One Storm Leads to Another by ttt59,ttt59

This one came to me while I was at a concert recently. Mild BTB, no cuckolding or accepting cheating wife as OK here. All fictitious sex is between fictitious consenting adults.

“Though many can forgive injuries, none ever forgave contempt.” Benjamin Franklin

It was a beautiful winter day in Austin, Texas. The high was 67 degrees with a slight breeze out of the west. The evening looked even more spectacular. Full moon, temperature around 50 degrees at 8 PM made for the perfect forecast. To top it off Florida Georgia Line was at the Moody Center for a concert and Henry Canne, (pronounced like Hurricane), had two front row tickets to the show for he and his wife Melanie. It was supposed to be a week early Valentine Day celebration for the 33-year-old couple who had been married for almost five years.

The only problem was it wasn’t warm in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. In fact, it was about 10 degrees. There was a foot of snow on the ground and a forecast of ten more inches before it let up. What does this have to do with Henry, Melanie and a date with Tyler Hubbard, Brian Kelley, and the rest of the FGL crew? Good question!

Henry had been called in last minute to fly to Sioux Falls the prior day to sort out a major computer glitch at the Sanford Health Bio-Medical facility. Their neonatal unit was involved in a nationwide research project when the snag hit. Henry was his company’s top IT guy and rarely called for travel assignments. But Sanford, was their third biggest client so Henry had jumped on the first available Delta flight out of AUS on Thursday.

It took him about six hours to iron everything out. He had a reservation for the 6 AM back to Austin which would get him home a full 10 hours before the concert. The only problem was by 3 AM there was already a foot of snow on the ground, and it was still coming down. His Delta app lit up his cell phone with notices of delays and then finally a cancellation. Henry was wide awake looking for options.

Henry was well compensated for his work, and he was worth every penny, but his boss would be pissed if he chartered a flight home. However, he’d just saved his company several thousand dollars more than what the charter would cost, so he tried for that option. By five AM it was clear nobody was flying anytime soon. The snow was going to continue heavily throughout the day with the temps falling to around zero. Some were calling it the storm of the decade. All Henry could think was, “Shit!”

Around 9 AM he hit speed dial # 2 for Melanie’s office line. Her assistant Kim answered on the second ring and put him through.

“Hey babe, I’m so excited about tonight, what time are you going to be home?”

“Mel, have you seen the weather in Sioux Falls?”

“No Henry, I knew that was where you were headed, but I haven’t paid any attention. What’s going on?”

“Unfortunately, a whole bunch of fucking snow. Twelve inches so far with perhaps ten more today before it lets up. All flights cancelled.”

“Oh baby, I’m so sorry! I was so excited about tonight! I know I’ve been working long hours lately and this was the perfect chance to start off a romantic weekend together. Damn, sometimes I hate your job!”

“I’m upset too Mel, but you know I only travel four or five times a year, and only when absolutely necessary. This was a big crisis with a major client. As you said, we haven’t been together much in the last few months but you’re the one logging the crazy hours, not me. If anything, my job affords us a pretty damn good Texas lifestyle.”

“You’re right Henry, it’s just that we’ve been apart more than we’ve been together lately. I know a good bit of that is on me. I’m working hard to make partner and that means I must put in the time. You’re already at a spot where you can dictate most of your schedule and keep it close to sane. I’m getting there, but it will be another year or so before I begin to control my own hours. I miss you and I miss us.”

“Me too babe, why don’t you grab your pal Sue and go have fun? The tickets are front row and it’s too much of a hassle to try and sell them. I can arrange for a car to pick you up and bring you home. Don’t let my mess spoil enjoying a great show.”

Melanie hesitated and talked about just selling the tickets. She’d just stay home and stream the concert online. She could go into their Ticketmaster account and sell the seats with no problem. She went on and on about how she didn’t want to go if he wasn’t with her. Henry pushed back encouraging her to go and have fun. He reminded her she had a new pair of Tecovas, and the stylish boots looked sexy on her. After a few minutes of back and forth, she relented. They both said, “I love you” and hung up.

Five minutes later Melanie found her burner phone in the back compartment of her large tote bag and hit speed dial one. This was her side of the conversation.

“Hey, how is your day going?”

“Well, maybe I have something to cheer you up. Henry just called and he’s stuck in Sioux Falls. South Dakota.”

“Yeah, he had to rush up there on business and a huge snowstorm struck, can you believe that bad luck for him?”

“Yep, good luck for you! Anyway, I still have these two tickets to Florida Georgia Line tonight, but hubby will be cooling his heels in the great white north. Is Diane still visiting her folks in Memphis? Great! How about we enjoy an evening together? I’ve got a new denim skirt and boots I’ve been wanting to try out.”

“I’ll Uber to your place and we’ll go from there. How does that sound?”

Yes, I’ll order Uber Black to make sure we have tinted windows.”

Giggling… “Yes, let’s plan on a spend the night party after the concert! I’ll see you around seven, can’t wait!”

Melanie worked hard and pushed on through lunch so she could leave her firm by 4:30 PM. She wanted to soak in the tub and relax for an hour before heading to the concert. Before she left the office, she rang her best friend, Susan O’Conner. They’d met her first year at the firm and hit it off immediately. Only one year difference in age and married only two weeks apart the same year, they had a good bit in common.

