The Brookhaven B.C. Redux Pt. 03 by PickFiction,PickFiction

This is a continuation of the Brookhaven Book Club series, the first four chapters under the title, The Brookhaven Book Club, and the next four under The Brookhaven B.C. Redux. The first four were published previously, and the next four are in the process of being published. You might enjoy this segment if you haven’t read the previous ones, but it would certainly enhance your understanding and appreciation if you’ve read the first six.

It should be noted that this is a work of fiction and a product of my imagination. All characters are eighteen years of age or older.

Thank you for taking the time to read, and I hope you also rate the story and leave a comment. Comments help me evaluate my writing and, hopefully, improve it.


Challenge #4 – Gloria

Like the others, Gloria had folded the five-by-eight card, but unlike the others, she had put it carefully in her purse rather than in the pocket of her shorts, which had no pockets. She’d certainly enjoyed sharing the first round of the challenges with the others, discovering a side of each of them she’d never imagined, and revealing something about herself they hadn’t expected either when Andre had taken a video of her giving oral sex to a stranger beneath a rack of clothing.

Now, all six had selected their second challenge, something they hadn’t anticipated when they’d done the first. But here they were, ready to bare their bodies once again, probably being seen by others in that condition. Although only Lisbet had outdone her in outright sexual activities, her challenge had been simpler than most of the others. She wasn’t sure she could count on that happening twice in a row. Whatever it mIght be, she was anxious for it to happen.

After much laughter and even more wine, the other five left and headed home, where each would nervously read their challenge and begin to plan. Gloria poured another glass of that good wine Poppy had brought and settled into a chair to leisurely review her challenge. Bern was out of town for the next ten days; in fact, he was in England working on another of his “deals.” She shouldn’t disparage that since his “deals” provided her with a lifestyle that any trophy wife would enjoy.

She fingered the card for a moment and then, smiling, stood and pulled off her shorts and top, then her bra. She needed to be in the mood to digest the contents of the card, and being nearly naked was the best way to get there. She sat down and quickly finished the wine before getting up once more and pouring another glass. This would be her fourth, and since she was alone with no one to bother her, she might go for a fifth.

But, the card. She needed to read it before the words were swimming too badly for her to comprehend them. She unfolded it and read.

Your challenge will require an assistant — anyone you may choose. That assistant is to contact Poppy and pick up the envelope left with her that contains the challenge details. Your assistant will give you enough information to do some planning — you’ll get the rest of what you need when the challenge begins.

Gloria finished the fourth glass of wine, then read the card once more. It didn’t say what she thought it should say. It didn’t tell her about the challenge … much any way. It said she’d need an assistant. What the hell was that about? Guh.

She thought for a few moments, as best she could after the four glasses of wine. Maybe Andre, she thought, and couldn’t keep from smiling. He’d helped her in the first challenge, and now, with Bern gone … maybe?

She stumbled to the dining room and found her purse, carefully hidden on top of the big table. She giggled, collected her cell phone, and stumbled back to her chair. She squinted at the phone until she found Andre’s number, calling it and hitting the facetime button.

“Hello, Gloria. I haven’t talked to you for a while.”

“Too long, Andre,” she said, giggling again, her words a tiny bit slurred.

“Have you been to a party, Gloria?”

She held the phone away from her body?

“Do I look like I’ve been to a party,” she asked, smiling broadly.

“Gloria, you look gorgeous, as always.”

“You’re sweet, as always, Andre.”

“To what do I owe the double pleasure of this call and a very pleasant view of one of my favorite ladies?”

Another giggled.

“I need an assistant for my next challenge from the club. You helped on the last one.”

“A very pleasant task, indeed,” he said, chuckling, as he remembered photographing both Gloria and Sandra … naked. Pleasant, indeed. “What kind of help do you need this time?”

“Well, my challenge says the assistant needs to pick up an envelope from Poppy Ritter, which has the details of the challenge, which I’m not to know until the day.”

“Is Bern home?”

“He’s in England.”

“Give me this Patty Ritter’s address –”

“– Poppy Ritter,” Gloria interrupted.

“Give me the address; I’ll pick up the envelope and be at your house, probably in less than thirty minutes.”

Luckily, she remembered the address.

“See you in a bit,” he said, and her phone went blank.

She wondered what she’d do while she waited for Andre. She smiled at the simplicity of the answer — a fifth glass of wine, but she had stopped counting. Halfway through the glass, she began trying to imagine what her challenge might be. Amateur night at the strip club? Under the counter at the convenience store. She was a little envious of Lisbet’s experience.

