Seed Ch. 02 by NaturalHammer,NaturalHammer

I don’t think this stands on it’s own very well, thus make sure you’ve read Chapter 1 first :).

Yup there’s a lot in the real world that you wouldn’t and shouldn’t do, lucky for you this is a fantasy, fiction and some people find it erotic. Enjoy

SEED Ch. 02

Saturday morning I woke up before Emily. Leaving her sleep, deciding it was time for a think. Before I left the bedroom I looked down at my sleeping beauty. As usual she was sleeping in a thin cotton nighty and one boob had worked its way free. The cotton sheet that we sleep under was thrown to one side so I had a great view. She had an amazing body, so curvy and sensual. Looking at the shape of her thighs, the swell of her hips, that was accentuated by her small stomach, and then to her huge boobs. God darn she was sexy as fuck.

I then realised that my cock was still soft but my balls were aching. Here I was turned on but not turned on. This had never happened to me before. It felt strange, I felt a little broken. Even my horniness was different. I knew was I sexually excited but it was subdued, like I was slightly interested but not horny. I instantly realised that this had to be the effect of the tea. They wanted me neutered, and not interfering with their plans. Why did that make me grin? What was wrong with me?

Sitting in the kitchen, I looked out of the windows with a hot cuppa in my hand and I started to contemplate. We’ve never swung or cheated on each other. We maybe had sex once a week if we were lucky. It just wasn’t big on our radars at this time of our life. It wasn’t because we didn’t find each other sexy, we were just busy and enjoying our new lives here. Sex was a part of it but not a big part. So what happened yesterday and why was I excited about it?

Do I want my wife, Emily to have sex with someone else?

I think it’s the complete 180 change to our regular lives that has my attention. I’ve never considered Emily having sex anyone before but suddenly it was here, thrust upon us. And not just sex, but very particularly sex to produce another child. That was bonkers. There is no way we were going to have another child and especially not some Colombian drug lord’s baby. Though I couldn’t deny that I felt a twinge of excitement whilst sitting here thinking about it. I was so taboo and wrong.

“They’re coming at 10 to pick us up.” I turned to see Emily walking into the room. Still in her nighty, her clearly braless boobs swaying as she walked towards me. I hadn’t heard her stirring, she caught me off guard lost in my thoughts.


“For day two of The Seed.” I cringed when I heard her say those words. Seed, she had no idea. I needed to tell her, we needed to run, I needed to save her. What were her words last night ‘Will you look after me’?

So I felt like a complete cock when I found myself answering her “Ohh yes, it’ll be a fun day.”

She looked at me funny for a micro second before stepping past me onwards into the kitchen. I quickly stood up and walked up behind her snuggling up and grabbing her for a behind cuddle. Taking arms and hand fulls of her boobs in the process. We often did this, she knew what I liked. She wrapped her arms around mine and squeezed them in.

“Gracie called them my udders yesterday.” She 100% said that for me. She knows what I like and as if to push the point she ground her ass against my cock. My soft cock. “She was very taken with them.” and she giggled.

“And so she should be.” as I gave them a squeeze.

“You perv, I bet you love the thought of her looking at my ‘heavy hangers’ don’t you.” I gasped, she didn’t often use our pet name of them, but when she did, god darn it.

“Dam babes, when did that happen?” fuck I loved this sort of talk. I kissed her neck and saw her close her eyes.

“When your wife was being a bit slutty yesterday.” Why wasn’t my cock hard? This was heading somewhere we were going to fuck. I spun her round and grabbed a handful of each boob and hefted them. She smiled at me and continued “When they took my bra off me and made me wear this tiny thong.” and she indicated down at it. She still had it on!

That was it. My sex brain took over. I masterfully took over, and lifted her onto the kitchen worktop. “Chris, what are you?” but she knew, or at least she thought she knew. I slide her back a little on the worktop and pushed her legs apart, taking a step back to look at my wife.

“God darn Emily.” She was leaned back slightly resting on her hands, her arms straight. Her boobs were sagged to her sides and hung down nicely in her nighty. You could see the size and weight of them, yup her heavy hangers indeed. Her spread legs revealed her pussy and the thong trying to contain it. It was quite a sight, I couldn’t wait to get stuck in. Though my cock still wasn’t hard, that was beyond frustrating as I was in the mood. I was also aware of the time and we didn’t have much of it.

Looking back up at her face she was clearly excited about this change of events and looking forward to a good fucking. I stepped forward “Ohhh so you liked your wife being a nasty slut yesterday then?”

God darn I wanted to fuck that pussy, I’d have to do with enjoying the taste. I wanted to eat her. I dropped to my knees placing my hands on her knees and she gasped “Ohh Chris, no I need a shower first.”.

But I leaned forward, a good foot away but I could smell her. She smelt of sex, yesterdays sex, it was intoxicating, I wanted more. “No Chris” I felt her hand on my head “Chris I need to..” but my face made contact with her thong. “Ohh god.”

Ummm her thong was damp and almost sticky. Using my tongue I tried to move the thong to one side, she understood and moved it for me. “Ohhh god Chris this is soo dirty.”.

“Ummhmm” I mumbled through a mouthful of juicy pussy.

“Oh god, that feels soo good. Ummm.” I ran my tongue around her slick pussy that was getting juicier by the second. “Can you taste him?” Oh wow, what a question. And I certainly could, something here was different. Header, riper, it was very different. I liked it.

“Ummm yessss” again a mumble only.

“Oh fuck Chris you’re tasting Santos’s cock that was on my pussy for hours yesterday. Ohhh godd, this is soo, oooh goddd” and she started to shake. Cumming already? Oh wow that didn’t take long. Through her moaning orgasm I thought I hear her mumble “I wonder what his cock tastes like with my pussy flavour all on it.” Clearly that was a massive turn on for her. “Ohhh goooddd sooooooo arrggghhhhhh”. She moaned out very loudly.

A few moments later with a very wet chin and nose I pulled back and she was panting. Just sitting on the worktop with her legs still widely spread. I would have fucked her right then and there if I could. As I stood up she smiled at me “Naughty man, very naughty.”.

I nodded at her “Naughty dirty wife.” and she looked down at herself and smirked.

“And I didn’t even have to get my baps out.” That caused us both to laugh, knowing that they were usually the trigger. “What about you?” and she looked down sadly at my crotch.

I shrugged, “I’m very turned on, it’s just not happening.”


I knew what it was and didn’t want to open that can of worms right now “It’s cool, I just wanted to please you babes.”.

She slid off the worktop and stood before me. “You sure?”

I nodded “We’d better get a move on.”

And she giggled scooting past me planting a quick kiss on my lips and she vanished. I tidied the kitchen up a little. Pleased to see a little run of pussy slime on the worktop. My still turned on dirty mind decided to leave that there.

I headed to our bedroom to have a quick shower once Emily had finished. However just before entering the en-suit I paused. I could hear Emily wanking herself in the shower. Surely not. I peeked in and yup there she was in the running water, bent slightly her fingers busy in her pussy and one boob held up to her mouth, sucking on a nipple. I’d seen her do this a few times, but never so soon after another orgasm. Something was different with her. Had they opened a door to some hidden inner sexuality? Was it the effects of the tea? Or simply that the last 24 hours had been a bonkers sexual high?

Fuck, what would today bring?


As planned we were picked up at 10am, only just ready in time. I was in a usual pair of shorts and shirt, she was in a summer dress. Dark grey with white stripes, loose, flowing, no cleavage, and to just past her knees. Her usual modest but smart getup. Her heels were maybe a little higher than usual and she wore a fair bit of silver jewellery that matched the dress nicely. I was very proud of my beautiful wife whilst being acutely aware of the secret purpose of today.

The building was a typical chateau on the top of a hill overlooking the town that we lived in. White walls, terracotta roof tiles, huge open doors and windows. It had a huge veranda, with a pool, chairs and tables everywhere. Probably catering for some 50 to a 100 people today. I just about noticed the armed guards dotted around, not something unusual in this place, so I almost didn’t see them.

Everyone was pleasant and no one appeared to pay us any undue attention. I dunno what I was expecting, maybe something like a fanfare as the woman with the chosen womb appeared. But there was nothing. It was as if yesterday hadn’t happened apart from the fecking tea. As soon as we arrived someone handed us a cup each and smiled. I was about to say something when I thought better of it. It would appear that we were to continue with this weird drug, to make me impotent and her super horny. I sighed and drank it, as did she.

There was a fake tree about 6 feet tall made out of I guess bronze or something. It caught my eye as it didn’t fit with the rest of the furniture. It was without leaves but was clearly a part of today. It was on a plinth with a load of photos around the bottom. Each one with a year under it and a picture of the tree. It looked different to how it is now. From this distance it looked like it had, I dunno, cloth draped around it here and there. I took a step towards it to check it out, yup maybe clothes of some sort, like a coat hanger. I looked back up at the tree, nothing on it now. I went to take another step towards it but Emily pulled my arm the other way. I made a note to check it later.

At one point Emily squeezed my arm and whispered to me “I’m so god darn horny today. Maybe we’ll sneak off in a bit.” I chuckled and hoped I’d be able to fulfil my wife’s desires and give her a right good fucking she clearly needed.

We’d been there for an hour or so and I’d spotted Santos a few times as we mingled, he didn’t appear to acknowledge us at all, again weird. That was until he appeared at our side and just held his hand out “Tour my dear?” in a thick accent that we could only just understand.

I took a deep breath, Emily and I locked eyes, my right hand still holding her left one. Was this it, was this the start of whatever was about to happen? She didn’t know half of what I knew. I then felt someone grab my left arm and turned to see a goddess of a woman standing next to me. I’d never seen her before.

Smiling at my wife she told her “Go Emily, let Santos show you.” and Emily looked between them both. A little concerned, his hand still held out.