“Hey Susie-Q, need a favor babe”

“What’s up Mel? Happy to help if I can.”

“If Henry ever asks you how our evening was at the Florida Georgia Line concert tonight, your answer is awesome!”

“What the fuck Mel, are you still fucking around with David ‘the dick’?”

Mel giggled, “Yes, I just can’t wean myself off him. I know his fellow partners call him that because he can be a prick, but let me tell you, there is another good reason for the nickname girl!”

Sue wasn’t amused. “Mel, Henry is an amazing man and you guys are an amazing couple together. This is the point where you begin to think about kids and raising a family together. You’re not in college anymore sister. Why are you spreading your legs for this player? You’re jeopardizing everything for a fuck.”

Mel sighed. Her friend was loyal, but she was also a bit more conservative in her views on fidelity. “I know, I know Sue. Henry is a great guy, and I don’t ever plan on losing him. David is wild and fun. Both of us are happy in our marriages, but we just really have a sexual spark that rocks our worlds!”

“Mel, you really need to think a little more deeply before you open your mouth. If you were happy in your marriage, you wouldn’t be slutting around with your boss on this side. Nor would he be banging one of his employee’s if he was content. What part of your marriage vows didn’t you understand? Forsaking all others is pretty cut and dry.”

Mel was getting tired of her friend’s lecture. “Sue, will you cover for me or not if Henry ever asks?”

“I won’t offer any information, or ever bring it up, but if he asks me, I’ll say I was with you. Where are we sitting?”

“Front row, right in the middle! Thanks, Susie-Q, you’re the best! We’ll do a day at the spa next weekend, my treat!”

“So, like Henry to buy great tickets. Now you use his gift to cheat on him with David,” Sue thought to herself. What came out of her mouth was, “Fine, bye.”

Mel rushed home and began to prep for her date. She had a couple of glasses of her favorite Pinot Grigio, shaved her legs in the bubble bath and then dressed.

She wore an off-white lace bra so she could unbutton a couple of the top buttons on her white blouse. Her skirt came up about six inches above her knees showing off her firm legs. He boots were a dark grey and matched her vest. They had been a Christmas present from Henry. This was the first time she’d worn them, but she was so excited, the irony was lost on her. She looked in the mirror and was pleased with what she saw looking back. She figure she’d turn a few heads this evening, but there was only one in which she was interested.

She had one more glass of wine after ordering the Uber. When he arrived, she mentioned one stop on the way to the concert. The driver was happy to oblige. More money in his pocket was just fine with him. The car pulled up to a gated condo community. Melanie gave him the code to punch in and they drove two blocks up and pulled to the curb. Right on cue, David Miller, Melanie’s boss came bounding out of his condo and hopped in the backseat greeting his date with an enthusiastic and passionate kiss.

“Good Lord you smell and look wonderful Mel. I think we should just skip the concert and head straight back to your place!”

Melanie welcomed his kiss opening her mouth and taking him in with a purr. “Settle down big boy, plenty of time for that later, this is going to be a great show!”

The Uber driver kept quiet, but he noticed the wedding band and diamond on her left hand while kissing and caressing her lover. “Slut and Bastard” he muttered to himself.

For her part, Mel had never intended to cheat on her husband. They met on a blind date that had been set up by her best friend. The chemistry quickly developed between the two of them. She was outgoing, friendly, and networking came easily to her. Henry was a bit more subdued, but he had an inner strength that appealed to her. She never felt overshadowed by him, but his presence always made her feel safe. He was kind, but firm, both warm natured and wise beyond his years.

He’d gone through college on an ROTC scholarship and spent five years in the Marine Corps after graduation. That experience, coupled with his personality made him a guy upon whom others could always depend. This character trait was as sexy to Mel as his 6’2′ 190 lbs. rugged good looks.

Henry was skeptical of Mel’s affections from the start. He never saw himself as a great catch or anything all that special. The Corps had taught him that his duty was to those around him. “You lead from the front and are the last guy to retreat,” had been drilled into him at OCS. This code made an impression that stayed with him after he returned to civilian life. Therefore, being pursued by a beautiful woman, was slightly disconcerting to him. The only time he felt out of control was when Mel would suddenly grab him and kiss him passionately or look at him across a crowded room with the look that could only be defined as, “I need you to figure out a way to fuck me right now!”

As they grew together Henry’s fears subsided and Mel’s confidence in “them” grew. They wed after an 18-month courtship that included a four-month engagement. Due to his MOS in communications, along with natural aptitude, Henry landed an excellent job with his current firm in Austin. By his third year with the company, he oversaw his own department. In year five he was VP of all IT development and client support.

Mel had graduated from law school nine months after they wed and had landed a solid entry level position for a mid-size firm in Austin that specialized in oil and mineral rights. She was smart as a whip and was gaining the attention of the firm’s three partners, Conner, Simms, and Miller. And that is when the trouble began.

David Miller was a 43-year-old married man with two teenage kids. His wife Diane was a principal at one of the local high schools. Mel liked her and always thought they seemed to be a good fit as a married couple. There was much about her boss that was a bit of an enigma to her. However, what was clear, was that David Miller was a tough bastard for whom to work. He logged at least fifty-five hours a week as a senior partner while his two peers barely worked forty. He expected his team to be somewhere in the seventy-hours per week range. Mel was in her third year with the firm and finally down to a manageable sixty-five-hour week.

