think this will do,” I said as I nodded judiciously over a slender, curved vibrator. “Let’s take this along and some of this as well,” I finished, grabbing a bottle of AstroGlide Organic.

Grace’s eyes widened and she started to put things back into the bag.

“Leave it, Grace–we can deal with that later!” I said with some authority in my voice. “Grab the wine glasses and a towel from the bathroom, will you?”

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