I felt the woman squeeze my arm “Let her go Chris, tell her she should go be with him.”

Her wording wasn’t lost on me. Could I do this? Why was I even thinking of letting this happen? What on earth was wrong with me. I then felt the woman’s soft boobs pushed against my arm and something in me clicked and I let go of Emily’s hand.

Smiling at her and without making it too obvious “Go with Santos my love.” I could hear the wobble in my voice. Emily detected it also, but I watched her hand slide into his and he quickly started to walk away with her at his side. Just before they stepped out of sight she turned to look at me and with wide open eyes melting my heart. She was gone.

I felt a tug on my arm as I was led in the opposite direction by this woman. “Come with me Chris.” she knew my name, why wasn’t I surprised. With her holding onto my arm we stopped at an empty table and chairs and we both took a seat opposite each other. I quickly appraised my new chaperone, she was possibly in her mid 30s, long straight dark hair, and wearing a white blouse with a grey short skirt. She was certainly someone that I’d take notice of, not stick thin but curvy. Though there was no cleavage to see I was pretty sure she was stacked under there.

She caught my attention “I’m Katerina, I was once where your wife is now.”

Wow, that did get my attention. “You’ve been…” I didn’t know how to put it.

She smiled at me “Bred by Santos, yes. Our daughter Pat was the result”. She nodded over towards a group of children playing together. I looked at where she was looking, a collection of children maybe ranging from 6 – 12 or so, I guess one was Pat. She continued, “It was a privilege.”

I just looked back at her, lost. I wasn’t sure what I could do or say. This was so wild, so confusing, I was so turned on but not hard. I started to try to picture it. Was it missionary, was he nice to her, did it take much to make her do it or was it a breeze? How was she feeling? Had they done it yet or were they still in foreplay. Had he worn a condom or seriously was he trying to put a baby in her?

She could see I was lost “Yes your wife has been chosen. She will right now have Santo’s cock inside her.” she nodded at me “Yes his cock will be inside your wife by now.” she smiled.

I shook my head, unable to believe it. She leaned forward and took one of my hands in hers. “I don’t believe it.” was all I could muster.

“It’s ok, Emily will bear a healthy baby for him.” and she squeezed my hand before repeating, “It is an honour. She will very much enjoy this.” and she sat back letting go of my hands. “Everyone knows why you are both here and what Emily is having done.” and she waved her hands around to indicate everyone.

That made me look around, no one was paying attention to me, to us. They all knew that my wife was screwing someone just over there but no one batted an eye lid. This was one fucked up place.

“Emily’s a very sexy woman, you can’t be surprised.”

Looking back at her “We’ve just never, I’ve just never…” I sighed.

She smiled again “It’s ok Chris. Trust me she’s in good hands, he’s a fantastic lover. It’s a wonderful gift you have given her.” and with that she sat back in her seat and looked across the way towards where my wife and her lover had left the party. My mind playing her comment of the gift I had ‘given’ my wife fuck me that wasn’t how I saw it.

Lost in my own thoughts I wallowed between turned on, confused and broken hearted.

And then he re-appeared, Santos strode back out through the archway that he went in through. He looked like he’d only just left, there wasn’t an extra crease in his outfit and not a hair out of place. Maybe nothing had happened. But if so, where was Emily? Not everyone had noticed him until he called out “Número 1”, everyone erupted with applause and laughter. He threw something onto that tree and headed to the table.

Katerina quickly stood and stooped in front of me, hugging me tightly, feeling her boobs push into my arm was great. “It has begun, congratulations, Chris.”

“But where is Emily?” I asked her, worried.

“She will be with us again soon. Gracie will make sure of that. She is probably on ‘the bench’.” eh? When she said ‘the bench’ it was as if it really meant something to her. I guess she’d been on it back when she was the bride, those years ago. She almost looked dreamy eyed thinking about it and Gracie was here? I hadn’t seen her.

“What bench?”

“You will see later, I will show you.” She was excited. I still wanted to see Emily and check she was ok. This was, if it had happened, the first time my wife had had sex with someone other than me. That on its own was a big deal. But surely, she’d have been worried about Santos, condoms, her fertility time, god his size. I know I was worried about it all.

“Trust me Emily will be fine, Gracie will bring her to us soon.” she could read my concern. Putting her hand on my leg, it left like it was the start of yesterday again, when Hope first touched me.

Again no choice to do anything but wait and trust them. I turned back to the table and rested my head in my hands, elbows on the table. God was my wife really about to appear, here, with a womb full of his cum?

I couldn’t stop wanting to turn around to check for Emily’s return. It felt like hours but I was probably on 15 minutes or so before I noticed a few people looking up and grinning. My head on a swivel, turned to see Emily walking back towards me. No one stopped what they were doing but everyone was watching her. I couldn’t take my eyes of her as she walked towards me. She had bright red cheeks but otherwise you wouldn’t know that anything was different. I dunno, I expect her to be walking differently?

As Emily approached, Katerina got up quickly turning to me “When she has to go again tell her “Ve y sé su puta.” and she turned to walk towards Emily, hugged her and pointed for her to take her seat, she then wandered off. “Ve y sé su puta.” What does that mean, when, why?

Everyone left us to it as Emily sat next to me. She buried her head in her hands “God Chris, what have I done.”.

Putting my arm around her “Tell me love.” not sure what the best move is here but I needed to be supportive. And feck me I wanted to know the details. My horniness was totally taking over.

She huffs, head still in hands. “You know, don’t you?” I’ll save her.

“Yes love, you and Santos just had sex.” she moans loudly, I hear some chuckles nearby. “It’s ok.” and I squeeze her tightly, her head still in her hands.

“What do you mean it’s ok, you don’t know.” ok this is now tricky.

Do I show my hand? I decided with “You are a beautiful, sexy woman, and it’s ok.” she doesn’t quite sob but I hear a breath through her hands that are still hiding her face. “Look at me love.” she doesn’t move. I take her hands and pull them away, she keeps her head down not wanting to make eye contact with anyone. “Emily, look at me.” I bring her hands down onto her lap and help her turn her body towards me, she looks up slowly. Gamble time “It’s ok that you enjoyed it, and it’s ok that it happened.” She looks at me confused so I continue. “What do I always say?” rhetorical question I say it all the time “You only live once”. She smiles at me, the first smile since her adultery. “After yesterday’s game, I’m not surprised and I’m glad that you enjoyed it.” She breaths a sign of relief. She knows I wouldn’t lie about something like this.

“Do you think everyone here knows?” I nod, she blushes and bows her head trying to hide again “Oh gawd, they must think I’m such a tramp.”.

I chuckle “A sexy puta.” at that word I notice her shiver. “His sexy puta.” she shivers again. “They all know you’re his sexy puta right now.” she moans quietly. Gamble time “And I love it.” I squeeze her hands.

She looks up at me “It was…” she doesn’t know what to do here.

I help her “Amazing” and I smile at her, giving her a chance.

She scrunches her face a little “Painful”. I wasn’t expecting that and she reads my concerned face. “But in a very good way.”

I relax “Oh?” and raise an eyebrow.

“He’s really really big.” she smirks “I mean huge, in all proportions.” a big smile and I return to her.

“Ummmm and you liked that.” she nods “How big?”

“I didn’t measure but he took a long time to get some of it into me. I thought I was going to tear.”

“Oh” the worried face on me again.

“But I didn’t, he was very very good. He kept calling me his ‘Puta Reproductora’.” God if I could have cum, right then that would have been one point of it. She quickly carried on, obviously enjoying teasing me. “I can’t believe how much of it went into me. It felt amazing, I’m surprised you couldn’t hear me.” and she blushed and looked down.

“God I love hearing this” I mumbled out loud to myself, then directly at Emily “Go on.”

She looked up concerned “I can’t believe I just had sex with someone else and you’re enjoying it.”.

A quick reply needed here “Me neither, but god I find it soo hot. I’m learning something about myself right now.” She looks at me happy, confused, and worried, I let on “I think that is the whole point of all this.” and I wave my arms.

“I did start to wonder. God.” she breathed a heavy sigh “Me, really.” a pause “Us?”.

“Yup you, the amazingly sexy, local nurse that anyone would be happy to be with.”

“But a baby, Chris that’s… that’s my choice, my body.”

“It would appear not this time.” and I chuckled.

Ooops maybe I shouldn’t have “Chris, this isn’t a joke this nearly a year of growing a baby inside me, then labour, then a lifetime of bringing it up.” She was very serious. She was right to be serious, and I had no answer.

We sat in silence for a few moments letting it all sink in. I couldn’t help myself “Do you want something to eat or drink?”

She nodded. I very quickly took care of that, not wanting to leave her alone for long.

After we both picked at some food and had a little drink some people started to come and talk with us as if nothing had happened. That helped normalise it all and time moved on. I nearly forgot what the point of this all was when out of nowhere “Estoy listo de nuevo.” announced Santos. Everyone cheered and we saw him walking towards us. Emily looked down at the floor, she understood, I guessed, number 2 incoming?

When he reached us he stood and just put his hand out to Emily. She locked eyes with me, this time she knew what was going to happen. This time there was no pretence, everyone knew. There was suddenly a lull in the noise. Without turning my head I could see people were looking our way. Everyone was wondering how this interaction between the three of us was going to play out. Was there going to be a scene? Was Emily going to explode and get cross? Where the guards going to appear. A poker move was in play, no one wanted to fold first. I decided that right now was my chance to help. My chance to make this easier.

I took Emily’s hand in mine. She looked relieved. I think she expected a hero. However I knew my place right now. I think time stood still as I slowly raised Emily’s captured hand in mine towards Santos’ waiting hand. As I did it slowly Emily’s eyes opened wide, she mouthed “No Chris.” and shook her head no, but I nodded to her. When our three hands reached each other, I carefully placed her hand in his, before I withdrew my hand she asked me “You understand what he’s going to do?”.