“The dick” seemed pleased with her work and had given her better assignments. They began spending more time together. More time together during the day and after hours. More time with the team and more time just the two of them. Before too long, the time alone was far outweighing time with the team. They began to speak on more intimate terms and even shared the occasional touch. They were playing with fire. Both knew it.

It was six months ago when the sparks leapt into full flame. They had won a huge decision that would net the practice around two million dollars. David’s cut would be roughly $400,000.00 and Mel stood to receive a bonus of $45,000.00. The team of six had gathered in David’s office for a late afternoon celebration. The dick was in such good spirits he even opened a bottle of his Four Roses: Single Barrel bourbon for the occasion.

After an hour the party was breaking up. David asked Mel to hang back for just a moment. That drew a couple of smirks from the more observant in the crowd. David saw the last person out then quietly locked the door. He turned around as Mel leaned against his desk already unbuttoning her blouse. David strode across the floor like a man possessed. He wrapped his arms around her and smothered her in a passionate kiss.

David was not as big or strong as Henry, but he was more forceful. He was the kind of guy who figured out what he wanted and then went about getting it. He had wanted Mel since the first time he’d worked closely with her about two years ago. His lust had been building for a long time and now it was being released.

His hands wandered down to her ass which he gripped firmly making her moan into his mouth. Her arms were wrapped around his neck as she returned his heated embrace. With one hand still holding her ass, his second hand began fondling her breasts. She pushed herself into his groping hand offering herself completely to him.

Within a moment or two her blouse and skirt were gone. She was wearing only a jet-black bra and matching panties that had a deep red trim. Mel was now trying to get his belt buckle undone and his pants off. She could feel his rock-hard erection through his trousers. She was quickly aware he was well-endowed, about as big as her husband. Thick, hard and long, she felt herself getting wetter by the second.

David, broke their embrace, spun her around and bent her over his desk. With one or two firmly placed smacks on her ass, he let her know who was in charge. This inflamed her as he removed her bra and ripped her panties down over her ankles. Stepping out of them she allowed him to push her legs apart with one of his knees. Dropping down so his face was even with her pussy he growled and smacked her ass several more times.

“You fucking little tease,” He hissed. “You think you can’t torture me with those sexy outfits and flirting looks and not have to pay up?” Smack! She was going to answer when suddenly his tongue was buried in her slit.

“OOOOOHHHHH SSSHHHIIITTT!” Was all she could moan. He pulled her ass cheeks apart and fingered her hole while bringing her to her first intense orgasm with his tongue. Her legs almost buckled. Mel was pushing back on his mouth as he added two fingers to the mix. His tongue was caressing the inside of her folds while his fingers inside her were upturned moving in a “come here” motion that was hitting her G-spot. This sent her over the edge for the second time. Her orgasm was so intense tears were forming in her eyes.

She began to push herself up off the desk. She wanted desperately to give David pleasure as well. She loved sucking Henry’s dick and was dying to engulf David’s.

Smack, smack, smack! With his right hand he spanked her ass while his left kept her pinned to the desk.

“Where do you think you’re going you little slut? I’m not done with you yet, not by a long shot.” She whimpered as he maneuvered between her spread legs and began stroking the outside of her pussy with his engorged cock. She pushed back wanting him desperately to enter her and pound her from behind. But he was more interested in tormenting her. Making her beg for it.

“Please” she moaned as he continued to slide his dick up and down just outside her opening.

Smack! “Please what Mel, you little slut? Tell me what you want!” Smack!

“Oh fuck,” she cried, “Please David, fuck me! Give me your cock, I’m on fire. I need you to fuck me right now!”

“I’m going to fuck you sweet thing, don’t you worry,” David growled as he began to slowly enter her. “You just need to convince me you really want it.”

“Yes David” Mel hissed, “Yes, I want your cock, please fuck me! Fuck my married pussy, take it now and make it yours!”

He pushed more deeply and bottomed out all seven inches deep in her cunt. “Is this Henry’s pussy or is it mine Mel?” Smack!

“Fuck David, it is your pussy, please fuck me baby! Give me all your cock!

David drove in and out of Mel for the next several minutes. Holding her firmly by the hips he took her from behind as she lay bent forward splayed over his desk. She climaxed at least three more times before he came deep inside her, collapsing on top of her, both spent.

“You’re amazing Mel” David finally said as he moved off her allowing her to turn, taking her into his arms. “I love the hot and dirty talk, but I think you’re just incredible and am hoping this isn’t one and done.”

“No David, I don’t think this is just a one-time thing. I feel a connection to you that I don’t want to resist. We’re both married and we want to stay that way, but I hope you and I can have times like this afternoon every so often.”

“I’m glad to hear you say all that Mel. Yes, we both want to stay married, but I also want more times like this one.”

“Let me show you how much I want that,” Mel responded dropping to her knees and taking his cock into her mouth, warming him up for round two.

That was six months ago and now Mel and David were entering the concert arena hand in hand. They had done a good job hiding their cheating but also were diligent about getting together at least twice a month. Tonight, if they were worried about being seen, they didn’t show it. They were not overly affectionate, but even the casual observer could tell this was a date between two people attracted to one another.

