Last Chance, Mr. Oblivious by LingeringAfterthought,LingeringAfterthought

Thanks for reading my April Fools Day Story Contest 2023 contest entry. I hope you have fun with it, and please don’t forget to vote!


Ted Hartwell was checking his phone for the status of his Uber as he cleared the doors outside of Customs and Naturalization. He had only brought his carry-on, so he had beaten the crowds of tired travelers. He had been flying so long that he had lost almost all sense of time and the bright sunlight outside the airport disoriented him. Even more disorienting was the high-pitched sound that preceded him nearly being knocked over by Ashley Sims as she ran and jumped into his arms.

“You’re here!!!” she squealed, kissing every spot on his face that she could reach in a puppy-like frenzy.

“Ashley… aah! Down girl! Down!” Ted laughed, hugging her tightly despite his protests. “What are you doing here?”

“I wanted to surprise you,” she said breathlessly, pulling back to look at his face, taking in the changes in it. His eyes had aged somewhat from travel and harsh conditions, though they were joyful and as lively as they ever were when they looked at her. He had the kind of face that changed completely when he smiled, going from looking like a lean-faced killer to the adoring boy that watched over her in the foster home they both grew up in.

“You’re crazy. Let me cancel my Uber. Aren’t you supposed to be doing… I don’t know… wedding things?” he asked, carefully putting her back down on her feet, but not releasing her.

“Oh, that. Topher’s been doing all that stuff. Besides, I haven’t seen you for years and years!” Ashley said, taking his carry-on and pulling him to where her car was waiting.

“It’s only been two years, kiddo,” Ted clarified.

“Right! Years and years! I can’t believe you actually came,” she said, pulling his cheek down for another kiss.

“I think ‘years and years’ has to be at least four years — more than one, plus more than one. Besides… I couldn’t miss this. Who would walk you down the aisle if I didn’t?”

“Oh, um… about that. Toph’s got his heart set on this TikTok thing people are doing with the aisle, so we’ll need to learn a little… dance. It’s not my kind of thing, but… well, anyway, someone will show us how to do it, tonight,” she said, looking away from him.

Ted’s smile faltered and he leaned over to see her face, only to find her intensely preoccupied with a loose thread at the bottom of her shirt. “Sure, kid. Whatever you want.” he said, waiting for her to look at him again. She never did.

When they got to the car, she put his carry-on in the trunk and turned, her face brightening, “Um… so did you want to get some sun and try to kick the jet lag, or maybe get some lunch?”

“You sure you don’t have wedding stuff to do?”

Ashley laughed, “Yeah, right. As if Topher would let me near it. He’s been planning this thing his whole life. I just need to show up waxed hairless and in the dress he picked and they’ll take over with the show-pony stuff. He’s going crazy, right now, of course.”

“Wait… he picked out your dress?”

“Well, you know Topher. Everything has to be just so. He also has a tux ready for you. Besides, I wanted to have this time with you, since you’re never home anymore,” she said, rubbing his back as they walked through the parking ramp.

Ted’s face darkened as they approached her car. “Ash…” he said, glaring down at her in disapproval.

“What? It’s honest work! Don’t be so stuck up,” she said, smirking as he glared at the pizza decal on the car.

“Going up to people’s houses all alone… it’s not a safe job for someone like you,” Ted growled, putting his carry-on into the back seat.

“You mean, someone who was drilled in martial arts by her big, dangerous, secret-security-career foster brother until she can take down men twice her size, you mean? Here. Cold water. Get drinking,” she said, tossing him a bottle of water out of a cooler. “The only thing I’m worried about around here is your grumpy butt when you get a dehydration headache. You’ve been in the dry air of a plane for 1,895 hours because you moved halfway around the world. Drink.”

“Kid, the first thing I taught you about handling any situation is–”

“to avoid danger in the first place…” Ashley finished with him in a sing-song voice as she started the car.

“Hey–” Ted said, taking her face in his large hand and turning it to him. He leaned in, intending to use his size and strength to intimidate and make his point in a way she would take seriously, for once. To his surprise, she didn’t shrink back from him. Instead, her hazel eyes dilated, her cheeks flushed under his fingers, and he faltered in his purpose. Under his hand, her warm skin was still as soft as it was when she would fall asleep in his lap as they watched TV together on the sofa. Most nights, he would carry her upstairs and tuck her into her bed, still sound asleep… until he tried to leave the room without giving her a kiss. Somehow, Ash always woke up to demand he give her a kiss. Tomorrow, he would be walking her down the aisle… Ted cleared his throat and released her. “Smells like pizza…” he grumbled.