At that I withdrew my hand and said the words that Katerina had told me to use “Ve y sé su puta.” and she bowed her head. I wasn’t sure what I’d just said, but I feel that she understood it. He certainly did as he smiled at me, others nearby must have heard and known also. She didn’t cry, she didn’t hit me, she was resigned to her fate. I watched Santos’s hand close and round hers and everyone cheered. He tugged her hand slightly to make her stand. She did slowly, and with her free hand pulled and smoothed her skirt down. Trying to retain some dignity, which was a bit of a joke really. She looked at me one more time, sighed and turned.

Everyone then watched and applauded as my wife and Santos walked off through the arch for their next attempt to impregnate my wife. She could probably feel everyone’s eyes on her back picturing what was about to happen. I know I could. There was nothing sexy in her walk, no wiggle, it was all a bit mechanical. I guess it was all sinking in with her.

Within seconds Katerina was back in Emily’s seat and she leaned forward to me. I think another button or two was open on her blouse as her cleavage was a wonder to behold. She caught me looking “It’s ok Chris, have a good look.” and she smirked. Obviously she was in distraction mode. A good move on their part I guess. My mind started to wonder as I was hypnotised by her big boobs. What was Emily doing right now, had they gotten to the bed yet. Was there even a bed involved? Did they kiss at all? What was this bench that Katerina said about earlier? Was his big cock inside my wife right now? Was she still slick from their first time? Was it easier this time? Was she in pain right now? If I listened, could I hear them?

“I know you like really big tetas Chris.” Katerina must have known this was the trickiest time. “Are mine big enough for you Chris?” I didn’t react, so she tried something else that surprised me. “Are they as big as Emilys?”

I looked up at her, then back down to her boobs and evaluated. No I don’t think hers were as big. She was obviously displaying them better though. “I don’t think so Katerina.” she smiled, knowing she had my attention.

“Emily’s boobs are heavy?”

What a daft question “Yes they are.” and she leaned forward more, pushing them between her arms, squashing them.

“Mine are heavy too.” I dunno where this was going but I really couldn’t take my eyes from her lovely deep cleavage. “Would you like to see them?”

Looking up at her face I didn’t really understand “I errrr, I…”

She sat back up and giggled “I was joking Chris. But I’m glad you like them.” at that she lifted her ass a little in the seat and deliberately pulled her tight short skirt a little higher on her thighs before sitting back down and crossing her legs before me. She caught me looking and smirked “It’s ok Chris, look at my body here all you like.” And she slowly re-crossed her legs in front of me. Jeezus was she trying to seduce me or just tease? Whichever, she was succeeding. She then surprised me with, out of the blue “You have a daughter in England yes?”.

I nodded and somehow we started a deep conversation about Claire, our respective families, what life was like in England compared to here and much more. All the way through she teased me with a bit of cleavage here, a bra adjustment there, some thigh here, a quick knicker flash here. Time flew by and I forgot all about Emily, until..

“Número 2” came out of nowhere as Santos appeared under the arch. Again everyone laughed and cheered, clapping hands. I guess this time he was gone with her for about 10 minutes, geezzz that sounded quick for a mark 2.

As he walked forward he again threw something on the tree thing. This time I needed to understand what that was about. Looking at Katerina, she smirked at me “The tree?” I nodded. She stood “Emily will be a little while.” she reminded me as she took my hand and led me to it. We walked past Santos on the way and he completely blanked me. Lovely.

When we got to the tree I could see it clearly for the first time. I didn’t need to look at the pictures below to work it out now. It was panties. Knickers on the tree. There were now two sets. The first pair was displayed as in opened up and hung there so that it was clear what it was. The second pair was just as it landed. I guess someone had opened the first pair, I doubt it had landed that way. Two pairs of knickers, to Emily fuckings, I guess this was part of this celebration to confirm to everyone the course of events.

Katerina realised that I was trying to work it out, but of course she had the answers “What do you want to know?”

Still looking at the tree. “So these represent Emily’s times with Santos?”

“Sort of.” she replied to me but gave me no more. Ummm what does she mean sort of. “Look at them closer.”

Ok, so I stepped up to the plinth and leaned in a little. At that time two other couples came to stand next to us to see the spectacle also. This was now slightly embarrassing for me. “What do you see?” Katerina asked me, clearly happy that there were others here to learn also.

“I can see two pairs of knickers.” I answered her.

“Look at that one.” and she nodded towards the displayed pair. “What do you see?” she asked again.

I looked closer wondering what she was getting at. Why would Santos chuck a pair of knickers onto the tree if it wasn’t to just remind people of the fuckings he was delivering. Then I think I spotted something, they weren’t 100% fresh. They were worn knickers. “What do you see?” she asked me again.

“I see a pair of worn knickers. They’re black, lacy, slightly see through.”

She huffed “Look at the other pair.”

I turned to look at the other pair, I couldn’t make them out very well. They had landed high and were scrunched up. Katerina reached for them and offered them to me. Ok this was weird, well the entire last 24 hours was weird. I took them in my hands, god these were soaked, like having just come out of the washing soaked? A different style to the other one, lacy, smaller, black and sexy. As I unravelled them I nearly dropped them on the floor when I realised why they were wet. The smell hit me as I saw it it. They were covered in cum and I guess sex juice.

Emily had just worn these? These were the ones that she had on when she was sat next to me? I quickly looked at the first pair up the tree, yes I recognised them, they were the ones from home.

This tree was literally a direct link to the party. It wasn’t just a symbol of their fucking. It actually contained physical proof of it.

One of the couples next to me was leaning over looking at the knickers in my hand. Katerina asked me “Chris, what is in your hand?”

I meekly answered “My wife’s knickers.”

“What Chris?” clearly this was something I had to share with others.

“These are Emily’s knickers.” I answered louder this time. Why was I embarrassed, we all knew what was going on today? The couple next to me chuckled.

“What is on them?” Katerina asked me as she grabbed one of my arms and pushed her boobs against me.

I took a deep breath, accidentally inhaling their musky smell. “Santos’ semen and my wife.”

“That is right it is the ‘jugo de coño y árbol de semen'” and then just for me “The pussy juice and cum tree” she squeezed my arm and laughed “It’s great isn’t it?”

“Errrr, oh yes.” I kinda sarcastically answered her.

“It is your job to present her knickers each time Chris. So go on and present this pair.” and she nodded to the knickers in my hand.

I looked at the other pair and then back at these. It was almost like pegging washing on the line. I had a job to do, a humiliating job to do. Somehow I wanted to do it. So I un-scrunched them out and put them high up on the tree in front of me. Geezz this was strange. “Good boy Chris, you even got them the right way round.” Eh? What did she mean. Oh I’d put them up inside out. You could see the crotch area clearly. Oh god that’s that ‘right way round’. Makes sense I guess. She pulled me back a bit from the tree so that we could see it better. She turned her head and shouted “jugo de coño y árbol de semen” to everyone. They all cheered and applauded back. A few people come over to point and talk about it. Man I could have died, this was embarrassing for me. Emily didn’t even know about it yet.

There on the tree were two pairs of knickers that Emily had recently worn. I checked my earlier guess that the first pair was the ones that she was in when we got here. They were relatively clean as she wasn’t turned on or hadn’t had sex with anyone at that point. She’s worn those for I guess for an hour or so, while we got to know people and sat at the tables etc.

The second pair was clearly more used. I guess they were on her for all of about 20 mins or so before he took her away again. She was sitting in front of me as we talked wearing these. His cum would have been seeping out of here into them at that point. Looking at them from here you could see the creamy white markings on them. It was very erotic, especially thinking that everyone else was now looking at them. A public curiosity.

At that point a few more people had arrived at the tree and Katerina decided that we should go sit down. As we walked the short distance to our chairs she dropped the “I know that Santos wants this year to beat last year’s total.”

God really, well of course he did. So two it is then lol. But something inside me told me that wasn’t it. “How many was on last year?” I needed to know, but also didn’t want to know really.

“18” and she smiled as we arrived at our chairs.

“Bullshit” I blurted out.

She laughed out loud. “Others will help and it’s over the next few days.”

I was about to ask about others when Emily re-appeared on the patio and headed towards us. This time a few people acknowledged her as she walked back, I can see and feel her embarrassment still.

Katerina quickly moved on as Emily appeared “Who’s that woman who was with you?” she instantly asks when she got to me while her eyes track her as she walks away.

I laugh to try to relax her “I think she’s supposed to keep me placid and compliant, my chaperone.”

She relaxes and smirks at me, “They give you a big boobed bird to stop you thinking and worrying about me eh?”

We both take our seats facing each other. “Are you ok?”

She blushes “I guess so, I’m still trying to get my head around all this.” she takes my hands her hers. “Am I ok with being the breeding mare here?” she answers herself very quickly “No.” a frown and a long pause before “Am I turned on knowing you are turned on by it?” a much shorter gap “Ummmhumm” and a smile. “Am I ok that everyone knows why I’m here?” a quick and sad “I don’t know” interesting.

She paused for a long time this time, both of us looking into each other’s eyes. I was suddenly acutely aware how much I loved her and was about to tell her when she continued “Am I ok sitting here feeling his cum filling my panties” her eyes open wide almost as if right that second she could feel it “again.” a short pause.

“If I’m honest, yes.” My eyes shot to the tree and back. Knowing that shortly those very panties would be on that tree. So whatever she was excreting into them would be on public display soon.

“Is the sex good?” I can’t help myself. She looks at me weighing up the answer.

“I’m sorry Chris, but yes, it’s out of this world.” and she rolls her eyes as if to demonstrate an orgasm.