Back in Sioux Falls, a frustrated Henry decided to live stream the concert. “If I can’t be with her, maybe I can see her when they pan the crowd,” He thought to himself. After the warmup band, FGL hit the stage with a bang playing four fast and loud songs. There wasn’t too much camera work being done looking at the audience until the fifth song, which was finally a slow one. The love song Cruise was being sung as the camera’s began to take in couples in the audience.

Henry almost took a quick bathroom break as the song began, but he remembered it was Mel’s favorite, so he stuck around. It was thirty seconds later that his world collapsed, and his marriage ended. The camera settled on a couple in the front row, right where Henry had purchased tickets. A man and woman were embracing, dancing slowly and kissing deeply, clearly oblivious to the fact they were on the big screen.

There was no mistaking Mel in her new boots Henry had gotten her last Christmas and although he didn’t know him well, there was no question David Miller was the man holding and passionately kissing his wife. Henry sank to the floor completely lost for words. The anguish of betrayal hit him like a sucker punch to the gut. He was overwhelmed, dizzy and trying hard to breathe.

The camera moved to three other couples but then swung back around to Mel and David. This time, Mel broke the kiss, looked up and saw them on the screen. The look of sheer panic on her face was impossible to hide. She buried her face in David’s chest pulling his head down so he wouldn’t look up.

For fifteen minutes Henry sat on the floor tears flowing from his eyes. He alternated between muttering questions like, “Why Mel?” to sheer anger, “Fuck you Mel and for sure I’m going to fuck you, David Miller!”

As he began to regain his composure, he realized he had to move and move quickly. In the Corps he had learned if you sit still and do nothing, you die. If you move and take the fight to the enemy, you have a chance. He began to move.

Henry called his good friend and attorney Michael Lipscomb. Michael was a bit surprised by a call at 9:30 on a Friday night but was even more surprised to hear the topic. He told Henry how sorry he was and pushed him a couple times asking if Henry was certain, it was Mel. Once convinced he told Henry to hang up but take the call that would be coming his way within the next five minutes.

Three minutes later the phone rang. He didn’t recognize the number, but it was a 512 Austin area code.

“Hello, this is Henry Canne”

“Hello Mr. Cane, this is Erica Hamilton, attorney at law and a good friend of Michael’s.

“Hello Mrs. Hamilton, thank you for calling me”.

“Call me Erica and I’ll call you Henry,” Erica responded. Henry was about to say something, but she kept going.

“I’m sorry to be short with you Henry, but time is of the essence. Your wife is at a concert with another man, and you witnessed them on live stream being intimate, is that correct?”


“OK, where were they sitting and what were they wearing as best you can tell?”

Henry answered as quickly and succinctly as possible.

“When we hang up send me the most recent and best picture you have of your wife. I have a PI on the way to the concert as we speak. He will be there in ten minutes and he’s going to stay on them all night and the rest weekend if necessary. We need to gather as much evidence as we can as quickly as we can.”

“OK, thank you.”

“Henry, can you figure out an excuse to stay in Sioux Falls for a couple more days? I’d like our evidence to be airtight and just one night at a concert isn’t going to cut it. If you can stay snowed in or doing some more work for your client, we have a better chance of catching them with their pants down. Please pardon my candor.”

“Yes, I can arrange that.” Henry replied.

“OK, Henry, send me the picture ASAP and sit tight. I’ll call you back no later than noon tomorrow with an update. Call your wife in the morning at a reasonable time and let her know you’re delayed at least until Monday night. I assume your employer will be OK with this.”

“Yes, I’m a senior VP so my schedule is flexible. There is some more work I could do here with a client on Monday.”

“Great, I’m sorry, I must run. We will speak tomorrow.”

Henry was grateful for the conversation and quick action. His head was still spinning, and he had no idea what the eventual outcome would be, but clearly this woman was good. He didn’t sleep much that night and on a side note, he never listened to FGL again.

By 5:30 AM Henry quit trying to sleep. He got up and looked outside. The snow was lighter but still falling. He flipped on the local station. A total of 22 inches had fallen in the last 36 hours. Quite a record for Sioux Falls. Clearly, nothing much would be moving until later in the day or even the next.

Henry began making notes.

• Cheating was a nonstarter for him. Whether this was the first time or the hundredth didn’t matter. Trust broken between close nit relationships was something he wouldn’t tolerate.

• As if cheating wasn’t bad enough, the contempt they both showed him was beyond the pale. They were slow dancing and making out in a very public setting in his town. Even if only one or two acquaintances saw them, the word would be spreading. “Did you hear Melanie Canne is cuckolding her husband with her boss?” No way he would put up with that bull shit.

• He reviewed his actions as her husband for the last five years. He’d always been faithful, not that women were pounding on his door. He rarely looked at another woman. He was head over heels in love with Mel and that meant he was completely faithful to her. They fought from time to time, but he was a good husband to her. Caring, friendly, protective but always respecting her as his equal partner. Nope, he didn’t deserve to be treated with such derision.

• He made a spread sheet of assets and liabilities

• He made a very short list of people he’d need to call including his boss, dad and two buddies from the Corps.