Ashley pressed her lips together, looking away briefly and hiding her expression from him. In the reflection of the window, he saw her quickly wipe her face. “You love pizza. You always ate yours and half of mine whenever we had it at home,” she said.

“Excuse me? Let’s be clear. You pushed your crusts onto my plate and, gentleman that I am, I took care of them for you. I just didn’t want you getting in trouble for being picky.”

Ash cleared her throat and pushed a bit of hair out of her face as they waited to pay for parking. “I wasn’t picky. I gave them to you because the crusts were your favorite…” she said with a quiet smile, blinking and turning away from him again. “Besides, even though I was little, I knew there wasn’t much to go around. You always had to make two PBJ sandwiches to fill up afterward.”

“Why, you little stinker… I never would have taken them if I knew that,” Ted mused. He watched her while her eyes were on the traffic, trying to see the little girl in the woman she had become. Her hair still fell down her shoulders in golden waves and her face still made the same adorable expressions, but from the neck down, it was disturbing how much she had grown into a woman. She glanced over at him, and he turned away to look out the passenger window. “Funny how those seem like good times, now. Not enough pizza. Forget about getting soda or dessert. We couldn’t even do extra-curriculars after school because of the cost. Some ‘good times,'” he said.

“They were good times. Everything was simpler, then… and we had each other,” she said.

“Yeah… that we did,” Ted said, thinking back to when he first saw her walk through the door of his parents’ old house. The Hartwells had taken in foster kids regularly. Ted’s family needed the money, but they also had love, patience, and safety to give. By his early teens, Ted was used to a flow of kids that would come and go, but that night, seeing Ashley’s big eyes and tiny hands clutching the plastic shopping bags holding everything she had left in the world… she had gone straight to his heart. In his teenage haze of self-consciousness, resentment and frustration, this perfect little creature came into his life and decided that he was wonderful. From that moment, he was hers. Nothing and no one would ever be good enough for her, in Ted’s mind. She deserved the world. Tomorrow, even if it killed him, he would be taking her down the aisle… she deserved that much from him.

He glanced over at her again, “So, Topher, huh? Are you excited? Happy?” Ted asked.

Ashley shrugged and nodded, “Sure. Honestly, I’ll be glad when it’s all done,” she replied.

Ted’s eyes narrowed at her response, but he said nothing and drank the water she had handed him, watching her face as she drove.

Soon, they pulled into the hotel parking lot and made their way inside. “We got you checked in this morning, so you can take a nap right away. I’ll come get you so we can learn the aisle thing tonight. I have my practice dress on the bed in my room.”

“Practice dress?” Ted asked.

Ashley snort-laughed, “Topher wants me to practice wearing the same kind of dress I’ll be wearing tomorrow… got me the same dress in two different colors so tomorrow’s dress won’t be… I don’t know… jinxed?”

“Okaaay…” Ted answered, dubiously.

“You know Topher,” she said, shrugging.

“I know Topher,” Ted said, following her into the hotel elevator. “I have to say, I was surprised when the invitation came. He didn’t seem… I don’t know… the marrying kind.” Topher had come to the Hartwell house the year before Ted left to join the military. Despite himself, Ted had felt a sense of confused resentment as Ashley immediately claimed the boy as her newest best friend. According to the library of letters, texts and emails she had sent him since Ted left home, Topher was caring, sweet, funny, and was now doing brilliantly at medical school. In the picture she sent him of them together at her high school prom, they looked like the perfect couple, though it made him want to vomit and punch something at the same time.

Still, something felt off. Ashley wasn’t happy enough to be getting married. She had nearly tackled him at the airport out of joy for seeing him, but on the eve of her wedding… nothing. Why wasn’t she buzzing around the room, talking a mile a minute, telling him about the stupid stuff they tied up in ribbons? Where was Topher, and why wasn’t he keeping her within arm’s reach until she was finally his? Of course, Ted would try to talk her out of marrying such a possessive creep if Topher did act like that, but still… where was the guy?

Ash’s soft sigh brought him back to the present. “Life can be surprising, like that, Ted. I mean, I never thought you’d come halfway around the world for a wedding… and here you are,” she said, putting her arm around his waist and leaning against him. “It’s so good to see you again.”