I laugh “Good”

She relaxes at our good humour. “God, this is such a weird change of events. I can’t believe how we got here.”

“I know, just 24 hours and our lives are completely turned up side down.”

“Gimme some of that magic tea.” and she nods to our table. I quickly prepare and hand her a large cup. “Thank you for being with me and not running away.” my heart about melts for her.

“I’d never leave babes. I’m about to be a new dad.” god that felt weird.

“Really?” she asked.

“Yup 100%” no hesitation at all from me here “I’m looking forward to it, actually.”

She looked disappointed, “But it’s my body, I have to do it.” almost cross.

“You’ll look and be amazing. I’ll be there all the way through to help and support you.”

“What about Claire?” this is the first time I think that she’s thought beyond the right now. So she’s imagining what to tell our daughter. What will happen when we have our new baby. She’s accepting it?

“Claires a big girl she knows we have sex for crying out loud.” I laugh at her.

“But it likely wont look like you?” she reminds me quickly.

Yer I’d already thought of that and I dunno what she’ll think of this answer so here goes nothing. “We just be open and say that we’ve been swinging or enjoying the different culture here and that I’m ok with it.”

She looks at me shocked, I think she was expecting to have caught me off guard with that. She thinks for a second and turns it round to me “So you’d be ok with your daughter knowing you’re a cuckold?”

That’s the first time either of us have used that word. It strikes me. I feel a visceral shock from it. But part of me likes it, is ready to accept it. It is true right now, isn’t it? I am a cuckold. I am being cuckolded right now. God, how weird. “Yup” pops out my mouth way to quickly and easily.

“Interesting” she smirks at me, lets go of my hands, sits back and drinks some tea. She also eats some more nipples. “God, do you think he’ll be ready to go again soon? He’s got to be in his 50s?” looking over in his direction. I almost think she’s looking forward to it. He must be good, as only half an hour ago she was embarrassed and socked.

I thought I’d play on this a bit “Did you enjoy his massive cock in you again just now?”

Her eyes still on him she signed “Ummm yes.” then she turned to me “It was painful again but amazing.” then she appeared to have a thought “You know he hasn’t managed to get it all into me? Gracie says not many can take all of him. It’s like a fricking tree trunk down there.” she raised her eyebrow at me. Clearly a challenge.

I breathed in deeply, she could see that I was affected by what she had just said “What do you mean he hasn’t gotten it all into you?

She signed and spelled it out for me, “His cock is too big to fit in my pussy.”

I gasped and she laughed, I laughed back.

“Geezz you can feel him still coming out of you?” I couldn’t help myself.

“Yup my panties are soaked again. Good job they keep giving me new pairs.” she laughed, again I knew a bit of what that was about that and was wondering if now was the time to share the panty tree with her. “Though these pants are a little weird.” I was about to ask why but she continued “I still can’t believe that everyone here knows that I’m here to get knocked up by him.” and with that she adjusted her bra, getting more comfortable and maybe to try to return some dignity. “They all know that we’ve had sex twice, it’s so degrading, this should be private.”

“I think we’re a few miles away from private love. They treat this as a gift to you, to us. That we’re lucky to have been picked.”

“Yer I’ve picked up on that vibe also.” she shudders “I just feel so nasty when I walk out with him and when I walk back on my own. I’d rather just stay in the room and that fucking bench if they’d let me.” Oh yer the bench, but she continues “But Gracie says I have to come back out here each time. She pretty much forces me out.” she looks a little pissed. I was about to ask about the bench when she looks me in the eye and says “You’d never fuck anyone, not that other woman?”

“God no babes, not at all, never.” I very quickly answer, whilst thinking about me cuming yesterday at Hopes hand. I wonder where Hope is? “The Bench?” I pose.

She sighs “We don’t do it on a bed.” she looks a little cross again “As that would be too normal. They treat me like a mare and have me lay on this bench thing. There are bloody straps on it too.”

“What?” that sounds a little extreme.

“Don’t worry they’ve not used them. I guess they use the bench for something else at some point. I dunno.” She nibbled and finished her tea and indicated she wanted more. Wanted or needed? I filled the cup for her again and she continued “The bench is padded nicely, very comfortable. I kneel on a padded shelf then lean forward over it. It fully supports my hips.” she puts a hand there to show me “and I lay forward on it. It’s thinner at the chest area so that my boobs aren’t squashed, they just hang down” she smirks at me knowing I like to hear that bit “and then I rest my head on a soft pillow. The entire thing is at an angle, my head down quite low compared to my hips.” she shows me the angle with her hand.

“Ummm” is all I can respond, trying to picture it.

“When he’s done I have to stay there for a while to let it” she pauses to find the right words “Well I guess to let his cum into my womb.” Geezuss. I find this so kinky and amazing, but she’s delivering it so clinically.

“But you like it? It feels good?”

She looks at me with a raised eyebrow “Yes dear, I do, jezzus.” and then on a whim she drops in “Would you like to come with us next time so that you can watch your wife coming on his massive cock as he tried to knock me up” she’s not amused.

Lucky for me Gracie appears at our side “Hello both, Emily are you ok?” and she turns to face her looking down at us in our seated positions.

Emily can’t answer and continues to look forward to me. Trying to defuse the situation I quickly reply “Just couples working stuff out.” then I add “There’s a lot to be worked on here.” and I look up at the side of Gracies head as she’s still looking at Emily.

There’s a few moments silence between us. I can hear Gracie thinking, the cogs turning, wondering which route to take. “Emily my dear. Whatever you think or say you cannot deny that you squeal like a whore when his big cock is pleasuring you.” Jezzus I wasn’t expecting that at all.

Emily looks up at her daggers. I half expected her to jump up and punch her but Gracie has this in hand and knows what she’s doing. “Any of the women here would gladly take your place. But this is your journey now. And you will continue to enjoy it. You will have more orgasms than you ever thought possible. They will be stronger than you’ve ever had before. You are already thinking about the next session.” she paused for effect “Tell me I’m wrong.”

Emily looks defeated. Just like that, Gracie has crushed her with the truth. “Tell me your womb is not looking forward to its next filling?” Emily wriggled in her seat a little, Gracie picked up on it “Tell me your tight little pussy hasn’t soaked your panties and is eager for its next work out?” Gracie grinned.

Emily looked between Gracie and myself, not answering. I watched her squeeze her thighs together. After a long pause Gracie continued, pushing Emily “Look at you, you little puta.” that word again, Emily reacted, we both saw it. “You like being a puta, a whore, a slut.” Emily gasped the words, she liked it?

Gracie raised an eyebrow aware that she’d locked onto something. Emily couldn’t help helpself and moaned quietly whilst grabbing a boob and squeezing it hard. “Maybe this will become your new profession.” Oh god. “puta de pecho mordido, a big breasted whore”. My turn to groan this time. They both looked at me. Graice continued “So you’d both like Emily to become a whore for us. Very interesting. Is that correct Chris?”

I guess she was hoping to get an answer from me as Emily was unable to so far. I nodded.

“Tell Emily what you would like.” she instructed me.

Emily and I locked eyes, Emily was clearly very turned on at this point as was I. My balls ached. I know I would have been hard if it wasn’t for this tea. All pretence was gone now and thus I delivered it directly to my wife “I would love you to become a whore for them.” Emily gasped and shifted in her seat.

“Tell Emily what she would do as a puta.” Gracie continued.

I looked at Gracie confused, it was an obvious question but I didn’t really know what she wanted. “She would be paid for sex?” She nodded at me indicating I should tell Emily “Emily love, people would pay to have sex with you.” I answered almost panting. At that point I realised that some people had started to gather round to watch this exchange. That spurred our little 3 some on.

Gracie directed her next exchange to Emily “But Emily you’re a trained nurse. You surely wouldn’t want to become a whore for us. Just another one of our girls?”

Emily didn’t answer but did moaned. I heard some people around mumbling.

“I could make this happen, you know. I could make your dreams come true.” It was as if Gracie was trying to make Emily cum right there. In front of us all. I knew that was unlikely as she needed clitoral stimulation. I then noticed that Santos was standing near us. He nudged Gracie and showed her something in his hand, she grinned and took the item from his hand.

“But before that you have a job to perform. We need to put a baby in that belly of yours.” Holding a blue pill in between two fingers for us all to see. “Do you know what this is?” Emily nodded. “Tell us all what it is used for.”

This time Emily spoke “It’s used to keep a cock hard for hours.”

Gracie then produced another small blue pill and held them both together in front of us all. We all gasped seeing two. “Who is it for?”.

“Santos” Emily looked up at him past the two Viagra pills.

“And” came Gracie’s next taunt.

Emily thought for a second “Me?” she questioned having worked it out.

“Yes for you, now put them both in his mouth right now.” Emily stood slowly on shaky legs and letting go of her boob she took both the pills from Gracie. Santos stood forward and opened his mouth. Emily paused.

“Put them in and give him this water.” Gracie directed Emily and held a water bottle for her. Emily was about to actively make her situation worse, or better depending on how you look at it. Her actions right now would make the next stage a lot longer for her. Everyone knew it, everyone watched with bated breath. In all honesty she had no real choice. And even if she did, after our conversation just now she was ready for it this time.

Emily’s arm raised, shaking with the two blue pills between her fingers. To add to her humiliation Gracie added “This will make you scream with joy, this will change you forever.” The pills reached his mouth. “You’ll be a great puta for us.” They dropped into his mouth, both of them. He then snatched the bottle of water from Gracies hand and washed the pills down, eagerly. He would soon be ready for her and I mean really ready. He walked away and the crowd dissipated as others thought the main part of the show was over. Gracie hugged my wife “I’m so proud of you. He will come and get you shortly.” and she walked away.

Emily was standing next to me, looking dumbfounded. I reached up and took her hand directing her to sit. She looked at me. “I’m sorry Chis.”