• He made a list of next steps pending his conversation with Erica.

It was only 7 AM so he tossed on his sweats and went to the hotel’s fitness room and worked out hard until nine.

After showering and getting some breakfast he picked up his phone. There were two texts from Mel wondering how he was and telling him how much she missed him. She mentioned the concert was OK, Sue had joined her. More disrespect.

He decided to check something out. He probably should have waited to run it by his lawyer, but he was, after all, a Marine. Inactivity in the face of crisis didn’t seem to be a good option. The phone rang twice before it was answered.

“Hey Henry,” Sue said, “I heard you’re stuck in Sioux Falls. I saw the weather map, it looks terrible!”

“Hey Sue, yeah, it’s a white out around here. Texas hasn’t had this much snow in one hundred years much less a day or so. I’ll be glad to get back home.”

“What can I do for you Henry?” Sue’s voice sounded nervous.

“Listen Sue, I was just wondering. How did you like the concert last night? I thought the opening song ‘This is how we Roll’ was sweet! I watched it live stream from my hotel room.”

“Yeah Henry, it was a great show, I know Mel had fun, but really missed being with you.”

“Thanks for saying so Sue. Can I ask you one more quick question before I let you go?”


“I know you’re a huge FGL fan, so I’m wondering how the hell you could confuse ‘This is how we Roll’ with ‘Up Down’ which was the song they opened with last night. How is that possible Sue?”

It was quiet on the other end of the line, so Henry continued.

“Sue, I know you are Mel’s friend, but I also considered you a friend along with Jim. (Her husband) But now it appears you’ve chosen sides and are willing to throw away our friendship so she can fuck her boss. I’m not sure what I did to you and Jim to deserve such disrespect, but your betrayal cuts very deep with me.”

Sue had a huge lump in her throat and tears began to form in her eyes. It was dawning on her she’d chosen poorly in covering for Mel. No friend would ever ask someone they cared about to help them be dishonest and hurtful towards others.

“I’m so sorry Henry,” she responded in just above a whisper.

“How long has it been going on Sue? How long as David Miller been fucking my wife?”

“About six months Henry.”

Henry had prepared himself for something like this but hearing it for the first time brought him up short. He had to struggle to keep his composure.

“Sue, does Jim know you’re lying for Mel and helping her betray her wedding vows to cheat on me?”

Sue gasped, “Oh no Henry, Jim knows nothing about any of this. He would be mortified and completely ashamed to learn of my role.”

“OK Sue. For the time being, I won’t tell Jim about the part you’ve played. Everything will come out soon enough and I’m sure he’ll have questions you will need to answer. Jim is a good man, so my advice to you is come clean when the time presents itself. In the meantime, if I hear that you’ve breathed a word of this conversation to Mel, I’ll call Jim myself and make damn sure he understands in no uncertain terms the roll you played in helping Mel hold me in contempt and destroy our marriage.”

Sue was now crying. “No Henry, I won’t say anything to Mel. I won’t even answer any texts or phone calls through the weekend. I’ll find a way to avoid speaking with her. I’m so, so sorry and ashamed Henry.”

Henry clicked off without saying goodbye. On the other end of the conversation Sue began to realize the depth of her stupidity in the name of friendship. She knew she would have to talk to Jim sooner instead of later. Sooner would probably be best.

Henry next called Mel. She sounded sleepy but played the loving wife to perfection. She pouted quite a bit when she learned he wouldn’t be home until Monday night at the earliest. She and Sue had fun, but it wasn’t the same without him. She had little planned for the day, run some errands, do some picking up around the house. Nothing special. She’d save special for when her hubby got home, she promised. She ended the conversation with a dutiful, “I love you.” Henry replied, with “Goodbye.” She thought that odd, but then David was fondling her breasts and pinching her nipples in a way that was driving her crazy, so she didn’t give it another thought.

At 11:58 AM Henry’s phone rang. It was Erica. She gave a very brief update and then told him she’d call back around seven that evening with a thorough report.

She called at 7 PM on the dot. The long and short of it was as follows.

1. The PI was very, very good. He’d gotten into the concert and took more pictures. Mel had been spooked by the cameras for a while, but by the time the concert was ending they were again hugging and kissing.

2. They went back to Henry and Mel’s house. The PI had anticipated this and had an associate plant recording equipment in several rooms. They spent the night being very vocally sexual in the master bedroom.

3. Later in the kitchen they’d had a very casual but revealing conversation about their relationship going back to when it started. They freely mentioned several sexual escapades in the confines of the law office. They also discussed how to continue keeping it a secret.

4. They went out to lunch and then back to the Canne’s bedroom for the afternoon and evening… more sex.

5. The PI would continue to surveil and record, but Erica assumed it would be more of the same

Next, she wanted to know what was on Henry’s mind. He’d been thinking and jotting notes all day. He laid out his musings to his attorney.

“She’s scorned me publicly and privately for six months. The marriage is over,” he began.

“She needs to feel the humiliation she’s heaped on me with her friends and family. The truth of her actions need to come out. No reason to amplify or exaggerate. The facts speak for themselves, but no irreconcilable differences bullshit.”

“I want her served at work ASAP. I want his wife to know when I’m serving Mel and maybe she can coordinate and serve the dick at the same time.”