The doors opened and she led him over to his room and opening it with a key card. Inside, a garment bag was laid across one of the beds, no doubt the tuxedo that Topher had chosen for him. Ashley put the cooler of water bottles next to the bed and pulled down the covers for him. “You’re probably exhausted. Take a nap. I’ll come wake you up for dinner and then we’ll practice the dance thing for a bit, okay? My room is 427 just down the hall. Let me know if you need anything,” she said, giving him another hug and quick kiss on the cheek before she left.

The room felt smaller and darker when the door closed after her. He wanted to follow her, ask her to come back and watch TV with him, let him fall asleep with his arms around her. Common decency kept him from going after her, but the urge was strong.

After a shower and a shave, Ted tried to sleep, but his thoughts kept going back to Ash and he tossed around until the bed was a mess. Finally, he got up and went down the hall to Room 427 and knocked.

The door opened and Ted was greeted with the sight of Ash wrapped in a towel, her hair dripping water down her shoulders. “Hey! I was just about to go get you. Couldn’t sleep, huh?” she asked scanning his face and tired eyes before turning and walking back into the room.

“Dammit Ash, you just can’t be opening the door like that. I could have been anyone. Someone who meant you harm.”

“I knew it was you. You were grumbling to yourself all the way down the hall. Give me a sec to get my dress on,” she said. Moments later, she emerged from the bathroom in a low-slung halter dress that clung to her in a way that left Ted without words. The fabric was a deep, dark blue with tiny silver sparkles that looked like a twilight sky had been fluidly wrapped around the body of a goddess. “Almost done…” she said, then turned and bent down to the floor, feeling under the bed for something. Her round, perfectly shaped ass was *right there* and Ted kept his hands tightly clenched behind his back. She was his baby sister. He’d send just about any guy to the floor for thinking what he was trying not to think about his baby sister… well, his foster baby sister. They weren’t actually related, or anything. Finally straightening, she grabbed his arm and held on for balance while she put on her high-heeled shoes.

When she looked up at him and smiled, with the added height, Ashley came up to his chin. It bothered Ted for a reason he couldn’t quite place. “You’re tall, now,” he said, the words sounding stupid the moment they left his mouth.

“I’ve been tall for a while now, big guy,” she said with a teasing look. “But then, you’ve always thought I was five years old. Come on. Food. We need to meet Arturo at 8.”


“He’s the dance instructor Topher has working with us,” she said.

“Right. A dance instructor. You sure I won’t need to be waxed hairless, too?” Ted grumped.

Ashley moved her eyes up and down his body as they walked to the elevator, then reached up to pet the chest hairs showing through the opening of his shirt. “Better not…” she said, “you’ll look so handsome in your tux tomorrow, you’ll probably need it for traction.”

“Traction…?” he repeated, frowning. Then, when her meaning came to him, he did a double-take and flushed red. “Jeez, kid. You really aren’t five years old anymore, are you?”

“Nice of you to finally notice,” she murmured with a smirk.

*** *** ***

Later that night, Ashley and Ted walked into the empty ballroom where the reception would be held the following day.

“Ashley!” a diminutive, yet flamboyant man called across the room. “Christopher did not tell me you were so beautiful,” he said, walking across the dance floor to them with the bravado and presence of a matador. Ignoring Ted entirely, he took her hand in his and kissed it. “I am to teach you and Theodoro the tango, but with a woman as stunning as you, so soft… so sensual… you will forgive me, but this is very difficult for a man. The tango… it is not a dance, but a seduction. It makes the man into a thrusting force of passion, the woman… she is transformed into a hungry chalice for his desire to pour into.” Arturo took Ashley’s face into his hands and gazed at her soulfully, then glanced up at Ted. “With a woman like this, a man can only think of one thing–”

“Hey! She’s my sister!” Ted growled, stepping closer.

“Foster sister,” Ashley quickly clarified.

“Even better…” Arturo intoned, wiggling his eyebrows at her.

“Jesus Christ…” Ted grumbled.

Ashley blushed and cracked up laughing when Arturo released her and moved to an area taped off on the dance floor. “This space is the length and width of the aisle you will use in the wedding. Tomorrow, you will fill it with the passion of the tango… the dance of lovers. The tango joins the essence of the man and the woman into an unbridled storm of amour. With other dances, such would be ridiculous in such a narrow space, but for the tango… nothing is impossible,” Arturo finished with a small stomp and flourish of his hips.