“There’s nothing at all to be sorry about.” I grinned. “What on earth could you want to be sorry for?”

“What’s about to happen. And the whore thing.” as she said the second bit I saw her almost twitch. This whore thing really triggered something in her.

“Your about to get one of the most amazing fuckings of your life.”

She quickly interrupts me “Gawd, it can last for hours you know?”

I nodded “And the whore thing.” again she reacted before I continued “I don’t know why but I have a feeling that is something we both didn’t know we wanted.”

She bowed her head, nodding. I reached for a plate of food on the table next to us and handed it to her. She took it and looked at me. “I spent years training to be a nurse. I’m good at it.” she then started to eat, so did I. Nothing much more was said for a while as we let it all sink in.

We made small talk for a while, picking at the food and drinking some of that bloody tea. Sporadically Emily squirmed in her seat but I didn’t react to it. Then some 20 minutes after the Viagra had gone in. Santos appeared next to us, this time a clear bulge in his trousers. Geez it looked like he had a fecking tube of Pringles down there. Again he put his hand out like before. But this time I didn’t need to help. Within seconds Emily stood up, took his hand and they turned and started to walk away. For the 3rd time today she was walking away from me with someone who was going to fuck her brains out and leave his cum deposited deep inside her. As she walked away she looked back at me, giving me a half smile, looking almost sorry.

“She will make a wonderful puta.” instantly Katerina appeared at my side even before they were out of sight. Watching her walk this time Emily had a sway in her step. Her hips sashaying from side to side. She was accepting the role. I smiled but was also concerned for her, for us. All this talk of whoring, pregnancy was one thing but becoming a prostitute was, well I just can’t even comprehend it.

I took a seat and Katerina took Emily’s and leaned forward to me, and put both her hands on my knees. “Are you ok Chris?”

I kinda nodded, though I was unsure myself. I was horny beyond belief and knowing that my wife was about to start some x hours of fucking with a stranger was making it worse. I was excited by it but I was even more excited about the whoring thing, I think. “Is being a puta..” I didn’t know how to finish that sentence “good?”.

Katerina, howled with laughter and threw her head back. A few people looked over towards us. I was unaware of the joke, so I had to wait for her to calm down. “How would I know, I’m not a whore.” Oh, now I was confused, she could see that. “No one pays me for sex. I could never degrade myself like that.” she then leaned forward “Never”.

“Oh sorry, I just.” I started.

She stopped me with a raising of her hand, “It takes a certain kind of person to do that.” and she raised an eyebrow at me. I felt like I was starting to sober up and realise that, of course this was a stupid idea. “I guess it’s either a way to make money or something else.” She sounded like she was thinking out loud. We certainly didn’t need the money. “If you enjoy lots of random sex, I guess it’s a good way to fulfil that. But there are Apps and websites for that so maybe not.” She was asking me for help, to join in on this conversation.

“So we’re about to have a serious conversation about prostitutes while my wife is over there getting knocked up?” it was supposed to be sarcasm but it sort of answered our question. She smirked realising it also. “So it’s about the forbidden?” I questioned myself outloud.

“The taboo.” Katerina joined in, seemingly pleased with herself.

Then without realising I said it out loud “Humiliation?”

“Oh really, you think so? Just for you or for both of you?”

“Errr I don’t really know.” I actually didn’t know.

“Do you want to discuss this now?” good question. Did I want a conversation about our kinks and where we were heading. Now, well what else have I got to do for the next 2 plus hours. So I shrugged and we settled back into our chairs while nibbling on food and drink that was all around us. She continued where she left off “So the humiliation and taboo bit of all this. Let’s see if we can work out what you like.” she looked down at her cleavage then back at me “We know you love a pair of big tetas”. I smirk back at her, impressed at her lovely big’ish boobs. “So do you like knowing that right now there’s a big cock deep inside your wifes pussy?”

Yes/no game time. “Yes” it feels weird to admit that, especially out loud.

“Do you want to be there watching that?”

Ohhh I don’t actually know the answer to that, thinking a second. No I don’t think I do, I think the point of not knowing and letting my imagination run is better. “No, I like it more not knowing.”

“Because you couldn’t cope watching someone else pleasuring your wife?”

“No, it’s the thrill of not knowing. Imaging but not really being clear. The not knowing is exciting.”

She nodded “What about the fact that he’s cumming in her?”

I groaned, she smirked.

“And the fact that he’s actually trying to make her pregnant?”

I nodded, “Yes, that’s very naughty.” I adjusted myself in the chair, she noticed.

She smirked a little “She will have a big belly soon and bigger boobs to go with it.” I nodded again and she continued “You will help bring up someone else’s baby with her?”

“Yup” that really wasn’t a problem.

“Ok and she will continue to be a nurse for us?”

I paused on that one. I guess so, it wasn’t very exciting was it? Suddenly I wanted exciting, she picked up on that and tried something else our “Or can you see her as a prostitute?”

I gasped she clearly picked up on it. “So you want your wife to fuck for money?”

I just stared at her. I’d never considered it before, never in the slightest. She just nodded at me. “You want Emily to work in a brothel, whore house, on the street or as an escort?”

I had no idea, not a clue “I dunno. I’ve never, I don’t know.”

“And a pregnant whore at that.”

“Sweet jeezus” was all I could manage.

She smiled “I can see her standing on a street corner. Her huge tits bulging, resting on her huge belly. Her tiny mini skirt just about hiding her loose well used pussy. Advertising herself to everyone.”

Jeezzzuss that had gone into detail quickly, though she was right I could see her standing there like that. Without realising I added “Next to other hookers?”.

She smiled at me “Let’s let that sink in a little. Come with me.” and she pulled me up and led me to a dance floor. Again time passed as I did some shit dad dancing and mingling with the other guests. This time I was more aware of the time that passed and wondering what Emily was enduring.

It must have been nearly 3 hours, probably more before “Número 3, 4, 5” had hailed as he appeared and walked forward. He almost had a limp to him, he looked knackered. This time he threw a bunch of stuff at the tree. From his 3, 4 and 5 shout I guessed it was 3 pairs of black knickers.

Katerina nodded at me “You need to go and present them on the tree.” Geezz really, I just wanted to check Emily was ok. “Do you need me to come with you?”

I shook my head and got up. Walking towards the tree. Though there was no one else there, I did feell everyone’s eyes on my back. This must be similar to what Emily left when she was heading towards that arch. When I arrived at the tree I could see the last pair was dried and stiff. The white cum and pussy juice streaks were more prominent now. It was almost like someone had chalked them up to make them stand out, but that was nonsense.

I reached for the closest pair and unravelled them. Yup they are only slightly damp and a cotton pair, full sized briefs. That got me thinking, previously she was given them as a pair to wear while back with me. But if that was the rule then there would only be one pair up here. I guess that wouldn’t do for the game but that then begged the question, well to me it did, of how did they get the jiz etc onto them? I guess some form of wiping, but they’d have to be careful they didn’t mop too much up. God I was overthinking this. And I hung that pair up. It wasn’t much to look at, not that sexy and not that covered.

I reached for the second pair, now this was different. This must have been the pair that she was wearing when sitting next to me earlier. I concluded this as they were, rubber or latex or something and what had she called them ‘a little weird’. Unravelling this was very easy and I’d swear that they literally dripped, yup they did, a few times. I could see it on my shirt. There was cum or pussy juice on my shirt, it was a clear mark. I had nothing to get rid of it right now, grrrrr. I displayed the latex kickers and reached for the last set.

These were not as wet as the others, but the crotch area certainly did have stuff smeared on them. I guess the last set. They were a thong of some sort, plain cotton and soft. They two were quickly added to the tree. It was quite a collection there now.

I wandered back to Katerina and plonked my ass down. She turned to look at the tree to check the display, smiling, turning back to me.

When Emily appeared, she walked very slowly towards me. There was a definite different movement to her hips and stride. I guess being fucked for nearly 3 hours with a very big cock could do that to a women. I stood to meet her. When she got to me I directed her to her chair but she indicated she didn’t want it. That worried me “Are you ok love?”

She smiled a dream-like smile, “Yes love I am.”

“Why can’t you sit, did he hurt you.”

“No, he was… wow, I’ll sit in a second. I’m fine babes.” She looked over in his direction and she sighed “It was painful again but amazing. Still not all of it.”

She smiled, sitting down slowly, “I’m going to take it all.” god she’s been back for 2 seconds after nearly 3 hours of fucking and was already planning the next time.

“What” I didn’t quite understand as I sat next to her. Gracie joined us, it didn’t phase Emily this time round as she continued. “He didn’t fit.” she looked defeated.

Gracie chuckled, “I’ve never met anyone so determined as your wife.” usually that’s a good thing. But for this, well, it’s very new ground. “They tried very hard indeed.” Emily grinned, thinking back to it. I wanted to understand this more but didn’t know where to start, they’d been gone for 3 hours. There was a lot I wanted to know.

“Did he really manage to cum another 3 times?” I jumped straight to that, not understanding. Emily wriggled and lowered a hand to her lower belly as if to check, as if she could feel it somehow.


“But surely.” I really didn’t understand, but I knew that male balls couldn’t produce that much cum that quickly.

Gracie helped me out “It’s in his genetic line, he does have a lot of sex, and there’s some meds.” Ok, I guess all of that made sense. I was imagining him shooting sawdust by the end, but maybe not.

“Trust me Chris, there’s a lot of something in me. I can literally feel it as I walk.” god that was so hot. I don’t know why but I could just picture it. I can imagine the mess she was down there right now. As if reading my mind, “I really can feel it.” and she smirked.

Gracie added “I can smell you from here my lovely.” usually that wasn’t a nice thing to say “You smell divine, like a true woman.” Emily blushed and looked down.