“Same outing goes for David the dick. I want his wife to have everything we have on him. I hope and pray she takes him to the cleaners in the divorce. I also hope his partners have more moral fiber than him and force him out of the practice. Maybe if we threatened to sue the firm since they had sex in the office on numerous occasions, we can motivate them in that direction.”

“I don’t want to stay in the house. I need to sell it. Too many memories. In all honesty, I don’t know if I’ll even stay in Texas. However, I don’t want her in it either. Hope we can just do a 50/50 split through a sale. I also want to protect all my assets like a fiend. I don’t mind using my money to pay off cars or other small debts, but I sure as hell don’t want her getting any alimony from me. She just got a big bonus and was already pulling down low six figures.”

Erica asked a few clarifying questions. She told Henry it was highly likely with his ability to earn good money she’d get some alimony. However, if the law firm had a morality clause, they could clearly show her infidelity brought down the marriage. That could help.

Henry would stay in Sioux Falls, or back in Austin, under wraps until Tuesday midday. Mel would be served mid-afternoon. Erica would try to track down Mrs. Miller before then and see if she wanted to join the fun.

Henry noticed Mel never called him again on Saturday or through early evening on Sunday. She and the dick must have been having a wonderful time. He knew he’d have to ring her, or she might get suspicious. He called around nine.

“Hey, you, I was just thinking about you and realized we hadn’t spoken since yesterday. I hope your still heading home tomorrow. I can’t wait to get my hands on you, I’ve missed you so much!”

“Sorry Mel, but it will be Tuesday. I have a fight through O’Hare that will get me home around 3 PM so we can plan on dinner together.”

“OK,” she replied sounding disappointed. “But the next time I run into James (the CEO and Henry’s boss) I’m telling him no more winter trips! He ruined a perfectly good weekend we should have enjoyed together.”

“You tell him whenever you want when see him again,” Henry said almost chuckling at that thought. Inside he was thinking, “What a fucking cold-hearted evil bitch you have become Mel.”

They talked for another moment or two and before they hung up Mel said, “Henry, I love you so much. You know that right? You know how much I love you.”

“Yes Mel,” Henry replied, holding back some new tears, “I know exactly how much you love me,” and with that he hung up. He simply couldn’t allow himself to let her humiliate him even if he gave her a clue, he knew what was going on with her. “She will never humiliate me again,” he thought as he hit the speed dial for his boss James, to keep him in the loop.

Henry was sitting at the kitchen table on Tuesday afternoon by three sharp. He wasn’t sure when Mel would be home. He knew from Erica; everything was moving forward. She would be served sometime between two and four. Apparently, Mrs. Miller had already forgiven the dick for two earlier affairs with women such as Mel. She was in no mood for a third and gladly hired Erica to represent her as well.

Both Henry Canne and Diane Miller were named as complainants in the civil suit against Conner, Simms & Miller. Erica reminded both she didn’t think it would go anywhere, but word on the street was although Conner and Simms weren’t necessarily choir boys, they weren’t the type to put up with a lack of morals that harmed their practice. Perhaps the dick might be shown the door.

At 3:15 PM Erica called to let Henry know the deed had been done. While they spoke briefly on next steps Henry’s phone was blowing up with texts and calls from Mel. In order, the texts read…


“How dare you humiliate me at my workplace?”

“Answer me you prick!”

“You better be fucking home when I get there.”

“I’ll never forgive you for this!”

Henry had only seen combat on two brief occasions. His work in communications was a combat support role. But every Marine is trained to be a rifleman and twice in Iraq, he’d ended up caught in a firefight. Neither had lasted long, and his captain, who never praised anyone, pulled the young 1st lieutenant aside and told him he’d done just fine for a rookie. Henry’s experience in the battle was keeping him calm and resolved about the fight about to erupt in his kitchen.

“Henry, Henry, where the fuck are you?” Mel screamed coming through the side door off the driveway.

Henry sat silently at the table. Mel came around the corner with a file in her hands and threw it violently down on the table.

“You motherfucker! You served me divorce papers at work? How could you do that? How could you be so cruel? Do you realize how humiliating that was?” Her tone then softened just a bit. “Why Henry” Why would you file for divorce? We love each other, we have a great marriage and a glorious future in store. What are you thinking, talk to me!”

Henry remained calm. He realized this was the first time he’d laid eyes on Mel since the terrible revelation he’s had on Friday night last. Her eyes looked hollow and puffy. She was jumpy and nervous. He noticed she’d opened the divorce petition, but it didn’t appear she’d gone through the file.

“Sit down Mel and we’ll discuss this.”

“Don’t tell me to sit down you bastard! Who do you think you are? Are you fucking some bimbo on the side? I swear I’ll cut your nuts off if you are!” She was hovering over him.

“Enough is enough,” Henry thought to himself. He stood and towered over her. Looking down with a calm but grim expression he said once again in a voice that commanded attention. “Sit down Mel… now!”

She sat.

“Mel, have you even looked at the file attached to the divorce petition?” She shook her head side to side but didn’t reach for the file. “Well let’s have a look at what led to my world crashing down around me last Friday night.