Ashley and Ted stared at him, wide-eyed and dumbfounded, then looked at each other. “Kid?” Ted said through his teeth.

“I… I… wow. It’s like the guy’s a total racial stereotype caricature, but he’s taking it so seriously he’s really pulling it off,” Ashley said, gripping Ted’s arm tighter. “Come on… it’s for Topher.”

“You might be doing this for Topher, but I’m not…” Ted said under his breath, following her onto the dance floor. “I wouldn’t do this for anyone but you.”

Ashley’s eyes went wide and a blush filled her cheeks. She let out a shaky breath and fell gently against him when he took her in his arms. “Yesss…” Arturo said, coming to them and switching their arms around. “She is ready, do you see?” he said to Ted, “In the tango, the man tells the woman what he wants, what he craves from her, and she gives herself to him completely. Look at this woman in your arms… there is nothing she would not do for you, now.”

“Dude. She is my sister!” Ted reminded him.

“Foster sister,” Ash said, nodding and clearing her throat.

“Yes, yes. I tell you this to give you the spirit of the tango. A brother can dance with a sister, a lover with his mistress… but the tango they dance will always tell the story. Do not worry so much about these things. Just move your body to the music. Theodoro, tell her what you want, what you need. She is eager to obey,” Arturo said, whisking himself down the aisle with an invisible partner.

Ted pulled Ashley against him, and she let out a soft sigh. She felt like heaven and smelled even better, but he did his best to focus on the weird rhapsody of instruction coming from Arturo, rather than thinking about how hard his cock was getting in his trousers. At some point, because their bodies were so close together, Ash was going to feel it as they moved. Would she be disgusted?

“Theodoro! Tell her what you want! Use your hips, your arms, your…” Arturo paused to give a rolling thrust, “torso! Lead her! Let me show you,” he said, turning Ashley out of his arms and taking her into his. Blood pounded through him, as he watched the smaller man whirl Ashley effortlessly down the aisle. “And then, when the time is right, you sweep her down, like so,” he said, swirling Ashley down as her leg curled over his hip in a natural elegant move.

Arturo raised Ashley back to her feet and twirled her back to Ted. “I’m dizzy…” she breathed, taking hold of him and laughing softly.

“Have fun?” he asked, seething.

“Well, sure… he’s a great dancer! I never knew it was so fun to tango,” she panted, smiling.

“That looked ridiculous…” Ted growled. “Anyone watching a brother and sister do that at a wedding would fucking throw up.”

Ashley stepped back from him, tears filling her eyes, “Well at least I’m trying! You… you don’t have to be so mean!”

“All this is over-the-top bullshit! Why are you doing this? That dress? Waxing? Doing a fuck-me tango down the aisle with Don Juan over there? What is that? You realize he just says all that crap cause he wants to fuck you, right?”

She slowly backed away from him, tears rolling down her cheeks, now. “Well… well at least *someone* does!” she yelled, then turned and ran out of the room crying.

Ted realized what had come out of his mouth just as the swinging door closed behind her, the rushing sound in his ears subsiding enough to hear Arturo walk up next to him in those stupid fussy dancing shoes he wore. “My friend… you did not tell her what you want. It is not so hard to talk to a sister, no?”

“Foster sister…” Ted mumbled.

“What is this ‘foster sister’ you both say?” he asked.

“It’s… it’s nothing, really.”

“Then, this lovely woman you held in your arms… what is she?”

“She’s…” Ted began, then trailed off. She was his. She was his. She was fucking his and she would be for the rest of his life… and the rest of his life was going to end tomorrow when he took her down the aisle to another man. “She’s getting married,” he finished.

Arturo’s face went wistful. “Ahh… such a woman should be married,” he sighed.

*** *** ***

Ted adjusted the tie of his tuxedo, hating the sight of himself in the mirror. He looked like some dope playing at being James Bond. James Bond wouldn’t have flipped out at watching the girl he loved dance with someone else. Of course, anyone else dancing with Bond’s girl was probably a bad guy and Bond would just get to shoot him later anyway. Pity he wasn’t Bond…

Ashley hadn’t answered her door when he went to apologize. She wouldn’t answer his calls. There was nothing he could do, now, but go through it and show up at the appointed place and time and if she’d still let him… he’d give Ashley away.

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