“So you had sex for the full 3 hours?” more I just couldn’t believe it.

Someone bought Gracie a chair as Emily answered “Yes he was in me for at least 90% of that time.” God how. “Well a lot of him was in me.”

Gracie put a hand on Emily’s arm. “It’s ok you know, that’s really not the challenge.”

I then noticed Emily’s chest looked different. Gracie saw me looking. “You don’t miss much do you, especially in the boob department.” and she laughed. “Yes she has no bra on.” Ummm gawd now that I loved. It was something that Emily would never do for me. Always claiming that her boobs were too big to go braless. That they hung too naturally and heavy for that. “Tell him why Emily.”

Emily looked up at me. “I’m sorry Chris.” I knew she was saying sorry for now being braless even after me asking her to for nearly 20 years. She was now doing something I wanted for someone else. Something I really really wanted. She hadn’t answered the question. Gracie pushed her, “Why are you braless Emily?”

“Santos didn’t realise how big they were and was amazed at them.”

“But you’ve done it 3 times already?” daft question maybe, but had she stayed clothed.

Emily understood my confusing “They stayed in my bra the other times. They fell out at some point this time and he loved it.”

Gracie correctly her “Senos largos y gordos” Emily blushed at that description, Gracie helped to rub it in “Long fat breasts”.

“Gawd” Emily put her head in one hand to hide. I loved it, I used to call them her heavy hangers, she eventually accepted that name for them as she knew how much I loved it. They’re so full and heavy, no empty saggy sacks, more huge water filled balloons hanging on her chest and they’re about to get bigger, probably. They could both see my excitement and Emily’s embarrassment, Gracie liked that and pushed it.

“In fairness I think your boobs have more sag than mine. It’s amazing considering how small your waist is. You would certainly fail the pencil test.” another groan from Emily.

I thought I’d join in “You could probably hold a whole pencil case under each of them in secret.” I thought I was funny. Emily did not and lifted her head shooting me a glare.

Gracie continued, “So he decided that she needs to be braless around him from now on.” we needed to hang around him more often from now on then, hah. “They will feed the baby well, maybe even other babies.” she seemed pleased with that thought as if it was fresh and an interesting idea. I could only imagine what was going through her head.

One of Emily’s hands was still holding her head and the other on her belly. She sighed. “I still can’t believe today and yesterday and what is happening to me.”

“It’s exciting isn’t it?” Gracie asked her but Emily didn’t answer her. I wondered if she just needed a nap. She’s been rather busy for the last few hours and yesterday was draining. I guess that today wasn’t over yet. It was late afternoon and there were still plenty of people here. Some new and some had left. Santos was off playing with some children, and Katerina was still around, I could see her.

“I wonder if Emily could do with a nap.” I offered?

“That is a very good idea.” Gracie responded. “If you’d like that Emily?” She quietly nodded.

Gracie smirked, an idea forming in her head. “Emily take Chris to your room, you’ll have seen a bed in there. Chris, get her comfortable and come straight back.” I nodded and arm in arm we both walked to the room in silence.

It was a short walk, less than a minute or so. On the same level that we were on as the patio space but a few rooms into the main building. There was no sign of anyone else around. When we entered the room I took a moment to look around. It was simple enough space, not really a bedroom. The door behind us was the only door, there were no windows. There was a simple, perfectly made bed, a sideboard set of draws thing and the sex bench. The bed looked untouched. Then all round there were elegant touches of class here and there, an ornate mirror, some lovely vases with fresh flowers in, lovely paintings. The room smelled of sex. It was obvious what had been happening in here recently. I liked it.

Emily looked embarrassed, I thought I’d rub it in. “That where you are when he’s fucking you?” I nodded at the bench and smiled at her.

She knew I wasn’t being nasty and joined in “Yup that’s my breeding bench.” touche.

I led her to the bed, she laid on it and closed her eyes. I took her shoes off and noticed that she had already closed her eyes. I left her there, looking at my beautiful wife. God I was lucky, I hoped all this didn’t mess everything up for us.

As I turned to exit I stood by the bench and took it all in. It wasn’t as thin and flimsy as I expected and the angle of tilt downwards wasn’t as steep either. The entire thing was very sturdy and well padded, really nicely made. Some serious wood and leather on it. I lightly ran my fingers over some of it to get a feel for it. I found the straps and buckles that Emily said hadn’t been used. I wonder how many women have been in this over the years? How many children had been conceived in it. I focused on the padding where her pussy would be. Where his cock would have penetrated her. There was clearly juice there and a lot of dried ‘stuff’. I ran my finger through it, feeling the slime. God it was erotic as hell.

Hearing Gracie’s words ringing in my head, I quickly look at Emily, she looks like she’s sleeping already and I head back to the party.

I nod at Gracie when I re-enter as I’m sure she’s been waiting for me to appear and as predicted Katerina latched onto me within seconds and the usual discussions and wandering happened.

About an hour and a half later I started to consider what time we would be allowed to leave. Yup allowed to leave, I have a feeling if I tried to wander off with Emily now there’d be something to be said about that. Also Emily was still asleep? How knackered was she? What was their plan for the rest of the day and tomorrow? This was a 3 day thing, finishing tomorrow. I was thinking about asking, yup asking if I could go and check on Emily when I saw Gracie heading my way.

She smiled when she got to me and acknowledged Katerina. “Chris go and prepare the puta, he is ready to go again.” Go prepare the whore, god darn they had a way with words. God darn I loved it. Had Katerina relayed our conversation to her, I don’t see how. “Katerina go with him, ensure you are fast and then both come back.” Also jeezzus he was ready again, how the hell? And this time Katerina was coming, why I wondered. Wasn’t this humiliating enough, that I was going to prepare my wife for her lover.

However Katerina was clearly up for this. “Of course señora.” and she instantly grabbed me and started marching towards the arch.

“Ummm I’m looking forward to this.” she told me as we walked briskly towards the room. That sounded ominous. “We need to move quickly.”

We got to the room and Emily was still sound asleep. I quietly approached her and putting a hand on her shoulder “Emily love, wake up.”

This clearly wasn’t the plan for Katerina, “Get moving puta, you need more esperma” she yelled and kicked the side of the bed with a smirk.

Emily woke with a bit of a start and looked around. Her mind booting up and taking it all in quickly. She slowly sat up and looked puzzled at the two of us here. “We’ve been sent here to get you ready.” I updated her “Sorry love”. Emily looked into my eyes and put her hand on her lower belly, and lightly winced a bit. Oh god, really. I knew that look. It was usually a little notice for us to be careful. I learned a long time ago that some women could actually feel their ovaries pop when an egg was released or was going to be released. Years ago we had decided that her twinges around there meant that probably in 12 hours or so it would happen. Usually for the next 12 hours she’d feel the odd, minute pulling, as she described it around her womb area and it would end with quite a lot of clear discharge, lovely pussy juice. All I could think of was how much of Santos’s semen was probably wedged in her womb and up her tubes. It was going to be way more than was needed surely. Oh god. We both passed the look between us, knowing this was really it.

Katerian coughed to get our attention and delivered a second of kindness, “Emily if you want to use the power room, you should do so right now.” and she smiled with what looked like genuine care at her. My wife quickly nodded and got up and trotted out the door. I guess she’s used it before, would make sense I guess.

Katerina went to a drawer and opened it, shuffling some things around, looking for something. She nodded. I guess she found it, but she didn’t pull it out. Leaving the draw open she turned to face me just as Emily walked back into the room. Emily smiled at us and showed us that in her hand were her panties “I guess these are coming off any second anyway?” she sighed at us.

“Good girl.” Katerian answered her, “Both of you sit on the bed, quickly.” we did next to each other. Looking directly at my wife “We don’t have long, Emily would you like my” eye brow raise “help?”

I answered for us “What help, what do you mean?”

“Puta do you want me to help right now?” ignoring me and looking directly at Emily. Ok so this wasn’t anything to do with me. “Quickly” So no time to think.

Emily looked at her, seeing a beautiful, smiling woman who was just nice to her she replied “Yes”.

Katerina smiled and pulled something from the draw. It was a black strappy thing, with a red ball. It was a ball gag. Oh god. Did Emily know what that was? Katerina raised it for us to see. “Puta do you know what this is?”

Emily nodded, surprising me.

“Puta do you want my help still?” now this was different. Time to ask ‘what help’, get some context, it was scary. Time to say no, surely.

“Yes” I looked over at my wife to check where that yes had come from. There was fire in her eyes, I saw lust, excitement and fear.

“Emily, no.” I told her but no one paid attention to me.

“Stand up Emily, Chris get her naked and hurry. Say the word Orange if you want me to stop, do you understand.” Emily nodded, however I quickly worked out that if that gag was in there was no Orange.

Emily stood and looked at me expectantly. I stood and helped her strip. She was naked in seconds, leaving just her stockings, garter belt and heels on, the uniform of a hooker. She looked gorgeous, sexy as hell, I would happily throw her onto the bed and make love to her right now.

However, she walked forward to the bench, her tits swaying as she did. With practised agility, she knelt on it and leaned forward, face down. She needed to hold her tits in place as she folded her body and then allowed them to fall forwards into their allocated space. She wriggled a little to get comfortable. Her legs were spread and her pussy open. I realised this was the first time I’d seen her pussy since the kitchen this morning. Not long ago I know but it has been used well since then. And knowing the ovary pop was incoming, god I should have mounted her and added my semen to the collection right then and there.

Katerina walked towards us and ran her hand up my wife’s back from her neck, across her spine to her ass and then down over her pussy. “Ummm” Katerina was a lesbian?