First, here is a picture of you and David the dick at the concert. Nope, not Sue as you lied to me, but your boss. That’s a lover’s embrace and passionate kiss the two of you are enjoying.”

Mel pushed back from the table as if the picture was a rattle snake getting ready to strike. “David it’s not…”

“SSSHHH, quiet Mel, this is my time to talk. You’ll get your chance. This next item is a thumb drive. I’m not going to put it in and play it, you can do that on your laptop later. But it is a recording of you and the dick having sex in our bed last Friday night, Saturday morning, Saturday evening and Sunday morning. Included is also conversations had right here at this table in our house between you and the dick discussing past sexual romps and how to keep me and Mrs. Diane Miller in the dark going forward.”

“By the way, I know your office isn’t right next to the dick’s so you may not have noticed Mrs. Miller served him divorce papers as well today. Not sure how he’s going to explain getting caught fucking an employee for the third time to his teenage kids, but that’s not my problem. You knew you were number three, right?”

Melanie flinched at this revelation. Obviously, she thought she was special, the only one outside his marriage he’d ever been with. Seems the dick was also a great liar, but then again, he was a lawyer, what did she expect?

“Right, anyway, there are more pages outlining your betrayals as best as Sue could recall. Apparently, she realized covering your ass was about to cost her her marriage to Jim, so she turned state’s evidence to use legalese. Another way to say it is, she threw you under the bus and told all. All the nights she lied and said you were with her. Even the girls weekend away last November was a ruse for you and the dick sneaking off to South Padre. By the way, I wouldn’t call Sue anytime soon. Jim was very clear the marriage was over if she spoke to you outside his presence.”

“Finally, you have a copy of the civil suit Diane Miller and I are filing against your law firm. Fucking the dick in our marriage bed doesn’t violate any company guidelines. However, his desk, he couch, his private bathroom are all parts of the law office so that is where we may have a case. Our attorney believes we have a fighting chance on that one.”

“So, my dear slut wife, that is why I’m divorcing you. You’ve crushed my heart in a way I don’t think I’ll ever be able to put into words. I was so upset last week when I had to fly to Sioux Falls because I was excited to spend time with the only women I’ve ever loved. The only woman I ever wanted to love. My wife, the person I hoped would be the mother of our children. Then, as I sat and watched the concert on live stream, hoping to get a glimpse of my girl singing and dancing, making the best of us being apart with her faithful sidekick Sue. I almost died when I saw her in the arms of another man, lusting after him, welcoming his kisses and caresses. My soul was destroyed in an instant.”

“I think I’m a big enough man to take being wronged Mel, even seriously wronged. People aren’t perfect. I’m not perfect. Forgiveness always needs to be part of a marriage. But you didn’t wrong me, you held me in contempt. You deliberately humiliated me for everyone to see. That, I cannot, I will not abide. I won’t be married to you Mel, not for one moment longer than is necessary for the divorce to go through. I won’t make it easy on you. I’m going to keep as much of my money as possible. Your family and friends will know what you’ve done. I won’t hide the truth from them for someone who spit in my face with her actions. You’re on your own now, I guess it is what you may have wanted all along.”

“That’s it, I’m done, speak your peace if you so choose.”

Mel was trying not to cry but she wasn’t having too much luck. She was a strong and proud woman, but this man, whom she claimed to love, whom she’d betrayed so deeply had just undone her simply by speaking the truth. He put his finger on the depth of her terrible actions and the outcomes. She wanted to hate him, to blame him. She was desperate to escape being so obviously wrong, but there was no escaping the truth of who she was.

“Have you told my parents?”

“No, I’ll leave that to you. I’ve spoken to mine, my boss and a couple of buddies with whom I served. Outside of my lawyer and our company attorney Michael I’ve spoken to no one. But let me be clear, if you try to shade the truth or whitewash your actions, I’ll give them everything, including what’s on the thumb drive.”

“I can’t possibly tell my parents everything. It would kill them to hear all of this! You can’t hate me that much Henry!”

“Mel, you didn’t care one whit about my feelings or how your choices killed my heart. You’ve acted hatefully to me for at least six months and that’s assuming there haven’t been any other lovers prior to the dick. Don’t pretend to be a victim here. I’ll give you one week to share with them and then I’m calling. They better have a firm grasp on what’s happened, or they get a copy of everything.”

“Henry, I swear there haven’t been any others. David was the first and only.”

“Sure Mel, and you and Sue were at the concert together last Friday. You and the dick didn’t fuck in our marriage bed all weekend while you told me how much you loved me. I assume every time you open your mouth you’re lying. I doubt you even know how to tell the truth at this point.”

“Henry, I didn’t mean for it to happen. I didn’t go looking for it. I got caught up in the moment when we won the Dutton case. Once we started, I meant to stop it, but I just didn’t, I don’t know why.”

“Really Mel, you don’t know why?” Henry shuffled through the file until he found the page he wanted. “I’m sorry, I should have realized from your conversations how much you wanted to be faithful to me. Like this quote from two months ago while you were both lying in our marriage bed after fucking.

“David, I just can’t get enough of you! We must be so careful. If Diane or Henry ever find out, we’ll have to call it quits and I don’t want to ever stop making love with you!”

“Yep Mel, sounds like you’re so conflicted about your behavior. Not fucking but lying in the arms of another man in our bed calling your actions ‘making love’ admitting you never want to stop. You’re completely delusional Mel.”