A loud knocking interrupted her reverie. She stumbled to the door and opened it.

“Um, hello, Gloria. Good thing it’s me.”

“Why?” she asked, then, after a few seconds, “Oh yeah. Come on in.” She went back to her chair, Andre tagging along behind.

He chuckled. “Haven’t seen you naked for a while, Gloria,” he said, looking a little uncomfortable.

“I’m not naked,” Gloria said, then stood and pulled her panties off. “Now I’m naked.”

A little perplexed by this very attractive, very naked, and very drunk forty-year-old with the very colorful tattoo on her back and butt, Andre pulled the envelope from his pocket.

“Let me read this, and I’ll share what I can with you.”

Andre read through the material from the envelope, hoping Gloria didn’t fall asleep while he read.

“Okay,” he finally said. “Your challenge will take place at the Hillston Hotel in Ashland. That’s about all I can tell you.”

“That’s all?” She asked sleepily.

“And you’ll be naked,” he added matter-of-factly.

“Okay. Let’s do it the day after tomorrow.”

“I’m available. And what’s my reward for helping you do this?” he teased the very inebriated Gloria.

She giggled. “What would you like as a reward?”

“You asked me to do it, so you must have had some kind of a reward in mind.”

“I did?” Gloria looked puzzled, then grinned.

“I’ve got something in mind,” she said, her head moving from side to side.


“Wanna hear?”

“Maybe when the challenge is over,” he said, sure she’d have completely forgotten this conversation by then.

“Okay.” Gloria’s eyes were struggling to stay open.

Andre checked the paper again. When he looked up, she was asleep.

What now, he wondered? He thought for a moment, then scooped her up, carrying her to her bedroom. He laid her on one side of the king-size bed, turned down the covers on the other, then moved her, carefully tucking her in. It was tempting to strip and crawl in beside the delicious blond with the colorful tattoo staring at him, but he simply kissed her on the cheek, went to the family room and sampled a glass of the wine — very good — and left, being sure the door was locked behind him. He’d have to pick up a few items tomorrow.


Gloria waited while the sound of Andre’s phone echoed in her ear. Where was he? He almost always answered right away.

“Ah, good morning, Gloria,” she finally heard.

“I was afraid you were never going to answer,” she replied.

“Sorry. I was at the store and just finishing up in the checkout line. Picked up a few things for tomorrow.”

“Such as?”

“You’ll find out tomorrow.”

“Oh, okay. And, Andre, I woke up in my bed this morning.”

“Not surprised.”

“Um, was there anything special I may have missed last night?”

He loved the tone of her voice as she asked that question.

“You probably should have skipped that last glass of wine, but other than that, I don’t believe you missed anything.”

“I don’t remember getting in bed, though.”

“No, you were quite asleep when I carried your luscious body into your room and tucked you in.”

“And that was it?”

“You looked wonderfully tempting, but yes, that was it.”

She sighed. “Okay, then. Are you going to stop by and give me more information on the challenge? I’m already tingling in anticipation.”

“If you’re already tingling, it might be very dangerous for me to stop by. So, I’ll just pick you up at nine in the morning.” Andre chuckled. “I’m stopping by to see Sandra this afternoon.”

“Oh? I’m sure she’s tingling in anticipation of your visit as well. You have a way of doing that to women.”

“You’re very kind. And by the way, don’t worry about what to wear. It’s totally superfluous.”

“Are we just going to be “using” the hotel, so to speak?”

“Oh, no, we’ll have a room, and I’ll check us in as Mr. and Mrs. Andre Balenshine.”

“Wow. It’s been a while since I’ve checked into a hotel as other than Mrs. Bern Birchell.”

“Not that long, Gloria.”

She chuckled. “You have an excellent memory, Andre. Nine o’clock then?”

“Nine it is. Bye now.”

“Bye, Andre. And tell Sandra hello.”

“I’ll do that.”

As Gloria headed to the kitchen and breakfast, she noticed the wine was still on the table. Maybe this afternoon, she thought.


Gloria wondered how Andre might be dressed as she prepared herself for the day’s adventure. She’d picked up on the fact that he would be getting some things prepared for her at the hotel, so he probably wouldn’t be in a suit and tie. That was a bit disappointing, since she’d have loved to dress rather formally and enter the hotel on the arm of the very handsome Andre. She’d still do that, of course, but once in a while, her fantasies ran away with her.

She answered the quiet knock on the door.

“Ah, you look lovely, as always, my dear sweet Gloria.”

She had to smile, as she knew he was fifty-percent gentleman and fifty-percent bullshit. Nevertheless, she appreciated the gentlemanly part.

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