She then reached down and cupped one of Emily’s breasts, well as much as she could get in her hand and hefted it, feeling its weight. “Tan lleno y pesado”, nope no idea what that meant. Emily whimpered a little. “Chris, use all the straps and tie your wife to the table.” Oh god what. “Do not think. Do not question. Do it now and do it quickly.” Katerina held her side of the waist strap up for me, waiting. Emily was able to ‘orange’ but didn’t. I stepped forward and found my side of the waist strap. I joined the two together and did the buckle up. It was a lovely soft leather with some sort of thick padding on the inside, I guess to stop the women being hurt. I did it up nice and tight as I was instructed and moved to my wife’s wrist nearest to me. The tie point was on one of the bench legs, so I did up also.

Katerina then reached for the waist buckle and tightened it. That shocked me as I genuinely thought I’d done it tight enough. Was Emily ok? I wanted to ask her. But this is what she wanted? She could call Orange at any point. She chose this action.

Finishing with her first wrist I then did the other and moved to her upper back, then each thigh. I didn’t tighten the thighs as I quickly spotted that the ankle straps were further apart than she’s placed them. I spread her legs wider, opening her pussy more in the process and then tied both ankles and both thighs. Katerina checked and tightened each strap.

Looking down at Emily, secured, I couldn’t believe she wanted this. I couldn’t believe she needed this. It didn’t make sense to me. I was scared for her as this time she really wasn’t in control. She could never get out of this. This was crazy.

Katerina must have read my face “Puta tell your husband that you are ok.”

Slowly and very breathy with her head still buried in the hole “Chris, I’m fine.” god this was turning her on. Geezz did I know her at all?

Katerina then stood at her head. “Look at me whore” Emily raised her head, it was tricky to do due to the upper back strap. Katerina brought the ball gag to her face and paused. I guess to give Emily a chance to say no. Then to confirm “There is more to come.” and she waited a good 30 seconds. No one moved.

I couldn’t help myself “Emily surely no, my love.”

Katerina looked at me and smirked. She waited another 30 seconds. Still nothing from Emily. She then tied the ball gag in place, tightly. Emily moaned as it was applied, it sounded more like a sex whimper than a pain moan. “We need to hurry.” she told me.

Then heading back to the draw handed me a small thin dildo, vibrator thing. “Switch that on and get it deep inside her pussy.” she turned around and started to do something in the drawer. I quickly worked out the buttons and placed it against her pussy. Vibrators were for the clit no? But I was told to put it in her pussy? I wasn’t going to argue and I slid it in with no ceremony. It went in easily and Emily moaned. “Uhhhhhhhh”.

“Don’t lose it in there” Katerina joked to me. Emily was slick, no surprise and the vibrator wasn’t that big, so there was actually a possibility that it could go all the way in probably. I held it where it was then turned my attention back to what Katerina was doing. She was bobbed down by Emily’s boobs, I leaned back to see what was happening and nearly fell to the ground.

“Ugggghh” Emily moaned through her gag as Katerina attached some form of nipple clamp with a weight dangling on the end. I’m sure it wasn’t a heavy weight but it still had the effect of pulling her boob southwards. It looked painful, god it looked amazing. “Umm more” Katerian mumbled to herself and removed all of it carefully. She then fiddled with the weights and again carefully re-clamped it to my wife’s nipple. She pulled back and was clearly happy with the result. She got up and walked around to the other side. “Chris, work that vibrator around a bit. She’ll be thankful in a minute.” What the hell did that mean, but I did as I was told. There was now a lot of moaning coming from Emily. I could see her wiggling and writhing in her bonds. Katerina dropped to her knees and I assume worked on the bother boob. A few moments later she stood and walked back to the draw.

She turned to look at me and my wife and lifted a large dildo from the draw. It was probably some 7 or 8 inches long and very thick. She looked back over Emilys’ body towards me and her pussy and then back at the dildo. “No, this puta is special.” and she turned back to the draw. Putting the first one back she then pulled out two other dildos each bigger than the first. Both cocks shaped with balls. One was about the same height as the first one but thicker but the other was at least another inch longer and thicker again. That second one looked dangerous.

“Ugghhh” from Emily again. Katerina then moved to her head and lowered herself down. I kept trying to move the small vibrator in her increasingly wet pussy but my attention was being drawn away. “Look at me puta.” Emily raised her head the small amount she could. From my angle back here I couldn’t see her face. Katerina, lowered herself down so that her face and the two dildos were at Emily’s eye level. “One of these is going into your whore pussy. Which one do you want?”

“Uggghhhh” and some trying to wiggle was all the feedback I got from this end.

“Really you want this one.” and she raised the smaller one. Emily nodded. I could see that clear as can be. “Are you sure?” Katerina teased her. She then kissed the other one. “This other one is for special whores. Are you our special puta?” I maybe saw my wife’s head twist slightly to the bigger one taking it in. “Which one would you like?” Katerina asked her again. Then very clearly I watch my wife’s head turn to the smaller one again and nod.

“Ugggghhh” Emily moaned again and dropped her head.

“I’d like you to take the special one.” Katerina didn’t move, still at what would be her eye level and still holding both dildos up. “You know you want the bigger one really.” Emily’s head rose again looking at Katerina. “You are a special whore, who is going to earn us a lot of money soon. You should have the special whore dildo in your puta coño.” she kissed it again. “I’m doing to put it in you and stretch you ready for Santos to come and breed you.”

“Ugghhhhhhfggg” I think Emily just came. Watching her body twitch the tiny amount it could and the noises. Her head dropped. Katerian smiled, “Good girl, you will make a magnificent whore. Santos will be so pleased.” she stood and walked around to me. Dropping the smaller dildo into the draw. “Clean that vibrator with your mouth, Chris and then put it in the draw. Close the draw, we need to leave.”

I removed the vibrator, savoured the job of sucking and licking it clean as I walked to the draw. “Guuhhhhhgggg” I turned to the noise and watched Katerina start to work that monster dildo into my restrained wife. Somehow I managed to put the vibrator into the draw, not really paying any attention to what was in it, closing it and walking in a trance like state back to the action end of my wife.

As I got there I was greeted with a “OOOOOpphhhhhhhh” sound through her gag and the majority of the dildo was wedged into her. It was amazing to see. Her pussy lips were tight, I mean really tight around it. And god it looked huge. I couldn’t comprehend how deep it was in her. What it could feel like.

Katerina have it another twist and push, “Uggghhhh” was loudly announced as it went in a little further. Katerina took my arm and stepped to the side of Emily bringing me with her.”This how we treat and train our puta’s Chris. Do you like it?” I didn’t answer, I was awe struck. The weights were swinging on her huge stretched tits. Her body was twitching and convulsing, but she was bound, restricted, we’d never even thought about bondage before. But here she was constantly moaning and grunting. And she had a monster dildo hanging out of her. “Good bye Emily.” and Katerina took my arm and led me away.

The image burned into my mind as we closed the door to the room and walked away. I was able to hear my wifes gagged moaning echoing down the hallway as we walked away.

A few moments later we were back in the patio and Gracie was waiting for us. She saw the look on my face and directed her question to Katerina “I hope you weren’t to hard on her?”

Katerina looked at me “She literally asked for it didn’t she Chris?”

They both looked at me, I nodded, somehow. Gracie smiled and walked to Santos. A few minutes later he walked off, one hand reaching into his trousers starting to rub his cock.

Katerina took me over to our seats and we sat down. It was starting to get dark, the outside lights had come on. We could see down into the valley it was a beautiful view. I wondered what this new world that we were entering was really like. And how far removed from our previous reality is was. Maybe we could go back to normal in a day or two. Even a pregnant Emily would do nicely, that was more normal.

“You know she wanted this.” Katerina told me. “She could have stopped that very early on. She wont like admitting it but he’s loving all this.”

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn’t, I was stuck, I was broken.

“We’ll get her to admit it when she comes back.” Katerina was quite sure of herself.

I wasn’t very talkative for the next hour or whatever it was. I walked around a bit on my own. This was so far away from my reality. But I also was really turned on by it. But was this too far. I quickly concluded that this was too far because I wasn’t sure if Emily was ok and liked it. If fact, geezz if she did, I was all for it, though I’m not sure what ‘it’ is. If I think about her being a street hooker, yup that gets me horny. If I think about her working in a brothel, that gets me very horny. If I think about her being an escort, bah, too boring. Really?

Some time later, “Número 6, 7, 8, 9, 10” was broadcasted loud and well as he stepped group again. There was another cheer and another load of kickers thrown onto the tree. Nope, nope, nope, there is no way in a million years he’s just dumped 5 loads of cum into my wife. No one can do 10 loads in less than 12 hours. God I can’t do fecking 3. No way at all.

I could see the tree littered with new knickers and knew what I needed to do. I knew what was expected of me. “I will help you.” the ever helpful Katerina appeared next to me. I’ll give her dues, she’s there every time I’m getting lost and with the right level of help. This time I take her arm and we walk towards the tree. When we get there, I dunno why, but I reach up for one of her boobs and give it a good squeeze and leave my hand there feeling her lovely big tit. God that feels good. I wait for the slap or to get shot by a guard, but she smiles at me.

I let her go and look at the tree and the new collection of knickers all over it. Something catches my eye instantly. There are two black pairs and 3 white ones. The white ones look that same size and style. It’s similar to the pictures on the plague, the different colours. I look at Katerina, she’s smirking knowing what I’ve seen. “Go on ask me?”

“What’s the difference with the colours?”

“The white ones are other from other men.” she lets that settling in. Other men have fucked my wife? But it’s supposed to be Santos baby. This would mean. Nope I don’t understand. “Take a white pair Chris and have a look.”

I reached for a white pair from a collection of three and I think I’m put my hand straight into some cum. I pulled it forward and the smell was different. As I unwrapped it was clearly different to the black pairs. It wasn’t wet like the black ones, it was wet in one place. I think it only had sperm on it. I had an idea. “These only have spunk on them?” I quizzed. I then realised that it was a lot of spunk. If there was no pussy juice then? Nope not sure.