Henry’s words were beginning to sink in. Mel slumped in her chair for a moment or two without saying anything. Finally, she spoke.

“I have no excuse, Henry. I am a grown woman, and I made my choices. I thought I could hide it from you. I thought I could play this game and if you didn’t find out it would be harmless. I knew David was a fling. I knew we’d never love each other even though I used those words. I never had feelings for him like I have for you. But I callously betrayed you and your love for me.”

Mel paused for a moment to blow her nose and dab her eyes. She looked across the table at Henry and noticed two things immediately. His wedding ring was sitting on the table and the look in his eyes told her he was lost to her beyond any hope of redemption. He held her in the same contempt with which she treated him. Her safe little world of a loving husband was gone.

“Henry, I don’t know what to do or where to go. I can’t leave the house before the divorce, that would be admitting it’s over and financial suicide. I’m guessing you won’t leave either. Can we agree to stay here for now? I need time to think and determine next steps. I can’t promise I won’t fight the divorce. Right now, all I want to do is be with you forever. I can’t imagine life without you. I’ll stay in one of the spare rooms and avoid contact beyond only what is necessary between roommates. I’ll respect your space.”

“Mel, I can’t tell you what to do, what to think or where to go. Erica my attorney told me not to leave the house before the divorce is official and she told me you’d feel the same. You stay in the master bedroom tonight. I refuse to sleep on the mattress you and the dick fucked on. Tomorrow, I’m giving it away to the Salvation Army and a new one is being delivered. That will be my bed, one you’ll never sleep in.”

“Thank you for understanding Henry. I’d fight to stay if I had to, it is my only choice legally, but I appreciate you meeting me halfway on this. I’ll start moving my things tomorrow while you’re at work.”

Mel got up and moved to hug Henry. He moved away from her quickly. “Fuck you, Mel! Don’t ever try to touch me again. It is all I can do to be in the same room with you and remain calm. You destroyed my heart, you destroyed us, you don’t get my comfort now or ever for doing such a loathsome thing. You made your choices alone; you live them alone. I’ll never be able to completely move past your slutting around on me Mel, but I’m going to work as hard as I can to put you as far out of my life as possible and that journey has already begun.”

Mel collapsed back into her chair, put her head on the table and sobbed.


Mel fought the divorce tooth and nail. Silently, she hoped Henry would relent and stay. She also had to fight if she wanted to keep any shred of self-respect. So many friends broke off their relationships with her when they heard what she’d done to Henry. Mel asked the court to order counseling, showing she was already in therapy, proving she had nothing whatsoever to do with David Miller, etc. However, representing yourself is never a good idea, but Mel was worried about attorney fees, so she gave it a go. She stalled things for a while, but never derailed the process.

Even Mel’s parents begged her to let Henry go. They were aghast at her actions and sided with Henry even while trying to maintain a marginal relationship with their daughter. It took seven months, but the divorce was granted. The house and savings were split 50/50 but David didn’t have to pay alimony. Miracles do happen!

Melanie left Conner, Simms & Miller and moved to work for a small firm in San Antonio. The day she departed she was walking out the front door and turned to say goodbye to Henry. He closed the door in her face before she could speak. Now she rarely dates but usually goes home with a random guy on Friday nights just to fuck. Perhaps the human contact soothes her soul. Perhaps it reminds her she was a slut who threw away a good man and marriage.

It turned out Conner and Simms did have souls even if they were lawyers. They forced Miller out and he ended up moving to Houston within a few months, taking a position in a small law firm run by his cousin. Diane fleeced him in the divorce and his kids don’t speak to him. The lawsuit Henry and Diane brought was settled out of court for $250,000.00 for each of the plaintiffs. Erica was very pleased with the outcomes.

David Miller took to spending his evenings at a seedy bar in the wrong part of town named Oilers. One night as he was leaving, a man approached him in the parking lot. He looked up into the eyes of Henry Canne. There were no security cameras in this neighborhood. Henry said, “Hello dick,” and then dropped him with devastating fist to his face. His nose and jaw were broken. Henry leaned over him as he spat blood and a couple of teeth out of his mouth.

“I wanted you to know who did this to you David. I wanted you to look me in the eyes and see it coming. Now, if you report this there are twelve retired marines sitting at a bar in downtown Austin right now, most are decorated combat vests who will swear I was with them all evening. If by some chance I’m arrested and charged with assaulting you, one or two of them will come back and finish what I started you piece of shit!”

No charges have ever filed.

About a year after the divorce Henry was walking out of a coffee shop in downtown Austin when he looked up and saw a beautiful woman about his age walking in. He held the door open for her as she entered. “Thank you, kind sir,” she said, “nice to see some cowboys still have manners.”

“You’re welcome mam,” Henry replied and headed to his car. He was about to get in when he thought to himself, “what the hell,” and turned, going back inside.

She was sitting with her face to the door and looked up immediately when he returned. He walked straight to her table, held out his hand and said, “I’m sorry but I just wanted to introduce myself, I’m Henry.”

She took his hand in greeting. “Nice to meet you Henry, I’m Lori. Why don’t you pull up a chair?” (Yep, that Lori)

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