She came to my rescue “Depending on how the bride takes this day. Other men will be invited to enjoy her pussy. They will help Santos impregnate her.” Nope I didn’t get that bit. Lucky for me she continued straight away “They wear condoms.” The light bulb went on, got it. God so that means that 3 other people had put their cocks inside my wife just now. As I was taking it in, another white pair of knickers flew onto the tree. I spun my head to see where they came from but there were a few people stood to my side so I couldn’t tell who. I god she was still strapped in and being fucked.

“Yes she is servicing clients right now.” Katerina told me. “To see if she likes it and is any good. And to see if you like it.” I reached for the next pair of knickers. Now with two pairs in my hands. This pair had a lot of cum in it. I liked the feeling, what was wrong with me. “Do you like knowing that your wife right now is being an actual whore?”

I didn’t need to think about it as I pictured it straight away. Still bound to the bench, maybe and being fucked by one stranger after another. “Yes” was all I could say as I imagined the sight. I had a thought “Is she still in the bench?”.

Katerina looked at me “Good question.” she spun round and shouted to no one “¿La puta sigue en el banquillo?”. Someone called back “Lo era, pero ahora no.”. She turned back to me, “Yes for him she was. But is coming out of it now.”.

“So she will be back here soon?”

“Maybe not.” she laughed “She maybe enjoying her new job too much.”

“Oh” god I can’t imagine that at all. Oh wow, she was about to have the chance to stop it. However I could now see the 18 record in sight, this made 11 so far.

“Black and white has only ever happened once before.” she updated me, nodding to the other pictures. “The brides pretty much never take to it like this.” and she smirked at me. “You should be proud of your wife.” God I’m not sure I was. I’m not sure I wanted this. I did, however, start to unravel and display the knickers, even though no one reminded me. All the white ones were the same size and style thong, full cotton. I guess as expected, some had a lot of cum, and some not so much. It was wrong of me, so wrong that I wanted all this cum inside my wife.

Talking of Emily she surprised us all by appearing next to me, at the tree. Whilst I was still knickers in hand. She either knew or didn’t care. “Err Emily are you ok?”

She nodded “Ummm humm”. This was different to the other times. This time we were standing and there were people around and I had a pair of knickers in my hand. Something about her looked different. Like a switch had flipped. She looked good, she looked hot, she looked sexy. Again I wondered when we were done and could go home.

Katerina took the lead “Did you enjoy your clients puta? Was it exciting being a whore for the first time?” my god she was going straight in for the kill. There was a bit of a hush around us.

Emily looked shocked and didn’t know what to say. She looked at me, she looked ashamed. “Chris, do you still love me?”

Phew and easy one, I hugged her in front of everyone, kissed her on the lips and said “More than ever my love.”

Katerina realised that I was the key to this right now. “Chris, do you want your loving wife to be a puta?” I feel like everyone held their breath. I didn’t know what to say. No, I didn’t want my wife to be a pregnant whore. But oh my god was it an amazing kinky feeling. Looking directly at Emily into her eyes, part of her was saying ‘oh god Chris don’t do this to me’ but another part was crying out for it I could see the turmoil.

“She is special. No one has breasts like hers.” There were murmurs in the crowd, I guess of agreement. “She has taken to this like no one ever has.” Emily bowed her head as the truths were delivered. “No one has ever needed to be whored like she does.” at this, Emily hid her head in her hands.

More people appeared to gather with us, listening and watching. “She will be pregnant soon and there are a lot of people that like a pregnant whore. They are rare.” I think Emily whimpered, is she crying? Katerina took hold of Emily’s hands and removed them from her face. “Look at us.” Emily looked up, yes there was a tear, a single tear rolled from the corner of one of her eyes. I couldn’t do this to her. We need to keep this simple, we needed to leave, we needed our lives back.

“You saw how she was on the bench just now. No one was ever given us control in there.” Then with more volume she announced “You saw the huge dildo that she picked to be put inside her whores pussy.” That wasn’t strictly true but everyone around appeared to like that as there was an intake of breath from many. “And you loved it didn’t you Emily, tell us right now that you didn’t. This is your last chance before I let Chris decide for you.”

Ok this was her chance. There were a thousand ways she could finish this, she could get out of it. She just had to say something. This was her choice again. Katerina made sure she understood. “Emily if you didn’t enjoy yourself. If deep down inside you there isn’t something that wants and needs this then let us know now. You can still be a new mother, you can go back to being a nurse. That is all fine.”

I could tell that Emily was not really listening to her. She was already past this. I think she wanted this. She wanted to spend every day on her back taking random dicks and dildos into what would end up being their pussy. She would spend her days pleasuring other people. When you think about it that way, what’s wrong with that? However we have a daughter, we have family, how would we keep this quiet, would it be possible? What would friends make of this, if and when they found out. God what would people make of me. How would we cope as a couple? Would there still be love? Surely, this would change everything?

I was half hoping the next voice I heard would be Emily, giving us an out. However I hear Gracie next and I turn to listen to her “We really want her to be a prostitute for us. This is not fantasy time anymore, we’re not just talking now. If you say yes, Emily will leave us right now and people will pay Santos to use her. Today right now.”

I then detect movement infront of me and I catch Katerina moving behind Emily. She then reaches around Emily’s waist and lightly rubs her womb area. “This is done Chris.” indicating that she believes Emily is already knocked up. She may well be right. She then moves her hands up a little and starts to feel Emily’s braless breasts. In front of everyone she pulled them up from their natural position, now acting as a bra, offering and kneading them for us to see. She was really working them, creating cleavage and showing everyone how pliable they were.

Emily has forgone our out now. She hasn’t said anything to stop this and now she’s allowing this. She’s allowing strangers to talk about her as an object. She’s allowing a stranger to feel her up publicly. And she seems to be enjoying and accepting it.

Gracie again added “Emily will still be your wife. She will still come home to you every day. But she will work for us. Her job will be to have sex from now on. She will work on the streets when we need her to.” I gasped at that, the crowd chuckled at my reaction. “She will be the entertainment at parties like now.” and she indicated what was happening right now. “She will usa su increíble cuerpo, sus pechos gigantes y su coño para complacer a quien queremos y ganarnos dinero.” the crowd jeered at that. Whatever she said struck a chord.

Gracie “Would you like to be married to a prostitute?”

Katerina “Would you like us to sell your wife’s pregnant body for our gain?”

Gracie “Tell us yes, right now.”

Katerina “Tell us this is what you want.”

Gracie “Make your fantasy a reality right now. Forever”

I looked at Emily’s face, her tears had gone. She was now clearly enjoying the breast massage she was receiving. She was quietly moaning. After already having spend all day today getting fucked, having taken at least 10 loads of cum inside her, having been used and stretched more that ever before, she was still ready to go. It was incredible.

“Yes” I quietly answered them. It wasn’t loud, it wasn’t clear, I wasn’t sure, but they took it for exactly what it sounded like. The crowd gasped, they didn’t cheer. Katerina instantly let go of my wifes tits and we all heard them slap her stomach as they fell into place even under her dress. No one said anything, but we all saw a new tear leave Emily’s eye. Gracie took her hand and led her away, Emily didn’t look back at me. I watched them walk away hand in hand together.

Everyone dispersed quickly, no one acknowledged me. Their job was done? This was their plan all along? Even Katerina walked away from me. In a stupor I walked to our chairs and sat down. What do I do now? Do I wait for Emily to finish her, god, her shift? Was she on the job right now? Should I go home, what happens next? I was lost and utterly disgusted with myself.

After a while of dwelling Katerina came up to me. “You can go home Chris, one of our drivers will take you home.” and she turned and started to walk away.

“Was this the plan all along? To make her a whore for you all? Just another puta?” I called after her. She stopped dead at my question. She turned to face me.

“God no Chris. This was never the plan, this has never happened before and I doubt will ever happen again.” she let this hang in the air.

“But how, why?”

She smiled at me, it was a warm smile, “This is what you both want. When we detected it we just teased it out of you. We removed all the pre-programming that society, England had put into you both.”

Yet again she had floored me. She was right. She knew it and turned again and walked away.

“Número 8” I heard called out and looked over towards the tree. My instant thought was the old bugger had can’t count, hadn’t he called out up to 10 and then there was another so shouldn’t that have been 12? But I worked it out as he threw just a black pair at the tree and then a woman threw a few white pairs up there with it. That was an answer to a question, Emily was apparently on the job now.

It was getting late and it would appear that my job was done. I wasn’t interested in playing with the tree. I headed out the front and one of their drivers drove me home.

It was weird being at home on my own. I wasn’t sad, I don’t know what I was, it was just unusual. I showered and went to bed.

I thought I would be up all night worrying, but apparently not. I woke up to a beautiful Sunday morning with sunshine pouring into my room and the birds were singing. It was past 9am, I had slept a deep, restful sleep. What was wrong with me? Emily was very noticeably absent, I grabbed my phone and saw a few texts from her.

The first, the oldest, ‘I love you Chris, I will always love you.’ it came in a few hours ago, in the middle of the night.

Then an hour or so later, ‘Hi love, I’m fine, just saying that all is well. They’re looking after me well, see you soon.’

Then a few hours ago a load of kiss, happy face and thumbs up emojis.

Then her last text was an hour ago. ‘God I’m so lucky to have you, I love you. I can’t wait to see you soon.’

I quickly replied, ‘I love you too babes. I’m soo sorry.’ I waited for a reply. There was none, no activity dots. A small part of me wondered was it all a weird dream. There was nothing in those texts to indicate anything sexual was going on. It read that she was out having a great night out with friends. Maybe that’s exactly what happened. Maybe it was all some crazy reality glitch and we were now back on the real track?

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